*The text inside of the box has been line item vetoed.

Message to the Senate of the State of Kansas:

Pursuant to Article 2, Section 14 of the Constitution of the State of Kansas, I hereby return House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 with my signature approving the bill, except for the item enumerated below.

Agricultural Remediation

Section 76 has been line-item vetoed in its entirety.

Although a provision of SB 501 created the Kansas Agricultural Remediation Board (KARB) to implement the Remediation Reimbursement Program, the bill did not specifically address whether the board would be a separate agency or operate under a current state agency. This board should be operated and budgeted through the Department of Agriculture. I do not wish to add to the bureaucracy of the state by adding an agency that could easily be absorbed by the current administration. I therefore find it necessary to veto this section that would make KARB a separate state agency, and I recommend that this appropriation be made instead with the Department of Agriculture.

Bill Graves, Governor

Dated: April 20, 2000

Session 2000
Effective: May 11, 2000
HOUSE Substitute for SENATE BILL No. 326

An Act making and concerning appropriations for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2000,
      June 30, 2001, June 30, 2002, June 30, 2003, June 30, 2004 and June 30, 2005, for state
      agencies; authorizing certain transfers, capital improvement projects and fees, imposing
      certain restrictions and limitations, and directing or authorizing certain receipts, dis-
      bursements and acts incidental to the foregoing; amending K.S.A. 79-2959 and 82a-
      953a, K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 79-2964 and 79-3425i and K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 79-34,147, as
      amended by section 73 of 2000 Senate Bill No. 39, and repealing the existing sections.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:

 Section 1. (a) For the fiscal years ending June 30, 2000, June 30, 2001,
June 30, 2002, June 30, 2003, June 30, 2004, and June 30, 2005, appro-
priations are hereby made, restrictions and limitations are hereby im-
posed, and transfers, capital improvement projects, fees, receipts, dis-
bursements and acts incidental to the foregoing are hereby directed or
authorized as provided in this act.

 (b) The agencies named in this act are hereby authorized to initiate
and complete the capital improvement projects specified and authorized
by this act or for which appropriations are made by this act, subject to
the restrictions and limitations imposed by this act.

 (c) The appropriations made by this act shall not be subject to the
provisions of K.S.A. 46-155 and amendments thereto.

 (d) This act shall not be subject to the provisions of subsection (a) of
K.S.A. 75-6702 and amendments thereto.

 Sec. 2.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Legislative coordinating council--operations $700,119
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the legislative coordinating
council--operations account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is
hereby reappropriated for fiscal year 2001.

Legislative research department--operations $2,463,387
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the legislative research de-
partment--operations account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is
hereby reappropriated for fiscal year 2001.

Office of revisor of statutes--operations $2,405,627
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the office of revisor of
statutes--operations account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is
hereby reappropriated for fiscal year 2001.

 Sec. 3.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Operations (including official hospitality) $12,103,130
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the operations (including
official hospitality) account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby
reappropriated for fiscal year 2001: Provided further, That expenditures
may be made from this account, pursuant to vouchers approved by the
chairperson or vice-chairperson of the legislative coordinating council, to
pay compensation and travel expenses and subsistence expenses or allow-
ances as authorized by K.S.A. 75-3212 and amendments thereto for mem-
bers and associate members of the advisory committee to the Kansas
commission on interstate cooperation established under K.S.A. 46-407a
and amendments thereto for attendance at meetings of the advisory com-
mittee which are authorized by the legislative coordinating council, except
that (1) the legislative coordinating council may establish restrictions or
limitations, or both, on travel expenses, subsistence expenses or allow-
ances, or any combination thereof, paid to members and associate mem-
bers of such advisory committee, and (2) any person who is an associate
member of such advisory committee, by reason of such person having
been accredited by the national conference of commissioners on uniform
state laws as a life member of that organization, shall receive the same
travel expenses and subsistence expenses for attendance at meetings of
the advisory committee as a regular member, but shall receive no per
diem compensation: And provided further, That expenditures may be
made from this account for services, facilities and supplies provided for
legislators in addition to those provided under the approved budget and
for related copying, facsimile transmission and other services provided to
persons other than legislators, in accordance with policies and any restric-
tions or limitations prescribed by the legislative coordinating council.

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

Legislative special revenue fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the legislative special
revenue fund, pursuant to vouchers approved by the chairperson or the
vice-chairperson of the legislative coordinating council, to pay compen-
sation and travel expenses and subsistence expenses or allowances as au-
thorized by K.S.A. 75-3212 and amendments thereto for members and
associate members of the advisory committee to the Kansas commission
on interstate cooperation established under K.S.A. 46-407a and amend-
ments thereto for attendance at meetings of the advisory committee
which are authorized by the legislative coordinating council, except that
(1) the legislative coordinating council may establish restrictions or limi-
tations, or both, on travel expenses, subsistence expenses or allowances,
or any combination thereof, paid to members and associate members of
such advisory committee, and (2) any person who is an associate member
of such advisory committee, by reason of such person having been ac-
credited by the national conference of commissioners on uniform state
laws as a life member of that organization, shall receive the same travel
expenses and subsistence expenses for attendance at meetings of the ad-
visory committee as a regular member, but shall receive no per diem
compensation: Provided further, That expenditures may be made from
this fund for services, facilities and supplies provided for legislators in
addition to those provided under the approved budget and for related
copying, facsimile transmission and other services provided to persons
other than legislators, in accordance with policies and any restrictions or
limitations prescribed by the legislative coordinating council: And pro-
vided further, That amounts are hereby authorized to be collected for
such services, facilities and supplies in accordance with policies of the
council: And provided further, That such amounts shall be fixed in order
to recover all or part of the expenses incurred for providing such services,
facilities and supplies and shall be consistent with policies and fees estab-
lished in accordance with K.S.A. 46-1207a and amendments thereto: And
provided further, That all such amounts received shall be deposited in
the state treasury to the credit of the legislative special revenue fund: And
provided further, That all donations, gifts or bequests of money for the
legislative branch of government which are received and accepted by the
legislative coordinating council shall be deposited in the state treasury
and credited to an account of the legislative special revenue fund.

 Sec. 4.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Operations (including legislative post audit committee) $1,666,718
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the operations (including
legislative post audit committee) account in excess of $100 as of June 30,
2000, is hereby reappropriated for fiscal year 2001.

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

Audit services fund No limit
Provided, That the division of post audit is hereby authorized to fix, charge
and collect fees for copies of public records of the division, including
distribution of such copies: Provided further, That such fees shall be fixed
to recover all or part of the expenses incurred for reproducing and dis-
tributing such copies and shall be consistent with policies and fees estab-
lished in accordance with K.S.A. 46-1207a and amendments thereto: And
provided further, That all moneys received for such fees shall be depos-
ited in the state treasury to the credit of the audit services fund: And
provided further, That all moneys received by the division of post audit
during fiscal year 2001 from the department of social and rehabilitation
services under the contract entered into by the post auditor and the sec-
retary of social and rehabilitation services pursuant to section 71(a) of
chapter 292 of the 1993 Session Laws of Kansas to reimburse all or part
of the operating services incurred by the division of post audit for the
performance audit related to a settlement agreement regarding Sheila A.,
et al. v. Joan Finney, et al., Case No. 89-CV-33, Shawnee County District
Court, shall be credited to the audit services fund.

Conversion of materials and equipment fund No limit
State agency audits fund No limit
 Sec. 5.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Governor's department $1,792,788
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the governor's department
account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated
for fiscal year 2001: Provided further, That expenditures may be made
from this account for contingencies without limitation at the discretion
of the governor.

 (b) Expenditures may be made by the above agency for travel expenses
of the governor's spouse when accompanying the governor or when rep-
resenting the governor on official state business, for travel and subsistence
expenditures for security personnel when traveling with the governor and
for entertainment of officials and other persons as guests from the amount
appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, by subsection (a)
from the state general fund in the governor's department account.

 (c) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

Special programs fund No limit
Conversion of materials and equipment fund No limit
 Sec. 6.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Operations $125,537
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the operations account in
excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated for fiscal
year 2001.

 (b) Expenditures may be made by the above agency for travel expenses
of the lieutenant governor's spouse when accompanying the lieutenant
governor on official state business and for travel and subsistence expend-
itures for security personnel when traveling with the lieutenant governor
on official state business from the amount appropriated by subsection (a)
from the state general fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, in
the operations account.

 (c) Expenditures may be made by the above agency for official hospi-
tality from the amount appropriated by subsection (a) from the state gen-
eral fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, in the operations ac-
count, except that such expenditures shall not exceed $2,000.

 Sec. 7.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Operating expenditures $3,614,616
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the operating expenditures
account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated
for fiscal year 2001: Provided further, That expenditures from this account
for official hospitality shall not exceed $600: And provided further, That
expenditures may be made from this account to reimburse the depart-
ment of administration for the services or to pay the salary and benefits
of an architect for the purpose of providing ongoing technical consultation
to the attorney general in overseeing enforcement of the architectural
accessibility standards act, K.S.A. 58-1301 et seq., and amendments
thereto: And provided further, That the office of attorney general and
the department of administration are hereby authorized to enter into an
agreement for the provisions of such architectural services: And provided
further, That the architect assigned by the department of administration
to provide such services to the attorney general shall be considered an
employee of the department of administration for all purposes, except
that the supervision of the duties of such architect may be governed by
the agreement between the attorney general and the department of ad-

Litigation costs $99,402
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the litigation costs account
in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated for fiscal
year 2001.

Additional operating expenditures for investigation and lit-
 igation regarding interstate water rights $723,500
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in excess of $100 as of June
30, 2000, in the additional operating expenditures for investigation and
litigation regarding interstate water rights account is hereby reappro-
priated for fiscal year 2001.

Operating expenditures relating to interstate water rights
 regarding the Republican river and its tributaries $855,559
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in excess of $100 as of June
30, 2000, in the operating expenditures relating to interstate water rights
regarding the Republican river and its tributaries account is hereby reap-
propriated for fiscal year 2001.

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law
shall not exceed the following:

Court cost fund No limit
Bond transcript review fee fund No limit
Conversion of materials and equipment fund No limit
Attorney general's antitrust special revenue fund No limit
Private gifts fund No limit
Attorney general's antitrust suspense fund No limit
Attorney general's consumer protection clearing fund No limit
Attorney general's committee on crime prevention fee
 fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the attorney general's
committee on crime prevention fee fund for operating expenditures di-
rectly or indirectly related to conducting training seminars organized by
the attorney general's committee on crime prevention, including official
hospitality: Provided further, That the attorney general is hereby author-
ized to fix, charge and collect fees for conducting training seminars or-
ganized by the attorney general's committee on crime prevention: And
provided further, That such fees shall be fixed in order to recover all or
part of the direct and indirect operating expenses incurred for conducting
such seminars, including official hospitality: And provided further, That
all fees received for conducting such seminars shall be deposited in the
state treasury and credited to this fund.

Tort claims fund No limit
Work-study reimbursement fund No limit
Crime victims compensation fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures from the crime victims compensation fund
for state operations shall not exceed $274,973: Provided further, That any
expenditures for payment of compensation to crime victims are author-
ized to be made from this fund regardless of when the claim was awarded.

Child exchange and visitation fund No limit
Provided, That the office of a county or district attorney who is not in
compliance with K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 72-1397 and amendments thereto
shall be ineligible to be a grant recipient from the child exchange and
visitation fund.

Federal preventive health and health services block grant
 fund No limit
Provided, That all expenditures from the federal preventive health and
health services block grant fund shall be to provide services to rape victims
and for rape prevention in accordance with a contract that is hereby au-
thorized to be entered into between the secretary of health and environ-
ment and the attorney general which may require not more than one
report from the attorney general on such expenditures for the entire fiscal
year 2001: Provided, however, That the office of a county or district at-
torney who is not in compliance with K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 72-1397 and
amendments thereto shall be ineligible to be a grant recipient from the
federal preventative health and health services block grant fund.

Crime victims assistance fund No limit
Provided, That the office of a county or district attorney who is not in
compliance with K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 72-1397 and amendments thereto
shall be ineligible to be a grant recipient from the crime victims assistance

Protection from abuse fund No limit
Provided, That the office of a county or district attorney who is not in
compliance with K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 72-1397 and amendments thereto
shall be ineligible to be a grant recipient from the protection from abuse

Drug free schools and communities fund No limit
Provided, That the office of a county or district attorney who is not in
compliance with K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 72-1397 and amendments thereto
shall be ineligible to be a grant recipient from the drug free schools and
communities fund.

Victims of crime act--federal fund No limit
Provided, That the office of a county or district attorney who is not in
compliance with K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 72-1397 and amendments thereto
shall be ineligible to be a grant recipient from the victims of crime act--
federal fund.

Victims of crime assistance act--federal fund No limit
Family violence prevention and services fund--federal No limit
Provided, That the office of a county or district attorney who is not in
compliance with K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 72-1397 and amendments thereto
shall be ineligible to be a grant recipient from the family violence pre-
vention and services fund--federal.

Violence against women grant fund No limit
Provided, That the office of a county or district attorney who is not in
compliance with K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 72-1397 and amendments thereto
shall be ineligible to be a grant recipient from the violence against women
grant fund.

Crime victims grants and gifts fund No limit
Provided, That all private grants and gifts received by the crime victims
compensation board shall be deposited to the credit of the crime victims
grants and gifts fund.

Attorney general's medicaid fraud control fund No limit
Other federal grants and reimbursement fund No limit
Debt collection administration cost recovery fund No limit
Provided, That the attorney general shall deposit in the state treasury to
the credit of the debt collection administration cost recovery fund all
moneys remitted to the attorney general as administrative costs under
contracts entered into pursuant to K.S.A. 75-719 and amendments
thereto: Provided further, That the attorney general shall authorize the
director of accounts and reports to transfer $30,000 from this fund to the
state general fund at such time as receipts to this fund are sufficient to
sustain expenditures for administering and monitoring such contracts as
well as to repay the state general fund for money advanced for such
purpose: And provided further, That, upon receipt of such authorization,
the director of accounts and reports shall transfer $30,000 from the debt
collection administration cost recovery fund to the state general fund.

Medicaid fraud reimbursement fund No limit
Medicaid fraud prosecution revolving fund No limit
Provided, That all moneys recovered by the medicaid fraud and abuse
division of the attorney general's office in the enforcement of state and
federal law which are in excess of any restitution for overcharges and
interest, including all moneys recovered as recoupment of expenses of
investigation and prosecution, shall be deposited in the state treasury to
the credit of the medicaid fraud prosecution revolving fund: Provided
further, That the attorney general shall make a report during the 2001
regular session of the legislature to the subcommittee of the house of
representatives committee on appropriations and the subcommittee of
the senate committee on ways and means that review the above agency's
budget on the amount of recouped money credited to the medicaid fraud
prosecution revolving fund and estimate of the money the above agency
has expended for medicaid fraud control activities.

Interstate water litigation fund No limit
Suspense fund No limit
 (c) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer $200,000 from the crime
victims assistance fund to the state general fund.

 (d) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the attorney general from the moneys appropriated from the
state general fund or from any special revenue fund for fiscal year 2001
as authorized by this or other appropriation act of the 2000 regular session
of the legislature, expenditures shall be made by the attorney general
from the moneys appropriated from the state general fund or from any
special revenue fund for fiscal year 2001 for operating expenditures for
one additional assistant attorney general to be assigned to enforcement
of the provisions of the open records act, for establishment and operation
of an open-records hotline, and to provide assistance and information to
local units of government and other governmental agencies regarding the
duties and responsibilities imposed by the open records act and to the
members of the public regarding their rights under the open records act:
Provided, That the attorney general is hereby declared to be the state
agency responsible for informing the residents of Kansas of their rights
under the open records act.

 (e) No moneys appropriated for the attorney general by this or other
appropriation act of the 2000 regular session of the legislature from the
state general fund or any special revenue fund for the fiscal year ending
June 30, 2001, shall be expended for preparing or publishing any book
containing the opinions of the attorney general, or any summaries or
indexes of such opinions, or for preparing or publishing any other hard-
copy printing, softbound or hardbound, of such opinions, summaries or

 Sec. 8.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Operating expenditures $1,620,095
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the operating expenditures
account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated
to the operating expenditures account for fiscal year 2001: Provided fur-
ther, That expenditures from this account for official hospitality shall not
exceed $2,500.

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

Cemetery and funeral audit fee fund No limit
Conversion of materials and equipment fund No limit
Information and copy service fee fund No limit
State register fee fund No limit
Uniform commercial code fee fund No limit
State flag and banner fund No limit
Secretary of state fee refund fund No limit
Electronic voting machine examination fund No limit
Suspense fund No limit
Prepaid services fund No limit
Athlete agent registration fee fund No limit
Franchise fee recovery fund No limit
 (c) During each month of the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the
secretary of state shall certify to the director of accounts and reports the
amount equal to the product of $1 multiplied by the number of annual
reports received by the secretary of state during the preceding month
from professional corporations, domestic or foreign corporations, corpo-
rations organized not for profit, domestic or foreign limited liability com-
panies, domestic or foreign limited partnerships or any other entities pur-
suant to statute, which include the receipt of an annual franchise tax or
privilege fee. Upon receipt of each such certification, the director of ac-
counts and reports shall transfer an amount equal to the amount certified
from the state general fund to the franchise fee recovery fund of the
secretary of state.

 Sec. 9.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Operating expenditures $1,728,882
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the operating expenditures
account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated
for fiscal year 2001: Provided further, That expenditures from this account
for official hospitality shall not exceed $750.

Postsecondary education savings program   $175,000
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the postsecondary educa-
tion savings program account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is
hereby reappropriated for fiscal year 2001.

Banking services $315,000
 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

Fiscal agency fund No limit
Bond services fee fund No limit
City bond finance fund No limit
Taylor grazing fees--federal fund No limit
Local ad valorem tax reduction fund No limit
County and city revenue sharing fund No limit
Suspense fund No limit
County and city retailers' sales tax fund No limit
County and city compensating use tax fund No limit
Local alcoholic liquor fund No limit
Local alcoholic liquor equalization fund No limit
Unclaimed property claims fund No limit
Unclaimed property expense fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures from the unclaimed property expense fund
for official hospitality shall not exceed $2,000.

Unclaimed mineral proceeds trust fund No limit
Road and schools--10 U.S.C. 2655 federal fund No limit
Racing admissions tax fund No limit
Rental motor vehicle excise tax fund No limit
Services reimbursement fund No limit
Municipal investment pool fund No limit
Municipal investment pool reserve fund No limit
Municipal investment pool fund fee fund No limit
Pooled money investment portfolio fee fund No limit
Provided, That on or before the fifth day of each month of the fiscal year
ending June 30, 2001, the state treasurer shall certify to the pooled money
investment board an accounting of the banking fees incurred by the state
treasurer during the second preceding month that are attributable to the
investment of the pooled money investment portfolio during such month:
Provided further, That prior to the 10th day of each month during the
fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the pooled money investment board
shall review the certification from the state treasurer and shall make ex-
penditures from the pooled money investment portfolio fee fund to pay
the amount of banking fees incurred by the state treasurer during the
second preceding month that are attributable to the investment of the
pooled money investment portfolio during the second preceding month,
as determined by the pooled money investment board.

Kansas postsecondary education savings program trust
 fund No limit
Conversion of materials and equipment fund No limit
Tax increment financing revenue replacement fund No limit
 (c) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
$113,327 from the state highway fund of the department of transportation
to the services reimbursement fund of the state treasurer for the purpose
of financing a portion of the costs associated with the investment of the
bond proceeds of the comprehensive highway program and related op-
erations of the state treasurer.

 Sec. 10.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law
shall not exceed the following:

Insurance department service regulation fund $6,943,491
Provided, That expenditures from the insurance department service reg-
ulation fund for official hospitality shall not exceed $1,000: Provided fur-
ther, That any transfers from this fund to the insurance building principal
and interest payment fund or the insurance department rehabilitation and
repair fund of the department of insurance shall be in addition to any
expenditure limitation imposed on this fund.

Insurance company examination fund No limit
Insurance company annual statement examination fund No limit
Insurance company examiner training fund No limit
Conversion of materials and equipment fund No limit
Commissioner's travel reimbursement fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the commissioner's travel
reimbursement fund only to reimburse the commissioner of insurance,
or any designated employee, for expenses incurred for in-state or out-of-
state travel for official purposes, including travel to meetings of public or
private associations: Provided further, That all moneys received by the
commissioner of insurance for such travel from any non-state agency
source shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of this fund.

Workers compensation fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures from the workers compensation fund for
attorney fees and other costs and benefit payments may be made regard-
less of when services were rendered or when the initial award of benefits
was made.

State firefighters relief fund No limit
Insurance company tax and fee refund fund No limit
Group-funded workers' compensation pools fee fund No limit
Municipal group-funded pools fee fund No limit
Uninsurable health insurance plan fund No limit
Senior health insurance counseling for Kansans fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures from the senior health insurance counseling
for Kansans fund for official hospitality shall not exceed $1,000.

Insurance education and training fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the insurance education
and training fund for training programs and official hospitality: Provided
further, That the insurance commissioner is hereby authorized to fix,
charge and collect fees for such training programs: And provided further,
That fees for such training programs shall be fixed in order to collect all
or part of the operating expenses incurred for such training programs,
including official hospitality: And provided further, That all fees received
for such training programs shall be deposited in the state treasury and
credited to this fund.

 Sec. 11.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law
shall not exceed the following:

Health care stabilization fund No limit
 (b) Expenditures from the health care stabilization fund for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 2001, other than refunds authorized by law for the
following specified purposes shall not exceed the limitations prescribed
therefor as follows:

Operating expenditures $895,049
Provided, That expenditures from the operating expenditures account for
official hospitality shall not exceed $300.

Fees--legal and professional services No limit
Provided, That expenditures from the fees--legal and professional serv-
ices account for attorney fees and other professional service fees may be
made regardless of when services were rendered or when the judgment
or settlement was made.

Claims and benefits No limit
Provided, That expenditures from the claims and benefits account for
claim and benefit payments may be made regardless of when services
were rendered or when the judgment or settlement was made.

 Sec. 12.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Operating expenditures $198,791
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the operating expenditures
account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated
for fiscal year 2001: Provided, however, That expenditures from such
reappropriated balance shall not exceed $259 except upon approval of
the state finance council: Provided further, That no expenditures shall be
made from this account for any study requested by one or more members
of the legislature unless the study request was submitted in writing to the
legislative coordinating council and the study request was approved by
the legislative coordinating council prior to the study request being sub-
mitted to the judicial council: And provided further, That such limitation
shall not apply to any study requested by a standing committee of either
house of the legislature or any legislative committee established by stat-

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law
shall not exceed the following:

Grants and gifts fund No limit
Provided, That all private grants and gifts and federal grants received by
the judicial council, other than moneys received as grants, gifts or dona-
tions for the preparation, publication or distribution of legal publications,
shall be deposited to the credit of the grants and gifts fund.

Publications fee fund No limit
Provided, That the judicial council is hereby authorized to fix, charge and
collect fees for sale and distribution of legal publications in order to re-
cover direct and indirect costs incurred for preparation, publication and
distribution of legal publications: Provided further, That such fees may
be fixed in order to recover all or part of such costs: And provided further,
That all moneys received from such fees shall be deposited in the state
treasury and credited to the publications fee fund: And provided further,
That all moneys received as gifts, grants or donations for the preparation,
publication or distribution of legal publications shall be deposited in the
state treasury to the credit of the publications fee fund.

 (c) On June 30, 2001, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
the amount of any unencumbered balance in the publications fee fund
as of June 30, 2001, in excess of $175,000 from the publications fee fund
to the state general fund.

 Sec. 13.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Operating expenditures $12,068,953
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in excess of $100 as of June
30, 2000, in the operating expenditures account is hereby reappropriated
to the operating expenditures account for fiscal year 2001: Provided fur-
ther, That any expenditures for indigents' defense services are authorized
to be made from the operating expenditures account regardless of when
services were rendered: And provided further, That expenditures may be
made from the operating expenditures account for negotiated contracts
for malpractice insurance for public defenders and deputy or assistant
public defenders: And provided further, That all contracts for malpractice
insurance for public defenders and deputy or assistant public defenders
shall be negotiated and purchased by the state board of indigents' defense
services, shall not be subject to approval or purchase by the committee
on surety bonds and insurance under K.S.A. 75-4114 and 75-6111 and
amendments thereto and shall not be subject to the provisions of K.S.A.
75-3739 and amendments thereto.

Capital defense operations $1,363,748
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in excess of $100 as of June
30, 2000, in the capital defense operations account is hereby reappro-
priated for fiscal year 2001.

Legal services for prisoners $497,218
 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law
shall not exceed the following:

Indigents' defense services fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the indigents' defense
services fund for the purpose of assigned counsel and other professional
services related to contract cases.

Inservice education workshop fee fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the inservice education
workshop fee fund for operating expenditures, including official hospi-
tality, incurred for inservice workshops and conferences: Provided fur-
ther, That the state board of indigents' defense services is hereby au-
thorized to fix, charge and collect fees for inservice workshops and
conferences: And provided further, That such fees shall be fixed in order
to recover all or part of such operating expenditures incurred for inservice
workshops and conferences: And provided further, That all fees received
for inservice workshops and conferences shall be deposited in the state
treasury and credited to the inservice education workshop fee fund.

 Sec. 14.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Judiciary operations $77,236,898
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the judiciary operations
account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated
for fiscal year 2001: Provided, however, That expenditures from such
reappropriated balance shall not exceed $265,441 except upon approval
by the state finance council: Provided further, That contracts for com-
puter input of judicial opinions under this appropriation shall be executed
in the name of the supreme court by the chief justice and may be inter-
related with contracts for the comprehensive legislative information sys-
tem: And provided further, That all such contracts for computer input of
judicial opinions and all purchases thereunder shall not be subject to the
provisions of K.S.A. 75-3739 and amendments thereto: And provided fur-
ther, That expenditures may be made from the judicial operations account
for contingencies without limitation at the discretion of the chief justice:
And provided further, That expenditures from the judicial operations ac-
count for such contingencies shall not exceed $25,000: And provided fur-
ther, That expenditures from the judicial operations account for official
hospitality shall not exceed $4,000: And provided further, That expendi-
tures shall be made from the judicial operations account for the travel
expenses of panels of the court of appeals for travel to cities across the
state to hear appealed cases: And provided further, That of the amount
appropriated from the state general fund in the judiciary operations ac-
count for fiscal year 2001, the amount of $128,987 may be reallocated
and expended from the account for fiscal year 2001 for a new district
judge for the 18th judicial district: And provided further, That no moneys
appropriated from the state general fund in the judiciary operations ac-
count for fiscal year 2001 may be reallocated from the amount in the
approved budget of expenditures for fiscal year 2001 for salaries and
wages for nonjudicial officers and employees of the judicial branch for
such new district judge for the 18th judicial district.

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law
shall not exceed the following:

Library report fee fund No limit
Judiciary technology fund No limit
Judicial branch gifts fund No limit
Dispute resolution fund No limit
Judicial branch education fund No limit
Conversion of materials and equipment fund No limit
Child welfare federal grant fund No limit
Child support enforcement contractual agreement fund No limit
Bar admission fee fund No limit
Permanent families account--family and children invest-
 ment fund No limit
Duplicate law book fund  No limit
Court reporter fund No limit
Access to justice fund No limit
Judicial technology and building and grounds fund No limit
 Sec. 15.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law
shall not exceed the following:

Kansas public employees retirement fund No limit
Provided, That no expenditures may be made from the Kansas public
employees retirement fund other than for benefits, investments, refunds
authorized by law, and other purposes specifically authorized by this or
other appropriation act.

Group insurance reserve fund No limit
Optional death benefit plan reserve fund No limit
Kansas endowment for youth fund No limit
Family and children endowment account--family and chil-
 dren investment fund No limit
 (b) Expenditures may be made from the Kansas public employees re-
tirement fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, for the following
specified purposes: Provided, however, That expenditures from the Kan-
sas public employees retirement fund for fiscal year 2001 for the following
specified purposes shall not exceed the limitations prescribed therefor as

Agency operations $5,989,105
Provided, That expenditures from the agency operations account for of-
ficial hospitality shall not exceed $3,000: Provided further, That any ex-
penditure from the agency operations account of the Kansas public em-
ployees retirement fund to reimburse the audit services fund of the
division of legislative post audit for a financial-compliance audit in an
amount certified by the legislative post auditor shall be in addition to any
expenditure limitation imposed on the agency operations account of such
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001: And provided further, That
expenditures may be made from the agency operations account for the
purpose of paying bonus awards to unclassified employees of the above
agency pursuant to procedures established by the board of trustees of the
Kansas public employees retirement system: And provided further, That
any expenditures for such bonus awards shall be in addition to any ex-
penditure limitation imposed on the agency operations account for fiscal
year 2001: And provided further, That the total of any such expenditures
from the agency operations account for bonus awards to unclassified em-
ployees shall not exceed $75,000 for all such bonus awards.

Investment related expenses $26,876,393
Provided, That the following subaccounts of the investment related ex-
penses account shall be maintained for purposes of accounting for ex-
penditures from the investment related expenses account: Direct place-
ment management fees, real estate management fees, publicly traded
securities management fees, direct placement investment program, cus-
todial bank fees and expenses, investment consultant fees, and investment
related litigation expenses: Provided further, That all expenditures from
the investment related expenses account or any other account of this fund
for payments to direct placement investment managers pursuant to in-
demnity provisions of indemnification agreements between the board of
trustees of the Kansas public employees retirement system and direct
placement investment managers shall be in addition to any expenditure
limitation imposed on this fund or any account thereof, except that no
such indemnity provision shall provide indemnification in an amount
greater than 20% of the total value of the assets being managed by a
direct placement investment manager.

 (c) In the event that the amount of any award to state outside legal
counsel pursuant to the state fee payment agreement of the tobacco lit-
igation settlement agreements entered into by the attorney general on
behalf of the state of Kansas is reduced as the result of any action of the
state of Kansas and the amount of any such reduction is remitted to the
state of Kansas, the amount of such reduction shall be deposited in the
state treasury and credited to the Kansas endowment for youth fund.

 Sec. 16.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Operating expenditures $415,796
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the operating expenditures
account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated
for fiscal year 2001.

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law
shall not exceed the following:

Governmental ethics commission fee fund $131,692
 Sec. 17.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Operating expenditures $1,218,402
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the operating expenditures
account and in the contract investigative services account in excess of
$100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated to the operating ex-
penditures account for fiscal year 2001: Provided, however, That expend-
itures from such reappropriated balance shall not exceed $202,750 except
upon approval of the state finance council: Provided further, That ex-
penditures from this account for official hospitality shall not exceed $150:
And provided further, That expenditures for mediation services con-
tracted with Kansas legal services shall be made only upon certification
by the executive director of the human rights commission to the director
of accounts and reports that private moneys are available to match the
expenditure of state moneys on a $1 of private moneys to $3 of state
moneys basis.

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law
shall not exceed the following:

Federal fund No limit
Conversion of materials and equipment fund No limit
Annual banquet fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the annual banquet fund
for operating expenditures for the commission's annual banquet, includ-
ing official hospitality: Provided further, That the executive director is
hereby authorized to fix, charge and collect fees for such banquet: And
provided further, That such fees shall be fixed in order to recover all or
part of the operating expenses incurred for such banquet, including of-
ficial hospitality: And provided further, That all fees received for such
banquet shall be credited to this fund.

Education and training fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the education and train-
ing fund for operating expenditures for the commission's education and
training programs for the general public: Provided further, That the ex-
ecutive director is hereby authorized to fix, charge and collect fees for
such programs: And provided further, That such fees shall be fixed in
order to recover all or part of the operating expenses incurred for such
training programs, including official hospitality: And provided further,
That all fees received for such programs shall be credited to this fund.

 Sec. 18.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law
shall not exceed the following:

Public service regulation fund No limit
Motor carrier license fees fund No limit
Conservation fee fund No limit
Provided, That any expenditure made from the conservation fee fund for
plugging abandoned wells, cleanup of pollution from oil and gas activities
and testing of wells shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation
imposed on this fund: Provided further, That expenditures may be made
from this fund for debt collection and set-off administration: And pro-
vided further, That a percentage of the fees collected, not to exceed 27%,
shall be transferred from the conservation fee fund to the department of
administration accounting services recovery fund for services rendered in
collection efforts: And provided further, That all expenditures made from
the conservation fee fund for debt collection and set-off administration
shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation imposed on this fund:
And provided further, That the state corporation commission shall in-
clude as part of the fiscal year 2002 budget estimates for the state cor-
poration commission submitted pursuant to K.S.A. 75-3717 and amend-
ments thereto, a three-year projection of receipts to and expenditures
from the conservation fee fund for fiscal years 2002, 2003 and 2004.

Gas pipeline inspection fee fund No limit
Abandoned oil and gas well fund No limit
Gas pipeline safety program--federal fund No limit
Energy related grants fund No limit
Energy grants management fund No limit
Alternative fuels and transportation initiatives grant--  r>federal fund No limit
Energy conservation plan--federal fund No limit
Underground injection control class II--federal fund No limit
Inservice education workshop fee fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the inservice education
workshop fee fund for operating expenditures, including official hospi-
tality, incurred for inservice workshops and conferences conducted by the
state corporation commission for staff and members of the state corpo-
ration commission: Provided further, That the state corporation commis-
sion is hereby authorized to fix, charge and collect fees for such inservice
workshops and conferences: And provided further, That such fees shall
be fixed in order to recover all or part of the operating expenditures
incurred for conducting such inservice workshops and conferences: And
provided further, That all moneys received for such fees shall be depos-
ited in the state treasury and credited to this fund.

Base state registration clearing fund No limit
Suspense fund No limit
Data management system fund No limit
 (b) Expenditures for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, by the state
corporation commission from the public service regulation fund, the mo-
tor carrier license fees fund and the conservation fee fund shall not ex-
ceed, in the aggregate, $12,169,603: Provided, That, within such limita-
tion on the aggregate of expenditures, expenditures made for fiscal year
2001 from the public service regulation fund, the motor carrier license
fees fund and the conservation fee fund for official hospitality shall not
exceed, in the aggregate, $600.

 (c) Expenditures for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, by the state
corporation commission from the conservation fee fund or the abandoned
oil and gas well fund may be made for the service of independent on-site
supervision of well plugging contracts: Provided, That all expenditures
from the conservation fee fund or the abandoned oil and gas well fund
for the purpose of plugging of abandoned oil and gas wells shall be subject
to the competitive bidding requirements of K.S.A. 75-3739, and amend-
ments thereto, and shall not be exempt from such competitive bidding
requirements on the basis of the estimated amount of such purchases.

 Sec. 19.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law
shall not exceed the following:

Utility regulatory fee fund $470,195
Provided, That expenditures may be made by the citizens' utility ratepayer
board from the utility regulatory fee fund pursuant to contracts for pro-
fessional services, which are hereby authorized to be entered into by the
board: Provided further, That such professional services shall include but
are not limited to the services of engineers, accountants, attorneys and
economists, to assist in carrying out the duties of the board, which assis-
tance may include preparation and presentation of expert testimony,
when the expenses of such professional services are required to be as-
sessed under K.S.A. 66-1502 and amendments thereto against the public
utilities involved: And provided further, That such contracts shall be ne-
gotiated by a negotiating committee composed of the following persons:
The consumer counsel of the citizens' utility ratepayer board or the con-
sumer counsel's designee, the director of the budget or that director's
designee, the director of accounts and reports or that director's designee,
and the chairperson of the citizens' utility ratepayer board or the chair-
person's designee: And provided further, That the consumer counsel of
the citizens' utility ratepayer board or the consumer counsel's designee
shall convene the negotiating committee for each such contract and the
negotiating committee shall consider all proposals by persons applying to
perform such contract and shall award the contract: And provided further,
That such contracts shall not be subject to the provisions of K.S.A. 75-
3739 and amendments thereto or to the provisions of the acts contained
in article 58 of chapter 75 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated.

 Sec. 20.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Department of administration operations $16,836,819
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the department of admin-
istration operations account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is
hereby reappropriated for fiscal year 2001: Provided, however, That ex-
penditures from such reappropriated balance shall not exceed $32,399
except upon approval of the state finance council: Provided further, That
in addition to other positions within the department of administration in
the unclassified service as prescribed by law, expenditures may be made
from the department of administration operations account for three em-
ployees in the unclassified service under the Kansas civil service act: And
provided further, That expenditures from this account for official hospi-
tality shall not exceed $1,000.

Budget analysis $1,345,870
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the budget analysis account
in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated for fiscal
year 2001: Provided further, That expenditures from this account for of-
ficial hospitality shall not exceed $1,000.

Public broadcasting council grants $1,978,009
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the public broadcasting
council grants account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby
reappropriated for fiscal year 2001: Provided further, That all expendi-
tures from the public broadcasting council grants account for capital
equipment shall be made to provide matching funds for federal capital
equipment grants awarded to eligible public broadcasting stations: And
provided further, That expenditures from this account may be made to
provide matching funds for capital equipment projects funded from any
nonstate source in the event federal capital equipment grants are not
awarded: And provided further, That in the event the federal facility pro-
grams cease to exist or fail to conduct grant solicitations, expenditures
may be made from this account to provide matching funds for capital
equipment projects funded from any nonstate source without first apply-
ing for federal capital equipment grants.

Policy analysis initiatives $127,973
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the policy analysis initia-
tives account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappro-
priated for fiscal year 2001: Provided further, That expenditures from this
account for official hospitality shall not exceed $3,000.

Performance review board $278,103
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the performance review
board account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappro-
priated for fiscal year 2001: Provided, however, That expenditures from
such reappropriated balance shall be made only upon approval of the
state finance council.

Long-term care ombudsman $138,547
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the long-term care om-
budsman account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reap-
propriated for fiscal year 2001: Provided, however, That expenditures for
such reappropriated balance shall be made only upon approval of the
state finance council: Provided further, That expenditures from this ac-
count for official hospitality shall not exceed $400.

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds or indirect cost
recoveries authorized by law shall not exceed the following:

Federal cash management fund No limit
State leave payment reserve fund No limit
State budget stabilization fund $0
Building and ground fund No limit
General fees fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the general fees fund for
operating expenditures for the division of personnel services, including
human resources programs and official hospitality: Provided further, That
the director of personnel services is hereby authorized to fix, charge and
collect fees: And provided further, That fees shall be fixed in order to
recover all or part of the operating expenses incurred, including official
hospitality: And provided further, That all fees received, including fees
received under the open records act for providing access to or furnishing
copies of public records, shall be credited to this fund.

Human resource information systems cost recovery
 fund No limit
Budget fees fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the budget fees fund for
operating expenditures for the division of the budget, including training
programs and official hospitality: Provided further, That the director of
the budget is hereby authorized to fix, charge and collect fees for such
training programs: And provided further, That fees for such training pro-
grams shall be fixed in order to recover all or part of the operating ex-
penses incurred for such training programs, including official hospitality:
And provided further, That all fees received for such training programs
and all fees received by the division of the budget under the open records
act for providing access to or furnishing copies of public records, shall be
credited to this fund.

Purchasing fees fund No limit

Provided, That expenditures may be made from the purchasing fees fund
for operating expenditures of the division of purchases, including training
seminars and official hospitality: Provided further, That the director of
purchases is hereby authorized to fix, charge and collect fees for operating
expenditures incurred to reproduce and disseminate purchasing infor-
mation, administer vendor applications, administer state contracts and
conduct training seminars, including official hospitality: And provided fur-
ther, That such fees shall be fixed in order to recover all or part of such
operating expenses: And provided further, That all moneys received for
such fees and all moneys received pursuant to the state travel services
contract shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of this fund.

Architectural services fee fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the architectural services
fee fund for operating expenditures for distribution of architectural in-
formation: Provided further, That the director of architectural services is
hereby authorized to fix, charge and collect fees for reproduction and
distribution of architectural information: And provided further, That such
fees shall be fixed in order to recover all or part of the operating expenses
incurred for reproducing and distributing architectural information: And
provided further, That all fees received for such reproduction and distri-
bution of architectural information shall be credited to this fund.

Budget equipment conversion fund No limit
Conversion of materials and equipment fund No limit
Architectural services equipment conversion fund No limit
Property contingency fund No limit
Flood control emergency--federal fund No limit
Information technology fund No limit
Information technology reserve fund No limit
Computer services recovery fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the computer services
recovery fund to provide central computer system development services,
which shall be in addition to data processing services provided under
K.S.A. 75-4704 and amendments thereto to other state agencies: Provided
further, That the secretary of administration is hereby authorized, in ac-
cordance with the procedures and guidelines prescribed by K.S.A. 75-
4703 and amendments thereto, to fix, charge and collect fees for such
central computer system development services to other state agencies:
And provided further, That such fees shall be fixed in order to recover
all or part of the operating expenses incurred in providing such services:
And provided further, That all fees received for such services shall be
credited to this fund: And provided further, That all expenditures for the
personnel/payroll project shall be made from the personnel/payroll pro-
ject program account of this fund: And provided further, That amounts
may be transferred into this account from any state general fund account
or any special revenue fund of the department of administration or any
other state agency.

State buildings operating fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the state buildings op-
erating fund for operating and other expenses for the Hiram Price Dillon
House: Provided further, That the secretary of administration is hereby
authorized to fix, charge and collect fees for use of the rooms and other
facilities of the Hiram Price Dillon House in accordance with policies
adopted by the legislative coordinating council under K.S.A. 75-3682 and
amendments thereto for approving the use of such property: And pro-
vided further, That fees for approved use of such property shall be rea-
sonable and directly related to the costs of such use and shall be fixed in
order to recover all or part of the operating expenses incurred for such
use: And provided further, That all moneys received for such fees shall
be deposited in the state treasury and credited to the state buildings
operating fund: And provided further, That the secretary of administra-
tion is hereby authorized to fix, charge and collect a real estate property
leasing services fee at a reasonable rate per square foot of space leased
by state agencies as approved by the secretary of administration under
K.S.A. 75-3739 and amendments thereto to recover the costs incurred by
the department of administration in providing services to state agencies
relating to leases of real property: And provided further, That each state
agency that is party to a lease of real property that is approved by the
secretary of administration under K.S.A. 75-3739 and amendments
thereto shall remit to the secretary of administration the real estate prop-
erty leasing services fee upon receipt of the billing therefor: And provided
further, That all moneys received for real estate property leasing services
fees shall be deposited in the state treasury and credited to the state
buildings operating fund: And provided further, That the net proceeds
from the sale of all or any part of the Topeka state hospital property, as
defined by subsection (a) of K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 75-37,123 and amend-
ments thereto shall be deposited in the state treasury and credited to the
state buildings operating fund.

Accounting services recovery fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the accounting services
recovery fund for the operating expenditures, including official hospital-
ity, of the department of administration: Provided further, That the sec-
retary of administration is hereby authorized to fix, charge and collect
fees for services or sales provided by the department of administration
which are not specifically authorized by any other statute: And provided
further, That all fees received for such services or sales shall be credited
to this fund.

Architectural services recovery fund $1,691,096
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the architectural services
recovery fund for operating expenditures for the division of architectural
services: Provided further, That notwithstanding the provisions of sub-
section (b) of K.S.A. 75-4403 and amendments thereto, the director of
architectural services may exchange an employee with the attorney gen-
eral's office to assist in the enforcement of K.S.A. 58-1301 et seq.: And
provided further, That the director of architectural services is hereby
authorized to charge and collect fees for services provided to other state
agencies not directly related to the construction of a capital improvement
project: And provided further, That the director of architectural services
is hereby authorized to charge and collect (1) a fee equal to 1% of the
estimated cost of each capital improvement project for a state agency
which is not financed, in whole or in part, by gifts, bequests, or donations
made by one or more private individuals or other private entities and for
which the division provides architectural, engineering or management
services or, in the case of any capital improvement project for a state
agency which is partially financed by gifts, bequests or donations made
by one or more private individuals or other private entities, a fee equal
to 1% of the proportional amount of the estimated cost of such capital
improvement project which is not financed by gifts, bequests or donations
made by one or more private individuals or other private entities and for
which the division provides architectural, engineering or management
services, and (2) an additional fee equal to 6% of the construction cost of
each capital improvement project for which the division provides in-house
architectural and engineering design services: And provided further, That
such services shall be subject to the limitations of K.S.A. 75-1253 and
amendments thereto: And provided further, That all fees received for
such services shall be credited to this fund.

Motor pool service fund No limit
Motor pool service depreciation reserve fund No limit
Kansas public employees retirement clearing fund No limit
Intragovernmental printing service fund No limit
Intragovernmental printing service depreciation reserve
 fund No limit
Central aircraft fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the central aircraft fund
to provide central aircraft services to other state agencies and to purchase
liability and property damage insurance for state aircraft: Provided fur-
ther, That the secretary of administration is hereby authorized to fix,
charge and collect fees for central aircraft services to other state agencies:
And provided further, That such fees shall be fixed in order to recover
all or part of the operating expenses incurred in providing such services:
And provided further, That all fees received for such services shall be
credited to this fund.

Canceled warrants payment fund No limit
Executive mansion gifts fund No limit
State facilities gift fund No limit
Retirement salary recapture fund No limit
Veterans memorial fund No limit
State emergency fund No limit
Bid and contract deposit fund No limit
State workers compensation self-insurance fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures shall be made from the state workers com-
pensation self-insurance fund for a contract with the secretary of human
resources to implement and administer the state workplace health and
safety program for state employees in accordance with K.S.A. 44-575 and
amendments thereto, which contract is hereby authorized and directed
to be entered into between the secretary of administration and the sec-
retary of human resources: Provided further, That, pursuant to policies
and procedures prescribed by the secretary of administration, the director
of accounts and reports shall transfer an amount certified pursuant to
such contract by the secretary of administration from the state workers
compensation self-insurance fund of the department of administration to
the state workplace health and safety program fund of the department of
human resources.

Health and hospitalization insurance clearing fund No limit
Federal withholding tax clearing fund No limit
State gaming revenues fund No limit
Health insurance premium reserve fund No limit
Excise tax refund clearing fund No limit
State withholding tax clearing fund No limit
Unemployment compensation tax clearing fund No limit
Construction defects recovery fund No limit
Provided, That, during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, upon certi-
fication by the secretary of administration to the director of accounts and
reports that the unencumbered balance in the construction defects re-
covery fund is insufficient to pay an amount that is necessary to finance
expenses related to efforts by the state of Kansas to recover damages
incidental to construction defects on capital projects involving state facil-
ities, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer an amount equal
to the insufficient amount from the architectural services recovery fund
to the construction defects recovery fund: Provided, however, That the
total of all such amounts transferred from the architectural services re-
covery fund to the construction defects recovery fund during fiscal year
2001 shall not exceed $300,000.

