Session of 1999
Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 1619
By Committee on Federal and State Affairs
9 A
CONCURRENT RESOLUTION requesting the Division of Alcoholic
10 Beverage Control to
establish course requirements for alcoholic bev-
11 erage server training
interests of the state of Kansas are served by en-
15 couraging specialized training for servers
of alcoholic beverages because
16 of the unique nature of Kansas liquor laws
and the special skills necessary
17 for selling and serving alcoholic beverages
to adult consumers; and
Kansas Department of Revenue, Alcoholic Beverage
19 Control, Kansas Retail Liquor Dealers
Association, Kansas Restaurant
20 and Hospitality Association and the Kansas
Licensed Beverage Associa-
21 tion have recognized the value of alcoholic
liquor server education by
22 instituting specialized server training
programs; and
Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control has authority
24 to establish server training program
content and criteria for instruction
25 and instructors before a server training
program receives approval from
26 the Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control;
Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control has authority
28 to require server training programs
approved by the Division to submit
29 names of persons who have successfully
completed an approved server
30 training program; and
Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control has estab-
32 lished a voluntary server training program
as an alternative to fines or
33 license suspensions for a licensee's
initial violation involving an underage
34 person; and
Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control has the au-
36 thority to establish a penalty structure
for violations of the state liquor
37 laws by licensees: Now, therefore,
38 Be it resolved by
the Senate of the State of Kansas, the House of Rep-
39 resentatives concurring
therein: That the Legislature requests the Di-
40 vision of Alcoholic Beverage Control
establish the course content before
41 a server training program is approved by
the Division. The Legislature
42 further requests the Division of Alcoholic
Beverage Control to consider
43 whether employees of a licensee have
completed an approved server
44 training program during the previous
twenty-four month period when
SCR 1619
1 imposing any penalty which the
division may administer against a licensee.
2 The Legislature further requests the
Division of Alcoholic Beverage Con-
3 trol to give special consideration to
whether the individual or individuals
4 involved in the violation have
attended a server training program ap-
5 proved by the Division; and
6 Be it further
resolved: That the Division of Alcoholic Beverage Con-
7 trol is requested to provide to the
Legislature a report on server training
8 on or before January 15, 2000, to
assist the Legislature in assessing the
9 effectiveness of server training;
10 Be it further
resolved: That the Legislature requests the Division
11 Alcoholic Beverage Control to issue
evidence of proof that a server is
12 qualified to be employed by a licensee from
moneys appropriated for
13 such purpose; and
14 Be it further
resolved: That the Secretary of State be directed to
15 enrolled copies of this resolution to the
Secretary of the Department of
16 Revenue, the Director of the Division of
Alcoholic Beverage Control, the
17 Executive Director of the Retail Liquor
Dealers Association, the Exec-
18 utive Director of the Kansas Restaurant and
Hospitality Association and
19 the Executive Director of the Kansas
Licensed Beverage Association.