SB 252Am. by H
By Committee on Assessment and
ANACT relating to property
taxation; concerning tax levy rate limitations
on certain governmental units;
amending K.S.A. 2-610, 2-1318, 2-
1319, 2-1322, 2-2007, 3-121,
12-1403, 12-1405, 12-1617h, 19-236, 19-
807d, 19-2803, 19-2803e,
19-3105, 19-3106, 19-3305, 19-4004, 19-
4011, 19-4102, 65-212, 68-166,
68-518c, 68-582, 73-407, 76-326a,
79-1945, 79-1946, 79-1962,
80-115, 80-119, 80-808, 80-903, 80-932,
80-1417, 80-1503, 80-1509,
80-1537, 80-1806, 80-1903, 80-1909, 80-
1916, 80-1920, 80-1921, 80-1924,
80-2006, 80-2021, 80-2201, 80-2204
and 82a-308 and repealing the
existing sections; also repealing K.S.A.
79-1947, 79-1947b, 79-1948,
79-1949, 79-1950, 79-1951, 79-1952 and,
79-1953 and 79-5038.
Be it enacted by the Legislature
of the State of Kansas:
New Section1.The governing body
of any city is hereby authorized
and empowered to levy taxes in
each year for the general fund and other
city purposes.
Sec.2.K.S.A. 79-1945 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 79-
1945. The board of county
commissioners of any county is hereby au-
thorized and empowered to levy
taxes in each year taxes for the several
county purposes, on the assessed
tangible valuation of the respective
counties, not to exceed the tax
levy rates and amounts specified in the
following sections of this act
general fund and other county purposes.
Revenues derived from property
taxes levied for mental health programs
or for programs for people with
disabilities, whether deposited in special
funds or in the general funds of
the several counties, shall be expended
exclusively for such
Sec.3.K.S.A. 79-1946 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 79-
1946. The board of county
commissioners of each of the several counties
is hereby authorized to fix a
rate of levy annually to meet and defray the
for current general expenses of
the county and to pay a portion of the
principal and interest on bonds
issued under the authority of K.S.A. 12-
1774, and amendments thereto, by
any city located in such county, subject
to limitations prescribed
according to the assessed tangible valuation or
a total population as
Less than $13,000,000 or having
a population of less than 3,500 6.50 mills
$13,000,000 to $30,000,000 4.25
Over $30,000,000 to $140,000,000
3.50 mills
Over $140,000,000 4.25 mills
Except that in any such county
which adjoins a military reservation and
which has an assessed taxable
tangible valuation of less than $100,000,000
such rate of levy may, except as
hereinafter provided, be increased not
to exceed 11 2 mills. Before any
county shall increase any levy under the
provisions of the foregoing
proviso the board of county commissioners
shall publish a notice of its
intention to make such increase in the levy.
Such notice shall be published
once each week for two consecutive weeks
in the official county newspaper
and if within 60 days next following the
last publication of such notice
a petition signed by electors of the county
equal in number to not less than
5% of the total electors of such county
is filed in the office of the
county election officer requesting an election
upon such proposition, no such
increased levy shall be made without such
proposition having been
submitted to and approved by a majority of the
electors of the county voting at
an election called and held thereon. All
such elections shall be noticed,
called and held in the manner prescribed
in K.S.A. 10-120, and amendments
Sec.4.K.S.A. 79-1962 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 79-
1962. (a) The governing body of
any township is hereby authorized and
empowered to levy taxes in each
year for the general fund and other
township purposes, except that
levies of taxes for road and noxious weed
purposes shall only be levied on
all taxable tangible property located out-
side of incorporated cities. but
the governing body shall not fix a rate of
levy in any one year on each
dollar of assessed tangible valuation of such
township in excess of the
following-named rates:
Ambulance service: As authorized
by K.S.A. 80-1425 3 mills
General fund .50 mill
Judgments 1.00 mill
Establishing and maintenance of
free library and reading room 1.00 mill
Such one-mill levy is subject to
increase as hereinafter provided.
Free band concerts .25 mill
Free band concerts when
authorized by an election .50 mill
To acquire land for a cemetery
or park 1.00 mill
Maintenance of a cemetery or
park 1.00 mill
To acquire a site and build a
cemetery chapel 2.00 mills
Fire protection, joint with
cities or townships 1.00 mill
Extermination of prairie dogs
1.00 mill
Cemeteries: As authorized by
K.S.A. 12-1403 1.00 mill
Cemeteries: As authorized by
K.S.A. 12-1405 1.00 mill
Cemeteries: As authorized by
K.S.A. 80-932 .10 mill
Fire department: As authorized
by K.S.A. 80-1903 2.00 mills
Townships in counties between
150,000 and 250,000 4.00 mills
Fire department: As authorized
by K.S.A. 80-1916 3.00 mills
Fire department: As authorized
by K.S.A. 80-1921 3.00 mills
Fire department: As authorized
by K.S.A. 80-1537 3.00 mills
Garbage and trash fund: As
authorized by K.S.A. 80-2201:
First year of levy 1.00 mill
Second year and thereafter .50
Garbage and trash disposal: As
authorized by K.S.A. 80-2204 .50 mill
Halls and buildings: As
authorized by K.S.A. 80-115 2.00 mills
Noxious weeds: As authorized by
K.S.A. 2-1318 1.00 mill
Deficiency levy for chemicals
.50 mill
Parks and cemeteries:
Maintenance as authorized by K.S.A. 80-903 2.00 mills
Police protection by sheriff's
As authorized by K.S.A. 19-807d
1.00 mill
Roads: As authorized by 68-518c
5.00 mills
Townships in counties between
175,000 and 275,000 7.00 mills
Such rates are not intended to,
and shall not be construed to apply to any
township not specifically
authorized by law to make such levy.
(b)The townships of Garfield and
Pierceville in Finney county, Kan-
sas, are hereby authorized to
levy an annual tax upon all taxable tangible
property in the respective
townships of not to exceed three mills for the
purpose of paying for fire
(c)The levy for establishing and
maintaining a free library and read-
ing room may be increased from
one mill to not more than 2.50 mills.
Before any township increases
this levy the township board shall publish
a notice of its intention to
make such increase. Such notice shall be pub-
lished once each week for two
consecutive weeks in the official county
newspaper and if within 60 days
following the last publication of such
notice a petition signed by
electors of the township equal in number to
not less than 5% of the total
electors of such township is filed in the office
of the county election officer
requesting an election upon such proposi-
tion, no such increased levy
shall be made without such proposition hav-
ing been submitted to and
approved by a majority of the electors of the
township voting at an election
called and held thereon. All such elections
shall be noticed, called and
held in the manner prescribed in K.S.A. 10-
120, and amendments thereto.
Sec.5.K.S.A. 2-610 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 2-610. (a)
On or before July 15 each year,
the executive board of the county exten-
sion council shall file with the
county commissioners in the office of the
county clerk:
(1)A list of current members of
the county extension council and its
executive board;
(2)a certification of election
of officers as provided in subsection (c)
of K.S.A. 2-611, and amendments
(3)a certificate by the director
of extension of Kansas state university
of agriculture and applied
science that the county extension council is
properly functioning and
entitled to receive the appropriations provided
by law; and
(4)a proposed budget prepared in
cooperation with the director of
extension of Kansas state
university of agriculture and applied science for
the ensuing calendar year.
(b)If the commission does not
approve the proposed budget within
10 days after receipt thereof,
it shall return the budget to the board. Upon
receipt of the returned budget,
the board shall consider amendments or
modifications and may consult
with the commission concerning the
budget. Within 10 days after
receipt of the returned budget, the board
shall resubmit its proposed
budget, with or without amendment or mod-
ification, to the commission.
Within 10 days after resubmission of the
proposed budget, the commission
shall approve, or amend or modify and
approve as amended or modified,
such proposed budget. The commission
shall adopt the proposed budget
as approved and shall make the same a
part of the regular county
budget. The board of county commissioners
shall make an appropriation and
certify to the county clerk the amount
of tax necessary to be levied on
all tangible taxable property of the county
sufficient to provide a program
of county extension work and to pay a
portion of the principal and
interest on bonds issued under the authority
of K.S.A. 12-1774, and
amendments thereto, by cities located in the
county, which levy shall not
exceed the limitation prescribed by K.S.A.
79-1947, and amendments
Sec.6.K.S.A. 2-1318 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 2-1318.
