Session of 1999
A Resolution recognizing and congratulating the City of Westwood Hills on the
celebration of its 50th year anniversary.
WHEREAS, The year 1999 is one of celebration as the City of West-
wood Hills marks its 50 years as an incorporated city; and
WHEREAS, In the year 1922, the J.C. Nichols Company purchased
37.65 acres of land from the heirs of Captain Joseph Parks, Head Chief
of the Shawnees in Kansas, and platted the area as Westwood Hills; and
WHEREAS, On July 1, 1949, the City of Westwood Hills was formally
incorporated as a city of the third class and elected C. Chauncey Cox as
its first Mayor; and
WHEREAS, The City of Westwood Hills has prospered these fifty
years, emerging as a premier neighborhood in what was once the ``de-
veloping Kansas residential market''; and
WHEREAS, The City of Westwood Hills can claim some fifty histor-
ical sites and residential structures, further attesting to its early and con-
tinuing importance in the development of Johnson County; and
WHEREAS, Westwood Hills is known as ``The Most Beautiful Little
City in Kansas''; and
WHEREAS, Westwood Hills' 50th Anniversary will be celebrated
throughout the year of 1999: Now, therefore,
Be it resolved by the Senate of the State of Kansas: That we recognize
and congratulate the City of Westwood Hills on its 50th Anniversary; and
Be it further resolved: That the Secretary of the Senate be directed
to send an enrolled copy of this resolution to Mayor E. Allen Roth, 5008
State Line Road, Westwood Hills, Kansas 66205.
Senate Resolution No. 1840 was sponsored by Senator Audrey
LangworthyI hereby certify that the above RESOLUTION originated in the SENATE,
and was adopted by that body