Session of 1999


      An Act concerning banks and trusts companies; relating to mortgage business and mortgage
      loans; amending K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 9-2201, 9-2202, 9-2203, 9-2204, 9-2205, 9-2206, 9-
      2207, 9-2208, and 9-2209 and repealing the existing sections.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:

      Section  1. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 9-2201 is hereby amended to read as
follows: 9-2201. As used in this act:

      (a) ``Bona fide office'' means a registrant's physical office which meets
all of the following requirements:

      (1) The office is located in this state;

      (2) the office is not located in a personal residence;

      (3) the office has regular hours of operation;

      (4) the office is accessible to the public;

      (5) the office serves as an office for the transaction of mortgage busi-

      (6) the office is staffed by the registrant or an employee of the regis-

      (7) the office is separate from any office of another registrant; and

      (8) the office contains the books and records of the registrant or copies
of the books and records.

      (a) (b) ``Commissioner'' means the Kansas state bank commissioner.

      (c) ``Employee'' means any individual:

      (1) Who is employed solely by a registrant or applicant, and who is
not acting as an independent contractor;

      (2) who conducts mortgage business activities only in the name of the
registrant or applicant; and

      (3) whose conduct of mortgage business is the responsibility of the
registrant or applicant.

      (b) (d) ``Mortgage business'' means engaging in, or holding out to the
public as willing to engage in, for compensation or gain, or in the expec-
tation of compensation or gain, directly or indirectly, the business of mak-
ing, originating, servicing, soliciting, placing, negotiating, acquiring, sell-
ing, or arranging for others, or offering to solicit, place, negotiate, acquire,
sell or arrange for others, five or more mortgage loans in a calendar year
the primary market.

      (c) (e) ``Mortgage loan'' means a loan made to a natural person which
is secured by a first or second mortgage or other similar instrument or
document, and which creates a first lien on a one-to-four family dwelling,
located in this state, occupied or intended to be occupied for residential
purposes by the owner, including the renewal or refinancing of such a

      (d) (f) ``Person'' means any individual, sole proprietorship, corpora-
tion, partnership, trust, association, joint venture, pool syndicate, unin-
corporated organization or other form of entity, however organized.

      (g) ``Primary market'' means the market wherein mortgage loans are
originated between a lender and a borrower, whether or not through a
mortgage broker or other means.

      (h) ``Promotional items'' means pens, pencils, hats and other such nov-
elty items.

      (i) ``Registrant'' means any individual or other entity who holds a
valid certificate of registration to conduct mortgage business in this state.

      Sec.  2. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 9-2202 is hereby amended to read as fol-
lows: 9-2202. The following are exempt from the registration require-
ments of this act:

      (a) Any bank, bank holding company, savings bank, trust company,
savings and loan association, building and loan association, industrial loan
company or credit union or any other financial institution regulated by
an agency of the United States or of any state;

      (b) any entity directly or indirectly regulated by an agency of the
United States or of Kansas any state which is a subsidiary or affiliate of
any entity listed in subsection (a) if 25% or more of such entity's common
stock is owned by any entity listed in subsection (a);

      (c) any person who is registered with the Kansas securities commis-
sioner as a loan broker pursuant to K.S.A. 50-1001 et seq. and amend-
ments thereto or who is licensed by the Kansas consumer credit com-
missioner as a supervised lender pursuant to K.S.A. 16a-2-301 et seq. and
amendments thereto; and

      (d) the United States of America, the state of Kansas, any other state,
or any agency or instrumentality of any governmental entity.; and

      (e) a registrant's employee.

      Sec.  3. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 9-2203 is hereby amended to read as fol-
lows: 9-2203. On and after November 1, 1996, no person shall conduct
mortgage business in Kansas unless registered with the office of the state
bank commissioner pursuant to this act. It shall be unlawful for any per-
son to engage in or to advertise, publish or otherwise hold out to the public
that such person is engaged in the mortgage business without first being
registered with the commissioner as required by this act. Any such indi-
vidual or member or officer of any such corporation or other entity vio-
lating this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction
shall be punished by a definite term of confinement in the county jail
which shall be fixed by the court and shall not exceed one year, or a fine
not exceeding $5,000 or both.

