As Amended by House Committee
Session of 1999
By Committee on Federal and State Affairs
concerning the university of Kansas hospital authority;
11 to members
thereof certain boards and commissions; relating
12 the terms of the
members thereof; amending K.S.A. 1998 Supp.
13 74-9902 and
76-3304 and repealing the existing section
15 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
16 Section
1. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 74-9902 is hereby amended to
17 read as follows: 74-9902. (a)
The advisory commission shall consist
18 of seven members. The membership of the
advisory commission
19 shall include: (a)
(1) One member appointed by the president of
20 the senate; (b)
(2) one member appointed by the minority leader
21 of the senate; (c)
(3) one member appointed by the speaker of the
22 house of representatives;
(d) (4) one member appointed by the
23 nority leader of the house of
representatives; and (e) (5)
24 members appointed by the governor.
The terms of members ap-
25 pointed prior to July 1, 1999, shall
expire June 30, 2000.
26 (b) At the
expiration of terms in the year 2000: (1) Members ap-
27 pointed by the president of the senate
and the minority leader of the senate
28 shall be appointed for terms of three
years; (2) members appointed by the
29 speaker of the house of representatives
and the minority leader of the
30 house of representatives shall be
appointed for terms of two years; and
31 (3) members appointed by the governor
shall be appointed for terms of
32 one year. Thereafter, members shall be
appointed for terms of three years
33 and until a successor is appointed and
(c) No more than four members shall be members of
the same
35 political party. Each congressional
district in the state of Kansas
36 shall be represented on the advisory
commission by at least one
37 member who is a resident of the
district at the time of appointment.
38 Appointing authorities shall consult
each other to assure effectua-
39 tion of the foregoing requirement. A
person appointed to fill a va-
40 cancy which occurs prior to the
expiration of a term shall be ap-
41 pointed for the unexpired
term. Except as provided by this section,
42 each member of the commission shall be
appointed for a three-
43 year term and until a successor
is appointed and qualified.
SB 56--Am. by H
1 Section
1. 2. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 76-3304
is hereby amended to read
2 as follows: 76-3304. (a) There is
hereby established a body politic and
3 corporate, with corporate succession,
to be known as the university of
4 Kansas hospital authority. The
authority is hereby established as shall
5 an independent instrumentality of
this state. Its exercise of the rights,
6 powers and privileges conferred by
this act shall be deemed and held to
7 be the performance of an essential
governmental function.
8 (b) The
authority shall be governed by a fourteen-member board of
9 directors. Eight of the members shall
be representatives of the general
10 public who are recognized for outstanding
knowledge and leadership in
11 the fields of finance, business,
health-care management, health care pro-
12 viders, legal affairs, education or
government. Of the eight members rep-
13 resenting the general public, there shall
be at least one member from
14 each congressional district. Three members
shall be ex officio voting
15 members consisting of the chancellor of the
university of Kansas, the
16 executive vice chancellor of the university
of Kansas medical center and,
17 the executive dean of the university of
Kansas school of medicine. Three
18 members shall be nonvoting ex officio
members consisting of, the chief
19 of staff of the university of Kansas
hospital medical staff, the president of
20 the authority and the dean of the
university of Kansas school of nursing.
21 (c) The eight
members representing the general public appointed to
22 the initial board shall be appointed by the
governor subject to senate
23 confirmation as provided in K.S.A.
75-4315b, and amendments thereto.
24 Any member whose nomination is subject to
confirmation during a reg-
25 ular session of the legislature shall be
deemed terminated when the senate
26 rejects the nomination. No such termination
shall affect the validity of
27 any action taken by such member prior to
such termination. Of the eight
28 members appointed to the initial board, two
shall be members of the
29 Kansas board of regents and two members
shall be members of the Kan-
30 sas legislature. The two legislative
appointees shall be appointed by the
31 governor from a panel of four nominees
composed of (1) one member of
32 the legislature nominated by the speaker of
the house of representatives,
33 (2) one member of the legislature nominated
by the minority leader of
34 the house of representatives, (3) one
member of the legislature nomi-
35 nated by the president of the senate, and
(4) one member of the legis-
36 lature nominated by the minority leader of
the senate.
37 (d) Of the
members appointed to the initial board by the governor,
38 two members shall be appointed for a term
of one year which expires
39 March 15, 1999, three members shall
be appointed for a term of two
40 years which expires
March 15, 2000, and three members shall be ap-
41 pointed for a term of three
years which expires March 15, 2001.
42 (e) After the
initial board of directors is appointed, members other
43 than ex officio shall be appointed for a
term of three years each, except
SB 56--Am. by H
1 in the event of a vacancy the
appointment shall be for the remainder of
2 the unexpired portion of the term.