Preventive health care program fund No limit
EDIF--Smoky Hills public tv equipment fund $350,000
Facilities conservation improvement fund No limit
State revolving fund services fee fund No limit
Cafeteria benefits fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures from the cafeteria benefits fund for salaries
and wages and other operating expenditures shall not exceed $2,215,321.

Dependent care assistance program fund No limit
Conversion of materials and equipment--recycling pro-
 gram fund No limit
Employees faithful performance bond clearing fund No limit
Deferred compensation clearing fund No limit
Equipment lease purchase program administration clear-
 ing fund No limit
Suspense fund No limit
Series E savings bond clearing fund No limit
Optional life insurance clearing fund No limit
Employee organization dues clearing fund No limit
United Way contributions clearing fund No limit
Setoff clearing fund No limit
Parking fees clearing fund No limit
Electronic funds transfer suspense fund No limit
State employee contribution clearing fund for OASDHI No limit
Intergovernmental cooperation agreement for develop-
 ment of statewide cost allocation plan clearing fund No limit
Medicare fund clearing account No limit
Ad Astra sculpture fund No limit
State capitol dome sculpture fund No limit
Provided, That, notwithstanding the provisions of K.S.A. 75-2249 and
amendments thereto, all expenditures from the state capitol dome sculp-
ture fund shall be made in accordance with appropriations acts upon
warrants of the director of accounts and reports issued pursuant to vouch-
ers approved by the secretary of administration, or the secretary's des-
ignee: Provided further, That all moneys received by the department of
administration in the form of grants, gifts, contributions or bequests made
for the purpose of financing the cost of acquiring and placing atop the
capitol the work of sculpture selected pursuant to statute shall be depos-
ited in the state treasury and credited to this fund and all such grants,
gifts, contributions or bequests are hereby authorized to be received by
the department of administration.

Public school districts benefit fund No limit
Administrative hearings office fund No limit
Older Americans act long term care ombudsman federal
 fund No limit
Long term care ombudsman gift and grant fund No limit
Kansas performance review board fund No limit
Provided, That the executive director of the performance review board
is hereby authorized to fix, charge and collect amounts from state agencies
to recover all or part of the costs of analyses of governmental functions
conducted at the discretion of the executive director or conducted at the
request of such state agencies in accordance with K.S.A. 75-7104 and
amendments thereto: Provided further, That all such amounts received
for such analyses shall be deposited in the state treasury and credited to
the Kansas performance review board fund: And provided further, That
such amounts are hereby authorized to be paid by such state agencies
from one or more appropriate special revenue funds of the state agencies
that are the subject of the analyses: And provided further, That all such
expenditures from such special revenue funds shall be in addition to any
expenditure limitations imposed on such funds.

Flexible spending fund $0
Provided, That no expenditures shall be made from the flexible spending
fund: Provided further, That the director of accounts and reports is
hereby authorized to make transfers from the flexible spending fund to
other funds in the state treasury only as specifically authorized by statute
and upon approval of the state finance council acting on this matter which
is hereby characterized as a matter of legislative delegation and subject
to the guidelines prescribed in subsection (c) of K.S.A. 75-3711c and
amendments thereto and acting on this matter after receiving the certi-
fication of the director of the budget that sufficient moneys are available
in the flexible spending fund pursuant to the intergovernmental transfer
program: And provided further, That such transfers are authorized to be
made only to special revenue funds of the department on aging, the de-
partment of social and rehabilitation services and the department of ed-

 (c) On July 1, 2000, the director of architectural services shall certify
to the director of accounts and reports a listing of all identified capital
improvement projects funded for fiscal year 2001 which are subject to a
fee payable to the director of architectural services for crediting to the
architectural services recovery fund, the accounts and funds in which
moneys are appropriated for fiscal year 2001 for such projects and the
amount of all such fees payable from such accounts and funds for fiscal
year 2001 for such projects. Upon receipt of such certification, the direc-
tor of accounts and reports shall transfer from the appropriation accounts
for such projects to the architectural services recovery fund the amounts
so certified. For other capital improvement projects subject to such fees,
the fees shall be paid on or before the date the director of architectural
services approves the plans for the project, as a transaction between state
agencies in accordance with subsection (b) of K.S.A. 75-5516 and amend-
ments thereto.

 (d) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
$210,000 from the state highway fund to the state general fund for the
purpose of reimbursing the state general fund for the cost of providing
purchasing services to the department of transportation.

 (e) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the secretary of ad-
ministration is authorized to approve refinancing of equipment being fi-
nanced by state agencies through the department's equipment financing
program. Such project is approved for the purposes of subsection (b) of
K.S.A. 74-8905 and amendments thereto.

 (f) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer energy conservation savings
of $157,474 from the state buildings operating fund to the state general

 (g) In addition to the purposes for which expenditures may be made
by the above agency from moneys appropriated in any capital improve-
ment account of any special revenue fund or in any capital improvement
account of the state general fund for the above agency for fiscal year 2001
by this or other appropriation act of the 2000 regular session of the leg-
islature, expenditures may be made by the above agency from any such
capital improvement account of any special revenue fund or any such
capital improvement account of the state general fund for fiscal year 2001
for the purpose of making emergency repairs to any facility that is under
the charge, care, management or control of the department of adminis-
tration as provided by law: Provided, That the secretary of administration
shall make a full report on such repairs and expenditures to the director
of the budget and the director of the legislative research department.

 (h) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the director of the
office of administrative hearings of the department of administration shall
prepare and submit to the secretary of social and rehabilitation services
a billing invoice each month in the amount equal to 1/12 of $732,817, for
administrative hearing services performed by the department of admin-
istration for the department of social and rehabilitation services: Provided,
That the amount to be billed may be adjusted as provided in writing by
mutual agreement between the secretary of social and rehabilitation serv-
ices and the secretary of administration: Provided further, That the
amount specified in the monthly invoice shall be paid from the appro-
priate fund or funds of the department of social and rehabilitation services
into the administrative hearings office fund of the department of admin-

 (i) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the state long-term
care ombudsman shall prepare and submit to the secretary of aging a
billing invoice each month in the amount equal to 1/12 of $264,721 for
long-term care ombudsman services performed by the state long-term
care ombudsman and the office of the state long-term care ombudsman
within the department of administration for the department on aging:
Provided, That the amount to be billed may be adjusted as provided in
writing by mutual agreement between the state long-term care ombuds-
man and the secretary of aging: Provided further, That the amount spec-
ified in the monthly invoice shall be paid from the appropriate fund or
funds of the department on aging into the older Americans act long term
care ombudsman federal fund of the department of administration.

 (j) On July 15, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer $350,000 from the Kansas
economic development endowment account of the state economic de-
velopment initiatives fund of the department of commerce and housing
to the EDIF--Smoky Hills public tv equipment fund of the department
of administration.

 (k) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
all moneys in the municipal accounting and training services recovery
fund to the accounting services recovery fund. On July 1, 2000, all liabil-
ities of the municipal accounting and training services recovery fund are
hereby transferred to and imposed upon the accounting services recovery
fund. On July 1, 2000, the municipal accounting and training services
recovery fund is hereby abolished.

 (l) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
all moneys in the closure health insurance fund and all moneys in the
closure term life insurance fund to the state general fund. On July 1,
2000, all liabilities of the closure health insurance fund and all liabilities
of the closure term life insurance fund are hereby transferred to and
imposed upon the state general fund. On July 1, 2000, the closure health
insurance fund and the closure term life insurance fund are hereby abol-

 (m) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, upon certification by
the director of the budget to the director of accounts and reports that the
unencumbered balance in the state emergency fund is insufficient to pay
an amount that is necessary to finance an action approved by the state
finance council pursuant to K.S.A. 75-3713, 75-3713a, 75-3713b, 75-
3713c or 75-3713d and amendments thereto, the director of accounts and
reports shall transfer an amount equal to the insufficient amount from
the state general fund to the state emergency fund: Provided, That the
total of all amounts transferred from the state general fund to the state
emergency fund pursuant to this subsection during fiscal year 2000 shall
not exceed $10,000,000.

 (n) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
all unencumbered moneys in excess of $100,000 in the state emergency
fund to the state general fund.

 (o) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
$25,000,000 from the state general fund to the flexible spending fund.

 Sec. 21.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Operating expenditures $2,122,492
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the operating expenditures
account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated
for fiscal year 2001.

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law
shall not exceed the following:

Duplicating fees fund $14,000
 Sec. 22.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Operating expenditures $31,166,376
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the operating expenditures
account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated
for fiscal year 2001: Provided, however, That expenditures from such
reappropriated balance shall be made only upon approval of the state
finance council: Provided further, That expenditures from this account
for official hospitality shall not exceed $1,500.

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law
shall not exceed the following:

Sand royalty fund No limit
Division of vehicles operating fund $30,544,804
Provided, That all receipts collected under authority of K.S.A. 74-2012
and amendments thereto shall be credited to the division of vehicles op-
erating fund: Provided further, That any expenditure from the division of
vehicles operating fund of the department of revenue to reimburse the
audit services fund of the division of post audit for a financial-compliance
audit in an amount certified by the legislative post auditor shall be in
addition to any expenditure limitation imposed on the division of vehicles
operating fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001: And provided
further, That the department of revenue shall make expenditures from
this fund for printing and mailing vehicle renewal notices.

Vehicle dealers and manufacturers fee fund No limit
Kansas qualified agricultural ethyl alcohol producer incen-
 tive fund No limit
Local report fee fund No limit
Military retirees income tax refund fund No limit
Conversion of materials and equipment fund No limit
Forfeited property fee fund No limit
Setoff services revenue fund No limit
Publications fee fund No limit
State bingo regulation fund $342,964
Child support enforcement contractual agreement fund No limit
County treasurers' vehicle licensing fee fund No limit
Reappraisal reimbursement fund No limit
Provided, That all moneys received for the costs incurred for conducting
appraisals for any county shall be deposited in the state treasury and
credited to the reappraisal reimbursement fund: Provided further, That
expenditures may be made from this fund for the purpose of conducting
appraisals pursuant to orders of the board of tax appeals under K.S.A. 79-
1479 and amendments thereto.

Special training fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the special training fund
for operating expenditures, including official hospitality, incurred for con-
ferences, training seminars, workshops and examinations: Provided fur-
ther, That the secretary of revenue is hereby authorized to fix, charge and
collect fees for conferences, training seminars, workshops and examina-
tions sponsored or cosponsored by the department of revenue: And pro-
vided further, That such fees shall be fixed in order to recover all or part
of the operating expenditures incurred for such conferences, training
seminars, workshops and examinations or for qualifying applicants for
such conferences, training seminars, workshops and examinations: And
provided further, That all fees received for conferences, training semi-
nars, workshops and examinations shall be deposited in the state treasury
and credited to the special training fund.

Recovery fund for enforcement actions and attorney
 fees No limit
Federal commercial motor vehicle safety fund No limit
Central stores fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the central stores fund
to operate and maintain a central stores activity to sell supplies to other
state agencies: Provided further, That all moneys received for such sup-
plies shall be deposited in the state treasury and credited to this fund.

Microfilming fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the microfilming fund to
operate and maintain a microfilming activity to sell microfilming services
to other state agencies: Provided further, That all moneys received for
such services shall be deposited in the state treasury and credited to this

Miscellaneous trust bonds fund No limit
Liquor excise tax guarantee bond fund No limit
Non-resident contractors cash bond fund No limit
Bond guaranty fund No limit
Interstate motor fuel user cash bond fund No limit
Motor fuel distributor cash bond fund No limit
County and city bingo tax fund No limit
Special county mineral production tax fund No limit
County drug tax fund No limit
Escheat proceeds suspense fund No limit
Privilege tax refund fund No limit
Suspense fund No limit
Cigarette tax refund fund No limit
Motor-vehicle fuel tax refund fund No limit
Cereal malt beverage tax refund fund No limit
Income tax refund fund No limit
Sales tax refund fund No limit
Compensating tax refund fund No limit
Alcoholic liquor tax refund fund No limit
Cigarette/tobacco products regulation fund No limit
Motor carrier tax refund fund No limit
Car company tax fund No limit
Protested motor carrier taxes fund No limit
Tobacco products refund fund No limit
Transient guest tax refund fund established by K.S.A. 12-
 1694a No limit
Interstate motor fuel taxes clearing fund No limit
Bingo refund fund No limit
Transient guest tax refund fund established by K.S.A. 12-
 16,100 No limit
Inheritance tax abatement refund fund No limit
Interstate motor fuel taxes refund fund No limit
Interfund clearing fund No limit
Local alcoholic liquor clearing fund No limit
International registration plan distribution clearing fund No limit
Rental motor vehicle excise tax refund fund No limit
International fuel tax agreement clearing fund No limit
Mineral production tax refund fund No limit
Special fuels tax refund fund No limit
LP-gas motor fuels refund fund No limit
Local alcoholic liquor refund fund No limit
Sales tax clearing fund No limit
Rental motor vehicle excise tax clearing fund No limit
VIPS/CAMA technology hardware fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the VIPS/CAMA tech-
nology hardware fund for CAMA software.

County and city retailers sales tax clearing fund--county
 and city sales tax No limit
City and county compensating use tax clearing fund No limit
County and city transient guest tax clearing fund No limit
Automated tax systems fund No limit
Dyed diesel fuel fee fund No limit
Electronic databases fee fund $3,484,500
Provided, That expenditures shall be made from the electronic databases
fee fund to provide for taxpayer assistance through upgrades, enhance-
ments and refinements to the state appraisal system.

 (c) On July 1, 2000, October 1, 2000, January 1, 2001, and April 1,
2001, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer $7,111,903 from
the state highway fund of the department of transportation to the division
of vehicles operating fund of the department of revenue for the purpose
of financing the cost of operation and general expense of the division of
vehicles and related operations of the department of revenue.

 (d) On August 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall trans-
fer $75,000 from the accounting services recovery fund of the department
of administration to the setoff services revenue fund of the department
of revenue for reimbursing costs of recovering amounts owed state agen-
cies under K.S.A. 75-6201 et seq., and amendments thereto.

 (e) On August 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall trans-
fer $50,000 from the social welfare fund of the department of social and
rehabilitation services to the child support enforcement contractual
agreement fund of the department of revenue to reimburse costs of ad-
ministrative expenses of child support enforcement activities under the

 (f) On August 1, 2000, and on the first day of each month thereafter
during fiscal year 2001, the secretary of revenue shall report to the di-
rector of the budget and the director of the legislative research depart-
ment (1) the amount of any increase in the amount of taxes, interest and
penalties collected in the immediately preceding month that is attribut-
able to the implementation of the automated tax systems authorized by
K.S.A. 75-5147 and amendments thereto, and (2) that portion of such
monthly increase in the amount of taxes, interest and penalties which is
currently required to pay one or more vendors pursuant to contracts en-
tered into under K.S.A. 75-5147 and amendments thereto for the acqui-
sition or implementation of such automated tax systems. Upon receipt of
each such report from the secretary of revenue, the director of the budget
and the director of the legislative research department shall jointly certify
to the director of accounts and reports the amount reported that is re-
quired to be paid to such vendors and the director of accounts and reports
shall transfer the amount certified from the state general fund to the
automated tax systems fund of the department of revenue. On or before
October 10, 2000, January 10, 2001, and April 10, 2001, the secretary of
revenue shall submit a report accounting for all amounts credited to and
expended from the automated tax systems fund of the department of
revenue to the director of the budget, the director of the legislative re-
search department, the chairperson of the house committee on appro-
priations and the chairperson of the senate committee on ways and means
and shall submit a report on the implementation of the automated tax
systems to the joint committee on information technology.

 (g) On April 15, 2001, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available,
the director of accounts and reports shall transfer $500,000 from the
VIPS/CAMA technology hardware fund to the division of vehicles oper-
ating fund.

 (h) In addition to the purposes for which moneys may be expended by
the above agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, expenditures
shall be made by the above agency for claiming moneys due and owing
the department of revenue which are held by the state treasurer under
the unclaimed property program.

 Sec. 23.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law
shall not exceed the following:

Lottery prize payment fund No limit
Lottery operating fund $8,998,099
Provided, That all expenditures from the lottery operating fund for on-
line terminal communication charges, for on-line vendor commission pay-
ments, for instant ticket printing charges, or for refunds and transfers
shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation imposed on this fund:
Provided further, That expenditures from this fund for official hospitality
shall not exceed $5,000: And provided further, That any expenditure from
the lottery operating fund to reimburse the audit services fund of the
division of legislative post audit for a financial-compliance audit in an
amount certified by the legislative post auditor shall be in addition to any
expenditure limitation imposed on the lottery operating fund for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 2001.

 (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of K.S.A. 74-8711 and amendments
thereto, monthly transfers credited for the fiscal year ending June 30,
2001, from the lottery operating fund to the state gaming revenue fund
pursuant to subsection (d) of K.S.A. 74-8711 and amendments thereto
shall be an amount equal to not less than 30.75% of total monthly reve-
nues from the sales of lottery tickets and shares less estimated returned

 (c) The director of accounts and reports is hereby directed to credit
any transfer from the lottery operating fund to the state gaming revenues
fund made after June 30, 2000, to the fiscal year commencing on July 1,
2000. Any transfer based on lottery sales during the month of June 2001,
shall be credited to the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, and the director
of the lottery shall certify to the director of accounts and reports that the
lottery is in compliance with this provision. There shall be a total of 13
monthly transfers credited to the state gaming revenues fund for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 2001.

 (d) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no transfers shall be
made during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, to any fund of the
Kansas bureau of investigation for any purpose. All payments for services
provided by the Kansas bureau of investigation shall be paid by the Kansas
lottery in accordance with subsection (b) of K.S.A. 75-5516 and amend-
ments thereto pursuant to bills which are presented in a timely manner
by the Kansas bureau of investigation for services rendered. Any expend-
iture from the lottery operating fund during fiscal year 2001 to reimburse
the Kansas bureau of investigation for professional services and fees in
an amount certified by the director of the Kansas bureau of investigation
shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation imposed on the lottery
operating fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001.

 Sec. 24.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law
shall not exceed the following:

State racing fund $3,217,143
Provided, That all expenditures from the state racing fund for refunds
and transfers shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation imposed
on this fund: Provided further, That expenditures from this fund for of-
ficial hospitality shall not exceed $2,500: And provided further, That any
expenditure from the state racing fund to reimburse the audit services
fund of the division of legislative post audit for a financial-compliance
audit in an amount certified by the legislative post auditor shall be in
addition to any expenditure limitation imposed on the state racing fund
for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001.

Racing reimbursable expense fund No limit
Racing applicant deposit fund No limit
Kansas horse breeding development fund No limit
Kansas greyhound breeding development fund No limit
Racing investigative expense fund No limit
Horse fair racing benefit fund No limit
Tribal gaming fund No limit
 (b) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
$450,000 from the state general fund to the tribal gaming fund of the
Kansas racing and gaming commission.

 (c) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the director of accounts
and reports shall transfer one or more amounts certified by the executive
director of the state gaming agency from the tribal gaming fund to the
state general fund: Provided, That all such transfers shall be for the pur-
pose of reimbursing the state general fund for the amount equal to the
net amount obtained by subtracting (1) the aggregate of any costs in-
curred by the state gaming agency during fiscal year 2001 for any arbi-
tration or litigation in connection with the administration and enforce-
ment of tribal-state gaming compacts or the provisions of the tribal
gaming oversight act, from (2) the aggregate of the amounts transferred
to the tribal gaming fund of the Kansas racing and gaming commission
during fiscal year 2001 for the operating expenditures for the state gaming
agency and any other expenses incurred in connection with the admin-
istration and enforcement of tribal-state gaming compacts or the provi-
sions of the tribal gaming oversight act.

 (d) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no transfers shall be
made during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, from the state racing
fund to any fund of the Kansas bureau of investigation for any purpose.
All payments during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, for services
provided by the Kansas bureau of investigation shall be paid by the Kansas
racing and gaming commission in accordance with subsection (b) of
K.S.A. 75-5516 and amendments thereto, pursuant to bills which are pre-
sented in a timely manner by the Kansas bureau of investigation for serv-
ices rendered. Any expenditure from the state racing fund during fiscal
year 2001 to reimburse the Kansas bureau of investigation for professional
services and fees in an amount certified by the director of the Kansas
bureau of investigation shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation
imposed on the state racing fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001.

 (e) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made from the moneys appropriated in the tribal gaming fund for fiscal
year 2001 for the Kansas racing and gaming commission by this or other
appropriation act of the 2000 regular session of the legislature, expendi-
tures may be made from the tribal gaming fund for fiscal year 2001 for
the state gaming agency regulatory oversight of class III gaming, including
but not limited to the regulatory oversight and law enforcement activities
of monitoring compliance with tribal-state gaming compacts and con-
ducting investigations of violations of tribal-state gaming compacts, in-
vestigations of criminal violations of the laws of this state at tribal gaming
facilities, criminal violations of the tribal gaming oversight act, and inves-
tigations of other criminal activities related to tribal gaming, which are
hereby authorized.

 (f) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made from the moneys appropriated in the state racing fund for fiscal
year 2001 for the Kansas racing and gaming commission by this or other
appropriation act of the 2000 regular session of the legislature, expendi-
tures may be made from the state racing fund for fiscal year 2001 for
paying salaries and wages of agency personnel performing criminal history
record checks, background investigations and other investigations speci-
fied in statute: Provided, That, notwithstanding any other provision of
law, including K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 74-8805, 74-8806 and 74-8814 and
amendments thereto, law enforcement agents of the Kansas racing and
gaming commission are hereby authorized and directed to conduct crim-
inal history record checks, background investigations and other investi-
gations specified in statute.

 Sec. 25.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law
shall not exceed the following:

Publication and other sales fund No limit
Conversion of equipment and materials fund No limit
Conference registration and disbursement fund No limit
Kansas venture capital companies certificate fee fund No limit
Trademark fund No limit
Low income housing tax credit fee fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the low income tax credit
fee fund for loans pursuant to loan agreements which are hereby author-
ized to be entered into by the secretary of commerce and housing in
accordance with such repayment provisions and other terms and condi-
tions as may be prescribed by the secretary therefor under the low income
housing tax credit program: Provided further, That all moneys received
by the department of commerce and housing for repayment of loans made
under the low income housing tax credit program shall be deposited in
the state treasury and credited to this fund: And provided further, That,
in addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be made
from the low income housing tax credit fee fund, expenditures may be
made from such fund for projects of the Kansas housing development
corporation and related operating expenses of such corporation: And pro-
vided further, That all such expenditures for projects and operating ex-
penses shall be subject to the approval of the secretary of commerce and
housing: And provided further, That such projects shall include, but not
be limited to, (1) increasing housing opportunities for the citizens of Kan-
sas, (2) purchasing, developing and transferring housing projects, (3) in-
curring obligations related to any such projects, and (4) establishing part-
nerships and lending relationships with local communities and entities in
the private sector.

Flood mitigation assistance federal fund No limit
Kansas economic opportunity initiatives fund No limit
Provided, That no expenditures shall be made from the Kansas economic
opportunity initiatives fund of the department of commerce and housing
in fiscal year 2001 for loans or grants to Reno County for the United
States women's open golf tournament.

Trade show promotion fund No limit
Kansas tourist attraction matching grant development
 fund No limit
Greyhound tourism fund No limit
Reimbursement and recovery fund No limit
Housing assistance program--federal fund No limit
Community development block grant--federal fund No limit
Community development block grant--federal fund--re-
 volving loan account No limit
HOME--federal fund No limit
Provided, That, in addition to the other purposes for which expenditures
may be made from the HOME--federal fund, expenditures may be made
from such fund for projects of the Kansas housing development corpo-
ration and related operating expenses of such corporation: Provided fur-
ther, That all such expenditures for projects and operating expenses shall
be subject to the approval of the secretary of commerce and housing: And
provided further, That such projects shall include, but not be limited to,
(1) increasing housing opportunities for the citizens of Kansas, (2) pur-
chasing, developing and transferring housing projects, (3) incurring ob-
ligations related to any such projects, and (4) establishing partnerships
and lending relationships with local communities and entities in the pri-
vate sector.

Community services block grant--federal fund No limit
Other grants fund No limit
Provided, That the above agency is authorized to make expenditures from
the other grants fund of any moneys credited to this fund from any in-
dividual grant if the grant is: (1) Less than $250,000 in the aggregate, and
(2) does not require the matching expenditure of any other moneys in
the state treasury during the current or any ensuing fiscal year: Provided,
however, That no grant that is greater than $250,000 in the aggregate or
that requires the matching expenditure of any other moneys in the state
treasury during the current or any ensuing fiscal year, shall be deposited
to the credit of this fund.

Weatherization block grant--federal fund No limit
Energy winterization--federal fund No limit
Kansas export loan guarantee fund No limit
HUD emergency shelter grants--federal fund No limit
National main street center fund No limit
State housing trust fund No limit
Provided, That, in addition to the other purposes for which expenditures
may be made from the state housing trust fund, expenditures may be
made from such fund for projects of the Kansas housing development
corporation and related operating expenses of such corporation: Provided
further, That all such expenditures for projects and operating expenses
shall be subject to the approval of the secretary of commerce and housing:
And provided further, That such projects shall include, but not be limited
to, (1) increasing housing opportunities for the citizens of Kansas, (2)
purchasing, developing and transferring housing projects, (3) incurring
obligations related to any such projects, and (4) establishing partnerships
and lending relationships with local communities and entities in the pri-
vate sector.

IMPACT program services fund No limit
IMPACT program repayment fund No limit
Kansas partnership fund No limit
Provided, That the interest rate on any loan made from the Kansas part-
nership fund shall be annually indexed to the federal discount rate.

State economic development initiatives fund No limit
Provided, That, except upon approval of expenditures for any other pur-
poses by the state finance council acting on this matter which is hereby
characterized as a matter of legislative delegation and subject to the
guidelines prescribed in subsection (c) of K.S.A. 75-3711c and amend-
ments thereto, expenditures from the state economic development initia-
tives fund may be made only for the purposes specifically authorized by
this or other appropriation act.

General fees fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the general fees fund for
loans pursuant to loan agreements which are hereby authorized to be
entered into by the secretary of commerce and housing in accordance
with repayment provisions and other terms and conditions as may be
prescribed by the secretary therefor under programs of the department.

Market development fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the market development
fund for loans pursuant to loan agreements which are hereby authorized
to be entered into by the secretary of commerce and housing in accord-
ance with repayment provisions and other terms and conditions as may
be prescribed by the secretary therefor under the agricultural value added
center program: Provided further, That all moneys received by the de-
partment of commerce and housing for repayment of loans made under
the agricultural value added center program shall be deposited in the
state treasury and credited to this fund.

Kansas existing industry expansion fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the Kansas existing in-
dustry expansion fund for loans pursuant to loan agreements which are
hereby authorized to be entered into by the secretary of commerce and
housing in accordance with repayment provisions and other terms and
conditions as may be prescribed by the secretary therefor under the Kan-
sas existing industry expansion program: Provided further, That all mon-
eys received by the department of commerce and housing for repayment
of loans made under the Kansas existing industry expansion program shall
be deposited in the state treasury and credited to this fund.

 (b) Expenditures may be made by the above agency from the state
economic development initiatives fund for the fiscal year ending June 30,
2001, for the following specified purposes: Provided, That expenditures
from the state economic development initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001
other than refunds authorized by law for the following specified purposes
shall not exceed the limitations prescribed therefor as follows:

Capital formation account $0
Kansas economic development research and development
 account $0
Kansas economic development endowment account $16,061,331
Provided, That, except upon approval of expenditures for any other pur-
poses by the state finance council acting on this matter which is hereby
characterized as a matter of legislative delegation and subject to the
guidelines prescribed in subsection (c) of K.S.A. 75-3711c and amend-
ments thereto, expenditures from the Kansas economic development en-
dowment account of the state economic development initiatives fund may
be made only for the purposes specifically authorized by this or other
appropriation act.

 ( c) Expenditures may be made by the above agency from the Kansas
economic development endowment account of the state economic de-
velopment initiatives fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, for
the following specified purposes: Provided, That expenditures from the
Kansas economic development endowment account of the state economic
development initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001 other than refunds au-
thorized by law for the following specified purposes shall not exceed the
limitations prescribed therefor as follows:

State operations (including official hospitality) $9,167,931
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the state operations (in-
cluding official hospitality) subaccount of the Kansas economic develop-
ment endowment account of the state economic development initiatives
fund for loans pursuant to loan agreements which are hereby authorized
to be entered into by the secretary of commerce and housing in accord-
ance with repayment provisions and other terms and conditions as may
be prescribed by the secretary therefor under the agricultural value added
center program: Provided further, That, in addition to other purposes for
which expenditures may be made by the department of commerce and
housing from the state operations (including official hospitality) subac-
count of the Kansas economic development endowment account of the
state economic development initiatives fund, the secretary of commerce
and housing shall make expenditures from this subaccount to disburse a
grant to the mid-America world trade center located in Wichita, Kansas,
in the amount of $42,000.

Kansas industrial training program and Kansas industrial
 retraining program.. $3,300,000
Grants to small business development centers $485,000
Grants to certified development companies $400,000
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the grants to certified
development companies subaccount of the Kansas economic develop-
ment endowment account of the state economic development initiatives
fund for certified development companies that have been determined to
be qualified for such grants by the secretary of commerce and housing,
except that expenditures for such grants shall not be made for grants to
more than 10 certified development companies that have been deter-
mined to be qualified for such grants by the secretary of commerce and

Trade show promotion program $150,000
Community capacity building grant program $197,000
Mainstreet development grants $216,800
Tourism grants $852,100
Training equipment grant $277,500
Agriculture products development $540,000
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the agriculture products
development subaccount of the Kansas economic development endow-
ment account of the state economic development initiatives fund for loans
pursuant to loan agreements which are hereby authorized to be entered
into by the secretary of commerce and housing in accordance with re-
payment provisions and other terms and conditions as may be prescribed
by the secretary therefor under the agricultural value added center pro-

Motion picture and television sales tax reimbursement $75,000
Provided, That all expenditures from the motion picture and television
production sales tax reimbursements subaccount of the Kansas economic
development endowment account shall be made to reimburse sales and
use taxes paid on sales of tangible personal property purchases by or on
behalf of a motion picture or television production company to be used
or consumed in association with an eligible production in accordance with
administrative policies and procedures adopted by the secretary of com-
merce and housing, including any necessary forms: Provided, however,
That all reimbursements from this subaccount shall be based on valid
receipts for taxes paid for taxable transactions occurring on or after July
1, 2000: Provided further, That, as used in this proviso, eligible production
includes feature-length motion pictures intended for theatrical release or
for exhibition on national television by a network or through national
syndication, television projects for broadcast on a network or through
national syndication, direct video and compact disc projects and television

Eisenhower center grant $300,000
Teachers' Hall of Fame $100,000
Kansas existing industry expansion program No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the Kansas existing in-
dustry expansion program subaccount of the Kansas economic develop-
ment endowment account of the state economic development initiatives
fund for loans pursuant to loan agreements which are hereby authorized
to be entered into by the secretary of commerce and housing in accord-
ance with repayment provisions and other terms and conditions as may
be prescribed by the secretary therefor under the Kansas existing industry
expansion program.

 (d) On August 15, 2000, and December 15, 2000, or as soon thereafter
as moneys are available, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
$1,750,000 from the Kansas economic development endowment account
of the state economic development initiatives fund of the department of
commerce and housing to the Kansas economic opportunities initiatives

 (e) The secretary of commerce and housing is hereby authorized to fix,
charge and collect fees during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, for
(1) the services provided under the low-income housing tax credit pro-
gram, private activity bond program, mortgage certificates/mortgage rev-
enue bond program and under other programs of the department of com-
merce and housing providing similar services and for which fees are not
specifically prescribed by statute, (2) the provision and administration of
conferences held for the purposes of programs and activities of the de-
partment of commerce and housing and for which fees are not specifically
prescribed by statute, (3) sale of Kansas! magazine and other publications
of the department of commerce and housing and for sale of educational
and other promotional items and for which fees are not specifically pre-
scribed by statute, and (4) promotional and other advertising and related
economic development activities and services provided under economic
development programs and activities of the department of commerce and
housing, including those provided at tourist information centers: Pro-
vided, That such fees shall be fixed in order to recover all or part of the
operating expenses incurred in providing such services, conferences,
publications and items, advertising and other economic development ac-
tivities and services provided under economic development programs and
activities of the department of commerce and housing for which fees are
not specifically prescribed by statute: Provided further, That all such fees
shall be credited to one or more special revenue funds of the department
of commerce and housing as specified by the secretary of commerce and
housing: And provided further, That expenditures may be made from
such special revenue funds of the department of commerce and housing
for fiscal year 2001, in accordance with the provisions of this or other
appropriation act of the 2000 regular session of the legislature, for op-
erating expenses incurred in providing such services, conferences,
publications and items, advertising, programs and activities and for op-
erating expenses incurred in providing similar economic development ac-
tivities and services provided under economic development programs and
activities of the department of commerce and housing.

 (f) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the Kansas economic development en-
dowment account of the state economic development initiatives fund for
fiscal year 2001, expenditures may be made by the above agency from
the unencumbered balance as of June 30, 2000, in the rehabilitation and
repair subaccount of the Kansas economic development endowment ac-
count of the state economic development initiatives fund for fiscal year
2001 for the following capital improvement project or projects: Rehabil-
itation and repair--travel information centers: Provided, That such ex-
penditures shall not exceed the amount of the unencumbered balance in
such subaccount on June 30, 2000: Provided further, That all expenditures
from the unencumbered balance of such subaccount shall be in addition
to any expenditure limitation imposed on the total expenditures from the
Kansas economic development endowment account of the state economic
development initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001.

 (g) On August 15, 2000, and December 15, 2000, or as soon after each
such date as moneys are available, the director of accounts and reports
shall transfer $250,000 from the Kansas economic development endow-
ment account of the state economic development initiatives fund to the
Kansas existing industry expansion fund.

 (h) On August 15, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available,
the director of accounts and reports shall transfer $400,000 from the
Kansas partnership fund of the department of commerce and housing to
the Kansas economic development endowment account of the state ec-
onomic development initiatives fund of the department of commerce and

 Sec. 26.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law
shall not exceed the following:

Kansas, Inc. matching fund No limit
Conversion of materials and equipment fund No limit
Information network of Kansas fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures from the information network of Kansas
fund shall not be considered to be part of the private sector match re-
quired by K.S.A. 74-8009a and amendments thereto.

EDIF fund $377,137
Provided, That, except upon approval of expenditures for any other pur-
poses by the state finance council acting on this matter which is hereby
characterized as a matter of legislative delegation and subject to the
guidelines prescribed in subsection (c) of K.S.A. 75-3711c and amend-
ments thereto, expenditures from the EDIF fund may be made only for
the purposes specifically authorized by this or other appropriation act.

Conversion of materials and equipment fund No limit
 (b) Expenditures may be made by the above agency from the EDIF
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, for the following specified
purposes: Provided, That expenditures from the EDIF fund for fiscal year
2001 other than refunds authorized by law for the following specified
purposes shall not exceed the limitations prescribed therefor as follows:

Operations (including official hospitality) $377,137
 ( c) On July 15, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available,
the director of accounts and reports shall transfer $336,137 from the
Kansas economic development endowment account of the state economic
development initiatives fund of the department of commerce and housing
to the EDIF fund of Kansas, Inc.

 Sec. 27.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law
shall not exceed the following:

Economic development research and development fund $12,523,562
Provided, That, except upon approval of expenditures for any other pur-
poses by the state finance council acting on this matter which is hereby
characterized as a matter of legislative delegation and subject to the
guidelines prescribed in subsection (c) of K.S.A. 75-3711c and amend-
ments thereto, expenditures from the economic development research
and development fund are hereby authorized only for the purposes spe-
cifically authorized by this or other appropriation act.

MAMTC federal fund No limit
KTEC special revenue fund No limit
 (b) Expenditures may be made by the above agency from the economic
development research and development fund for the fiscal year ending
June 30, 2001, for the following specified purposes: Provided, That ex-
penditures from the economic development research and development
fund for fiscal year 2001 other than refunds authorized by law for the
following specified purposes shall not exceed the limitations prescribed
therefor as follows:

Operations, assistance and grants (including official
 (hospitality) $12,523,562
 ( c) On July 15, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available,
the director of accounts and reports shall transfer $1,039,206 from the
Kansas economic development endowment account of the state economic
development initiatives fund of the department of commerce and housing
to the economic development research and development fund of the Kan-
sas technology enterprise corporation.

 (d) On August 15, 2000, and on the 15th day of each month thereafter
during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, or as soon after each such
date as moneys are available, the director of accounts and reports shall
transfer $1,038,957 from the Kansas economic development endowment
account of the state economic development initiatives fund of the de-
partment of commerce and housing to the economic development re-
search and development fund of the Kansas technology enterprise cor-

 (e) No moneys appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001,
by this or other appropriation act of the 2000 regular session of the leg-
islature for the Kansas technology enterprise corporation shall be ex-
pended for any bonus or other payment of additional compensation for
any officer or employee of the Kansas technology enterprise corporation,
or any subsidiary corporation, agency or instrumentality thereof, except
longevity bonus payments pursuant to K.S.A. 75-5541 and amendments
thereto or as otherwise specifically authorized by statute.

 Sec. 28.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Homestead tax refunds $13,776,554
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the homestead tax refunds
account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated
for fiscal year 2001: Provided further, That expenditures may be made
from the homestead tax refunds account for refund payments under the
homestead property tax refund act and for refund payments under K.S.A.
79-4530 and amendments thereto.

 Sec. 29.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Operating expenditures $1,608,143
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the operating expenditures
account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated
for fiscal year 2001: Provided, however, That in addition to the other
purposes for which expenditures may be made by the above agency from
this account for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, expenditures may
be made from this account for the costs incurred for court reporting
under K.S.A. 72-5413 et seq. and 75-4321 et seq., and amendments
thereto: Provided further, That expenditures from this account for official
hospitality by the secretary of human resources shall not exceed $2,000.
Any unencumbered balance in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, in each
of the following accounts is hereby reappropriated for fiscal year 2001:
Welfare to work grant--state match.

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law
shall not exceed the following:

Workmen's compensation fee fund $8,040,194
Conversion of materials and equipment fund $20,814
Occupational health and safety--federal fund $462,064
Boiler inspection fee fund No limit
Special employment security fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the special employment
security fund for the public employee relations board program: Provided,
however, That expenditures from this fund for the public employee re-
lations board program shall not exceed $57,067: Provided further, That
expenditures may be made from the special employment security fund
for the wheat harvest program: And provided further, That expenditures
from this fund for the wheat harvest program shall not exceed $60,000:
And provided further, That expenditures may be made from the special
employment security fund for the employment standards program: And
provided further, That expenditures from this fund for the employment
standards program shall not exceed $54,309: And provided further, That
expenditures may be made from the special employment security fund
for the legal program: And provided further, That expenditures from this
fund for the legal program shall not exceed $49,580.

Employment security administration fund No limit
State workplace health and safety fund No limit
Wage claims assignment fee fund No limit
Employment security computer systems institute fund No limit
JTPA title II non-state operations fund No limit
JTPA title II state operations fund No limit
JTPA title III non-state operations fund No limit
JTPA title III discretion non-state operations fund No limit
JTPA EDWAA state operations fund No limit
JTPA EDWAA discretion state operations fund No limit
Workforce investment act state operations fund No limit
Welfare to work grant--federal fund No limit
Workforce investment act non-state operations fund No limit
Occupational information system--federal fund No limit
Human resources special projects fund No limit
Advisory committee on Hispanic affairs--donations
 fund No limit
Committee on employment of the handicapped--gifts,
 grants and donations fund No limit
Federal indirect cost offset fund $286,231
Dispute resolution fund No limit
Provided, That all moneys received by the secretary of human resources
for reimbursement of expenditures for the costs incurred for mediation
under K.S.A. 72-5427 and amendments thereto and for fact-finding under
K.S.A. 72-5428 and amendments thereto shall be deposited in the state
treasury and credited to the dispute resolution fund: Provided further,
That expenditures may be made from this fund to pay the costs incurred
for mediation under K.S.A. 72-5427 and amendments thereto and for
fact-finding under K.S.A. 72-5428 and amendments thereto, subject to
full reimbursement therefor by the board of education and the profes-
sional employees' organization involved in such mediation and fact-find-
ing procedures.

Employment security fund No limit
 ( c) (1) Not withstanding the provisions of K.S.A. 74-715, and amend-
ments thereto, on July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall
transfer $500,000 from the workmen's compensation fee fund of the de-
partment of human resources to the state general fund.

 (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of K.S.A. 74-715, and amendments
thereto, on or after July 1, 2000, during fiscal year 2001, the director of
accounts and reports shall transfer from the workmen's compensation fee
fund of the department of human resources to the state general fund an
additional amount which shall be certified by the secretary of human
resources as the additional amount which may be transferred from the
workmen's compensation fee fund of the department of human resources
without requiring an additional or increased assessment to be collected
for the carriers' share of expense under K.S.A. 74-712 et seq., and amend-
ments thereto, to finance the estimated expense of administering the
workers compensation act during fiscal year 2001: Provided, That the
transfer directed to be made by this subsection (c)(2) shall be made only
upon approval of the state finance council acting on this matter which is
hereby declared to be a matter of legislative delegation and subject to the
guidelines prescribed by subsection (c) of K.S.A. 75-3711c, and amend-
ments thereto: Provided, however, That the amount transferred under
this subsection (c)(2) shall not exceed $500,000.

 ( d) On June 1, 2001, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
$700,000 from the special employment security fund of the department
of human resources to the state general fund.

 (e) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
$175,000 from the state workers compensation self-insurance fund of the
department of administration to the state workplace health and safety
fund of the department of human resources for the purpose of reim-
bursing costs of providing a state workplace health and safety program
for state employees under K.S.A. 44-575 and amendments thereto.

 (f) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the department of human resources from the employment se-
curity fund for fiscal year 2001, expenditures may be made by the above
agency from the employment security fund during fiscal year 2001 from
moneys made available to the state under section 903 of the federal social
security act, as amended: Provided, That expenditures from this fund
during fiscal year 2001 of moneys made available to the state under sec-
tion 903 of the federal social security act, as amended, shall be made only
for administration of the unemployment insurance program: Provided
further, That expenditures from this fund during fiscal year 2001 of mon-
eys made available to the state under section 903 of the federal social
security act, as amended, for administration of the unemployment insur-
ance program shall not exceed $721,374.

 Sec. 30.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Operating expenditures--veterans affairs $1,672,709
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the operating expendi-
tures--veterans affairs account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is
hereby reappropriated for fiscal year 2001: Provided, however, That ex-
penditures from such reappropriated balance shall not exceed $7,802 ex-
cept upon approval of the state finance council.

Operating expenditures--Kansas soldiers' home $712,440
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the operating expendi-
tures--Kansas soldiers' home account in excess of $100 as of June 30,
2000, is hereby reappropriated for fiscal year 2001: Provided, however,
That expenditures from such reappropriated balance shall not exceed
$248 except upon approval of the state finance council.

Operating expenditures--Kansas veterans' home $2,551,265
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the operating expendi-
tures--Kansas veterans' home account in excess of $100 as of June 30,
2000, is hereby reappropriated for fiscal year 2001.
Any unencumbered balance in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, in each
of the following accounts is hereby reappropriated for fiscal year 2001:
Operating expenditures--Persian Gulf War health initiative program.

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law
shall not exceed the following:

Kansas commission on veterans affairs fund $98,000
Soldiers' home fee fund $4,323,386
Soldiers' home benefit fund No limit
Soldiers' home work therapy fund No limit
Veterans' home fee fund No limit
Persian Gulf War veterans health initiative fund No limit
Veterans' home canteen fund No limit
Veterans' home benefit fund No limit
Soldiers' home outpatient clinic fund $472,899
State veterans cemeteries fee fund No limit
 ( c) On June 1, 2001, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer $75,000 from the soldiers'
home outpatient clinic fund to the state general fund.

 (d) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer $2,500 from the soldiers'
home work therapy fund to the soldiers' home benefit fund.

 Sec. 31.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Operating expenditures (including official hospitality) $19,936,321
Provided, That expenditures of not to exceed $225,000 shall be made by
the department of health and environment for fiscal year 2001 from the
operating expenditures (including official hospitality) account pursuant to
contracts, subject to the provisions of the following provisos, for programs
that provide services for women which enable them to carry their preg-
nancies to term, which are hereby authorized and directed to be entered
into by the secretary of health and environment with the same not-for-
profit organizations that the secretary of health and environment entered
into contracts with pursuant to section 30(h) of chapter 160 of the 1999
Session Laws of Kansas for fiscal year 2000: Provided further, That such
contracted services may include an array of social services relating to
pregnancy maintenance and that no individuals who are unable to pay
shall be denied the delivery or provision of pregnancy maintenance serv-
ices: And provided further, That no contract or contracts under pregnancy
maintenance programs shall be entered into with any group performing,
promoting, referring for or educating in favor of abortion: And provided
further, That a not-for-profit organization awarded a contract under this
proviso shall match state moneys under this contract on the basis of a
50% match from a not-for-profit organization and a 50% match from the
department of health and environment: And provided further, That the
secretary of health and environment shall submit a report to the legisla-
ture at the beginning of the regular session of the legislature in 2001 on
the results and outcomes of such pregnancy maintenance programs: And
provided further, That no part of the grant moneys shall be used for any
political purposes.

