Session of 1999
An Act concerning hazardous waste; amending K.S.A.
65-3444 and K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 65-
3431 and repealing the existing sections.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:
Section 1. K.S.A. 1998 Supp.
65-3431 is hereby amended to read as
follows: 65-3431. The secretary is authorized and directed to:
(a) Adopt such rules and regulations,
standards and procedures rel-
ative to hazardous waste management as may be necessary to protect
public health and environment and enable the secretary to carry out
purposes and provisions of this act.
(b) Report to the legislature on further
assistance needed to admin-
ister the hazardous waste management program.
(c) Administer the hazardous waste
management program pursuant
to provisions of this act.
(d) Cooperate with appropriate federal,
state, interstate and local
units of government and with appropriate private organizations in
ing out the duties under this act.
(e) Develop a statewide hazardous waste
management plan.
(f) Provide technical assistance,
including the training of personnel,
to industry, local units of government and the hazardous waste
ment industry to meet the requirements of this act.
(g) Initiate, conduct and support
research, demonstration projects,
and investigations and coordinate all state agency research
programs with
applicable federal programs pertaining to hazardous waste
(h) Establish policies for effective
hazardous waste management.
(i) Authorize issuance of such permits
and orders, conduct inspec-
tions and collect samples or require information and copy records
or data
as may be necessary to implement the provisions of this act and the
and regulations and standards adopted pursuant to this act.
(j) Conduct and contract for research and
investigations in the overall
area of hazardous waste storage, collection, transportation,
treatment, re-
covery and disposal including, but not limited to, new and novel
(k) Adopt rules and regulations
establishing criteria for identifying
the characteristics of hazardous waste and for listing hazardous
The secretary shall prepare and keep current a listing of hazardous
and set of characteristics based on the rules and regulations
adopted pur-
suant to this subsection. The listing shall identify, but need not
be inclu-
sive of, all the hazardous waste subject to the provisions of this
act. The
criteria for identification and listing shall be consistent with
the criteria
for identification and listing adopted by the administrator of the
States environmental protection agency under the authority vested
in the
administrator by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of
(42 USC 6921) as amended by the Solid Waste Disposal Act of 1980
94-482, October 21, 1980), and as amended by the Hazardous and
Waste Act of 1984 (P.L. 98-616, November 8, 1984).
(l) Adopt rules and regulations
establishing: (1) Appropriate measures
for monitoring generators, transporters and facilities during
closure, and after closure of such facilities to insure compliance
with the
rules and regulations adopted under this act and any permit issued
this act; (2) procedures to suspend operation of such generators,
porters or facilities as may be required to protect the public
health and
safety or the environment; and (3) appropriate measures to insure
any use of a hazardous waste disposal facility after closure will
not en-
danger the public health or safety or the environment.
(m) Adopt rules and regulations
establishing standards for hazardous
waste generators including, but not limited to, notification of
waste generation, reporting, recordkeeping, labeling,
source separation, storage, manifests, monitoring, sampling and
and manner of filing notifications, reports and manifests.
(n) Adopt rules and regulations
prescribing the form of the manifest
and requiring such manifest to accompany any hazardous waste
transported, treated, recovered or disposed of, and prescribing the
tents of the manifest which shall include, but not be limited to,
the quan-
tity and composition of the hazardous waste, generator,
transporter, des-
tination, facility and the manner of signing and filing of the
manifest and
for the maintenance of records.
(o) Adopt rules and regulations
establishing standards for routes used
for transporting hazardous waste within the state with the
of the state corporation commission. Such standards shall be
with those of the United States department of transportation and
the state
corporation commission, with respect to transportation of hazardous
terials. Motor vehicles which are used for the transportation of
waste in accordance with this act shall be exempt from the
of K.S.A. 66-1,108 et seq. and amendments thereto, and any
rules and
regulations adopted thereunder pertaining to routes which shall be
the jurisdiction of the secretary as provided in this act including
any rules
and regulations adopted thereunder. Otherwise such motor vehicles
be subject to the requirements of K.S.A. 66-1,108 et seq.
and amendments
thereto, and any rules and regulations adopted thereunder.