The county weed supervisor of
each county is hereby directed and it shall
be the duty of the county weed
supervisor to ascertain each year the
approximate amount of land and
highways infested with each kind of
noxious weeds and its location
in the county, and transmit such infor-
mation tabulated by cities and
townships not later than June 1 of each
year, to the secretary of the
state board of agriculture, board of county
commissioners, and to the
governing body of each city and township in
the district pertaining to such
noxious weed infestation in their respective
jurisdiction. On the basis of
such information the tax levying body of each
county, township or incorporated
city shall make a tax levy each year for
the purpose of paying their part
of the cost of control and eradication
thereof as provided in this act
and, in the case of cities and counties, to
pay a portion of the principal
and interest on bonds issued under the
authority of K.S.A. 12-1774, and
amendments thereto, by cities located
in the county. Each county,
city, and township, separately, shall make a
levy each year in addition to
all other levies now authorized by law, in
such amount as is deemed to be
necessary but not to exceed the limitation
prescribed by K.S.A. 79-1947,
79-1948, 79-1949, 79-1950, 79-1951, 79-
1952, 79-1953 and 79-1962 and
amendments thereto, in any one year for
such purpose. Any city may
budget expenditures for weed control within
its general operating fund in
lieu of levying a special tax therefor or main-
taining a separate noxious weed
eradication fund. Moneys collected from
such levy, except for an amount
to pay a portion of the principal and
interest on bonds issued under
the authority of K.S.A. 12-1774, and
amendments thereto, by cities
located in the county, shall be set apart as
a noxious weed eradication fund
and warrants duly verified by the county
or city supervisor if such be
employed or if no supervisor be employed,
then by county, township or city
clerk, as the case may be, may be drawn
against this fund for all items
of expense incident to control of noxious
weeds in such district
respectively. Any moneys remaining in the noxious
weed eradication fund at the end
of any year for which a levy is made
under this section may be
transferred to the noxious weed capital outlay
fund for making of capital
expenditures incident to the control of noxious
weeds. If moneys collected from
such levy in the preceding year were
insufficient to purchase
chemicals or chemical materials needed for the
purposes authorized in K.S.A.
2-1319 or 2-1322, and amendments
thereto, the tax levying body
may levy an additional tax of not to exceed
the limitation prescribed by
K.S.A. 79-1947, 79-1948, 79-1949, 79-1950,
79-1951, 79-1952, 79-1953 and
79-1962 and amendments thereto, but
the moneys collected from such
levy shall not be used for any purpose
other than the purchase of such
chemicals or chemical materials.
Any tax levy authorized under
the provisions of this section shall be in
addition to all other tax levies
authorized by law.
Sec.7.K.S.A. 2-2007 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 2-2007.
Each board of county
commissioners is authorized to create a "soil-drift-
ing fund". They are authorized
and empowered to make soil drifting fund
and levy a tax against all
taxable tangible property of the county at a rate
not to exceed the limitation
prescribed by K.S.A. 79-1947, to be collected
as other taxes, and when
collected to be credited to the "soil-drifting
fund" to pay for the cost of
work done, or hired to be done, by the board
of county commissioners and to
pay a portion of the principal and interest
on bonds issued under the
authority of K.S.A. 12-1774, and amendments
thereto, by cities located in
the county. To pay persons employed by them
to do such work ordered to be
done on any property the county shall
issue its warrants upon the
"soil-drifting fund," and such warrants shall
be paid from that fund. This
shall be regarded as a special purpose for
incurring obligations and
issuing and paying warrants and is not controlled
by any general statute relating
Sec.8.K.S.A. 2-1319 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 2-1319.
(a) The cost of controlling and
eradicating noxious weeds on all lands or
highways owned or supervised by
a state agency, department or commis-
sion shall be paid by the state
agency, department or commission super-
vising such lands or highways
from funds appropriated to its use; on
county lands and county roads,
on township lands and township roads, on
city lands, streets and alleys
by the county, township or city in which such
lands, roads, streets and alleys
are located, and from funds made available
for that purpose; on drainage
districts, irrigation districts, cemetery as-
sociations and other political
subdivisions of the state, the costs shall be
paid from their respective funds
made available for the purpose. If the
governing body of any political
subdivision owning or supervising lands
infested with noxious weeds
within their jurisdiction fails to control such
noxious weeds after 15 days'
notice directing any such body to do so, the
board of county commissioners
shall proceed to have proper control and
eradication methods used upon
such lands, and shall notify the governing
body of the political
subdivision by certified mail of the costs of such
operations, with a demand for
payment. The governing body of the po-
litical subdivision shall pay
such costs from its noxious weed fund, or if
no such fund is available, from
its general fund or from any other funds
available for such purpose. Copy
of the statement, together with proof of
notification, shall at the same
time be filed with the county clerk, and if
the amount is not paid within 30
days, such clerk shall spread the amount
upon the tax roll of the
subdivision, and such amount shall become a lien
against the entire territory
located within the particular political subdi-
vision, and shall be collected
as other taxes are collected.
(b)All moneys collected pursuant
to this section shall be paid into
the county noxious weed
eradication fund. Tax levies made pursuant to
this section shall be in
addition to all other levies authorized by law, and
shall be in addition to any
aggregate tax levy limits prescribed by law.
(c)As used in this section,
"governing body" means the board, body,
or persons in which the powers
of a political subdivision as a body cor-
porate are vested; and
"political subdivision" means any agency or unit
of the state authorized to levy
taxes or empowered to cause taxes to be
(d)On all other lands the owner
thereof shall pay the cost of control
and eradication of noxious
weeds. Except as provided in K.S.A. 2-1333
and amendments thereto, chemical
materials for use on privately owned
lands may be purchased from the
board of county commissioners at a
price fixed by the board of
county commissioners which shall be in an
amount equal to not less than
50% nor more than 75% of the total cost
incurred by the county in
purchasing, storing and handling such chemical
materials. However, once the tax
levying body of a county, city or town-
ship has authorized the maximum
a tax levy prescribed by K.S.A. 2-1318,
and amendments thereto of 1.5
mills or more, the board of county com-
missioners may collect from the
owner of privately owned lands an
amount equal to 75% but not more
than 100% of the total cost incurred
by the county in purchasing,
storing and handling of chemical materials
used in the control and
eradication of noxious weeds on such privately
owned lands. Whenever official
methods of eradication, adopted by the
state board of agriculture, are
not followed in applying the chemical ma-
terials so purchased, the board
of county commissioners may collect the
remaining portion of the total
cost thereof.
Sec.9.K.S.A. 2-1322 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 2-1322.
(a) The board of county
commissioners, or the governing body of incor-
porated cities, cooperating with
the secretary of the state board of agri-
culture, shall purchase or
provide for needed and necessary equipment
and necessary chemical material
for the control and eradication of noxious
weeds. The board of county
commissioners of any county or the governing
body of any city may use any
equipment or materials purchased as pro-
vided for in this section, upon
the highways, streets and alleys, for the
treatment and eradication of
weeds which have not been declared noxious
by legislative action.
(b)Except as provided in K.S.A.
2-1333 and amendments thereto, the
board of county commissioners
shall sell chemical material to the land-
owners in their jurisdiction at
a price fixed by the board of county com-
missioners which shall be in an
amount equal to not less than 50% nor
more than 75% of the total cost
incurred by the county in purchasing,
storing and handling such
chemical materials used in the control and
eradication of noxious weeds,
and may make such charge for the use of
machines or other equipment and
operators as may be deemed by them
sufficient to cover the actual
cost of operation. However, once the tax
levying body of a county, city
or township has authorized the maximum
a tax levy prescribed by K.S.A.
2-1318, and amendments thereto of 1.5
mills or more, the board of
county commissioners may collect from the
landowners in their jurisdiction
an amount equal to 75% but not more
than 100% of the total cost
incurred by the county in purchasing, storing
and handling of chemical
materials used in the control and eradication of
noxious weeds.
(c)Whenever official methods of
eradication adopted by the state
board of agriculture are not
used in applying the chemical material pur-
chased, the board of county
commissioners may collect the remaining
portion of the total cost
thereof from the landowner.
(d)The board of county
commissioners, township boards, and the
governing body of cities shall
keep a record showing purchases of material
and equipment for control and
eradication of noxious weeds. The board
of county commissioners and the
governing body of cities shall also keep
a complete itemized record
showing sales for cash or charge sales of
material and shall maintain a
record of charges and receipts for use of
equipment owned by each county
or city on public and private land. Such
records shall be open to
inspection by citizens of Kansas at all times.
Sec.10.K.S.A. 3-121 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 3-121.
Municipalities operating
airports jointly may pay the expenses of pur-
chasing or acquiring such
airports from the general funds of such munic-
ipalities or may issue general
obligation bonds, as authorized by law, but
no such bonds shall be issued
for the purchase or acquisition of airports
as provided hereunder, by any
municipality unless and until the question
of issuing same shall have been
submitted to the qualified electors of said
such municipality at any regular
or special election and a majority of those
voting on the proposition in
said such municipality shall have voted in
favor of the issuance of said
bonds. In addition, any such governing body
may issue general obligation
bonds of the county or city in an amount not
to exceed fifty thousand dollars
($50,000) $50,000 annually without an
election, for the purpose of
providing improvements on runways of any
such airport. Any governing body
proposing to issue such bonds shall
publish a resolution to that
effect in a newspaper of general circulation
within the city or county, as
applicable. Such resolution shall be published
once each week for three
consecutive weeks. If, within sixty (60) 60 days
following the final such
publication, a petition signed by not less than five
percent (5%) 5% of the qualified
electors of such city or county, as ap-
plicable, is presented to the
county election officer, no such bonds shall
be issued until approved by a
majority of the qualified electors voting
thereon at the next county or
city general election following the presen-
tation of the petition.
In lieu of issuing such bonds
for the purchase or acquisition of an
airport, the governing body of
the municipality may levy an annual tax of
not to exceed one mill on the
dollar on all the taxable tangible property
in such municipality for not to
exceed three years for the purpose of
creating a special fund to be
used to pay the expenses of purchasing or
acquiring such airports or
flying fields and to pay a portion of the principal
and interest on bonds issued
under the authority of K.S.A. 12-1774, and
amendments thereto, by cities
located in the county. Any such governing
bodies are hereby further
authorized to levy an annual tax not to exceed
the limitation prescribed by
K.S.A. 79-1947, 79-1948, 79-1949, 79-1950,
79-1951, 79-1952 and 79-1953,
and amendments thereto, per year, for
the support, maintenance and
operation of such airports and to pay a
portion of the principal and
interest on bonds issued under the authority
of K.S.A. 12-1774, and
amendments thereto, by cities located in the
county. Such support,
maintenance and operation expenses shall be borne
in the proportion agreed upon by
the municipalities in case such airports
are not leased.
