A  Resolution honoring Dr. Carter G. Woodson, the father of Black history month.

 WHEREAS,  Black history month is celebrated throughout February
of each year but few are aware of the pioneering efforts of Dr. Carter G.
Woodson to establish this observance; and

      WHEREAS,  Dr. Woodson was born in 1875 in Canton, Virginia, and
because of his poverty was required to work at an early age as a coal miner
to support himself. Although he did not graduate from high school until
he was 22 years of age, he proceeded to attend Berea College in Kentucky
and the University of Chicago, and later earned a doctorate in history
from Harvard University in 1912, the second of his race to do so; and

      WHEREAS,  His love of history caused him to document Black history.
He soon realized that many contributions by Black Americans were not
recorded. In 1915, he founded the Association for the Study of Negro
Life and History, and he and his colleagues published much research on
Black history which fostered understanding within, as well as outside, the
community of Black people in America. In February 1926, he organized
the first celebration of Negro History Week. It is said he chose February
because it was the birth month of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Doug-
lass; and

      WHEREAS,  In 1976, Negro history week was changed to Black his-
tory month so the celebration could last longer and be divided into four
segments: (1) Heritage, (2) honoring the slaves and lynch victims, (3)
distinguished Black Americans and (4) commemorating rites of passage;

      WHEREAS,  Before his death in 1950, at age 74, he had published 16
books contributing much to both scholarly and popular understanding of
Black history: Now, therefore,

      Be it resolved by the Senate of the State of Kansas: That we honor
the contributions Dr. Carter G. Woodson made to Black history and his
legacy of Black history month; and

      Be it further resolved: That the Secretary of the Senate be directed
to provide an enrolled copy of this resolution to Senators Gooch and

Senate Resolution No. 1821 was sponsored by Senators Gooch and Jones

I hereby certify that the above RESOLUTION originated in the SENATE,
and was adopted by that body


President of the Senate
Secretary of the Senate