Session 2000
Effective: July 1, 2000
An Act relating to property taxation; amending K.S.A. 1999 Supp.
74-2433, 74-2433f, 79-
201, 79-201j, 79-1448, 79-1476 and 79-1606 and
repealing the existing sections; also
repealing K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 79-5a01b.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:
Section 1. K.S.A. 1999 Supp.
74-2433 is hereby amended to read as
follows: 74-2433. (a) There is hereby created a state board of tax
referred to in this act as the board. The board shall be composed
of five
members who shall be appointed by the governor, subject to
by the senate as provided in K.S.A. 75-4315b, and amendments
After January 15, 1999, three of such members shall: (1) Have been
ularly admitted to practice law in the state of Kansas; and (2) for
a period
of at least five years, have engaged in the active practice of law
as a lawyer,
judge of a court of record or any other court in this state, or as
a certified
public accountant who has maintained registration as an active
with the Kansas supreme court, or any combination thereof. Except
provided by K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 46-2601, no person appointed to the
shall exercise any power, duty or function as a member of the board
confirmed by the senate. Not more than three members of the
shall be of the same political party. Members of the board shall be
dents of the state. Subject to the provisions of K.S.A. 75-4315c,
amendments thereto, one shall be appointed from each of the
sional districts of Kansas and the remainder from the state at
large. The
members of the board shall be selected with special reference to
and experience for duties imposed by this act and shall be
individuals with
legal, accounting or appraisal training and experience. Members
shall be
subject to the supreme court rules of judicial conduct applicable
to all
judges of the district court. The board shall be bound by the
doctrine of
stare decisis limited to published decisions of an appellate
court other
than a district court. Members shall hold office for terms of four
and until their successors are appointed and confirmed. Such terms
office shall expire on January 15 of the last year of such term. If
a vacancy
occurs on the board, the governor shall appoint a successor to fill
vacancy for the unexpired term. The governor shall select one of
its mem-
bers to serve as chairperson. The votes of three members shall be
quired for any action to be taken by the board. Meetings may be
by the chairperson and shall be called on request of a majority of
members of the board and when otherwise prescribed by statute.
(b) Any member of the state board of tax
appeals may be removed
by the governor for cause, after public hearing conducted in
with the provisions of the Kansas administrative procedure act.
(c) The state board of tax appeals shall
appoint, subject to approval
by the governor, an executive director of the board, to serve at
the plea-
sure of the board. The executive director shall: (1) Be in the
service under the Kansas civil service act; (2) devote full time to
executive director's assigned duties; (3) receive such compensation
determined by the board, subject to the limitations of
thereof; and (4) have familiarity with the tax appeals process
sufficient to
fulfill the duties of the office of executive director. The
executive director
shall perform such duties as directed by the board.
(d) Appeals decided by the state board of
tax appeals which are
deemed of sufficient importance to be published shall be
prepared and
delivered to the director of printing, who shall as
speedily as possible
print and publish such number of copies as shall be
specified published
by the board.
(e) After appointment, members of the
state board of tax appeals shall
complete the following course requirements: (1) A tested appraisal
of not less than 30 clock hours of instruction consisting of the
tals of real property appraisal with an emphasis on the cost and
approaches to value; (2) a tested appraisal course of not less than
30 clock
hours of instruction consisting of the fundamentals of real
property ap-
praisal with an emphasis on the income approach to value; (3) a
appraisal course of not less than 30 clock hours of instruction
with an
emphasis on mass appraisal; (4) an appraisal course with an
emphasis on
Kansas property tax laws and; (5) an appraisal course on the
and procedures for the valuation of state assessed properties with
an em-
phasis on unit valuation; and (6) a tested appraisal course on the
niques and procedures for the valuation of land devoted to
use pursuant to K.S.A. 79-1476, and amendments thereto. The
director shall adopt rules and regulations prescribing a timetable
for the
completion of the course requirements and prescribing continued
cation requirements for members of the board.
(f) The state board of tax appeals shall
have no capacity or power to
sue or be sued.
