A  Resolution congratulating and commending Manhattan Bluemont Elementary School
Toshiba ExploraVision contest winners.

 WHEREAS,  Four first grade students at Manhattan Bluemont Ele-
mentary School, Jamon John, Phillip Kuehl, Benjamin Stark-Sachs and
Margaret Thomas, were named as a second place team in the 1998 To-
shiba/National Science Teachers Association ExploraVision Awards Pro-
gram. Their sponsoring teacher was Cindy Garwick, and their community
adviser was John Garwick; and

      WHEREAS,  The students, with their parents and teacher, traveled to
Washington, D.C. on June 12 to the national award ceremony where each
student received a $5,000 savings bond as a part of their award. The
team's sponsor and school received a Toshiba notebook computer; and

      WHEREAS,  The ExploraVision program is a competition challenging
students to visualize technology 20 years in the future and propose a way
to improve our lives. Five thousand teams participated in the 1998 com-
petition, and 48 teams were selected to receive awards. The Manhattan
students' idea came from being unable to open the door to their classroom
when their hands were full of books after a trip to the school library.
Their idea was to provide a device that could identify a person through
the DNA found in one's hair. In their proposal a pad is mounted next to
a door. To open the door a person places the back of the person's head
against the pad, the pad scans the DNA in the person's hair, and if there
is a match of an authorized person, the door opens: Now, therefore,

      Be it resolved by the Senate of the State of Kansas: That we congrat-
ulate and commend the Manhattan Bluemont Elementary School team
winners in the 1998 Toshiba/National Science Teachers Association
ExploraVision Competition; and

      Be it further resolved: That the Secretary of the Senate be directed
to provide seven enrolled copies of this resolution to Cindy Garwick, 1900
Lincoln Drive, Manhattan, Kansas 66502.

Senate Resolution No. 1827 was sponsored by Senators Oleen and Har-

I hereby certify that the above RESOLUTION originated in the SENATE,
and was adopted by that body


President of the Senate
Secretary of the Senate