Session of 1999
A Resolution congratulating and commending the 1999 Kansas Master Teachers.
WHEREAS, Seven educators have been named 1999 Kansas Master Teachers by
Emporia State University and will be honored April 7 by a series of events at Emporia
State University; and
WHEREAS, The Kansas Master Teacher award was established by Emporia State
University in 1954, and over 400 Kansas educators have been honored since the
program was established; and
WHEREAS, The awards are presented annually to teachers who have served the
profession long and well, and who also typify the good qualities of earnest and con-
scientious teachers; and
WHEREAS, Candidates for the awards are nominated by local teacher associa-
tions, educational organizations and school faculties. A committee representing ed-
ucational organizations across the state selected the 1999 winners; and
WHEREAS, The 1999 Kansas Master Teachers are: Michelle DiLisio, a physical
education teacher at Chanute High School; Mary Machin Hemphill, an elementary
art teacher at Northview Elementary School in Manhattan; Judy Humburg, a 5th
grade teacher at Andover Intermediate School; Mary Porterfield, a spanish/business
teacher at Goodland High School; Linda Maxine Stelzer, a 6th grade reading teacher
at Liberty Middle School in Pratt; Phillip Theis, the head instructor in microbiology
at Butler County Community College in El Dorado; and Curt C. Vajnar, an agricul-
ture education/driver's education teacher at Hays High School; and
WHEREAS, The 1999 Master Teachers will be entertained and honored at a
dinner on April 7 at the Webb Lecture Hall of the Memorial Union at Emporia State
University; and
WHEREAS, All Kansans are proud of these outstanding educators and thank
them for their commitment to their profession: Now, therefore,
Be it resolved by the Senate of the State of Kansas: That we congratulate and
commend the 1999 Kansas Master Teachers; and
Be it further resolved: That the Secretary of the Senate be directed to send
enrolled copies of this resolution to Michelle DiLisio, Rt. #1, Box 35A, Buffalo,
Kansas 66717; Mary Machin Hemphill, 1714 Humboldt St., Manhattan, Kansas
66502; Judy Humburg, 5124 E. Willow Point Rd., Wichita, Kansas 67220; Mary
Porterfield, 2233 Caldwell, Goodland, Kansas 67735; Linda Maxine Stelzer, 50401
SW 100th St., Coats, Kansas 67028; Phillip Theis, 522 W. Ash, El Dorado, Kansas
67042; and Curt C. Vajnar, 3506 Canal Blvd. Apt. B, Hays, Kansas 67601.
Senate Resolution No. 1848 was sponsored by Senators Stephens, Bleeker, Clark,
Corbin, Emert, Lawrence, Oleen, Salmans and UmbargerI hereby certify that the above RESOLUTION originated in the SENATE,
and was adopted by that body