Session of 1999


      An  Act concerning school district finance; relating to the counting of preschool-aged at-
      risk pupils; increasing base state aid per pupil; affecting determination of at-risk, low
      enrollment, and correlation weightings; revising the definition of local effort; providing
      for state grants for educational services at certain juvenile detention facilities; relating
      to the school district general fund property tax levy; requiring a study of school district
      organization and configuration; amending K.S.A. 72-7108, 72-8703, 72-8704 and 72-
      8705 and K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 72-6407, 72-6410, 72-6412, 72-6414, 72-6430, 72-6431, 72-
      6442, 72-8187 and 79-201x and repealing the existing sections.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:

      Section  1. On July 1, 1999, K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 72-6407 shall be and
is hereby amended to read as follows: 72-6407. (a) "Pupil" means any
person who is regularly enrolled in a district and attending kindergarten
or any of the grades one through 12 maintained by the district or who is
regularly enrolled in a district and attending kindergarten or any of the
grades one through 12 in another district in accordance with an agree-
ment entered into under authority of K.S.A. 72-8233, and amendments
thereto, or who is regularly enrolled in a district and attending special
education services provided for preschool-aged exceptional children by
the district. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, a pupil in
attendance full time shall be counted as one pupil. A pupil in attendance
part time shall be counted as that proportion of one pupil (to the nearest
1/10) that the pupil's attendance bears to full-time attendance. A pupil
attending kindergarten shall be counted as 1/2 pupil. A pupil enrolled in
and attending an institution of postsecondary education which is author-
ized under the laws of this state to award academic degrees shall be
counted as one pupil if the pupil's postsecondary education enrollment
and attendance together with the pupil's attendance in either of the
grades 11 or 12 is at least 5/6 time, otherwise the pupil shall be counted
as that proportion of one pupil (to the nearest 1/10) that the total time of
the pupil's postsecondary education attendance and attendance in grade
11 or 12, as applicable, bears to full-time attendance. A pupil enrolled in
and attending an area vocational school, area vocational-technical school
or approved vocational education program shall be counted as one pupil
if the pupil's vocational education enrollment and attendance together
with the pupil's attendance in any of grades nine through 12 is at least 5/6
time, otherwise the pupil shall be counted as that proportion of one pupil
(to the nearest 1/10) that the total time of the pupil's vocational education
attendance and attendance in any of grades nine through 12 bears to full-
time attendance. A pupil enrolled in a district and attending special ed-
ucation services, except special education services for preschool-aged ex-
ceptional children, provided for by the district shall be counted as one
pupil. A pupil enrolled in a district and attending special education serv-
ices for preschool-aged exceptional children provided for by the district
shall be counted as 1/2 pupil. A preschool-aged at-risk pupil enrolled in a
district and receiving services under an approved at-risk pupil assistance
plan maintained by the district shall be counted as 1/2 pupil. A pupil in
the custody of the secretary of social and rehabilitation services and en-
rolled in unified school district No. 259, Sedgwick county, Kansas, but
housed, maintained, and receiving educational services at the Judge James
V. Riddel Boys Ranch, shall be counted as two pupils. A pupil residing at
the Flint Hills job corps center shall not be counted. A pupil confined in
and receiving educational services provided for by a district at a juvenile
detention facility shall not be counted. A pupil enrolled in a district but
housed, maintained, and receiving educational services at a state institu-
tion shall not be counted.

      (b) "Preschool-aged exceptional children" means exceptional chil-
dren, except gifted children, who have attained the age of three years but
are under the age of eligibility for attendance at kindergarten.

      (c) "At-risk pupils" means pupils who are eligible for free meals un-
der the national school lunch act and who are enrolled in a district which
maintains an approved at-risk pupil assistance plan.

      (d) "Preschool-aged at-risk pupil" means an at-risk pupil who has
attained the age of four years, is under the age of eligibility for attendance
at kindergarten, and has been selected by the state board in accordance
with guidelines consonant with guidelines governing the selection of pu-
pils for participation in head start programs. The state board shall select
not more than 1,350 1,794 preschool-aged at-risk pupils to be counted in
any school year.

