[As Further Amended by Senate Committee of the
Session of 1999
SENATE Substitute for
By Committee on Elections and Local Government
11 AN
ACT concerning campaign finance; relating to the use of public
12 and
buildings; enacting the voluntary political contributions act
13 1999;
amending K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 25-4169a and repealing the
15 [AN ACT
concerning elections; relating to campaign finance;
16 amending K.S.A.
25-4142 and K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 25-4143, 25-
17 4156 and
25-4169a and repealing the existing sections.]
19 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
20 Section
1. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 25-4169a is hereby amended to read
21 as follows: 25-4169a. (a) No officer or
employee of the state of Kansas,
22 any county, any unified school district
having 35,000 or more pupils reg-
23 ularly enrolled, any city of the first
class or the board of public utilities of
24 the city of Kansas City, Kansas, shall use
or authorize the use of public
25 funds or public vehicles, machinery,
equipment or supplies or other prop-
26 erty of any such governmental agency
or the time of any officer or em-
27 ployee of any such governmental agency, for
which the officer or em-
28 ployee is compensated by such governmental
agency, to expressly
29 advocate the nomination, election or defeat
of a clearly identified candi-
30 date to state office or local office. The
provisions of this section prohib-
31 iting the use of time of any officer or
employee for such purposes shall
32 not apply to an incumbent officer
campaigning for nomination or reelec-
33 tion to a succeeding term to such office or
to members of the personal
34 staff of any elected officer. The
provisions of this section prohibiting the
35 use of property of any such governmental
agency shall not apply to the
36 use of facilities of any such
governmental agency for the holding of public
37 forums, debates or events to which all
candidates have equal access.
38 (b) Any person
violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty
39 of a class C misdemeanor.
40 New Sec.
2. (a) No officer or employee of any unified school
41 having less than 35,000 pupils enrolled in
the preceding school year, shall
42 use or authorize the use of public funds or
public vehicles, machinery,
43 equipment, supplies or other property of
such district or the time of any
S Sub. for HB 2228--Am. by SCW
1 officer or employee of any such
district, for which the officer or employee
2 is compensated by such district to
expressly advocate the nomination,
3 election or defeat of a clearly
identified candidate to a school district office
4 or other local office or state
office. The provisions of this section prohib-
5 iting the use of school property
shall not apply to the use of school facil-
6 ities for the holding of public
forums, debates or events to which all
7 candidates have equal access.
(b) For the purposes of this section, the term
"expressly advocate"
9 shall have the meaning
ascribed to it in K.S.A. 25-4143 and amendments
10 thereto.
11 [(b) As used in this
[(1) "Expressly advocate the nomination, election or defeat of
13 clearly identified candidate" shall
have the same meaning ascribed
14 thereto by K.S.A. 25-4143, and
amendments thereto.
15 [(2) "Candidate" means a
candidate for a state or local office
16 as defined by K.S.A. 25-4143, and
amendments thereto, and any
17 candidate for office of a
municipality or political subdivision de-
18 scribed in K.S.A. 25-901, and
amendments thereto.]
19 (c) Any person
violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty
20 of a class C misdemeanor.
21 New Sec.
3. (a) Sections 3 and 4 of this act shall be known and may
22 be cited as the voluntary political
contributions act of 1999.
23 (b) No officer or
employee of the state of Kansas, any county, any
24 unified school district having 35,000 or
more pupils regularly enrolled in
25 the preceding school year, any city of the
first class or the board of public
26 utilities of the unified government of
Wyandotte county/Kansas City,
27 Kansas, responsible for the disbursement of
funds in payment of wages
28 or salaries shall withhold or divert a
portion of an employee's wages or
29 salaries for contributions to political
committees for use as political con-
30 tributions except upon the written request
of the employee. The request
31 shall be made only on a form prescribed by
the Kansas governmental
32 ethics commission which form shall contain
a clear and unambiguous
33 statement that the employee may choose not
to make such request for
34 deduction and may opt to not return the
form to the employer. The form
35 may only be filled out as to the amount of
deduction by the employee
36 and must be signed by the employee in order
to be valid. The request
37 shall be valid for no more than 12 months
from the date it is signed.