Vaccine purchases $674,898
Infant and toddler program $2,492,000
Aid to local units $5,026,596
Provided, That expenditures from the aid to local units account for child
care licensure activities are hereby authorized to be made for contracts
which are hereby authorized to be entered into by the secretary of health
and environment with local health departments, private individuals and
others: Provided further, That all expenditures from this account for state
financial assistance to local health departments shall be in accordance
with the formula prescribed by K.S.A. 65-241 through 65-246 and amend-
ments thereto: And provided further, That, notwithstanding any law to
the contrary, such financial assistance shall be subject to the condition
that each individual who is currently on AIDS drug assistance shall con-
tinue to receive AIDS drug assistance and shall not be denied such AIDS
drug assistance: And provided further, That any unencumbered balance
in the pregnancy maintenance subaccount of the aid to local units account
in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated for fiscal
year 2001: And provided further, That expenditures from such reappro-
priated balance in the pregnancy maintenance subaccount of the aid to
local units account shall not exceed $75,000 except upon approval of the
state finance council: And provided further, That all expenditures from
the pregnancy maintenance subaccount of the aid to local units account
shall be for the pregnancy maintenance program.

Aid to local units--primary health projects $1,520,840
Provided, That no expenditures shall be made from the aid to local
units--primary health projects account to disburse any amount to a local
government or other health care unit until the amount has been matched
on a $1 for $1 basis by the local government or other health care unit on
a cash or in-kind basis, or some combination thereof, as approved by the
secretary of health and environment.

Teen pregnancy prevention activities $561,365
Provided, That expenditures from the teen pregnancy prevention activi-
ties account shall be made to give highest priority to recipients of aid to
families with dependent children and other medicaid eligible teens: Pro-
vided further, That expenditures may be made from this account for
grants made pursuant to K.S.A. 65-1,158 and amendments thereto: Pro-
vided, however, That no expenditures shall be made from this account to
disburse any amount to the recipient of any grant pursuant to K.S.A. 65-
1,158 and amendments thereto until the amount has been matched in
the manner prescribed by K.S.A. 65-1,158 and amendments thereto.

Aid to local units--family planning $98,880
Provided, That all expenditures from the aid to local units--family plan-
ning account shall be in accordance with grant agreements entered into
by the secretary of health and environment and grant recipients: Provided
further, That all expenditures from this account pursuant to such grant
agreements shall be made only for the costs of pap smears or initial and
follow-up laboratory tests.

Immunization programs $350,000
Provided, That all expenditures from the immunization programs account
shall be for the purpose of providing expanded immunization services at
local health departments.

Match for title XIX for nursing home inspections $890,955
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the match for title XIX for
nursing home inspections account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000,
is hereby reappropriated for fiscal year 2001: Provided, however, That
expenditures from such reappropriated balance shall be made only upon
approval of the state finance council.

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law
shall not exceed the following:

Environmental permit fund No limit
Air quality fee fund No limit
Title XIX fund No limit
Provided, That transfers of moneys from this fund to the state fire marshal
may be made during fiscal year 2001 pursuant to a contract which is
hereby authorized to be entered into by the secretary of health and en-
vironment with the state fire marshal to provide fire and safety inspections
for adult care homes and hospitals.

Health care database fee fund No limit
Laboratory medicaid cost recovery fund No limit
Hazardous waste collection fund No limit
Driving under the influence equipment fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures from the driving under the influence equip-
ment fund may be made only for the purpose of purchasing blood or
breath alcohol concentration testing equipment.

Power generating facility fee fund No limit
Breast and cervical cancer program and detection fund No limit
Health and environment training fee fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the health and environ-
ment training fee fund for acquisition and distribution of health and en-
vironment program literature and films and for participation in conduct-
ing training seminars for training employees of the department of health
and environment, for training recipients of state aid from the department
of health and environment and for training representatives of industries
affected by rules and regulations of the department of health and envi-
ronment: Provided further, That the secretary of health and environment
is hereby authorized to fix, charge and collect fees in order to recover
costs incurred for such acquisition and distribution of literature and films
and for such seminars: And provided further, That such fees may be fixed
in order to recover all or part of such costs: And provided further, That
all moneys received from such fees shall be deposited in the state treasury
and credited to this fund.

Capacity management assistance fund No limit
Food service inspection reimbursement fund No limit
Food inspection fee fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the food inspection fee
fund for operating expenditures for the food inspection program and
other activities for the regulation of food service establishments, food
vending machines, food vending machine companies and food vending
machine dealers under the food service and lodging act: Provided further,
That, notwithstanding the provisions of K.S.A. 36-512 and amendments
thereto to the contrary, all moneys received from fees charged and col-
lected by the secretary of health and environment under the food in-
spection program and other activities for the regulation of food service
establishments, food vending machines, food vending machine companies
and food vending machine dealers under the food service and lodging act
shall be deposited in the state treasury and credited to this food inspection
fee fund: And provided further, That, on July 1, 2000, and on the first
day of each month thereafter, the director of accounts and reports shall
transfer from the food inspection fee fund to the food service inspection
reimbursement fund an amount equal to 80% of all fees credited to the
food inspection fee fund where food service inspection services are pro-
vided by a local agency under contract with the secretary to inspect food
service establishments located in a municipality.

Mined-land conservation and reclamation fee fund No limit
Insurance statistical plan fund No limit
Solid waste management fund No limit
Public water supply fee fund No limit
Voluntary cleanup fund No limit
Storage tank fee fund No limit
Conversion of materials and equipment fund No limit
Nuclear safety emergency preparedness special revenue
 fund No limit
Provided, That all moneys received from the adjutant general from the
nuclear safety emergency preparedness fee fund shall be credited to the
nuclear safety emergency preparedness special revenue fund.

Health facilities review fund No limit
Waste tire management fund No limit
Health and environment publication fee fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures from the health and environment publica-
tion fee fund shall be made only for the purpose of paying the expenses
of publishing documents as required by K.S.A. 75-5662 and amendments

District coroners fund No limit
Provided, That, notwithstanding provisions of K.S.A. 22a-245 and amend-
ments thereto, moneys may be expended by the department of health
and environment from the district coroners fund for expenditures made
pursuant to K.S.A. 22a-242 and amendments thereto.

Local air quality control authority regulation services,
 fund No limit
Environmental response fund No limit
Mined-land reclamation fund No limit
Water plan special revenue fund $4,136,452
Adult care licensing revolving fund No limit
Sponsored project overhead fund No limit
Child care facilities licensure fund No limit
Federal cancer registry fund No limit
Clinical laboratory improvement amendments--federal
 fund No limit
Child care and development block grant--federal fund No limit
Office of rural health--federal fund No limit
EPA--core support fund No limit
Medicare fund--federal No limit
Provided, That transfers of moneys from this fund to the state fire marshal
may be made during fiscal year 2001 pursuant to a contract which is
hereby authorized to be entered into by the secretary of health and en-
vironment and the state fire marshal to provide fire and safety inspections
for adult care homes and hospitals.

Federal migrant health program fund No limit
Venereal disease control project fund--federal No limit
Disease prevention and health promotion federal grants
 fund No limit
Provided, That no moneys from any grant that requires the matching
expenditure of any other moneys in the state treasury during the current
or any ensuing fiscal year shall be deposited to the credit of the disease
prevention and health promotion federal grants fund: Provided further,
That transfers or payments from this fund to other state agencies shall be
in addition to any expenditure limitation placed on this fund.

Federal air quality program fund No limit
Federal women, infants and children health program
 fund No limit
Federal occupational health and safety statistics program
 fund No limit
EPA water related federal grants fund No limit
Provided, That no moneys from any grant that requires the matching
expenditure of any other moneys in the state treasury during the current
or any ensuing fiscal year shall be deposited to the credit of the EPA
water related federal grants fund.

Other federal grants fund No limit
Provided, That the above agency is authorized to make expenditures from
the other federal grants fund for fiscal year 2001 of any moneys credited
to this fund from any individual grant if the grant is: (1) Less than
$150,000 in the aggregate, and (2) does not require the matching ex-
penditure of any other moneys in the state treasury during the current
or any ensuing fiscal year: Provided, however, That no grant that is greater
than $150,000 in the aggregate or that requires the matching expenditure
of any other moneys in the state treasury during the current or any en-
suing fiscal year shall be deposited to the credit of this fund: Provided
further, That transfers or payments from this fund to other state agencies
shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation placed on this fund.

Federal chemical emergency preparedness assistance
 fund No limit
Provided, That all expenditures from the federal chemical emergency
preparedness assistance fund during fiscal year 2001 shall be in accord-
ance with a grant agreement entered into by the secretary of health and
environment and each grant recipient: Provided further, That such grant
agreement shall require the grant recipient or recipients to provide any
matching amount of moneys necessary to meet any federal matching
requirements: And provided further, That no expenditures shall be made
from this fund for state operations.

State legalization impact assistance grant fund No limit
Water supply fund--federal No limit
EPA voluntary cleanup federal fund No limit
Provided, That all expenditures from the EPA voluntary cleanup federal
fund during fiscal year 2001 shall be supplemental to fees collected for
direct or indirect costs of administering the voluntary cleanup and prop-
erty redevelopment act: Provided, however, That such expenditures shall
be in accordance with the federal agreement entered into by the secretary
of health and environment for the grant moneys.

Immunization grant funds--federal fund No limit
Diagnostic X-ray program--federal fund No limit
Title I--P.L. 99-457 child development--federal fund No limit
Resource conservation and recovery act--federal fund No limit
Preventive health and health services block grant fund No limit
Maternal and child health services block grant fund No limit
National center for health statistics fund--federal No limit
Federal EPA underground injection control fund No limit
Federal EPA 106 water pollution control fund No limit
Federal title X family planning fund No limit
Pregnancy nutrition surveillance--federal fund No limit
Radiological environmental cooperative monitoring--
 federal fund No limit
Early childhood developmental services--federal fund No limit
104(6)(1) outreach operator training program--federal
 fund No limit
Underground storage tank fund--federal No limit
AIDS project--education and risk reduction--federal
 fund No limit
Commodity supplemental food program fund No limit
Special child clinic program--federal fund No limit
Make a difference information network--federal fund No limit
Census of traumatic occupational fatalities--federal
 fund No limit
AIDS drug reimbursement program--federal fund No limit
Leaking underground storage tank trust--federal fund No limit
National surface mining control and reclamation act--fed-
 eral fund No limit
Abandoned mined-land fund No limit
State indoor radon grant--federal fund No limit
EPA non-point source implementation--federal fund No limit
Pollution prevention program--federal fund No limit
Federal NICE3 public utility grant fund No limit
Sudden infant death support fund No limit
Provided, That all moneys received by the department of health and en-
vironment for the sudden infant death support network or for the pur-
poses of the sudden infant death support fund, which moneys are hereby
authorized to be requested, received and accepted by the secretary of
health and environment, shall be deposited in the state treasury to the
credit of this fund.

Gifts, grants and donations fund No limit
Hazardous waste perpetual care trust fund No limit
Special bequest fund No limit
Aboveground petroleum storage tank release trust fund No limit
Underground petroleum storage tank release trust fund No limit
Drycleaning facility release trust fund No limit
Public water supply loan fund No limit
Kansas water pollution control revolving fund No limit
Provided, That the proceeds from revenue bonds issued by the Kansas
development finance authority to provide matching grant payments under
the federal clean water act of 1987 (P.L. 92-500) shall be credited to the
Kansas water pollution control revolving fund: Provided further, That
expenditures from this fund shall be made to provide for the payment of
such matching grants.

Cost of issuance fund for Kansas water pollution control
 revolving fund revenue bonds No limit
Surcharge fund for Kansas water pollution control revolv-
 ing fund revenue bonds No limit
Debt service reserve fund No limit
Bicycle helmet revolving fund No limit
SSA fee fund No limit
Lead poisoning prevention--federal fund No limit
Wetlands protection--federal fund No limit
Title IV-E--federal fund No limit
Teenage pregnancy program evaluation fund No limit
Lead-based paint hazard fee fund No limit
Trauma fund No limit
Provided, That, notwithstanding the provisions of K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 75-
5670 and amendments thereto, expenditures may be made by the de-
partment of health and environment for fiscal year 2001 for the rural
stroke prevention project from the trauma fund of the department of
health and environment: Provided, however, That expenditures for the
rural stroke prevention project from the trauma fund for fiscal year 2001
shall not exceed $156,000.

Hazardous waste management fund No limit
Oz theme park fund No limit
 ( c) Within any limitation of the total expenditures from the water plan
special revenue fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, expendi-
tures may be made from the water plan special revenue fund for fiscal
year 2001 for the following specified purposes: Provided, That expendi-
tures from the water plan special revenue fund other than refunds au-
thorized by law for the following specified purposes shall not exceed the
limitations prescribed therefor as follows:

Assessment of sediment/Cheney and Perry No limit
Contamination remediation No limit
Local environmental aid No limit
Non-point source pollution No limit
 (d) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer $3,901,600 from the state
water plan fund of the Kansas water office to the water plan special rev-
enue fund of the department of health and environment.

 (e) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
amounts specified by the secretary of health and environment, which
amounts constitute reimbursements, credits and other amounts received
by the department for activities related to federal programs, from speci-
fied special revenue funds of the department of health and environment
to the sponsored project overhead fund of the department of health and

 (f) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
$155,000 from the health care stabilization fund of the health care sta-
bilization fund board of governors to the health facilities review fund of
the department of health and environment for the purpose of financing
a review of records of licensed medical care facilities and an analysis of
quality of health care services provided to assist in correcting substandard
services and to reduce the incidence of liability resulting from the ren-
dering of health care services and implementing the risk management
provisions of K.S.A. 65-4922 et seq., and amendments thereto.

 (g) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer $704,345 from the child
care development block grant federal fund of the department of social
and rehabilitation services to the child care and development block
grant--federal fund of the department of health and environment.

 (h) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer $316,369 from the foster
care assistance federal fund of the department of social and rehabilitation
services to the title IV-E--federal fund of the department of health and

 (i) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
all moneys in the clean air act leadership fund--federal fund to the fed-
eral air quality program fund. On July 1, 2000, all liabilities of the clean
air act leadership fund--federal fund are hereby transferred to and im-
posed on the federal air quality program fund and the clean air leadership
fund--federal fund is hereby abolished.

 (j) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer $200,000 from the tem-
porary assistance to needy families federal fund of the department of
social and rehabilitation services to the teenage pregnancy program eval-
uation fund of the department of health and environment.

 (k) On and after July 1, 2000, during the fiscal year ending June 30,
2001, the director of accounts and reports shall not make the transfers of
amounts of interest earnings from the state general fund to the air quality
fee fund of the department of health and environment which are directed
to be made on or before the 10th day of each month by K.S.A. 1999 Supp.
65-3024 and amendments thereto.

 (l) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the secretary of health
and environment shall utilize unclassified temporary positions, rather
than permanent full-time equivalent positions as the primary source of
staffing for programs which are primarily funded with federal grant dol-
lars and which commence during fiscal year 2001: Provided, That the
secretary of health and environment shall provide a report to the legis-
lature at the beginning of the regular session of the legislature in 2001
on the use of such unclassified temporary positions.

 (m) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the director of ac-
counts and reports shall transfer an amount or amounts specified by the
secretary of health and environment from any one or more special reve-
nue funds of the department of health and environment, which have
available moneys, to the sponsored project overhead fund of the depart-
ment of health and environment for expenditures for administrative ex-
penses, except that such transfers shall only be made upon the approval
of the director of the budget.

 (n) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the department of health and environment from moneys appro-
priated from the state general fund or from any special revenue fund for
fiscal year 2001 and from which expenditures may be made for salaries
and wages, as authorized by this or other appropriation act of the 2000
regular session of the legislature, expenditures may be made by the de-
partment of health and environment from such moneys appropriated
from the state general fund or from any special revenue fund for fiscal
year 2001 for up to four full-time equivalent positions in the unclassified
service under the Kansas civil service act: Provided, That all such addi-
tional full-time equivalent positions in the unclassified service under the
Kansas civil service act shall be in addition to other positions within the
department of health and environment in the unclassified service as pre-
scribed by law and shall be established by the secretary of health and
environment within the position limitation established for the department
of health and environment on the number of full-time and regular part-
time positions equated to full-time, excluding seasonal and temporary
positions, paid from appropriations for fiscal year 2001 made by this or
other appropriation act of the 2000 regular session of the legislature:
Provided, however, That the authority to establish such additional posi-
tions in the unclassified service shall not affect the classified service status
of any person who is an employee of the department of health and en-
vironment in the classified service under the Kansas civil service act.

 (o) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
all moneys in the sunflower research landfill remediation fund of the
university of Kansas to the oz theme park fund of the department of
health and environment. On July 1, 2000, all liabilities of the sunflower
research landfill remediation fund are hereby transferred to and imposed
on the oz theme park fund and the sunflower research landfill remedia-
tion fund is hereby abolished.

 Sec. 32.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Administration $4,581,859
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the administration account
in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated for fiscal
year 2001: Provided, however, That expenditures, other than expendi-
tures for the CARE program, from such reappropriated balance shall not
exceed $13,292 except upon approval of the state finance council: Pro-
vided further, That all expenditures from such reappropriated balance for
the CARE program shall be made only for the purpose of matching fed-
eral moneys for nutrition programs: And provided further, That expend-
itures from this account for official hospitality by the secretary of aging
shall not exceed $550: And provided further, That expenditures from this
account may be made for printing the agency's newsletter The Advocate:
And provided further, That printing The Advocate shall not be subject to
K.S.A. 75-1005 and amendments thereto: And provided further, That the
amounts of any moneys encumbered in this account as of June 30, 2000,
for the senior care companion program at Fort Hays state university or
for the senior care companion program at Riverside Hospital in Wichita,
Kansas, are hereby reappropriated in this account for fiscal year 2001 and
expenditures may be made from such amounts from this account for such
programs for fiscal year 2001.

Program grants $9,106,160
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the program grants account
in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated for fiscal
year 2001: Provided, however, That expenditures from such reappro-
priated balance shall be made only upon approval of the state finance
council: Provided further, That each grant agreement with an area agency
on aging for a grant from the program grants account shall require the
area agency on aging to submit to the secretary of aging a report for
federal fiscal year 2000 by the area agency on aging which shall include
information about the kinds of services provided and the number of per-
sons receiving each kind of service during federal fiscal year 2000: And
provided further, That the secretary of aging shall submit to the senate
committee on ways and means and the house of representatives com-
mittee on appropriations at the beginning of the regular session of the
legislature in 2001 a report of the information contained in such reports
from the area agencies on aging on expenditures for federal fiscal year
2000: And provided further, That the secretary of aging, on or before
December 1, 2000, shall report to the house of representatives committee
on appropriations the first quarter data for Kansas senior care act pro-
grams for fiscal year 2001, including, but not limited to, the number of
persons served by each such program: And provided further, That the
secretary of aging may shift funding between the Kansas senior care act
programs and the income eligible program at the secretary's discretion:
And provided further, That the secretary of aging shall report each such
shift of funding to the legislative research department and the SRS tran-
sition oversight committee: And provided further, That the secretary of
aging shall allocate $25,000 from this account to the retired and senior
volunteer program (RSVP): And provided further, That all people re-
ceiving or applying for services that are funded, either partially or entirely,
through expenditures from this account or the long term care account of
the state general fund shall be placed in appropriate services which are
determined to be the most economical services available with regard to
state general fund expenditures.

Long term care $121,808,000
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the long term care account
in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated for fiscal
year 2001: Provided further, That the secretary of aging, on or before
December 1, 2000, shall report to the house of representatives committee
on appropriations the first quarter data for the home and community-
based services/frail elderly program, the nursing facilities program and
the income eligible program for fiscal year 2001, including, but not lim-
ited to, the number of persons served by each such program: And pro-
vided further, That all people receiving or applying for services that are
funded, either partially or entirely, through this account or the program
grants account of the state general fund shall be placed in appropriate
services which are determined to be the most economical services avail-
able with regard to state general fund expenditures.

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

Older Americans act--federal fund No limit
Title XIX fund--federal No limit
Nutrition fund--federal No limit
Conferences and workshops attendance and publications
 fees fund No limit
Provided, That the secretary of aging is hereby authorized to fix, charge
and collect conference and workshop attendance fees for conferences and
workshops sponsored by the department on aging and fees for copies of
publications: Provided further, That such fees shall be deposited in the
state treasury and credited to the conferences and workshops attendance
and publications fees fund: And provided further, That expenditures may
be made from this fund to defray all or part of the costs of such confer-
ences and workshops including official hospitality and of such

General fees fund No limit
Provided, That the secretary of aging is hereby authorized to collect (1)
fees from the sale of surplus property, (2) fees charged for searching,
copying and transmitting copies of public records, (3) fees paid by em-
ployees for personal long distance calls, postage, faxed messages, copies
and other authorized uses of state property, and (4) other miscellaneous
fees: Provided further, That such fees shall be deposited in the state
treasury and credited to the general fees fund: And provided further, That
expenditures shall be made from this fund to meet the obligations of the
department on aging, or to benefit and meet the mission of the depart-
ment on aging.

Gifts and donations fund No limit
Provided, That the secretary of aging is hereby authorized to receive gifts
and donations of money for services to senior citizens or purposes related
thereto: Provided further, That such gifts and donations of money shall
be deposited in the state treasury and credited to the gifts and donations
fund: And provided further, That expenditures shall be made from this
fund for the purposes specified by the donor or contributor, if any.

Elder care--federal fund No limit
Volunteer services coordinator--federal fund No limit
Medicaid fund--federal No limit
Medical resources and collection fund No limit
Provided, That all moneys received or collected by the secretary of aging
due to medicaid overpayments shall be deposited in the state treasury
and credited to the medical resources and collection fund and expendi-
tures from such fund shall be made for medicaid program-related ex-
penses and used to reduce state general fund outlays for the medicaid
program: Provided further, That all moneys received or collected by the
secretary of aging due to civil monetary penalty assessments against adult
care homes shall be deposited in the state treasury and credited to this
fund and expenditures from such fund shall be made to protect the health
or property of adult care home residents as required by federal law.

Area agencies on aging loan recovery fund $0
Provided, That area agencies on aging are not required to repay moneys
granted to such agencies during fiscal year 1998 for purposes related to
the transfer of long-term care programs from the department of social
and rehabilitation services to the department on aging: Provided, how-
ever, That area agencies on aging may repay moneys granted to them for
this purpose: Provided further, That any moneys received by the secretary
of aging for repayment of moneys granted to area agencies on aging for
such purposes shall be deposited in the state treasury and credited to the
area agencies on aging loan recovery fund.

Flexible spending fund--HCBS/FE waiver $9,700,000
Provided, That no expenditures shall be made from the flexible spending
fund--HCBS/FE waiver except upon approval of the state finance coun-
cil acting on this matter which is hereby characterized as a matter of
legislative delegation and subject to the guidelines prescribed in subsec-
tion (c) of K.S.A. 75-3711c and amendments thereto and acting on this
matter after receiving the certification of the director of the budget that
sufficient moneys are not available in the flexible spending fund pursuant
to the intergovernmental transfer program.

State medicaid match fund--department on aging $0
 (c) On or before July 15, 2000, and on the 15th day of each month
thereafter during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000, the secretary of
aging shall certify to the director of the budget the total amount of moneys
which were received by the department on aging during the preceding
month from the federal government and which were deposited in the
state treasury to the credit of the medicaid fund--federal. During the
fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, after receiving one or more certifications
from the secretary of aging under this subsection, the director of the
budget may certify an amount or amounts to the director of accounts and
reports to be transferred from the medicaid fund--federal of the de-
partment on aging to the state general fund for the purpose of reim-
bursing the state general fund for the amount appropriated for the de-
partment on aging from the state general fund in the administration
account. Upon receiving each such certification from the director of the
budget, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer the amount or
amounts certified from the medicaid fund--federal of the department on
aging to the state general fund on the dates specified by the director of
the budget.

 (d) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the secretary of aging,
with the approval of the director of the budget, may transfer any part of
any item of appropriation for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, from
the state general fund for the department on aging to another item of
appropriation for fiscal year 2001 from the state general fund for the
department on aging. The secretary of aging shall certify each such trans-
fer to the director of accounts and reports and shall transmit a copy of
each such certification to the legislative research department.

 (e) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer $9,700,000 from the flexible
spending fund of the department of administration to the flexible spend-
ing fund--HCBS/FE waiver of the department on aging: Provided, That
no transfer shall be made under this subsection except upon approval of
the state finance council acting on this matter which is hereby character-
ized as a matter of legislative delegation and subject to the guidelines
prescribed in subsection (c) of K.S.A. 75-3711c and amendments thereto
and acting on this matter after receiving the certification of the director
of the budget that sufficient moneys are not available in the flexible
spending fund pursuant to the intergovernmental transfer program.

 Sec. 33.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

State operations $91,704,036
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the state operations ac-
count in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated for
fiscal year 2001: Provided further, That expenditures may be made from
this account for the purchase of professional liability insurance for phy-
sicians and dentists at any institution, as defined by K.S.A. 76-12a01 and
amendments thereto: And provided further, That expenditures from this
account for official hospitality by the secretary of social and rehabilitation
services shall not exceed $500.

Alcohol and drug abuse services grants $3,732,885
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the alcohol and drug abuse
services grants account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby
reappropriated for fiscal year 2001.

Mental health and retardation services aid and
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the mental health and re-
tardation services aid and assistance subaccount of the mental health and
retardation services aid and assistance and state institutions operations
account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated
to the mental health and retardation services aid and assistance account
for fiscal year 2001: Provided, however, That expenditures from such
reappropriated balance shall not exceed $28,308 except upon approval of
the state finance council: Provided further, That the secretary of social
and rehabilitation services is authorized to refuse to enter into contracts
with ICFs/MR: And provided further, That expenditures shall be made
by the above agency to enter into an additional contractual provision
which is hereby authorized and directed to be entered into by the sec-
retary of social and rehabilitation services as part of each provider agree-
ment in effect between the secretary of social and rehabilitation services
and the community mental health center for Sedgwick County and which
shall require the community mental health center for Sedgwick County
to prepare and submit a written report to the legislature on the first day
of the regular session in 2001 that specifies for the twelve-month period
ending July 1, 2000, (1) each revenue source and the amount of revenue
received from that source during that period, (2) the expenditures made
during such period by category, (3) the beginning and ending balances in
all financial accounts of the mental health center for such period, and (4)
the number of individuals served by class of service during such period,
for the purposes of providing information to assist the legislature make
informed decisions with regard to funding mental health services pro-
vided by mental health centers: And provided further, That in any area
where a community developmental disability organization (CDDO) pro-
vides treatment and care services for persons with developmental disa-
bilities and a community services provider or providers also provides
treatment and care services in the area in which the CDDO provides
such treatment and services, the CDDO shall present a plan to the sec-
retary of social and rehabilitation services for approval that demonstrates
how the CDDO will impartially provide, directly or by subcontract, in-
formation about any and all community services that are available in such
area to persons with developmental disabilities and the family members
and that delineates the role that other community service providers may
have in the dissemination of services information to consumers: And pro-
vided further, That each such CDDO shall develop such plan jointly with
all community service providers within such area to mitigate potential
conflicts of interest: And provided further, That the secretary of social
and rehabilitation services shall report to the SRS transition oversight
committee on the status of all such plans and other steps taken to monitor
compliance and mitigate against potential conflicts of interest: And pro-
vided further, That, in addition, the secretary of social and rehabilitation
services shall report to the SRS transition oversight committee on the
creation of a community services ombudsman and other steps to address
concerns of families and consumers.

Kansas neurological institute--operating expenditures $8,517,075
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the Kansas neurological
institute--operating expenditures subaccount of the mental health and
retardation services aid and assistance and state institutions operations
account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated
to the Kansas neurological institute--operating expenditures account for
fiscal year 2001: Provided, however, That expenditures from such reap-
propriated balance shall be made only upon approval of the state finance
council: Provided further, That expenditures from the Kansas neurolog-
ical institute--operating expenditures account for official hospitality by
the superintendent shall not exceed $150: And provided further, That
expenditures may be made from this account for educational services
contracts which are hereby authorized to be negotiated and entered into
by Kansas neurological institute with unified school districts or other pub-
lic educational services providers: And provided further, That such edu-
cational services contracts shall not be subject to the competitive bidding
requirements of K.S.A. 75-3739 and amendments thereto: And provided
further, That expenditures shall be made from this account to assist res-
idents of the institution to take personally-used items, which were con-
structed for use by such residents and which are hereby authorized to be
transferred to such residents, from the institution to communities when
such residents leave the institution to reside in the communities.

Larned state hospital--operating expenditures $10,565,622
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the Larned state hospital--
operating expenditures subaccount of the mental health and retardation
services aid and assistance and state institutions operations account in
excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated to the Larned
state hospital--operating expenditures account for fiscal year 2001: Pro-
vided, however, That expenditures from such reappropriated balance
shall be made only upon approval of the state finance council: Provided
further, That expenditures from the Larned state hospital--operating ex-
penditures account for official hospitality by the superintendent shall not
exceed $150: And provided further, That expenditures may be made from
this account for educational services contracts which are hereby author-
ized to be negotiated and entered into by Larned state hospital with
unified school districts or other public educational services providers: And
provided further, That such educational services contracts shall not be
subject to the competitive bidding requirements of K.S.A. 75-3739 and
amendments thereto.

Osawatomie state hospital--operating expenditures $3,140,355
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the Osawatomie state hos-
pital--operating expenditures subaccount of the mental health and re-
tardation services aid and assistance and state institutions operations ac-
count in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated to
the Osawatomie state hospital--operating expenditures account for fiscal
year 2001: Provided, however, That expenditures from such reappro-
priated balance shall be made only upon approval of the state finance
council: Provided further, That expenditures from the Osawatomie state
hospital--operating expenditures account for official hospitality by the
superintendent shall not exceed $150: And provided further, That ex-
penditures may be made from this account for educational services con-
tracts which are hereby authorized to be negotiated and entered into by
Osawatomie state hospital with unified school districts or other public
educational services providers: And provided further, That such educa-
tional services contracts shall not be subject to the competitive bidding
requirements of K.S.A. 75-3739 and amendments thereto.

Parsons state hospital and training center--operating
 expenditures $6,558,547
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the Parsons state hospital
and training center--operating expenditures subaccount of the mental
health and retardation services aid and assistance and state institutions
operations account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reap-
propriated to the Parsons state hospital and training center--operating
expenditures account for fiscal year 2001: Provided, however, That ex-
penditures from such reappropriated balance shall be made only upon
approval of the state finance council: Provided further, That expenditures
from the Parsons state hospital and training center--operating expendi-
tures account for official hospitality by the superintendent shall not ex-
ceed $150: And provided further, That expenditures may be made from
this account for educational services contracts which are hereby author-
ized to be negotiated and entered into by Parsons state hospital and train-
ing center with unified school districts or other public educational services
providers: And provided further, That such educational services contracts
shall not be subject to the competitive bidding requirements of K.S.A.
75-3739 and amendments thereto: And provided further, That expendi-
tures shall be made from this account to assist residents of the institution
to take personally-used items, which were constructed for use by such
residents and which are hereby authorized to be transferred to such res-
idents, from the institution to communities when such residents leave the
institution to reside in the communities.

Rainbow mental health facility--operating expenditures $1,333,972

Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the Rainbow mental health
facility--operating expenditures subaccount of the mental health and re-
tardation services aid and assistance and state institutions operations ac-
count in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated to
the Rainbow mental health facility--operating expenditures account for
fiscal year 2001: Provided, however, That expenditures from such reap-
propriated balance shall be made only upon approval of the state finance
council: Provided further, That expenditures from the Rainbow mental
health facility--operating expenditures account for official hospitality by
the superintendent shall not exceed $150: And provided further, That
expenditures may be made from this account for educational services
contracts which are hereby authorized to be negotiated and entered into
by Rainbow mental health facility with unified school districts or other
public educational services providers: And provided further, That such
educational services contracts shall not be subject to the competitive bid-
ding requirements of K.S.A. 75-3739 and amendments thereto.

Children's mental health initiative $1,800,000
Provided, That no expenditures shall be made from the children's mental
health initiative account for inpatient hospital beds for children.

Children's health insurance $10,100,000
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the children's health in-
surance account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappro-
priated for fiscal year 2001: Provided further, That any health mainte-
nance organization which contracts with the department of social and
rehabilitation services to provide managed care physical health benefits
under the HealthWave Program and also contracts with the department
of social and rehabilitation services to provide managed care physical
health benefits under the PrimeCare Program may be eligible for en-
hanced funding under the Title XXI program.

Youth services aid and assistance $44,994,853
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the youth services aid and
assistance account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reap-
propriated for fiscal year 2001: Provided further, That expenditures shall
be made by the department of social and rehabilitation services from the
youth services aid and assistance account of the state general fund for
fiscal year 2001 to conduct a study of the statutes, rules and regulations
and administrative policies of the department of social and rehabilitation
services for the purposes of clarifying the definitions of children in need
of care, especially in the areas relating to protective custody: And pro-
vided further, That the secretary of social and rehabilitation services shall
submit a report to the legislature at the beginning of the 2001 regular
session, setting forth the results of such study and the proposed changes
in statutes that are needed to effectuate the recommendations contained
in such report: And provided further, That the consensus estimating
group for the department of social and rehabilitation services shall include
foster care and adoption services in caseload estimates.

Vocational rehabilitation aid and assistance $3,692,346
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the vocational rehabilitation
aid and assistance account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby
reappropriated for fiscal year 2001: Provided further, That expenditures
may be made from this account for the acquisition of durable medical
equipment and assistive technology devices: Provided, however, That all
such expenditures for durable equipment or assistive technology devices
shall require a $1 for $1 match from non-state sources: And provided
further, That expenditures may be made from this account by the sec-
retary of social and rehabilitation services for the purchase of worker's
compensation insurance for consumers of vocational rehabilitation serv-
ices and assessments at work site and job tryout sites throughout the state.

Cash assistance $51,312,197
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the cash assistance account
in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated for fiscal
year 2001.

Community based services $30,937,751
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the community based serv-
ices account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappro-
priated for fiscal year 2001.

Other medical assistance $204,260,413
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the other medical assis-
tance account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappro-
priated for fiscal year 2001: Provided further, That expenditures shall be
made by the department of social and rehabilitation services from the
other medical assistance account of the state general fund for fiscal year
2001 to conduct a review and study of (1) the current rules and regula-
tions, administrative policies and practices of the department of social
and rehabilitation services and the applicable federal statutes and regu-
lations regarding exemptions from income for purposes of eligibility de-
terminations for medical assistance, including kinds and amounts of al-
lowable expenditures or other utilizations of assets to acquire exempt or
other property so that such assets are excluded from such income cal-
culations and also including the use of trusts to allowably reduce an in-
dividual's net worth when applying for medical assistance, (2) the kinds
and amounts of assets that are excluded from the medical assistance eli-
gibility determinations, (3) the methods used to inventory and value the
real and personal property of an applicant for medical assistance, (4) the
policies and procedures utilized by the department to enforce the current
eligibility determination procedures, (5) the efforts of the department to
inform and educate applicants for medical assistance about long-term care
and other insurance products available to meet the medical and other
needs of such applicants, (6) the efforts of the department to inform and
educate applicants for medical assistance of the department's powers and
duties under state and federal laws to recover the costs of medical assis-
tance provided from the estates of medical assistance recipients, and (7)
the amount of moneys and other assets recovered during the past fiscal
year from the estates of deceased recipients of medical assistance: And
provided further, That the secretary of social and rehabilitation services
shall submit a comprehensive report to the legislature at the beginning
of the 2001 regular session setting forth the results of such review and
study: And provided further, That, with regard to the medicaid pharmacy
budget, the secretary of social and rehabilitation services (A) shall not
increase the average wholesale price discount above 12%, (B) shall pro-
vide a statewide uniform dispensing fee that is applicable in all areas
except in rural areas of the state or in cities and counties where compe-
tition does not exist for pharmacy business, and (C) shall establish a unit
dosage dispensing fee.

Sex predator program $1,446,973
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the sex predator program
account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated
for fiscal year 2001.

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

Title XIX fund $59,538,641
Provided, That all receipts resulting from payments under title XIX of
the federal social security act to any of the institutions under mental
health and retardation services may be credited to the title XIX fund:
Provided further, That moneys in the title XIX fund may be used for
expenditures for contractual services to provide for collecting additional
payments under title XVIII and title XIX of the federal social security act,
for expenditures for premiums and surcharges required to be paid for
physicians' malpractice insurance, and for transfers to the social welfare

Kansas neurological institute fee fund $900,063
Kansas neurological institute--elementary and secondary
 education fund--federal No limit
Kansas neurological institute--foster grandparents pro-
 gram--federal fund No limit
Kansas neurological institute--canteen fund No limit
Kansas neurological institute--patient benefit fund No limit
Kansas neurological institute--work therapy patient ben-
 efit fund No limit
Larned state hospital fee fund $3,293,118
Larned state hospital--elementary and secondary educa-
 tion fund--federal No limit
Larned state hospital--vocational education fund--
 federal No limit
Larned state hospital--ECIA fund--federal No limit
Larned state hospital--canteen fund No limit
Larned state hospital--patient benefit fund No limit
Larned state hospital--motor pool revolving fund No limit
Osawatomie state hospital fee fund $5,635,313
Provided, That all moneys received as fees for the use of video telecon-
ferencing equipment at Osawatomie state hospital shall be deposited to
the credit of the video teleconferencing fee account of the Osawatomie
state hospital fee fund: Provided further, That all moneys credited to the
video teleconferencing fee account shall be used solely for the servicing,
technical and program support, maintenance and replacement of associ-
ated equipment at Osawatomie state hospital: And provided further, That
any expenditures from the video teleconferencing fee account shall be in
addition to any expenditure limitation imposed on the Osawatomie state
hospital fee fund for fiscal year 2001.

Osawatomie state hospital--elementary and secondary ed-
 ucation fund--federal No limit
Osawatomie state hospital--vocational education fund--
 federal No limit
Osawatomie state hospital--ECIA fund--federal No limit
Osawatomie state hospital--adult education fund--
 federal No limit
Osawatomie state hospital--canteen fund No limit
Osawatomie state hospital--patient benefit fund No limit
Osawatomie state hospital--work therapy patient benefit
 fund No limit
Osawatomie state hospital--motor pool revolving fund No limit
Osawatomie state hospital--training fee revolving fund No limit
Provided, That all moneys received as fees for training activities for Os-
awatomie state hospital shall be deposited to the credit of the Osawatomie
state hospital--training fee revolving fund: Provided further, That the
superintendent of Osawatomie state hospital is hereby authorized to fix,
charge and collect fees for training activities at Osawatomie state hospital:
And provided further, That such fees shall be fixed in order to recover
all or part of the expenses of such training activities for Osawatomie state

Parsons state hospital and training center fee fund $779,407
Provided, That all moneys received as fees for the use of video telecon-
ferencing equipment at Parsons state hospital and training center shall
be deposited to the credit of the video teleconferencing fee account of
the Parsons state hospital and training center fee fund: Provided further,
That all moneys credited to the video teleconferencing fee account shall
be used solely for the servicing, maintenance and replacement of video
teleconferencing equipment at Parsons state hospital and training center:
And provided further, That any expenditures from the video teleconfer-
encing fee account shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation im-
posed on the Parsons state hospital and training center fee fund for fiscal
year 2001.

Parsons state hospital and training center--elementary and
 secondary education fund--federal No limit
Parsons state hospital and training center--canteen
 fund No limit
Parsons state hospital and training center--patient benefit
 fund No limit
Parsons state hospital and training center--work therapy
 patient benefit fund No limit
Rainbow mental health facility fee fund $879,700
Rainbow mental health facility--elementary and secondary
 education fund--federal No limit
Rainbow mental health facility--patient benefit fund No limit
Rainbow mental health facility--work therapy patient ben-
 efit fund No limit
Social services clearing fund No limit
Provided, That the secretary of social and rehabilitation services shall
certify to the director of the budget on June 30, 2001, that expenditures
from the social services clearing fund for state operations did not exceed
$278,641,495 for fiscal year 2001: Provided, however, That expenditures
from the social services clearing fund for transfers or state operations for
institutions under the control of the department of social and rehabili-
tation services shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation on the
social services clearing fund: Provided further, That expenditures may be
made from this fund for fiscal year 2001 pursuant to employment incen-
tive programs which the secretary is hereby authorized to develop and
enter into with public and private employers to provide an economic
incentive to such employers to employ assistance recipients: And provided
further, That any transfer made from this fund to another state agency
pursuant to a contract with that agency shall be in addition to any ex-
penditure limitations imposed on this fund.

Social welfare fund $54,753,127
Provided, That any transfers of funds between the social welfare fund and
state institutions made by the secretary of social and rehabilitation serv-
ices during fiscal year 2001 shall be in addition to any expenditure limi-
tation imposed on this fund: Provided further, That notwithstanding the
provisions of K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 39-7,154 and amendments thereto, the
child support collection pass-through payments are hereby eliminated for
FY 2001 and no expenditures shall be made from the social welfare fund
for payment of any amounts pursuant to K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 39-7,154 and
amendments thereto.

Other state fees fund No limit
Alcohol and drug abuse block grant federal fund $10,978,786
Provided, That any transfers of moneys from the alcohol and drug abuse
block grant federal fund to any other block grant fund specified in this
subsection during fiscal year 2001 shall be in addition to any expenditure
limitation imposed on this fund.

Child welfare services block grant federal fund $6,496,560
Mental health block grant federal fund $2,370,291
Social services block grant--federal fund $28,351,705
Provided, That any transfers of moneys from the social services block
grant--federal fund to any other block grant fund specified in this sub-
section during fiscal year 2001 shall be in addition to any expenditure
limitation imposed on this fund.

Child care mandatory federal fund No limit
Provided, That any transfers from the child care mandatory federal fund
to the department of health and environment during fiscal year 2001 shall
be in addition to any expenditure limitation imposed on this fund.

Temporary assistance to needy families federal fund No limit
Provided, That no expenditures shall be made from the temporary assis-
tance to needy families federal fund for computer systems related to wel-
fare reform until the plans for computer systems related to welfare reform
are reviewed by the joint committee on information technology.

Child care matching federal fund No limit
Child care discretionary federal fund No limit
Disability determination services federal fund No limit
Food stamp assistance federal fund No limit
Foster care assistance federal fund No limit
Medical assistance federal fund No limit
Rehabilitation services federal fund No limit
Other federal grants and assistance fund No limit
SRS enterprise fund No limit
SRS trust fund No limit
Provided, That all contributions from local entities shall be credited to
the vocational rehabilitation special revenue account of the SRS trust fund
for the purpose of providing the required state match for receipt of fed-
eral vocational rehabilitation funds: Provided further, That expenditures
may be made from the vocational rehabilitation special revenue account
of this fund for local community-based vocational rehabilitation programs.

Energy assistance block grant federal fund No limit
Childrens health insurance federal fund No limit
Family and children trust account--family and children
 investment fund No limit
Children's initiatives fund $0
Children's initiatives accountability fund $0
Kansas insurance coverage for children fund No limit
Flexible spending fund--HCBS/MR waiver $15,300,000
Provided, That no expenditures shall be made from the flexible spending
fund--HCBS/MR waiver except upon approval of the state finance coun-
cil acting on this matter which is hereby characterized as a matter of
legislative delegation and subject to the guidelines prescribed in subsec-
tion (c) of K.S.A. 75-3711c and amendments thereto and acting on this
matter after receiving the certification of the director of the budget that
sufficient moneys are not available in the flexible spending fund pursuant
to the intergovernmental transfer program.

State medicaid match fund--SRS $0
HCBS programs fund $800,000
Provided, That no expenditures shall be made from the HCBS programs
fund except upon approval of the state finance council acting on this
matter which is hereby characterized as a matter of legislative delegation
and subject to the guidelines prescribed in subsection (c) of K.S.A. 75-
3711c and amendments thereto and acting on this matter after receiving
the certification of the director of the budget that sufficient moneys are
available in the HCBS programs fund pursuant to the intergovernmental
transfer program.

 (c) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the secretary of social
and rehabilitation services, may transfer any part of any item of appro-
priation for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, from the state general
fund for the department of social and rehabilitation services to another
item of appropriation for fiscal year 2001 from the state general fund for
the department of social and rehabilitation services. The secretary of so-
cial and rehabilitation services shall certify each such transfer to the di-
rector of accounts and reports and shall transmit a copy of each such
certification to the division of the budget and to the legislative research

 (d) On July 1, 2000, the superintendent of Larned state hospital, upon
the approval of the director of accounts and reports, shall transfer $10,000
from the Larned state hospital--canteen fund to the Larned state hos-
pital--patient benefit fund.

 (e) On July 1, 2000, the superintendent of Larned state hospital, upon
approval of the director of accounts and reports, shall transfer $500 from
the Larned state hospital--work therapy patient benefit fund to the Lar-
ned state hospital--patient benefit fund.

 (f) On July 1, 2000, the superintendent of Osawatomie state hospital,
upon the approval of the director of accounts and reports, shall transfer
an amount specified by the superintendent from the Osawatomie state
hospital--canteen fund to the Osawatomie state hospital--patient benefit

 (g) On July 1, 2000, the superintendent of Parsons state hospital and
training center, upon the approval of the director of accounts and reports,
shall transfer $10,000 from the Parsons state hospital and training cen-
ter--canteen fund to the Parsons state hospital and training center--
patient benefit fund.

 (h) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports may transfer, in one or more amounts,
from the title XIX fund to the social welfare fund the amount specified
by the secretary of social and rehabilitation services.

 (i) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer $10,000,000 from the tem-
porary assistance to needy families federal fund to the social services block
grant--federal fund.

 (j) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all moneys received by
the secretary of social and rehabilitation services, to provide an endow-
ment to provide interest earnings for the purposes for which expenditures
maybe made from the family and children trust account of the family and
children investment fund, shall be deposited in the state treasury to the
credit of the family and children endowment account of the family and
children investment fund.

 (k) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, to the extent it is
determined by the secretary of social and rehabilitation services to be cost
effective, the secretary of social and rehabilitation services shall apply for
and accept donations from private sources to provide an endowment to
provide interest earnings for the purposes for which expenditures may be
made from the family and children trust account of the family and chil-
dren investment fund. During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, upon
receipt of any such donation of moneys from private sources for deposit
in the family and children endowment account of the family and children
investment fund, the secretary of social and rehabilitation services shall
match the amount of each such donation on a $1 for $1 basis from moneys
appropriated for fiscal year 2001 for the department of social and reha-
bilitation services in accordance with this subsection. During the fiscal
year ending June 30, 2001, and to provide such matching moneys, the
secretary of social and rehabilitation services shall transfer amounts from
any available moneys appropriated for fiscal year 2001 in one or more
accounts of the state general fund or in one or more special revenue funds
of the department of social and rehabilitation services, that in the aggre-
gate are equal to the amount of moneys donated, to the family and chil-
dren endowment account of the family and children investment fund.