(p) Adopt rules and regulations
establishing standards for transport-
ers of hazardous waste including, but not limited to, notification
of haz-
ardous waste transport, manifests, labeling, recordkeeping and the
of reports.
(q) Adopt rules and regulations
establishing standards and procedu-
res to protect public health and the environment from any release
hazardous waste into the environment and to insure the prompt
tion of any such release and damage resulting therefrom by the
transporting, handling or managing such hazardous waste.
(r) Adopt rules and regulations requiring
that, for such period of time
as the secretary shall specify, any assignment, sale, conveyance or
of all or any part of the real property upon which a hazardous
treatment, storage or disposal facility is or has been located
shall be sub-
ject to such terms and conditions as to the use of such property as
secretary shall specify to protect human health and the
(s) Adopt rules and regulations
establishing a permit system which
includes standards for facilities and procedures for implementation
of a
permit system for the construction, alteration, or operation of a
waste treatment, storage or disposal facility including, but not
limited to,
content of applications, evidence of financial responsibility,
existing hy-
drogeological characteristics, environmental assessment, training
of per-
sonnel, maintenance of operations, qualifications of ownership,
of operation, public notification and participation and compliance
those standards established pursuant to subsection (t).
(t) Adopt rules and regulations
establishing minimum standards for
the design, location, construction, alteration, operation,
termination, clos-
ing and long-term care of facilities for the treatment, storage or
of hazardous waste including, but not limited to, notification of
waste treatment, storage or disposal, general facility standards,
gency plans, emergency procedures, manifest system, recordkeeping,
spections, monitoring, reporting, closure and postclosure plans and
nancial requirements. The operator of the facility shall be
responsible for
long-term care of the facility for 30 years after closure of the
facility except
that the secretary may modify the long-term care requirements for
facility when all hazardous waste is removed from the facility at
The secretary may extend the long-term care responsibility of any
ator of a facility as the secretary may deem necessary to protect
the public
health and safety or the environment. Any person acquiring rights
possession or operation of any facility permitted by the secretary
for the
treatment, storage or disposal of hazardous waste at any time after
facility has begun to accept waste and prior to the end of the
period of long-term care shall be subject to all of the
requirements, terms
and conditions of the permit for the facility including all
relating to long-term care of the facility. The sale or acquisition
of a
hazardous waste disposal facility during the long-term care period
be subject to the assignment of long-term care responsibilities as
mined by the secretary.
(u) Adopt rules and regulations
establishing a schedule of annual fees
to be paid to the secretary by: (1) Persons owning or operating
waste treatment, storage or disposal facilities; (2) hazardous
waste trans-
porters; or (3) hazardous waste generators producing or bringing
existence hazardous waste in Kansas. The fees shall be for
facilities both during and after operation, for monitoring
generators of
hazardous waste in Kansas and for monitoring the transportation of
ardous wastes. The fees shall be sufficient to reimburse the cost
of the
state in performing these monitoring responsibilities. The fee
under this subsection for each hazardous waste facility shall not
$50,000 annually. In setting fees, the secretary may exempt those
which would be payable by generators for hazardous waste which
treated to recover substantial amounts of either energy or
materials from
hazardous wastes. The secretary shall remit at least monthly any
collected from such fees to the state treasurer. Upon receipt of
any such
remittance, the state treasurer shall deposit the entire amount
thereof in
the state treasury to the credit of the state general
fund hazardous waste
management fund created by section 3 and amendments
(v) (1) Adopt rules and
regulations establishing a schedule of fees to
be paid to the secretary by permittees operating hazardous
waste disposal
facilities. In establishing fees, the secretary shall give
consideration to
degree of hazard, costs of treatment and disposal,
estimated future re-
ceipts and estimated future expenses to the state for
monitoring, main-
tenance and supervision of the facilities after closure.
Fees shall be in an
amount of not to exceed $.01 per pound of hazardous waste
disposed of.
Each permittee, as an advance payment of the fees
authorized under this
subsection, shall remit to the secretary an amount to be
established by
the secretary not to exceed $25,000 upon request and
notification by the
secretary that an initial application for a permit or
initial renewal thereof
has been approved, subject to receipt of the advance
payment. Com-
mencing with the second renewal, no advance payment shall
be required.