38 New Sec.
4. No officer or employee of any municipality or political
39 subdivision of the state described in
K.S.A. 25-901, and amendments
40 thereto, responsible for the disbursement
of funds in payment of wages
41 or salaries shall withhold or divert a
portion of an employee's wages or
42 salaries for contributions to political
committees or for use as political
43 contributions except upon the written
request of the employee. The re-
S Sub. for HB 2228--Am. by SCW
1 quest shall be made only on a form
prescribed by the Kansas govern-
2 mental ethics commission which form
shall contain a clear and unambig-
3 uous statement that the employee may
choose not to make such request
4 for deduction and may opt to not
return the form to the employer. The
5 form may only be filled out as to the
amount of deduction by the em-
6 ployee and must be signed by the
employee in order to be valid. The
7 request shall be valid for no more
than 12 months from the date it is
8 signed.
9 [Sec.
5. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 25-4143 is hereby amended to
10 as follows: 25-4143. As used in the
campaign finance act, unless the
11 context otherwise
[(a) "Candidate" means an individual who: (1) Appoints a
13 surer or a candidate
14 [(2) makes
a public announcement of intention to seek nomi-
15 nation or election to state or local
16 [(3) makes
any expenditure or accepts any contribution for such
17 person's nomination or election to
any state or local office; or
18 [(4) files
a declaration or petition to become a candidate for
19 state or local office.
[(b) "Candidate committee" means a committee appointed by
21 candidate to receive contributions
and make expenditures for the
22 candidate.
[(c) "Clearly identified candidate" means a candidate who
24 been identified by the:
25 [(1) Use of
the name of the candidate;
26 [(2) use of
a photograph or drawing of the candidate; or
[(3) unambiguous reference to the candidate whether or not
28 name, photograph or drawing of such
candidate is used.
[(d) "Commission" means the governmental ethics
30 [(e)
(1) "Contribution" means:
31 [(A) Any
advance, conveyance, deposit, distribution, gift, loan
32 or payment of money or any other
thing of value given to a candi-
33 date, candidate committee, party
committee or political committee
34 for the express purpose of
nominating, electing or defeating a
35 clearly identified candidate for a
state or local office.
36 [(B) Any
advance, conveyance, deposit, distribution, gift, loan
37 or payment of money or any other
thing of value made to expressly
38 advocate the nomination, election or
defeat of a clearly identified
39 candidate for a state or local
40 [(C) a
transfer of funds between any two or more candidate
41 committees, party committees or
political committees;
42 [(D) the
payment, by any person other than a candidate, can-
43 didate committee, party committee or
political committee, of com-
S Sub. for HB 2228--Am. by SCW
1 pensation to an individual for
the personal services rendered with-
2 out charge to or for a
candidate's campaign or to or for any such
3 committee;
[(E) the purchase of tickets or admissions to, or
5 in journals or programs for,
testimonial events;
[(F) a mailing of materials designed to expressly advocate
7 nomination, election or defeat
of a clearly identified candidate,
8 which is made and paid for by a
party committee with the consent
9 of such candidate.
[(2) "Contribution" does not include:
11 [(A) The
value of volunteer services provided without
12 compensation;
13 [(B) costs
to a volunteer related to the rendering of volunteer
14 services not exceeding a fair market
value of $50 during an allo-
15 cable election period as provided in
K.S.A. 25-4149, and amend-
16 ments thereto;
[(C) payment by a candidate or candidate's spouse for
18 meals, lodging and travel by personal
automobile of the candidate
19 or candidate's spouse while
20 [(D) the
value of goods donated to events such as testimonial
21 events, bake sales, garage sales and
auctions by any person not
22 exceeding a fair market value of $50
per event.
[(f) "Election" means:
24 [(1) A
primary or general election for state or local office;
25 [(2) a
convention or caucus of a political party held to
26 a candidate for state or local
27 [(g)
(1) "Expenditure" means:
28 [(A) Any
purchase, payment, distribution, loan, advance, de-
29 posit or gift of money or any other
thing of value made by a can-
30 didate, candidate committee, party
committee or political commit-
31 tee for the express purpose of
nominating, electing or defeating a
32 clearly identified candidate for a
state or local office.
