1/2 the duration of the period of time re-
quired for completion of a vocational education program when such pe-
riod of time encompasses more than one school year.
(f) ``School year'' means the period of time beginning on July 1 in
each calendar year and ending on June 30 in the succeeding calendar
(g) ``Board of regents'' means the state board of regents provided for
in the constitution of this state.
Sec. 112. On July 1, 1999, K.S.A. 72-4466 shall be and is hereby
amended to read as follows: 72-4466. As used in this act:
(a) ``Area vocational school,'' ``area vocational-technical school,'' and
``community college'' have the meanings respectively ascribed thereto in
K.S.A. 72-4412, and amendments thereto.
(b) ``Vocational education institution'' means any area vocational
school, area vocational-technical school or community college.
(c) ``Board'' means the state board of education regents.
(d) ``Program'' means Kansas technology innovation and internship
Sec. 113. On July 1, 1999, K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 72-4468 shall be and
is hereby amended to read as follows: 72-4468. (a) An area vocational
school or an area vocational-technical school may be converted to, estab-
lished as, and officially designated a technical college with the approval
of the state board of education regents pursuant to standards adopted by
the state board and subject to specific authorization by act of the legis-
lature. Standards adopted by the state board for approval of the estab-
lishment of a technical college shall address such factors as present and
projected need in the area of the proposed technical college for expansion
or alteration of existing educational programs, types and capacities of
other postsecondary institutions present in the area of the proposed tech-
nical college, potential enrollment in the program or programs to be of-
fered and maintained by the proposed technical college, effect on delivery
of vocational education programs to secondary students in the area, op-
eration and accreditation of the proposed technical college, and such
other factors as the state board may determine to be relevant to consid-
eration of proposals for conversion of area vocational schools and area
vocational-technical schools to technical colleges.
(b) A proposal to convert an area vocational school or an area voca-
tional-technical school to a technical college may be effectuated as fol-
(1) The board of an area vocational school may propose, by resolution
approved by a majority of the members of the board, the establishment
of a technical college; or
(2) the board of control of an area vocational-technical school may
propose, by resolutions approved by a majority of the members of each
participating board, the establishment of a technical college.
(c) A proposal for the establishment of a technical college, approved
by resolution as provided in subsection (b), shall be accompanied by an
analysis, including supporting data, which documents how the educational
interests of the state will be better served by the conversion of the area
vocational school or area vocational-technical school to a technical college.
Such analysis shall include an appraisal of how the benefits to the edu-
cational system of the state would be furthered by merger of the area
vocational school or area vocational-technical school with a community
college, municipal university or state educational institution, together
with the rationale for the determination that conversion of the school to
a technical college better furthers the educational interests of the state
than merger with a community college, municipal university or state ed-
ucational institution.
(d) If a resolution proposing the establishment of a technical college
is approved as provided in subsection (b), the proposal shall be submitted
to the state board of education regents for its consideration and approval
or disapproval. The state board shall consider the proposal and make a
determination concerning whether establishment of the technical college
is in the best interest of the educational system of the state. In so doing,
the state board shall evaluate whether the educational interests of the
state would be better served by a merger between the area vocational
school or area vocational-technical school and a community college, mu-
nicipal university or state educational institution than by the proposal of
technical college establishment. If the state board determines that a
merger between the area vocational school or area vocational-technical
school and a community college, municipal university or state educational
institution would better serve the educational interests of the state or, for
some other reason, determines approval of the proposal should not be
given, the state board shall deny approval of the proposal and make a
report thereon to the legislature. Otherwise, the state board shall approve
the proposal and recommend establishment of the technical college to
the legislature. In evaluating whether the educational interests of the state
would be better served by a merger between the area vocational school
or area vocational-technical school and a state educational institution, the
state board of education shall consult with and consider the advice of the
state board of regents.
Sec. 114. On July 1, 1999, K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 72-4469 shall be and
is hereby amended to read as follows: 72-4469. Technical colleges shall
be under the general supervision of the state board of education regents.
All rules and regulations of the state board of education regents which
relate to supervision of area vocational schools and area vocational-tech-
nical schools shall be construed to apply to technical colleges until revised,
amended, repealed or nullified by the state board.