New Sec.11.(a) Except as
provided in (b), (c) or (d), the maximum
authorized levy for library
purposes in accordance with K.S.A. 12-1220
and 12-1230, and amendments
thereto, shall be the following:
Nonurban areas 1.50 mills
Urban areas 2.00 mills
Cities of the first class with
population of less than 50,000 2.00 mills
Cities of the second class 3.00
Cities of the third class 2.00
Townships 1.00 mill,
or such higher amount that
have been established prior
the effective date of this
in accordance with K.S.A.
(b)Any board of county
commissioners or township board, acting in
accordance with the provisions
of K.S.A. 19-117, and amendments
thereto, may adopt limitations
for the purposes authorized by K.S.A. 12-
1220 and 12-1230, and amendments
thereto, that vary from those limi-
tations established in
subsection (a).
(c)Any city governing body,
acting in accordance with the provisions
of K.S.A. 12-137, and amendments
thereto, may adopt limitations for the
purposes authorized by K.S.A.
12-1220 or 12-1230, and amendments
thereto, that vary from the
limitations established in subsection (a).
(d)Any city charter ordinance or
county charter resolution in exis-
tence on the effective date of
this act which establishes a levy rate limi-
tation for library purposes
shall remain in full force and effect unless
modified in accordance with
article 12, section 5 of the Kansas constitu-
tion or K.S.A. 19-101a et seq.,
and amendments thereto.
Sec.12.K.S.A. 12-1617h is hereby
amended to read as follows: 12-
1617h. Cities are hereby
authorized to levy annually upon all the taxable
tangible property within the
city a tax not to exceed the limitation pre-
scribed by K.S.A. 79-1948,
79-1949, 79-1950, 79-1951, 79-1952 and 79-
1953, and amendments thereto,
for the purpose of creating a fund to be
used in securing or retaining
industries or manufacturing institutions for
such city or near its environs
and to pay a portion of the principal and
interest on bonds issued by such
city under the authority of K.S.A. 12-
1774, and amendments thereto. No
such levy shall be made until the
governing body is instructed to
do so by a majority of all the votes cast
on this proposition at an
election held at any city or general election.
Such election shall be held as
provided by law for bond elections. If
any such city shall not make
such tax levy in any year, after the third year
following the approval of such
tax levy by the voters, then it shall be
necessary to resubmit the issue
to the voters before any such tax levy shall
be imposed again. The tax levy
herein authorized shall be in addition to
all other levies authorized by
law and shall not be subject to any of the
limitations prescribed by
article 19 of chapter 79 of the Kansas Statutes
Annotated or acts amendatory
thereof and supplemental thereto.
Nothing in this section shall be
construed as restricting the authority
of cities to utilize the general
fund or other revenue sources for the pur-
pose of promoting or securing
the location or expansion of business and
Sec.13.K.S.A. 19-236 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 19-236.
That in addition to the powers
already given by law, the board of county
commissioners of each county
shall have power at any meeting, in case
of great loss or damage to life
or property, to assist in burying the dead,
caring for the wounded,
rendering temporary aid to the distressed, pre-
venting disease and pestilence,
and cleaning up debris, and to issue no-
fund warrants of the county
therefor not exceeding one percent (1%) 1%
of the taxable property of the
county, and to levy a tax at the first tax
levying period thereafter to pay
such warrants. All such tax levies shall be
in addition to all other levies
authorized or limited by law and shall not
be subject to the aggregate tax
levy prescribed in article 19 of chapter 79
of the Kansas Statutes
Annotated, and amendments thereto. Such war-
rants shall be issued,
registered, redeemed and bear interest in the man-
ner and in the form prescribed
by K.S.A. 79-2940 and amendments
thereto, except they shall not
bear the notation required by said such
section and shall be issued
without the approval of the state board of tax
Sec.14.K.S.A. 19-2803 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 19-
2803. The board of county
commissioners is authorized to levy a tax not
to exceed the limitation
prescribed by K.S.A. 79-1947, and amendments
thereto, for the creation of a
fund to be used for the purposes set forth
in K.S.A. 19-2801 and amendments
thereto and for the purpose of paying
a portion of the principal and
interest on bonds issued under the authority
of K.S.A. 1979 Supp. 12-1774,
and amendments thereto, by cities located
in the county.
Sec.15.K.S.A. 19-2803e is hereby
amended to read as follows: 19-
2803e. Whenever a county lake
and recreational grounds shall be estab-
lished under the authority of
this act, the board of county commissioners
of such county shall make an
annual tax levy in an amount not to exceed
the limitation prescribed by
K.S.A. 1979 Supp. 79-1947, for the creation
of a lake and recreational
grounds fund to be used for the supervision,
maintenance and improvement of
said the lake and recreational grounds
and to pay a portion of the
principal and interest on bonds issued under
the authority of K.S.A. 1979
Supp. 12-1774, and amendments thereto, by
cities located in the county.
Said tax levy shall be in addition to all the tax
levies authorized or limited by
law and shall not be subject to or within
any aggregate tax levy limit
prescribed by K.S.A. 1979 Supp. 79-1947, or
acts amendatory thereof or
supplemental thereto.
Sec.16.K.S.A. 19-3105 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 19-
3105. The board of county
commissioners is hereby authorized to make
an annual tax levy not to exceed
the limitation prescribed by K.S.A. 1979
Supp. 79-1947 on all taxable
tangible property of the county for the pur-
pose of providing a fund to be
used for the maintenance and care of any
cemetery acquired under the
provisions of this act and for the purpose
of obtaining additional land for
any such cemetery and to pay a portion
of the principal and interest on
bonds issued under the authority of K.S.A.
1979 Supp. 12-1774, and
amendments thereto, by cities located in the
county. The tax levy authorized
by this section shall be in addition to all
other county tax levies
authorized by law and shall not be subject to any
aggregate tax levy limitation
prescribed by law.
Sec.17.K.S.A. 19-3106 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 19-
3106. In any county in this
state in which there is located a cemetery or
other burial place in which
three or more human bodies have been in-
terred, and which cemetery or
burial place has been abandoned and not
cared for, for a period of at
least five years, the board of county commis-
sioners of said the county is
hereby authorized to provide for the care of
such cemetery or burial place.
For the purpose of providing funds for
such care and to pay a portion
of the principal and interest on bonds
issued under the authority of
K.S.A. 1979 Supp. 12-1774, and amend-
ments thereto, by cities located
in the county, the board of county com-
missioners is authorized to make
an annual tax levy not to exceed the
limitation prescribed by K.S.A.
1979 Supp. 79-1947, on all taxable tan-
gible property of said the
county. Said tax levy shall be in addition to all
other levies authorized or
limited by law, and shall not be subject to or
within any aggregate tax levy
limitation prescribed by article 19 of chapter
79 of the Kansas Statutes
Annotated or acts amendatory thereof or sup-
plementary thereto.
Sec.18.K.S.A. 19-3305 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 19-
3305. For the purpose of
maintaining and operating such flood control
works as shall be constructed by
the United States army corps of engi-
neers or other agency of the
United States government, when the same
shall have been completed and
turned over to the county and to pay a
portion of the principal and
interest on bonds issued under the authority
of K.S.A. 1979 Supp. 12-1774,
and amendments thereto, by cities located
in the county, the board of
county commissioners of such county shall be
empowered to make an annual tax
levy upon all of the taxable tangible
property within said the county,
in an amount not to exceed the limitation
prescribed by K.S.A. 1979 Supp.
79-1947, and such levy shall be in ad-
dition to all other levies
authorized or limited by law. It shall be the duty
of the board of county
commissioners and the county engineer to keep
all such flood control works in
serviceable condition and to make such
repairs as may, from time to
time, may be necessary.
Sec.19.K.S.A. 19-4004 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 19-
4004. In all counties wherein
the board or boards of county commission-
ers in the event of a
combination of counties has established a governing
board, the respective board or
boards of county commissioners may levy
an annual tax upon all taxable
tangible property in such county, which tax
shall not exceed the limitation
prescribed by K.S.A. 1979 Supp. 79-1947,
for mental health services and
to pay a portion of the principal and interest
on bonds issued under the
authority of K.S.A. 1979 Supp. 12-1774, and
amendments thereto, by cities
located in the county. The respective board
or boards of county
commissioners may also levy an additional annual tax
upon all taxable tangible
property in such county, which tax shall not
exceed the limitation prescribed
by K.S.A. 1979 Supp. 79-1947, for men-
tal retardation services and to
pay a portion of the principal and interest
on bonds issued under the
authority of K.S.A. 1979 Supp. 12-1774, and
amendments thereto, by cities
located in the county. The additional levy
authorized by this section for
mental retardation services shall not be
made until a notice of intent to
make such levy has been published in a
newspaper of general circulation
in the county or counties involved by
the board or boards of county
commissioners proposing to make such
levy, and such notice shall
state that if a petition signed by five percent
(5%) 5% of the electors of the
county shall file a protest petition within
sixty (60) 60 days of the date
of such publication a proposition will be
submitted at an election called
for the purpose in the county for approval
of the levy; if such proposition
is approved or if no sufficient protest is
made, then the board or boards
of county commissioners shall levy such
tax, but if a sufficient protest
is made and such proposition is not ap-
proved, the levy will not be
made. The proceeds thereof shall be placed
in the hands of the appropriate
governing board to be administered as
provided by this act.