The advance payment shall constitute a credit against any
fee which may
be assessed pursuant to this subsection.
(2) The secretary shall remit at
least monthly any moneys collected
pursuant to this subsection to the state treasurer. Upon
receipt of any
such remittance, the state treasurer shall deposit the
entire amount
thereof in the state treasury to the credit of the
hazardous waste perpetual
care trust fund, which fund is hereby limited to the
following uses: (A)
Payment of extraordinary costs of monitoring a permitted
waste disposal facility after the responsibility of the
operator has termi-
nated; (B) payment of costs of repairing a hazardous waste
disposal fa-
cility, as a result of a postclosure occurrence which poses
a substantial
hazard to public health or safety or to the environment. If
an expenditure
made under this subsection would not have been necessary
had the per-
son responsible for the operation or long-term care of the
permitted haz-
ardous waste disposal facility complied with the
requirements of a plan
of operation approved by the secretary when the permit was
issued, a
cause of action in favor of the hazardous waste perpetual
care trust fund
shall be accrued to the state of Kansas against such
person, and the sec-
retary shall take such action as is appropriate to enforce
this cause of
action by recovering any amounts so expended. The net
proceeds of any
such recovery shall be deposited in the state treasury and
credited to the
hazardous waste perpetual care trust fund; and (C) on an
emergency basis
up to 20% of the balance in the hazardous waste perpetual
care trust fund
may be allocated for investigation, engineering and
construction related
to the removal, treatment and disposal of hazardous waste
disposed of in
any hazardous waste disposal facility, when such hazardous
waste is found
to pose an imminent and substantial risk to the public
health or safety or
the environment.
(3) On or before the 10th of each
month, the director of accounts
and reports shall transfer from the state general fund to
the hazardous
waste perpetual care trust fund interest earnings based
(A) The average daily balance of
moneys in the hazardous waste per-
petual care trust fund for the preceding month;
(B) the net earnings rate of the
pooled money investment portfolio
for the preceding month.
(4) All expenditures from the
hazardous waste perpetual care trust
fund shall be made in accordance with appropriation acts
upon warrants
of the director of accounts and reports issued pursuant to
vouchers ap-
proved by the secretary for the purposes set forth in this
(w) (v)
(1) Adopt rules and regulations establishing a schedule of
to be paid to the secretary by applicants for permits to construct,
or operate a hazardous waste facility. The fees established under
subsection shall not exceed $175,000 for each application
These fees shall be based upon resources required to review the
cation, the type of facility, quantity of waste processed, type of
processed, degree of hazard and potential impact upon human health
environment. Fees collected under this subsection shall be
used by the
secretary to recover the costs associated with the review
and processing
of the permit application for which the fee was
(2) The secretary shall remit at least
monthly any money collected
pursuant to this subsection to the state treasurer. Upon receipt of
such remittance, the state treasurer shall deposit the entire
thereof in the state treasury to the credit of the
environmental permit
fund, which fund is hereby established in the state
treasury. Moneys in
the environmental permit fund may be expended for the
following pur-
poses: (A) Technical reviews of applications for permits
including permit
modifications and permit renewals for hazardous waste
facilities; (B) eval-
uating options available for minimizing the generation of
wastes; (C) completing background investigations of
applicants pursuant
to subsection (c) of K.S.A. 65-3437 and amendments thereto;
(D) com-
pleting the site investigations pursuant to subsection (d)
of K.S.A. 65-
3437 and amendments thereto; or (E) assuring that the
permittee fulfills
all permit conditions during the effective period of the
(3) On or before the 10th of each
month , the director of accounts
and reports shall transfer from the state general fund to
the environmen-
tal permit fund interest earnings based
(A) The average daily balance of
moneys in the environmental permit
fund for the preceding month; and
(B) the net earnings rate for the
pooled money investment portfolio
for the preceding month.