Sec. 115. On July 1, 1999, K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 72-4470 shall be and
is hereby amended to read as follows: 72-4470. (a) The governing body
of a technical college shall be the board of the former area vocational
school or the board of control of the former area vocational-technical
school, whichever is applicable. Such board or board of control shall op-
erate, control and manage a technical college in the same manner and to
the same extent that was provided by law for the operation, management
and control of the former area vocational school or area vocational-tech-
nical school and nothing in this act shall be applied or construed in any
manner so as to change or affect any power, duty or function of a board
or board of control with respect to such operation, management and con-
(b) The board or board of control of a technical college, in addition
to such other powers expressly granted by law and subject to rules and
regulations of the state board of education regents, is hereby granted the
following powers:
(1) To determine the vocational, technology, and general education
courses of instruction that will comprise the associate of applied science
degree programs of the college;
(2) to establish the requirements for satisfactory completion of the
associate of applied science degree programs of the college;
(3) to confer the associate of applied science degree upon students
who successfully complete an associate of applied science degree program
of the college and to award a certificate or diploma to students who suc-
cessfully complete a vocational education program of the college;
(4) to appoint teaching staff and to fix and determine teacher quali-
fications, duties and compensation. No teacher appointed to teach courses
comprising the associate of applied science degree programs of the col-
lege shall be required to meet certification requirements greater than
those required in the state educational institutions under the control of
the state board of regents.
Sec. 116. On July 1, 1999, K.S.A. 72-4517 shall be and is hereby
amended to read as follows: 72-4517. As used in this act, unless the con-
text otherwise requires: (a) ``Board'' means the board of education of any
school district or the board of trustees of any community junior college.
(b) ``State board'' means the state board of education regents.
(c) ``Department'' means the state department of education.
(d) ``State plan'' means the plan for adult basic education programs
prepared and adopted by the state board in accordance with state and
federal law.
(e) (d) ``Adult basic education program'' means a program of one or
more courses in general education subjects taught at the grade school or
high school level under the supervision of a board for eligible persons
which is included in the state plan and for which federal funds are re-
ceived pursuant to federal law.
(f) (e) ``Eligible persons'' means persons who (1) have attained the
age of sixteen, (2) have not graduated from high school and have not been
recognized as having achieved an equivalent level of education, and (3)
are not now regularly enrolled in school.
(g) (f) ``Adult supplementary education program'' means a program
of one or more courses in any subject, other than courses in the adult
basic education program, taught for personal enrichment, which is con-
ducted under the supervision of a board for persons who have attained
the age of sixteen.
(h) (g) ``Federal law'' means the adult education act of 1966 (title III,
P.L. 89-750), and acts amendatory thereof.
Sec. 117. On July 1, 1999, K.S.A. 72-4518 shall be and is hereby
amended to read as follows: 72-4518. (a) The state of Kansas does hereby
accept the provisions and benefits of federal law relating to adult basic
education programs. The state board is hereby designated as the agency
for administration of adult basic education programs and for supervision
of the administration of adult basic education programs by boards. The
state board is authorized to prepare, from time to time amend, and ad-
minister the state plan in accordance with state and federal law.
(b) The state board shall enter into agreements with the United States
department of health, office of education and welfare and other agencies
of the federal government for the purpose of participation in adult basic
education programs provided for by federal law. Any such agreement may
contain provisions required or authorized by federal law, so long as the
same are not in conflict with the provisions of this act.
Sec. 118. On July 1, 1999, K.S.A. 72-4521 shall be and is hereby
amended to read as follows: 72-4521. The state board may enter into
agreements with any board for the establishment and operation of adult
basic education programs and any board desiring to secure state and fed-
eral funds for the cost of conducting the same shall certify and file an
application with the department state board for the approval of such adult
basic education program. Said The application shall be on a form pre-
scribed and furnished by the department and state board, shall contain
such information as the state board shall require, and shall be filed on or
before July 1 of each year. Approval of the application and the program
shall be prerequisite to payment of state and federal funds to any board.
Sec. 119. On July 1, 1999, K.S.A. 72-4525 shall be and is hereby
amended to read as follows: 72-4525. (a) Any board may establish and
maintain an adult supplementary education program for the instruction
of persons desirous of attending the same such a program.
(b) The cost of instruction for adult supplementary education pro-
grams shall be borne by the school district or community junior college
and the board shall obtain and furnish the necessary teaching personnel
and supplies. Tuition or fees shall be charged by the board to offset ex-
pense of operation of adult supplementary education programs in part or
in total.
