Session of 1999
By Committee on Federal and State Affairs
9 AN ACT concerning the parole of certain inmates.
11 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:
12 Section 1. Notwithstanding a presumptive, mandatory or mandatory
13 minimum term which an inmate may be serving or any restriction on
14 parole eligibility and upon application by the prisoner or the secretary of
15 corrections, an inmate may be released by the board on special medical
16 parole if the board determines:
17 (A) The inmate is suffering from a terminal disease or condition; and
18 (B) that a reasonable probability exists that:
19 (i) The inmate will not live to serve the term to which sentenced;
20 (ii) the inmate will live and remain at liberty without violating any
21 laws or conditions imposed by the board;
22 (iii) the inmate will not pose a threat of harm to the public if released
23 on parole; and
24 (iv) release of the inmate on parole would not diminish the serious-
25 ness of the crime.
26 Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its
27 publication in the statute book.