A  Resolution congratulating and commending Mandy Waters.

      WHEREAS,  Mandy Waters, a former student at Blue Valley High
School, will be inducted into the Blue Valley High School Hall of Fame
on February 24; and

      WHEREAS,  Mandy Waters is the all-time soccer scoring leader at
Blue Valley High School and in the state of Kansas. She was selected as
a forward on the National Soccer Coaches Association UMBRO All-
American Squad, the first from the state of Kansas and was named All-
American twice. She was also named by Parade Magazine to membership
on its All-American Girls Soccer Team as well as winning All-Metro, All-
State and All-Midwest region honors. She has also played on the Olympic
Development Team for several years; and

      WHEREAS,  Mandy Waters finds time for other activities as well as
soccer--she maintained a 3.8 grade average in high school and enjoyed
coaching a third-grade soccer team. She now attends the University of
Missouri on a soccer scholarship: Now, therefore,

      Be it resolved by the Senate of the State of Kansas: That we congrat-
ulate and commend Mandy Waters upon her selection to the Blue Valley
High School Hall of Fame and for the many honors she has received as
a high school student and soccer player; and

      Be it further resolved: That the Secretary of the Senate be directed
to provide an enrolled copy of this resolution to Senator Vratil.

Senate Resolution No. 1822 was sponsored by Senator John L. Vratil

I hereby certify that the above RESOLUTION originated in the SENATE,
and was adopted by that body


President of the Senate
Secretary of the Senate