(c) There is hereby established in every school district and in every
community junior college a fund which shall be called the adult supple-
mentary education fund, which fund shall consist of all moneys deposited
therein or transferred thereto according to law. All moneys received by
a board for adult supplementary education shall be deposited in the adult
supplementary education fund established by this section. The expenses
of a school district or a community junior college attributable to adult
supplementary education shall be paid from the adult supplementary ed-
ucation fund.
Sec. 120. On July 1, 1999, K.S.A. 72-4530 shall be and is hereby
amended to read as follows: 72-4530. (a) The state board of education
regents may adopt rules and regulations relating to the processing and
issuance of general educational development (GED) credentials.
(b) Each application to the state board of education regents for is-
suance or duplication of general educational development credentials
shall be accompanied by a fee which shall be established by the state
board of education regents and shall be in an amount of not more than
$10. On or before August 1, 1999, and on or before July 1 of each year
thereafter, commencing in 1982, the state board of education regents shall
determine the amount of revenue which will be required to properly
administer the provisions of this section during the next ensuing fiscal
year, and shall establish the GED credentials processing fee for such year
in the amount deemed necessary for such purposes. Such fee shall be-
come effective on the succeeding January 1 of each year. The state board
of education regents shall remit all moneys received by or for it from
GED credentials processing fees to the state treasurer at least monthly.
Upon receipt of each such remittance, the state treasurer shall deposit
the entire amount thereof in the state treasury and the same shall be
credited to the GED credentials processing fees fund, which fund is
hereby established in the state treasury, and shall be used only for the
payment of expenses connected with the processing, issuance or dupli-
cation of GED credentials, and for the keeping of records by the state
department of education board of regents. All expenditures from the
GED credentials processing fees fund shall be made in accordance with
appropriation acts upon warrants of the director of accounts and reports
issued pursuant to vouchers approved by the state board of education
regents or by a person or persons designated by it the state board.
Sec. 121. On July 1, 1999, K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 72-4919 shall be and
is hereby amended to read as follows: 72-4919. As used in this act:
(a) ``Proprietary school'' or ``school'' means any business enterprise,
whether operated on a profit or not-for-profit basis, which:
(1) Maintains a place of business within the state of Kansas, or solicits
business within the state of Kansas;
(2) is not specifically exempted by the provisions of this act; and
(3) offers a course or courses of instruction or study through class-
room contact or by correspondence, or both, for the purpose of training
or preparing persons for a field of endeavor in a business, trade, technical,
or industrial occupation, except as hereinafter excluded.
(b) ``Owner'' of a school means:
(1) In the case of a school owned by an individual, that individual;
(2) in the case of a school owned by a partnership, all full, silent, and
limited partners; and
(3) in the case of a school owned by a corporation, the corporation,
its directors, officers and each shareholder owning shares of issued and
outstanding stock aggregating at least 10% of the total of the issued and
outstanding shares.
(c) ``Branch school'' means any subsidiary place of business main-
tained within the state of Kansas by a school at a site which is separate
from the site of the principal place of business maintained by the school
and at which subsidiary place of business the school offers a course or
courses of instruction or study identical to the course or courses of in-
struction or study offered by the school at its principal place of business.
(d) ``School employee'' means any person, other than an owner, who
directly or indirectly receives compensation from a proprietary school for
services rendered.
(e) ``Representative'' means any person employed by a proprietary
school to act as an agent, solicitor, or broker to procure students or en-
rollees for the school by solicitation within this state at any place other
than the office or a place of business of the school.
(f) ``State board'' means the state board of education regents, or such
person or persons as may be designated by the state board to administer
the provisions of this act.
(g) ``Support'' or ``supported'' means the primary source and means
by which a school derives revenue to perpetuate operation of the school.
(h) ``Person'' means any individual, firm, partnership, association, or
Sec. 122. On July 1, 1999, K.S.A. 72-5015 shall be and is hereby
amended to read as follows: 72-5015. As used in this act: (a) ``Driver
training motor vehicle'' means an automobile or motorcycle acquired by
a board pursuant to an agreement with a motor vehicle manufacturer or
dealer for use in driver training courses; but does not include within its
meaning any motor vehicle which is rented, leased, or owned by any
school district, nonpublic school or community junior college.
(b) ``Board'' means the board of education of a school district, the
governing authority of any nonpublic school offering any of grades kin-
dergarten through 12 or the board of trustees of any community junior
(c) ``Multi-vehicle driving range'' means an off-street area in which
several motor vehicles are used simultaneously to provide (1) laboratory
instruction under the supervision of one (1) or more instructors, or (2)
the simultaneous education of several student drivers under the super-
vision of one (1) instructor.
