As Amended by House Committee
As Amended by Senate Committee
Session of 1999
By Senator Hensley
concerning a memorial for Kansas firefighters on the state cap-
12 itol grounds;
providing for an advisory committee.
14 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
15 Section
1. (a) There shall be placed on the grounds of the state
16 itol a memorial to Kansas firefighters who
have lost their lives in the line
17 of duty in the service of the state. Such
memorial shall be located north-
18 east of the state
capitol at a site to be selected by the director of
19 tectural services. Such memorial shall be
constructed in accordance with
20 the design and architectural drawings
approved by the director of archi-
21 tectural services. The memorial shall be of
such a design that the names
22 of the firefighters to be honored, both
past and future, may be inscribed
23 thereon. The director of architectural
services shall cause annually the
24 name or names of any firefighters who have
lost their lives in the line of
25 duty in the service of the state to be
inscribed upon the memorial.
26 (b) It shall be
the duty of the state fire marshal on or before the 15th
27 day of March of each year to notify the
secretary of administration of the
28 name or names of any firefighters who lost
their lives in the line of duty
29 during the preceding calendar year. The
state fire marshal shall assemble
30 the necessary information regarding any
such firefighter and report the
31 same to the director of architectural
32 (c) The secretary
of administration is hereby authorized to receive
33 any grants, gifts, contributions or
bequests made for the purpose of fi-
34 nancing the construction of such memorial
or for its upkeep and the
35 addition of names thereto and to expend the
same for the purpose for
36 which received.
37 (d) There is
hereby established in the state treasury the Kansas fire-
38 fighters memorial fund. Expenditures from
the fund may be made for
39 the purposes of constructing, updating and
repairing such memorial, for
40 other purposes related to memorializing and
honoring Kansas firefighters
41 and for such purposes as may be specified
with regard to any grant, gift,
42 contribution or bequest. All such
expenditures shall be authorized by the
SB 72--Am. by H
1 Kansas firefighters memorial advisory
committee and made upon war-
2 rants of the director of accounts and
reports issued pursuant to vouchers
3 approved by the secretary of
administration or the secretary's designee.
4 (e) On or
before the 10th of each month, the director of accounts
5 and reports shall transfer from the
state general fund to the Kansas fire-
6 fighters memorial fund interest
earnings based on:
7 (1) The
average daily balance of moneys in the Kansas firefighters
8 memorial fund for the preceding
month; and
9 (2) the net
earnings rate for the pooled money investment portfolio
10 for the preceding month.
11 Sec. 2. (a)
There is hereby established the Kansas firefighters me-
12 morial advisory committee which shall be
composed of eight nine mem-
13 bers as follows:
14 (1) A
representative of the Kansas state firefighters association,
15 pointed by the governor;
16 (2) a
representative of the Kansas state association of fire chiefs,
17 pointed by the governor;
18 (3) a
representative of the Kansas professional fire chiefs
19 appointed by the governor;
20 (4) a
representative of the Kansas council of firefighters, appointed
21 by the governor;
22 (5) a
representative of the fire education association of Kansas, ap-
23 pointed by the governor;
24 (6) a
representative of the Kansas chapter of the international asso-
25 ciation of arson investigators, appointed
by the governor;
26 (7) a
representative of the fire marshal's association of Kansas, ap-
27 pointed by the governor;
28 (8) the state
fire marshal or the marshal's designee.;
29 (9) the
executive director of the state historical society or
30 executive director's
31 (b) With regard
to a member to be appointed by the governor as a
32 representative of the Kansas state
firefighters association, Kansas state
33 association of fire chiefs, the Kansas
professional fire chiefs association,
34 the Kansas council of firefighters, fire
education association of Kansas,
35 the Kansas chapter of the international
association of arson investigators,
36 or the fire marshal's association of
Kansas, the association or group to be
37 represented may submit a list of at least
three names for consideration
38 by the governor in making the appointment.
The governor shall consider
39 each such list if timely submitted and may
appoint from among those
40 listed.
41 (c) The Kansas
firefighters memorial advisory committee shall be ad-
42 visory to the director of architectural
services and the secretary of ad-
43 ministration with regard to matters
concerning the memorial to Kansas
SB 72--Am. by H
1 firefighters on the state capitol
grounds. The advisory committee may
2 also make recommendations to the
governor and the legislature regarding
3 appropriate activities memorializing
or commemorating the services of
4 firefighters in Kansas. The advisory
committee may solicit grants, gifts,
5 contributions and bequests for the
memorial and shall remit all moneys
6 so received for deposit in the state
treasury to the credit of the Kansas
7 firefighters memorial fund in
accordance with section 1 and amendments
8 thereto.
9 (d) The
members of the advisory committee shall organize annually
10 by electing a chairperson and
vice-chairperson. The advisory committee
11 shall meet at least once each year upon
call of the chairperson. The sec-
12 retary of administration, or the
secretary's designee, shall serve as sec-
13 retary for the advisory committee. Members
of the advisory committee
14 appointed by the governor under this
section shall serve at the pleasure
15 of the governor.
16 Sec. 3. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
17 publication in the Kansas register.