Sec. 2. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 74-2433f
is hereby amended to read as
follows: 74-2433f. On and after January 1, 1999, (a) There shall be
division of the state board of tax appeals known as the small
claims divi-
sion. Hearing officers appointed by the executive director shall
have au-
thority to hear and decide cases heard in the small claims
(b) The small claims division shall
have jurisdiction over hearing and
deciding applications for the refund of protested taxes under
the provi-
sions of K.S.A. 79-2005, and amendments thereto, and hearing and
ciding appeals from decisions rendered pursuant to the
provisions of
K.S.A. 79-1448, and amendments thereto, and of article 16 of
chapter 79
of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and acts amendatory thereof or
plemental thereto, with regard to single-family residential
property. The
filing of an appeal with the small claims division shall be a
for filing an appeal with the state board of tax appeals for
appeals in-
volving single-family residential property.
(c) At the election of the
taxpayer, the small claims division shall have
jurisdiction over: (1) Any appeal of a decision, finding, order or
ruling of
the director of taxation, except an appeal, finding, order or
ruling relating
to an assessment issued pursuant to K.S.A. 79-5201 et seq.,
and amend-
ments thereto, in which the amount of tax in controversy does not
$15,000; (2) hearing and deciding applications for the refund of
taxes under the provisions of K.S.A. 79-2005, and amendments
where the value of the property, other than property devoted to
tural use, is less than $2,000,000 as reflected on the valuation
notice or
the property constitutes single family residential
property; or (3) hearing
and deciding appeals from decisions rendered pursuant to the
of K.S.A. 79-1448, and amendments thereto, and of article 16
or 17 of
chapter 79 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and acts amendatory
or supplemental thereto, other than those relating to land devoted
agricultural use, wherein the value of the property is less than
as reflected on the valuation notice or the property
constitutes single
family residental property.
(c) (d) In
accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 74-2438, and
amendments thereto, any party may elect to appeal any application
decision referenced in subsection (b) to the state board of tax
Except as provided in subsection (b) regarding single-family
property, the filing of an appeal with the small claims
division shall not
be a prerequisite for filing an appeal with the state board of tax
under this section. Final decisions of the small claims division
may be
appealed to the state board of tax appeals. An appeal of a decision
of the
small claims division to the state board of tax appeals shall be
de novo.
(d) (e) A
taxpayer shall commence a proceeding in the small claims
division by filing a notice of appeal in the form prescribed by the
of the state board of tax appeals which shall state the nature of
the tax-
payer's claim. Notice of appeal shall be provided to the
appropriate unit
of government named in the notice of appeal by the taxpayer. In
valuation appeal or tax protest commenced pursuant to articles 14
and 20
of chapter 79 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and amendments
the hearing shall be conducted in the county where the property is
or a county adjacent thereto. In any appeal from a final
determination by
the secretary of revenue, the hearing shall be conducted in the
county in
which the taxpayer resides or a county adjacent thereto.
(e) (f) The
hearing in the small claims division shall be informal. The
hearing officer may hear any testimony and receive any evidence
hearing officer deems necessary or desirable for a just
determination of
the case. A hearing officer shall have the authority to administer
oaths in
all matters before the hearing officer. All testimony shall be
given under
oath. A party may appear personally or may be represented by an
a certified public accountant, a certified general appraiser, a
tax repre-
sentative or agent, a member of the taxpayer's immediate
family or an
authorized employee of the taxpayer. A county or unified
may be represented by the county appraiser, designee of the
county ap-
praiser, county attorney or counselor or other representatives
so desig-
nated. No transcript of the proceedings shall be kept.
(f) (g) The
hearing in the small claims division shall be conducted
within 60 days after the appeal is filed in the small claims
division unless
such time period is waived by the taxpayer. A decision shall
be rendered
by the hearing officer within 30 days after the hearing is
concluded and,
in cases arising from appeals described by subsections (b) and
(c)(2) and
(3), shall be accompanied by a written explanation of the
reasoning upon
which such decision is based. Documents provided by a
taxpayer or
county or district appraiser shall be returned to the taxpayer or
the county
or district appraiser by the hearing officer and shall not become a
part of
the board's permanent records. Documents provided to the hearing
ficer shall be confidential and may not be disclosed, except as
specifically provided.