      Sec.  4. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 9-2204 is hereby amended to read as fol-
lows: 9-2204. (a) Any person required to register pursuant to this act shall
submit to the commissioner an application for registration on forms pre-
scribed and provided by the commissioner. The application shall contain
information the commissioner deems necessary to adequately identify:

      (1) The location and nature of the business to be conducted;

      (2) the identity, character and qualifications of an individual appli-

      (3) the identity, character and qualifications of the officers and, di-
rectors, partners and employees of the entity, if the applicant is a part-
nership, corporation or other business entity;

      (4) the name under which the applicant intends to conduct business;

      (5) other information the commissioner requires to evaluate the fi-
nancial responsibility and condition, character, qualifications and, fitness
of the applicant and compliance with the provisions of this act.

      (b) Each application for registration shall be accompanied by a non-
refundable fee of not less than $100, which may be increased by rules
and regulations pursuant to K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 9-2209.

      (c) An application for registration shall be approved, and a nonas-
signable certificate of registration shall be issued to the applicant by the
commissioner provided:

      (1) The commissioner has received the complete application and fee
required by this section; and

      (2) the commissioner determines the financial responsibility and con-
dition, character, qualifications and fitness of the applicant warrants a
belief that the business of the applicant will be conducted competently,
honestly, fairly and within the purposes of this act in accordance with all
applicable state and federal laws.

      Sec.  5. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 9-2205 is hereby amended to read as fol-
lows: 9-2205. (a) A certificate of registration shall become effective as of
the date specified on the face of the original certificate and is effective
for one year.

      (b) The registration shall be renewed annually in each odd-numbered
year by filing with the commissioner, at least 30 days prior to the expi-
ration of the registration, a renewal application, containing information
the commissioner requires to determine the existence of material changes
from the information contained in the applicant's original registration
application or prior renewal applications.

      (b) (c) Each renewal application shall be accompanied by a nonre-
fundable fee which shall be established by rules and regulations pursuant
to K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 9-2209 and amendments thereto.

      (d) Any renewal application received by the commissioner after the
expiration date of the registrant's current certificate shall be treated as an
original application and be subject to all reporting and fee requirements
contained in K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 9-2204 and amendments thereto.

      Sec.  6. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 9-2206 is hereby amended to read as fol-
lows: 9-2206. If the commissioner notifies the applicant, in writing, that
any application has been denied, or the commissioner fails to issue a
certificate of registration within 60 days or grant a renewal within 30 days
after a filed application is deemed complete by the commissioner, the
applicant may make written request for an appeal on the issue of the
applicant's registration or renewal qualifications. The commissioner shall
conduct a hearing in accordance with the Kansas administrative proce-
dure act.

      Sec.  7. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 9-2207 is hereby amended to read as fol-
lows: 9-2207. (a) The commissioner may deny, suspend or, revoke, or
refuse to renew the registration of a mortgage business issued pursuant
to this act, if the commissioner finds, after notice and opportunity for a
hearing conducted in accordance with the provisions of the administrative
procedures act, that:

      (1) (a) The applicant or registrant has repeatedly or willfully violated
any section of this act or any rule and regulation or order lawfully made
pursuant to this act;

      (2) (b) facts or conditions exist which would have justified the denial
of the registration or renewal had these facts or conditions existed or been
known to exist at the time the application for registration or renewal was

      (3) (c) the applicant or registrant has filed with the commissioner any
document or statement containing any false representation of a material
fact or fails to state a material fact; or

      (4) (d) the applicant or registrant has been convicted, within 10 years
before the date of an application, renewal or review of any crime involving
fraud, dishonesty or deceit.;

      (b) The commissioner shall not revoke a registration until the regis-
trant is provided written notice of the facts or conduct the commissioner
believes to form the basis for the proposed revocation and of the regis-
trant's right to request a hearing in accordance with the Kansas admin-
istrative procedure act.

