Session of 1999
A Resolution congratulating and commending Meredith Jenkins.
WHEREAS, Meredith Jenkins, 16, a junior at Andover High School,
scored a perfect 1600 on the SAT college entrance examination; and
WHEREAS, Of the 2.3 million students who took the test only 673
nationwide, and only seven Kansans, had a perfect score thereby placing
Jenkins in the top 99.999 percentile. Jenkins is ranked first academically
in her class and is the first Andover High School student to have a perfect
SAT score; and
WHEREAS, Jenkins is a member of the National Honor Society and
qualifies as a National Merit Scholar. In addition to her perfect SAT score
she scored 36 out of 36 on the ACT test and 240 out of 240 on the PSAT
test and has been invited to attend the Kansas Regents Honors Academy
in 1999; and
WHEREAS, Among her many extracurricular activities, Jenkins has
earned letters in tennis and soccer. She has served as Captain of the
Scholar's Bowl; been a member of the math team and debate team; re-
ceived letter awards for forensics and is coeditor of the school newspaper
this year; and
WHEREAS, When asked the secret of scoring well on the test Jenkins'
response was that she does not study for standardized tests but eats a
good breakfast. She also indicated she does not waste time while studying;
WHEREAS, While history is her favorite subject she is considering
majoring in economics or international studies in college. Jenkins has not
decided which college she will attend although she plans to apply to the
University of Chicago and Northwestern; and
WHEREAS, Jenkins is the daughter of Randy and Caroline Jenkins:
Now, therefore,
Be it resolved by the Senate of the State of Kansas: That we congrat-
ulate and commend Meredith Jenkins upon scoring perfect scores on the
SAT, ACT and PSAT examinations; and
Be it further resolved: That the Secretary of the Senate be directed
to provide an enrolled copy of this resolution to Mr. and Mrs. Randy
Jenkins, 200 Montbella Circle, Wichita, Kansas 67230, Bob Baier, Prin-
cipal, Andover High School, P.O. Box 248, Andover, Kansas 67002 and
to Meredith Jenkins at Andover High School, P.O. Box 248, Andover, KS
Senate Resolution No. 1855 was sponsored by Senator David R. CorbinI hereby certify that the above RESOLUTION originated in the SENATE,
and was adopted by that body