(d) ``Division'' means the division of vehicles of the department of
(e) ``State board'' means in the case of school districts and nonpublic
schools, the state board of education and in the case of community col-
leges, the state board of regents.
Sec. 123. On July 1, 1999, K.S.A. 72-5017 shall be and is hereby
amended to read as follows: 72-5017. (a) The state board of education
may adopt rules and regulations for the administration of this act.
(b) The state department of education board shall prepare, on or
before July 1, 1974, and on or before July 1 of each succeeding year,
prepare a list of schools accredited by the state board of education and
conducting an approved course in driver training. Such list shall be pre-
pared from the reports required under K.S.A. 8-272, and amendments
thereto, and shall be sent to the division and other governmental agencies
having need thereof.
(c) Any board desiring to conduct driver training courses must first
have such courses approved by the state department of education board
and shall then be eligible to enter into agreements for driver training
motor vehicles.
Sec. 124. On July 1, 1999, K.S.A. 72-5018 shall be and is hereby
amended to read as follows: 72-5018. No school shall have more than one
(1) driver training motor vehicle for each certified instructor teaching in
a driver training program unless there is an approved program using a
multi-vehicle range. Each such instructor must have an assignment in
driver training. In the event there is an approved program in multi-vehicle
range instruction, the state department of education board shall certify
the number of cars needed.
Sec. 125. On July 1, 1999, K.S.A. 72-5019 shall be and is hereby
amended to read as follows: 72-5019. No person shall use a driver training
motor vehicle except during driver training course instruction. Any person
using a driver training motor vehicle for purposes other than for such
instruction shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine not
exceeding fifty dollars ($50.00) $50 for the first offense, and on subse-
quent offenses by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.00)
$500. No person shall be in violation of this act in the event he if the
person is required by the dealer or a school administrator to house or
otherwise protect any such vehicle at his the person's home or other
Sec. 126. On July 1, 1999, K.S.A. 72-5020 shall be and is hereby
amended to read as follows: 72-5020. The contract of any employee of
any educational institution which participates in the state safety fund, who
officially sanctions the use of driver training motor vehicles in violation
of this act shall have his contract be suspended for the remainder of the
term for which said the contract was made and two (2) or more violations
under this section by any employee of an educational institution in any
one (1) year shall result in the loss of subsequent participation in such
fund by such educational institution.
Sec. 127. On July 1, 1999, K.S.A. 72-7518a shall be and is hereby
amended to read as follows: 72-7518a. (a) The state board of education,
or any institution under the jurisdiction of such the state board, with the
approval of the state board of education thereof, may apply for, accept
and receive any private donation, gift, grant or bequest made for any
purpose related to the operation or function of such board or institution.
Such board or institution may hold, administer and expend any such gift,
grant or bequest in accordance with any terms or conditions imposed by
the donor.
(b) The provisions of subsection (a) of this section shall do not apply
to any school district or any community junior college.
Sec. 128. On July 1, 1999, K.S.A. 72-9002 shall be and is hereby
amended to read as follows: 72-9002. As used in this act:
(a) ``Board'' means the board of education of a school district, the
governing authority of any nonpublic school offering any of grades kin-
dergarten through 12 in accredited schools, the board of control of an
area vocational-technical school, and the board of trustees of a community
(b) ``State board'' means, in the case of school districts and nonpublic
schools, the state board of education; and in the case of area vocational-
technical schools and community colleges, the state board of regents.
(c) ``Employees'' means all certificated employees of school districts
and of nonpublic schools, all instructional and administrative employees
of area vocational-technical schools and all full-time employees of com-
munity colleges.
(d) ``Full-time employees of community colleges'' means instructional
and administrative employees who are under contract for services to a
community college for a term of not less than nine months and whose
services to a community college are considered their principal employ-
(e) ``School year'' means the period from July 1 to June 30.
(f) ``Accredited'' means accredited by the state board of education.
Sec. 129. On July 1, 1999, K.S.A. 72-9006 shall be and is hereby
amended to read as follows: 72-9006. (a) Upon request of any board, the
state board shall provide for assistance in the preparation of policies of
personnel evaluation or amendments thereto.