33 [(B) Any
purchase, payment, distribution, loan, advance, de-
34 posit or gift of money or any other
thing of value made to expressly
35 advocate the nomination, election or
defeat of a clearly identified
36 candidate for a state or local
37 [(C) any
contract to make an expenditure;
38 [(D) a
transfer of funds between any two or more candidate
39 committees, party committees or
political committees; or
[(E) payment of a candidate's filing fees.
[(2) "Expenditure" does not include:
42 [(A) The
value of volunteer services provided without
43 compensation;
S Sub. for HB 2228--Am. by SCW
[(B) costs to a volunteer incidental to the rendering of
2 services not exceeding a fair
market value of $50 during an allo-
3 cable election period as
provided in K.S.A. 25-4149, and amend-
4 ments thereto;
[(C) payment by a candidate or candidate's spouse for
6 meals, lodging and travel by
personal automobile of the candidate
7 or candidate's spouse while
campaigning or payment of such costs
8 by the treasurer of a candidate
or candidate committee;
[(D) the value of goods donated to events such as
10 events, bake sales, garage sales and
auctions by any person not
11 exceeding fair market value of $50
per event; or
12 [(E) any
communication by an incumbent elected state or local
13 officer with one or more individuals
unless the primary purpose
14 thereof is to expressly advocate the
nomination, election or defeat
15 of a clearly identified
[(h) "Expressly advocate the nomination, election or defeat
17 a clearly identified candidate"
[(1) Any communication
which uses phrases that in express or
19 plicit words advocates the nomination,
election or defeat of a clearly iden-
20 tified candidate including,
but not limited to:
21 [(A) "Vote
for the secretary of state";
[(B) "re-elect your senator";
[(C) "support the democratic nominee";
24 [(D) "cast
your ballot for the republican challenger for
25 governor";
26 [(E) "Smith
for senate";
27 [(F) "Bob
Jones in '98";
28 [(G) "vote
against Old Hickory";
[(H) "defeat" accompanied by a picture of one or more
30 dates; or
[(I) "Smith's the
one."; or
[(2) any communication of campaign slogans or
individual words
33 which expressly advocates for the
support or opposition of the nomination,
34 election or defeat of one or more
clearly identified candidates.
[(i) "Local office" means a member of the
governing body of a city of
36 the first class, any elected office of a
unified school district having 35,000
37 or more pupils regularly enrolled in the
preceding school year, a county
38 or of the board of public
[(i) (j) "Party
committee" means:
40 [(1) The
state committee of a political party regulated by
41 3 of chapter 25 of the Kansas
Statutes Annotated;
42 [(2) the
county central committee or the state committee of a
43 political party regulated under
article 38 of chapter 25 of the Kan-
S Sub. for HB 2228--Am. by SCW
1 sas Statutes
[(3) the bona fide national organization or committee of
3 political parties regulated by
the Kansas Statutes Annotated;
[(4) not more than one political committee established by
5 state committee of any such
political party and designated as a rec-
6 ognized political committee for
the senate; or
[(5) not more than one political committee established by
8 state committee of any such
political party and designated as a rec-
9 ognized political committee for
the house of representatives.
[(j) (k) "Person" means
any individual, committee, corporation,
11 partnership, trust, organization or
[(k) (l)
(1) "Political committee" means any combination of
13 or more individuals or any person
other than an individual, a major
14 purpose of which is to expressly
advocate the nomination, election
15 or defeat of a clearly identified
candidate for state or local office
16 or make contributions to or
expenditures for the nomination, elec-
17 tion or defeat of a clearly
identified candidate for state or local
18 office.
[(2) "Political committee" does not include a
candidate committee or
20 party committee.
[(l) (m) "Receipt" means
a contribution or any other money or
22 thing of value, but not including
volunteer services provided with-
23 out compensation, received by a
treasurer in the treasurer's official
24 capacity.
[(m) (n) "State office"
means any state office as defined in K.S.A.
26 25-2505, and amendments
[(n) (o) "Testimonial
event" means an event held for the benefit
28 of an individual who is a candidate
to raise contributions for such
29 candidate's campaign. Testimonial
events include but are not lim-
30 ited to dinners, luncheons, rallies,
barbecues and picnics.