In addition thereto, to provide
for the purchase of or the construction
of facilities for the community
mental health center, and/or facility for
the mentally retarded, the board
or boards of county commissioners may,
upon petition of the governing
board, levy an annual tax on all taxable
tangible property in their
county, which tax shall not exceed the limitation
prescribed by K.S.A. 1979 Supp.
79-1947, and to issue and sell general
obligation bonds of such county,
for the purpose of creating and providing
a special fund to be used in
acquiring a site for, and the building, equip-
ping, repairing, remodeling and
furnishing of a community mental health
center, and/or facilities for
the mentally retarded, or for any one or more
of such purposes. The additional
levy authorized by this section shall not
be made until a notice of intent
to make such levy has been published in
a newspaper of general
circulation in the county or counties involved by
the board or boards of county
commissioners proposing to make such
levy, and such notice shall
state that if a petition signed by five percent
(5%) 5% of the electors of the
county shall file a protest petition within
sixty (60) 60 days of the date
of such publication a proposition will be
submitted at an election called
for the purpose in the county for approval
of the levy; if such proposition
is approved or if no sufficient protest is
made, then the board of county
commissioners will make the levy of such
tax, but if a sufficient protest
is made and such proposition is not ap-
proved, the levy will not be
made. The board of county commissioners
shall proceed in the manner
prescribed to be followed in such notice.
Said The tax levy may be made
annually until sufficient funds have been
created for said the purpose or
purposes, or if the county has issued and
sold general obligation bonds,
the proceeds raised by the annual tax levy
shall be used to retire the
general obligation bonds and said the tax levy
shall continue until the general
obligation bonds have been retired. Such
federal, state or private funds
as may be available may be accepted by the
board of county commissioners to
be placed in the fund for operation of
or construction of a community
mental health center, and/or facility for
the mentally retarded, as the
case may be. Title to the building or build-
ings of the community mental
health center, and/or facility for the men-
tally retarded, shall vest in
the governing board which is responsible for
the maintenance and operation of
the facilities if a combination of coun-
ties has established the center,
but, if only one county has established the
mental health center or
facilities for the mentally retarded, title shall vest
in the board of county
commissioners of such county. If the board of
county commissioners has
contracted with a nonprofit corporation to pro-
vide mental health services
under K.S.A. 19-4007 or any, and amend-
ments thereto, the title to said
the building or buildings shall vest in the
board of county commissioners
and they may allow the nonprofit cor-
poration to use the buildings
without charge.
Sec.20.K.S.A. 19-4011 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 19-
4011. The county commissioners
of a county entering into such an agree-
ment with a community mental
health center is hereby authorized to levy
an annual tax in an amount not
to exceed the limitation prescribed by
K.S.A. 1979 Supp. 79-1947, upon
all of the taxable tangible property in
such county for the purpose of
providing revenue to pay for the mental
health services contracted for
with the center and to pay a portion of the
principal and interest on bonds
issued under the authority of K.S.A. 1979
Supp. 12-1774, and amendments
thereto, by cities located in the county.
The county commissioners of a
county entering into such an agreement
with a community facility for
the mentally retarded is hereby authorized
to levy an annual tax in an
amount not to exceed the limitation prescribed
by K.S.A. 1979 Supp. 79-1947,
upon all of the taxable tangible property
in such county for the purpose
of providing revenue to pay for the mental
retardation services contracted
for with the facility and to pay a portion
of the principal and interest on
bonds issued under the authority of K.S.A.
1979 Supp. 12-1774, and
amendments thereto, by cities located in the
county. Upon receipt of such tax
moneys, the county commissioners shall
pay the amount agreed upon to
the governing body of the center and/or
community facilities for the
mentally retarded and said the governing
body is authorized to receive
and expend such moneys to provide com-
munity mental health
Sec.21.K.S.A. 19-4102 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 19-
4102. The board of county
commissioners of any such county may, by
resolution, provide for the
establishment of a countywide economic de-
velopment program and may
provide for the financing thereof from its
general operating fund, or may
levy a tax annually upon all the taxable
tangible property of the county
in an amount not exceeding the limitation
prescribed by K.S.A. 79-1947,
and amendments thereto, for the purpose
of creating a fund therefor and
to pay a portion of the principal and
interest on bonds issued under
the authority of K.S.A. 12-1774, and
amendments thereto, by cities
located in the county. The tax levy herein
authorized shall be in addition
to all other levies authorized by law. In
any year in which the board of
county commissioners of any county shall
elect to levy any tax under the
authority of this section, such board shall
cause a notice of its intention
to make such levy to be published in the
official newspaper of the
county, and if within 30 days next following the
date of the publication of such
notice a petition, signed by electors equal
in number to not less than 5% of
the electors of the county, requesting
an election thereon, shall be
filed in the office of county election officer,
no such levy shall be made
without such proposition having first been
submitted to and having been
approved by a majority of the electors of
the county voting at an election
called and held thereon. Any election
held under provisions of this
section shall be subject to election laws
applicable to elections for
approval of bonds issued by such county.
Sec.22.K.S.A. 65-212 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 65-212.
The board of county
commissioners of any such county may, upon the
establishment of such mental
health clinic, levy an annual tax in an
amount not exceeding the
limitation prescribed by K.S.A. 79-1947, and
amendments thereto, upon all
taxable tangible property in such county
for the operation of such mental
health clinic, and in addition thereto to
provide for the construction of
facilities for such mental health clinic and
to pay a portion of the
principal of and interest on bonds issued under
the authority of K.S.A. 12-1774,
and amendments thereto, by cities lo-
cated in the county. In addition
to the levy authorized for the operation
of such mental health clinic,
the board of county commissioners may levy
an annual tax in an amount not
exceeding the limitation prescribed by
K.S.A. 79-1947, and amendments
thereto, on all taxable tangible property
in their county and may issue
and sell general obligation bonds of such
county, for the purpose of
creating and providing a special fund to be
used in acquiring a site for,
and the building, equipping, repairing, re-
modeling and furnishing of a
mental health clinic or for any one or more
of such purposes. Such levy may
also be used to pay a portion of the
principal of and interest on
bonds issued under the authority of K.S.A.
12-1774, and amendments thereto,
by cities located in the county. Such
additional tax levy may be made
annually until sufficient funds have been
created for such purpose or
purposes, or if the county has issued and sold
general obligation bonds, the
proceeds raised by the annual tax levy shall
be used to retire the general
obligation bonds and such tax levy shall
continue until the general
obligation bonds have been retired. Such fed-
eral, state or private funds as
may be available may be accepted by the
board of county commissioners to
be placed in the fund for operation of
or construction of a mental
health clinic as the case may be. Title to the
building or buildings of the
mental health clinic shall vest in the board of
county commissioners and they
may allow the mental health clinic which
is subject to the jurisdiction
of the joint board of health pursuant to K.S.A.
65-211, and amendments thereto,
to use the building without charge. The
proceeds thereof shall be placed
in the hands of the treasurer of the joint
board of health, to be
administered as provided by K.S.A. 65-206, and
amendments thereto. No levy
shall be made under the provisions of this
act until a resolution
authorizing the making of such levies is passed by
the board of county
commissioners and published in three successive
issues in a newspaper of general
circulation within the county, whereupon
such levies may be made unless a
petition in opposition to the same,
signed by electors equal in
number to not less than 10% of the qualified
electors of such county who
voted for the office of secretary of state in
the last preceding election, is
filed with the county clerk of such county
within 30 days following the
last publication of such resolution.
In the event such petition is
filed it shall be the duty of the board of
county commissioners to submit
the question to the voters at an election
called for such purpose or at
the next general election. None of the debt
limitations prescribed by law
for any such county shall apply to any bonds
issued under the authority
conferred by this act. The provisions of this
act shall be supplemental to
other existing health laws in the counties
affected thereby, but shall in
no way abrogate or amend any such other
existing health laws.
Sec.23.K.S.A. 68-166 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 68-166.
The board of county
commissioners shall pay any expense incurred under
the authority conferred by this
act from the general fund, road fund,
bridge fund or road and bridge
fund of the county. If such board shall
deem it necessary, in order to
provide sufficient revenue for the purpose
of installing, maintaining and
operating any such lighting system, it is
hereby authorized to levy an
annual tax in an amount not to exceed the
limitation prescribed by K.S.A.
79-1947, on all the taxable tangible prop-
erty in such county for the
purpose of providing revenue for such pur-
poses and to pay a portion of
the principal and interest on bonds issued
under the authority of K.S.A.
12-1774, and amendments thereto, by cities
located in the county. Such tax
levy shall be in addition to all other tax
levies authorized or limited by
law and shall not be subject to or within
the aggregate tax levy
limitation prescribed by K.S.A. 79-1947 or acts
amendatory thereof. All moneys
derived from such tax levy except an
amount to pay a portion of the
principal and interest on bonds issued
under the authority of K.S.A.