      (e) the applicant or registrant has engaged in or is engaging in de-
ceptive business practices;

      (f) the applicant or registrant has been the subject of any disciplinary
action by this agency or any other state or federal regulatory agency; or

      (g) a final judgment has been entered against the applicant or regis-
trant in a civil action and the commissioner finds, based upon the conduct
on which the judgment is based, that registration of such person would
be contrary to the public interest.

      Sec.  8. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 9-2208 is hereby amended to read as fol-
lows: 9-2208. (a) Every certificate of registration shall be properly dis-
played in a prominent place within the registrant's place of business in a
way that reasonably assures recognition by customers and members of
the general public who enter the registrant's place of business.

      (b) Prior to entering into any contract for the provision of services or
prior to the registrant receiving any compensation or promise of com-
pensation for a mortgage loan the registrant shall acquire from the cus-
tomer a signed acknowledgment that contains only the following items:

      (1) The name and address of the mortgage business;

      (2) the name and position of the individual presenting the acknow-
ledgment to the customer for a signature;

      (3) a statement in at least 10 point boldface letters which reads
``[name of the registrant] is a mortgage business registered with the Kan-
sas Office of the State Bank Commissioner in accordance with the laws
of the state of Kansas. This registration does not represent an endorse-
ment or recommendation of the registrant's products or services by the
Office of the State Bank Commissioner. As a consumer, you may submit
a complaint or inquiry about this mortgage business by delivering a writ-
ten statement to the Office of the State Bank Commissioner, 700 Jackson,
Suite 300, Topeka, Kansas 66603''; and

      (4) an original signature of the customer(s) and the date such signa-
ture(s) was attached containing such information as the commissioner
may prescribe by rule and regulation.

      (c) The registrant shall identify that such registrant is registered un-
der this act in all advertising or solicitations directed to Kansas residents,
including internet solicitations. For the purpose of this subsection, ``ad-
vertising'' does not include business cards or promotional items.

      (d) No registrant shall conduct mortgage business in this state using
any name other than the name or names stated on the certificate of reg-

      Sec.  9. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 9-2209 is hereby amended to read as fol-
lows: 9-2209. The commissioner may exercise the following powers:

      (a) Adopt rules and regulations as necessary to carry out the intent
and purpose of this act;

      (b) make investigations and examinations of the registrant's opera-
tions, books and records as the commissioner deems necessary for:

      (1) Determining the adequacy or acceptability of any application for

      (2) pursuing a complaint or information which forms reasonable
grounds for belief that an investigation or examination is necessary or
advisable for more complete protection of the interests of the public the
protection of the public;

      (c) charge reasonable costs of investigation or examination to be paid
by the registrant under investigation or examination;

      (d) order any registrant to cease any activity or practice which the
commissioner deems to be deceptive, dishonest, violative of state or fed-
eral law or unduly harmful to the interests of the public; and

      (e) exchange any information regarding the administration of this act
with any agency of the United States or any state which regulates the
registrant or administers statutes, rules and regulations or programs re-
lated to mortgage loans.; and

      (f) disclose to any person or entity that an applicant's or registrant's
certificate of registration has been denied, suspended, revoked or refused

      New Sec.  10. (a) Each applicant or registrant who maintains a bona
fide office shall comply with at least one of the following:

      (1) Submit written evidence which establishes, to the commissioner's
satisfaction, that the applicant or registrant is approved as a mortgagee

      (A) The federal department of housing and urban development;

      (B) the federal national mortgage association; or

      (C) the federal home loan mortgage corporation.