(g) (h) With
regard to any matter properly submitted to the division
relating to the determination of valuation of property for taxation
poses, it shall be the duty of the county appraiser to initiate the
of evidence to demonstrate, by a preponderance of the evidence,
validity and correctness of such determination. No presumption
shall exist
in favor of the county appraiser with respect to the validity and
of such determination.
Sec. 3. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 79-201 is
hereby amended to read as fol-
lows: 79-201. The following described property, to the extent
herein spec-
ified, shall be and is hereby exempt from all property or ad
valorem taxes
levied under the laws of the state of Kansas:
First. All buildings used exclusively
as places of public worship and all
buildings used exclusively by school districts and school district
cooperatives organized under the laws of this state, with the
furniture and
books therein contained and used exclusively for the accommodation
religious meetings or for school district or school district
interlocal co-
operative purposes, whichever is applicable, together with the
owned thereby if not leased or otherwise used for the realization
of profit,
except that: (a) (1) Any school building, or portion thereof,
together with
the grounds upon which the building is located, shall be considered
to be
used exclusively by the school district for the purposes of this
when leased by the school district to any political or taxing
subdivision of
the state, including a school district interlocal cooperative, or
to any as-
sociation, organization or nonprofit corporation entitled to tax
with respect to such property; and (2) any school building,
together with
the grounds upon which the building is located, shall be considered
to be
used exclusively by a school district interlocal cooperative for
the purposes
of this section when being acquired pursuant to a lease-purchase
ment; and (b) any building, or portion thereof, used as a place of
together with the grounds upon which the building is located, shall
considered to be used exclusively for the religious purposes of
this section
when used as a not-for-profit day care center for children which is
censed pursuant to K.S.A. 65-501 et seq., and amendments
thereto, or
when used to house an area where the congregation of a church
and others may purchase tracts, books and other items relating to
promulgation of the church society's religious doctrines.
Second. All real property, and all
tangible personal property, actually
and regularly used exclusively for literary, educational,
scientific, relig-
ious, benevolent or charitable purposes, including property used
sively for such purposes by more than one agency or organization
for one
or more of such exempt purposes. Except with regard to real
which is owned by a religious organization, is to be used
exclusively for
religious purposes and is not used for a nonexempt purpose prior to
exclusive use for religious purposes which property shall be deemed
be actually and regularly used exclusively for religious purposes
for the
purposes of this paragraph, this exemption shall not apply to such
erty, not actually used or occupied for the purposes set forth
herein, nor
to such property held or used as an investment even though the
or rentals received therefrom is used wholly for such literary,
scientific, religious, benevolent or charitable purposes. In the
event any
such property which has been exempted pursuant to the preceding
tence is not used for religious purposes prior to its conveyance
results in its use for nonreligious purposes, there shall be a
of property taxes in an amount equal to the tax which would have
levied upon such property except for such exemption for all taxable
for which such exemption was in effect. Such recoupment tax shall
come due and payable in such year as provided by K.S.A. 79-2004,
amendments thereto. A lien for such taxes shall attach to the real
subject to the same on November 1 in the year such taxes become
and all such taxes remaining due and unpaid after the date
prescribed for
the payment thereof shall be collected in the manner provided by
law for
the collection of delinquent taxes. Moneys collected from the
tax hereunder shall be credited by the county treasurer to the
taxing subdivisions within which such real property is located in
the pro-
portion that the total tangible property tax levies made in the
year for each such taxing subdivision bear to the total of all such
made in that year by all such taxing subdivisions. Such moneys
shall be
credited to the general fund of the taxing subdivision or if such
subdivision is making no property tax levy for the support of a
fund such moneys may be credited to any other tangible property
fund of general application of such subdivision. This exemption
shall not
be deemed inapplicable to property which would otherwise be
pursuant to this paragraph because an agency or organization: (a)
Is re-
imbursed for the provision of services accomplishing the purposes
merated in this paragraph based upon the ability to pay by the
of such services; or (b) is reimbursed for the actual expense of
using such
property for purposes enumerated in this paragraph; or (c) uses
property for a nonexempt purpose which is minimal in scope and
stantial in nature if such use is incidental to the exempt purposes
of this
paragraph; or (d) charges a reasonable fee for admission to
cultural or
educational activities or permits the use of its property for such
by a related agency or organization, if any such activity is in
of the purposes of this paragraph.