12-1774, and amendments thereto, by cities
located in the county shall be
placed in a special fund by the county
treasurer and shall only be used
only for the purposes for which the tax
was levied.
Sec.24.K.S.A. 68-582 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 68-582.
The board of any county and the
governing body of any city may by
resolution propose the
designation as a secondary arterial highway any
existing street (or a portion
thereof), or a proposed new street within a
city in such county which is or
would be a connecting link between county
roads and may enter into an
agreement providing for the cooperative
financing of the construction,
reconstruction, maintenance and repair of
such proposed secondary arterial
highway under such terms as the board
and governing body shall agree
upon. Such designation and agreement
shall set out the secondary
arterial highway designation and its location,
a general description of the
proposed improvement and an estimate of
the total cost thereof to each
such city and county exclusive of any grants
from any other public agency,
and shall become effective upon publica-
tion by the city in its official
newspaper and by the county in its official
newspaper. Such agreement may be
part of an agreement between the
secretary of transportation, the
county and the city. Any such agreement
shall provide for sharing the
costs of engineering and construction or
other improvement of the
designated secondary arterial highway, and for
future maintenance by the city
or by the county, upon such terms as the
board and governing body may
agree. The board and governing body of
any county and city which have
entered into such agreements may use
any public funds available to
such county or city for the construction,
improvement or maintenance of
such secondary arterial highway in like
manner as if it were a normal
county road or a city street, may each issue
bonds as provided in K.S.A.
68-584, and amendments thereto and may
each levy an annual tax upon the
assessed tangible valuation in such
county or city not to exceed the
limitations prescribed by K.S.A. 79-1947,
79-1948, 79-1949, 79-1950,
79-1951, 79-1952 and 79-1953 for such pur-
pose and to pay a portion of the
principal and interest on bonds issued
under the authority of K.S.A.
12-1774, and amendments thereto, by cities
located in the county.
Sec.25.K.S.A. 73-407 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 73-407.
The management and control of a
county building shall be vested in a
board of three trustees to be
appointed by the county commissioners, and
if a city building, shall be
appointed by the mayor of said the city. Such
trustees shall be residents of
the county or city wherein the building is
located except that at least two
of said the trustees shall have seen service
in the army, navy or marine
corps of the United States in time of war.
One trustee shall be appointed
for one year, one trustee for two years
and one trustee for three years,
and thereafter each trustee shall be ap-
pointed for three years. Said
trustee Trustees shall serve without com-
pensation and shall make annual
reports and recommendations to the
proper county and the city
The expense of maintenance of
said the memorial shall be paid out of
the general fund of the county
or city, or in case the same shall not be
sufficient, shall be paid out of
a special fund which shall be created, for
which the counties. Counties or
cities are authorized to make a levy upon
all taxable tangible property in
the county or city in an amount not ex-
ceeding the limitation
prescribed by K.S.A. 79-1947, 79-1948, 79-1949,
79-1950, 79-1951, 79-1952 and
79-1953 for such purpose and to pay a
portion of the principal and
interest on bonds issued under the authority
of K.S.A. 12-1774, and
amendments thereto, by cities located in the
county; and in counties having a
population of more than seventeen thou-
sand (17,000) and less than
twenty-two thousand (22,000), which contain
a first-class city, tax levy
shall be in addition to all other levies authorized
or limited by law and shall not
be subject to nor within any aggregate levy
prescribed by article 19 of
chapter 79 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated,
and any acts amendatory thereof.
The board of trustees shall have full
authority to lease all or any
part of said the building for hire to any person
or persons desiring to lease the
same for a term not to exceed one year
at a time and fix the rate and
terms upon which the charge shall be made
and collected therefor. The
board of trustees of any such memorial in any
city of the second class located
in a county with a population of not less
than twelve thousand (12,000)
12,000 and not more than fifteen thousand
(15,000) 15,000 and having an
assessed tangible valuation of not less than
thirty-two million dollars
($32,000,000) $32,000,000 and not more than
thirty-five million dollars
($35,000,000) $35,000,000 is hereby authorized
to lease all or any part of said
the memorial to the Kansas national guard
for a term of not to exceed ten
(10) 10 years and to fix the rate and terms
upon which the charge shall be
made and collected therefor. The board
of trustees of any such memorial
in any city having a commission form of
government, and a population of
more than one hundred fifty thousand
(150,000) 150,000, shall have
full authority to lease any suitable portion
or portions of said the building
to any concessionaire desiring to lease the
same, for a term of not to
exceed ten (10) 10 years, and to fix the rate
and terms upon which the charge
shall be made and collected therefor.
Sec.26.K.S.A. 76-326a is hereby
amended to read as follows: 76-
326a. The boards of county
commissioners of the several counties of this
state are hereby authorized to
contribute in the aid of work authorized
by section 1 of chapter 48 of
the 1919 Kansas Session Laws (now included
by reference in K.S.A. 76-326)
K.S.A. 76-326, and amendments thereto,
under the directions direction
of the state geologist, such amounts from
the general revenue fund of
their counties as they may determine or from
the proceeds of a special tax
levy in an amount not to exceed the limitation
prescribed by K.S.A. 79-1947,
which said. Such boards are hereby au-
thorized to make a tax levy for
said such purpose and to pay a portion of
the principal and interest on
bonds issued under the authority of K.S.A.
12-1774, and amendments thereto,
by cities located in the county in ad-
dition to all other tax levies
provided by law and outside any aggregate
levy limit prescribed by article
19 of chapter 79 of the Kansas Statutes
Annotated. No such contribution
shall be made by any county to said
work in any one year to an
amount that will exceed one-tenth of one mill
upon the dollar of the assessed
tangible valuation of such counties.
Sec.27.K.S.A. 82a-308 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 82a-
308. Any expenses incurred in
removing such obstructions as are men-
tioned in K.S.A. 82a-307 and
amendments thereto, or damage to private
property, shall be paid out of
the general fund of the respective counties
but if it shall appear that the
obstructions were caused by owners of
adjoining property, the expenses
shall be charged to the adjoining prop-
erty as a special tax to be
levied and collected as other special taxes and
assessments. In the event that
the general fund of any county shall not
be sufficient to bear the cost
of the operations mentioned in this section,
including the maintenance of
such streams or watercourses, then the
board of county commissioners of
such county may levy an annual tax not
to exceed the limitation
prescribed by K.S.A. 79-1947, upon all property
in said the county for the
purpose of creating a fund known as "stream
maintenance fund" from which
fund the costs and expenses of the op-
eration herein provided for
shall be paid and for the purpose of paying a
portion of the principal and
interest on bonds issued under the authority
of K.S.A. 12-1774, and
amendments thereto, by cities located in the
Sec.28.K.S.A. 12-1403 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 12-
1403. For the purpose of
providing a fund to obtain land for cemetery
purposes, the township trustees
shall have authority to levy a tax not
exceeding the limitation
prescribed by K.S.A. 79-1962, in any one year
upon all of the taxable tangible
property in such township, to be levied
and collected as other taxes for
township purposes are levied and col-
lected. The funds derived from
such tax shall not be applied to any pur-
pose other than the object of
the levy.
Sec.29.K.S.A. 12-1405 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 12-
1405. All cities owning and
controlling municipal cemeteries, are hereby
authorized to make an annual
levy of a tax upon all taxable tangible prop-
erty in the city and townships,
owning and controlling municipal or town-
ship cemeteries are hereby
authorized to make an annual levy of a tax
upon all taxable tangible
property in the city or township to be expended
in making permanent improvements
in such cemeteries and upkeep of
the same and, in the case of
cities, to pay a portion of the principal and
interest on bonds issued by such
city under the authority of K.S.A. 12-
1774, and amendments thereto.
The tax levies herein authorized for
townships shall not exceed the
limitation prescribed by K.S.A. 79-1962
and shall be in addition to all
other tax levies authorized or limited by law
and shall not be subject to or
within any aggregate tax levy limit prescribed
by K.S.A. 79-1962 or any
amendments thereto.
Sec.30.K.S.A. 19-807d is hereby
amended to read as follows: 19-
807d. The township board in any
township which is located in a county
in which is located a city
having a population in excess of one hundred
thousand (100,000) 100,000 is
hereby authorized to contribute funds to
the county for the purpose of
providing sheriff's deputies in addition to
those otherwise provided, for
the purpose of providing additional police
protection within such township
and for the purpose of providing and
maintaining motorized equipment
and radio equipment therefor. The
township board shall have power
to determine the amount of such con-
tribution and the conditions
under which such contributions shall be
When the township board informs
the sheriff that such board intends
to make a contribution pursuant
to this section, the sheriff and the town-
ship board shall enter into an
agreement within twenty (20) 20 days there-
after, which agreement shall
specify the additional police protection to
be provided and the funds to be
contributed. Any and all such agreements
relating to contribution of
funds shall be by and between the township
board and the sheriff with the
approval of the board of county commis-
sioners. For the purpose of
providing funds to make such contributions,
the township board is hereby
authorized and empowered to levy annually
a an annual tax not to exceed
the limitation prescribed by K.S.A. 79-1962,
upon all taxable tangible
property in such township and such tax shall be
in addition to all other levies
authorized or limited by law and shall not
be subject to, or within the
aggregate tax levy limits prescribed by K.S.A.