      (2)  (A) File with the commissioner a surety bond or irrevocable letter
of credit in the amount of $25,000, in a form acceptable to the commis-
sioner, issued by an insurance company or financial institution authorized
to conduct business in this state, securing the applicant's or registrant's
faithful performance of all duties and obligations of a registrant meeting
the following requirements:

      (i) The bond or letter of credit shall be payable to the office of the
state bank commissioner;

      (ii) the terms of the bond or irrevocable letter of credit shall provide
that it may not be terminated without 30 days prior written notice to the
commissioner; and

      (iii) the bond or irrevocable letter of credit shall be available for the
recovery of expenses, fines and fees levied by the commissioner under
this act, and for losses or damages which are incurred by any borrower
or consumer as a result of the applicant's or registrant's failure to comply
with the requirements of this act; and

      (B) submit evidence that establishes, to the commissioner's satisfac-
tion, that the applicant or registrant shall at all times maintain not less
than $10,000 in liquid assets acceptable to the commissioner.

      (3) Submit evidence that establishes, to the commissioner's satisfac-
tion, that the applicant or registrant shall at all times maintain a minimum
net worth of $100,000. Evidence of net worth shall include the submission
of a balance sheet accompanied by a written statement by an independent
certified public accountant attesting that the balance sheet has been re-
viewed in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.

      (b) Each applicant or registrant who does not maintain a bona fide
office shall comply with both of the following:

      (1) File with the commissioner a surety bond or irrevocable letter of
credit in the amount of $100,000, in a form acceptable to the commis-
sioner, issued by an insurance company or financial institution authorized
to conduct business in this state, securing the applicant's or registrant's
faithful performance of all duties and obligations of a registrant.

      (A) The bond or letter of credit shall be payable to the office of the
state bank commissioner.

      (B) The terms of the bond or irrevocable letter of credit shall provide
that it may not be terminated without 30 days prior written notice to the

      (C) The bond or irrevocable letter of credit shall be available for the
recovery of expenses, fines and fees levied by the commissioner under
this act, and for losses or damages which are incurred by any borrower
or consumer as a result of the applicant's or registrant's failure to comply
with the requirements of this act.

      (2) Submit evidence that establishes, to the commissioner's satisfac-
tion, that the applicant or registrant shall at all times maintain a minimum
net worth of $50,000. Evidence of net worth shall include the submission
of a balance sheet accompanied by a written statement by an independent
certified public accountant attesting that the balance sheet has been re-
viewed in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.

      New Sec.  11. Except for those persons meeting the requirements of
K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 9-2202 and amendments thereto, a registrant shall not
pay compensation to, contract with or employ as an independent con-
tractor any person engaged in mortgage business who does not hold a
valid certificate of registration.

      New Sec.  12. (a) Within three business days of receipt a registrant
shall deposit all fees and money received from a borrower prior to the
time a loan is consummated in an escrow account in a bank, savings bank,
savings and loan association or credit union incorporated under the laws
of this state, or organized under the laws of the United States or another
state and which has a main or branch office in this state.

      (b) For each borrower the registrant shall maintain a separate record
of all money received for any service performed or to be performed,
including any payment to a third party, setting forth:

      (1) The date the money was received;

      (2) the amount of money received;

      (3) the date the money was deposited in the escrow account; and

      (4) the date, description, and justification for each disbursement.

      (c) Upon the request of a borrower, a copy of the record required by
subsection (b) shall be provided to the borrower:

      (1) Within five business days of consummation of the loan; or

      (2) within five business days of receipt of written notice of the bor-
rower's intention to withdraw from the loan transaction.

      New Sec.  13. All original documents provided to the registrant by
the borrower or at the expense of the borrower, including any appraisals,
are the property of the borrower and at the borrower's request, shall be
returned to the borrower without further expense if the loan is not con-

      New Sec.  14. (a) A registrant shall provide written notice to the com-
missioner within 10 business days of the occurrence of any of the follow-
ing events:

      (1)  A change in the registrant's main office address;

      (2) the opening, closing or relocation of any branch office of the reg-
istrant located in this state;

      (3) a change in the registrant's name or legal entity status; or

      (4) the addition of an officer, partner or director to the registrant's

      (b) The commissioner may request additional information concerning
any written notice received pursuant to subsection (a).

