A Resolution congratulating the City of Westwood on its 50th anniversary.
WHEREAS, The year 1999 is one of celebration as the City of West-
wood marks 50 years as an incorporated city; and
WHEREAS, In 1948, residents in the Hudson-Mission Homes Asso-
ciation in northeast Johnson County each contributed $5 to pay for filing
expenses for incorporation; and
WHEREAS, On June 7, 1949, the City of Westwood was formally
incorporated as a city of the third class, and Murray Maxwell was elected
the first mayor; and
WHEREAS, Because of redevelopment, business expansions, residen-
tial improvements and creative municipal investment and revenue strat-
egies, Westwood enjoys one of the lowest property tax levies in the state;
WHEREAS, The strong leadership of the mayors and councils of
Westwood through the years have allowed the residents and businesses
of Westwood to enjoy high quality low-cost city services; and
WHEREAS, Westwood's 50th anniversary will be celebrated through-
out the year of 1999; and
WHEREAS, Westwood is known as ``The Biggest Little City in Kan-
sas''; and
WHEREAS, Cities such as Westwood have given Kansas a strong past
and provide hope for the future: Now, therefore,
Be it resolved by the Senate of the State of Kansas: That we congrat-
ulate the City of Westwood on its 50th anniversary; and
Be it further resolved: That the Secretary of the Senate be directed
to send an enrolled copy of this resolution to Mayor William L. Kostar,
4700 Rainbow Boulevard, Westwood, Kansas 66205.
Senate Resolution No. 1837 was sponsored by Senator Audrey
LangworthyI hereby certify that the above RESOLUTION originated in the SENATE,
and was adopted by that body