79-1962 and acts amendatory
Sec.31.K.S.A. 68-518c is hereby
amended to read as follows: 68-
518c. (a)The township board of
any township located in a county not
operating under the county road
unit system, is hereby authorized to
make an annual tax levy, in
addition to all other tax levies now or otherwise
authorized by law, of not to
exceed five mills for road purposes in an
amount which will be sufficient,
when added to other revenues available
for such purposes, to finance
the adopted budget of expenditures for road
purposes. Except as otherwise
hereinafter provided, the annual tax levy
made under the authority
conferred by this section shall not exceed the
limitation prescribed by K.S.A.
(b)The township board of any
such township desiring to levy an an-
nual tax for road purposes in an
amount exceeding the limitation pre-
scribed by K.S.A. 79-1962, but
in an amount not exceeding eight mills,
increase the authorized limit
existing on the effective date of this act may
adopt a resolution authorizing
such levy and shall publish the same once
each week for three consecutive
weeks in a newspaper of general circu-
lation in the township. If
within thirty 30 days after the date of the last
publication of such resolution a
petition, signed by electors of the town-
ship equal in number to not less
than ten percent 10% of the qualified
electors of the township who
voted for the office of governor at the last
general election for such
office, is filed in the office of the county election
officer no such increased levy
shall be made without having been ap-
proved by a majority of the
electors of the township voting at an election
called and held thereon. All
elections held under the provisions of this
section shall be called and held
in the manner prescribed by K.S.A. 10-
120, and amendments thereto.
Such additional tax levy
(c)Taxes imposed under this section shall be
levied on all the taxable
tangible property in the township outside of
incorporated cities, and such
tax levy shall not be subject to or within any
aggregate tax levy limit
prescribed by K.S.A. 79-1962, or acts amendatory
thereof or supplemental thereto,
and the moneys derived therefrom shall
be used for the construction,
reconstruction, improvement, repair and
maintenance of township roads
and culverts.
Sec.32.K.S.A. 80-115 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 80-115.
The township board of any
township which has a township hall, or which
uses part of a township water
department building or township fire de-
partment building as its
township hall, is hereby authorized and empow-
ered to levy an annual tax in an
amount not to exceed the limitation
prescribed by K.S.A. 79-1962,
and amendments thereto, on the taxable
tangible property in such
township, to provide a special fund for the
purpose of acquiring, repairing,
equipping and maintaining such town-
ship hall, or to be used in
purchasing and moving, or constructing a build-
ing and acquiring a site for,
and the furnishing and equipping of any such
building, or a part of any site
or building in conjunction with a site or
building for other township
uses. No levy shall exceed a rate, which mul-
tiplied by the total assessed
tangible valuation of the township will result
in producing more than the
amount prescribed by K.S.A. 79-1962, and
amendments thereto, in any one
year. Any unexpended balance remain-
ing in such special fund at the
end of any fiscal year of the township may
be retained in such special fund
and be expended in future years for any
of the purposes herein
Sec.33.K.S.A. 80-119 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 80-119.
Whenever no-fund warrants are
issued under the authority of this act the
township board shall make a tax
levy or levies sufficient to pay such war-
rants and the interest thereon.
Such warrants may mature serially at such
yearly dates as to be payable by
not more than five (5) tax levies. All such
tax levies shall be in addition
to all other levies authorized or limited by
law and shall not be subject to
the aggregate tax levy limitation prescribed
in article 19 of chapter 79 of
the Kansas Statutes Annotated and amend-
ments thereto. Such warrants
shall be issued, registered, redeemed and
bear interest in the manner and
be in the form prescribed by K.S.A. 79-
2940, or any and amendments
thereto, except they shall not bear the
notation required by said such
section and may be issued without the
approval of the state board of
tax appeals.
Sec.34.K.S.A. 80-808 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 80-808.
The township board of any
township which maintains and operates a
township library which is known
as a Carnegie library is hereby authorized
and empowered to issue no-fund
warrants in an amount not exceeding
four thousand dollars ($4,000)
$4,000 for the purpose of providing funds
for the repair and
reconstruction of the Carnegie library building of such
township. Whenever any township
board shall issue warrants under the
provisions of this section said,
such board shall make a tax levy at the first
tax levying period after such
warrants are issued sufficient to pay the same
and the interest thereon:
Provided, That. If the township board shall
deem deems it advisable not to
make all of such levy in any one year, then
said such township board may
make an annual tax levy at not more than
the next three (3) tax levying
periods occurring after the issuance of such
warrants, the total of which
levies shall be sufficient to pay said such
warrants and the interest
thereon. The warrants shall be issued, regis-
tered, redeemed and bear
interest in the manner and be in the form
prescribed by K.S.A. 79-2940,
and amendments thereto, except that such
warrants shall not bear the
notation required by said section K.S.A. 79-
2940, and amendments thereto,
and may be issued without the approval
of the state board of tax
appeals, and any surplus existing after the issuance
of said such warrants shall be
handled in the manner prescribed by said
section K.S.A. 79-2940, and
amendments thereto. Such township board
is hereby authorized and
empowered to expend all moneys raised by no-
fund warrants issued under the
provisions of this section although such
expenditures were not included
in the budget for the year in which such
warrants were issued. The tax
levy herein authorized shall be in addition
to all other tax levies
authorized or limited by law and shall not be subject
to or within the aggregate tax
levy limit prescribed by K.S.A. 79-1962.
Sec.35.K.S.A. 80-903 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 80-903.
Any township issuing bonds under
this act shall annually levy a tax suffi-
cient to pay the interest
thereon, and after five (5) years an amount suf-
ficient to create a sinking fund
to pay the principal at maturity; and any
township purchasing or acquiring
or acting as trustee for grounds for a
park or parks, or cemetery or
cemeteries is empowered and authorized
to annually levy and collect a
tax, not exceeding the limitation prescribed
by K.S.A. 79-1962, in any one
(1) year to provide a fund for the purpose
of meeting the annual expense of
such grounds, and such other improve-
ments as the township board may
deem deems necessary.
Sec.36.K.S.A. 80-932 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 80-932.
The township board of any
township is hereby authorized and empowered
to levy an annual tax in an
amount not to exceed the limitation prescribed
by K.S.A. 79-1962, on all
taxable tangible property in such townships,
including such property of
cities of the third class, for the purpose of
providing funds to be used for
the care and maintenance of cemeteries
in such townships for which no
provision is made by law for the levying
of taxes for such care and
maintenance, or said township board may ex-
pend a sum not to exceed fifty
dollars ($50) per year from the general
fund of the township in lieu of
said levy. The tax levy herein authorized
shall be in addition to all
other tax levies authorized by law and shall not
be subject to the aggregate tax
levy limit prescribed by K.S.A. 79-1962 or
any amendments thereto.
Sec.37.K.S.A. 80-1417 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 80-
1417. The governing body of any
city of the third class having a population
of not to exceed three hundred
(300) 300, located within a township
having a township hall and in a
county with a population of not less than
forty-five hundred (4,500) 4,500
nor more than fifty-five hundred (5,500)
5,500 is hereby authorized and
empowered to enter into a contract with
the township board of said the
township for the joint ownership, main-
tenance, repair, remodeling, and
equipping of said the township hall: Pro-
vided, That, but before such an
agreement may be entered into, a petition
signed by at least fifty percent
(50%) 50% of the residents of said such
city as determined by the total
vote cast for secretary of state at the last
preceding election, shall be
submitted to the governing body of said such
city requesting that such a
contract be entered into. When the governing
body determines that such
petition is proper, they the governing body
shall then adopt a resolution
authorizing the city to enter into such a
The township board, upon receipt
of such resolution, shall meet and
if they determine determined
that a contract should be entered into, the
board shall adopt a resolution
authorizing such contract. Thereafter, the
governing body of the city and
the township board are authorized to enter
into a contract, which contract
shall provide that the township hall shall
be under the joint ownership of
the city and township and shall be main-
tained, remodeled, equipped and
kept in repair jointly by said such town-
ship and city. Said The contract
shall be approved by a majority of the
governing body of the city and
of the township board.
After said the contract has been
entered into, the township board is
authorized and empowered to levy
an annual tax for the years 1951 and
1952 of not to exceed five (5)
mills, and thereafter, an annual tax of not
to exceed two (2) mills on the
dollar on all of the taxable tangible property
of said such cities of the third
class for the purpose of providing funds to
be used for the maintenance,
equipping, remodeling and repair of said
the township hall. Said tax
levies shall be in addition to all other tax levies
authorized or limited by law and
shall not be subject to any aggregate tax
levy limits prescribed by
article 19 of chapter 79 of the General Statutes
of 1949.
Sec.38.K.S.A. 80-1503 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 80-
1503. (a) Townships are hereby
authorized and empowered to levy a
special tax not to exceed one
mill on all tangible property in the township
not including a corporate city
in a sufficient amount to join with a mu-
nicipality or township for the
purposes as provided in K.S.A. 80-1501, and
amendments thereto, or to pay
the compensation agreed upon by contract
under authority of K.S.A.
80-1502, and amendments thereto.
(b)The township board, by
adopting the appropriate resolution, may
levy a tax of more than one mill
for the purposes authorized by subsection
(a). Any resolution increasing
the amount of the tax currently levied by
the township board and any
subsequent increase thereof shall be pub-
lished once each week for two
consecutive weeks in a paper of general
circulation within the township.