(4) All expenditures from the
environmental permit fund shall be
made in accordance with appropriation acts upon warrants of
the director
of accounts and reports issued pursuant to vouchers
approved by the
secretary for the purposes set forth in this
subsection hazardous waste
management fund created by section 3 and amendments
(x) (w)
(1) Adopt rules and regulations establishing a schedule of
to be paid to the secretary by off-site hazardous waste treatment
disposal facilities. In establishing fees, the secretary shall give
ation to the degree of hazard, energy content, quantity of waste,
costs of
treatment or disposal, and estimated future receipts. Fees shall be
in an
amount not to exceed $.01 per pound of hazardous waste treated,
burned for energy or material recovery. In no event shall the fees
lished under this subsection exceed the following annual calendar
caps: $60,000 for a facility which burns hazardous waste for energy
material recovery only; $200,000 for a facility which burns
waste for treatment or disposal only. Facilities which burn
waste for: (i) Energy or material recovery; and (ii) treatment or
shall be subject to a total facility cap of $200,000, which
includes a sep-
arate cap of $60,000 for hazardous wastes which are burned for
or material recovery. The secretary shall establish a differential
fee sched-
ule for hazardous wastes based upon waste characteristics which is
sistently applied to all facilities which burn hazardous wastes. In
all other
cases, fees shall be in an amount not to exceed $.05 per pound of
ardous waste disposed of except that in no event shall any
fee be estab-
lished under this exception prior to July 1, 1996, and
which exceeds
$50,000 in any 12-month period for the treatment or
disposal of hazard-
ous waste at any facility if such facility: (A) Operates
under a permit or
permits granted by the secretary pursuant to K.S.A.
65-3430 et seq.,
amendments thereto; (B) treats or disposes of hazardous
waste generated
by such facility or a single generator located on property
contiguous to
such facility, or both; and (C) was treating or disposing
of hazardous waste
generated on such contiguous property as of July 1, 1991,
with the knowl-
edge of the secretary. In establishing the amount of fees
pursuant to the
immediately preceding exception, the secretary shall base
the same upon
the degree of hazard, quantity of waste, costs of treatment
or disposal,
estimated receipts for disposal services and waste
reduction efforts of
such facility.
(2) The secretary shall remit at least
monthly any money collected
pursuant to this subsection to the state treasurer. Upon receipt of
such remittance, the state treasurer shall deposit the entire
thereof in the state treasury to the credit of the
environmental permit
fund hazardous waste management fund created by
section 3 and amend-
ments thereto, except that 25% of any such deposit shall be
deposited to
the credit of the hazardous waste collection fund created by
K.S.A. 65-
3460 and amendments thereto.
(x) Encourage, coordinate or participate in one or more
exchange clearing houses for the purpose of promoting reuse and
cling of industrial wastes.
(z) (y) Adopt
rules and regulations establishing the criteria to specify
when a change of principal owners or management of a hazardous
treatment, storage or disposal facility occurs and under what
stances and procedures a new permit shall be required to be issued
the transferees of a facility which was permitted to the
(aa) (z) Adopt
rules and regulations concerning the generation, trans-
portation, storage, blending, marketing, burning and types of
waste for which any method, technique or process to recover energy
be considered hazardous waste treatment. Such rules and
should specify a minimum heat value of the waste so as to ensure
that a
legitimate energy recovery will occur and should consider other
teristics of the waste which are appropriate to ensure that such
technique or process for energy recovery will not pose a threat to
public health or environment.
Sec. 2. K.S.A. 65-3444 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 65-
3444. (a) A person who violates any provisions of this act, shall
incur, in
addition to any other penalty provided by law, a civil penalty in
an amount
not to exceed $25,000 for every such violation and, in the case of
a con-
tinuing violation, every day such violation continues shall be
deemed a
separate violation.
(b) In assessing the civil penalty under
this section, the district court
shall consider, when applicable, the following factors:
(1) The extent to which the violation
presents a substantial hazard to
the health of individuals;
(2) the extent to which the violation has
or may have an adverse effect
upon the environment to be determined by the court according to
toxicity, degradability and dispersal characteristics of the
hazardous waste
disposed of or the potential for such damage if no hazardous waste
been disposed, the sensitivity of the receiving environment and the
gree to which the disposal degrades existing environmental quality
or the
potential for such degradation if no disposal has occurred;
(3) the amount of the reasonable costs
incurred by the state in de-
tection, investigation and attempted correction of the
(4) the economic savings realized by the
person in not complying with
the provision for which a violation is charged including, but not
to, that sum which a person would be required to expend for the
acquisition, siting, construction, installation and operation of
facilities nec-
essary to comply with the provision violated;
(5) the quantity of the hazardous waste
disposed of, if any, in a man-
ner which constitutes a violation; and
(6) the amount which would constitute an
actual and substantial ec-
onomic deterrent to the violation for which it is assessed.