(b) If, in the case of school districts and nonpublic schools, any board
fails to file an adopted policy as provided by this act, or if any such board
fails to file any adopted amendment to such policy within a reasonable
time after adoption thereof, the state board of education may apply pen-
alties as prescribed by rules and regulations applicable to accreditation of
(c) If, in the case of community colleges and area vocational-technical
schools, any board fails to file an adopted policy as provided by this act,
or if any such board fails to file any adopted amendment to such policy
within a reasonable time after adoption thereof, the state board of regents
may apply penalties as prescribed by rules and regulations applicable to
approval of community colleges and area vocational-techncial schools.
Sec. 130. On July 1, 1999, K.S.A. 72-4424 shall be and is hereby
amended to read as follows: 72-4424. (a) The board of trustees of any
community college may levy a tax of not to exceed two mills for the
purpose of providing revenue for establishing, conducting, maintaining
and administering any vocational education courses or programs approved
by the state board. Such tax levy shall be budgeted and maintained as a
separate fund to be known as the vocational education fund, and no
money in such fund shall be transferred to any other fund of the com-
munity college, except as provided in K.S.A. 79-2958, and amendments
(b) Community colleges shall maintain fund accounting procedures
as may be necessary to assure proper accounting for federal funds for
vocational education special projects, whether received directly from the
federal government or any of its agencies, or received through the state
or any of its agencies. The provisions of this section shall expire on June
30, 2000.
New Sec. 131. The state board of regents shall conduct a compre-
hensive analysis of the methodology provided in the Kansas higher edu-
cation coordination act for state funding of community colleges and the
municipal university. In conducting such analytical review, the state board
should consider issues such as equity of financial support within and be-
tween sectors of the postsecondary education system, the appropriate
degrees of reliance on various funding sources in financing the total pos-
tsecondary education system, and the degree to which the funding meth-
odology for community colleges and the municipal university, together
with the existing funding mechanisms employed for state educational in-
stitutions, contributes to the enhancement of educational quality and ef-
ficiency in Kansas. In its report, the state board shall present a complete
set of findings together with its analysis and any recommendations for
change to be considered by the 2000 Kansas legislature. The state board
shall submit its report of findings and recommendations to the governor
and the legislative educational planning committee by December 1, 1999.
Sec. 132. On July 1, 1999, K.S.A. 12-16,102, 13-13a25, as amended
by section 7 of 1999 House Bill No. 2565, 13-13a26, 13-13a27, 13-13a28,
13-13a29, 13-13a30, 13-13a31, 13-13a32, 13-13a33, 13-13a34, 71-202, 71-
204, 71-211, 71-304, 71-305, 71-306, 71-402, 71-403, 71-601, as amended
by section 1 of 1999 House Bill No. 2060, 71-604, 71-609a, 71-610, 71-
613, 71-615, 71-701, 71-801, 71-802, 71-901, 71-902, 71-1104, 71-1105,
71-1106, 71-1201, 71-1309, 71-1406, 71-1507, 71-1508, 71-1702, 71-
1705, 72-4408, as amended by section 1 of 1999 House Bill No. 2062,
72-4416, 72-4417, 72-4418, 72-4421, 72-4424, 72-4427, 72-4429, 72-
4444, 72-4453, 72-4454, 72-4460, 72-4466, 72-4517, 72-4518, 72-4521,
72-4525, 72-4530, 72-5015, 72-5017, 72-5018, 72-5019, 72-5020, 72-
7518a, 72-9002, 72-9006, 74-3202, 74-3203, 74-3204, 74-3205, 79-5021,
79-5022, 79-5024, 79-5025, 79-5026, 79-5028 and 79-5032 and K.S.A.
1998 Supp. 19-101a, 19-101i, 71-201, 71-301, 71-401, 71-406, 71-407, 71-
602, 71-607, 71-609, 71-611, 71-613a, 71-619, 72-4412, as amended by
section 2 of 1999 House Bill No. 2062, 72-4468, 72-4469, 72-4470, 72-
4919 and 74-3201 shall be and are hereby repealed.
Sec. 133. On July 1, 2000, K.S.A. 71-605, 72-6501, 72-6502, 72-6503,
72-6504, 72-6505, 72-6506, 72-6508 and 72-6509 shall be and are hereby
Sec. 134. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its
publication in the Kansas register.
I hereby certify that the above BILL originated in the
SENATE, and passed that body
SENATE adopted
Conference Committee Report ______________________________
Passed the HOUSE
as amended ______________________________
HOUSE adopted
Conference Committee Report ______________________________
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__________________________________ |
APPROVED ______________________________
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