      (e) "Enrollment" means, for districts scheduling the school days or
school hours of the school term on a trimestral or quarterly basis, the
number of pupils regularly enrolled in the district on September 20 plus
the number of pupils regularly enrolled in the district on February 20
less the number of pupils regularly enrolled on February 20 who were
counted in the enrollment of the district on September 20; and for dis-
tricts not hereinbefore specified, the number of pupils regularly enrolled
in the district on September 20. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if en-
rollment in a district in any school year has decreased from enrollment
in the preceding school year, enrollment of the district in the current
school year may be computed on the basis of means whichever is the
greater of (1) enrollment in the preceding school year minus enrollment
in such school year of preschool-aged at-risk pupils, if any such pupils
were enrolled, plus enrollment in the current school year of preschool-
aged at-risk pupils, if any such pupils are enrolled, or (2) the sum of
enrollment in the current school year of preschool-aged at-risk pupils, if
any such pupils are enrolled and the average (mean) of the sum of (A)
enrollment of the district in the current school year minus enrollment in
such school year of preschool-aged at-risk pupils, if any such pupils are
enrolled and (B) enrollment in the preceding school year minus enrollment
in such school year of preschool-aged at-risk pupils, if any such pupils
were enrolled and (C) enrollment in the school year next preceding the
preceding school year minus enrollment in such school year of preschool-
aged at-risk pupils, if any such pupils were enrolled.

      (f) "Adjusted enrollment" means enrollment adjusted by adding at-
risk pupil weighting, program weighting, low enrollment weighting, if any,
correlation weighting, if any, school facilities weighting, if any, ancillary
school facilities weighting, if any, and transportation weighting to enroll-

      (g) "At-risk pupil weighting" means an addend component assigned
to enrollment of districts on the basis of enrollment of at-risk pupils.

      (h) "Program weighting" means an addend component assigned to
enrollment of districts on the basis of pupil attendance in educational
programs which differ in cost from regular educational programs.

      (i) "Low enrollment weighting" means an addend component as-
signed to enrollment of districts having under 1,750 1,725 enrollment on
the basis of costs attributable to maintenance of educational programs by
such districts in comparison with costs attributable to maintenance of
educational programs by districts having 1,750 1,725 or over enrollment.

      (j) "School facilities weighting" means an addend component as-
signed to enrollment of districts on the basis of costs attributable to com-
mencing operation of new school facilities. School facilities weighting may
be assigned to enrollment of a district only if the district has adopted a
local option budget and budgeted therein the total amount authorized for
the school year. School facilities weighting may be assigned to enrollment
of the district only in the school year in which operation of a new school
facility is commenced and in the next succeeding school year.

      (k) "Transportation weighting" means an addend component as-
signed to enrollment of districts on the basis of costs attributable to the
provision or furnishing of transportation.

      (l) "Correlation weighting" means an addend component assigned to
enrollment of districts having 1,750 1,725 or over enrollment on the basis
of costs attributable to maintenance of educational programs by such
districts as a correlate to low enrollment weighting assigned to enrollment
of districts having under 1,750 1,725 enrollment.

      (m) "Ancillary school facilities weighting" means an addend compo-
nent assigned to enrollment of districts to which the provisions of K.S.A.
1998 Supp. 72-6441, and amendments thereto, apply on the basis of costs
attributable to commencing operation of new school facilities. Ancillary
school facilities weighting may be assigned to enrollment of a district only
if the district has levied a tax under authority of K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 72-
6441, and amendments thereto, and remitted the proceeds from such tax
to the state treasurer. Ancillary school facilities weighting is in addition
to assignment of school facilities weighting to enrollment of any district
eligible for such weighting.

      (n) "Juvenile detention facility" means any community juvenile cor-
rections center or facility, the Forbes Juvenile Attention Facility, the
Sappa Valley Youth Ranch of Oberlin, the Parkview Passages Residential
Treatment Center of Topeka, Charter Wichita Behavior Health System,
L.L.C. and Salvation Army/Koch Center Youth Services.