The township board may make such levy
unless, within 30 days following
final publication of the resolution, a pro-
test petition signed by 10% of
the qualified voters of the township is filed
with the township clerk. If a
sufficient petition is filed, such additional
tax shall not be levied until
approved by a majority of the voters voting
at an election thereon. Such
election shall be called and held in the man-
ner provided by the general bond
law. If a levy is imposed pursuant to
this subsection, no other levies
for the purposes authorized by subsection
(a) shall be made on such
(c)Counties are hereby
authorized and empowered to levy an annual
tax of not to exceed 1 2 mill on
the dollar on all the taxable tangible prop-
erty in such county for the
purposes as provided in K.S.A. 80-1501, and
amendments thereto, or to pay
the compensation agreed upon by contract
under authority of K.S.A.
80-1502, and amendments thereto, and to pay
a portion of the principal and
interest on bonds issued under the authority
of K.S.A. 12-1774, and
amendments thereto, by cities located in the
Such tax levy shall be in
addition to all other tax levies authorized or
limited by law and shall not be
subject to the aggregate tax levy limit
prescribed by K.S.A. 79-1947,
and amendments thereto.
Sec.39.K.S.A. 80-1509 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 80-
1509. The township board shall
annually provide for the levying of a tax
of not to exceed .50 mills levy
a tax upon the tangible taxable property
in said such benefit district
and within the township sufficient to pay the
compensation agreed upon in the
contract with the municipality. Such
tax levy shall be in addition to
all other tax levies authorized or limited by
law and shall not be subject to
any of the limitations prescribed by K.S.A.
79-1962 or acts amendatory
thereof or supplemental thereto.
Sec.40.K.S.A. 80-1537 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 80-
1537. Annual tax levies may be
made by such township in an amount not
to exceed the limitation
prescribed by K.S.A. 79-1962, on all the taxable
tangible property of the
township, including such property of the city
which is a party to such
agreement. Such levy shall be in addition to all
other levies authorized by law
and shall be outside the aggregate levy
limitations provided in K.S.A.
79-1962, and acts amendatory thereof or
supplemental thereto.
Sec.41.K.S.A. 80-1806 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 80-
1806. Any township or townships
of the urban class in the state of Kansas
is hereby authorized and
empowered to make a tax levy in such amount
as may be necessary in order to
provide the necessary funds for the pay-
ment of the township share of
registration and election expenses. Such
tax levy shall be in addition to
all other tax levies authorized or limited by
law and the provisions of K.S.A.
79-1962 and 79-1962a, or any amend-
ments thereto, shall not be
applicable to such tax levy. All money raised
by such tax levy shall be
credited by the county treasurer to a special fund
and the county shall be
reimbursed from such fund for the registration
and election expenses which it
has paid on behalf of such township, but
if there be an insufficient
amount in such fund to pay the cost chargeable
to such township, the county
shall be reimbursed for the remainder from
the township general fund. If
the township does not make the levy au-
thorized by this act, then the
county shall be reimbursed for registration
and election expenses paid on
behalf of such township from the township
general fund. No money raised
under the tax levy authorized by this act
shall be withdrawn from the
county treasury by the township and if there
be a balance existing therein
after the payment of registration and election
expenses for any year, the same
shall be held in the county treasury to
the credit of such township and
used to pay registration and election
expenses incurred in subsequent
Sec.42.K.S.A. 80-1903 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 80-
1903. The township board of any
such township shall have power to levy
a tax not exceeding the
limitation prescribed by K.S.A. 79-1962, and
amendments thereto, upon all
taxable tangible property within such town-
ship, for the purpose of paying
the expense of providing rescue service
and equipping, operating and
maintaining such fire department or con-
tracting with another fire
department for the furnishing of rescue service
or fire protection. Such tax
levy shall be in addition to all other tax levies
authorized or limited by law. In
any county having a population of more
than 150,000 and less than
250,000 the township levy herein authorized
shall not exceed the limitation
prescribed therefor by K.S.A. 79-1962, and
amendments thereto, on all
taxable tangible property of the township, for
the purposes specified in this
section. The tax levy shall be in addition to
all other tax levies authorized
or limited by law.
Sec.43.K.S.A. 80-1909 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 80-
1909. In any township where a
township fire department has been created
under the provisions of this
act, the township board shall have authority,
subject to an election as
hereinafter provided, to issue bonds for the
purpose of purchasing land,
constructing or purchasing buildings to be
used as fire stations,
constructing or purchasing fire equipment and sup-
plies and for the payment of
other necessary expenses incident thereto.
Before any such bonds are
issued, the question of their issuance shall be
submitted to the voters of such
township at a general or special election
to be called by the township
board by resolution and to be held under
the provisions of article 1,
chapter 10 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated,
and the affirmative vote of a
majority of the votes cast at such election
shall be sufficient to authorize
the issuance of such bonds.
The township board may also
submit, at such election, the question
whether the tax levy provided in
K.S.A. 80-1903 hereof, and amendments
thereto, shall be in excess of
the aggregate tax limitations provided for
townships by K.S.A. 79-1962 and
any other limitations provided by law
two mills, or four mills for
townships in counties having a population of
more than 150,000 and less than
250,000, and if a majority of the votes
cast at such election shall be
in the affirmative, the township board shall
thereafter be authorized to make
such levy without regard to such limi-
tations. The expense of any
special election called under the provisions
hereof may be paid out of the
proceeds of the bond issue, if such bonds
shall be authorized at such
election, otherwise from the general fund of
the township: Provided, however,
That. Only a single election board shall
serve in any precinct at any
such special election.
Sec.44.K.S.A. 80-1916 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 80-
1916. Any such township may
create a township fire department to fur-
nish fire protection within such
township and such fire department shall
be operated under the direction
of the township board and said such
board shall have power to levy
an annual tax not to exceed the limitation
prescribed by K.S.A. 79-1962, on
all the taxable tangible property in such
township, for the purpose of
paying the expenses of equipping, operating
and maintaining such fire
department. Said tax levy shall be in addition
to all other tax levies
authorized or limited by law and shall not be subject
to the aggregate tax levy limit
prescribed by K.S.A. 79-1962, or acts amen-
datory thereof.
Sec.45.K.S.A. 80-1920 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 80-
1920. Subject to the provisions
of K.S.A. 1986 Supp. 19-270, and amend-
ments thereto, and upon the
presentation of such petition, the township
board of any such township shall
create a township fire department. Such
township board is hereby
authorized and empowered to purchase fire-
fighting equipment for the use
of the fire department and to provide
buildings for the housing and
storage of the same. For the purpose of
raising funds to pay the cost of
such equipment and housing facilities, the
township board is hereby
empowered to issue no-fund warrants in an
amount not exceeding $12,000.
After the issuance of such no-fund war-
rants, the township board shall
make a tax levy at the first tax-levying
period after such warrants are
issued, sufficient to pay such warrants and
the interest thereon. In lieu of
making only one tax levy, such board, if it
deems it advisable, may make a
tax levy each year for not to exceed five
years in approximately equal
installments for the purpose of paying the
warrants and the interest
All such tax levies shall be in
addition to all other levies authorized or
limited by law and shall not be
subject to the aggregate tax levy limitation
prescribed by K.S.A. 79-1962,
and amendments thereto. Such warrants
shall be issued, registered,
redeemed and bear interest in the manner and
be in the form prescribed by
K.S.A. 79-2940, and amendments thereto,
except they shall not bear the
notation required therein and may be issued
without the approval of the
board of tax appeals. Any surplus existing
after the redemption of the
warrants shall be handled in the manner
prescribed by K.S.A. 79-2940,
and amendments thereto. None of the
provisions of the cash-basis and
budget laws of this state shall apply to
any expenditures made, the
payment of which has been provided for by
the issuance of such no-fund
Sec.46.K.S.A. 80-1921 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 80-
1921. The township board of any
such township shall have full direction
and control over the operation
of such township fire department and shall
provide for the organization of
volunteer members of such department,
to be compensated at a specified
rate when attending fires, and may
provide special clothing and
equipment for such volunteers, and may
insure such volunteers against
accidental death and injury in the perform-
ance of their duties, and may do
all other things necessary or desirable
to maintain and operate such
department so as to furnish fire protection
to the inhabitants of such
township. Such township board may levy an
annual tax of not to exceed the
limitation prescribed by K.S.A. 79-1962,
and amendments thereto, on all
the taxable tangible property in such
township for the purpose of
paying the expenses of equipping, operating
and maintaining such fire
department. Any tax levy authorized by this
section shall be in addition to
all other tax levies authorized or limited by
law and shall not be subject to
the aggregate tax levy limit prescribed by
K.S.A. 79-1962, and amendments
thereto, and shall be in addition to the
tax levy made to pay for no-fund
warrants issued pursuant to K.S.A. 80-
1920, and amendments thereto.
Except as otherwise specifically provided
in this act, the provisions of
K.S.A. 80-1906 and 80-1907, and amend-
ments thereto, shall apply to
townships adopting the provisions of this
In addition to the tax levy
herein authorized, the township board of
Kickapoo, Tonganoxie, Easton,
Fairmount, Sherman and Delaware town-
ships located in Leavenworth
county may levy an annual tax of not to
exceed two mills on all the
taxable tangible property in such township for
the purpose of purchasing
additional equipment for such fire department.