 (l) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer $15,300,000 from the flex-
ible spending fund of the department of administration to the flexible
spending fund--HCBS/MR waiver of the department of social and re-
habilitation services: Provided, That no transfer shall be made under this
subsection except upon approval of the state finance council acting on
this matter which is hereby characterized as a matter of legislative dele-
gation and subject to the guidelines prescribed in subsection (c) of K.S.A.
75-3711c and amendments thereto and acting on this matter after re-
ceiving the certification of the director of the budget that sufficient mon-
eys are not available in the flexible spending fund pursuant to the inter-
governmental transfer program.

 Sec. 34.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Kansas guardianship program $999,333
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the Kansas guardianship
program account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reap-
propriated for fiscal year 2001: Provided however, That expenditures from
such reappropriated balance shall not exceed $84,199 except upon ap-
proval of the state finance council.

 Sec. 35.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Operating expenditures (including official hospitality) $8,852,017
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the operating expenditures
(including official hospitality) account in excess of $100 as of June 30,
2000, is hereby reappropriated for fiscal year 2001: Provided further, That
expenditures shall be made by the department of education from the
operating expenditures account of the state general fund for fiscal year
2001 to conduct a review and study of expenditures for special education
services by unified school districts, unified school district interlocal co-
operatives and unified school district cooperatives for school year 1999-
2000: And provided further, That such study shall encompass all special
education expenditures and shall include a review of variations among
such entities in the amount of special education services aid received by
such entities and the reasons therefor: And provided further, That the
state board of education shall report the findings and conclusions of such
review and study to the legislature at the beginning of the regular session
in 2001.

Governor's teaching excellence scholarships $59,000
Provided, That all expenditures from the governor's teaching excellence
scholarships account shall be to provide grants of $1,000 each to Kansas
elementary and secondary public school teachers who are accepted to
participate in the national board for professional teaching standards cer-
tification program under the governor's teaching excellence scholarships
program which shall be administered by the state board of education:
Provided further, That each such grant shall be required to be matched
on a $1 for $1 basis from nonstate sources: And provided further, That
award of each such grant shall be conditioned upon the recipient entering
into an agreement requiring the grant to be repaid if the recipient fails
to complete the course of training under the national board for profes-
sional teaching standards certification program: And provided further,
That all moneys received by the department of education for repayment
of grants made under the governor's teaching excellence scholarships pro-
gram shall be deposited in the state treasury and credited to the gover-
nor's teaching excellence scholarships program repayment fund.

Governor's teaching excellence awards $39,000
General state aid $1,813,086,000
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the general state aid ac-
count shall be transferred to the inservice education aid account of the
state general fund of the department of education to be used to fund
approved inservice education programs as authorized by K.S.A. 72-9601
et seq., and amendments thereto: Provided, however, That the amount
transferred from such unencumbered balance shall not exceed

Supplemental general state aid $81,779,000
School food assistance $2,510,486
Special education services aid $233,736,000
Provided, That expenditures shall not be made from the special education
services aid account for the provision of instruction for any homebound
or hospitalized child unless the categorization of such child as exceptional
is conjoined with the categorization of the child within one or more of
the other categories of exceptionality: Provided further, That expendi-
tures shall be made from this account for grants to school districts in
amounts determined pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions
of K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 72-983 and amendments thereto: And provided
further, That expenditures shall be made from the amount remaining in
this account, after deduction of the expenditures specified in the fore-
going proviso, for payments to school districts in amounts determined
pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 72-978 and
amendments thereto.

KPERS--employer contributions $82,726,364
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the KPERS--employer
contributions account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby
reappropriated for fiscal year 2001: Provided, however, That expenditures
from such reappropriated balance shall not exceed $504,371 except upon
approval of the state finance council: Provided further, That all expend-
itures from the KPERS--employer contributions account shall be for
payment of participating employers' contributions to the Kansas public
employees retirement system as provided in K.S.A. 74-4939 and amend-
ments thereto: And provided further, That expenditures from this ac-
count for the payment of participating employers' contributions to the
Kansas public employees retirement system may be made regardless of
when the liability was incurred.

Parent education program $4,667,000
Provided, That expenditures from the parent education program account
for each such grant shall be matched by the school district in an amount
which is equal to not less than 65% of the grant: Provided further, That
expenditures from this account for fiscal year 2001 for establishing and
maintaining a Kansas training model that meets the requirement for the
parents as teachers program shall not exceed $27,500.

Inservice education aid $2,600,000
Provided, That, in addition to moneys appropriated in the inservice ed-
ucation account, the department of education may make expenditures
from this account of any moneys transferred to this account from the
general state aid account of the state general fund of the department of
education in an amount not to exceed $2,000,000 for approved inservice
education programs as authorized by K.S.A. 72-9601 et seq., and amend-
ments thereto.

Educable deaf-blind and severely handicapped children's
programs aid $110,000
School district juvenile detention facilities and Flint Hills
job corps center grants $4,509,310
Provided, That expenditures shall be made from the school district ju-
venile detention facilities and Flint Hills job corps center grants account
for grants to school districts in amounts determined pursuant to and in
accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 72-8187 and amend-
ments thereto.
Any unencumbered balance in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, in each
of the following accounts is hereby reappropriated for fiscal year 2001:
School safety hotline.

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law
and transfers to other state agencies shall not exceed the following:

State school district finance fund No limit
School district capital improvements fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures from the school district capital improve-
ments fund shall be made only for the payment of general obligation
bonds approved by voters under the authority of K.S.A. 72-6761 and
amendments thereto.

Conversion of materials and equipment fund No limit
State safety fund No limit
School bus safety fund No limit
Goals 2001 federal fund No limit
Motorcycle safety fund No limit
Federal indirect cost reimbursement fund No limit
Certificate fee fund No limit
Food assistance--federal fund No limit
Food assistance--school breakfast program--federal
 fund No limit
Food assistance--national school lunch program--federal
 fund No limit
Food assistance--child and adult care food program--fed-
 eral fund No limit
Elementary and secondary school aid--federal fund No limit
Elementary and secondary school aid--educationally de-
 prived children--federal fund No limit
Educationally deprived children--state operations--fed-
 eral fund No limit
Elementary and secondary school--educationally deprived
 children--LEA's fund No limit
ESEA chapter II--state operations--federal fund No limit
Title VI--innovative education program strategies--LEA's
 fund--federal fund No limit
Title VI--innovative education program strategies--state
 operations--federal fund No limit
Education of handicapped children fund--federal No limit
Educational interpreter performance assessment fee
 fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the educational inter-
preter performance assessment fee fund for operating expenditures in-
curred in conjunction with the operation of the educational interpreter
performance program: Provided further, That the state board of educa-
tion is hereby authorized to fix, charge and collect fees for educational
interpreter performance assessments and other services provided under
the interpreter performance assessment program: And provided further,
That all such fees shall be deposited in the state treasury and credited to
the educational interpreter performance assessment fee fund.

Education of handicapped children fund--state opera-
 tions--federal No limit
Education of handicapped children fund--preschool--
 federal fund No limit
Education of handicapped children fund--preschool state
 operations--federal No limit
Elementary and secondary school aid--federal fund--mi-
 grant education fund No limit
Elementary and secondary school aid--federal fund--mi-
 grant education--state operations No limit
Vocational education amendments of 1968--federal
 fund No limit
Vocational education title II--federal fund No limit
Vocational education title II--federal fund--state
 operations No limit
Educational research grants and projects fund No limit
Education for economic security act--federal fund No limit
Drug abuse fund--department of education--federal No limit
Federal class size reduction fund No limit
Drug abuse funds--federal--state operations fund No limit
Inservice education workshop fee fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the inservice education
workshop fee fund for operating expenditures, including official hospi-
tality, incurred for inservice workshops and conferences: Provided fur-
ther, That the state board of education is hereby authorized to fix, charge
and collect fees for inservice workshops and conferences: And provided
further, That such fees shall be fixed in order to recover all or part of
such operating expenditures incurred for inservice workshops and con-
ferences: And provided further, That all fees received for inservice work-
shops and conferences shall be deposited in the state treasury and cred-
ited to the inservice education workshop fee fund.

Private donations, gifts, grants and bequests fund No limit
Interactive video fee fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the interactive video fee
fund for operating expenditures incurred in conjunction with the opera-
tion and use of the interactive video conference facility of the department
of education: Provided further, That the state board of education is
hereby authorized to fix, charge and collect fees for the operation and
use of such interactive video conference facility: And provided further,
That all fees received for the operation and use of such interactive video
conference facility shall be deposited in the state treasury and credited
to the interactive video fee fund.

Reimbursement for services fund No limit
Communities in schools program fund No limit
Governor's teaching excellence scholarships program re-
 payment fund No limit
Provided, That all expenditures from the governor's teaching excellence
scholarships program repayment fund shall be to provide grants of $1,000
each to Kansas elementary and secondary public school teachers who are
accepted to participate in the national board for professional teaching
standards certification program under the governor's teaching excellence
scholarships program which shall be administered by the state board of
education: Provided further, That each such grant shall be required to be
matched on a $1 for $1 basis from nonstate sources: And provided further,
That award of each such grant shall be conditioned upon the recipient
entering into an agreement requiring the grant to be repaid if the recip-
ient fails to complete the course of training under the national board for
professional teaching standards certification program: And provided fur-
ther, That all moneys received by the department of education for re-
payment of grants made under the governor's teaching excellence schol-
arships program shall be deposited in the state treasury and credited to
this fund.

Flexible spending fund--general state aid $7,761,000
Provided, That no expenditures shall be made from the flexible spending
fund--general state aid except upon approval of the state finance council
acting on this matter which is hereby characterized as a matter of legis-
lative delegation and subject to the guidelines prescribed in subsection
(c) of K.S.A. 75-3711c and amendments thereto and acting on this matter
after receiving the certification of the director of the budget that sufficient
moneys are available in the flexible spending fund pursuant to the inter-
governmental transfer program.

Flexible spending fund--special education services aid $14,600,000
Provided, That expenditures shall not be made from the flexible spending
fund--special education services aid for the provision of instruction for
any homebound or hospitalized child unless the categorization of such
child as exceptional is conjoined with the categorization of the child within
one or more of the other categories of exceptionality: Provided further,
That expenditures shall be made from this account for grants to school
districts in amounts determined pursuant to and in accordance with the
provisions of K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 72-983 and amendments thereto: And
provided further, That expenditures shall be made from the amount re-
maining in this account, after deduction of the expenditures specified in
the foregoing proviso, for payments to school districts in amounts deter-
mined pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 72-
978 and amendments thereto: And provided further, That no expendi-
tures shall be made from the flexible spending fund--special education
services aid except upon approval of the state finance council acting on
this matter which is hereby characterized as a matter of legislative dele-
gation and subject to the guidelines prescribed in subsection (c) of K.S.A.
75-3711c and amendments thereto and acting on this matter after re-
ceiving the certification of the director of the budget that sufficient mon-
eys are available in the flexible spending fund pursuant to the intergov-
ernmental transfer program.

EDIF--Ag in the classroom grant fund No limit
Provided, That on July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are avail-
able, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer $30,000 from the
Kansas economic development endowment account of the state economic
development initiatives fund of the department of commerce and housing
to the EDIF--Ag in the classroom grant fund of the department of ed-
ucation: Provided further, That all expenditures from the EDIF--Ag in
the classroom fund shall be used for agriculture in the classroom pro-
grams to supplement existing elementary and secondary curricula with
agricultural information.

 (c) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer $50,000 from the family
and children trust account of the family and children investment fund of
the department of social and rehabilitation services to the communities
in schools program fund of the department of education.

 (d) On July 1, 2000, and quarterly thereafter, the director of accounts
and reports shall transfer $51,408 from the state highway fund of the
department of transportation to the school bus safety fund of the de-
partment of education.

 (e) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer $7,761,000 from the flexible
spending fund of the department of administration to the flexible spend-
ing fund--general state aid of the department of education: Provided,
That no transfer shall be made under this subsection except upon ap-
proval of the state finance council acting on this matter which is hereby
characterized as a matter of legislative delegation and subject to the
guidelines prescribed in subsection (c) of K.S.A. 75-3711c and amend-
ments thereto and acting on this matter after receiving the certification
of the director of the budget that sufficient moneys are available in the
flexible spending fund pursuant to the intergovernmental transfer pro-

 (f) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer $14,600,000 from the flex-
ible spending fund of the department of administration to the flexible
spending fund--special education services aid of the department of ed-
ucation: Provided, That no transfer shall be made under this subsection
except upon approval of the state finance council acting on this matter
which is hereby characterized as a matter of legislative delegation and
subject to the guidelines prescribed in subsection (c) of K.S.A. 75-3711c
and amendments thereto and acting on this matter after receiving the
certification of the director of the budget that sufficient moneys are avail-
able in the flexible spending fund pursuant to the intergovernmental
transfer program.

 Sec. 36.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Operating expenditures $1,547,893
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the operating expenditures
account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated
for fiscal year 2001: Provided, however, That expenditures from such
reappropriated balance shall not exceed $11,728 except upon approval of
the state finance council: Provided further, That expenditures from the
operating expenditures account for official hospitality shall not exceed

Grants to libraries and library systems $3,640,608
Provided, That, of the moneys appropriated in the grants to libraries and
library systems account, $2,622,531 shall be distributed as grants-in-aid
to libraries in accordance with K.S.A. 75-2555 and amendments thereto,
$632,687 shall be distributed for interlibrary loan development grants and
$385,390 shall be paid according to contracts with the subregional librar-
ies of the Kansas talking book services: Provided further, That the state
librarian shall generate programs to work with local libraries to develop
locally adopted policies for managing internet access to illegal information
on library computers.

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law
shall not exceed the following:

State library fund No limit
Federal library services and technology act--fund No limit
EDIF--grants-in-aid to libraries fund $170,000
Provided, That on July 15, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are
available, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer $170,000
from the Kansas economic development initiatives fund of the depart-
ment of commerce and housing to the EDIF--grants-in-aid to libraries
fund of the state library: Provided further, That all expenditures from the
EDIF--grants-in-aid to libraries fund shall be distributed as grants-in-
aid to libraries in accordance with K.S.A. 75-2555 and amendments

 Sec. 37.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Operating expenditures $323,926
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the operating expenditures
account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated
for fiscal year 2001: Provided, however, That expenditures from such
reappropriated balance shall not exceed $1,337 except upon approval of
the state finance council: Provided further, That expenditures from the
operating expenditures account for official hospitality shall not exceed
$4,000: And provided further, That expenditures may be made by the
above agency from any amount of savings in the operating expenditures
account for the purpose of matching an equal or greater amount of federal
grant moneys or local grant moneys, or both, for arts programming pro-

Arts programming grants and challenge grants $1,199,340
Provided, That expenditures from the arts programming grants and chal-
lenge grants account shall be made only for the purpose of matching an
equal or greater amount of federal grant moneys or local grant moneys,
or both, for arts programming projects: Provided further, That expendi-
tures from this account shall be made in a manner to benefit the maxi-
mum number of Kansas communities in the development of Kansas talent
and art.

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law
shall not exceed the following:

EDIF--arts commission fund No limit
Kansas arts commission fee fund No limit
Kansas arts commission gifts, grants and bequests fund No limit
Kansas arts commission special gifts fund No limit
Arts programming grants fund No limit
Provided, That moneys received by the Kansas arts commission from the
remittance of the unexpended balance of arts programming grants to the
commission shall be deposited in the state treasury and credited to the
arts programming grants fund: Provided further, That expenditures from
this fund shall be made only for the purpose of matching an equal or
greater amount of federal grant moneys or local grant moneys, or both,
for arts programming projects.

 (c) On July 15, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer $119,110 from the Kansas
economic development endowment account of the state economic de-
velopment initiatives fund of the department of commerce and housing
to the EDIF--arts commission fund of the Kansas arts commission.

 Sec. 38.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Operating expenditures $4,230,541
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the operating expenditures
account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated
for fiscal year 2001: Provided, however, That expenditures from such
reappropriated balance shall not exceed $8,324 except upon approval of
the state finance council.

Arts for the handicapped $150,000
Any unencumbered balance in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, in the
technology lending library account is hereby reappropriated for fiscal year
2001: Provided, however, That all expenditures from the technology lend-
ing library account shall be made only for the purpose of matching an
equal or greater amount of federal or other nonstate governmental grant
moneys or private grant or donation moneys, or any combination thereof,
received by the Kansas state school for the blind: Provided further, That
no expenditures shall be made from this account except upon approval
of the state finance council acting on this matter which is hereby char-
acterized as a matter of legislative delegation and subject to the guidelines
prescribed in subsection (c) of K.S.A. 75-3711c and amendments thereto,
after receiving information that the Kansas state school for the blind has
received the required matching funds.

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law
shall not exceed the following:

General fees fund No limit
Local services reimbursement fund No limit
Provided, That the Kansas state school for the blind is hereby authorized
to assess and collect a fee of 20% of the total cost of services provided to
local school districts: Provided further, That all moneys received from
such fees shall be deposited in the state treasury and credited to the local
services reimbursement fund.

Student activity fees fund No limit
Special bequest fund No limit
Gift fund No limit
Technology lending library fund No limit
Food assistance--cash for commodities--federal fund No limit
Food assistance--breakfast--federal fund No limit
Food assistance-- lunch --federal fund No limit
Chapter I handicapped--federal fund No limit
Education improvement--federal fund No limit
Math and science improvement --federal fund No limit
Elementary and secondary--federal fund No limit
 Sec. 39.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Operating expenditures $7,168,753
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the operating expenditures
account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated
for fiscal year 2001: Provided, however, That expenditures from such
reappropriated balance shall be made only upon approval of the state
finance council.

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law
shall not exceed the following:

General fees fund $87,000
Local services reimbursement fund No limit
Provided, That the Kansas state school for the deaf is hereby authorized
to assess and collect a fee of 20% of the total cost of services provided to
local school districts: Provided further, That all moneys received from
such fees shall be deposited in the state treasury and credited to the local
services reimbursement fund: And provided further, That all expendi-
tures from this fund shall be for capital outlay.

Student activity fees fund No limit
Elementary and secondary education act--federal fund No limit
Vocational education fund--federal No limit
Special bequest fund No limit
Special workshop fund No limit
Gift fund No limit
Christa McAuliffe fund No limit
 Sec. 40.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Operating expenditures $5,769,882
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the operating expenditures
account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated
for fiscal year 2001: Provided, however, That expenditures from such
reappropriated balance shall not exceed $2,504 except upon approval of
the state finance council: Provided further, That expenditures from the
operating expenditures account for official hospitality shall not exceed

Kansas humanities council $75,000
Any unencumbered balance in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, in each
of the following accounts is hereby reappropriated for fiscal year 2001:
Rehabilitation and repair projects, construct storage bay #3.

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law
shall not exceed the following:

General fees fund No limit
Archeology fee fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the archeology fee fund
for operating expenses for providing archeological services by contract:
Provided further, That the state historical society is hereby authorized to
fix, charge and collect fees for the sale of such services: And provided
further, That such fees shall be fixed in order to recover all or part of the
operating expenses incurred in providing archeological services by con-
tract: And provided further, That all fees received from such services shall
be credited to the archeology fee fund.

Microfilm fees fund $55,000
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the microfilm fees fund
for operating expenses for providing microfilming services: Provided fur-
ther, That the state historical society is hereby authorized to fix, charge
and collect fees for the sale of such services: And provided further, That
such fees shall be fixed in order to recover all or part of the operating
expenses incurred in providing microfilming services: And provided fur-
ther, That all fees received from such services shall be credited to the
microfilm fees fund.

Records center fee fund No limit
Historic properties fee fund No limit
National historic preservation act fund--state No limit
Historic preservation overhead fees fund No limit
National historic preservation act fund--local No limit
Private gifts, grants and bequests fund No limit
Museum and historic sites visitor donation fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the museum and historic
sites visitor donation fund for projects and other proposed expenditures
for historic sites from moneys received from donations from visitors at
historic sites which are matched on the basis of $1 for $1 from moneys
transferred to this fund from the EDIF--visitor donation match fund
under subsection (c).

EDIF--visitor donation match fund No limit
EDIF--Kansas humanities council fund No limit
Insurance collection replacement/reimbursement fund No limit
Heritage trust fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures from the heritage trust fund for state oper-
ations shall not exceed $71,470.

Land survey fee fund No limit
State historical society facilities fund No limit
Unmarked burial sites fund No limit
Historic properties fund No limit
Law enforcement memorial fund No limit
Federal grants fund No limit
Property sale proceeds fund No limit
Provided, That proceeds from the sale of property pursuant to K.S.A. 75-
2701 and amendments thereto shall be deposited in the state treasury
and credited to the property sale proceeds fund.

 (c) During fiscal year 2001, the executive director of the state historical
society may certify to the director of accounts and reports amounts of
visitor donations from visitors at historic sites to match amounts credited
to the EDIF--visitor donation match fund and designate the proposed
expenditures therefor. Each such certification shall designate the account
of the museum and historic sites visitor donation fund which has been
established for the proposed expenditure and into which the amount of
visitor donations being certified is credited. Upon receipt of each such
certification, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer an amount
equal to the amount certified from the EDIF--visitor donation match
fund to the account of the museum and historic sites visitor donation fund
designated for the proposed expenditure.

 (d) On July 15, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer $60,000 from the Kansas
economic development endowment account of the state economic de-
velopment initiatives fund to the EDIF--visitor donation match fund of
the state historical society.

 (e) On July 15, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer $35,000 from the Kansas
economic development endowment account of the state economic de-
velopment initiatives fund of the department of commerce and housing
to the EDIF--Kansas humanities council fund of the state historical so-

 Sec. 41.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Operating expenditures (including official hospitality) $30,445,146
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the operating expenditures
(including official hospitality) account in excess of $100 as of June 30,
2000, is hereby reappropriated for fiscal year 2001: Provided further, That
expenditures from this account may be made to pay faculty and staff
members retiring on or after July 1, 1962, the difference between the
retirement benefits established under the former unfunded state board
of regents' retirement plan and the benefits to which these individuals
would be entitled under the Kansas public employees retirement system.

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

Parking fees fund No limit

Provided, That expenditures may be made from the parking fees fund for
a capital improvement project for parking lot improvements.

General fees fund $8,760,045
Provided, That expenditures from the general fees fund may be made
only for salaries and wages and for other operating expenditures and shall
not be made for capital improvements: Provided further, That any trans-
fers of moneys from this fund to the equipment reserve fund pursuant to
subsection (c) shall be deemed expenditures for the purpose of the ex-
penditure limitation imposed on this fund.

Restricted fees fund No limit
Provided, That restricted fees shall be limited to receipts for the following
accounts: Special events; technology equipment; Gross coliseum services;
performing arts center services; farm income; choral music clinic; Reveille
(yearbook); off-campus tours; memorial union activities; student activity
(unallocated); Leader (newspaper); conferences, clinics and workshops--
noncredit; summer laboratory school; little theater; library services; stu-
dent affairs; speech and debate; student government; counseling center
services; interest on local funds; student identification cards; nurse edu-
cation programs; national science foundation grants; veterans administra-
tion; federal programs and research grants; athletics; placement fees; vir-
tual college classes; speech and hearing; child care services for dependent
students; computer services; interactive television contributions; mid-
western student exchange; departmental receipts for all sales, refunds and
other collections not specifically enumerated above: Provided, however,
That the state board of regents, with the approval of the state finance
council acting on this matter which is hereby characterized as a matter
of legislative delegation and subject to the guidelines prescribed in sub-
section (c) of K.S.A. 75-3711c and amendments thereto, may amend or
change this list of restricted fees: Provided further, That all restricted fees
shall be deposited to the credit of the appropriate account of the re-
stricted fees fund and shall be used solely for the specific purpose or
purposes for which collected: And provided further, That expenditures
may be made from this fund to purchase insurance for equipment pur-
chased through research and training grants only if such grants include
money for and authorize the purchase of such insurance: And provided
further, That expenditures may be made from this fund to procure a
policy of accident, personal liability and excess automobile liability insur-
ance insuring volunteers participating in the senior companion program
against loss in accordance with specifications of federal grant guidelines
as provided in K.S.A. 75-4101 and amendments thereto: And provided
further, That all amounts of tuition received from students participating
in the midwestern student exchange program shall be deposited to the
credit of the midwestern student exchange account of the restricted fees

Education opportunity act--federal fund No limit
Service clearing fund No limit
Provided, That the service clearing fund shall be used for the following
service activities: Computer services, storeroom for official supplies in-
cluding office supplies, paper products, janitorial supplies, printing and
duplicating, car pool, postage, copy center, and telecommunications and
such other internal service activities as are authorized by the state board
of regents under K.S.A. 76-755 and amendments thereto.

Commencement fees fund No limit
Health fees fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures from the health fees fund may be made for
the purchase of medical malpractice liability coverage for individuals em-
ployed on the medical staff, including pharmacists and physical therapists,
at the student health center.

Student union fees fund No limit
Kansas career work study program fund No limit
Economic opportunity act--federal fund No limit
Kansas comprehensive grant fund No limit
Scholarship funds fund No limit
Health professions student assistance program fund No limit
Nine month payroll clearing account fund No limit
Oil research library gifts and grants fund No limit
National direct student loan fund No limit
Housing system revenue fund No limit
Institutional overhead fund $50,000
Oil and gas royalties fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the oil and gas royalties
fund only for improvements at the university farm.

Equipment reserve fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures from the equipment reserve fund shall be
made only for the purchase of equipment.

Housing system suspense fund No limit
Housing system operations fund No limit
Housing system repairs, equipment and improvement
 fund No limit
Sponsored research overhead fund No limit
Wildlife art fund No limit
Kansas distinguished scholarship fund No limit
 (c) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the director of accounts
and reports shall transfer an amount specified by the president of Fort
Hays state university prior to July 1, 2001, from the general fees fund to
the equipment reserve fund.

 (d) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer an amount specified by the
president of Fort Hays state university of not to exceed $125,000 from
the general fees fund to the national direct student loan fund.

 (e) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer an amount specified by the
president of Fort Hays state university of not to exceed $100,000 from
the general fees fund to the education opportunity act--federal fund.

 Sec. 42.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Operating expenditures (including official hospitality) $101,513,314
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the operating expenditures
(including official hospitality) account in excess of $100 as of June 30,
2000, is hereby reappropriated for fiscal year 2001: Provided, however,
That expenditures from this account may be made to pay faculty and staff
members retiring on or after July 1, 1962, the difference between the
retirement benefits established under the former unfunded state board
of regents' retirement plan and the benefits to which these individuals
would be entitled under the Kansas public employees retirement system.

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

Parking fees fund No limit
Provided, That Kansas state university may make expenditures from the
parking fees fund for debt service, financing costs and required reserves
for the capital improvement project to construct and pave campus parking
lots pursuant to section 17(d) of chapter 25 of the 1989 Session Laws of

General fees fund $44,947,038
Provided, That expenditures from the general fees fund may be made
only for salaries and wages and for other operating expenditures and shall
not be made for capital improvements: Provided further, That any trans-
fers of moneys from this fund to the equipment reserve fund pursuant to
subsection (c) shall be deemed expenditures for the purpose of the ex-
penditure limitation imposed on this fund.

Interest on endowment fund $175,000
Restricted fees fund No limit
Provided, That restricted fees shall be limited to receipts for the following
accounts: Educational opportunity grants; technology equipment; human
resources management system; computer services; copy centers; stan-
dardized test fees; placement center; recreational services; college of
technology and aviation; motor pool; music; professorships; student ac-
tivities fees; army and aerospace uniforms; aerospace uniform augmen-
tation; biology sales and services; chemistry storeroom; field camps; state
department of education; physics storeroom; sponsored research, instruc-
tion, public service, equipment and facility grants; ion collision labora-
tory--federal; chemical engineering; nuclear engineering; contract--post
office--federal government; library collections; civil engineering; contin-
uing education; sponsored construction or improvement projects; attor-
ney, educational and personal development, human resources; student
financial assistance; application for undergraduate programs; speech and
hearing fees; gifts; human development and family research and training;
college of education--publications and services; student financial assis-
tance--federal reimbursement; higher education act; guaranteed student
loan application processing; student identification card; auditorium re-
ceipts; catalog sales; emission spectroscopy fees; interagency consulting;
sales and services of educational programs; transcript fees; South Asian
curriculum sales; human ecology storeroom; college of human ecology
sales; family resource center fees; human movement performance; ap-
plication for post baccalaureate programs; art exhibit fees; college of ed-
ucation--Kansas careers; foreign student application fee; student union
repair and replacement reserve; departmental receipts for all sales, re-
funds and other collections; institutional support fee; miscellaneous ren-
ovations; speech receipts; art museum; exchange program; flight training
lab fees; off campus work study; parking fees; postage center; printing;
short courses and conferences; student government association receipts;
regents educational communications center; late registration fee; engi-
neering equipment fee; biotechnology facility; English language program;
international programs; federal direct student loans; high-bay garage;
Bramlage coliseum; other specifically designated receipts not available
for general operations of the university: Provided, however, That the state
board of regents, with the approval of the state finance council acting on
this matter which is hereby characterized as a matter of legislative dele-
gation and subject to the guidelines prescribed in subsection (c) of K.S.A.
75-3711c and amendments thereto, may amend or change this list of
restricted fees: Provided further, That all restricted fees shall be deposited
to the credit of the appropriate account of the restricted fees fund and
shall be used solely for the specific purpose or purposes for which col-
lected: And provided further, That expenditures may be made from this
fund to purchase insurance for equipment purchased through research
and training grants only if such grants include money for and authorize
the purchase of such insurance: And provided further, That expenditures
from the restricted fees fund may be made for the purchase of insurance
for operation and testing of completed project aircraft and for operation
of aircraft used in professional pilot training, including coverage for public
liability, physical damage, medical payments and voluntary settlement

Kansas career work study program fund No limit
Service clearing fund No limit
Provided, That the service clearing fund shall be used for the following
service activities: Supplies stores; telecommunications services; photo-
graphic services; K-State printing services; postage; facilities services; fa-
cilities carpool; public safety services; facility planning services; facilities
storeroom; and such other internal service activities as are authorized by
the state board of regents under K.S.A. 76-755 and amendments thereto.

Sponsored research overhead fund No limit
Provided, That the above agency may transfer moneys from the sponsored
research overhead fund of Kansas state university to the sponsored re-
search overhead fund of Kansas state university extension systems and
agriculture research programs.

Housing system suspense fund No limit
Housing system operations fund No limit
Housing system repairs, equipment and improvement
 fund No limit
Student recreation building program fund No limit
Coliseum operations fund No limit
Coliseum gifts fund No limit
Mandatory retirement annuity clearing fund No limit
Student health fees fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures from the student health fees fund may be
made for the purchase of medical malpractice liability coverage for in-
dividuals employed on the medical staff, including pharmacists and phys-
ical therapists, at the student health center.

Scholarship funds fund No limit
Perkins student loan fund No limit
Equipment reserve fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures from the equipment reserve fund shall be
made only for the purchase of equipment.

Howard Hughes grant fund No limit
U.S. army research grant--metal particle chemistry
 fund No limit
Board of regents--U.S. department of education awards
 fund No limit
Research projects grants fund No limit
Research projects grants matching fund No limit
State agricultural university fund No limit
Federal extension civil service retirement clearing fund No limit
Salina--student union fees fund No limit
Salina--dormitory and food service fees fund No limit
Aeronautical program equipment--federal fund No limit
Kansas distinguished scholarship fund No limit
Tuition accountability fund No limit
Kansas comprehensive grant fund No limit
Temporary deposit fund No limit
Business procurement card clearing fund No limit
Suspense fund No limit
Voluntary tax shelter annuity clearing fund No limit
Agency payroll deduction clearing fund No limit
Payroll clearing fund No limit
 (c) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the director of accounts
and reports shall transfer an amount specified by the president of Kansas
state university prior to July 1, 2001, from the general fees fund to the
equipment reserve fund.

 (d) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer an amount specified by the
president of Kansas state university of not to exceed $97,924 from the
general fees fund to the Perkins student loan fund.

 (e) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer an amount specified by the
president of Kansas state university of not to exceed $215,000 from the
general fees fund to the educational opportunity grants account of the
restricted fees fund.

 (f) Upon a finding by the director of the budget that the above agency
realized an increase in receipts to the general fees fund in the summer
2000 session, fall 2000 semester, or spring 2001 semester above compa-
rable periods in the preceding year, which increase in receipts resulted
from increases in enrollment, changes in resident and nonresident stu-
dent mix, or the imposition of a more restrictive tuition waiver policy, or
any combination thereof, the director of the budget shall certify such
amount of increased receipts to the director of accounts and reports.
Upon receipt of such certification, the director of accounts and reports
shall transfer the amount certified from the general fees fund to the tu-
ition accountability fund.

 Sec. 43.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Operating expenditures (including official hospitality) $756,009
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the operating expenditures
(including official hospitality) account in excess of $100 as of June 30,
2000, is hereby reappropriated for fiscal year 2001.

Cooperative extension service (including official
 hospitality) $17,227,041
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the cooperative extension
service (including official hospitality) account in excess of $100 as of June
30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated for fiscal year 2001.

Agricultural experiment stations (including official
 hospitality) $28,441,358
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the agricultural experiment
stations (including official hospitality) account in excess of $100 as of June
30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated for fiscal year 2001.

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

Restricted fees fund No limit
Provided, That restricted fees shall be limited to receipts for the following
accounts: Plant pathology; technology equipment; professorships; agri-
cultural experiment station, director's office; agronomy--Ashland farm;
KSU agricultural research center--Hays; KSU southeast agricultural re-
search center; horticulture research center; KSU southwest research ex-
tension center; agronomy--general; agronomy--experimental field crop
sales; entomology sales; grain science and industry products and service
sales; food and nutrition research; extension services and publication;
sponsored construction or improvement projects; gifts; animal resource
facility; animal health and disease research; higher education act; sales
and services of educational programs; animal sciences and industry live-
stock and product sales; horticulture greenhouse and farm products sales;
Konza prairie operations; departmental receipts for all sales, refunds and
other collections; institutional support fee; KSU northwest research ex-
tension center operations; research projects grants; research projects
grants matching; sponsored research, public service, equipment and fa-
cility grants; statistical laboratory; equipment/pesticide storage building;
other specifically designated receipts not available for general operations
of the university: Provided, however, That the state board of regents, with
the approval of the state finance council acting on this matter which is
hereby characterized as a matter of legislative delegation and subject to
the guidelines prescribed in subsection (c) of K.S.A. 75-3711c and amend-
ments thereto, may amend or change this list of restricted fees: Provided
further, That all restricted fees shall be deposited to the credit of the
appropriate account of the restricted fees fund and shall be used solely
for the specific purpose or purposes for which collected: And provided
further, That expenditures may be made from this fund to purchase in-
surance for equipment purchased through research and training grants
only if such grants include money for and authorize the purchase of such
insurance: And provided further, That expenditures may be made from
the Kansas agricultural mediation service account of the restricted fees
fund during fiscal year 2001.

Colby experiment station fee fund No limit
Fort Hays experiment station fee fund No limit
Fertilizer research fund No limit
Sponsored research overhead fund No limit
Federal extension fund $4,703,061
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the federal extension fund
in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby appropriated for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 2001.

Federal experimental station fund $3,611,930
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the federal experimental
station fund in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby appropriated
for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001.

Smith-Lever special program grant--federal fund No limit
Kansas artificial breeding service unit fees fund No limit
Agricultural land use-value fund No limit

 Sec. 44.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Operating expenditures (including official hospitality) $9,281,927
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the operating expenditures
(including official hospitality) account in excess of $100 as of June 30,
2000, is hereby reappropriated for fiscal year 2001.

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

General fees fund $5,258,707
Provided, That any transfers of moneys from the general fees fund to the
equipment reserve fund pursuant to subsection (c) shall be deemed ex-
penditures for the purpose of the expenditure limitation imposed on this

Hospital and diagnostic laboratory revenue fund $1,862,905
Provided, That all expenditures from the hospital and diagnostic labora-
tory revenue fund for blood and blood products, ambulatory services,
laboratory tests, and pharmaceutical and surgical supplies shall be in ad-
dition to any expenditure limitation imposed on this fund.

Hospital and diagnostic laboratory improvement fund No limit
Restricted fees fund No limit
Provided, That restricted fees shall be limited to receipts for the following
accounts: Sponsored research, instruction, public service, equipment and
facility grants; technology equipment; pathology fees; laboratory test fees;
higher education act; dean of veterinary medicine receipts; gifts; appli-
cation for postbaccalaureate programs; embryo transfer unit; swine se-
rology; rapid focal fluorescent inhibition test; storerooms; departmental
receipts for all sales refunds and other collections; other specifically des-
ignated receipts not available for general operation of the Kansas state
university veterinary medical center: Provided, however, That the state
board of regents, with the approval of the state finance council acting on
this matter which is hereby characterized as a matter of legislative dele-
gation and subject to the guidelines prescribed in subsection (c) of K.S.A.
75-3711c and amendments thereto, may amend or change this list of
restricted fees: Provided further, That all restricted fees shall be deposited
to the credit of the appropriate account of the restricted fees fund and
shall be used solely for the specific purpose or purposes for which col-
lected: And provided further, That expenditures may be made from this
fund to purchase insurance for equipment purchased through research
and training grants only if such grants include money for and authorize
the purchase of such insurance.

Sponsored research overhead fund No limit
Health professions student loan fund No limit
H.E.W. veterinary revolving student loan fund No limit
Student loan funds fund No limit
Suspense fund No limit
Equipment reserve fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures from the equipment reserve fund shall be
made only for the purchase of equipment.

 (c) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the director of accounts
and reports shall transfer an amount specified by the president of Kansas
state university prior to July 1, 2001, from the general fees fund to the
equipment reserve fund.

 (d) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the director of accounts
and reports shall transfer an amount specified by the president of Kansas
state university from the hospital and diagnostic laboratory revenue fund
to the hospital and diagnostic laboratory improvement fund.

 Sec. 45.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Operating expenditures (including official hospitality) $29,378,363
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the operating expenditures
(including official hospitality) account in excess of $100 as of June 30,
2000, is hereby reappropriated for fiscal year 2001.

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

Parking fees fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the parking fees fund for
a capital improvement project for parking lot improvements.

General fees fund $8,855,138
Provided, That expenditures from the general fees fund may be made
only for salaries and wages and for other operating expenditures and shall
not be made for capital improvements: Provided further, That any trans-
fer of moneys from this fund to the equipment reserve fund as provided
in subsection (c) shall be deemed expenditures for the purpose of the
expenditure limitation imposed on this fund.

Interest fund $15,000
Restricted fees fund No limit
Provided, That restricted fees shall be limited to receipts for the following
accounts: Computer services, student activity; technology equipment; stu-
dent union; sponsored research; computer services; extension classes; na-
tional science foundation grants; national defense education act; gifts and
grants (for teaching, research and capital improvements); business school
contributions; state department of education (vocational); elementary and
secondary education act--federal; library services; library collections; in-
terest on local funds; receipts from conferences, clinics, and workshops
held on campus for which no college credit is given; physical plant re-
imbursements from auxiliary enterprises; midwestern exchange; depart-
mental receipts--for all sales, refunds and other collections or receipts
not specifically enumerated above: Provided, however, That the state
board of regents, with the approval of the state finance council acting on
this matter which is hereby characterized as a matter of legislative dele-
gation and subject to the guidelines prescribed in subsection (c) of K.S.A.
75-3711c and amendments thereto, may amend or change this list of
restricted fees: Provided further, That all restricted fees shall be deposited
to the credit of the appropriate account of the restricted fees fund and
shall be used solely for the specific purpose or purposes for which col-
lected: And provided further, That expenditures may be made from this
fund to purchase insurance for equipment purchased through research
and training grants only if such grants include money for and authorize
the purchase of such insurance: And provided further, That all amounts
of tuition received from students participating in the midwestern student
exchange program shall be deposited to the credit of the midwestern
student exchange account of the restricted fees fund.

Service clearing fund No limit
Provided, That the service clearing fund shall be used for the following
service activities: Telecommunications services; office supplies inventory;
state car operation; E.S.U. press including duplicating and reproducing;
postage; physical plant storeroom including motor fuel inventory; data
processing center; and such other internal service activities as are au-
thorized by the state board of regents under K.S.A. 76-755 and amend-
ments thereto.

Commencement fees fund No limit
Kansas career work study program fund No limit
Student health fees fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures from the student health fees fund may be
made for the purchase of medical malpractice liability coverage for in-
dividuals employed on the medical staff, including pharmacists and phys-
ical therapists, at the student health center.

Bureau of educational measurements fund No limit
Scholarship funds fund No limit
National direct student loan fund No limit
Economic opportunity act--work study--federal fund No limit
Educational opportunity grants--federal fund No limit
Basic opportunity grant program--federal fund No limit
Research and institutional overhead fund No limit
Equipment reserve fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures from the equipment reserve fund shall be
made only for the purchase of equipment.

Kansas comprehensive grant fund No limit
Housing system suspense fund No limit
Housing system operations fund No limit
Housing system repairs, equipment and improvement
 fund No limit
Kansas distinguished scholarship fund No limit
 (c) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the director of accounts
and reports shall transfer an amount specified by the president of Em-
poria state university prior to July 1, 2001, from the general fees fund to
the equipment reserve fund.

 (d) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer an amount specified by the
president of Emporia state university of not to exceed $30,000 from the
general fees fund to the national direct student loan fund.

 (e) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer an amount specified by the
president of Emporia state university of not to exceed $70,000 from the
general fees fund to the educational opportunity grants--federal fund.

 (f) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer $50,463 from the student
union account of the restricted fees fund of Emporia state university to
the state general fund.

 (g) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer $2,437 from the housing
systems operations fund of Emporia state university to the state general

 Sec. 46.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Operating expenditures (including official hospitality) $31,750,938
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the operating expenditures
(including official hospitality) account in excess of $100 as of June 30,
2000, is hereby reappropriated for fiscal year 2001: Provided further, That
expenditures from this account may be made to pay faculty and staff
members retiring on or after July 1, 1962, the difference between the
retirement benefits under the former unfunded state board of regents'
retirement plan and the benefits to which these individuals would be
entitled under the Kansas public employees retirement system.

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

Parking fees fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the parking fees fund for
capital improvement projects for parking lot improvements.

General fees fund $11,159,978
Provided, That expenditures from the general fees fund may be made
only for salaries and wages and for other operating expenditures and shall
not be made for capital improvements: Provided further, That any trans-
fers of moneys from this fund to the equipment reserve fund pursuant to
subsection (c) shall be deemed expenditures for the purpose of the ex-
penditure limitation imposed on this fund.

Restricted fees fund No limit
Provided, That restricted fees shall be limited to receipts for the following
accounts: Computer services; instructional technology fee; technology
equipment; student activity fee accounts; commencement fees; ROTC
activities; continuing education receipts; vocational auto parts and service
fees; receipts from camps, conferences and meetings held on campus;
national science foundation grants, department of education, and other
federal grants, including Pell grants, SEOG grants; flight training; library
service collections and fines; state department of education and grants
from other state agencies; Midwest Quarterly; chamber music series; con-
tract--post office; gifts and grants; general fees transfer for SEOG match;
intensive English program; business and technology institute; public sec-
tor radio station activities; economic opportunity--state match; research
projects grants; career work study; regents supplemental grants; contig-
uous county fees; midwestern student exchange; departmental receipts,
and other specifically designated receipts not available for general oper-
ations of the university: Provided, however, That the state board of re-
gents, with the approval of the state finance council acting on this matter
which is hereby characterized as a matter of legislative delegation and
subject to the guidelines prescribed in subsection (c) of K.S.A. 75-3711c
and amendments thereto, may amend or change this list of restricted fees:
Provided further, That all restricted fees shall be deposited to the credit
of the appropriate account of the restricted fees fund and shall be used
solely for the specific purpose or purposes for which collected: And pro-
vided further, That expenditures may be made from this fund to purchase
insurance for equipment purchased through research and training grants
only if such grants include money for and authorize the purchase of such
insurance: And provided further, That surplus restricted fees moneys gen-
erated by the music department may be transferred to the Pittsburg state
university foundation, inc. for the express purpose of awarding music
scholarships: And provided further, That all amounts of tuition received
from students participating in the midwestern student exchange program
shall be deposited to the credit of the midwestern student exchange ac-
count of the restricted fees fund: And provided further, That all moneys
received for tuition fees from students who are under the contiguous
county fees program shall be credited to the contiguous county fees ac-
count of the restricted fees fund: And provided further, That total number
of full-time equivalent students under the contiguous county fees pro-
gram during fiscal year 2001 shall not exceed a maximum of 400 full-time
equivalent students and, within such maximum number of 400, the total
number of new full-time equivalent students under the contiguous county
fees program during fiscal year 2001 shall not exceed 100 full-time equiv-
alent students.

Service clearing fund No limit
Provided, That the service clearing fund shall be used for the following
service activities: Duplicating and printing services; instructional media
division; office stationery and supplies; motor carpool; postage services;
telephone services; data processing; and such other internal service activ-
ities as are authorized by the state board of regents under K.S.A. 76-755
and amendments thereto.

Hospital and student health fees fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures from the hospital and student health fees
fund may be made for the purchase of medical malpractice liability cov-
erage for individuals employed on the medical staff, including pharmacists
and physical therapists, at the student health center: Provided further,
That expenditures may be made from this fund for capital improvement
projects for hospital and student health center improvements.

Perkins student loan fund No limit
Sponsored research overhead fund $0
College work study fund No limit
Nursing student loan fund No limit
Equipment reserve fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures from the equipment reserve fund shall be
made only for the purchase of equipment.

Housing system suspense fund No limit
Housing system operations fund No limit
Housing system repairs, equipment and improvement
fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the housing system re-
pairs, equipment and improvement fund for capital improvement projects
for housing system maintenance and improvements.

Kansas comprehensive grant fund No limit
Kansas distinguished scholarship program fund No limit
 (c) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the director of accounts
and reports shall transfer an amount specified by the president of Pitts-
burg state university prior to July 1, 2001, from the general fees fund to
the equipment reserve fund.

 (d) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the director of accounts
and reports shall transfer amounts specified by the president of Pittsburg
state university of not to exceed a total of $125,000 for all such amounts,
from the general fees fund to the following specified funds and accounts
of funds: Perkins student loan fund; economic opportunity--state match
account of the restricted fee fund; nursing student loan fund.