      Sec.  2. On July 1, 1999, K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 72-6410 shall be and is
hereby amended to read as follows: 72-6410. (a) "State financial aid"
means an amount equal to the product obtained by multiplying base state
aid per pupil by the adjusted enrollment of a district.

      (b) "Base state aid per pupil" means an amount of state financial aid
per pupil. Subject to the other provisions of this subsection, the amount
of base state aid per pupil is $3,720 $3,770 in the 1999-2000 school year
and $3,820 in the 2000-01 school year and in school years thereafter. The
amount of base state aid per pupil is subject to reduction commensurate
with any reduction under K.S.A. 75-6704, and amendments thereto, in
the amount of the appropriation from the state general fund for general
state aid. If the amount of appropriations for general state aid is insuffi-
cient to pay in full the amount each district is entitled to receive for any
school year, the amount of base state aid per pupil for such school year
is subject to reduction commensurate with the amount of the insuffi-

      (c) "Local effort" means the sum of an amount equal to the proceeds
from the tax levied under authority of K.S.A. 72-6431, and amendments
thereto, and an amount equal to any unexpended and unencumbered
balance remaining in the general fund of the district, except amounts
received by the district and authorized to be expended for the purposes
specified in K.S.A. 72-6430, and amendments thereto, and an amount
equal to any unexpended and unencumbered balances remaining in the
program weighted funds of the district, except any amount in the voca-
tional education fund of the district if the district is operating an area
vocational school, and an amount equal to any remaining proceeds from
taxes levied under authority of K.S.A. 72-7056 and 72-7072, and amend-
ments thereto, prior to the repeal of such statutory sections, and an
amount equal to the amount deposited in the general fund in the current
school year from amounts received in such year by the district under the
provisions of subsection (a) of K.S.A. 72-1046a, and amendments thereto,
and an amount equal to the amount deposited in the general fund in the
current school year from amounts received in such year by the district
pursuant to contracts made and entered into under authority of K.S.A.
72-6757, and amendments thereto, and an amount equal to the amount
credited to the general fund in the current school year from amounts
distributed in such year to the district under the provisions of articles 17
and 34 of chapter 12 of Kansas Statutes Annotated and under the pro-
visions of articles 42 and 51 of chapter 79 of Kansas Statutes Annotated,
and (1) for districts other than the district created by K.S.A. 72-5333a,
and amendments thereto, an amount equal to 75% of the federal impact
aid of a district and (2) for the district created by K.S.A. 72-5333a, and
amendments thereto, an amount equal to the federal impact aid of the

      (d) "Federal impact aid" means an amount equal to the federally
qualified percentage of the amount of moneys a district receives in the
current school year under the provisions of title I of public law 874 and
congressional appropriations therefor, excluding amounts received for as-
sistance in cases of major disaster and amounts received under the low-
rent housing program. The amount of federal impact aid defined herein
as an amount equal to the federally qualified percentage of the amount
of moneys provided for the district under title I of public law 874 shall
be determined by the state board in accordance with terms and conditions
imposed under the provisions of the public law and rules and regulations

      Sec.  3. On July 1, 1999, K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 72-6412 shall be and is
hereby amended to read as follows: 72-6412. The low enrollment weight-
ing of each district with under 1,750 1,725 enrollment shall be determined
by the state board as follows:

      (a) Determine the amount of the median budget per pupil for the
1991-92 school year of districts with 75-125 enrollment in such school

      (b) determine the amount of the median budget per pupil for the
1991-92 school year of districts with 200-399 enrollment in such school

      (c) determine the amount of the median budget per pupil for the
1991-92 school year of districts with 1,900 or over enrollment;