[(o) (p) "Treasurer"
means a treasurer of a candidate or of a
32 candidate committee, a party
committee or a political committee
33 appointed under the campaign finance
act or a treasurer of a com-
34 bination of individuals or a person
other than an individual which
35 is subject to paragraph (2) of
subsection (a) of K.S.A. 25-4172, and
36 amendments thereto.
[(p) "Local office" means a member of the
governing body of a city
38 of the first class, any elected
office of a unified school district having
39 35,000 or more pupils regularly
enrolled in the preceding school year, a
40 county or of the board of public
41 [Sec.
6. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 25-4156 is hereby amended to
42 as follows: 25-4156. (a) (1) Whenever
any person sells space in any
43 newspaper, magazine or other
periodical to a candidate or to a can-
S Sub. for HB 2228--Am. by SCW
1 didate committee, party
committee or political committee, the
2 charge made for the use of such
space shall not exceed the charges
3 made for comparable use of such
space for other purposes.
[(2) Intentionally charging an excessive amount for political
5 vertising is a class A
6 [(b)
(1) Corrupt political advertising of a state or local
7 is:
[(A) Publishing or causing to be published in a newspaper
9 other periodical any paid
matter which expressly advocates the
10 nomination, election or defeat of a
clearly identified candidate for
11 a state or local office, unless such
matter is followed by the word
12 "advertisement" or the abbreviation
"adv." in a separate line to-
13 gether with the name of the
chairperson or treasurer of the political
14 or other organization sponsoring the
same or the name of the indi-
15 vidual who is responsible
therefor and, if sponsored by a political com-
16 mittee, the name of such
[(B) broadcasting or causing to be broadcast by any
radio or
18 television station any paid matter
which expressly advocates the
19 nomination, election or defeat of a
clearly identified candidate for
20 a state or local office, unless such
matter is followed by a statement
21 which states: "Paid for" or
"Sponsored by" followed by the name
22 of the sponsoring organization and
the name of the chairperson or
23 treasurer of the political or other
organization sponsoring the same
24 or the name of the individual who is
responsible therefor and, if
25 sponsored by a political committee, the
name of such committee; or
[(C) publishing or causing to be published any brochure,
27 or other political fact sheet which
expressly advocates the nomi-
28 nation, election or defeat of a
clearly identified candidate for a state
29 or local office, unless such matter
is followed by the name of the
30 chairperson or treasurer of the
political or other organization spon-
31 soring the same or the name of the
individual who is responsible
32 therefor and, if sponsored
by a political committee, the name of such
33 committee.
34 [The provisions
of this subsection (C) requiring the disclosure of
35 the name of an individual shall not
apply to individuals making
36 expenditures in an aggregate amount
of less than $2,500 $1,000
37 within a calendar year.
[(2) Corrupt political advertising of a state or local
office by a
39 candidate, candidate committee or party
committee is a class C
40 misdemeanor.
[Corrupt political advertising of a state or local
office during the sixty-
42 day period preceding the election by any
person is a class C misdemeanor.
43 [(c) If any
provision of this section or application thereof to any
S Sub. for HB 2228--Am. by SCW
1 person or circumstance is held
invalid, such invalidity does not af-
2 fect other provisions or
applications of this section which can be
3 given effect without the
invalid application or provision, and to this
4 end the provisions of this
section are declared to be severable.
[Sec. 7. K.S.A. 25-4142 is hereby amended to read as
6 25-4142. K.S.A.
25-4119, 25-4119e, 25-4119f, 25-4142
to 25-4179, in-
7 clusive, and amendments
thereto and 25-4119e, 25-4119f, 25-4119g, 25-
8 4148a, 25-4153a, 25-4157a,
25-4169a, 25-4180 to 25-4185, inclusive
9 through 25-4187 and section
3, and amendments thereto, shall
10 tute and may be cited as the
"campaign finance
11 Sec. 5.
[8.] K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 25-4169a
is [25-4142 and K.S.A.
12 1998 Supp. 25-4143, 25-4156 and
25-4169a are] hereby repealed.
13 Sec. 6.
[9.] This act shall take effect and be in force
from and after
14 its publication in the statute book.