 Sec. 47.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Operating expenditures (including official hospitality) $124,962,880
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the operating expenditures
(including official hospitality) account in excess of $100 as of June 30,
2000, is hereby reappropriated for fiscal year 2001.

Geological survey $6,032,341
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the geological survey ac-
count in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated for
fiscal year 2001.

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

Parking facilities revenue fund No limit
Provided, That transfers of moneys from the parking facilities revenue
fund to bond funds pursuant to bond agreements shall be in addition to
any expenditure limitation imposed on this fund.

General fees fund $84,147,305
Provided, That expenditures from the general fees fund may be made
only for salaries and wages and for other operating expenditures, but shall
not be made for capital improvements: Provided further, That any trans-
fers of moneys from this fund to the equipment reserve fund pursuant to
subsection (c) shall be deemed expenditures for the purpose of the ex-
penditure limitation imposed on this fund: And provided further, That,
subject to approval by the state board of regents under K.S.A. 76-719 and
amendments thereto, the university of Kansas is hereby authorized to fix,
charge and collect a fee of not more than $100 per student credit hour
on courses offered by the school of law for students entering law school
after April 1, 1997, and not more than $40 per student credit hour for all
other students of the school of law: And provided further, That all moneys
received for such fee shall be credited to the school of law credit hour
fee account of this fund: And provided further, That expenditures from
the school of law credit hour fee account shall not exceed $1,625,000:
And provided further, That, subject to approval by the state board of
regents under K.S.A. 76-719 and amendments thereto, the university of
Kansas is hereby authorized to fix, charge and collect a fee of not more
than $85 per student credit hour on courses offered by the school of
pharmacy: And provided further, That all moneys received for such fee
shall be credited to the school of pharmacy credit hour fee account of
this fund: And provided further, That all expenditures from the school of
pharmacy credit hour fee account of this fund shall be for school of phar-
macy faculty salaries and other operating expenditures in order to provide
faculty and student support services, clerkships and externships for stu-
dents, and for school of pharmacy instructional equipment and supplies:
And provided further, That expenditures from the school of pharmacy
credit hour fee account of this fund shall not exceed $1,090,000: And
provided further, That, subject to approval by the state board of regents
under K.S.A. 76-719 and amendments thereto, the university of Kansas
is hereby authorized to fix, charge and collect a fee of not more than $55
per student credit hour on master's level courses offered by the school
of business at the Lawrence campus: And provided further, That all mon-
eys received for such fee shall be credited to the school of business credit
hour fee account of this fund: And provided further, That expenditures
from the school of business credit hour fee account of this fund shall not
exceed $240,000: And provided further, That all moneys received for
tuition for students enrolled in courses offered at the regents center on
the Edwards campus shall be deposited in the state treasury and credited
to this fund: And provided further, That the director of accounts and
reports shall transfer on a periodic basis amounts generated from such
courses in excess of $2,313,884 as specified by the chancellor of the uni-
versity of Kansas, or the chancellor's designee, from the general fees fund
to the regents center development fund.

Regents center development fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures shall be made from the regents center de-
velopment fund for program operation and development at the regents
center on the Edwards campus.

Interest fund $20,000
Sponsored research overhead fund No limit
Law enforcement training center fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the law enforcement
training center fund to cover the costs of tuition for students enrolled in
the law enforcement training program in addition to the costs of salaries
and wages and other operating expenditures for the program: Provided,
however, That any academic credit granted through this program shall
not be included in the university's budgeted enrollment figures: Provided
further, That the amount of any unencumbered balance of the amount
made available for expenditure from this fund for capital improvements
in fiscal year 1993 by section 9(b) of chapter 215 of the 1992 Session Laws
of Kansas and amendments thereto is hereby authorized to be expended
during fiscal year 2001: And provided further, That expenditures may be
made from this fund for the acquisition of tracts of land adjacent to the
law enforcement training center.

Law enforcement training center fees fund No limit
Provided, That all moneys received for tuition from students enrolling in
the basic law enforcement training program for undergraduate or grad-
uate credit shall be deposited in the state treasury and credited to the
law enforcement training center fees fund.

Restricted fees fund No limit
Provided, That restricted fees shall be limited to receipts for the following
accounts: Institute for public policy and business research; technology
equipment; clinical psychology conference; concert course; residence hall
maintenance; speech, language and hearing clinic; perceptual motor
clinic; application for admission fees; named professorships; summer in-
stitutes and workshops; dramatics; economic opportunity act; executive
management; continuing education programs; geology field trips; gifts
and grants; extension services; counseling center; investment income
from bequests; housing and residence halls; endowment research salaries;
engineering research salaries; music and art camp; national defense ed-
ucation programs; child development lab preschools; orientation center;
educational placement; press publications; Rice estate educational pro-
ject; sponsored research; student activities; sale of surplus books and art
objects; building use charges; Kansas applied remote sensing program;
executive master's degree in business administration; applied English
center; cartographic services; economic education; study abroad pro-
grams; computer services; recreational activities; animal care activities;
geological survey; engineering equipment fee; midwestern student
exchange; department commercial receipts for all sales, refunds, and all
other collections or receipts not specifically enumerated above: Provided,
however, That the state board of regents, with the approval of the state
finance council acting on this matter which is hereby characterized as a
matter of legislative delegation and subject to the guidelines prescribed
in subsection (c) of K.S.A. 75-3711c and amendments thereto, may
amend or change this list of restricted fees: Provided further, That all
restricted fees shall be deposited to the credit of the appropriate account
of the restricted fees fund and shall be used solely for the specific purpose
or purposes for which collected: And provided further, That expenditures
may be made from this fund to purchase insurance for equipment pur-
chased through research and training grants only if such grants include
money for and authorize the purchase of such insurance.

Service clearing fund No limit
Provided, That the service clearing fund shall be used for the following
service activities: Residence hall food stores; university motor pool; fur-
niture stores; business office stores; university printing service; military
uniforms; telecommunications service; and such other internal service
activities as are authorized by the state board of regents under K.S.A. 76-
755 and amendments thereto.

Health service fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures from the health service fund may be made
for the purchase of medical malpractice liability coverage for individuals
employed on the medical staff, including pharmacists and physical ther-
apists, at the student health center.

Kansas career work study program fund No limit
Student union fund No limit
Regents supplemental grant fund No limit
National direct student loan fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures from the national direct student loan fund
shall be used for the federal Perkins student loan program, federal sup-
plemental educational opportunity program and federal disadvantaged
student loan program.

Ford foundation--forgivable loan fund No limit
Andrew Mellon Foundation fund No limit
Health professions student loan fund No limit
Geological survey fund No limit
Equipment reserve fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures from the equipment reserve fund shall be
made only for the purchase of equipment.

Research projects grants fund No limit
Research projects grants matching fund No limit
U.S. Army grant fund No limit
Housing system suspense fund No limit
Housing system revenue fund No limit
Housing system operations fund No limit
Housing system repairs, equipment and improvement
fund No limit
Educational opportunity act--federal fund No limit
Loans for disadvantaged students fund No limit
Prepaid tuition fees clearing fund No limit
Kansas comprehensive grant fund No limit
Tuition accountability fund No limit
 (c) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the director of accounts
and reports shall transfer an amount specified by the chancellor prior to
July 1, 2001, from the general fees fund to the equipment reserve fund.

 (d) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer amounts specified by the
chancellor of the university of Kansas of not to exceed a total of $285,000
for all such amounts, from the general fees fund to the following specified
funds and accounts of funds: Federal Perkins student loan program ac-
count of the national direct student loan fund; federal supplemental ed-
ucational opportunity program account of the national direct student loan
fund; federal disadvantaged student loan program account of the national
direct student loan fund; health professions student loan fund; other
funds or accounts established for campus-based loan programs sponsored
by the federal government.

 (e) Upon a finding by the director of the budget that the above agency
realized an increase in receipts to the general fees fund in the summer
2000 session, fall 2000 semester, or spring 2001 semester above compa-
rable periods in the preceding year, which increase in receipts resulted
from increases in enrollment, changes in resident and nonresident stu-
dent mix, or the imposition of a more restrictive tuition waiver policy, or
any combination thereof, the director of the budget shall certify such
amount of increased receipts to the director of accounts and reports.
Upon receipt of such certification, the director of accounts and reports
shall transfer the amount certified from the general fees fund to the tu-
ition accountability fund.

 Sec. 48.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Operating expenditures (including official hospitality) $98,539,396
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the operating expenditures
(including official hospitality) account in excess of $100 as of June 30,
2000, is hereby reappropriated for fiscal year 2001: Provided further, That
expenditures may be made from this account for the purchase of mal-
practice insurance for students in training at the university of Kansas
school of medicine, nursing and allied health: And provided further, That
such malpractice insurance shall be approved by the commissioner of
insurance of the state of Kansas: And provided further, That expenditures
from this account may be used to reimburse medical residents in resi-
dency programs located in Kansas City at the university of Kansas medical
center for the purchase of health insurance for residents' dependents.

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

General fees fund $11,033,864
Provided, That any transfers of moneys from this fund to the equipment
reserve fund pursuant to subsection (c) shall be deemed expenditures for
the purpose of the expenditure limitation imposed on this fund.

Restricted fees fund No limit
Provided, That restricted fees shall be limited to the following accounts:
Technology equipment; computer services; salaries reimbursed by the
Kansas university endowment association; postgraduate fees; pathology
fees; student health insurance premiums; gift receipts; sponsored re-
search; departmental commercial receipts; department of social and re-
habilitation services cost-sharing; university of Kansas physicians, inc., re-
imbursements: Provided, however, That the state board of regents, with
the approval of the state finance council acting on this matter which is
hereby characterized as a matter of legislative delegation and subject to
the guidelines prescribed in subsection (c) of K.S.A. 75-3711c and amend-
ments thereto, may amend or change this list of restricted fees: And
provided further, That all restricted fees shall be deposited to the credit
of the appropriate account of the restricted fees fund and shall be used
solely for the specific purpose or purposes for which collected: And pro-
vided further, That expenditures may be made from this fund to purchase
insurance for equipment purchased through research and training grants
only if such grants include money for and authorize the purchase of such
insurance: And provided further, That expenditures may be made from
this fund to purchase health insurance coverage for all students enrolled
in the school of allied health, school of nursing and school of medicine.

Sponsored research overhead fund No limit
Parking fees fund No limit
Services to hospital authority fund No limit
Direct medical education reimbursement fund $2,428,197
Service clearing fund No limit
Provided, That the service clearing fund shall be used for the following
service activities: Print shop; purchasing storeroom; university motor
pool; clothing (uniforms); physical plant storeroom; photo supplies; tel-
ecommunications services; facilities operations discretionary repairs; an-
imal care; paging equipment; biomedical engineering; audiovisual serv-
ices; computer services; and such other internal service activities as are
authorized by the state board of regents under K.S.A. 76-755 and amend-
ments thereto.

College work-study fund No limit
Student union fees fund No limit
Scholarship funds fund No limit
Health professions student loan fund--medical students No limit
Health professions student loan fund--nursing students No limit
Revolving student loans fund No limit
Student loans fund No limit
Suspense fund No limit
Prepaid tuition fees clearing fund No limit
Educational opportunity grant fund No limit
Basic educational opportunity grant fund No limit
National direct student loan fund No limit
Medical scholarship and loan repayment fund $1,489,682
Provided, That expenditures from this fund for attorney fees and litigation
costs associated with the administration of the medical scholarship and
loan program shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation imposed
on the operating expenditures account of the medical scholarship and
loan repayment fund or on the total expenditures from the medical schol-
arship and loan repayment fund.

Equipment reserve fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures from the equipment reserve fund shall be
made only for the purchase of equipment.

University of Kansas medical center private practice foun
dation reserve fund No limit
Robert Wood Johnson foundation loan fund No limit
 (c) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the director of accounts
and reports shall transfer an amount specified by the chancellor prior to
July 1, 2001, from the general fees fund to the equipment reserve fund.

 (d) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer amounts specified by the
chancellor of the university of Kansas of not to exceed a total of $125,000
for all such amounts, from the general fees fund to the following funds:
National direct student loan fund; federal basic educational opportunity
grant fund; federal college work-study fund; health professions student
loan fund--medical students; health professions student loan fund--
nursing students.

 (e) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, medical students en-
rolled at the university of Kansas medical center are hereby self-insured
by the state of Kansas while in clinical training at the university of Kansas
medical center or at other health care institutions. Such individuals shall
be considered employees for purposes of the Kansas tort claims act and
shall be provided defense and indemnification for claims arising out of
their clinical training at the university of Kansas medical center or at other
health care institutions in accordance with the provisions of the Kansas
tort claims act. With in the limits of appropriations therefor, the university
of Kansas medical center may enter into contracts to purchase additional
malpractice insurance for such medical students. Any such malpractice
insurance purchase shall be approved by the commissioner of insurance
of the state of Kansas.

 (f) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the director of accounts
and reports shall transfer an amount specified by the chancellor prior to
July 1, 2000, from the general fees fund to the student health insurance
premiums account of the restricted fees fund.

 (g) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
all moneys in the EDIF--integrated computer system fund of the uni-
versity of Kansas medical center to the Kansas economic development
endowment account of the state economic development initiatives fund
of the department of commerce and housing. On July 1, 2000, all liabilities
of the EDIF--integrated computer system fund are hereby transferred
to and imposed on the Kansas economic development endowment ac-
count of the state economic development initiatives fund and the EDIF--
integrated computer system fund is hereby abolished.

 Sec. 49.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Operating expenditures (including official hospitality) $62,618,059
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the operating expenditures
(including official hospitality) account in excess of $100 as of June 30,
2000, is hereby reappropriated for fiscal year 2001.

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

General fees fund $28,425,377
Provided, That expenditures from the general fees fund may be made
only for salaries and wages and for other operating expenditures and shall
not be made for capital improvements: Provided further, That any trans-
fers of moneys from this fund to the equipment reserve fund pursuant to
subsection (c) shall be deemed expenditures for the purpose of the ex-
penditure limitation imposed on this fund.

Restricted fees fund No limit
Provided, That restricted fees shall be limited to receipts for the following
accounts: Summer school workshops; technology equipment; concert
course; dramatics; continuing education; flight training; gifts and grants
(for teaching, research, and capital improvements); testing service; state
department of education (vocational); investment income from bequests;
sale of surplus books and art objects; public service; veterans counseling
and educational benefits; sponsored research; campus privilege fee; stu-
dent activities; national defense education programs; engineering equip-
ment fee; midwestern student exchange; departmental receipts--for all
sales, refunds and other collections or receipts not specifically enumer-
ated above: Provided, however, That the state board of regents, with the
approval of the state finance council acting on this matter which is hereby
characterized as a matter of legislative delegation and subject to the
guidelines prescribed in subsection (c) of K.S.A. 75-3711c and amend-
ments thereto, may amend or change this list of restricted fees: Provided
further, That all restricted fees shall be deposited to the credit of the
appropriate account of the restricted fees fund and shall be used solely
for the specific purpose or purposes for which collected: And provided
further, That expenditures may be made from this fund to purchase in-
surance for equipment purchased through research and training grants
only if such grants include money for and authorize the purchase of such
insurance: And provided further, That expenditures from this fund may
be made for the purchase of medical malpractice liability coverage for
individuals employed on the medical staff at the student health center.

Service clearing fund No limit
Provided, That the service clearing fund shall be used for the following
service activities: Central service duplicating and reproducing bureau; au-
tomobiles; furniture stores; postal clearing; telecommunication; computer
service; and such other internal service activities as are authorized by the
state board of regents under K.S.A. 76-755 and amendments thereto.

On-campus parking revenue fund No limit
Kansas career work study program fund No limit
National direct student loan fund No limit
Scholarship funds fund No limit
Sponsored research fund No limit
Sponsored research overhead fund No limit
Economic opportunity act--federal fund No limit
Education opportunity grant--federal fund No limit
Work-study program fund No limit
Health professions student assistance program--loans
fund No limit
Nine month payroll clearing account fund No limit
Equipment reserve fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures from the equipment reserve fund shall be
made only for the purchase of equipment.

Research projects grants fund No limit
Research projects grants matching fund No limit
Pell grants fund No limit
Housing system suspense fund No limit
Housing system renovation principal and interest fund No limit
Housing system repairs, equipment and improvement
>fund No limit
WSU housing system depreciation and replacement
fund No limit
Perkins loan fund No limit
Kansas distinguished scholarship fund No limit
Kansas comprehensive grant fund No limit
1971 academic and service building maintenance fund No limit
WSU housing systems revenue fund No limit
1976 dormitory maintenance reserve fund No limit
Tuition accountability fund No limit

 (c) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the director of accounts
and reports shall transfer an amount specified by the president of Wichita
state university prior to July 1, 2001, from the general fees fund to the
equipment reserve fund.

 (d) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer an amount specified by the
president of Wichita state university of not to exceed $120,000 from the
general fees fund to the education opportunity grant--federal fund.

 (e) Upon a finding by the director of the budget that the above agency
realized an increase in receipts to the general fees fund in the summer
2000 session, fall 2000 semester, or spring 2001 semester above compa-
rable periods in the preceding year, which increase in receipts resulted
from increases in enrollment, changes in resident and nonresident stu-
dent mix, or the imposition of a more restrictive tuition waiver policy, or
any combination thereof, the director of the budget shall certify such
amount of increased receipts to the director of accounts and reports.
Upon receipt of such certification, the director of accounts and reports
shall transfer the amount certified from the general fees fund to the tu-
ition accountability fund.

 (f) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer $186,313 from the WSU
housing systems revenue fund of Wichita state university to the state
general fund.

 Sec. 50.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Operating expenditures (including official hospitality) $2,392,268
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the operating expenditures
(including official hospitality) account in excess of $100 as of June 30,
2000, is hereby reappropriated for fiscal year 2001: Provided further, That
the state board of regents is hereby authorized to transfer moneys from
this account to an account or accounts of the restricted fees fund of any
institution under its jurisdiction for the support of regents distinguished
professors, Kansas regents honors academy or the Kansas council on ec-
onomic education.

State scholarship program $1,278,688
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the state scholarship
program account for the state scholarship program under K.S.A. 72-6816
and amendments thereto and for the Kansas distinguished scholarship
program under K.S.A. 74-3278 through 74-3283 and amendments
thereto: Provided further, That of the total amount appropriated in the
state scholarship program account the amount of $25,000 is dedicated for
the Kansas distinguished scholarship program.

Comprehensive Grant program $10,396,766
Ethnic minority scholarship program $361,069
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the ethnic minority schol-
arship program account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby
reappropriated for fiscal year 2001.

Ethnic minority fellowship program $135,450
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the ethnic minority fellow-
ship program account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby
reappropriated for fiscal year 2001.

Kansas work-study program $538,951
Provided, That the state board of regents is hereby authorized to transfer
moneys from the Kansas work-study program account to the Kansas ca-
reer work study program fund of any institution under its jurisdiction
participating in the Kansas work-study program established by K.S.A. 74-
3274 et seq., and amendments thereto: Provided further, That all moneys
transferred from this account to the Kansas career work study program
fund of any such institution shall be expended for and in accordance with
the Kansas work-study program.

ROTC scholarship reimbursement $192,166
Provided, That all expenditures from the ROTC scholarship reimburse-
ment account for reimbursements under K.S.A. 74-3256 and amend-
ments thereto to any state educational institution under the jurisdiction
of the state board of regents shall be made as transfers to the general
fees fund of such state educational institution as a transaction between
state agencies in accordance with subsection (b) of K.S.A. 75-5516 and
amendments thereto.

Teachers scholarship program $374,277
Vocational scholarships $125,000
Nursing student scholarship program $248,563
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the nursing student schol-
arship program account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby
reappropriated for fiscal year 2001.

Optometry Education Program $115,000
Faculty salary enhancement $8,385,729
Provided, That all moneys in the faculty salary enhancement account shall
be used by the state board of regents to increase the salary of public
service, teaching and research faculty members: Provided further, That
the state board of regents is hereby authorized to transfer moneys from
this account to appropriate accounts of the state general fund of any
institution under its jurisdiction: And provided further, That the executive
director of the state board of regents shall certify each such transfer to
the director of accounts and reports and shall transmit a copy of each
such certification to the division of the budget and the legislative research

Municipal university operating grant $9,270,411
Postsecondary aid for vocational education $19,507,958
Adult basic education $1,100,000
Community college operating grant $74,086,918
Technology equipment at community colleges and Wash-
burn university $450,000
Provided, That the state board of regents is hereby authorized to make
expenditures from the technology equipment at community colleges and
Washburn university account for grants to community colleges and Wash-
burn university pursuant to grant applications for the purchase of tech-
nology equipment, in accordance with guidelines established by the state
board of education.

Vocational education capital outlay aid $500,000
Provided, That expenditures from the vocational education capital outlay
aid account for each grant of vocational education capital outlay aid shall
be matched by the area vocational school, the area vocational-technical
school or the technical college in an amount which is equal to 50% of the

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

Osteopathic scholarship repayment fund $480,000
Vocational education scholarship examination fees fund No limit
Vocational education scholarship discontinued attendance
fund No limit
Student incentive grant fund--federal No limit
Regents' scholarship gift fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the regents' scholarship
gift fund for scholarships awarded to Kansas residents who are attending
institutions of postsecondary education in Kansas which are authorized
under the laws of this state to award academic degrees and who meet
academic and other eligibility criteria established by the state board of
regents by rules and regulations: Provided, however, That a financial
needs test shall not be one of the eligibility criteria established by the
state board of regents for such scholarships: Provided further, That no
scholarship awarded from this fund shall exceed $2,000 per academic
year: And provided further, That any recipient of a scholarship awarded
from this fund may also receive either a state scholarship under K.S.A.
72-6810 to 72-6816, inclusive, and amendments thereto or a tuition grant
under K.S.A. 72-6107 to 72-6111, inclusive, and amendments thereto, or
both: And provided further, That there shall be no reduction of any schol-
arship awarded from this fund for the amount of any such state scholar-
ship or tuition grant received.

Economic development initiatives fund $9,566,110
Provided, That no expenditures shall be made from the economic devel-
opment initiatives fund of the state board of regents other than for pur-
poses specifically authorized by this or other appropriation act: Provided,
however, That expenditures from such fund for such purpose shall not
exceed the limitations prescribed therefor.

Earned indirect costs fund--federal No limit
Paul Douglas teacher scholarship fund--federal No limit
GED credentials processing fees fund No limit
Proprietary school fee fund No limit
Adult basic education--federal fund No limit
Truck driver training fund No limit
Education for economic security grant--federal fund No limit
Comprehensive grant program discontinued attendance
fund No limit
State scholarship discontinued attendance fund No limit
Kansas ethnic minority fellowship program fund No limit
Private postsecondary educational institution degree au-
thorization expense reimbursement fee fund No limit
Voluntary tax sheltered annuity clearing fund No limit
Substance abuse education fund--federal No limit
Mandatory retirement annuity clearing fund No limit
Nursing student scholarship program fund No limit
Kansas ethnic minority discontinued attendance fund No limit
Clearing fund No limit
Conversion of materials and equipment fund No limit
Teacher scholarship program fund No limit
Financial aid services fee fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the financial aid services
fee fund for operating expenditures directly or indirectly related to the
operating costs associated with administering the Kansas osteopathy
scholarship program, Kansas optometric scholarship program, Kansas
nursing scholarship program and Kansas teacher scholarship program:
Provided further, That the executive officer of the state board of regents
is hereby authorized to fix, charge and collect fees for the processing of
all new and renewal applications under the Kansas osteopathy scholarship
program, Kansas optometric scholarship program, Kansas nursing schol-
arship program and Kansas teacher scholarship program: And provided
further, That such fees shall be fixed in order to recover all or a part of
the direct and indirect operating expenses incurred for administering
such scholarship programs: And provided further, That all moneys re-
ceived for such fees shall be deposited in the state treasury and credited
to this fund.

Optometry education repayment fund No limit
Teacher scholarship repayment fund No limit
Advanced registered nurse practitioner program fund No limit
Nursing student scholarship discontinued attendance
fund No limit
Nursing student scholarship repayment fund No limit
 (c) Expenditures may be made by the state board of regents from the
economic development initiatives fund for the fiscal year ending June 30,
2001, for the following purposes, subject to the expenditure limitations
prescribed therefor:

Vocational education capital outlay aid $2,200,000
Provided, That expenditures from the vocational education capital outlay
aid account for each grant of vocational education capital outlay aid shall
be matched by the area vocational school, the area vocational-technical
school or the technical college in an amount which is equal to 50% of the

Postsecondary aid for vocational education $6,916,110
Technology innovation and internship program $200,000
Comprehensive grant program $250,000
 (d) On July 15, 2000, or as soon after such date as moneys are available,
the director of accounts and reports shall transfer $794,416 from the
Kansas economic development endowment account of the state economic
development initiatives fund of the department of commerce and housing
to the economic development initiatives fund of the state board of re-

 (e) On August 15, 2000, and on the 15th day of each month thereafter
during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, or as soon after such date as
moneys are available, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
$794,415 from the Kansas economic development endowment account
of the state economic development initiatives fund of the department of
commerce and housing to the economic development initiatives fund of
the state board of regents.

 Sec. 51.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Central administration operations and parole and post
release supervision operations $12,361,004
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the central administration
operations and parole and postrelease supervision operations account in
excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated for fiscal
year 2001: Provided, however, That expenditures from such reappro-
priated balance shall not exceed $4,675 except upon approval of the state
finance council.

Community corrections $13,640,661
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the community corrections
account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated
for fiscal year 2001: Provided, however, That expenditures from such
reappropriated balance shall not exceed $427,424 except upon approval
of the state finance council: Provided further, That no expenditures may
be made by any county from any grant made to such county from the
community corrections account for either half of state fiscal year 2001
which supplant any amount of local public or private funding of existing
programs as determined in accordance with rules and regulations adopted
by the secretary of corrections.

Local jail payments $1,925,000
Community correctional conservation camp $2,369,470
Conservation camp for female offenders $424,175
Treatment and programs $31,080,800
Provided, That expenditures from the treatment and programs account
for malpractice insurance shall not be greater than the amount obtained
by multiplying $5,000 by the approved number of positions equated to
full-time for individuals employed as physician specialists, physician as-
sistants and dentists.

Topeka correctional facility--facilities operations $13,658,283
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the Topeka correctional
facility--facilities operations subaccount of the facilities operations ac-
count in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated to
the Topeka correctional facility--facilities operations account for fiscal
year 2001: Provided, however, That expenditures from such reappro-
priated balance shall be made only upon approval of the state finance

Hutchinson correctional facility--facilities operations $22,996,537
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the Hutchinson correc-
tional facility--facilities operations subaccount of the facilities operations
account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated
to the Hutchinson correctional facility--facilities operations account for
fiscal year 2001: Provided, however, That expenditures from such reap-
propriated balance shall be made only upon approval of the state finance

Lansing correctional facility--facilities operations $30,894,098
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the Lansing correctional
facility--facilities operations subaccount of the facilities operations ac-
count in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated to
the Lansing correctional facility--facilities operations account for fiscal
year 2001: Provided, however, That expenditures from such reappro-
priated balance shall be made only upon approval of the state finance

Ellsworth correctional facility--facilities operations $8,221,828
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the Ellsworth correctional
facility--facilities operations subaccount of the facilities operations ac-
count in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated to
the Ellsworth correctional facility--facilities operations account for fiscal
year 2001: Provided, however, That expenditures from such reappro-
priated balance shall be made only upon approval of the state finance

Winfield correctional facility--facilities operations $9,000,551
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the Winfield correctional
facility--facilities operations subaccount of the facilities operations ac-
count in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated to
the Winfield correctional facility--facilities operations account for fiscal
year 2001: Provided, however, That expenditures from such reappro-
priated balance shall be made only upon approval of the state finance

Norton correctional facility--facilities operations $11,277,695
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the Norton correctional
facility--facilities operations subaccount of the facilities operations ac-
count in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated to
the Norton correctional facility--facilities operations account for fiscal
year 2001: Provided, however, That expenditures from such reappro-
priated balance shall be made only upon approval of the state finance

El Dorado correctional facility--facilities operations $17,290,354
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the El Dorado correctional
facility--facilities operations subaccount of the facilities operations ac-
count in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated to
the El Dorado correctional facility--facilities operations account for fiscal
year 2001: Provided, however, That expenditures from such reappro-
priated balance shall be made only upon approval of the state finance

Larned correctional facility--facilities operations $7,256,174
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the Larned correctional
facility--facilities operations subaccount of the facilities operations ac-
count in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated to
the Larned correctional facility--facilities operations account for fiscal
year 2001: Provided, however, That expenditures from such reappro-
priated balance shall be made only upon approval of the state finance

Food service--facilities operations $12,002,756
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the food service--facilities
operations subaccount of the facilities operations account in excess of
$100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated to the food service--
facilities operations account for fiscal year 2001: Provided, however, That
expenditures from such reappropriated balance shall be made only upon
approval of the state finance council.

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law
shall not exceed the following:

Other federal grants fund No limit
Provided, That the above agency is authorized to make expenditures from
the other federal grants fund for fiscal year 2001 of any moneys credited
to this fund from any individual grant if the grant is: (1) Less than
$1,000,000 in the aggregate, and (2) does not require the matching ex-
penditure of any other moneys in the state treasury during the current
or any ensuing fiscal year: Provided, however, That no grant that is greater
than $1,000,000 in the aggregate or that requires the matching expendi-
ture of any other moneys in the state treasury during the current or any
ensuing fiscal year shall be deposited to the credit of this fund.

Supervision fees fund No limit
Asset forfeiture--federal fund No limit
Residential substance abuse treatment--federal fund No limit
Justice assistance--federal fund No limit
Department of corrections state asset forfeiture fund No limit
Carl Perkins act--federal fund No limit
Criminal Justice Information System--federal fund No limit
Violent offender incarceration and truth in sentencing in-
centive grants--federal fund No limit
Chapter I--federal fund No limit
Correctional industries fund No limit
State of Kansas--department of corrections inmate benefit
fund No limit
Provided, That in addition to any other expenditure authorized from the
state of Kansas--department of corrections inmate benefit fund, the sum
of $15,000 shall be expended for fiscal year 2001 to fund a portion of the
operations of the office of the ombudsman of corrections: Provided fur-
ther, That the secretary of corrections is hereby authorized and directed
to transfer $250,303 from within the amounts authorized for expenditure
from the appropriate correctional facility inmate benefit funds to the state
of Kansas--department of corrections inmate benefit fund for the con-
tracted operations of visitor centers at Hutchinson correctional facility,
Lansing correctional facility, Norton correctional facility and Ellsworth
correctional facility.

Department of corrections--alien incarceration grant
No limit
Department of corrections--general fees fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the department of cor-
rections--general fees fund for operating expenditures for training pro-
grams for correctional personnel, including official hospitality: Provided
further, That the secretary of corrections is hereby authorized to fix,
charge and collect fees for such programs: And provided further, That
such fees shall be fixed in order to recover all or part of the operating
expenses incurred for such training programs, including official hospital-
ity: And provided further, That all fees received for such programs shall
be credited to this fund.

Topeka correctional facility--community development
block grant--federal fund No limit
Topeka correctional facility--general fees fund No limit
Topeka correctional facility--inmate canteen fund No limit
Topeka correctional facility --inmate benefit fund No limit
Topeka correctional facility--institutional library services
grant fund--federal No limit
Topeka correctional facility--alien incarceration grant
fund--federal No limit
Hutchinson correctional facility--general fees fund No limit
Hutchinson correctional facility--inmate canteen fund No limit
Hutchinson correctional facility--inmate benefit fund No limit
Hutchinson correctional facility--drug free demonstration
project--federal fund No limit
Hutchinson correctional facility--institutional library serv-
ices grant fund--federal No limit
Hutchinson correctional facility--alien incarceration grant
fund--federal No limit
Lansing correctional facility--general fees fund No limit
Lansing correctional facility--inmate canteen fund No limit
Lansing correctional facility--inmate benefit fund No limit
Lansing correctional facility--institutional library services
grant fund--federal No limit
Lansing correctional facility--alien incarceration grant
fund--federal No limit
Ellsworth correctional facility--general fees fund No limit
Ellsworth correctional facility--inmate canteen fund No limit
Ellsworth correctional facility--inmate benefit fund No limit
Ellsworth correctional facility--institutional library serv-
ices grant fund--federal No limit
Ellsworth correctional facility--alien incarceration grant
fund--federal No limit
Winfield correctional facility--general fees fund No limit
Winfield correctional facility--inmate canteen fund No limit
Winfield correctional facility--inmate benefit fund No limit
Winfield correctional facility--institutional library services
grant fund--federal No limit
Winfield correctional facility--alien incarceration grant
fund--federal No limit
Norton correctional facility--general fees fund No limit
Norton correctional facility--inmate canteen fund No limit
Norton correctional facility--inmate benefit fund No limit
Norton correctional facility--institutional library services
grant fund--federal No limit
Norton correctional facility--alien incarceration grant
fund--federal No limit
El Dorado correctional facility--general fees fund No limit
El Dorado correctional facility--inmate canteen fund No limit
El Dorado correctional facility--inmate benefit fund No limit
El Dorado correctional facility--institutional library serv-
ices grant fund--federal No limit
El Dorado correctional facility--alien incarceration grant
fund--federal No limit
Larned correctional mental health facility--general fees
fund No limit
Larned correctional mental health facility--inmate can-
teen fund No limit
Larned correctional mental health facility--inmate benefit
fund No limit
Larned correctional mental health facility--institutional li-
brary services grant fund--federal No limit
Larned correctional mental health facility--justice assis-
tance--federal fund No limit
Larned correctional mental health facility--alien incarcer-
ation grant fund--federal No limit
 (c) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the secretary of cor-
rections, with the approval of the director of the budget, may transfer any
part of any item of appropriation for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001,
from the state general fund for the department of corrections or any
correctional institution or facility under the general supervision and man-
agement of the secretary of corrections to another item of appropriation
for fiscal year 2001 from the state general fund for the department of
corrections or any correctional institution or facility under the general
supervision and management of the secretary of corrections. The secre-
tary of corrections shall certify each such transfer to the director of ac-
counts and reports and shall transmit a copy of each such certification to
the legislative research department.

 (d) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer $250,000 from the correc-
tional industries fund to the department of corrections--general fees
fund: Provided, That the secretary of corrections may transfer moneys
during fiscal year 2001 from the department of corrections--general fees
fund to the general fees fund of any correctional institution for the pur-
pose of funding inmate work crew supervisor positions.

 Sec. 52.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Operating expenditures $34,385,360
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the operating expenditures
account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated
for fiscal year 2001: Provided, however, That expenditures from such
reappropriated balance shall not exceed $8,683 except upon approval of
the state finance council: Provided further, That expenditures from the
operating expenditures account for official hospitality shall not exceed

Management information systems $2,103,330
Topeka juvenile correctional facility operations $11,811,652
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the Topeka juvenile cor-
rectional facility operations subaccount of the facilities operations account
in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated to the
Topeka juvenile correctional facility operations account for fiscal year
2001: Provided, however, That expenditures from such reappropriated
balance shall not exceed $25,379 except upon approval of the state finance
council: Provided further, That expenditures may be made from this ac-
count for educational services contracts which are hereby authorized to
be negotiated and entered into by the above agency with unified school
districts or other public educational services providers: And provided fur-
ther, That such educational services contracts shall not be subject to the
competitive bid requirements of K.S.A. 75-3739 and amendments

Atchison juvenile correctional facility operations $6,021,144
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the Atchison juvenile cor-
rectional facility operations subaccount of the facilities operations account
in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated to the
Atchison juvenile correctional facility operations account for fiscal year
2001: Provided, however, That expenditures from such reappropriated
balance shall be made only upon approval of the state finance council:
Provided further, That expenditures may be made from this account for
educational services contracts which are hereby authorized to be nego-
tiated and entered into by the above agency with unified school districts
or other public educational services providers: And provided further, That
such educational services contracts shall not be subject to the competitive
bid requirements of K.S.A. 75-3739 and amendments thereto.

Beloit juvenile correctional facility operations $5,385,686
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the Beloit juvenile correc-
tional facility operations subaccount of the facilities operations account in
excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated to the Beloit
juvenile correctional facility operations account for fiscal year 2001: Pro-
vided, however, That expenditures from such reappropriated balance
shall be made only upon approval of the state finance council: Provided
further, That expenditures may be made from this account for educational
services contracts which are hereby authorized to be negotiated and en-
tered into by the above agency with unified school districts or other public
educational services providers: And provided further, That such educa-
tional services contracts shall not be subject to the competitive bid
requirements of K.S.A. 75-3739 and amendments thereto.

Larned juvenile correctional facility operations $4,238,187
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the Larned juvenile cor-
rectional facility operations subaccount of the facilities operations account
in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated to the
Larned juvenile correctional facility operations account for fiscal year
2001: Provided, however, That expenditures from such reappropriated
balance shall be made only upon approval of the state finance council.

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law
shall not exceed the following:

Title XIX fund No limit
Title IV-E fund No limit
Juvenile justice delinquency prevention--federal fund No limit
Juvenile detention facilities fund $3,985,258
Juvenile justice fee fund No limit
Kansas endowment for youth trust fund No limit
Juvenile justice federal fund No limit
Juvenile justice community initiative fund No limit
Juvenile justice community planning fund No limit
Byrne grant--federal fund No limit
Capital facilities planning and projects--federal fund No limit
Topeka juvenile correctional facility fee fund No limit
Topeka juvenile correctional facility improvement fund No limit
Topeka juvenile correctional facility--elementary and sec-
ondary education fund--federal No limit
Topeka juvenile correctional facility--canteen fund No limit
Topeka juvenile correctional facility--patient benefit
fund No limit
Atchison juvenile correctional facility fee fund No limit
Atchison juvenile correctional facility--elementary and sec-
ondary education fund--federal No limit
Atchison juvenile correctional facility--canteen fund No limit
Atchison juvenile correctional facility--patient benefit
fund No limit
Beloit juvenile correctional facility fee fund No limit
Beloit juvenile correctional facility--elementary and sec-
ondary education fund--federal No limit
Beloit juvenile correctional facility--canteen fund No limit
Beloit juvenile correctional facility--patient benefit
fund No limit
Larned juvenile correctional facility fee fund No limit
 (c) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer $90,000 from the alcohol
and drug abuse block grant federal fund of the department of social and
rehabilitation services to the juvenile justice federal fund of the juvenile
justice authority.

 (d) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer $46,120 from the alcohol
and drug abuse block grant federal fund of the department of social and
rehabilitation services to the Beloit juvenile correctional facility fee fund
of the juvenile justice authority.

 (e) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the superintendent of
the Topeka juvenile correctional facility, upon the approval of the director
of accounts and reports, shall transfer $4,000 from the Topeka juvenile
correctional facility--canteen fund to the Topeka juvenile correctional
facility--patient benefit fund.

 (f) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the superintendent of
the Atchison juvenile correctional facility, upon the approval of the di-
rector of accounts and reports, shall transfer $500 from the Atchison
juvenile correctional facility--canteen fund to the Atchison juvenile cor-
rectional facility--patient benefit fund.

 (g) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the superintendent of
the Beloit juvenile correctional facility, upon the approval of the director
of accounts and reports, shall transfer $1,000 from the Beloit juvenile
correctional facility--canteen fund to the Beloit juvenile correctional fa-
cility--patient benefit fund.

 (h) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the commissioner of
juvenile justice, with the approval of the director of the budget, may
transfer any part of any item of appropriation for the fiscal year ending
June 30, 2001, from the state general fund for the juvenile justice au-
thority or any juvenile correctional facility or institution under the general
supervision and management of the commissioner of juvenile justice to
another item of appropriation for fiscal year 2001 from the state general
fund for the juvenile justice authority or any juvenile correctional facility
or institution under the general supervision and management of the com-
missioner of juvenile justice. The commissioner of juvenile justice shall
certify each such transfer to the director of accounts and reports and shall
transmit a copy of each such certification to the legislative research de-

 (i) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available there-
for, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer $1,000,000 from
the juvenile detention facilities fund to the state general fund.

 Sec. 53.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Operating expenditures $4,385,789
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the operating expenditures
account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated
for fiscal year 2001: Provided, however, That expenditures from such
reappropriated balance shall not exceed $1,596 except upon approval of
the state finance council: Provided further, That expenditures from this
account for official hospitality shall not exceed $1,250.

Civil air patrol--operating expenditures $26,553
 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law
shall not exceed the following:

Conversion of materials and equipment fund--military
division No limit
Training and support of title III--federal fund No limit
Emergency preparedness--federal fund matching--
equipment fund No limit
Emergency preparedness--federal fund matching--ad-
ministration fund No limit
Emergency preparedness--RADEF instrument--main-
tenance fund No limit
State disaster coordination--federal fund No limit
Emergency preparedness--nuclear civil protection--fed-
eral fund No limit
Payment of death, disability, and medical benefit claims
fund No limit
Expenses under national guard mutual assistance compact
fund No limit
Military fees fund No limit
Provided, That all moneys received by the adjutant general from the fed-
eral government for reimbursement for expenditures made under agree-
ments with the federal government shall be deposited in the state treasury
and credited to the military fees fund.

Emergency preparedness--fee fund No limit
Armories and units general fees fund No limit
Emergency preparedness--disaster fund--federal fund No limit
Civil air patrol--grants and contributions fund No limit
Emergency management performance grant (EMPG)
fund No limit
EMPG terrorism consequence management preparedness
grant (TCMPA) fund No limit
EDIF--educational assistance fund $50,000
 (c) On July 15, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer $50,000 from the Kansas
economic development endowment account of the state economic de-
velopment initiatives fund of the department of commerce and housing
to the EDIF--educational assistance fund of the adjutant general.

 Sec. 54.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures, other than refunds authorized by law,
purchases of nationally recognized adopted codes for resale and federally
reimbursed overtime, shall not exceed the following:

Fire marshal fee fund $2,729,164
Provided, That expenditures from the fire marshal fee fund for official
hospitality shall not exceed $500.

Other federal grants fund No limit
Provided, That the above agency is authorized to make expenditures from
the other federal grants fund of any moneys credited to this fund from
any individual grant if the grant is: (1) Less than $250,000 in the aggre-
gate, and (2) does not require the matching expenditure of any other
moneys in the state treasury during the current or any ensuing fiscal year:
Provided, however, That no grant that is greater than $250,000 in the
aggregate or that requires the matching expenditure of any other moneys
in the state treasury during the current or any ensuing fiscal year, shall
be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of this fund.

Gifts, grants and donations fund No limit
Hazardous material program fund $415,083
 (b) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer $207,542 from the fire
marshal fee fund to the hazardous material program fund of the state fire

 (c) On January 1, 2001, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available,
the director of accounts and reports shall transfer $207,541 from the fire
marshal fee fund to the hazardous material program fund of the state fire

 Sec. 55.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Parole from adult correctional institutions $418,640
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the parole from adult cor-
rectional institutions account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is
hereby reappropriated for fiscal year 2001.

 Sec. 56.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Operating expenditures $25,236,627
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the operating expenditures
account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated
for fiscal year 2001: Provided, however, That expenditures from such
reappropriated balance shall not exceed $581 except upon approval of
the state finance council: Provided further, That expenditures may be
made from this account for the purchase of civilian clothing for members
of the Kansas highway patrol assigned to duties pursuant to K.S.A. 74-
2105 and amendments thereto: And provided further, That expenditures
may be made from this account for state aircraft insurance: And provided
further, That expenditures from this account for official hospitality shall
not exceed $1,000: And provided further, That expenditures shall be
made from this account for operating expenditures of the Kansas highway
patrol to provide leadership, coordination and technical assistance to
other state public safety agencies in implementing the conversion to 800
megahertz radio systems for those agencies.

Capitol area security $679,341
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the capitol area security
account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated
for fiscal year 2001: Provided, however, That expenditures from such
reappropriated balance shall not exceed $326 except upon approval of
the state finance council.

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law
shall not exceed the following:

General fees fund No limit
Provided, That all moneys received from the sale of used equipment,
recovery of and reimbursements for expenditures and any other source
of revenue shall be deposited in the state treasury and credited to the
general fees fund, except as otherwise provided by law: Provided further,
That the Kansas highway patrol shall deposit the proceeds from the sale
of personal sidearms to retiring troopers and other retiring sworn officers
of the Kansas highway patrol, which sales upon retirement are hereby
authorized, in the state treasury to the credit of this fund: Provided, how-
ever, That each such sale of a retiring sworn officer's personal sidearm
upon retirement shall be for an amount of not less than the replacement
cost of the sidearm: And provided further, That the Kansas highway patrol
is hereby authorized to sell and a trooper or other sworn officer of the
Kansas highway patrol who resigns from the Kansas highway patrol to
accept employment with a local, state or federal law enforcement agency
is hereby authorized to purchase such trooper or other sworn officer's
personal sidearm with a trigger lock upon resignation in the same manner
as prescribed in this subsection for retiring troopers and sworn officers
of the Kansas highway patrol for the amount equal to the total of the cost
of the sidearm plus the cost of the trigger lock: And provided further,
That no sale of a personal sidearm shall be made to any trooper or sworn
officer of the Kansas highway patrol upon resignation unless the super-
intendent of the Kansas highway patrol determines that the employment
record and performance evaluations of each such trooper or sworn officer
of the Kansas highway patrol is satisfactory: And provided further, That
the Kansas highway patrol shall deposit the proceeds from the sale of
personal sidearms and trigger locks to such resigning troopers and other
sworn officers in the state treasury to the credit of this fund.

For patrol of Kansas turnpike fund No limit
Highway patrol motor vehicle fund No limit
Highway patrol--federal fund No limit
Kansas highway patrol state forfeiture fund No limit
Gifts and donations fund No limit
Federal forfeiture fund No limit
Motor carrier safety assistance program fund No limit
Highway patrol training center clearing fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the highway patrol train-
ing center clearing fund for use of the highway patrol training center by
other state or local government agencies: Provided further, That the su-
perintendent of the Kansas highway patrol is hereby authorized to fix,
charge and collect fees for recovery of costs associated with use of the
highway patrol training center by other state or local government agen-
cies: And provided further, That such fees shall be fixed in order to re-
cover all or part of the expenses incurred in providing for the use of the
highway patrol training center by other state or local government agen-
cies: And provided further, That all fees received for use of the highway
patrol training center by other state or local government agencies shall
be deposited in the state treasury and credited to this fund.