      (d) prescribe a schedule amount for each of the districts by preparing
a schedule based upon an accepted mathematical formula and derived
from a linear transition between (1) the median budgets per pupil deter-
mined under (a) and (b), and (2) the median budgets per pupil deter-
mined under (b) and (c). The schedule amount for districts with 0-99
enrollment is an amount equal to the amount of the median budget per
pupil determined under (a). The schedule amount for districts with 100-
299 enrollment is the amount derived from the linear transition under
(1). The schedule amount for districts with 300-1,899 enrollment is the
amount derived from the linear transition under (2);

      (e) for districts with 0-99 enrollment:

      (1) Subtract the amount determined under (c) from the amount de-
termined under (a);

      (2) divide the remainder obtained under (1) by the amount deter-
mined under (c);

      (3) multiply the quotient obtained under (2) by the enrollment of the
district in the current school year. The product is the low enrollment
weighting of the district;

      (f) for districts with 100-299 enrollment:

      (1) Subtract the amount determined under (c) from the schedule
amount of the district;

      (2) divide the remainder obtained under (1) by the amount deter-
mined under (c);

      (3) multiply the quotient obtained under (2) by the enrollment of the
district in the current school year. The product is the low enrollment
weighting of the district;

      (g) for districts with 300-1,749 300-1,724 enrollment:

      (1) Subtract the amount determined under (c) from the schedule
amount of the district;

      (2) divide the remainder obtained under (1) by the amount deter-
mined under (c);

      (3) multiply the quotient obtained under (2) by the enrollment of the
district in the current school year. The product is the low enrollment
weighting of the district.

      Sec.  4. On July 1, 1999, K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 72-6414 shall be and is
hereby amended to read as follows: 72-6414. The at-risk pupil weighting
of each district shall be determined by the state board by multiplying the
number of at-risk pupils included in enrollment of the district by .08 .09.
The product is the at-risk pupil weighting of the district.

      Sec.  5. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 72-6430 is hereby amended to read as
follows: 72-6430. Expenditures of a district for the following purposes are
not operating expenses:

      (a) Payments to another district in an adjustment of rights as provided
in K.S.A. 72-6776, and amendments thereto, or upon transfer of territory
as provided in K.S.A. 72-7105, 72-7106 or 72-7107, and amendments to
such sections, if paid from any fund other than the general fund.

      (b) Payments to another district under K.S.A. 72-7105a, and amend-
ments thereto.

      (c) The maintenance of student activities which are reimbursed.

      (d) Expenditures from any lawfully authorized fund of a district other
than its general fund.

      (e) The provision of educational services for pupils residing at the
Flint Hills job corps center or for pupils confined in a juvenile detention
facility for which the district is reimbursed by a grant of state moneys as
provided in K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 72-8187, and amendments thereto. As used
in this subsection, the term juvenile detention facility means any com-
munity juvenile corrections center or facility, the Forbes Juvenile Atten-
tion Facility, the Sappa Valley Youth Ranch of Oberlin, the Parkview
Passages Residential Treatment Center of Topeka, Charter Wichita Be-
havior Health System, L.L.C. and Salvation Army/Koch Center Youth

      (f) Programs financed in part or in whole by federal funds which may
be expended although not included in the budget of the district, excepting
funds received under the provisions of title I of public law 874 (but not
including in such exception amounts received for assistance in cases of
major disaster and amounts received under the low-rent housing pro-
gram), to the extent of the federal funds to be provided.

      Sec.  6. On July 1, 1999, K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 72-6431 shall be and is
hereby amended to read as follows: 72-6431. (a) The board of each district
shall levy an ad valorem tax upon the taxable tangible property of the
district in the school years specified in subsection (b) for the purpose of:

      (1) Financing that portion of the district's general fund budget which
is not financed from any other source provided by law;

      (2) paying a portion of the costs of operating and maintaining public
schools in partial fulfillment of the constitutional obligation of the legis-
lature to finance the educational interests of the state; and

      (3) with respect to any redevelopment district established prior to
July 1, 1997, pursuant to K.S.A. 12-1771, and amendments thereto, pay-
ing a portion of the principal and interest on bonds issued by cities under
authority of K.S.A. 12-1774, and amendments thereto, for the financing
of redevelopment projects upon property located within the district.