Third. All moneys and credits belonging
exclusively to universities, col-
leges, academies or other public schools of any kind, or to
religious, lit-
erary, scientific or benevolent and charitable institutions or
appropriated solely to sustain such institutions or associations,
not ex-
ceeding in amount or in income arising therefrom the limit
by the charter of such institution or association.
Fourth. The reserve or emergency funds
of fraternal benefit societies
authorized to do business under the laws of the state of
Fifth. All buildings of private
nonprofit universities or colleges which
are owned and operated by such universities and colleges as student
buildings, presidents' homes and student dormitories.
Sixth. All real and tangible personal
property actually and regularly
used exclusively by the alumni association associated by its
articles of
incorporation with any public or nonprofit Kansas college or
approved by the Kansas board of regents to confer academic degrees
with any community college approved by its board of trustees to
certificates of completion of courses or curriculum, to provide
modations and services to such college or university or to the
alumni, staff
or faculty thereof.
Seventh. All parsonages owned by a
church society and actually and
regularly occupied and used predominantly as a residence by a
or other clergyman of such church society who is actually and
engaged in conducting the services and religious ministrations of
society, and the land upon which such parsonage is located to the
necessary for the accommodation of such parsonage.
Eighth. All real property, all
buildings located on such property and all
personal property contained therein, actually and regularly used
sively by any individually chartered organization of honorably
military veterans of the United States armed forces or auxiliary of
such organization, which is exempt from federal income taxation
to section 501(c)(19) of the federal internal revenue code of 1986,
clubhouse, place of meeting or memorial hall purposes, and real
to the extent of not more than two acres, and all buildings located
such property, actually and regularly used exclusively by any such
ans' organization or its auxiliary as a memorial park.
Ninth. All real property and tangible
personal property actually and
regularly used by a community service organization for the
purpose of providing humanitarian services, which is owned and
by a corporation organized not for profit under the laws of the
state of
Kansas or by a corporation organized not for profit under the laws
another state and duly admitted to engage in business in this state
as a
foreign not-for-profit corporation if: (a) The directors of such
serve without pay for such services; (b) the corporation is
operated in a
manner which does not result in the accrual of distributable
profits, re-
alization of private gain resulting from the payment of
compensation in
excess of a reasonable allowance for salary or other compensation
services rendered or the realization of any other form of private
gain; (c)
no officer, director or member of such corporation has any
interest in the property for which exemption is claimed; (d) the
ration is organized for the purpose of providing humanitarian
(e) the actual use of property for which an exemption is claimed
must be
substantially and predominantly related to the purpose of providing
manitarian services, except that, the use of such property for a
purpose which is minimal in scope and insubstantial in nature shall
result in the loss of exemption if such use is incidental to the
purpose of
providing humanitarian services by the corporation; (f) the
corporation is
exempt from federal income taxation pursuant to section 501(c)(3)
of the
internal revenue code of 1986 and; (g) contributions to the
are deductible under the Kansas income tax act. As used in this
"humanitarian services" means the conduct of activities which
tially and predominantly meet a demonstrated community need and
which improve the physical, mental, social, cultural or spiritual
welfare of
others or the relief, comfort or assistance of persons in distress
or any
combination thereof including but not limited to health and
services, child care, individual and family counseling, employment
training programs for handicapped persons and meals or feeding
grams. Notwithstanding any other provision of this clause, motor
shall not be exempt hereunder unless such vehicles are exclusively
for the purposes described therein, except that the use of any
such vehicle
for the purpose of participating in a coordinated transit
district in ac-
cordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 75-5032 through 75-5037,
amendments thereto, or K.S.A. 75-5051 through 75-5058, and
ments thereto, shall be deemed as exclusive use.
Tenth. For all taxable years commencing
after December 31, 1986, any
building, and the land upon which such building is located to the
necessary for the accommodation of such building, owned by a church
nonprofit religious society or order which is exempt from federal
taxation pursuant to section 501(c)(3) of the federal internal
revenue code
of 1986, and actually and regularly occupied and used exclusively
residential and religious purposes by a community of persons who
bound by vows to a religious life and who conduct or assist in the
of religious services and actually and regularly engage in
religious, be-
nevolent, charitable or educational ministrations or the
performance of
health care services.