Highway safety fund No limit
Capitol area security fund No limit
Provided, That the Kansas highway patrol and any state agency which is
responsible for the operation of buildings in the capitol area are hereby
authorized to negotiate contracts for building security services: Provided
further, That any such contract shall provide for reimbursement of the
Kansas highway patrol for services rendered pursuant to such contract
and such reimbursement shall be credited to the capitol area security

Vehicle identification number fee fund No limit
Interagency motor vehicle fuel sales fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the interagency motor
vehicle fuel sales fund to provide and sell motor vehicle fuel to other state
agencies: Provided further, That the superintendent of the Kansas high-
way patrol is hereby authorized to fix, charge and collect fees for motor
vehicle fuel sold to other state agencies: And provided further, That such
fees shall be fixed in order to recover all or part of the expenses incurred
in providing motor vehicle fuel to other state agencies: And provided
further, That all fees received for such sales of motor vehicle fuel shall
be credited to this fund.

Motor carrier inspection fund $8,931,251
Highway patrol training center fund $1,120,145
 (c) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
$148,861 from the motor carrier license fees fund of the state corporation
commission to the motor carrier safety assistance program fund of the
Kansas highway patrol.

 (d) On January 1, 2001, the director of accounts and reports shall trans-
fer $148,861 from the motor carrier license fees fund of the state cor-
poration commission to the motor carrier safety assistance program fund
of the Kansas highway patrol.

 (e) On July 1, 2000, October 1, 2000, January 1, 2001, and April 1,
2001, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer $1,908,416 from
the state highway fund of the department of transportation to the motor
carrier inspection fund of the Kansas highway patrol for the purpose of
financing the motor carrier inspection program of the Kansas highway

 (f) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
$150,000 from the state highway fund of the department of transportation
to the highway safety fund of the Kansas highway patrol for the purpose
of financing the motorist assistance program of the Kansas highway patrol.

 (g) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
$171,200 from the state highway fund of the department of transportation
to the general fees fund of the Kansas highway patrol for the purpose of
financing operating expenditures of the Kansas highway patrol.

 Sec. 57.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Operating expenditures $12,401,008
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the operating expenditures
account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated
for fiscal year 2001: Provided, however, That expenditures from such
reappropriated balance shall be made only upon approval of the state
finance council: Provided, further, That expenditures from this account
for official hospitality shall not exceed $750.

Debt service payment--purchase of headquarters building
at 1620 S.W. Tyler Street in Topeka $125,955
 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law
shall not exceed the following:

Kansas bureau of investigation state forfeiture fund No limit
Kansas bureau of investigation federal forfeiture fund No limit
Kansas bureau of investigation federal grants fund No limit
Forensic laboratory and materials fee fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the forensic laboratory
and materials fee fund for the acquisition of laboratory equipment and
materials and for other direct or indirect operating expenditures for the
forensic laboratory of the Kansas bureau of investigation incurred for
laboratory tests conducted for noncriminal justice entities, including gov-
ernmental agencies and private organizations, which testing activity is
hereby authorized: Provided, however, That all expenditures from this
fund of moneys received as Kansas bureau of investigation laboratory
analysis fees pursuant to subsection (a) of K.S.A. 28-176 and amendments
thereto shall be for the purposes authorized by subsection (c) of K.S.A.
28-176 and amendments thereto: Provided further, That the director of
the Kansas bureau of investigation is hereby authorized to fix, charge and
collect fees for laboratory tests conducted for such noncriminal justice
entities: And provided further, That such fees shall be fixed in order to
recover all or part of the direct and indirect operating expenses incurred
for conducting laboratory tests for such noncriminal justice entities: And
provided further, That all fees received for such laboratory tests, including
all moneys received pursuant to subsection (a) of K.S.A. 28-176 and
amendments thereto shall be deposited in the state treasury and credited
to this fund.

KBI general fees fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the KBI general fees
fund for direct or indirect operating expenditures incurred for the follow-
ing activities: (1) Conducting education and training classes for special
agents and other personnel, including official hospitality; (2) purchasing
illegal drugs, making contacts and acquiring information leading to illegal
drug outlets, contraband and stolen property, and conducting other ac-
tivities for similar investigatory purposes; (3) conducting investigations
and related activities for the Kansas lottery or the Kansas racing and
gaming commission; (4) conducting DNA forensic laboratory tests and
related activities; (5) preparing, publishing and distributing crime pre-
vention materials: Provided, however, That the director of the Kansas
bureau of investigation is hereby authorized to fix, charge and collect fees
in order to recover all or part of the direct and indirect operating expenses
incurred, except as otherwise hereinafter provided, for the following: (1)
Education and training services made available to local law enforcement
personnel in classes conducted for special agents and other personnel of
the Kansas bureau of investigation; (2) investigations and related activities
conducted for the Kansas lottery or the Kansas racing and gaming com-
mission, except that the fees fixed for these activities shall be fixed in
order to recover all of the direct and indirect expenses incurred for such
investigations and related activities; (3) DNA forensic laboratory tests and
related activities; (4) sale and distribution of crime prevention materials:
Provided further, That all fees received for such activities shall be de-
posited in the state treasury and credited to this fund: And provided
further, That all moneys which are expended for any such evidence pur-
chase, information acquisition or similar investigatory purpose or activity
from whatever funding source and which are recovered shall be deposited
in the state treasury and credited to this fund: And provided further, That
all moneys received as gifts, grants or donations for the preparation, pub-
lication or distribution of crime prevention materials shall be deposited
in the state treasury to the credit of this fund: And provided further, That
expenditures from any moneys received from the division of alcoholic
beverage control and credited to the KBI general fees fund may be made
by the Kansas bureau of investigation for all purposes for which expend-
itures may be made for operating expenditures.

Record check fee fund No limit
Provided, That the director of the Kansas bureau of investigation is au-
thorized to fix, charge and collect fees in order to recover all or part of
the direct and indirect operating expenses for criminal history record
checks conducted for noncriminal justice entities including government
agencies and private organizations: Provided, however, That all moneys
received for such fees shall be deposited in the state treasury and credited
to the record check fee fund: Provided further, That expenditures from
the record check fee fund may be made only for the expenses of con-
ducting criminal history record checks.

 Sec. 58.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Operating expenditures $774,216
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the operating expenditures
account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated
for fiscal year 2001: Provided, however, That expenditures from such
reappropriated balance shall not exceed $2,579 except upon approval of
the state finance council.

Regional council grants $79,008
 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law
shall not exceed the following:

EMS--federal fund No limit
Rural health options grant fund No limit
Emergency medical services operating fund $2,500
Provided, That the emergency medical services board is hereby author-
ized to fix, charge and collect fees in order to recover costs incurred for
distributing educational videos, replacing lost educational materials and
mailing labels of those licensed by the board: Provided further, That such
fees may be fixed in order to recover all or part of such costs: And pro-
vided further, That all moneys received from such fees shall be deposited
in the state treasury and credited to the emergency medical services op-
erating fund.

 Sec. 59.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Operating expenditures $261,090
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the operating expenditures
account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated
for fiscal year 2001.

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law
shall not exceed the following:

General fees fund No limit
Juvenile justice--federal fund No limit
Statistical analysis--federal fund No limit
Drug abuse fund--federal No limit
Sentencing commission forfeiture fund $75,000
Provided, That expenditures are hereby authorized to be made by the
Kansas sentencing commission from the sentencing commission forfei-
ture fund for all purposes for which expenditures may be made for op-
erating expenditures.

 Sec. 60.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Adult corrections oversight $174,507
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the adult corrections over-
sight account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappro-
priated for fiscal year 2001: Provided, however, That expenditures from
such reappropriated balance may be made only upon approval of the state
finance council.

 Sec. 61.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Operating expenditures $9,902,107
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the operating expenditures
account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated
for fiscal year 2001: Provided, however, That expenditures from such
reappropriated balance shall not exceed $8,293 except upon approval of
the state finance council: Provided further, That expenditures may be
made from this account for expenses incurred in holding the annual meet-
ing: And provided further, That expenditures from this account for official
hospitality shall not exceed $2,000: And provided further, That the above
agency may negotiate and enter into contracts to carry out its functions
at the annual meeting: And provided further, That such contracts shall
not be subject to the competitive bid requirements of K.S.A. 75-3739 and
amendments thereto.

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law
shall not exceed the following:

Dairy division fee fund $96,694
Meat and poultry inspection fee fund $53,254
Wheat quality survey fund $29,126
Entomology fee fund $145,806
Laboratory equipment fund No limit
Water structures--state highway fund $93,811
Soil amendment fee fund $1,203
Agricultural liming materials fee fund $40,300
Weights and measures fee fund $185,162
Water appropriation certification fund $266,282
Water rights information system fees fund No limit
Provided, That the secretary of agriculture is hereby authorized to fix,
charge and collect fees for water data provided at the request of non-
state government agencies and the general public: Provided further, That
such fees shall be fixed in order to recover all of the direct data processing
expenses incurred in preparation of requested water data: And provided
further, That such fees shall be deposited in the state treasury and cred-
ited to the water rights information system fees fund: And provided fur-
ther, That expenditures may be made from this fund to pay the costs
incurred by the division of water resources for data processing services
to prepare requested water data.

Agriculture seed fee fund $65,934
Chemigation fee fund $96,502
Agriculture statistics fund No limit
Petroleum inspection fee fund $565,016
Water transfer hearing fund No limit
Warehouse fee fund $616,480
Grain inspection fee fund $0
Kansas corn commission fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures from the Kansas corn commission fund for
official hospitality shall not exceed $3,000.

Kansas grain sorghum commission fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures from the Kansas grain sorghum commission
fund for official hospitality shall not exceed $3,000.

Soybean promotion and research fee fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures from the soybean promotion and research
fee fund for official hospitality shall not exceed $3,000.

U.S. geological survey cooperative gage agreement fund No limit
Provided, That the secretary of agriculture is hereby authorized to enter
into a cooperative gage agreement with the United States geological sur-
vey: Provided further, That all moneys collected for the construction or
operation of river water intake gages shall be deposited in the state treas-
ury and credited to the U.S. geological survey cooperative gage agreement
fund: And provided further, That expenditures may be made from this
fund to pay the costs incurred in the construction or operation of river
water intake gages.

Water plan special revenue fund $1,031,935
Provided, That expenditures from the water plan special revenue fund
for salaries and wages shall not exceed $577,677.

Agricultural chemical fee fund $398,716
Feeding stuffs fee fund $491,867
Fertilizer fee fund $417,688
Livestock remedies fee fund $15,536
Pesticide use fee fund $399,729
Grade A milk fee fund $246,731
Geographic information system fee fund No limit
Seed examination fee fund $0
Egg fee fund $62,419
Meat and poultry inspection fund (federal) No limit
EPA pesticide performance partnership grant fund No limit
FEMA dam safety No limit
Pest detection and survey--federal fund No limit
USDA NASS postage fund No limit
FDA tissue residue fund--federal No limit
Conversion of materials and equipment fund No limit
Publications fee fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the publications fee fund
for operating expenditures related to preparation and publication of "In-
sects in Kansas": Provided further, That, notwithstanding the provisions
of K.S.A. 75-1005 and amendments thereto to the contrary, the secretary
of agriculture is hereby authorized to enter into a contract with a com-
mercial publisher for the printing, distribution and sale of the publication
"Insects in Kansas": And provided further, That the secretary of agricul-
ture is hereby authorized to collect fees from such commercial publisher
pursuant to contract with the publisher for the sale of the publication:
And provided further, That the secretary of agriculture is hereby author-
ized to receive and accept grants, gifts, donations or funds of any kind
from the federal government or any of its agencies or from any other
source whatsoever for the printing, publication and distribution of "In-
sects of Kansas": And provided further, That all moneys received from
such fees or for such grants, gifts, donations or other funds received for
such purpose, shall be deposited in the state treasury and credited to this

Other grants fund No limit
Provided, That, the above agency is authorized to make expenditures from
the other grants fund of any moneys credited to this fund from any in-
dividual grant if the grant is: (1) Less than $250,000 in the aggregate, and
(2) does not require the matching expenditure of any moneys in the state
treasury during fiscal year 2001 other than moneys appropriated by this
act: Provided, however, That no grant that: (1) Is greater than $250,000
in the aggregate, (2) requires the matching expenditure of any moneys in
the state treasury during fiscal year 2001 other than moneys appropriated
by this act, or (3) is a grant for the farmers' assistance, counseling and
training program, shall be deposited to the credit of this fund.

 (c) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
$88,156 from the state highway fund of the department of transportation
to the water structures--state highway fund of the Kansas department of

 (d) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer $786,796 from the state
water plan fund of the Kansas water office to the water plan special rev-
enue fund of the Kansas department of agriculture.

 (e) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
all moneys in the computer services fund of the Kansas department of
agriculture to the state general fund. On July 1, 2000, all liabilities of the
computer services fund are hereby transferred to and imposed on the
state general fund and the computer services fund of the Kansas depart-
ment of agriculture is hereby abolished.

 (f) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
$426,224 from the grain inspection fee fund of the Kansas department
of agriculture to the state general fund.

 Sec. 62.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Operating expenditures $628,028
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the operating expenditures
account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated
for fiscal year 2001: Provided, however, That expenditures from such
reappropriated balance shall be made only upon approval of the state
finance council.

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law
shall not exceed the following:

Animal disease control fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures from the animal disease control fund for
official hospitality shall not exceed $450.

Animal dealers fee fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures from the animal dealers fee fund for official
hospitality shall not exceed $300.

Veterinary inspection fee fund No limit
Livestock market brand inspection fee fund No limit
Livestock brand fee fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures from the livestock brand fee fund for official
hospitality shall not exceed $250.

Livestock brand emergency revolving fund No limit
County option brand fee fund No limit
Federal state disease control fund No limit
Livestock and pseudorabies indemnity fund No limit
Legal services fund No limit
Provided, That all moneys received by the animal health department from
other state agencies pursuant to one or more interagency agreements for
the provision of legal services, which agreements are hereby authorized
and directed to be entered into, shall be credited to the legal services
fund: Provided further, That all expenditures from the legal services fund
shall be for contractual legal services to be provided to the animal health
department and such other state agencies pursuant to such interagency

 (c) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
all moneys in the pseudorabies indemnification fund to the state general
fund. On July 1, 2000, all liabilities of the pseudorabies indemnification
fund are hereby transferred to and imposed on the state general fund and
the pseudorabies indemnification fund is hereby abolished.

 (d) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
all moneys in the livestock indemnification fund to the livestock and pseu-
dorabies indemnity fund which is hereby established in the state treasury.
On July 1, 2000, all liabilities of the livestock indemnification fund are
hereby transferred to and imposed on the livestock and pseudorabies
indemnity fund and the livestock indemnification fund is hereby abol-

 Sec. 63.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures, other than refunds authorized by law
and remittances of sales tax to the department of revenue, shall not exceed
the following:

State fair fee fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures from the state fair fee fund for official hos-
pitality shall not exceed $5,000.

State fair special cash fund No limit
EDIF--operating expenditures fund $134,000
 (b) Upon request of the state fair board, the attorney general shall
provide legal services for the board during fiscal year 2001.

 (c) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer $134,000 from the Kansas
economic development endowment account of the state economic de-
velopment initiatives fund of the department of commerce and housing
to the EDIF--operating expenditures fund of the state fair board.

 Sec. 64.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law
shall not exceed the following:

Kansas wheat commission fund $3,432,606
Provided, That all contracts made by the Kansas wheat commission with
United States wheat associates, inc., shall contain a provision that United
States wheat associates, inc., shall not expend any of the moneys provided
by the Kansas wheat commission for any purpose not authorized by the
Kansas wheat act: Provided further, That expenditures from the Kansas
wheat commission fund for official hospitality shall not exceed $30,000.

Wheat research reserve fund $0
 Sec. 65.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Operating expenditures $590,406
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the operating expenditures
account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated
for fiscal year 2001: Provided, however, That expenditures from such
reappropriated balance shall not exceed $2,842 except upon approval of
the state finance council.

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law
shall not exceed the following:

Water plan special revenue fund $9,800,500
Provided, That, except upon approval of expenditures for any other pur-
poses by the state finance council acting on this matter which is hereby
characterized as a matter of legislative delegation and subject to the
guidelines prescribed in subsection (c) of K.S.A. 75-3711c and amend-
ments thereto, expenditures from the water plan special revenue fund
may be made only for the purposes specifically authorized by this or other
appropriation act.

Land reclamation fee fund No limit
Riparian & wetland areas project--federal fund No limit
Watershed protect approach/WTR RSRCE MGT fund No limit
Conversion of materials and equipment fund No limit
 (c) Subject to the limitation on total expenditures from the water plan
special revenue fund, expenditures may be made by the above agency
from the water plan special revenue fund for the fiscal year ending June
30, 2001, for the following specified purposes, subject to the expenditure
limitations prescribed therefor:

Land treatment cost-share programs $4,450,000
Provided, That expenditures from the land treatment cost-share programs
account of the water plan special revenue fund shall be for cost-sharing
grants for construction of enduring water conservation structures on pri-
vately and publicly owned land in conservation districts which are needed
for development and improvement of the quality and quantity of Kansas
water resources: Provided further, That an amount of not to exceed
$2,720,000 of the initial allocation among conservation districts for such
grants for fiscal year 2001 shall be on the basis of allocating 60% of the
amount equally among all conservation districts and allocating 40% of the
amount to be initially allocated proportionally among all conservation dis-
tricts on the basis of an index composed of the measurement of nonfed-
eral rural acreage, erosion potential and rainfall in all conservation dis-
tricts, as determined by the state conservation commission: And provided
further, That the balance of the initial allocation for such grants for fiscal
year 2001 shall be allocated to conservation districts on a priority basis,
as determined by the state conservation commission and the provisions
of the state water plan: And provided further, That expenditures from
this account for contractual technical expertise shall not exceed the
amount equal to 3% of the approved budget amount for fiscal year 2001
for the land treatment cost-share programs account: And provided fur-
ther, That all expenditures from this account shall be in accordance with
K.S.A. 2-1915 and amendments thereto.

Non-point source pollution $3,000,000
Conservation district aid $1,035,500
Multipurpose small lakes program $230,000
Watershed dam construction $805,000
Provided, That expenditures from the watershed dam construction ac-
count of the water plan special revenue fund are hereby authorized for
engineering contracts for watershed planning as determined by the state
conservation commission: Provided, however, That expenditures from
this account for such engineering contracts for watershed planning shall
not exceed $50,000.

Kansas water quality buffer initiatives $80,000
Provided, That all expenditures from the Kansas water quality buffer in-
itiatives account of the water plan special revenue fund shall be for grants
or incentives to install water quality best management practices in the
Kansas-Lower Republican river basin under the governor's water quality
initiative: Provided further, That such expenditures may be made from
this account from the approved budget amount for fiscal year 2001 in
accordance with contracts, which are hereby authorized to be entered
into by the executive director of the state conservation commission on
behalf of the commission, for such grants or incentives: And provided
further, That such contracts may provide for such expenditures from the
approved budget amount for fiscal year 2001 to be made pursuant to
encumbrances for expenditures after June 30, 2001: Provided, however,
That expenditures from this account for contractual educational and tech-
nical assistance for fiscal year 2001 shall not exceed $30,000.

Riparian and wetland program $200,000
 (d) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer amounts which in the ag-
gregate shall not exceed $9,682,864 from the state water plan fund of the
Kansas water office to the water plan special revenue fund of the state
conservation commission.

 (e) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the executive director
of the state conservation commission may transfer moneys from any ex-
isting account of the water plan special revenue fund of the state conser-
vation commission to another existing account of the water plan special
revenue fund of the state conservation commission: Provided, however,
That no such transfer shall reduce the amount credited to the land treat-
ment cost-share programs account to less than $2,720,000: Provided fur-
ther, That no such transfer shall reduce the amount credited to the non-
point source pollution account to less than $3,000,000. The executive
director of the state conservation commission shall certify each such trans-
fer to the director of accounts and reports and shall transmit a copy of
each such certification to the division of the budget of the department of
administration and the legislative research department.

 (f) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, whenever any moneys
are released from any encumbrance of moneys in the water plan special
revenue fund of the state conservation commission and such moneys were
encumbered prior to July 1, 2000, for any project or other authorized
expenditure of moneys in the water plan special revenue fund, the direc-
tor of accounts and reports shall transfer the amount released from such
encumbrance from the water plan special revenue fund of the state con-
servation commission to the state water plan fund of the Kansas water

 Sec. 66.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Water resources operating expenditures $1,424,733
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the water resources oper-
ating expenditures account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby
reappropriated for fiscal year 2001: Provided however, That expenditures
from such reappropriated balance shall not exceed $18,086 except upon
approval of the state finance council: Provided further, That expenditures
from this account for official hospitality shall not exceed $250.

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

State water plan fund $2,826,474
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the state water plan fund
for projects and studies as approved by the Kansas water authority, the
governor or the legislature: Provided, however, That no expenditures shall
be made from this fund to acquire any additional water storage in lake
Milford or lake Perry: And provided further, That upon appropriation to
the GIS policy board for data base development, the director of the Kan-
sas water office and other state agencies are hereby authorized to enter
into contracts for data base development subject to applicable expendi-
ture limitations therefor.

Conversion of materials and equipment fund No limit
Water supply storage assurance fund $0
Provided, That any moneys deposited to the credit of the water supply
storage assurance fund which are received from a water assurance district
shall be credited to a separate subaccount: Provided further, That moneys
in such subaccounts may be transferred to the water marketing fund to
repay the state general fund for purchase of water storage in federal
reservoirs: And provided further, That all expenditures from any such
subaccount shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation imposed on
this fund for fiscal year 2001.

State conservation storage water supply fund $0
Water marketing fund No limit
Federal grants and receipts fund No limit
General fees fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the general fees fund for
operating expenditures for the Kansas water office, including training and
informational programs and official hospitality: Provided further, That the
director of the Kansas water office is hereby authorized to fix, charge and
collect fees for such programs: And provided further, That fees for such
programs shall be fixed in order to recover all or part of the operating
expenses incurred for such programs, including official hospitality: And
provided further, That all fees received for such programs and all fees
received for providing access to or for furnishing copies of public records
shall be deposited in the state treasury and credited to this fund.

Water conservation projects fund $0
 (c) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
$633,370 from the water marketing fund of the Kansas water office to
the state general fund.

 (d) If it appears that the resources in the fiscal year ending June 30,
2001, are insufficient to meet in full the estimated expenditures as they
become due to meet the financial obligations imposed by law on the water
marketing fund of the Kansas water office as a result of a cash flow short-
fall, the pooled money investment board is authorized and directed to
loan to the director of the Kansas water office sufficient funds to maintain
the cash flow of the water marketing fund. No loan shall be made unless
the terms thereof have been approved by the director of the budget. The
pooled money investment board is authorized and directed to use any
moneys in the operating accounts, investment accounts or other invest-
ments of the state of Kansas to provide the funds for such loan. Each
such loan shall be repaid without interest within one year from the date
of the loan.

 Sec. 67.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Operating expenditures $3,539,018
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the operating expenditures
account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated
for fiscal year 2001: Provided, however, That expenditures from such
reappropriated balance shall be made only upon approval of the state
finance council: Provided further, That no expenditures shall be made
from the operating expenditures account for the purchase of state aircraft
insurance: And Provided further, That expenditures from this account for
official hospitality shall not exceed $1,000.

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law
shall not exceed the following:

Wildlife fee fund $22,139,970
Provided, That additional expenditures may be made from the wildlife
fee fund for fiscal year 2001 for the purposes of compensating federal aid
program expenditures if necessary in order to comply with requirements
established by the United States fish and wildlife service for the utilization
of federal aid funds: Provided further, That all such expenditures shall be
in addition to any expenditure limitation imposed upon the wildlife fee
fund for fiscal year 2001: And provided further, That the secretary of
wildlife and parks shall report all such expenditures to the governor and
the legislature as appropriate: And provided further, That expenditures
from this fund for official hospitality shall not exceed $1,000.

Parks fee fund $4,460,870
Provided, That additional expenditures may be made from the parks fee
fund for fiscal year 2001 for the purposes of compensating federal aid
program expenditures if necessary in order to comply with requirements
established by the United States fish and wildlife service for the utilization
of federal aid funds: Provided further, That all such expenditures shall be
in addition to any expenditure limitation imposed upon the parks fee fund
for fiscal year 2001: And provided further, That the secretary of wildlife
and parks shall report all such expenditures to the governor and the leg-
islature as appropriate.

Boating fee fund $1,186,682
Provided, That additional expenditures may be made from the boating
fee fund for fiscal year 2001 for the purposes of compensating federal aid
program expenditures if necessary in order to comply with requirements
established by the United States fish and wildlife service for the utilization
of federal aid funds: Provided further, That all such expenditures shall be
in addition to any expenditure limitation imposed upon the boating fee
fund for fiscal year 2001: And provided further, That the secretary of
wildlife and parks shall report all such expenditures to the governor and
the legislature as appropriate: And provided further, That expenditures
from this fund for official hospitality shall not exceed $1,000.

Central aircraft fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made by the above agency from the
central aircraft fund for aircraft operating expenditures, for aircraft main-
tenance and repair, to provide aircraft services to other state agencies,
and for the purchase of state aircraft insurance: Provided further, That
the secretary of wildlife and parks is hereby authorized to fix, charge and
collect fees for the provision of aircraft services to other state agencies:
And provided further, That such fees shall be fixed to recover all or part
of the operating expenditures incurred in providing such services: And
provided further, That all fees received for such services shall be credited
to this fund: And provided further: That all expenditures for salaries and
wages for pilots for fiscal year 2001 shall be paid from this fund.

Wildlife and parks nonrestricted fund No limit
Provided, That all moneys received under K.S.A. 32-990, 32-991, 32-992,
32-993, 32-994 and 32-1173, and amendments thereto, other than mon-
eys restricted by K.S.A. 32-990, 32-991, 32-992, 32-993, 32-994 and 32-
1173, and amendments thereto, shall be deposited in the state treasury
and credited to the wildlife and parks nonrestricted fund: Provided fur-
ther, That expenditures from this fund may be made for federal aid eli-
gible expenditures at the discretion of the secretary of wildlife and parks.

Water plan special revenue fund $50,000
Prairie spirit rails-to-trails fee fund No limit
Nongame wildlife improvement fund No limit
Wildlife conservation fund No limit
Federally licensed wildlife areas fund No limit
State agricultural production fund No limit
Land and water conservation fund--state No limit
Land and water conservation fund--local No limit
Development and promotions fund No limit
Department of wildlife and parks private gifts and dona-
 tions fund No limit
Fish and wildlife restitution fund No limit
Parks restitution fund No limit
Nonfederal grants fund No limit
Federal grants fund No limit
Suspense fund No limit
Employee maintenance deduction clearing fund No limit
EDIF--local government outdoor recreation grants
 fund $250,000
 (c) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available there-
for, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer $50,000 from the
state water plan fund of the Kansas water office to the water plan special
revenue fund of the department of wildlife and parks.

 (d) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, whenever any moneys
are released from any encumbrance of moneys in the water plan special
revenue fund of the department of wildlife and parks and such moneys
were encumbered prior to July 1, 2000, for any project or other author-
ized expenditure of moneys in the water plan special revenue fund, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer the amount released from
such encumbrance from the water plan special revenue fund of the de-
partment of wildlife and parks to the state water plan fund of the Kansas
water office.

 (e) On July 15, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer an amount not to exceed
$35,000 specified by the secretary of wildlife and parks from the wildlife
fee fund of the department of wildlife and parks to the El Dorado cor-
rectional facility--general fees fund of the department of corrections.

 (f) On July 15, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer $250,000 from the Kansas
economic development endowment account of the state economic de-
velopment initiatives fund of the department of commerce and housing
to the EDIF--local government outdoor recreation grants fund of the
department of wildlife and parks.

 (g) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the department of wildlife and parks from the moneys appro-
priated in the parks fee fund for fiscal year 2001 as authorized by this or
other appropriation act of the 2000 regular session of the legislature,
expenditures may be made from the parks fee fund for fiscal year 2001
for operating expenditures and capital improvement projects for the pur-
poses of maintaining and repairing the Prairie Spirit rail trail in Allen,
Anderson and Franklin counties, including, but not limited to, the ex-
penses of operating of park equipment by employees of the department
of wildlife and parks that are assigned to the state park system.

 (h) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
all moneys in the natural resources conservation cooperative projects ac-
count of the wildlife fee fund to the operating expenditures account of
the wildlife fee fund. On July 1, 2000, all liabilities of the natural resources
conservation cooperative projects account of the wildlife fee fund are
hereby transferred to and imposed on the operating expenditures account
of the wildlife fee fund and the natural resources conservation cooperative
projects account of the wildlife fee fund is hereby abolished.

 (i) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
all moneys in the wildlife fee fund lesser prairie chicken habitat study
account of the wildlife fee fund to the operating expenditures account of
the wildlife fee fund. On July 1, 2000, all liabilities of the wildlife fee fund
lesser prairie chicken habitat study account of the wildlife fee fund are
hereby transferred to and imposed on the operating expenditures account
of the wildlife fee fund and the wildlife fee fund lesser prairie chicken
habitat study account of the wildlife fee fund is hereby abolished.

 Sec. 68.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

State highway fund No limit
Provided, That no expenditures may be made from the state highway fund
other than for the purposes specifically authorized by this or other ap-
propriation act.

Special city and county highway fund No limit
County equalization and adjustment fund $2,500,000
Highway special permits fund No limit
Highway bond debt service fund No limit
Rail service improvement fund No limit
Rail service assistance program loan guarantee fund No limit
Railroad rehabilitation loan guarantee fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures from the railroad rehabilitation loan guar-
antee fund shall not exceed the amount which the secretary of transpor-
tation is obligated to pay during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, in
satisfaction of liabilities arising from the unconditional guarantee of pay-
ment which was entered into by the secretary of transportation in con-
nection with the mid-states port authority federally taxable revenue re-
funding bonds, series 1994, dated May 1, 1994, authorized by K.S.A.
12-3420 and amendments thereto and guaranteed pursuant to K.S.A. 75-
5031 and amendments thereto.

Interagency motor vehicle fuel sales fund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the interagency motor
vehicle fuel sales fund to provide and sell motor vehicle fuel to the Kansas
highway patrol: Provided further, That the secretary of transportation is
hereby authorized to fix, charge and collect fees for motor vehicle fuel
sold to the Kansas highway patrol: And provided further, That such fees
shall be fixed in order to recover all or part of the expenses incurred in
providing motor vehicle fuel to the Kansas highway patrol: And provided
further, That all fees received for such sales of motor vehicle fuel shall
be credited to this fund.

Coordinated public transportation assistance fund No limit
Public use general aviation airport development fund No limit
Highway bond proceeds fund No limit
 (b) Expenditures may be made by the above agency for the fiscal year
ending June 30, 2001, from the state highway fund for the following
specified purposes: Provided, That expenditures from the state highway
fund for fiscal year 2001 other than refunds authorized by law for the
following specified purposes shall not exceed the limitations prescribed
therefor as follows:

Agency operations .................................$209,875,792
Provided, That expenditures from the agency operations account of the
state highway fund for official hospitality by the secretary of transporta-
tion shall not exceed $1,000: Provided, however, That expenditures may
be made from this account for state aircraft insurance: Provided further,
That expenditures may be made from this account for engineering serv-
ices furnished to counties for road and bridge projects under K.S.A. 68-
402e and amendments thereto.

Conference fees No limit
Provided, That the secretary of transportation is hereby authorized to fix,
charge and collect conference, training and workshop attendance and
registration fees for conferences, training seminars and workshops spon-
sored or cosponsored by the department: Provided further, That such
fees shall be deposited in the state treasury and credited to the conference
fees account of the state highway fund: And provided further, That ex-
penditures may be made from this account to defray all or part of the
costs of the conferences, training seminars and workshops.

Substantial maintenance No limit
Claims No limit
Payments for city connecting links $3,360,000
Federal local aid programs No limit
Pre-1992 bond services fees No limit
Construction, remodeling and special maintenance pro-
 jects for buildings $3,124,395
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the construction, re-
modeling and special maintenance projects for buildings account of the
state highway fund of amounts in unexpended balances as of June 30,
2000, in capital improvement project accounts of projects approved for
prior fiscal years: Provided further, That expenditures from this account
of amounts in such unexpended balances shall be in addition to any ex-
penditure limitation imposed on this account for fiscal year 2001.

Other capital improvements No limit
Provided, That the secretary of transportation is authorized to undertake
a program to assist cities and counties with railroad crossings of roads not
on the state highway system.

 (c) On April 1, 2001, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
from the motor pool service fund of the department of administration to
the state highway fund of the department of transportation an amount
determined to be equal to the sum of the annual vehicle registration fees
for each vehicle owned or leased by the state or any state agencies in
accordance with K.S.A. 75-4611 and amendments thereto.

 (d) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, upon notification from
the secretary of transportation that an amount is due and payable from
the railroad rehabilitation loan guarantee fund, the director of accounts
and reports shall transfer from the state highway fund to the railroad
rehabilitation loan guarantee fund the amount certified by the secretary
as due and payable.

 (e) Any transfer of money during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001,
from the state highway fund to other state agencies, resulting from a
contract for services shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation
imposed on the state highway fund for the fiscal year ending June 30,

 (f) Any transfer of money during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001,
from the state highway fund to the highway bonds debt service fund shall
be in addition to any expenditure limitation imposed on the state highway
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001.

 (g) For the fiscal year commencing on and after July 1, 2000, the de-
partment of transportation shall prepare and submit along with the doc-
uments required under K.S.A. 75-3717, and amendments thereto, addi-
tional documents that present the revenues, transfers, and expenditures
that are considered to be in support of the comprehensive transportation
program authorized by K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 68-2314a et seq. The docu-
ments shall include both reportable as well as nonreportable and off-
budget items that reflect the revenues, transfers and expenditures asso-
ciated with the comprehensive transportation program.

 (h) Kansas savings incentive program. (1) In addition to other expend-
itures authorized by law, expenditures may be made from the agency
operations account of the state highway fund appropriated by this act for
the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, by the department of transportation
for the following purposes: (A) Salary bonus payments to permanent full-
time or regular part-time employees of the state agency at the discretion
of the agency head, (B) purchase or other acquisition of technology equip-
ment which was included in the budget estimates for fiscal year 2001
submitted by the state agency pursuant to K.S.A. 75-3717 and amend-
ments thereto, and (C) professional development training including of-
ficial hospitality: Provided, That all such expenditures from such fund for
the fiscal year 2001 shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation
imposed on the agency operations account of the state highway fund for
fiscal year 2001: Provided, however, That the total amount of such ex-
penditures from the agency operations account of the state highway fund
for fiscal year 2001 shall not exceed the amount equal to 50% of the
unexpended portion of the amount authorized to be expended from the
agency operations account of the state highway fund for fiscal year 2000
for agency operations, as determined by the director of accounts and
reports: Provided further, That the total net amount of any such salary
bonus payments to any individual employee during fiscal year 2001 shall
not exceed $1,000: And provided further, That the provisions of this sub-
section (g)(1) shall apply only to: (A) That portion of the moneys in the
agency operations account of the state highway fund from which expend-
itures may be made for agency operations, and (B) shall not include that
portion of moneys which may be expended for other operating expenses
in the regular maintenance subprogram.

 (2) Any unencumbered balance in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000,
in any account of any special revenue fund of the department of trans-
portation, which was appropriated by subsection (g)(2) of section 89 of
chapter 132 of the 1999 Session Laws of Kansas and which is not other-
wise specifically appropriated or limited by this or other appropriation act
of the 2000 regular session of the legislature, is hereby appropriated for
the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, for the purposes authorized in sub-
section (g)(1) of this section. All expenditures from any such account of
any such special revenue fund shall be in addition to any expenditure
limitation imposed on such special revenue fund for the fiscal year ending
June 30, 2001.

 (3) No salary bonus payment paid pursuant to this section during fiscal
year 2001 shall be compensation, within the meaning of K.S.A. 74-4901
et seq., and amendments thereto, for any purpose under the Kansas public
employees retirement system and shall not be subject to deductions for
employee contributions thereunder. Each salary bonus payment paid un-
der this section shall be a bonus, as defined by 29 C.F.R. 778, and shall
be in addition to the regular earnings which that employee may be enti-
tled or for which the employee may become eligible.

 Sec. 69. Position limitations. (a) The number of full-time and regular
part-time positions equated to full-time, excluding seasonal and tempo-
rary positions, paid from appropriations for the fiscal year ending June
30, 2001, made in this or other appropriation act of the 2000 regular
session of the legislature for the following agencies shall not exceed the
following, except upon approval of the state finance council or pursuant
to subsection (b):

Attorney General 91.0
Secretary of State 54.0
State Treasurer 55.5
Insurance Department 159.0
Provided, That any attorney positions established in the insurance de-
partment for the purpose of defense of the workers compensation fund
shall be in addition to any limitation imposed on the full-time and regular
part-time equivalent number of positions, excluding seasonal and tem-
porary positions, paid from appropriations made for fiscal year 2001 for
the department of insurance.

Health Care Stabilization Fund Board of Governors 16.0
Judicial Council 4.0
Kansas Public Employees Retirement System 79.0
Governmental Ethics Commission 9.0
Kansas Human Rights Commission 36.0
State Corporation Commission 209.0
Citizens' Utility Ratepayer Board 4.0
Department of Administration 884.4
State Board of Tax Appeals 31.0
Department of Revenue 1,157.0
Kansas Lottery 88.0
Kansas Racing and Gaming Commission--state racing
 operations 43.0
Kansas Racing and Gaming Commission--state gaming
 agency 20.0
Department of Commerce and Housing 136.0
Kansas, Inc. 4.0
Department of Human Resources 996.5
Kansas Commission on Veterans Affairs 454.8
Department of Health and Environment 842.5
Department on Aging 157.0
Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services 3,896.6
Kansas Neurological Institute 662.5
Larned State Hospital 760.6
Osawatomie State Hospital 481.4
Parsons State Hospital and Training Center 516.0
Rainbow Mental Health Facility 134.4
State Library 27.0
Kansas Arts Commission 8.0
Kansas State School for the Blind 92.5
Kansas State School for the Deaf 174.5
State Historical Society 137.5
State Board of Regents 28.0
Department of Corrections 3,063.0
Juvenile Justice Authority 612.0
Adjutant General 215.0
State Fire Marshal 44.0
Kansas Parole Board 3.0
Kansas Highway Patrol 807.8
Attorney General--Kansas Bureau of Investigation 200.0
Emergency Medical Services Board 13.0
Kansas Sentencing Commission 9.0
Ombudsman of Corrections 3.5
Kansas Department of Agriculture 305.5
Kansas Animal Health Department 31.0
State Fair Board 22.0
Kansas Wheat Commission 8.0
State Conservation Commission 13.5
Kansas Water Office 22.5
Department of Wildlife and Parks 394.5
Department of Transportation 3,247.5
 (b) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the secretary of social
and rehabilitation services may increase the position limitation for the
department of social and rehabilitation services or for any institution or
facility under the general supervision and management of the secretary
of social and rehabilitation services by making a corresponding decrease
in the position limitation for either the department of social and rehabil-
itation services or any institution or facility under the general supervision
and management of the secretary of social and rehabilitation services.
The secretary of social and rehabilitation services shall certify each such
increase and corresponding decrease to the director of personnel services
of the department of administration and shall transmit a copy of each
such certification to the legislative research department and the division
of the budget.

 (c) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, any full-time and reg-
ular part-time positions of the Kansas highway patrol that are for capitol
area police officers and capitol area security guards, that are assigned to
security for state-owned and controlled properties located in Shawnee
county under contracts with other state agencies shall be in addition to
any limitation on the number of full- time and regular part-time positions
equated to full-time, excluding seasonal and temporary positions, paid
from appropriations for the Kansas highway patrol for fiscal year 2001,
made in this or other appropriation act of the 2000 regular session of the
legislature: Provided, That the Kansas highway patrol shall prepare and
submit a report on all such positions assigned to provide security under
such contracts to the legislative budget committee prior to the 2001 reg-
ular session of the legislature.

 (d) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, to provide for the
relocation of the reception and diagnostic unit from the Topeka correc-
tional facility to the El Dorado correctional facility, the secretary of cor-
rections may authorize the total number of full-time and regular part-
time positions equated to full-time, excluding seasonal and temporary
positions, for the department of corrections that are paid from appropri-
ations for department of corrections for fiscal year 2001 made in this or
other appropriation act of the 2000 regular session of the legislature, to
temporarily exceed the limitation on the number of full-time and regular
part-time positions equated to full-time, excluding seasonal and tempo-
rary positions, established for fiscal year 2001 for the department of cor-
rections: Provided, That the number of full-time and regular part-time
positions equated to full-time, by which such limitations may be tempo-
rarily exceeded, shall not exceed 90.0. The secretary of corrections shall
certify each such authorization to the director of personnel services of
the department of administration and shall transmit a copy of each such
certification to the legislative research department and the division of the

 (e) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the secretary of social
and rehabilitation services may authorize the total number of full-time
and regular part-time positions equated to full-time, excluding seasonal
and temporary positions, for the department of social and rehabilitation
services that are paid from appropriations for department of social and
rehabilitation services for fiscal year 2001 made in this or other appro-
priation act of the 2000 regular session of the legislature, to temporarily
exceed the limitation on the number of full-time and regular part-time
positions equated to full-time, excluding seasonal and temporary posi-
tions, established for fiscal year 2001 for the department of social and
rehabilitation services so long as the total number of full-time and regular
part-time positions equated to full-time, excluding seasonal and tempo-
rary positions, for the department of social and rehabilitation services does
not exceed such limitation as of June 30, 2001. The secretary of social
and rehabilitation services shall certify each such authorization to the
director of personnel services of the department of administration and
shall transmit a copy of each such certification to the legislative research
department and the division of the budget.

 (f) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the attorney general
may authorize full-time unclassified temporary positions and regular part-
time unclassified temporary positions, for the Kansas bureau of investi-
gation that are paid from appropriations for the attorney general--Kansas
bureau of investigation for fiscal year 2001 made in this or other appro-
priation act of the 2000 regular session of the legislature, which shall be
in addition to the number of full-time and regular part-time positions
equated to full-time, excluding seasonal and temporary positions, author-
ized for fiscal year 2001 for the attorney general--Kansas bureau of in-
vestigation. The attorney general shall certify each such authorization for
temporary unclassified positions for the Kansas bureau of investigation to
the director of personnel services of the department of administration
and shall transmit a copy of each such certification to the legislative re-
search department and the division of the budget.

 Sec. 70. Kansas savings incentive program. (a) In addition to other
expenditures authorized by law, expenditures may be made from any
account of the state general fund reappropriated by this act for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 2001, for any state agency named in this act for the
following purposes: (1) Salary bonus payments to permanent full-time or
regular part-time employees of the state agency at the discretion of the
agency head, (2) purchase or other acquisition of technology equipment
which was included in the budget estimates for fiscal year 2001 submitted
by the state agency pursuant to K.S.A. 75-3717 and amendments thereto,
and (3) professional development training including official hospitality:
Provided, however, That the total of all such expenditures from such
account of the state general fund for the fiscal year 2001 shall not exceed
the amount equal to 50% of the amount of the unencumbered balance
as of June 30, 2000, in such account of the state general fund that is
reappropriated for fiscal year 2001 and that is in excess of the amount
authorized to be expended for fiscal year 2001 from such reappropriated
balance, as determined by the director of accounts and reports: Provided
further, That the total net amount of any such salary bonus payments to
any individual employee during fiscal year 2001 that are paid under sub-
section (b) or this subsection shall not exceed $1,000: And provided fur-
ther, That the provisions of this subsection shall apply only to that portion
of any such account from which expenditures may be made for state
operations: And provided further, That all such expenditures from the
reappropriated balance in any such account for the fiscal year 2001 shall
be in addition to any expenditure limitation imposed on expenditures
from the reappropriated balance in any such account for fiscal year 2001.

 (b) In addition to other expenditures authorized by law, expenditures
may be made from any special revenue fund appropriated by this act for
the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, for a state agency named in this act
for the following purposes: (1) Salary bonus payments to permanent full-
time or regular part-time employees of the state agency at the discretion
of the agency head, (2) purchase or other acquisition of technology equip-
ment which was included in the budget estimates for fiscal year 2001
submitted by the state agency pursuant to K.S.A. 75-3717 and amend-
ments thereto, and (3) professional development training including offi-
cial hospitality: Provided, That all such expenditures from such fund for
the fiscal year 2001 shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation
imposed on such fund or any account thereof for fiscal year 2001: Pro-
vided, however, That the total amount of such expenditures from such
fund for fiscal year 2001 shall not exceed the amount equal to 50% of the
unexpended portion of the amount authorized to be expended from such
fund for fiscal year 2000 for state operations, as determined by the di-
rector of accounts and reports, or, in the case of no limit appropriations,
as determined by the director of the budget: Provided further, That the
total net amount of any such salary bonus payments to any individual
employee during fiscal year 2001 that are paid under subsection (a) or
this subsection shall not exceed $1,000: And provided further, That the
provisions of this subsection shall apply only to: (1) That portion of the
moneys in each account of a special revenue fund from which portion
expenditures may be made for state operations, and (2) that portion of
the moneys in a special revenue fund, that does not have any such ac-
counts specified in this or other appropriation act, from which portion
expenditures may be made for state operations.

 (c) (1) Any unencumbered balance in excess of $100 as of June 30,
2000, in any account of the state general fund of any state agency named
in this act, which was reappropriated by subsection (c)(1) of section 91
of chapter 132 of the 1999 Session Laws of Kansas and which is not
otherwise specifically appropriated or limited by this or other appropri-
ation act of the 2000 regular session of the legislature, is hereby reappro-
priated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, and may be expended
for the purposes authorized in subsections (a) and (b).

 (2) Any unencumbered balance in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000,
in any account of any special revenue fund of any state agency named in
this act, which was appropriated by subsection (c)(2) of section 91 of
chapter 132 of the 1999 Session Laws of Kansas and which is not other-
wise specifically appropriated or limited by this or other appropriation act
of the 2000 regular session of the legislature, is hereby appropriated for
the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, and may be expended for the pur-
poses authorized in subsections (a) and (b). All expenditures from any
such account of any such special revenue fund shall be in addition to any
expenditure limitation imposed on such special revenue fund for fiscal
year 2001.