      (b) The tax required under subsection (a) shall be levied at a rate of
20 mills in the 1998-99 school year and in the 1999-2000 school year and
in the 2000-01 school year.

      (c) The proceeds from the tax levied by a district under authority of
this section, except the proceeds of such tax levied for the purpose of
paying a portion of the principal and interest on bonds issued by cities
under authority of K.S.A. 12-1774, and amendments thereto, for the fi-
nancing of redevelopment projects upon property located within the dis-
trict, shall be deposited in the general fund of the district.

      (d) On June 1 of each year, the amount, if any, by which a district's
local effort exceeds the amount of the district's state financial aid, as
determined by the state board, shall be remitted to the state treasurer.
Upon receipt of any such remittance, the state treasurer shall deposit the
same in the state treasury to the credit of the state school district finance

      (e) No district shall proceed under K.S.A. 79-1964, 79-1964a or 79-
1964b, and amendments to such sections.

      Sec.  7. On July 1, 1999, K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 72-6442 shall be and is
hereby amended to read as follows: 72-6442. The correlation weighting
of each district with 1,750 1,725 or over enrollment shall be determined
by the state board as follows:

      (a) Determine the schedule amount for a district with 1,750 1,725
enrollment as derived from the linear transition under (d) of K.S.A. 72-
6412, and amendments thereto, and subtract the amount determined
under (c) of K.S.A. 72-6412, and amendments thereto, from the schedule
amount so determined;

      (b) divide the remainder obtained under (a) by the amount deter-
mined under (c) of K.S.A. 72-6412, and amendments thereto, and mul-
tiply the quotient by the enrollment of the district in the current school
year. The product is the correlation weighting of the district.

      Sec.  8. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 72-8187 is hereby amended to read as
follows: 72-8187. (a) In each school year, to the extent that appropriations
are available, each school district which has provided educational services
for pupils residing at the Flint Hills job corps center or for pupils confined
in a juvenile detention facility or at the Forbes juvenile attention facility
is eligible to receive a grant of state moneys in an amount to be deter-
mined by the state board of education.

      (b) In order to be eligible for a grant of state moneys provided for by
this section, each school district which has provided educational services
for pupils residing at the Flint Hills job corps center or for pupils confined
in a juvenile detention facility or at the Forbes juvenile attention facility
shall submit to the state board of education an application for a grant and
shall certify the amount expended in the school year for the services
provided. The application and certification shall be prepared in such form
and manner as the state board shall require and shall be submitted at a
time to be determined and specified by the state board. Approval by the
state board of applications for grants of state moneys is prerequisite to
the award of grants.

      (c) Each school district which is awarded a grant under this section
shall make such periodic and special reports of statistical and financial
information to the state board as it may request.

      (d) All moneys received by a school district under authority of this
section shall be deposited in the general fund of the school district and
shall be considered reimbursement of the district for the purpose of the
school district finance and quality performance act.

      (e)  (1) The state board of education shall approve applications of
school districts for grants, determine the amount of grants and be re-
sponsible for payment of grants to school districts. In determining the
amount of a grant which a school district is eligible to receive, the state
board shall compute the amount of state financial aid the district would
have received on the basis of enrollment of pupils residing at the Flint
Hills job corps center or confined in a juvenile detention facility or at the
Forbes juvenile attention facility if such pupils had been counted as two
pupils under the school district finance and quality performance act and
compare such computed amount to the amount certified by the district
under subsection (b). The amount of the grant the district is eligible to
receive shall be an amount equal to the lesser of the amount computed
under this subsection or the amount certified under subsection (b). If the
amount of appropriations for the payment of grants under this section is
insufficient to pay in full the amount each school district is determined
to be eligible to receive for the school year, the state board shall prorate
the amount appropriated among all school districts which are eligible to
receive grants of state moneys in proportion to the amount each school
district is determined to be eligible to receive.