Eleventh. For all taxable years
commencing after December 31, 1998,
all real property upon which is located
facilities which utilize renewable
energy resources or technologies for the purpose and as the
means to produce and generate electricity and which is used
nantly for such purpose, to the extent necessary to
accommodate such
facilities, and all tangible personal property which
comprises such facili-
ties actually and regularly used predominantly
to produce and generate
electricity utilizing renewable energy resources or
technologies. For pur-
poses of this section, "renewable energy resources or technologies"
include wind, solar, thermal, photovoltaic, biomass, hydropower,
thermal and landfill gas resources or technologies. For
purposes of val-
uation of property subject to valuation under K.S.A.
79-5a01 et seq.,
amendments thereto, the value of the exempt property set
forth in this
clause shall be removed from the unit value prior to
apportionment under
K.S.A. 79-5a25, and amendments thereto.
The provisions of this section, except as
otherwise more specifically
provided, shall apply to all taxable years commencing after
December 31,
Sec. 4. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 79-201j
is hereby amended to read as fol-
lows: 79-201j. The following described property, to the extent
by this section, shall be exempt from all property or ad valorem
levied under the laws of the state of Kansas:
(a) All farm machinery and equipment. The
term "farm machinery
and equipment" means that personal property actually and regularly
in any farming or ranching operation. The term "farm machinery
equipment" shall include: (1) Machinery and equipment
comprising a
natural gas distribution system which is owned and operated by a
profit public utility described by K.S.A. 66-104c, and
thereto, and which is operated predominantly for the purpose of
ing fuel for the irrigation of land devoted to agricultural use;
and (2) any
greenhouse which is not permanently affixed to real estate and
which is
used for a farming or ranching operation. The term "farming
or ranching
operation" shall include the operation of a feedlot
and, the performing
of farm or ranch work for hire and the planting, cultivating and
of nursery or greenhouse products, or both, for sale or
resale. The term
"farm machinery and equipment" shall not include any passenger
truck, truck tractor, trailer, semitrailer or pole trailer, other
than a farm
trailer, as the terms are defined by K.S.A. 8-126 and amendments
The provisions of this subsection shall apply
to all taxable years com-
mencing after December 31, 1998 1999.
(b) (1) All aquaculture machinery
and equipment. The term "aqua-
culture machinery and equipment" means that personal property
and regularly used in any aquaculture operation. The term
operation" shall include the feeding out of aquatic plants and
breeding, growing or rearing aquatic plants and animals; and
selling or
transporting aquatic plants and animals. The term "aquaculture
ery and equipment" shall not include any passenger vehicle, truck,
tractor, trailer, semitrailer or pole trailer.
(2) All Christmas tree machinery and
equipment. The term "Christ-
mas tree machinery and equipment" means that personal property
tually and regularly used in any Christmas tree operation. The
"Christmas tree operation" shall include the planting, cultivating
and har-
vesting of Christmas trees; and selling or transporting Christmas
The term "Christmas tree machinery and equipment" shall not
any passenger vehicle, truck, truck tractor, trailer, semitrailer
or pole
The provisions of this subsection shall apply
to all taxable years com-
mencing after December 31, 1992.