(c) A civil action under this section may
be commenced in the name
of the state by the secretary or the county or district attorney of
the county
in which the violation is alleged to have occurred, or at the
request of the
secretary, by the attorney general.
(d) Any sum assessed under this section
shall be deposited as ordered
by the district court judge: (1) In the state general fund,
or; (2) in a
perpetual care trust fund established under K.S.A.
65-3431, the hazard-
ous waste management fund created by section 3 and
thereto,; or (3) part in the state general
fund and the balance in a per-
petual care trust the hazardous waste
management fund. Moneys depos-
ited in a perpetual care trust the hazardous
waste management fund un-
der this subsection (d) shall be to reimburse such fund, to the
practicable as determined by the district court judge, for
from such fund, if any, in the matter which gave rise to the civil
New Sec. 3. (a) There is hereby
created in the state treasury the
hazardous waste management fund.
(b) Subject to the provisions of
subsection (c), moneys credited to
the hazardous waste management fund may be expended for the
ing purposes:
(1) Technical reviews of applications for
permits pursuant to K.S.A.
65-3430 through 65-3460, and amendments thereto, including
modifications and permit renewals for hazardous waste
(2) evaluating options available for
minimizing the generation of haz-
ardous wastes;
(3) completing background investigations
of applicants pursuant to
subsection (c) of K.S.A. 65-3437 and amendments thereto;
(4) completing site investigations
pursuant to subsection (d) of K.S.A.
65-3437 and amendments thereto;
(5) assuring that a permittee pursuant to
K.S.A. 65-3430 through 65-
3460, and amendments thereto, fulfills all permit conditions during
effective period of the permit; and
(6) payment of the administrative,
technical and legal costs incurred
by the secretary in carrying out the provisions of K.S.A. 65-3430
65-3460, and amendments thereto, including the cost of any
employees or increased operating costs of the department
(c) Moneys credited to the hazardous
waste management fund from
fees established pursuant to subsection (v)(1) of K.S.A. 65-3431
amendments thereto shall be expended only to recover costs
with the review and processing of the permit application for which
fee was paid.
(d) On or before the 10th of each month,
the director of accounts
and reports shall transfer from the state general fund to the
waste management fund interest earnings based on:
(1) The average daily balance of moneys
in the hazardous waste man-
agement fund for the preceding month; and
(2) the net earnings rate for the pooled
money investment portfolio
for the preceding month.
(e) All expenditures from the hazardous
waste management fund
shall be made in accordance with appropriation acts upon warrants
of the
director of accounts and reports issued pursuant to vouchers
by the secretary for the purposes set forth in this section.
(f) The hazardous waste management fund
shall be used for the pur-
poses set forth in this section and for no other governmental
purposes. It
is the intent of the legislature that the fund shall remain intact
and invi-
olate for the purposes set forth in this section and moneys in the
shall not be subject to the provisions of K.S.A. 75-3722, 75-3725a
and 75-
3726a, and amendments thereto.
(g) On the effective date of this act,
the director of accounts and
reports shall transfer all moneys in the hazardous waste perpetual
trust fund and the environmental permit fund, created pursuant to
65-3431 as it existed immediately before the effective date of this
act, to
the hazardous waste management fund. On the effective date of this
all liabilities of the hazardous waste perpetual care trust fund
and the
environmental permit fund are hereby transferred to and imposed
the hazardous waste management fund. On the effective date of this
the hazardous waste perpetual care trust fund and the
permit fund are hereby abolished.
Sec. 4. K.S.A. 65-3444 and K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 65-3431 are
Sec. 5. This act shall take effect and be in force
from and after its
publication in the statute book.
I hereby certify that the above BILL originated in the
SENATE, and passed that body
Passed the HOUSE ______________________________
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APPROVED ______________________________
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