If a petition in opposition to
the tax levy authorized herein, signed by not
less than 5% of the qualified
electors of such township is filed with the
township board of such township,
within 40 days after the effective date
of this act, the tax levy shall
not be made unless first approved as a ques-
tion submitted at the next
general election or at a special election called
for the purpose of submitting
the question. If such a petition is filed, the
township board may cause to be
placed on the ballot at the next general
election the question of whether
such tax shall be levied. If a majority of
the votes cast and counted at
such election are in favor of the resolution,
such governing body may levy the
tax authorized herein. Upon this act
taking effect it shall be
published once each week for two consecutive
weeks in a newspaper having
general circulation in the township.
Sec.47.K.S.A. 80-1924 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 80-
1924. The governing body of the
benefit district shall annually provide
for the levying of a tax of not
to exceed one-half (1 2 ) mill upon the taxable
tangible property in such
benefit district and within the township suffi-
cient to pay the compensation
agreed upon in the contract with the town-
ship maintaining the fire
department. Such tax levy shall be in addition
to all other tax levies
authorized or limited by law and shall not be subject
to the aggregate tax levy
limitation prescribed by K.S.A. 79-1962 or acts
amendatory thereof or
supplemental thereto.
Sec.48.K.S.A. 80-2006 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 80-
2006. (a) Whenever authorized by
an election as herein provided, the
costs and expenses of
constructing such main, intercepting and outfall
sewers and appurtenances, with
or without sewage-disposal plant, as
above provided, together with
the cost of acquiring land, engineering,
appraisers, legal and other
incidental expense, excepting only such part
of the cost as may be borne by
grant from the federal government, shall
be assessed against the lots and
pieces of ground contained within the
sewage district, and shall be
levied and collected as one tax, in addition
to the other taxes and
assessments, and shall be certified by the governing
body of such sewage district to
the county clerk, and be placed by him
or her such clerk upon the tax
roll for collection, subject to the same
penalties, entitled to the same
rebates, and collected in the same manner
as other taxes: Provided, That.
The governing body may, in its discretion,
provide for the payment of the
cost thereof by installments instead of
levying the entire tax or
special assessment for such cost at one time; and
for such installments, they may
issue bonds of the sewage district, which
bonds may mature serially or
otherwise during a period of not more than
twenty-five 25 years from the
date of issuance, and, except as herein
provided, shall be subject to
all of the provisions of article 1, chapter 10,
of the Kansas Statutes
Annotated. Any bonds issued for such purposes
shall be in addition to and may
exceed the limits of bonds for any other
purposes as provided by law.
(b)That If the county planning
board and the board of county com-
missioners of any county in
which a township sewage district has been
created pursuant to the act of
which this section is amendatory, each shall
declare by resolution that a
main, intercepting, or outfall sewer system
or systems of such district, the
plans and specifications of which have
been finally approved, as
provided in K.S.A. 80-2004, and amendments
thereto, to be of public utility
and necessary for the growth and needs of
said county and necessary for
the protection of the public health, the
bonds issued under the authority
of subsection (a) of this section shall be,
in addition to being obligations
of the township sewage district, general
obligations of the county. In
case of default in the payment of such bonds
or the interest thereon by the
sewage district, the board of county com-
missioners of the county in
which such sewage district is located shall levy
a tax on the tangible property
in such county sufficient to pay such bonds
and interest, which tax levy
shall be in addition to all other tax levies
authorized or limited by law and
shall not be subject to or within the
aggregate tax levy limit
prescribed by K.S.A. 79-1947 or acts amendatory
thereof or supplemental
No statute limiting the amount
of bonded indebtedness of any county
shall apply to any bonds issued
under the authority of this section and
such bonds shall not be
considered in applying any statute limiting
bonded indebtedness.
Sec.49.K.S.A. 80-2021 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 80-
2021. The governing body of such
sewage district shall have authority to
and shall levy an annual tax
which shall not exceed ten mills upon the
dollar of assessed valuation of
all real property upon taxable tangible prop-
erty within such sewage
district, for the purpose of paying the expense
of operation and maintenance of
the sewage system within such district;
and may use the proceeds of such
tax for the maintenance of all sewers
in such district, including
lateral sewers, however constructed, for the
operation of sewage disposal
plant, and for the payment to any adjoining
city or township, with which
such sewage district may have contracted
for the disposal of sewage, of
the contract price therefor, and for all other
expense incident to the
operation and maintenance of such sewage
Whenever a sewage district has
made tax levies as authorized by this
act and has accumulated a fund
for the operation and maintenance of the
sewage system and has contracted
with an adjacent city or township for
the disposal of sewage and other
expenses incidental to the operation and
maintenance of such sewage
system and when such district has accu-
mulated unexpended funds which
are no longer necessary for the oper-
ation and maintenance of such
system, the governing board of the sewage
district may transfer the whole
or any portion of such accumulated and
unexpended funds to the township
road fund or the fire department fund
or to the general fund of the
township in which the sewage district was
established. All levies of taxes
authorized in this act shall be in addition
to all other levies authorized
or limited by law, and the provisions of
K.S.A. 79-1962, and any other
limitations provided for township tax levies,
shall not be applicable
Sec.50.K.S.A. 80-2201 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 80-
2201. The township board of any
township, having a population of more
than seven thousand five hundred
(7,500) 7,500 and located in a county
adjoining two cities either
within or without the state each of which has
a population in excess of one
hundred twenty thousand (120,000) 120,000,
if by resolution they deem the
township board deems it necessary to pro-
tect the public health and
welfare of the inhabitants of such township,
may acquire land by lease,
purchase, or under the provisions of K.S.A.
26-501 to 26-516, inclusive, and
amendments thereto, by condemnation,
within or without such township,
to be used for the disposal of trash and
garbage collected from the
inhabitants of such township. For the purpose
of acquiring such land and
maintenance thereof, a tax levy in an amount
not to exceed the limitation
prescribed by K.S.A. 79-1962, on all taxable
tangible property may be made
for the first year, and thereafter a levy
not to exceed the limitation
prescribed therefor by K.S.A. 79-1962, on all
taxable tangible property may be
made annually, which said levies and
each of them shall be in
addition to and outside of any other limit or
aggregate limit fixed by law for
such township. The funds derived from
such levies shall be placed in a
fund known as the "garbage and trash
fund" and be used only for the
purpose of this act the garbage and trash
Sec.51.K.S.A. 80-2204 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 80-
2204. Whenever the township
board of any township located in a county
having a population of more than
fifty-five thousand (55,000) 55,000 and
less than one hundred thousand
(100,000) 100,000 finds and determines
by resolution that it is
necessary to acquire a site or sites for the disposal
of garbage, rubbish and trash
within or without the township, it the town-
ship board may acquire such site
or sites by gift, purchase or condem-
nation and may construct
necessary facilities thereon and purchase nec-
essary equipment for the
disposal of such garbage, rubbish and trash. In
the event the township board of
any such township finds that it is nec-
essary to acquire such site or
sites by condemnation the governing body
of the county shall proceed
under the provisions of chapter 26 of the
Kansas Statutes Annotated, and
all acts amendatory thereof and supple-
mental thereto, or in
substitution thereof. Whenever any such township
shall so condemn such a site or
sites, such township shall acquire a fee
simple title thereto.
In order to pay for such site or
sites and the construction of all necessary
facilities and equipment to be
used in the disposal of garbage, rubbish
and trash, the township board of
such township is authorized to issue
general obligation bonds of the
township in the manner provided by the
general bond law. Whenever such
a site has been acquired, the township
board may pay the cost of the
operation and maintenance of the same
from the general fund of the
township or it may levy a special tax therefor
at a rate not to exceed the
limitation prescribed by K.S.A. 79-1962, on all
taxable tangible property of the
township. Any two (2) or more of such
townships may join in the
acquisition of a site or sites for the disposal of
garbage, rubbish and trash and
the operation and maintenance of said
such sites as heretofore
provided in this section; and the township boards
of such townships are hereby
authorized and empowered to enter into
agreements for such
New Sec.52.Until the moneys
levied for a specific purpose are fully
expended, they shall be
maintained in their respective separate levy fund.
New Sec.53 52.In 1999, and in
each year thereafter, all existing
statutory fund mill levy rate
and aggregate levy rate limitations on taxing
subdivisions are hereby
suspended. In 1999, and each year thereafter, the
fund levy limits shall be
increased by multiplying the dollar amount pro-
duced by the levy limit for 1998
by the quotient determined by dividing
the assessed tangible valuation
amount of the current year by the assessed
valuation amount for 1999.
Sec.54 53. 52.K.S.A. 2-610,
2-1318, 2-1319, 2-1322, 2-2007, 3-121,
12-1403, 12-1405, 12-1617h,
19-236, 19-807d, 19-2803, 19-2803e, 19-
3105, 19-3106, 19-3305, 19-4004,
19-4011, 19-4102, 65-212, 68-166, 68-
518c, 68-582, 73-407, 76-326a,
79-1945, 79-1946, 79-1947, 79-1947b, 79-
1948, 79-1949, 79-1950, 79-1951,
79-1952, 79-1953, 79-1962, 79-5038,
80-115, 80-119, 80-808, 80-903,
80-932, 80-1417, 80-1503, 80-1509, 80-
1537, 80-1806, 80-1903, 80-1909,
80-1916, 80-1920, 80-1921, 80-1924,
80-2006, 80-2021, 80-2201,
80-2204 and 82a-308 are hereby repealed.
Sec.55 54. 53.This act shall
take effect and be in force from and
after June 30, 1999, and its
publication in the statute book Kansas