      (2) (f) As used in this subsection, the term section:

      (1) "Enrollment" means the number of pupils who are residing at the
Flint Hills job corps center or who are confined in a juvenile detention
facility or at the Forbes juvenile attention facility and for whom a school
district is providing educational services on September 20, on November
20, or on April 20 of a school year, whichever is the greatest number of
pupils; and

      (2) "juvenile detention facility" means any community juvenile cor-
rections center or facility, the Forbes Juvenile Attention Facility, the
Sappa Valley Youth Ranch of Oberlin, the Parkview Passages Residential
Treatment Center of Topeka, Charter Wichita Behavior Health System,
L.L.C. and Salvation Army/Koch Center Youth Services.

      Sec.  9. On July 1, 1999, K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 79-201x shall be and is
hereby amended to read as follows: 79-201x. For taxable years 1998 and
1999 and 2000, the following described property, to the extent herein
specified, shall be and is hereby exempt from the property tax levied
pursuant to the provisions of K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 72-6431, and amend-
ments thereto: Property used for residential purposes to the extent of
$20,000 of its appraised valuation.

      New Sec.  10. (a) The state board of education shall undertake a com-
prehensive study of the organization of school districts in this state to
determine if the public school system could be more efficiently and ef-
fectively operated under a different configuration. In making the study
of school district organization, the state board of education shall: (1) Re-
view grade level and school district enrollment and projected enrollment,
pupil transportation requirements including the distances pupils must
travel to attend the schools of a district and the proximity of schools in
adjoining districts with respect to pupils having lengthy bus commutes,
the capacity and condition of existing school facilities in each district,
communities of interest in matters such as commerce and tradition, prop-
erty tax bases of districts, and other matters deemed appropriate to the
study; (2) determine and document the existence of problems with re-
spect to matters reviewed and provide suggestions for solution or allevi-
ation of such problems; (3) envision a configuration of school districts that
would serve the needs of Kansas children, Kansas taxpayers, and Kansas
society in the most efficient and effective manner attainable and design
a comprehensive plan for attainment of such optimal configuration; (4)
formulate recommendations for actualization of the comprehensive plan
for attainment of the optimal school district configuration and for legis-
lation deemed necessary for actualization of the plan; and (5) present
findings of the study, the comprehensive plan for attainment of the op-
timal school district configuration, and recommendations with respect to
actualization of the plan to the committee on education of the house of
representatives and the committee on education of the senate on or be-
fore January 15, 2001.

      (b) The state board of education may establish advisory committees
and secure consultant services for assistance in performing the duties
imposed in the foregoing subsection.

      New Sec.  11. (a) For the purposes of the school district finance and
quality performance act, and notwithstanding any provision of the act to
the contrary, the term enrollment in the 1998-99 school year, as applied
to districts in which enrollment in such school year decreased from en-
rollment in the 1997-98 school year, means enrollment of the district in
the 1997-98 school year plus enrollment in the 1998-99 school year of
preschool-aged at-risk pupils, if any such pupils are enrolled.

      (b) The provisions of this section shall expire on June 30, 1999.

      New Sec.  12. For the purposes of the school district finance and
quality performance act, and notwithstanding any provision of the act to
the contrary, state financial aid for any district formed by consolidation
in accordance with the statutory provisions contained in article 87 of chap-
ter 72 of Kansas Statutes Annotated shall be computed by the state board
of education as follows:

      (a) Determine the amount in the school year preceding the school
year in which the consolidation is effectuated of the state financial aid of
each of the former districts of which the consolidated district is composed;

      (b) add the amounts determined under (a). The sum is the state fi-
nancial aid of the consolidated district for the school year in which the
consolidation is effectuated and for the next succeeding school year.