Sec. 5. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 79-1448
is hereby amended to read as
follows: 79-1448. Any taxpayer may complain or appeal to the
appraiser from the classification or appraisal of the taxpayer's
property by
giving notice to the county appraiser within 30 days subsequent to
date of mailing of the valuation notice required by K.S.A. 79-1460,
amendments thereto, for real property, and on or before May 15
personal property. The county appraiser or the appraiser's designee
arrange to hold an informal meeting with the aggrieved taxpayer
reference to the property in question. At such meeting it shall be
the duty
of the county appraiser or the county appraiser's designee to
initiate pro-
duction of evidence to substantiate the valuation of such property,
cluding the affording to the taxpayer of the opportunity to review
the data
sheet of comparable sales utilized in the determination of such
The county appraiser may extend the time in which the taxpayer
informally appeal from the classification or appraisal of the
property for just and adequate reasons. Except as provided in
K.S.A. 79-
1404, and amendments thereto, no informal meeting regarding real
erty shall be scheduled to take place after May 15, nor shall a
final de-
termination be given by the appraiser after May 20. Any
determination shall be accompanied by a written explanation of
the rea-
soning upon which such determination is based when such
is not in favor of the taxpayer. Any taxpayer who is
aggrieved by the final
determination of the county appraiser may appeal to the hearing
or panel appointed pursuant to K.S.A. 79-1611, and amendments
and such hearing officer, or panel, for just cause shown and
recorded, is
authorized to change the classification or valuation of specific
tracts or
individual items of real or personal property in the same manner
for in K.S.A. 79-1606, and amendments thereto. In lieu of appealing
a hearing officer or panel appointed pursuant to K.S.A. 79-1611,
amendments thereto, any taxpayer aggrieved by the final
of the county appraiser, except with regard to land devoted to
use, wherein the value of the property, is less than $2,000,000, as
on the valuation notice, or the property constitutes single family
tial property, may appeal to the small claims division of the state
of tax appeals within the time period prescribed by K.S.A. 79-1606,
amendments thereto. Any taxpayer who is aggrieved by the final
mination of a hearing officer or panel may appeal to the state
board of
tax appeals as provided in K.S.A. 79-1609, and amendments thereto.
informal meeting with the county appraiser or the appraiser's
shall be a condition precedent to an appeal to the county or
district hear-
ing panel.
Sec. 6. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 79-1606
is hereby amended to read as
follows: 79-1606. (a) The county or district appraiser, hearing
officer or
panel and arbitrator shall adopt, use and maintain the following
the form and method of use of which shall be prescribed by the
of property valuation: (1) Appeal form, (2) hearing docket, and (3)
of cases, including the disposition thereof.
(b) The county clerk shall furnish appeal
forms to any taxpayer who
desires to appeal the final determination of the county or district
as provided in K.S.A. 79-1448, and amendments thereto. Any such
shall be in writing and filed with the county clerk within 18 days
of the
date that the final determination of the appraiser was mailed to
the tax-
(c) The hearing officer or panel shall
hear and determine any appeal
made by any taxpayer or such taxpayer's agent or attorney. All such
ings shall be held in a suitable place in the county or district.
evening and Saturday hearings shall be provided as shall be
necessary to
hear all parties making requests for hearings at such times.
(d) Every appeal so filed shall be set
for hearing by the hearing officer
or panel, which hearing shall be held on or before July 1, and the
officer or panel shall have no authority to be in session
thereafter, except
as provided in K.S.A. 79-1404, and amendments thereto. The county
shall notify each appellant and the county or district appraiser of
the date
for hearing of the taxpayer's appeal at least 10 days in advance of
hearing. It shall be the duty of the county or district appraiser
to initiate
the production of evidence to demonstrate, by a preponderance of
evidence, the validity and correctness of the classification or
appraisal of
residential property or real property used for commercial and
purposes, except that no such duty shall accrue with regard to
commercial and industrial property unless the property owner has
nished to the county or district appraiser a complete income and
statement for the property for the three years next proceeding the
of appeal. No presumption shall exist in favor of the county or
appraiser with respect to the validity or correctness of any such
cation or valuation. Every such appeal shall be determined by order
the hearing officer or panel, and such which
shall be accompanied by a
written explanation of the reasoning upon which such order is
based. Such
order shall be recorded in the minutes of such hearing officer or
on or before July 5. Such recorded orders and minutes shall be open
public inspection. Notice as to disposition of the appeal shall be
by the county clerk to the taxpayer and the county or district
within five days after the determination.
Sec. 7. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 79-1476
is hereby amended to read as
follows: 79-1476. The director of property valuation is hereby
and empowered to administer and supervise a statewide program of
appraisal of all real property located within the state. Except as
authorized by K.S.A. 19-428, and amendments thereto, each county
comprise a separate appraisal district under such program, and the
appraiser shall have the duty of reappraising all of the real
property in
the county pursuant to guidelines and timetables prescribed by the
rector of property valuation and of updating the same on an annual
In the case of multi-county appraisal districts, the district
appraiser shall
have the duty of reappraising all of the real property in each of
the coun-
ties comprising the district pursuant to such guidelines and
and of updating the same on an annual basis. Commencing in 2000,
parcel of real property shall be actually viewed and inspected by
county or district appraiser once every six years. Any county or
appraiser shall be deemed to be in compliance with the foregoing
quirement in any year if 17% or more of the parcels in such county
district are actually viewed and inspected.
