Session of 1999
A Resolution congratulating and commending the Garden Plain High School boys bas-
ketball team and Coach Jerry Gerber for winning the 1999 Class 2A state basketball
WHEREAS, The Garden Plain High School boys basketball team won
the 1999 Kansas State High School Activities Association Class 2A state
basketball championship at Manhattan on Saturday, March 13, 1999; and
WHEREAS, Garden Plain won the state championship with a thrilling
66-63 overtime victory over Berean Academy in the state championship
game; and
WHEREAS, The Garden Plain High School ``Owls'' basketball team
finished the season with a 23-3 record; and
WHEREAS, The 1999 Garden Plain boys basketball team was co-
champion of the Central Plains League, has had the most appearances
(17) at the Class 2A state tournament, been in the state final game eight
times and won previous state titles in 1973, 1980 and 1989; and
WHEREAS, The team members were Justin Koester, Josh Scheer,
Adam Fisher, Tim Weber, Seth Pauly, Craig May, Jon Kerschen, Mike
Todd, Joe Seiwert, Steve Rausch, Brad Stamback and Jacob Dreiling; the
head coach was Jerry Gerber, the assistant coaches were Todd Puetz and
Lance Gordon, and the student managers were Eddie Weber and Bran-
don Mies; and
WHEREAS, The members of this outstanding basketball team have
received statewide recognition for their fine sportsmanship and athletic
abilities; and
WHEREAS, The success of this team is due to its excellent teamwork,
strong competitive spirit and determination to win plus the enthusiastic
support of the school's administrators, the faculty, the students, the play-
ers' parents and many area citizens: Now, therefore,
Be it resolved by the Senate of the State of Kansas: That the Garden
Plain High School boys basketball team and Coach Jerry Gerber be con-
gratulated and commended for winning the 1999 Kansas State High
School Activities Association Class 2A state basketball championship; and
Be it further resolved: That the Secretary of the Senate be directed
to send 17 enrolled copies of this resolution to Robert Morton, Principal,
Garden Plain High School, Box 128, Garden Plain, Kansas 67050.
Senate Resolution No. 1843 was sponsored by Senator Nancey
I hereby certify that the above RESOLUTION originated in the SENATE,
and was adopted by that body