 (d) No salary bonus payment paid pursuant to this section during fiscal
year 2001 shall be compensation, within the meaning of K.S.A. 74-4901
et seq., and amendments thereto, for any purpose under the Kansas public
employees retirement system and shall not be subject to deductions for
employee contributions thereunder. Each salary bonus payment paid un-
der this section shall be a bonus, as defined by 29 C.F.R. 778, and shall
be in addition to the regular earnings which that employee may be enti-
tled or for which the employee may become eligible.

 (e) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any state agency
named in section 22 of chapter 132 of the 1999 Session Laws of Kansas
or to the department of transportation.

 Sec. 71. In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may
be made by each state agency named in this act from the moneys appro-
priated from the state general fund or from any special revenue fund for
fiscal year 2001 as authorized by this or other appropriation act of the
2000 regular session of the legislature, expenditures shall be made by
each state agency named in this act from the moneys appropriated from
the state general fund or from any special revenue funds for fiscal year
2001, to prepare a report identifying in detail all funding that will be
requested by such agency from the state general fund or any special rev-
enue funds for any and all substance abuse treatment, prevention or ed-
ucation programs, including the administration of such programs, for the
fiscal year ending June 30, 2002: Provided, That each such agency shall
submit such report to the alcohol and drug abuse services commission of
the department of social and rehabilitation services on or before Septem-
ber 15, 2000: Provided further, That each such agency shall submit a copy
of such report to the division of the budget and to the legislative research
department at the same time it is submitted to the alcohol and drug abuse
services commission of the department of social and rehabilitation serv-

 Sec. 72.

 (a) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 2001, by section 3(b) of 2000 Senate Bill No. 39 on
the bank commissioner fee fund is hereby increased from $3,784,474 to

 (b) On July 1, 2000, the position limitation established for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 2001, by section 22 of chapter 132 of the 1999
Session Laws of Kansas for the state bank commissioner is hereby in-
creased from 67.0 to 77.0: Provided, That the position limitation estab-
lished for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, by this section for the
state bank commissioner includes the positions transferred from the con-
sumer credit commissioner to the state bank commissioner by chapter
166 of the 1999 Session Laws of Kansas.

 (c) On July 1, 2000, the position limitation established for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 2001, by section 22 of chapter 132 of the 1999
Session Laws of Kansas for the consumer credit commissioner is hereby
decreased from 8.0 to 0.0.

 Sec. 73.

 (a) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 2001, by section 18(a) of chapter 132 of the 1999
Session Laws of Kansas on the real estate fee fund is hereby increased
from $653,293 to $685,757.

 Sec. 74.

 (a) On the July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established for the
fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, by section 4(b) of 2000 Senate Bill No.
39 on the behavioral sciences regulatory board fee fund is hereby in-
creased from $424,641 to $425,141: Provided, That expenditures from
the behavioral sciences regulatory board fee fund for fiscal year 2001 for
official hospitality shall not exceed $500.

 Sec. 75. (a) On July 1, 2000, all positions of officers or employees of
each state agency named in this act or in chapter 132 of the 1999 Session
Laws of Kansas that are vacant as of March 1, 2000, and that have been
vacant for a continuous period of 36 months or more, as determined by
the director of the budget in consultation with the director of personnel
services, are hereby abolished and no moneys appropriated for any such
state agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, from the state gen-
eral fund or any special revenue fund by chapter 132 or 160 of the 1999
Session Laws of Kansas or by this or other appropriation act of the 2000
regular session of the legislature, shall be expended for any such abolished

 (b) On July 1, 2000, the position limitations established by section 22
of chapter 132 of the 1999 Session Laws of Kansas, as amended by chapter
160 of the 1999 Session Laws of Kansas or by this or other appropriation
act of the 2000 regular session of the legislature, as established by this or
other appropriation act of the 2000 regular session of the legislature, or
as established by the state finance council on the number of full-time and
regular part-time positions equated to full-time for the fiscal year ending
June 30, 2001, for the state agencies for which such position limitations
are established and for which positions are abolished under subsection
(a), are hereby decreased accordingly for each such agency by the full-
time equivalent number of such abolished positions.

* Text in this box has been line item vetoed.
 Sec. 76.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law
shall not exceed the following:

Kansas agricultural remediation fund $0
 (b) On the effective date of this act, the director of accounts and reports
shall transfer $426,223 from the grain inspection fee fund of the Kansas
department of agriculture to the Kansas agricultural remediation fund of
the Kansas agricultural remediation board.

 Sec. 77.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law
shall not exceed the following:

State fair capital improvements fund No limit
SBSF--encampment building renovation fund No limit
EDIF--capital improvements fund $100,000
 (b) On or before the 10th of each month during the fiscal year ending
June 30, 2001, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer from
the state general fund to the state fair capital improvements fund interest
earnings based on: (1) The average daily balance of moneys in the state
fair capital improvements fund for the preceding month; and (2) the net
earnings rate for the pooled money investment portfolio for the preceding

 (c) On July 15, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer $100,000 from the Kansas
economic development endowment account of the state economic de-
velopment initiatives fund of the department of commerce and housing
to the EDIF--capital improvements fund of the state fair board.

 (d) On the effective date of this act, the director of accounts and reports
shall transfer all moneys in the grandstand renovation project fund, grand-
stand cost of issuance fund, grandstand principal and interest fund, grand-
stand renovation reserve fund, grandstand rebate fund, grandstand ren-
ovation surplus fund and grandstand contingency fund to the state fund.
On the effective date of this act, all liabilities of the grandstand renovation
project fund, grandstand cost of issuance fund, grandstand principal and
interest fund, grandstand renovation reserve fund, grandstand rebate
fund, grandstand renovation surplus fund and grandstand contingency
fund are hereby transferred to and imposed on the state general fund.
On the effective date of this act, the grandstand renovation project fund,
grandstand cost of issuance fund, grandstand principal and interest fund,
grandstand renovation reserve fund, grandstand rebate fund, grandstand
renovation surplus fund and grandstand contingency fund are hereby

 Sec. 78.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state institu-
tions building fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, for the capital
improvement project or projects specified as follows:

Rehabilitation and repair projects $3,987,897
Provided, That the secretary of social and rehabilitation services is hereby
authorized to transfer moneys during fiscal year 2001 from the rehabili-
tation and repair projects account to a rehabilitation and repair account
for any institution, as defined by K.S.A. 76-12a01 or 76-12a18 and amend-
ments thereto, for projects approved by the secretary of social and re-
habilitation services: Provided further, That expenditures also may be
made from this account during fiscal year 2001 for the purposes of re-
habilitation and repair for facilities of the department of social and re-
habilitation services other than any institution, as defined by K.S.A. 76-
12a01 or 76-12a18 and amendments thereto: And provided further, That
no expenditures shall be made from this account for Rainbow mental
health facility other than capital improvements to maintain the buildings
and facilities, to comply with the requirements of applicable life safety
codes, or to correct conditions that would endanger the health or safety
of individuals at the Rainbow mental health facility.

 (b) In addition to the purposes for which expenditures may be made
by the above agency from the other state fees fund for fiscal year 2001,
expenditures may be made by the above agency from the other state fees
fund for fiscal year 2001 for the following capital improvement project or
projects, subject to the expenditure limitations prescribed therefor:

Area office rehabilitation and repair $166,000
Provided, That expenditures from the area office rehabilitation and repair
account shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation imposed on the
other state fees fund for fiscal year 2001.

 (c) On the effective date of this act, any unencumbered balance in each
of the following accounts of the state institutions building fund is hereby
lapsed: Institutional rehabilitation & repair projects account of Rainbow
mental health facility.

 (d) No moneys appropriated for fiscal year 2000 by chapter 132 or 160
of the 1999 Session Laws of Kansas or 2000 Senate Bill No. 39 or for
fiscal year 2001 by this act or any other appropriation act of the 2000
regular session of the legislature for the department of social and reha-
bilitation services or any other state agency shall be expended to close
Rainbow mental health facility unless the closing of Rainbow mental
health facility is specifically authorized by act of the legislature.

 (e) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state institu-
tions building fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000, for the capital
improvement project or projects specified as follows:

Sex predator contingency fund $750,000
 Sec. 79.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state institu-
tions building fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, for the capital
improvement project or projects specified as follows:

Rehabilitation and repair projects $58,270
Fire alarm system upgrade $78,390
 Sec. 80.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state institu-
tions building fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, for the capital
improvement project or projects specified as follows:

Rehabilitation and repair projects, air-conditioning $188,000
Pool and laundry roof replacement $200,000
Roberts building renovation $341,200
 Sec. 81.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, for the capital improvement
project or projects specified as follows:

Debt service payment for the revenue refunding bond
 issue $6,226,000
Debt service payment for the Wichita work release facility
 bond issue $167,000
Debt service payment for the Ellsworth correctional facil-
 ity at Ellsworth, Kansas $1,462,000
Debt service payment for the reception and diagnostic unit
 relocation bond issue $948,000
 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the correctional
institutions building fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, for the
capital improvement project or projects specified as follows:

Debt service payment for the revenue refunding bond
 issues $1,000,000
Capital improvements--rehabilitation, remodeling, reno-
 vation and repair of correctional institutions $4,004,010
Provided, That the secretary of corrections is hereby authorized to trans-
fer moneys during fiscal year 2001 from the capital improvements--re-
habilitation, remodeling, renovation and repair of correctional institutions
account of the correctional institutions building fund to an account or
accounts of the correctional institutions building fund of any institution
or facility under the jurisdiction of the secretary of corrections to be
expended during fiscal year 2001 by the institution or facility for capital
improvement projects, including security improvement projects and haz-
ardous waste cleanup at Lansing correctional facility, approved by the
secretary of corrections.

 (c) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law
shall not exceed the following:

Violent offenders incarceration and truth in sentencing in-
 centive grants--federal fund No limit
Refunding lease revenue bond issue--principal and inter-
 est fund--A-1 bonds No limit
Refunding lease revenue bond issue--principal and inter-
 est fund--A-2 bonds No limit
Lease revenue bond issue--principal and interest fund--
 H bonds No limit
Lease revenue bond issue--principal and interest fund--
  bonds No limit
Revenue refunding bond issue--principal and interest
 J fund--L bonds No limit
Reception and diagnostic unit replacement project reve-
 nue fund No limit
 (d) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the department of
corrections is hereby authorized to make expenditures to raze building
number 538 (Hutchinson range tower).

 Sec. 82.

 (a) On July 1, 2000, any unencumbered balance in excess of $100 as
of June 30, 2000, in each of the following capital improvement accounts
of the state general fund is hereby reappropriated for fiscal year 2001:
Rehabilitation and repair projects; construct storage bay #3.

 (b) There is hereby appropriated for the above agency from the follow-
ing special revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001,
all moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such
fund or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

Historical society capital improvements fund No limit

 Sec. 83.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

Insurance building principal and interest payment fund No limit
Insurance department rehabilitation and repair fund No limit
 Sec. 84.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, for the capital improvement
project or projects specified as follows:

Energy conservation improvements--debt service $2,494,994
Any unencumbered balance in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, in each
of the following capital improvement accounts is hereby reappropriated
for fiscal year 2001: Rehabilitation and repair for state facilities; fire and
safety alarms--statehouse; roof repair at center section and rotunda--
statehouse; judicial center carpet replacement; judicial center renovation
planning; statehouse grounds and facility improvements; memorial hall
security; statehouse committee room planning, remodel and relocation;
Cedar Crest repair and renovation.

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

Master lease program fund No limit
State buildings depreciation fund $0
 (c) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made from the state budget stabilization fund for fiscal year 2001, ex-
penditures may be made by the above agency from the state budget sta-
bilization fund for fiscal year 2001 from any unencumbered balance as of
June 30, 2000, in each of the following capital improvement accounts of
the state budget stabilization fund: Statehouse elevators renovation; state-
house grounds & facility improvements; statehouse fire and safety alarms:
Provided, That the expenditures for fiscal year 2001 from the unencum-
bered balance of any such account shall not exceed the amount of the
unencumbered balance in such account on June 30, 2000: Provided fur-
ther, That all expenditures from the state budget stabilization fund for
the fiscal year 2001 from the unencumbered balance in any such account
shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation imposed on the state
budget stabilization fund for the fiscal year 2001.

 (d) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the building and ground fund for fiscal
year 2001, expenditures may be made by the above agency from the
following capital improvement account or accounts of the building and
ground fund for fiscal year 2001 for the following capital improvement
project or projects, subject to the expenditure limitations prescribed

Paint and grounds shop--debt service No limit
 (e) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the state buildings depreciation fund for
fiscal year 2001, expenditures may be made by the above agency from
the following capital improvement account or accounts of the state build-
ings depreciation fund for fiscal year 2001 for the following capital im-
provement project or projects, subject to the expenditure limitations pre-
scribed therefor:

Rehabilitation and repair $100,000
Docking fire suppression system installation $300,000
Landon fire suppression system installation $250,000
Landon electrical system failure mode study $130,000
Docking renovation--debt service No limit
Landon & Statehouse steam tunnel and walkway planning
 and construction $345,500
Docking heating, ventilation and air-conditioning system
 renovations $250,000
Landon security improvements $110,000
Provided, That all expenditures from each such capital improvement ac-
count shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation imposed on the
state buildings depreciation fund for fiscal year 2001.

 (f) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the state buildings depreciation fund for
fiscal year 2001, expenditures may be made by the above agency from
the state buildings depreciation fund for fiscal year 2001 from the unen-
cumbered balance as of June 30, 2000, in each capital improvement ac-
count of the state buildings depreciation fund for one or more projects
approved for prior fiscal years: Provided, That expenditures from the
unencumbered balance in any such account shall not exceed the amount
of the unencumbered balance in such account on June 30, 2000: Provided
further, That all expenditures from any such account shall be in addition
to any expenditure limitation imposed on the state buildings depreciation
fund for fiscal year 2001.

 (g) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the state buildings operating fund for
fiscal year 2001, expenditures may be made by the above agency from
the following capital improvement account or accounts of the state build-
ings operating fund for fiscal year 2001 for the following capital improve-
ment project or projects, subject to the expenditure limitations prescribed

Landon state office building--debt service No limit
Memorial hall--debt service No limit
Energy conservation projects No limit
 (h) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the motor pool service fund for fiscal
year 2001, expenditures may be made by the above agency from the
following capital improvement account or accounts of the motor pool
service fund for fiscal year 2001 for the following capital improvement
project or projects, subject to the expenditure limitations prescribed

Motor pool shop--debt service No limit
 (i) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made from the intragovernmental printing service fund for fiscal year
2001, expenditures may be made by the above agency from the following
capital improvement account or accounts of the intragovernmental print-
ing service fund for fiscal year 2001 for the following capital improvement
project or projects, subject to the expenditure limitations prescribed

Printing plant--debt service No limit

 Sec. 85.

 (a) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made from the Kansas economic development endowment account of the
state economic development initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001, moneys
may be expended by the above agency from the Kansas economic devel-
opment endowment account of the state economic development initia-
tives fund for fiscal year 2001 for the following capital improvement pro-
ject or projects, subject to the expenditure limitations prescribed therefor:

Rehabilitation and repair--travel information centers $15,000
Provided, That all expenditures by the above agency from the rehabili-
tation and repair--travel information centers subaccount of the Kansas
economic development endowment account of the state economic de-
velopment initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001 shall be in addition to any
expenditure limitation imposed on the Kansas economic development
endowment account of the state economic development initiatives fund
for fiscal year 2001.

 (b) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the department of commerce and housing from the publication
and other sales fund for fiscal year 2001, expenditures may be made by
the above agency from the publication and other sales fund for fiscal year
2001 for the following capital improvement project or projects, subject
to the expenditure limitations prescribed therefor:

Construct new travel information center near Goodland $100,000
 (c) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made from the Kansas economic development endowment account of the
state economic development initiatives fund for fiscal year 2002, moneys
may be expended by the above agency from the Kansas economic devel-
opment initiatives fund for fiscal year 2002 for the following capital im-
provement project or projects, subject to the expenditure limitations pre-
scribed therefor:

Construct new travel information center near Goodland $100,000
Provided, That all expenditures by the above agency from the construct
new travel information center near Goodland subaccount of the Kansas
economic development endowment account of the state economic de-
velopment initiatives fund for fiscal year 2002 shall be in addition to any
expenditure limitation imposed on the Kansas economic development
initiatives fund for fiscal year 2002.

 Sec. 86.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

Lewis field renovation--bond and interest sinking fund No limit
Lewis field renovation--revenue fund No limit

 Sec. 87.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, for the capital improvement
project or projects specified as follows:

Lease payment--Salina aeronautical center (including aer-
 onautical laboratory center) $189,446
 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

Federal construction funds fund No limit
Bond construction funds fund No limit
Coliseum repair, equipment and improvement fund No limit
Housing system project revenue fund No limit
Housing facilities renovation bond fund, KDFA D bonds,
 1989 No limit
Parking system refunding revenue bond fund, KDFA G
 bonds, 1995 No limit
Housing system bond fund, KDFA H bonds, 1993 No limit
Farrell library renovation/expansion-gifts/donations fund No limit
Plan/construct/equip Farrell library renovation/expansion
 fund No limit
Farrell library expansion revenue bond fund, KDFA K
 bonds, 1995 No limit
Recreation complex revenue bond fund, KDFA D bonds,
 1993 No limit
Plant science building phase II--special revenue fund No limit
Site improvements fund No limit
College center construction fund No limit
Bluemont hall defects repair fund No limit
Engineering complex phase II private gift fund No limit
Student recreation building repair, equipment & improve-
 ment fund No limit
Coliseum/stadium parking repair & improvement fund No limit
Energy conservation projects fund No limit
Student union renovation and expansion fund No limit
Provided, That Kansas state university may make expenditures from the
student union renovation and expansion fund for the capital improvement
project to renovate and expand the student union in an amount of not
more than $11,500,000, plus all amounts required for cost of bond issu-
ance, cost of interest on the bonds during the construction of the project
and required reserves for the payment of principal and interest on the
bonds: Provided further, That such capital improvement project is hereby
approved for Kansas state university for the purposes of subsection (b) of
K.S.A. 74-8905 and amendments thereto and the authorization of the
issuance of bonds by the Kansas development finance authority in ac-
cordance with that statute: And provided further, That all moneys re-
ceived from the issuance of any such bonds shall be deposited in the state
treasury to the credit of this fund.

Ackert hall addition--federal fund No limit
Ackert hall addition--gifts and grants fund No limit
Ackert hall addition--special revenue fund No limit
Provided, That Kansas state university may make expenditures from the
Ackert hall addition--special revenue fund for the project to construct
an addition to Ackert hall in addition to the expenditure of other moneys
appropriated therefor: Provided, however, That expenditures from this
fund for such capital improvement project shall not exceed $1,500,000
plus all amounts required for costs of any bond issuance, costs of interest
on any bond issued or obtained for such capital improvement project and
any required reserves for payment of principal and interest on any bond:
Provided further, That such capital improvement project is hereby ap-
proved for Kansas state university for the purposes of subsection (b) of
K.S.A. 74-8905 and amendments thereto and the authorization of the
issuance of bonds by the Kansas development finance authority in ac-
cordance with that statute: And provided further, That all moneys re-
ceived from the issuance of any such bonds shall be deposited in the state
treasury to the credit of this fund.

Student and staff parking garage--special revenue fund No limit
Provided, That Kansas state university may make expenditures from the
student and staff parking garage--special revenue fund for the capital
improvement project to construct a parking garage in addition to the
expenditure of other moneys appropriated therefor: Provided, however,
That expenditures from this fund for such capital improvement project
shall not exceed $10,500,000 plus all amounts required for costs of any
bond issuance, costs of interest on any bond issued or obtained for such
capital improvement project and any required reserves for payment of
principal and interest on any bond: Provided further, That such capital
improvement project is hereby approved for Kansas state university for
the purposes of subsection (b) of K.S.A. 74-8905 and amendments thereto
and the authorization of the issuance of bonds by the Kansas development
finance authority in accordance with that statute: And provided further,
That all moneys received from the issuance of any such bonds shall be
deposited in the state treasury to the credit of this fund.

Football stadium expansion--special revenue fund No limit
Provided, That Kansas state university may make expenditures from the
football expansion--special revenue fund for the capital improvement
project to expand the football stadium in addition to the expenditure of
other moneys appropriated therefor: Provided, however, That expendi-
tures from this fund for such capital improvement project shall not exceed
$16,000,000 plus all amounts required for costs of any such bond issuance,
costs of interest on any bonds issued or obtained for such capital im-
provement projects and any required reserves for payment of principal
and interest on any bond: Provided further, That such capital improve-
ment is hereby approved for Kansas state university for the purposes of
subsection (b) of K.S.A. 74-8905 and amendments thereto and the au-
thorization of the issuance of bonds by the Kansas development finance
authority in accordance with that statute: And provided further, That all
moneys received from the issuance of any such bonds shall be deposited
in the state treasury to the credit of this fund.

 (c) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the restricted fees fund for the fiscal year
ending June 30, 2001, expenditures may be made by the above agency
from the appropriate account or accounts of the restricted fees fund dur-
ing fiscal year 2001 for the following capital improvement project or pro-
jects, subject to the expenditure limitations prescribed therefor:

Biological and agricultural engineering research storage
 building No limit
Konza prairie preserve storage building No limit
Improvements to grain science value added laboratory No limit
Construct a materials acoustics laboratory No limit
 (d) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the student union renovation and expan-
sion fund for fiscal year 2001, expenditures may be made by the above
agency from the student union renovation and expansion fund for fiscal
year 2001 for costs associated with roof repair on an existing portion of
the student union building.

 (e) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the sponsored research overhead fund
for fiscal year 2001, expenditures may be made by the above agency from
the sponsored research overhead fund for the fiscal year 2001 for the
following capital improvement project or projects, subject to the expend-
iture limitations prescribed therefor:

Accelerated testing laboratory garage addition No limit
Accelerated testing laboratory storage/equipment shed No limit
Salina national gas machinery laboratory No limit
 (f) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, Kansas state university
is hereby authorized to make expenditures to raze Dennison hall and to
raze portions of building no. 025 (Seaton hall).

 Sec. 88.

 (a) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the restricted fees fund for the fiscal year
ending June 30, 2001, expenditures may be made by the above agency
from the appropriate account or accounts of the restricted fees fund dur-
ing fiscal year 2001 for the following capital improvement project or pro-

Validation/fresh meats processing laboratory No limit
Renovate laboratories in Throckmorton hall No limit
Warehouse expansion--department of agronomy
 building No limit
Scandia experiment field office facility No limit
Equipment/pesticide storage buildings No limit
Southwest research extension center office/administrative
 facility No limit
Equine education and research center No limit
Southeast agriculture research center buildings No limit
South central agronomy experiment field office and stor-
 age building No limit
Grain science center No limit
Agricultural shop buildings--east central Kansas experi-
 ment field No limit
Animal science swine facility No limit
Construct east Kansas horticulture research center No limit
 (b) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the sponsored overhead research fund
for fiscal year 2001, expenditures may be made by the above agency from
the sponsored research overhead fund for the fiscal year 2001 for the
following capital improvement project or projects, subject to the expend-
iture limitations prescribed therefor:

Southeast agriculture research center buildings No limit

 Sec. 89.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law
shall not exceed the following:

Greyhound research facility expansion fund No limit
Energy conservation projects fund No limit

 Sec. 90.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

Student union refurbishing fund No limit
Bond construction funds fund No limit
Student union addition bond and interest sinking fund No limit
Twin towers project revenue fund No limit
Twin towers bond and interest sinking fund No limit
Twin towers maintenance and equipment reserve fund No limit
Student recreational building fund No limit
Provided, That Emporia state university may make expenditures from the
student recreational building fund for the capital improvement project to
plan and construct a student recreational center in an amount of not more
than $3,000,000, plus all amounts required for the cost of bond issuance,
cost of interest on the bond during planning and construction of the
project and required reserves for the payment of principal and interest
on the bonds: Provided further, That such capital improvement project
is hereby approved for Emporia state university for the purpose of sub-
section (b) of K.S.A. 74-8905 and amendments thereto and authorization
of the issuance of bonds by the Kansas development finance authority in
accordance with that statute: And provided further, That all moneys re-
ceived from the issuance of any such bonds shall be deposited into the
state treasury to the credit of this fund.

 Sec. 91.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

Horace Mann construction fund No limit
Provided, That Pittsburg state university may make expenditures from
the Horace Mann construction fund for the renovation of the Horace
Mann building: Provided further, That the capital improvement project
to renovate the Horace Mann building is hereby approved for Pittsburg
state university for the purposes of subsection (b) of K.S.A. 74-8905 and
amendments thereto and the authorization of the issuance of bonds by
the Kansas development finance authority in accordance with that statute:
And provided further, That all moneys received from the issuance of any
such project bonds shall be deposited to the credit of this fund.

Willard hall construction fund No limit
Provided, That Pittsburg state university may make expenditures from
the Willard hall construction fund for the renovation of Willard hall: Pro-
vided further, That the capital improvement project to renovate Willard
hall is hereby approved for Pittsburg state university for the purposes of
subsection (b) of K.S.A. 74-8905 and amendments thereto and the au-
thorization of the issuance of bonds by the Kansas development finance
authority in accordance with that statute: And provided further, That all
moneys received from the issuance of any such project bonds shall be
deposited to the credit of this fund.

Suspense fund No limit

 Sec. 92.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

Student union renovation revenue fund No limit
Student health facility maintenance, repair, and equipment
 fee fund No limit
Parking facilities surplus fund--KDFA G bonds, 1993 No limit
Provided, That the university of Kansas may make expenditures from the
parking facilities surplus fund--KDFA G bonds, 1993 for capital im-
provements to parking lots in addition to the expenditure of other moneys
appropriated therefor.

Regents center revenue fund--KDFA D bonds, 1990 No limit
Regents center bond reserve fund--KDFA D bonds,
 1990 No limit
Regents center surplus fund No limit
Regents center rebate fund No limit
Regents center revenue refund project principal and in-
 terest--KDFA C bonds, 1997 No limit
Student union renovation rebate fund (phase I) No limit
Student union renovation surplus fund--KDFA C bonds,
 1992 No limit
Student union renovation rebate fund--KDFA C bonds,
 1992 No limit
Student union addition--special revenue fund No limit
Provided, That the university of Kansas may make expenditures from the
student union addition--special revenue fund for the capital improve-
ment project to construct an addition to the student union in addition to
the expenditure of other moneys appropriated therefor: Provided, how-
ever, That expenditures from this fund for such capital improvement pro-
ject shall not exceed $5,600,000 plus all amounts required for costs of any
bond issuance, costs of interest on any bond issued or obtained for such
capital improvement project and any required reserves for payment of
principal and interest on any bond: Provided further, That such capital
improvement project is hereby approved for the university of Kansas for
the purposes of subsection (b) of K.S.A. 74-8905 and amendments thereto
and the authorization of the issuance of bonds by the Kansas development
finance authority in accordance with that statute: And provided further,
That all moneys received from the issuance of any such bonds shall be
deposited in the state treasury to the credit of this fund.

Bioscience research center rebate fund--KDFA series Q
 bonds, 1992 No limit
Bioscience research center principal and interest payment
 account--KDFA A bonds, 1994 fund No limit
Bioscience research center reserve account--KDFA A
 bonds, 1994 fund No limit
Bioscience research center rebate account--KDFA A
 bonds, 1994 fund No limit
Parking facilities refunding bonds principal and interest
 fund--KDFA G bonds, 1993 No limit
Parking facilities refunding bonds reserve fund--KDFA G
 bonds, 1993 No limit
Parking facilities refunding bonds rebate fund--KDFA G
 bonds 1993 No limit
Student health facility addition revenue fund No limit
Biosciences research center--special revenue fund No limit
Provided, That all gifts and grants received for the capital improvement
project to construct and equip a biosciences research center, other than
those received from the federal government for such capital improvement
project, shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the bio-
sciences research center--special revenue fund: Provided further, That
the above agency may transfer moneys during fiscal year 2001 from the
sponsored research overhead fund and from appropriate accounts of the
restricted fees fund to this fund for such capital improvement project or
for debt service for such capital improvement project: And provided fur-
ther, That all transfers of moneys for fiscal year 2001 from the sponsored
research overhead fund to this fund shall be in addition to any expenditure
limitation imposed on the sponsored research overhead fund for fiscal
year 2001: And provided further, That such capital improvement project
is hereby approved for the university of Kansas for the purposes of sub-
section (b) of K.S.A. 74-8905 and amendments thereto and the authori-
zation of the issuance of bonds by the Kansas development finance au-
thority in accordance with that statute: And provided further, That all
moneys received from the issuance of any such bonds shall be deposited
in the state treasury to the credit of this fund.

Law enforcement training center improvements special
 revenue fund No limit
Provided, That the university of Kansas may make expenditures from the
law enforcement training center improvements special revenue fund for
a capital improvement project for parking lot improvements at the law
enforcement training center: Provided, however, That expenditures from
this fund for such capital improvement project shall not exceed $450,000:
Provided further, That the above agency may transfer moneys for fiscal
year 2001 from the law enforcement training center fund to this fund for
such capital improvement project: And provided further, That all trans-
fers of moneys for fiscal year 2001 from the law enforcement training
center fund to this fund shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation
imposed on the law enforcement training center fund for fiscal year 2001.

Renovate Lewis hall--special revenue fund No limit
Lewis hall renovation principal and interest payment ac-
 count KDFA D bonds, 1998 fund No limit
Lewis hall renovation bond proceeds project account
 KDFA D bonds, 1998 fund No limit
Lewis hall renovation university proceeds project account
 KDFA D bonds, 1998 fund No limit
Lewis hall renovation rebate fund KDFA D bonds, 1998
 fund No limit
Lewis hall renovation bond reserve fund KDFA D bonds,
 1998 fund No limit
Continuing education revenue bonds principal and interest
 KDFA H bonds, 1998 fund No limit
Continuing education revenue bonds reserve fund KDFA
 H bonds, 1998 fund No limit
Continuing education revenue bonds surplus account
 KDFA H bonds, 1998 fund No limit
Athletic facilities enhancements special revenue fund
 KDFA A university proceeds No limit
Renovate Ellsworth hall--special revenue fund No limit
Provided, That the university of Kansas may make expenditures from the
Ellsworth hall renovation fund for the project to renovate Ellsworth hall
in addition to the expenditure of other moneys appropriated therefor:
Provided, however, That expenditures from this fund for such capital
improvement project shall not exceed $12,467,450 plus all amounts re-
quired for costs of any bond issuance, cost of interest on bonds issued or
obtained for such capital improvement project and any required reserves
for payment of principal and interest on any bond: And provided further,
That such capital improvement project is hereby approved for the uni-
versity of Kansas for the purposes of subsection (b) of K.S.A. 74-8905 and
amendments thereto and the authorization of the issuance of bonds by
the Kansas development finance authority in accordance with that statute:
And provided further, That all moneys received from the issuance of any
such bonds shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of this
fund: And provided further, That the above agency may transfer moneys
for fiscal year 2001 from appropriate accounts of the house system repairs,
equipment and improvement fund to renovate Ellsworth hall--special
revenue fund for such capital improvement project.

Regents center principal and interest payment account
 KDFA D bonds, 1990 fund No limit
Templin hall renovation principal and interest payment ac-
 count KDFA E bonds, 1996 fund No limit
Templin hall renovation bond reserve KDFA E bonds,
 1996 fund No limit
Watkins health center addition principal and interest pay-
 ment account KDFA D bonds, 1995 fund No limit
Watkins health center addition university proceeds project
 account KDFA D bonds, 1995 fund No limit
Watkins health center addition bond reserve KDFA D
 bonds, 1995 fund No limit
Watkins health center addition surplus fund KDFA D
 bonds, 1995 fund No limit
Watkins health center addition rebate fund KDFA D
 bonds, 1995 fund No limit
Regents R&R project KDFA K bonds, 1996 fund No limit
Regents rehabilitation and repair phase II--project series
 KDFA G bonds, 1997 fund No limit
Construct parking garage no. 2--special revenue fund No limit
Provided, That the university of Kansas may make expenditures from the
construct parking garage no. 2--special revenue fund for the capital im-
provement project to construct a parking garage in addition to the ex-
penditure of other moneys appropriated therefor: Provided, however,
That expenditures from this fund for such capital improvement project
shall not exceed $10,025,000 plus all amounts required for costs of any
bond issuance, costs of interest on any bond issued or obtained for such
capital improvement project and any required reserves for payment of
principal and interest on any bond: Provided further, That such capital
improvement project is hereby approved for the university of Kansas for
the purposes of subsection (b) of K.S.A. 74-8905 and amendments thereto
and the authorization of the issuance of bonds by the Kansas development
finance authority in accordance with that statute: And provided further,
That all moneys received from the issuance of any such bonds shall be
deposited in the state treasury to the credit of this fund: And provided
further, That the above agency may transfer moneys for fiscal year 2001
from appropriate accounts of the parking surplus fund to this fund for
such capital improvement project.

Parking garage no. 2 construction project principal and in-
 terest account KDFA D bonds, 1999 fund No limit
Parking garage no. 2 construction project bond reserve
 fund--KDFA D bonds 1999 No limit
Parking garage no. 2 construction project bond proceeds
 account--KDFA D bonds, 1999 fund No limit
Edwards campus facility expansion--special revenuefund No limit
Provided, That the university of Kansas may make expenditures from the
Edwards campus facility expansion--special revenue fund for the capital
improvement project to expand facilities on the Edwards campus in ad-
dition to the expenditure of other moneys appropriated therefor: Pro-
vided, however, That expenditures from this fund for such capital im-
provement project shall not exceed $13,230,000 plus all amounts required
for costs of any bond issuance, costs of interest on any bond issued or
obtained for such capital improvement project and any required reserves
for payment of principal and interest on any bond: Provided further, That
such capital improvement project is hereby approved for the university
of Kansas for the purposes of subsection (b) of K.S.A. 74-8905 and
amendments thereto and the authorization of the issuance of bonds by
the Kansas development finance authority in accordance with that statute:
And provided further, That all moneys received from the issuance of any
such bonds shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of this
fund: And provided further, That all gifts and grants received for the
capital improvement project to expand facilities on the Edwards campus,
other than those received from the federal government for such capital
improvement project, shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit
of the Edwards campus facility expansion--special revenue fund.

Construct child care facility--special revenue fund No limit
Provided, That the university of Kansas may make expenditures from the
construct child care facility--special revenue fund for the capital im-
provement project to construct a child care facility in addition to the
expenditure of other moneys appropriated therefor: Provided, however,
That expenditures from this fund for such capital improvement project
shall not exceed $4,470,000 plus all amounts required for costs of any
bond issuance, costs of interest on any bond issued or obtained for such
capital improvement project and any required reserves for payment of
principal and interest on any bond: Provided further, That such capital
improvement project is hereby approved for the university of Kansas for
the purposes of subsection (b) of K.S.A. 74-8905 and amendments thereto
and the authorization of the issuance of bonds by the Kansas development
finance authority in accordance with that statute: And provided further,
That all moneys received from the issuance of any such bonds shall be
deposited in the state treasury to the credit of this fund: And provided
further, That the above agency may transfer moneys for fiscal year 2001
from appropriate accounts of the restricted fees fund to this fund for such
capital improvement project.

Child care facility bond proceeds fund No limit
Child care facility university proceeds fund No limit
Child care facility principal and interest fund No limit
Child care facility bond reserve fund No limit
Child care facility surplus fund No limit
Child care facility operations account No limit
Child care facility student fee account No limit
Athletic facilities enhancements--special revenue fund No limit
Provided, That the university of Kansas may make expenditures from the
athletic facilities enhancements--special revenue fund for the capital im-
provement project to renovate athletic facilities in addition to the ex-
penditure of other moneys appropriated therefor: Provided, however,
That expenditures from this fund for such capital improvement project
shall not exceed $32,391,210 plus all amounts required for costs of any
bond issuance, costs of interest on any bond issued or obtained for such
capital improvement project and any required reserves for payment of
principal and interest on any bond: Provided further, That such capital
improvement project is hereby approved for the university of Kansas for
the purposes of subsection (b) of K.S.A. 74-8905 and amendments thereto
and the authorization of the issuance of bonds by the Kansas development
finance authority in accordance with that statute: And provided further,
That all moneys received from the issuance of any such bonds shall be
deposited in the state treasury to the credit of this fund.

Budig hall completion fund No limit
Provided, That during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the director
of accounts and reports shall transfer amounts specified by the chancellor
of the university of Kansas from moneys available to the above agency in
special revenue funds for fiscal year 2001, including the general fees fund,
tuition accountability fund, sponsored research overhead fund and various
moneys within the restricted fees fund, including grants, gifts, contracts
and fees to the Budig hall completion fund: Provided, however, That no
expenditures shall be made from this fund until the preliminary plans and
program statement for the Budig hall completion project have been re-
viewed by the joint committee on state building construction.

Continuing education program building acquisition--spe-
 cial revenue fund No limit
Dole institute gift or grant fund No limit
 (b) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the university of Kansas
is hereby authorized to make expenditures to raze building no. 27--fa-
cilities operations storage facility.

 (c) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the sponsored overhead research fund
for fiscal year 2001, expenditures may be made by the above agency from
the sponsored research overhead fund for fiscal year 2001 for the follow-
ing capital improvement project or projects, subject to the expenditure
limitation prescribed therefor:

Remodel energy balance laboratory No limit
 (d) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the state budget stabilization fund for
fiscal year 2001, expenditures may be made by the above agency for fiscal
year 2001 from the unencumbered balance as of June 30, 2000, in the
Dole institute of public service and public policy account of the above
agency in the state budget stabilization fund: Provided, That expenditures
from the unencumbered balance in such account shall not exceed the
amount of the unencumbered balance in such account on June 30, 2000:
Provided further, That all expenditures from the unencumbered balance
in such account shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation imposed
on the state budget stabilization fund for fiscal year 2001.

 (e) On July 1, 2000, any unencumbered balance in each of the following
accounts of the Kansas educational building fund is hereby lapsed: Ren-
ovate Snow hall.

 (f) On July 1, 2000, any unencumbered balance in each of the following
accounts of the state budget stabilization fund is hereby lapsed: SBSF-
Plan, construct, reconstruct and equip Hoch auditorium fund.

 Sec. 93.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

Construct and equip Nursing Education Facility--gift and
 grant fund No limit
Parking facility KDFA principal and interest fund 1988 No limit
Parking facility KDFA bond reserve fund 1988 No limit
Parking facility KDFA surplus fund 1988 No limit
Parking facility revenue fund No limit
Parking facility rebate fund--KDFA F bonds--1988 No limit
Rehabilitation and repair projects for institutions of higher
 education fund No limit
Regents R&R project KDFA K bonds, 1996 fund No limit
Construct and equip research building fund No limit
Construct and equip center for health in aging fund No limit
Provided, That the university of Kansas medical center may make ex-
penditures from the construct and equip center for health in aging fund
for the capital improvement project to construct the center for health in
aging in addition to the expenditure of other moneys appropriated there-
for: Provided, however, That expenditures from this fund for such capital
improvement project shall not exceed $8,000,000 plus all amounts re-
quired for costs of any bond issuance, costs of interest on any bond issued
or obtained for such capital improvement project and any required re-
serves for payment of principal and interest on any bond: Provided fur-
ther, That the above agency may transfer moneys for fiscal year 2001
from appropriate accounts of the sponsored research overhead fund to
this fund for such capital improvement project or for debt service for
such capital improvement project: And provided further, That such cap-
ital improvement project is hereby approved for the university of Kansas
medical center for the purposes of subsection (b) of K.S.A. 74-8905 and
amendments thereto and the authorization of the issuance of bonds by
the Kansas development finance authority in accordance with that statute:
And provided further, That all moneys received from the issuance of any
such bonds shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of this

Construct and equip center for health in aging principal
 and interest--KDFA B bonds, 1999 No limit
Construct and equip center for health in aging bond re-
 serve fund--KDFA B bonds, 1999 No limit
Construct and equip center for health in aging bond re-
 serve fund No limit
Construct and equip center for health in aging--gift and
 grant fund No limit
Construct and equip research support facility fund No limit
Provided, That the university of Kansas medical center may make ex-
penditures from the construct and equip research support facility fund
for the capital improvement project to construct an addition to the re-
search support facility in addition to the expenditure of other moneys
appropriated therefor: Provided, however, That expenditures from this
fund for such capital improvement project shall not exceed $4,740,000
plus all amounts required for costs of any bond issuance, costs of interest
on any bond issued or obtained for such capital improvement project and
any required reserves for payment of principal and interest on any bond:
Provided further, That the above agency may transfer moneys for fiscal
year 2001 from appropriate accounts of the sponsored research overhead
fund to this fund for such capital improvement project or for debt service
for such capital improvement project: And provided further, That such
capital improvement project is hereby approved for the university of Kan-
sas medical center for the purposes of subsection (b) of K.S.A. 74-8905
and amendments thereto and the authorization of the issuance of bonds
by the Kansas development finance authority in accordance with that
statute: And provided further, That all moneys received from the issuance
of any such bonds shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of
this fund.

Construct and equip addition to research support facility--
 gift and grant fund No limit
 (b) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the director of accounts
and reports shall transfer amounts certified by the chancellor of the uni-
versity of Kansas from the sponsored research overhead fund to the con-
struct and equip center for health in aging bond reserve fund.

 Sec. 94.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

On-campus parking construction and maintenance fund No limit
On-campus parking expansion--special revenue fund No limit
Provided, That Wichita state university may make expenditures from the
on-campus parking expansion--special revenue fund for the capital im-
provement project to construct additional on-campus parking spaces in
addition to the expenditure of other moneys appropriated therefor: Pro-
vided, however, That expenditures from this fund for such capital im-
provement project shall not exceed $7,500,000 plus all amounts required
for costs of any bond issuance, costs of interest on any bond issued or
obtained for such capital improvement project and any required reserves
for payment of principal and interest on any bond: Provided further, That
such capital improvement project is hereby approved for Wichita state
university for the purposes of subsection (b) of K.S.A. 74-8905 and
amendments thereto and the authorization of the issuance of bonds by
the Kansas development finance authority in accordance with that statute:
And provided further, That all moneys received from the issuance of any
such bonds shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of this

On campus parking principal and interest account--KDFA
 bonds, 2000 fund No limit
On campus parking bonds issuance account--KDFA
 bonds, 2000 fund No limit
On campus parking bond reserve account--KDFA bonds,
 2000 fund No limit
WSU housing system surplus fund No limit
Bond reserve fund--KDFA--WSU housing system
 renovation No limit
Cessna stadium repair and rehabilitation gifts fund No limit
Regents rehabilitation and repair phase II--KDFA G
 bonds, 1997 fund No limit

 Sec. 95.

 (a) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the employment security administration
fund for fiscal year 2001, expenditures may be made by the above agency
from the employment security administration fund for fiscal year 2001
from moneys made available to the state under section 903 of the federal
social security act, as amended: Provided, That expenditures from this
fund during fiscal year 2001 of moneys made available to the state under
section 903 of the federal social security act, as amended, shall be made
only for the following capital improvement purposes: (1) For major main-
tenance of existing buildings used by the department of human resources
for employment security purposes; (2) for paving, landscaping and ac-
quiring fixed equipment as may be required for the use and operation of
such buildings; or (3) for any combination of these purposes: Provided
further, That expenditures from this fund for fiscal year 2001 of moneys
made available to the state under section 903 of the federal social security
act, as amended, for such capital improvement purposes shall not exceed
$75,000 plus the amounts of unencumbered balances as of June 30, 2000,
for capital improvement projects approved for fiscal years prior to fiscal
year 2001: And provided further, That all expenditures from this fund for
any such capital improvement purposes or projects shall be in addition
to any expenditure limitation imposed on the employment security ad-
ministration fund for fiscal year 2001.

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

Complete remodeling of agency headquarters fund No limit
Provided, That the department of human resources may make expendi-
tures from the complete remodeling of agency headquarters fund for the
capital improvement project to remodel the agency headquarters: Pro-
vided, however, That expenditures from this fund for such capital im-
provement project shall not exceed $1,905,000, plus all amounts required
for cost of bond issuance, cost of interest on the bonds issued for such
capital improvement project and any required reserves for the payment
of principal and interest on the bonds: Provided further, That such capital
improvement project is hereby approved for the department of human
resources for the purposes of subsection (b) of K.S.A. 74-8905 and
amendments thereto and the authorization of the issuance of bonds by
the Kansas development finance authority in accordance with that statue:
And provided further, That all moneys received from the issuance of any
such bonds shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of this

 Sec. 96.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state institu-
tions building fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, for the capital
improvement project or projects specified as follows:

Soldiers' home repair and rehabilitation projects $100,000
Veterans' home repair and rehabilitation projects $80,000
 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

Winfield veterans home acquisition and construction No limit
Veterans' home federal construction grant fund No limit
Provided, That all moneys received by the above agency as federal grants
for the purposes of construction and remodeling at the Kansas veterans'
home, which grants are hereby authorized to be applied for and received
by the above agency, shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit
of the Veterans' home federal construction grant fund.

Veterans' cemeteries federal construction grant fund No limit
 (c) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state institu-
tions building fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000, for the capital
improvement project or projects specified as follows:

Veterans' home repair and rehabilitation projects $142,871

 Sec. 97.

 (a) There is hereby appropriated for the above agency from the state
general fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, for the capital
improvement project or projects specified as follows:

Rehabilitation and repair--headquarters building $15,000
Debt service principal payment--headquarters building $180,000

 Sec. 98.

 (a) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made from the highway patrol training center fund for fiscal year 2001,
expenditures may be made by the above agency from the highway patrol
training center fund for fiscal year 2001 to make debt service payments
for the Kansas highway patrol training center at Salina for the bonds
issued for such project pursuant to subsection (b) of section 6 of chapter
326 of the 1992 Session Laws of Kansas.

 (b) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made from the highway patrol training center fund for fiscal year 2001,
expenditures may be made by the above agency from the highway patrol
training center fund for fiscal year 2001 for the following capital improve-
ment project or projects, subject to the expenditure limitation prescribed

Training center--remodeling, rehabilitation and repair
 projects $50,000
Provided, That all expenditures from each such capital improvement ac-
count shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation imposed on the
highway patrol training center fund for fiscal year 2001.