      New Sec.  15. (a) A registrant shall keep for at least 25 months copies
of all deposit receipts, canceled checks, trust account records, required
federal and state disclosures and other relevant documents or correspon-
dence received or prepared by the registrant in connection with a loan
or loan application. If the loan is not serviced by a registrant, the retention
period commences on the date the loan is closed or, if the loan is not
closed, the date of the loan application. If the loan is serviced by a reg-
istrant, the retention period commences on the date the loan is paid in
full or the date the registrant ceases to service the loan.

      (b) All books, records and any other documents held by the registrant
shall be made available for examination and inspection by the commis-
sioner or the commissioner's designee. Certified copies of all records not
kept within this state shall be delivered to the commissioner within three
business days of the date such documents are requested.

      New Sec.  16. Examination reports and correspondence regarding
the reports made by the commissioner or the commissioner's examiners
are confidential, except that the commissioner may release examination
reports and correspondence regarding the reports in connection with a
disciplinary proceeding conducted by the commissioner, a liquidation
proceeding or a criminal investigation or proceeding. Additionally, the
commissioner may furnish to federal or other state regulatory agencies
or any officer or examiner thereof, a copy of any or all examination reports
and correspondence regarding the reports made by the commissioner or
the commissioner's examiners.

      New Sec.  17. (a) If the commissioner determines after notice and
opportunity for a hearing pursuant to the Kansas administrative proce-
dure act that any registrant has engaged, is engaging or is about to engage
in any act or practice constituting a violation of any provision of this act
or any rule and regulation or order hereunder, the commissioner by order
may require any or all of the following:

      (1) That the registrant cease and desist from the unlawful act or prac-

      (2) that the registrant pay a fine not to exceed $5,000 per incident
for the unlawful act or practice; or

      (3) that the registrant take such affirmative action as in the judgment
of the commissioner will carry out the purposes of this act.

      (b) If the commissioner makes written findings of fact that the public
interest will be irreparably harmed by delay in issuing an order under
subsection (a), the commissioner may issue an emergency cease and desist

      (1) Such emergency order, even when not an order within the mean-
ing of K.S.A. 77-502, and amendments thereto, shall be subject to the
same procedures as an emergency order issued under K.S.A. 77-536, and
amendments thereto.

      (2) Upon the entry of such an emergency order, the commissioner
shall promptly notify the registrant subject to the order that it has been
entered, of the reasons, and that a hearing will be held upon written
request by the registrant.

      (3) If the registrant requests a hearing, or in the absence of any re-
quest, if the commissioner determines that a hearing should be held, the
matter will be set for a hearing which shall be conducted in accordance
with the provisions of the Kansas administrative procedure act. Upon
completion of the hearing the commissioner shall by written findings of
fact and conclusions of law vacate, modify or make permanent the emer-
gency order.

      (4) If no hearing is requested and none is ordered by the commis-
sioner, the emergency order will remain in effect until it is modified or
vacated by the commissioner.

      New Sec.  18. Whenever it appears to the commissioner that any per-
son has engaged or is about to engage in any act or practice constituting
a violation of any provision of this act or any rule and regulation or order
hereunder, the commissioner may bring an action in any court of com-
petent jurisdiction to enjoin the acts or practices and to enforce compli-
ance with this act or any rule and regulation or order hereunder. Upon a
proper showing, a permanent or temporary injunction, restraining order,
restitution, writ of mandamus or other equitable relief shall be granted
and a receiver or conservator may be appointed for the defendant or the
defendant's assets. The commissioner shall not be required to post a

      New Sec.  19. The provisions of K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 9-2201 through
9-2210, and amendments thereto, and sections 10 through 19, shall be
known and may be cited as the Kansas mortgage business act.

      Sec.  20. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 9-2201, 9-2202, 9-2203, 9-2204, 9-2205,
9-2206, 9-2207, 9-2208, and 9-2209 are hereby repealed.

      Sec.  21. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its
publication in the Kansas register.

I hereby certify that the above BILL originated in the
SENATE, and passed that body


SENATE concurred in
HOUSE amendments ______________________________

President of the Senate
Secretary of the Senate
Passed the HOUSE
     as amended ______________________________

Speaker of the House
Chief Clerk of the House
APPROVED ______________________________
