A Resolution celebrating the 150th anniversary of the California gold rush across Kansas.
WHEREAS, On April 3, 1999, a wagon train with covered wagons,
horses, mules, miners and cowboys will gather on the banks of the Mis-
souri River at Atchison to begin a six-month trek to California covering
2020 miles; and
WHEREAS, These modern day pioneers will cross the plains of Kan-
sas, the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, and the deserts of Utah, Nevada
and California; and
WHEREAS, This moving picture of history is in celebration of the
150th anniversary of the California gold rush. Twenty-two Kansas com-
munities along the original old west trails to California will have the op-
portunity to experience the history of the 49ers and learn what it took for
our pioneers to move west in search of gold, to discover new territories
and strive to achieve the American dream; and
WHEREAS, The Kansas Senate recognizes this event as a reenact-
ment of an important part of history for all ages, particularly the youth of
our state: Now, therefore,
Be it resolved by the Senate of the State of Kansas: That we recognize
and commend Russell M. Leger of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as the wagon
master and trail boss for the California gold rush wagon train and for his
deep love and respect for the pioneer heritage that built our state and
nation. We further recognize and commend Janet E. Blue as a member
of the Rotary Club coordinating team for the historic 150th California
gold rush celebration events in Valley Falls over the Easter weekend; and
Be it further resolved: That the Secretary of the Senate be directed
to send five enrolled copies of this resolution to Senator Biggs.
Senate Resolution No. 1849 was sponsored by Senators Biggs, Clark,
Huelskamp, Morris, Pugh, Salmans, Steffes and Stephens.I hereby certify that the above RESOLUTION originated in the SENATE,
and was adopted by that body