 (c) In addition to other purposes for which expenditures may be made
by the above agency from the motor carrier inspection fund for fiscal year
2001, expenditures may be made by the above agency from the motor
carrier inspection fund for fiscal year 2001 for the following capital im-
provement project or projects, subject to the expenditure limitations pre-
scribed therefor:

Remodeling, rehabilitation and repair projects $50,000
Replacement of scales $172,228
Provided, That all expenditures from each such capital improvement ac-
count shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation imposed on the
motor carrier inspection fund for fiscal year 2001.

 Sec. 99.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, for the capital improvement
project or projects specified as follows:

Any unencumbered balance in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, in each
of the following capital improvement accounts of the state general fund
is hereby reappropriated for fiscal year 2001: Rehabilitation and repair;
handicapped accessibility renovation.

Any unencumbered balance in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, in each
of the following capital improvement accounts of the state general fund
is hereby reappropriated for fiscal year 2001: Matching grant for devel-
opment of wetlands project at Milford reservoir: Provided, That expend-
itures for fiscal year 2001 may be made from the matching grant for
development of wetlands project at Milford reservoir account by the sec-
retary of wildlife and parks only upon verification by the chairperson of
WILDSCAPE that federal funds are available from the U.S. army corps
of engineers for development of the Milford wetlands: Provided, however,
That funds provided by the Kansas department of wildlife and parks to
WILDSCAPE shall not be used to finance the administrative costs of

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

Department access road fund No limit
Bridge maintenance fund No limit
Federal grants fund No limit
Migratory waterfowl propagation and protection fund $100,000
 (c) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer $1,500,000 from the state
highway fund of the department of transportation to the department ac-
cess road fund of the department of wildlife and parks.

 (d) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer $200,000 from the state
highway fund of the department of transportation to the bridge mainte-
nance fund of the department of wildlife and parks.

 (e) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the migratory waterfowl propagation and
protection fund for fiscal year 2001, expenditures may be made by the
above agency from the migratory waterfowl propagation and protection
fund for fiscal year 2001 from the unencumbered balance as of June 30,
2000, in each existing capital improvement account of the migratory wa-
terfowl propagation and protection fund: Provided, That all expenditures
from the unencumbered balance of any such account shall not exceed the
amount of the unencumbered balance in such account on June 30, 2000:
Provided further, That all expenditures from the unencumbered balance
of any such account shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation
imposed on the migratory waterfowl propagation and protection fund for
fiscal year 2001.

 (f) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the boating fee fund for fiscal year 2001,
expenditures may be made by the above agency from the boating fee
fund for fiscal year 2001 from the unencumbered balance as of June 30,
2000, in each existing capital improvement account of the boating fee
fund: Provided, That expenditures from the unencumbered balance of
any such existing capital improvement account shall not exceed the
amount of the unencumbered balance in such account on June 30, 2000:
Provided further, That all expenditures from the unencumbered balance
of any such account shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation
imposed on the boating fee fund for fiscal year 2001 and shall be in
addition to any other expenditure limitation imposed on any such account
of the boating fee fund for fiscal year 2001.

 (g) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the state budget stabilization fund for
fiscal year 2001, expenditures may be made by the above agency from
the state budget stabilization fund for fiscal year 2001 from the unencum-
bered balance as of June 30, 2000, in each existing capital improvement
account of the above agency in the state budget stabilization fund: Pro-
vided, That expenditures from the unencumbered balance of any such
existing capital improvement account shall not exceed the amount of the
unencumbered balance in such account on June 30, 2000: Provided fur-
ther, That all expenditures from the unencumbered balance of any such
account shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation imposed on the
state budget stabilization fund for fiscal year 2001.

 (h) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the wildlife fee fund for fiscal year 2001,
expenditures may be made by the above agency from the following capital
improvement account or accounts of the wildlife fee fund during fiscal
year 2001 for the following capital improvement project or projects, sub-
ject to the expenditure limitations prescribed therefor:

Wildlife fee fund federally mandated boating access $845,200
Wildlife fee fund rehabilitation and repair $558,500
Provided, That all expenditures from each such capital improvement ac-
count shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation imposed on the
wildlife fee fund for fiscal year 2001.

 (i) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the wildlife fee fund for fiscal year 2001,
expenditures may be made by the above agency from the wildlife fee fund
for fiscal year 2001 from the unencumbered balance as of June 30, 2000,
in each existing capital improvement account of the wildlife fee fund:
Provided, That expenditures from the unencumbered balance of any such
existing capital improvement account shall not exceed the amount of the
unencumbered balance in such account on June 30, 2000: Provided fur-
ther, That all expenditures from the unencumbered balance of any such
account shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation imposed on the
wildlife fee fund for fiscal year 2001.

 (j) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the wildlife conservation fund for fiscal
year 2001, expenditures may be made by the above agency from the
following capital improvement account or accounts of the wildlife con-
servation fund for fiscal year 2001 for the following capital improvement
project or projects, subject to the expenditure limitations prescribed

Wildlife conservation fund--capital improvement
 projects $1,010,000
 (k) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the wildlife conservation fund for fiscal
year 2001, expenditures may be made by the above agency from the
wildlife conservation fund for fiscal year 2001 from the unencumbered
balance as of June 30, 2000, in each existing capital improvement account
of the wildlife conservation fund: Provided, That expenditures from the
unencumbered balance of any such existing capital improvement account
shall not exceed the amount of the unencumbered balance in such ac-
count on June 30, 2000: Provided further, That all expenditures from the
unencumbered balance of any such account shall be in addition to any
expenditure limitation imposed on the wildlife conservation fund for fiscal
year 2001 and shall be in addition to any other expenditure limitation
imposed on any such account of the wildlife conservation fund for fiscal
year 2001.

 (l) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the parks fee fund for fiscal year 2001,
expenditures may be made by the above agency from the following capital
improvement account or accounts of the parks fee fund for fiscal year
2001 for the following capital improvement project or projects, subject
to the expenditure limitations prescribed therefor:

Parks fee fund--rehabilitation and repair $100,698
 (m) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the parks fee fund for fiscal year 2001,
expenditures may be made by the above agency from the parks fee fund
for fiscal year 2001 from the unencumbered balance as of June 30, 2000,
in each existing capital improvement account of the parks fee fund: Pro-
vided, That expenditures from the unencumbered balance of any such
existing capital improvement account shall not exceed the amount of the
unencumbered balance in such account on June 30, 2000: Provided fur-
ther, That all expenditures from the unencumbered balance of any such
account shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation imposed on the
parks fee fund for fiscal year 2001.

 (n) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the nongame wildlife improvement fund
for fiscal year 2001, expenditures may be made by the above agency from
the nongame wildlife improvement fund for fiscal year 2001 from the
unencumbered balance as of June 30, 2000, in each existing capital im-
provement account of the nongame wildlife improvement fund: Provided,
That expenditures from the unencumbered balance of any such existing
capital improvement account shall not exceed the amount of the unen-
cumbered balance in such account on June 30, 2000: Provided further,
That all expenditures from the unencumbered balance of any such ac-
count shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation imposed on the
nongame wildlife improvement fund for fiscal year 2001 and shall be in
addition to any other expenditure limitation imposed on any such account
of the nongame wildlife improvement fund for fiscal year 2001.

 (o) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the migratory waterfowl propagation and
protection fund for fiscal year 2001, expenditures may be made by the
above agency from the following capital improvement account or accounts
of the migratory waterfowl propagation and protection fund for fiscal year
2001 for the following capital improvement project or projects, subject
to the expenditure limitations prescribed therefor:

Migratory waterfowl propagation and protection fund--
 wetlands acquisition $100,000
Provided, That all expenditures from each such capital improvement ac-
count of the migratory waterfowl propagation and protection fund shall
be in addition to any expenditure limitation imposed on the migratory
waterfowl propagation and protection fund for fiscal year 2001.

 (p) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the migratory waterfowl propagation and
protection fund for fiscal year 2001, expenditures may be made by the
above agency from the migratory waterfowl propagation and protection
fund for fiscal year 2001 from the unencumbered balance as of June 30,
2000, in each existing capital improvement account of the migratory wa-
terfowl propagation and protection fund: Provided, That expenditures
from the unencumbered balance of any such existing capital improvement
account shall not exceed the amount of the unencumbered balance in
such account on June 30, 2000: Provided further, That all expenditures
from the unencumbered balance of any such account shall be in addition
to any expenditure limitation imposed on the migratory waterfowl prop-
agation and protection fund for fiscal year 2001.

 (q) For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, any expenditures by the
department of wildlife and parks from any moneys appropriated for fiscal
year 2001, for wetland acquisition shall be for the acquisition of existing
wetlands that are located within 1.1 miles of state-owned wetlands.

 (r) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
all moneys in the federal flood aid fund to the federal flood aid account
of the federal grants fund. On July 1, 2000, all liabilities of the federal
flood aid fund are hereby transferred to and imposed on the federal flood
aid account of the federal grants fund and the federal flood aid fund is
hereby abolished.

 (s) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
all moneys in the renovation of Cheyenne Bottoms--federal fund to the
Cheyenne Bottoms account of the federal grants fund. On July 1, 2000,
all liabilities of the renovation of Cheyenne Bottoms--federal fund are
hereby transferred to and imposed on the Cheyenne Bottoms account of
the federal grants fund and the renovation of Cheyenne Bottoms--federal
fund is hereby abolished.

 (t) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
all moneys in the rails-to-trails federal fund to the trail development ac-
count of the federal grants fund. On July 1, 2000, all liabilities of the rails-
to-trails federal fund are hereby transferred to and imposed on the trail
development account of the federal grants fund and the rails-to-trails
federal fund is hereby abolished.

 (u) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
all moneys in the clean lakes fund--federal fund to the clean lakes ac-
count of the federal grants fund. On July 1, 2000, all liabilities of the clean
lakes fund--federal fund are hereby transferred to and imposed on the
clean lakes account of the federal grants fund and the clean lakes fund--
federal fund is hereby abolished.

 (v) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
all moneys in the renovation of Cheyenne Bottoms--bureau of recla-
mation--federal fund to the Cheyenne Bottoms account of the federal
grants fund. On July 1, 2000, all liabilities of the renovation of Cheyenne
Bottoms--bureau of reclamation--federal fund are hereby transferred to
and imposed on the Cheyenne Bottoms account of the federal grants fund
and the renovation of Cheyenne Bottoms--bureau of reclamation--fed-
eral fund is hereby abolished.

 (w) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
all moneys in the Cheyenne Bottoms project gift fund to the department
of wildlife and parks private gifts and donations fund. On July 1, 2000,
all liabilities of the Cheyenne Bottoms project gift fund are hereby trans-
ferred to and imposed on the department of wildlife and parks private
gifts and donations fund and the Cheyenne Bottoms project gift fund is
hereby abolished.

 (x) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
all moneys in the EDIF--Prairie Spirit rails/trails project grant fund in
the department of wildlife and parks to the Kansas economic develop-
ment endowment account of the state economic development initiatives
fund of the department of commerce and housing and the EDIF--Prairie
Spirit rails/trails project grant fund of the department of wildlife and parks
is hereby abolished.

 (y) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
all moneys in the boating development account of the boating fee fund
to the boating fee fund boating access and development account of the
boating fee fund. On July 1, 2000, all liabilities of the boating development
account of the boating fee fund are hereby transferred to and imposed
on the boating fee fund boating access and development account of the
boating fee fund and the boating development account of the boating fee
fund is hereby abolished.

 (z) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
all moneys in the reservoir facility development account of the wildlife
fee fund to the wildlife fee fund angler facilities improvements account
of the wildlife fee fund. On July 1, 2000, all liabilities of the reservoir
facility development account of the wildlife fee fund are hereby trans-
ferred to and imposed on the wildlife fee fund angler facilities improve-
ments account of the wildlife fee fund and the reservoir facility devel-
opment account of the wildlife fee fund is hereby abolished.

 (aa) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
all moneys in the fisheries projects account of the wildlife fee fund to the
wildlife fee fund angler facilities improvements account of the wildlife
fee fund. On July 1, 2000, all liabilities of the fisheries projects account
of the wildlife fee fund are hereby transferred to and imposed on the
wildlife fee fund angler facilities improvements account of the wildlife
fee fund and the fisheries projects account of the wildlife fee fund is
hereby abolished.

 (bb) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
all moneys in the fisheries projects--capital improvements account of the
wildlife fee fund to the wildlife fee fund angler facilities improvements
account of the wildlife fee fund. On July 1, 2000, all liabilities of the
fisheries projects--capital improvements account of the wildlife fee fund
are hereby transferred to and imposed on the wildlife fee fund angler
facilities improvements account of the wildlife fee fund and the fisheries
projects--capital improvements account of the wildlife fee fund is hereby

 (cc) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
all moneys in the wildlife fee fund ADA renovation fishery enhancements
account of the wildlife fee fund to the wildlife fee fund ADA renovation
account of the wildlife fee fund. On July 1, 2000, all liabilities of the
wildlife fee fund ADA renovation fishery enhancements account of the
wildlife fee fund are hereby transferred to and imposed on the wildlife
fee fund ADA renovation account of the wildlife fee fund and the wildlife
fee fund ADA renovation fishery enhancements account of the wildlife
fee fund is hereby abolished.

 (dd) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
all moneys in the state fishing lake dam repair account of the wildlife fee
fund to the wildlife fee fund state fishing lake projects account of the
wildlife fee fund. On July 1, 2000, all liabilities of the state fishing lake
dam repair account of the wildlife fee fund are hereby transferred to and
imposed on the wildlife fee fund state fishing lake projects account of the
wildlife fee fund and the state fishing lake dam repair account of the
wildlife fee fund is hereby abolished.

 (ee) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
all moneys in the renovate state fishing lakes account of the wildlife fee
fund to the wildlife fee fund state fishing lake projects account of the
wildlife fee fund. On July 1, 2000, all liabilities of the renovate state fishing
lakes account of the wildlife fee fund are hereby transferred to and im-
posed on the wildlife fee fund state fishing lake projects account of the
wildlife fee fund and the renovate state fishing lakes account of the wild-
life fee fund is hereby abolished.

 (ff) On July 1, 2000, any unencumbered balance as of June 30, 2000,
in each of the following accounts of the wildlife fee fund is hereby lapsed:
Wildlife fee fund shooting range development; Pratt museum renovation;
renovate Cheyenne Bottoms; wildlife fee fund flood damage repair in
wildlife areas; Wichita education center; dam maintenance and repair.

 (gg) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
all moneys in the construct boat slips at Prairie Dog state park account
of the parks fee fund to the rehabilitation and repair projects account of
the parks fee fund. On July 1, 2000, all liabilities of the construct boat
slips at Prairie Dog state park account of the parks fee fund are hereby
transferred to and imposed on the rehabilitation and repair projects ac-
count of the parks fee fund and the construct boat slips at Prairie Dog
state park account of the parks fee fund is hereby abolished.

 Sec. 100.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the Kansas edu-
cational building fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, for the
capital improvement project or projects specified as follows:

Rehabilitation and repair projects, Americans with disabil-
 ities act compliance projects, state fire marshal code
 compliance projects, and improvements to classroom
 projects for institutions of higher education $3,000,000
Provided, That the state board of regents is hereby authorized to transfer
moneys from the rehabilitation and repair projects, Americans with dis-
abilities act compliance projects, state fire marshal code compliance pro-
jects, and improvements to classroom projects for institutions of higher
education account to an account or accounts of the Kansas educational
building fund of any institution under the control and supervision of the
state board of regents to be expended by the institution for projects ap-
proved by the state board of regents: Provided, however, That no ex-
penditures shall be made from any such account until the proposed pro-
jects have been reviewed by the joint committee on state building

Debt service--revenue bonds issued for major remodeling
 and new construction projects at state educational
 institutions $15,000,000

 Sec. 101.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year or fiscal years specified, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

Comprehensive armory construction and rehabilitation fund

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 No limit
For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2002 No limit
For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003 No limit
For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004 No limit
For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2005 No limit
Provided, That the adjutant general is hereby authorized to make ex-
penditures from the comprehensive armory construction and rehabilita-
tion fund for capital improvement projects for acquisition, construction,
equipping, furnishing, renovation, reconstruction and repair of armories
or for payment of debt service on revenue bonds issued to finance such
projects: Provided further, That the adjutant general may make expend-
itures from this fund for the payment of debt service on revenue bonds
issued to finance such projects: And provided further, That, prior to the
issuance of any bonds authorized by this section or making first expend-
iture from this fund for any such capital improvement project, the adju-
tant general shall pursue the availability of alternative funding from local,
state, federal and private funding sources for all or part of the costs of
such capital improvement project and shall report to the state finance
council concerning such capital improvement project and the proposed
issuance of bonds for such project: And provided further, That such re-
port to the state finance council shall specifically include information
about the proposed utilization of bond proceeds for such capital improve-
ment project and the availability and use of other sources including local,
state, federal and private funds for such project: And provided further,
That capital improvement projects for the acquisition, construction,
equipping, furnishing, renovation, reconstruction and repair of armories
are hereby approved for the adjutant general for the purposes of subsec-
tion (b) of K.S.A. 74-8905 and amendments thereto and the authorization
of one or more series of revenue bonds by the Kansas development fi-
nance authority in accordance with that statute, except that no bonds shall
be issued for any such capital improvement project except upon approval
of the state finance council acting on this matter which is hereby char-
acterized as a matter of legislative delegation and subject to the guidelines
prescribed by subsection (c) of K.S.A. 75-3711c and amendments thereto,
except that approval by the state finance council may be given when the
legislature is in session: And provided further, That the aggregate amount
of all such revenue bonds issued shall not exceed $22,000,000 plus all
amounts required for costs of any bond issuance, costs of interest on any
bond issued or obtained for one or more of such capital improvement
projects and any required reserves for payment of principal and interest
on any such bonds: And provided further, That bonds authorized to be
issued pursuant to this section shall not exceed (1) the amount of
$2,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, (2) the amount of
$2,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2002, (3) the amount of
$6,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003, (4) the amount of
$6,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004, and (5) the amount
of $6,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2005: And provided
further, That all moneys received from issuance of any such bonds shall
be deposited in the state treasury and credited to this fund.

 Sec. 102.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state institu-
tions building fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, for the capital
improvement project or projects specified as follows:

Capital improvements--rehabilitation, remodeling, reno-
 vation and repair of juvenile correctional facilities $1,000,000
Provided, That the commissioner of juvenile justice is hereby authorized
to transfer moneys during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, from the
capital improvements--rehabilitation, remodeling, renovation and repair
of juvenile correctional facilities account of the state institutions building
fund to an account or accounts of the state institutions building fund of
any institution or facility under the jurisdiction of the commissioner of
juvenile justice to be expended during fiscal year 2001 by the institution
or facility for capital improvement projects approved by the commissioner
of juvenile justice.

 Sec. 103. On July 1, 2000, K.S.A. 79-2959 is hereby amended to read
as follows: 79-2959. (a) There is hereby created the local ad valorem tax
reduction fund. All moneys transferred or credited to such fund under
the provisions of this act or any other law shall be apportioned and dis-
tributed in the manner provided herein.

 (b) On January 15 and on July 15 of each year, the director of accounts
and reports shall make transfers in equal amounts which in the aggregate
equal 4.5% of the total retail sales and compensating taxes credited to
the state general fund pursuant to articles 36 and 37 of chapter 79 of
Kansas Statutes Annotated and acts amendatory thereof and supplemen-
tal thereto during the preceding calendar year from the state general fund
to the local ad valorem tax reduction fund, except that: (1) The transfers
on January 15 and July 15 of each year shall be in equal amounts which
in the aggregate equal 3.630% of such taxes credited to the state general
fund during the preceding calendar year; and (2) the amount of the trans-
fer on each such date during state fiscal year 1998 2001 shall be equal to
101.75% 93.5% of the amount transferred on the same date during state
fiscal year 1997 2000. All such transfers are subject to reduction under
K.S.A. 75-6704 and amendments thereto. All transfers made in accord-
ance with the provisions of this section shall be considered to be demand
transfers from the state general fund.

 (c) The state treasurer shall apportion and pay the amounts transferred
under subsection (b) to the several county treasurers on January 15 and on
July 15 in each year as follows: (1) Sixty-five percent of the amount to be
distributed shall be apportioned on the basis of the population figures of the
counties certified to the secretary of state pursuant to K.S.A. 11-201 and
amendments thereto on July 1 of the preceding year; and (2) thirty-five percent
of such amount shall be apportioned on the basis of the equalized assessed
tangible valuations on the tax rolls of the counties on November 1 of the
preceding year as certified by the director of property valuation.

 Sec. 104. On July 1, 2000, K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 79-2964 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 79-2964. There is hereby created the county
and city revenue sharing fund. All moneys transferred or credited to such
fund under the provisions of this act or any other law shall be allocated
and distributed in the manner provided herein. The director of accounts
and reports in each year on July 15 and December 10, shall make transfers
in equal amounts which in the aggregate equal 3.5% of the total retail
sales and compensating taxes credited to the state general fund pursuant
to articles 36 and 37 of chapter 79 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated and
acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto during the preceding
calendar year from the state general fund to the county and city revenue
sharing fund, except that: (a) The transfers on July 15 and December 10
of each year shall be in equal amounts which in the aggregate equal
2.823% of such taxes credited to the state general fund during the pre-
ceding calendar year; and (b) the amount of the transfer on each such
date during state fiscal year 2000 2001 shall be equal to 101.0% 93.5%
of the amount transferred on the same date during state fiscal year 1999
2000. All such transfers are subject to reduction under K.S.A. 75-6704
and amendments thereto. All transfers made in accordance with the pro-
visions of this section shall be considered to be demand transfers from
the state general fund.

 Sec. 105. On July 1, 2000, K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 79-3425i is hereby
amended to read as follows: 79-3425i. On January 15 and July 15 of each
year, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer a sum equal to
the total taxes collected under the provisions of K.S.A. 79-6a04 and 79-
6a10, and amendments thereto, and credited to the state general fund
during the six months next preceding the date of transfer, from the state
general fund to the special city and county highway fund, created by
K.S.A. 79-3425, and amendments thereto, except that: (1) Such transfers
are subject to reduction under K.S.A. 75-6704, and amendments thereto;
and (2) the amount of the transfer on each such date during state fiscal
year 2000 shall not exceed the amount equal to 101.7% of the amount
transferred on the same date during state fiscal year 1999, and the amount
of the transfer on each such date during state fiscal year 2001 shall not
exceed the amount equal to 101.7% of the amount transferred on the
same date during state fiscal year 2000 $5,171,594.50. All transfers under
this section shall be considered to be demand transfers from the state
general fund.

 Sec. 106. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 79-34,147, as amended by section 73 of
2000 Senate Bill No. 39 is hereby amended to read as follows: 79-34,147.
(a) (1) On July 1, 1999, and quarterly thereafter the secretary of revenue
shall certify to the director of accounts and reports the amount equal to
7.628% of the total revenues received by the secretary from the taxes
imposed under the Kansas retailers' sales tax act and deposited in the
state treasury and credited to the state general fund during the preceding
three calendar months.

 (2) On July 1, 2001, and quarterly thereafter, the secretary of revenue
shall certify to the director of accounts and reports the amount equal to
9.5% of the total revenues received by the secretary from the taxes im-
posed under the Kansas retailers' sales tax act and deposited in the state
treasury and credited to the state general fund during the preceding three
calendar months.

 (3) On July 1, 2002, and quarterly thereafter, the secretary of revenue
shall certify to the director of accounts and reports the amount equal to
11% of the total revenues received by the secretary from the taxes im-
posed under the Kansas retailers' sales tax act and deposited in the state
treasury and credited to the state general fund during the preceding three
calendar months.

 (4) On July 1, 2003, and quarterly thereafter, the secretary of revenue
shall certify to the director of accounts and reports the amount equal to
11.25% of the total revenues received by the secretary from the taxes
imposed under the Kansas retailers' sales tax act and deposited in the
state treasury and credited to the state general fund during the preceding
three calendar months.

 (5) On July 1, 2004, and quarterly thereafter, the secretary of revenue
shall certify to the director of accounts and reports the amount equal to
12% of the total revenues received by the secretary from the taxes im-
posed under the Kansas retailers' sales tax act and deposited in the state
treasury and credited to the state general fund during the preceding three
calendar months.

 (b) Upon receipt of each certification under subsection (a), the director
of accounts and reports shall transfer from the state general fund to the
state highway fund an amount equal to the amount so certified, on each
July 1, October 1, January 1 and April 1, except that (1)(A) the amount
of the transfer on each such date during state fiscal year 2000 shall not
exceed the amount equal to 101.7% of the amount of the transfer on each
such date during state fiscal year 1999 and (B) the aggregate amount of
all such transfers during state fiscal year 2000 shall not exceed
$62,240,428; and (2) the amount of the transfer on each such date during
state fiscal year 2001 shall not exceed the amount equal to 101.7% of the
amount transferred on the same date during state fiscal year 2000
$12,829,480.50. All transfers made pursuant to this section are subject to
reduction under K.S.A. 75-6704, and amendments thereto.

 (c) All transfers made in accordance with the provisions of this section
shall be considered to be demand transfers from the state general fund.

 Sec. 107. On July 1, 2000, K.S.A. 82a-953a is hereby amended to read
as follows: 82a-953a. In each fiscal year, the director of accounts and
reports shall transfer $6,000,000 from the state general fund to the state
water plan fund created by K.S.A. 82a-951, and amendments thereto, 1/2
of such amount to be transferred on July 15 and 1/2 to be transferred on
January 15, except that (1) such transfers are subject to reduction under
K.S.A. 75-6704, and amendments thereto; and (2) the amount of the
transfer on each such date during state fiscal year 1995 2001 shall be
$2,966,400 $2,250,000. All transfers under this section shall be considered
to be demand transfers from the state general fund.

 Sec. 108. (a) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures
may be made by the governor's department from the governor's depart-
ment account of the state general fund for the fiscal year ending June 30,
2001, expenditures shall be made by the governor's department from the
governor's department account of the state general fund for fiscal year
2001 for an additional amount of biweekly compensation for the governor
equal to the amount required to provide, along with the amount of bi-
weekly compensation otherwise payable, an aggregate amount of com-
pensation of $3,616.75 per biweekly pay period for each biweekly pay
period commencing on or after June 11, 2000, which is chargeable to
fiscal year 2001: Provided, That expenditures for such purpose shall be
made in the same manner and at the same times that biweekly compen-
sation is payable to the governor for the biweekly pay periods which com-
mence on or after June 11, 2000, and which are chargeable to fiscal year

 (b) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the lieutenant governor from the operations account of the state
general fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, expenditures shall
be made by the lieutenant governor from the operations account of the
state general fund for fiscal year 2001 for an additional amount of bi-
weekly compensation for the lieutenant governor equal to the amount
required to provide, along with the amount of biweekly compensation
otherwise payable, an aggregate amount of compensation of $1,022.99
per biweekly pay period for each biweekly pay period commencing on or
after June 11, 2000, which is chargeable to fiscal year 2001: Provided,
That expenditures for such purpose shall be made in the same manner
and at the same times that biweekly compensation is payable to the lieu-
tenant governor for the biweekly pay periods which commence on or after
June 11, 2000, and which are chargeable to fiscal year 2001.

 (c) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the secretary of state from the operating expenditures account
of the state general fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, ex-
penditures shall be made by the secretary of state from the operating
expenditures account of the state general fund for fiscal year 2001 for an
additional amount of biweekly compensation for the secretary of state
equal to the amount required to provide, along with the amount of bi-
weekly compensation otherwise payable, an aggregate amount of com-
pensation of $2,809.68 per biweekly pay period for each biweekly pay
period commencing on or after June 11, 2000, which is chargeable to
fiscal year 2001: Provided, That expenditures for such purpose shall be
made in the same manner and at the same times that biweekly compen-
sation is payable to the secretary of state for the biweekly pay periods
which commence on or after June 11, 2000, and which are chargeable to
fiscal year 2001.

 (d) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the attorney general from the operating expenditures account
of the state general fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, ex-
penditures shall be made by the attorney general from the operating
expenditures account of the state general fund for fiscal year 2001 for an
additional amount of biweekly compensation for the attorney general
equal to the amount required to provide, along with the amount of bi-
weekly compensation otherwise payable, an aggregate amount of com-
pensation of $3,231.05 per biweekly pay period for each biweekly pay
period commencing on or after June 11, 2000, which is chargeable to
fiscal year 2001: Provided, That expenditures for such purpose shall be
made in the same manner and at the same times that biweekly compen-
sation is payable to the attorney general for the biweekly pay periods
which commence on or after June 11, 2000, and which are chargeable to
fiscal year 2001.

 (e) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the state treasurer from the operating expenditures account of
the state general fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, expendi-
tures shall be made by the state treasurer from the operating expenditures
account of the state general fund for fiscal year 2001 for an additional
amount of biweekly compensation for the state treasurer equal to the
amount required to provide, along with the amount of biweekly compen-
sation otherwise payable, an aggregate amount of compensation of
$2,809.68 per biweekly pay period for each biweekly pay period com-
mencing on or after June 11, 2000, which is chargeable to fiscal year 2001:
Provided, That expenditures for such purpose shall be made in the same
manner and at the same times that biweekly compensation is payable to
the state treasurer for the biweekly pay periods which commence on or
after June 11, 2000, and which are chargeable to fiscal year 2001.

 (f) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the insurance department from the insurance department serv-
ice regulation fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, expenditures
shall be made by the insurance department from the insurance depart-
ment service regulation fund for fiscal year 2001 for an additional amount
of biweekly compensation for the commissioner of insurance equal to the
amount required to provide, along with the amount of biweekly compen-
sation otherwise payable, an aggregate amount of compensation of
$2,809.68 per biweekly pay period for each biweekly pay period com-
mencing on or after June 11, 2000, which is chargeable to fiscal year 2001:
Provided, That expenditures for such purpose shall be made in the same
manner and at the same times that biweekly compensation is payable to
the commissioner of insurance for the biweekly pay periods which com-
mence on or after June 11, 2000, and which are chargeable to fiscal year

 (g) (1) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may
be made by each state agency from appropriations made for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 2001, expenditures shall be made by each state
agency from the appropriations made for fiscal year 2001 for an additional
amount of per diem compensation equal to the amount required to pro-
vide, along with the amount of per diem compensation otherwise payable,
an aggregate amount of compensation of $76.44 per calendar day for each
member of a board for any calendar day occurring on or after June 11,
2000, for which per diem compensation is payable to such member of a
board under K.S.A. 75-3212 or 75-3223 and amendments thereto at the
rate prescribed by subsection (a) of K.S.A. 46-137a and amendments
thereto and is chargeable to fiscal year 2001: Provided, That expenditures
for such purpose shall be made in the same manner and at the same times
that per diem compensation is payable to such member of a board for
the biweekly pay periods for which such per diem compensation for cal-
endar days occurring on or after June 11, 2000, is payable and which are
chargeable to fiscal year 2001.

 (2) As used in this subsection (g), (A) "state agency" means any state
agency of the executive branch of state government (i) which has appro-
priations made for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, by this act or any
other appropriation act of the 2000 regular session of the legislature, and
(ii) which is, or which makes expenditures for, any board; and

 (B) "board" means any board, commission, committee, task force,
panel or other body in the executive branch of state government, includ-
ing any advisory body, having one or more members who are entitled to
receive per diem compensation for attendance at meetings of such body,
or attendance at meetings authorized by such body of a subcommittee or
other subsidiary group of such body, as provided in K.S.A. 75-3212 or
75-3223 and amendments thereto at the rate prescribed by subsection (a)
of K.S.A. 46-137a and amendments thereto.

 (h) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the Kansas turnpike authority for the period commencing June
11, 2000, and ending June 30, 2001, expenditures shall be made by the
Kansas turnpike authority for such period for an additional amount of per
diem compensation equal to the amount required to provide, along with
the amount of per diem compensation otherwise payable, an aggregate
amount of compensation of $76.44 per calendar day for each member of
the Kansas turnpike authority for any calendar day occurring on or after
June 11, 2000, for which per diem compensation is payable to such mem-
ber under K.S.A. 68-2003 and amendments thereto who is entitled, in
accordance with K.S.A. 75-3223 and amendments thereto, to receive such
per diem compensation as provided in K.S.A. 75-3212 and amendments
thereto at the rate prescribed by subsection (a) of K.S.A. 46-137a and
amendments thereto and is chargeable to fiscal year 2001: Provided, That
expenditures for such purpose shall be made in the same manner and at
the same times that per diem compensation is payable to such member
of the Kansas turnpike authority for the appropriate pay periods for which
such per diem compensation for calendar days occurring on or after June
11, 2000, and prior to July 1, 2001, is payable by the Kansas turnpike

 (i) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the legislature from the operations (including official hospitality)
account of the state general fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001,
expenditures shall be made by the legislature from the operations (in-
cluding official hospitality) account of the state general fund for fiscal year
2001 (1) for an additional amount of per diem compensation equal to the
amount required to provide, along with the amount of per diem com-
pensation otherwise payable, an aggregate amount of compensation of
$76.44 per calendar day for each member of the legislature for service at
the regular session or any special session of the legislature for any calendar
day occurring on or after June 11, 2000, and (2) for an additional amount
of per diem compensation equal to the amount required to provide, along
with the amount of per diem compensation otherwise payable, an aggre-
gate amount of compensation of $76.44 per calendar day for each mem-
ber of the legislature and for any other public officer or person for any
calendar day occurring on or after June 11, 2000, for which per diem
compensation is payable from appropriations for the legislature to such
member of the legislature, public officer or person under K.S.A. 75-3212
or 75-3223 and amendments thereto at the rate prescribed by subsection
(a) of K.S.A. 46-137a and amendments thereto and is chargeable to fiscal
year 2001: Provided, That expenditures for such purposes shall be made
in the same manner and at the same times that per diem compensation
is payable to such members of the legislature, public officials and persons
for the biweekly pay periods for which such per diem compensation for
calendar days occurring on or after June 11, 2000, is payable and which
are chargeable to fiscal year 2001.

 (j) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the legislature from the operations (including official hospitality)
account of the state general fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001,
expenditures shall be made by the legislature from the operations (in-
cluding official hospitality) account of the state general fund for fiscal year
2001 for an additional amount of biweekly compensation for the following
legislative officers equal to the amount required to provide, along with
the amount of biweekly compensation otherwise payable, an aggregate
amount of compensation per biweekly pay period for such legislative of-
ficers as follows: (1) For the president of the senate and the speaker of
the house of representatives equal to the amount required to provide an
aggregate amount of $465.53 per biweekly pay period for services per-
formed in connection with discharging the duties assigned to the respec-
tive positions for each biweekly pay period chargeable to fiscal year 2001,
(2) for the speaker pro tem of the house of representatives, the vice
president of the senate, the assistant majority leaders of the senate and
house of representatives, and the assistant minority leaders of the senate
and house of representatives equal to the amount required to provide an
aggregate amount of $237.61 per biweekly pay period for services per-
formed in connection with discharging the duties assigned to the respec-
tive positions for each biweekly pay period chargeable to fiscal year 2001,
(3) for the chairperson of the senate committee on ways and means and
the chairperson of the house of representatives committee on appropri-
ations equal to the amount required to provide an aggregate amount of
$374.37 per biweekly pay period for services performed in connection
with discharging the duties assigned to the respective positions for each
biweekly pay period chargeable to fiscal year 2001, (4) for the majority
leaders of the senate and house of representatives equal to the amount
required to provide an aggregate amount of $419.99 per biweekly pay
period for services performed in connection with discharging the duties
assigned to the respective positions for each biweekly pay period charge-
able to fiscal year 2001, and (5) the minority leaders of the senate and
house of representatives equal to the amount required to provide an ag-
gregate amount of $419.99 per biweekly pay period for services per-
formed in connection with discharging the duties assigned to the respec-
tive positions for each biweekly pay period chargeable to fiscal year 2001:
Provided, That expenditures for such purpose shall be made in the same
manner and at the same times that biweekly compensation is payable to
such legislative officers under K.S.A. 46-137b and amendments thereto
for the biweekly pay periods which commence on or after June 11, 2000,
and which are chargeable to fiscal year 2001.

 (k) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the legislative coordinating council from the legislative coordi-
nating council--operations account of the state general fund for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 2001, expenditures shall be made by the legislative
coordinating council from the legislative coordinating council--opera-
tions account of the state general fund for fiscal year 2001 for an addi-
tional amount of per diem compensation equal to the amount required
to provide, along with the amount of per diem compensation otherwise
payable, an aggregate amount of compensation of $76.44 per calendar
day for each member of the legislative coordinating council for any cal-
endar day occurring on or after June 11, 2000, for which per diem com-
pensation is payable from appropriations for the legislative coordinating
council under K.S.A. 46-1209 and amendments thereto to such member
as provided in K.S.A. 75-3212 and amendments thereto at the rate pre-
scribed by subsection (a) of K.S.A. 46-137a and amendments thereto and
is chargeable to fiscal year 2001: Provided, That expenditures for such
purposes shall be made in the same manner and at the same times that
per diem compensation is payable to such members of the legislative
coordinating council for the biweekly pay periods for which such per diem
compensation is payable for calendar days occurring on or after June 11,
2000, and which are chargeable to fiscal year 2001.

 (l) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the division of post audit from the operations (including legis-
lative post audit committee) account of the state general fund for the
fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, expenditures shall be made by the di-
vision of post audit from the operations (including legislative post audit
committee) account of the state general fund for fiscal year 2001 (1) for
an additional amount of per diem compensation equal to the amount
required to provide, along with the amount of per diem compensation
otherwise payable, an aggregate amount of compensation of $76.44 per
calendar day for each member of the legislative post audit committee for
any calendar day occurring on or after June 11, 2000, for which per diem
compensation is payable from appropriations for the division of post audit
under K.S.A. 46-1104 and amendments thereto to such member as pro-
vided in K.S.A. 75-3212 and amendments thereto at the rate prescribed
by subsection (a) of K.S.A. 46-137a and amendments thereto and is
chargeable to fiscal year 2001, and (2) for an additional amount of per
diem compensation equal to the amount required to provide, along with
the amount of per diem compensation otherwise payable, an aggregate
amount of compensation of $76.44 per calendar day for each member of
the contract audit committee for any calendar day occurring on or after
June 11, 2000, for which per diem compensation is payable from appro-
priations for the division of post audit under K.S.A. 46-1120 and amend-
ments thereto to such member as provided in K.S.A. 75-3223 and amend-
ments thereto at the rate prescribed by subsection (a) of K.S.A. 46-137a
and amendments thereto and is chargeable to fiscal year 2001: Provided,
That expenditures for such purposes shall be made in the same manner
and at the same times that per diem compensation is payable to such
members of the legislative post audit committee or contract audit com-
mittee for the biweekly pay periods for which such per diem compensa-
tion is payable for calendar days occurring on or after June 11, 2000, and
which are chargeable to fiscal year 2001.

 (m) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the judicial branch from the judiciary operations account of the
state general fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, expenditures
shall be made by the judicial branch from the judiciary operations account
of the state general fund for fiscal year 2001 (1) for an additional amount
of per diem compensation equal to the amount required to provide, along
with the amount of per diem compensation otherwise payable, an aggre-
gate amount of compensation of $76.44 per calendar day for each mem-
ber of the advisory council on dispute resolution for any calendar day
occurring on or after June 11, 2000, for which per diem compensation is
payable to such member of the advisory council on dispute resolution
under K.S.A. 5-505 and amendments thereto who is entitled, in accord-
ance with subsection (e) of K.S.A. 75-3223 and amendments thereto, to
receive such per diem compensation as provided in K.S.A. 75-3212 and
amendments thereto at the rate prescribed by subsection (a) of K.S.A.
46-137a and amendments thereto and which is chargeable to fiscal year
2001; and (2) for an additional amount of per diem compensation equal
to the amount required to provide, along with the amount of per diem
compensation otherwise payable, an aggregate amount of compensation
of $76.44 per calendar day for each retired justice or judge who performs
judicial service or duties under K.S.A. 20-2616 and amendments thereto
for each calendar day occurring on or after June 11, 2000, for which per
diem compensation is payable to such retired justice or judge under
K.S.A. 20-2616 and amendments thereto and is chargeable to fiscal year
2001: Provided, That expenditures for such purposes shall be made in the
same manner and at the same times that per diem compensation is pay-
able to such members of the advisory council on dispute resolution or to
such retired justices or judges for the biweekly pay periods for which such
per diem compensation for calendar days occurring on or after June 11,
2000, is payable and which are chargeable to fiscal year 2001.

 (n) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the judicial council from the operating expenditures account of
the state general fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, expendi-
tures shall be made by the judicial council from the operating expendi-
tures account of the state general fund for fiscal year 2001 for an addi-
tional amount of per diem compensation equal to the amount required
to provide, along with the amount of per diem compensation otherwise
payable, an aggregate amount of compensation of $76.44 per calendar
day for each member of the judicial council and for each regularly ap-
pointed member of a special committee of the judicial council who is not
a member of the judicial council for any calendar day occurring on or
after June 11, 2000, for which per diem compensation is payable to such
member of the judicial council or a special committee thereof under
K.S.A. 20-2206 and amendments thereto at the rate of compensation in
accordance with K.S.A. 75-3212 and amendments thereto at the rate pre-
scribed by subsection (a) of K.S.A. 46-137a and amendments thereto and
is chargeable to fiscal year 2001: Provided, That expenditures for such
purposes shall be made in the same manner and at the same times that
per diem compensation is payable to such members of the judicial council
or special committees thereof for the biweekly pay periods for which such
per diem compensation for calendar days occurring on or after June 11,
2000, is payable and which are chargeable to fiscal year 2001.

 Sec. 109. Appeals to exceed position limitations. The limitations im-
posed by this act on the number of full-time and regular part-time posi-
tions equated to full-time, excluding seasonal and temporary positions,
paid from appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, made
in this act or in any other appropriation act of the 2000 regular session
of the legislature may be exceeded upon approval of the state finance

 Sec. 110. Appeals to exceed expenditure limitations. Upon written ap-
plication to the governor and approval of the state finance council, ex-
penditures from special revenue funds may exceed the amounts specified
in this act.

 Sec. 111. Savings. (a) Any unencumbered balance as of June 30, 2000,
in any special revenue fund, or account thereof, of any state agency named
in this act which is not otherwise specifically appropriated or limited by
this or other appropriation act of the 2000 regular session of the legisla-
ture, is hereby appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, for
the same use and purpose as the same was heretofore appropriated. This
subsection shall not apply to any state agency named in section 22 of
chapter 132 of the 1999 Session Laws of Kansas.

 (b) Any unencumbered balance as of June 30, 2000, in any special
revenue fund, or account thereof, of any state agency named in section
22 of chapter 132 of the 1999 Session Laws of Kansas which is not oth-
erwise specifically appropriated or limited for fiscal year 2001 by chapter
132 or 160 of the 1999 Session Laws of Kansas or by this or other appro-
priation act of the 2000 regular session of the legislature, is hereby ap-
propriated for fiscal year 2001 for the same use and purpose as the same
was heretofore appropriated.

 Sec. 112. Federal grants. (a) Each federal grant or other federal receipt
which is received by a state agency named in this act and which is not
otherwise appropriated to that state agency by this or other appropriation
act of the 2000 regular session of the legislature, is hereby appropriated
for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, for that state agency for the
purpose set forth in such federal grant or receipt, except that no expend-
iture shall be made from and no obligation shall be incurred against any
such federal grant or other federal receipt, which has not been previously
appropriated or reappropriated or approved for expenditure by the gov-
ernor, until the governor has authorized the state agency to make ex-
penditures therefrom. This subsection shall not apply to any state agency
named in section 22 of chapter 132 of the 1999 Session Laws of Kansas.

 (b) Each federal grant or other federal receipt which is received by a
state agency named in section 22 of chapter 132 of the 1999 Session Laws
of Kansas and which is not otherwise appropriated to that state agency
for fiscal year 2001 by chapter 132 or 160 of the 1999 Session Laws of
Kansas or by this or other appropriation act of the 2000 regular session
of the legislature, is hereby appropriated for fiscal year 2001 for that state
agency for the purpose set forth in such federal grant or receipt, except
that no expenditure shall be made from and no obligation shall be in-
curred against any such federal grant or other federal receipt, which has
not been previously appropriated or reappropriated or approved for ex-
penditure by the governor, for fiscal year 2001, until the governor has
authorized the state agency to make expenditures from such federal grant
or other federal receipt for fiscal year 2001.

 Sec. 113. Any correctional institutions building fund appropriation
heretofore appropriated to any state agency named in this or other ap-
propriation act of the 2000 regular session of the legislature, and having
an unencumbered balance as of June 30, 2000, in excess of $100 is hereby
reappropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, for the same uses
and purposes as originally appropriated unless specific provision is made
for lapsing such appropriation.

 Sec. 114. Any Kansas educational building fund appropriation hereto-
fore appropriated to any institution named in this or other appropriation
act of the 2000 regular session of the legislature and having an unencum-
bered balance as of June 30, 2000, in excess of $100 is hereby reappro-
priated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, for the same use and
purpose as originally appropriated, unless specific provision is made for
lapsing such appropriation.

 Sec. 115. Any state institutions building fund appropriation heretofore
appropriated to any state agency named in this or other appropriation act
of the 2000 regular session of the legislature and having an unencumbered
balance as of June 30, 2000, in excess of $100 is hereby reappropriated
for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, for the same use and purpose as
originally appropriated, unless specific provision is made for lapsing such

 Sec. 116. Any transfers of money during the fiscal year ending June 30,
2001, from any special revenue fund of any state agency, which is named
in this act or in section 22 of chapter 132 of the 1999 Session Laws of
Kansas, to the audit services fund of the division of post audit under
K.S.A. 46-1121 and amendments thereto shall be in addition to any ex-
penditure limitation imposed on any such fund for the fiscal year ending
June 30, 2001.

 Sec. 117. On July 1, 2000, K.S.A. 79-2959 and 82a-953a, K.S.A. 1999
Supp. 79-2964 and 79-3425i and K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 79-34,147, as
amended by section 73 of 2000 Senate Bill No. 39, are hereby repealed.

 Sec. 118. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its
publication in the Kansas register.