A Resolution recognizing and welcoming a General Consulate from the
Republic of Paraguay.

      WHEREAS,  Consul General Mario Ramos Reyes established the first
permanent Paraguayan Diplomatic Mission in the state of Kansas on July
14, 1998; and

      WHEREAS,  The General Consulate was established by the Minister
of Foreign Affairs of Paraguay with cooperation from the Comite Para-
guay-Kansas and Partners of the Americas, and on December 3, 1998,
the office of General Consulate was approved by the Office of Protocol
of the United States Department of State; and

      WHEREAS,  The General Consulate will be one tool available to pro-
mote the small business community of Paraguay as envisioned by the
President of the Republic of Paraguay, President Ingeniero Raul Cubas
Grau. Other programs to be administered through the Consulate will
include administrative, educational and economic-business activities pro-
moting interaction between Kansas and Paraguay. Presently the General
Consul is creating a network of Paraguayan students and alumni to pro-
vide leadership and support. The General Consulate will also work to
promote commercial trade between Paraguay and Kansas; and

      WHEREAS,  The General Consulate will be located in Kansas City,
Kansas. Consul General Mario Ramos Reyes and his family will reside in
Overland Park, Kansas: Now, therefore,

      Be it resolved by the Senate of the State of Kansas: That we recognize
the establishment of the General Consulate from the Republic of Para-
guay and welcome Consul General Mario Ramos Reyes and his family to
the state of Kansas; and

      Be it further resolved: That the Secretary of the Senate be directed
to provide two enrolled copies of this resolution to Consul General Mario
Ramos Reyes, General Consulate of the Republic of Paraguay, 630 Min-
nesota Avenue, Kansas City, Kansas 66101 and one copy to Frank Mor-
rison, President of Kansas Paraguay Partners, 2725 Stagg Hill Road, Man-
hattan, Kansas 66502.

Senate Resolution No. 1836 was sponsored by Senator Lana Oleen

I hereby certify that the above RESOLUTION originated in the SENATE,
and was adopted by that body


President of the Senate
Secretary of the Senate