As Amended by Senate Committee
Session of 2000
By Senator Emert
concerning school districts; requiring
relating to adoption of
12 dress code policies by
boards of education.
14 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
15 Section
1. (a) In order to provide an effective, orderly and
16 school environment free from unnecessary
disruptions engendered by the
17 wearing of gang-related or other
inappropriate clothing by pupils, and in
18 order to promote greater school pride and
better behavior by pupils in
19 and out of the classroom, the board of
education of each school district
20 shall may
adopt a dress code policy that requires all pupils enrolled in
21 the district to wear uniforms or
other standardized apparel at school
22 and at school supervised activities. A
dress code policy adopted by a board
23 of education in accordance with the
provisions of this section may require
24 district-wide uniforms or
apparel or may authorize adoption by individ-
25 ual schools within the district of uniforms
or apparel unique to each such
26 school.
27 (b) Any
uniform selected under the dress code policy for the
28 or for individual schools within
the district shall be determined by the
29 board of education after affording
ample opportunity for administrators,
30 teachers, school site councils and
parents and guardians to offer sugges-
31 tions and comments.
32 (b) Within
six months after the effective date of this act, and as
33 soon as practicable after affording
ample opportunity for admin-
34 istrators, teachers, school site
councils, parents, guardians and pu-
35 pils to offer suggestions and
comments regarding the adoption of a
36 dress code policy in accordance with
the provisions of this section,
37 the board of education of each school
district shall call a special
38 meeting for the purpose of holding a
public hearing regarding the
39 adoption of such a policy. At least
45 days prior to holding the
40 public hearing required by this
subsection, a board of education
41 shall adopt a resolution specifying
the purpose, time, date and place
42 of the public hearing and shall
publish the resolution once in a
43 newspaper of general circulation in
the school district. After hold-
1 ing the public hearing and
considering all of the suggestions, com-
2 ments and testimony given with
regard to the adoption of a dress
3 code policy, a board of
education shall make a final determination
4 of the matter.
(c) The dress code If the board of
education determines that
6 adoption of a dress code policy
would be in the best interests of the
7 school district, such
policy shall include criteria and procedures for ac-
8 commodation of:
9 (1) Pupils
whose parents or guardians object on religious or philo-
10 sophical grounds to the wearing of uniforms
or certain other apparel
11 by such pupils if the parents or guardians
present to the board of edu-
12 cation a signed statement of objection
detailing the grounds for the
13 objection;
14 (2) pupils in the
wearing of special clothing in observance of the re-
15 ligion or religious beliefs of such
16 (3) pupils
transferring into the district or transferring from one school
17 to another school within the district
during such period of time as is
18 reasonably necessary to enable such pupils
to acquire the appropriate
19 uniform or other standardized
apparel; and
20 (4) pupils who
participate in nationally recognized youth organiza-
21 tions in the wearing of organization
uniforms on days that the organization
22 has a meeting or other scheduled
23 (d) Whenever the
parents or guardian of any pupil are economically
24 disadvantaged and unable to purchase or
otherwise acquire uniforms or
25 other standardized apparel
required for the pupil, the board of edu-
26 cation shall furnish the pupil with
uniforms or other required apparel
27 or shall provide the parents or guardian
with financial assistance in the
28 acquisition of uniforms or other
standardized apparel required for the
29 pupil.
30 (e) The adoption
and enforcement of a dress code policy in accord-
31 ance with the provisions of this section
shall not be deemed to be or
32 construed as an abridgment of the right of
pupils to freedom of speech.
33 Sec. 2. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
34 publication in the statute book.