Each member shall hold office for the
3 term of appointment and until the
successor has been nominated and
4 approved
confirmed. Any member is eligible for reappointment, but
5 members shall not be eligible to
serve more than two consecutive three-
6 year terms.
7 (f) Except
for appointment of the initial board, when a vacancy occurs
8 or is announced regarding a member or
members representing the gen-
9 eral public, a nominating committee
of the board shall forward a slate of
10 candidates to the governor for
consideration. Appointment to the board
11 shall be made by the governor subject to
senate confirmation as provided
12 in K.S.A. 75-4315b, and amendments
thereto. Except as provided by
13 K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 46-2601, and
amendments thereto, no person ap-
14 pointed to the board shall exercise any
power, duty or function as a mem-
15 ber of the board until confirmed by the
16 (g) The terms of
members serving by virtue of their office shall expire
17 immediately upon termination of their
holding such office.
18 (h) The board
shall annually shall elect one of their
number as chair-
19 person and another as vice-chairperson. The
board shall also shall elect
20 a secretary and treasurer for terms
determined by the board. The same
21 person may serve as both secretary and
treasurer. The board shall estab-
22 lish an executive committee, nominating
committee and other standing
23 or special committees and prescribe their
duties and powers, and any
24 executive committee may exercise all such
powers and duties of the board
25 as the board may delegate.
26 (i) Members of
the board of directors of the authority shall serve
27 without compensation. Members of the board
attending meetings of the
28 board, or attending a subcommittee meeting
thereof authorized by the
29 board, shall be paid subsistence
allowances, mileage and other expenses
30 as provided in K.S.A. 75-3223, and
amendments thereto.
31 (j) No part of
the funds of the authority shall inure to the benefit of,
32 or be distributed to, its employees,
officers or members of the board,
33 except that the authority may make
reasonable payments for expenses
34 incurred on its behalf relating to any of
its lawful purposes and the au-
35 thority shall be authorized and empowered
to pay reasonable compen-
36 sation for services rendered to or for its
benefit relating to any of its lawful
37 purposes including to pay its employees
reasonable compensation.
38 (k) Any member of
the board of directors other than an ex officio
39 member may be removed by an affirmative
vote of seven of the members
40 of the board for malfeasance or misfeasance
in office, failure to regularly
41 failing to attend meetings, or for
any cause which renders said the mem-
42 ber incapable of or unfit to discharge the
duties of director.
43 (l) The board
shall meet at least six times per year and at such other
SB 56--Am. by H
1 times as it deems appropriate, or
upon call by the president or the chair-
2 person, or upon written request of a
majority of the directors. The board
3 may adopt, repeal and amend such
rules, procedures and bylaws, not
4 contrary to law or inconsistent with
this act, as it deems expedient for its
5 own governance and for the governance
and management of the author-
6 ity. A majority of the total voting
membership of the board shall constitute
7 a quorum for meetings,
and. The board may act by a majority of those
8 any meeting where a quorum is
present, except upon such issues as the
9 board may determine shall require a
vote of seven members for approval.
10 The initial board shall meet for the
initial meeting upon call by the chan-
11 cellor of the university of Kansas who
shall act as temporary chairperson
12 until officers of the board are elected
pursuant to subsection (h).
13 (m) The board
shall appoint a president who shall serve at the plea-
14 sure of the board. The president shall
serve as the chief executive officer
15 of the authority. The president's salary
shall be set by the board. The
16 board may negotiate and enter into an
employment agreement with the
17 individual selected as president of the
authority which may provide for
18 compensation allowances, benefits and
expenses as may be included in
19 such agreement. The president shall direct
and supervise administrative
20 affairs and the general management of the
authority. The president shall
21 be a nonvoting ex officio member of the
22 (n) The board may
provide to the president of the authority and other
23 employees designated by the board
supplemental benefits in addition to
24 the benefits provided in K.S.A. 1998 Supp.
76-3322, and amendments
25 thereto.
26 (o) The authority
shall continue until terminated by law, except that
27 no such law shall take effect so long as
the authority has bonds outstand-
28 ing, unless adequate provision has been
made for the payment or retire-
29 ment of such debts or obligations. Upon any
such dissolution of the au-
30 thority, all property, funds and assets
thereof shall be vested in the state,
31 university of Kansas medical center or
other hospital entity as designated
32 by the board and approved by act of the
Kansas legislature.
33 Sec. 2.
3. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 76-3304 is
74-9902 and 76-3304 are
34 hereby repealed.
35 Sec. 3.
4. This act shall take effect and be in force from and
after its
36 publication in the Kansas register.