      Sec.  13. K.S.A. 72-7108 is hereby amended to read as follows: 72-
7108. (a) After May 1, 1965, Transfers of territory from one unified dis-
trict to another unified district shall be made only as follows: (1) (a) Upon
the written agreement of any two boards approved by the state board of
education, or (2) (b) upon order of the state board after petition therefor
by one board and a public hearing thereon conducted by the state board
of education. The effective date of any such transfer shall be the date of
approval thereof or order therefor issued by the state board of education
or the July 1 following. Notice of the public hearing on such a petition
shall be given by publication by the state board of education for two
consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the unified
district from which territory is to be transferred, the last publication to
be not more than 10 nor less than three days prior to the date of the
hearing. The notice shall state the time and place of the hearing and shall
give a summary description of the territory proposed to be transferred.
Within 90 days after receiving an agreement or, if a public hearing is held,
within 90 days after the hearing, the state board of education shall issue
its order either approving or disapproving such transfer petition or agree-
ment, or approving the same with such amendments as it deems appro-
priate. Whenever a petition for transfer of territory has been denied by
the state board of education, no petition for transfer of substantially the
same territory shall be received or considered by the state board of ed-
ucation for a period of two years.

      (b) No transfer shall be made under authority of this section which
causes any unified district to have territory which is not contiguous to the
other territory of such unified district. For the purpose of the school
unification acts, territory of a unified district is contiguous if all of the
parts thereof touch and adjoin at more than one point, except that no
unified district which has noncontiguous territory shall be invalidated by
this provision. The restrictions on transfer of territory imposed by this
subsection (b) shall not apply if the net effect of the transfer is not vio-
lative of such restrictions considering all territory transferred in the same
order or agreement.

      Sec.  14. K.S.A. 72-8703 is hereby amended to read as follows: 72-
8703. Agreements to consolidate under authority of this act shall provide
that such agreement shall be of no force or effect unless first approved
by the state board and is thereafter approved at a special election called
for the purpose in the territory which will comprise the consolidated
unified school district. The territory which will comprise the consolidated
unified school district may be noncontiguous.

      Sec.  15. K.S.A. 72-8704 is hereby amended to read as follows: 72-
8704. The territory of the consolidated unified school district shall be all
of the territory of the school districts being consolidated. The territory of
the school districts being consolidated may be noncontiguous. All of the
electors residing in the school districts being consolidated shall be entitled
to vote at such election. The proposition submitted shall be stated on the
ballot and in the notice of election in substantially the following words:
"Shall school districts ________ and ________ form a consolidated
unified school district?" and the blanks shall be filled with the names of
each of the school districts being consolidated. The county election officer
of the home county of the consolidated unified school district shall con-
duct the election. Laws applicable to question submitted elections in
school districts shall be applicable in the conduct of the elections provided
for under this section to the extent that the same are not in conflict

      Sec.  16. K.S.A. 72-8705 is hereby amended to read as follows: 72-
8705. Before any consolidated unified school district is finally approved
under this act, the results of the election shall be certified by the county
election officer in accordance with the determination of the county board
of canvassers of the home county of the consolidated unified school dis-
trict to the state board, and. If such election was favorable to consolidation
of the school districts, it the state board shall issue an order establishing
the unified school district. Such order shall specify the home county of
the unified school district and, assign a number thereto. It shall also and
describe the boundaries thereof. If the consolidated unified school district
is comprised of noncontiguous territory, the order of the state board shall
describe such territory.

      Sec.  17. On July 1, 1999, K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 72-6407, 72-6410, 72-
6412, 72-6414, 72-6431, 72-6442 and 79-201x shall be and are hereby

      Sec.  18. K.S.A. 72-7108, 72-8703, 72-8704 and 72-8705 and K.S.A.
1998 Supp. 72-6430 and 72-8187 are hereby repealed.

      Sec.  19. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its
publication in the Kansas register.

I hereby certify that the above BILL originated in the
SENATE, and passed that body


SENATE adopted
  Conference Committee Report ______________________________

President of the Senate
Secretary of the Senate

Passed the HOUSE
     as amended ______________________________

HOUSE adopted
  Conference Committee Report ______________________________

Speaker of the House
Chief Clerk of the House

APPROVED ______________________________