Compilation of data for the initial
preparation or updating of invento-
ries for each parcel of real property and entry thereof into the
state com-
puter system as provided for in K.S.A. 79-1477, and amendments
shall be completed not later than January 1, 1989. Whenever the
determines that reappraisal of all real property within a county is
plete, notification thereof shall be given to the governor and to
the state
board of tax appeals.
Valuations shall be established for each
parcel of real property at its
fair market value in money in accordance with the provisions of
79-503a, and amendments thereto.
In addition thereto valuations shall be
established for each parcel of
land devoted to agricultural use upon the basis of the agricultural
or productivity attributable to the inherent capabilities of such
land in its
current usage under a degree of management reflecting median
tion levels in the manner hereinafter provided. A classification
system for
all land devoted to agricultural use shall be adopted by the
director of
property valuation using criteria established by the United States
ment of agriculture soil conservation service. For all taxable
years com-
mencing after December 31, 1989, all land devoted to agricultural
which is subject to the federal conservation reserve program shall
classified as cultivated dry land for the purpose of valuation for
tax purposes pursuant to this section. For all taxable years
after December 31, 1999, all land devoted to agricultural use
which is
subject to the federal wetlands reserve program shall be
classified as native
grassland for the purpose of valuation for property tax purposes
to this section. Productivity of land devoted to
agricultural use shall be
determined for all land classes within each county or homogeneous
based on an average of the eight calendar years immediately
the calendar year which immediately precedes the year of valuation,
at a
degree of management reflecting median production levels. The
of property valuation shall determine median production levels
based on
information available from state and federal crop and livestock
services, the soil conservation service, and any other sources of
data that
the director considers appropriate.
The share of net income from land in the
various land classes within
each county or homogeneous region which is normally received by
landlord shall be used as the basis for determining agricultural
for all land devoted to agricultural use except pasture or
rangeland. The
net income normally received by the landlord from such land shall
determined by deducting expenses normally incurred by the
from the share of the gross income normally received by the
The net rental income normally received by the landlord from
pasture or
rangeland within each county or homogeneous region shall be used
the basis for determining agricultural income from such land. The
rental income from pasture and rangeland which is normally received
the landlord shall be determined by deducting expenses normally
curred from the gross income normally received by the landlord.
modity prices, crop yields and pasture and rangeland rental rates
expenses shall be based on an average of the eight calendar years
mediately preceding the calendar year which immediately precedes
year of valuation. Net income for every land class within each
county or
homogeneous region shall be capitalized at a rate determined to be
sum of the contract rate of interest on new federal land bank loans
Kansas on July 1 of each year averaged over a five-year period
includes the five years immediately preceding the calendar year
immediately precedes the year of valuation, plus a percentage not
than .75% nor more than 2.75%, as determined by the director of
erty valuation.
Based on the foregoing procedures the director
of property valuation
shall make an annual determination of the value of land within each
the various classes of land devoted to agricultural use within each
or homogeneous region and furnish the same to the several county
praisers who shall classify such land according to its current
usage and
apply the value applicable to such class of land according to the
schedules prepared and adopted by the director of property
under the provisions of this section.
It is the intent of the legislature that
appraisal judgment and appraisal
standards be followed and incorporated throughout the process of
collection and analysis and establishment of values pursuant to
this sec-
For the purpose of the foregoing provisions of
this section the phrase
"land devoted to agricultural use" shall mean and include land,
of whether it is located in the unincorporated area of the county
or within
the corporate limits of a city, which is devoted to the production
of plants,
animals or horticultural products, including but not limited to:
grains and feed crops; dairy animals and dairy products; poultry
and poul-
try products; beef cattle, sheep, swine and horses; bees and apiary
ucts; trees and forest products; fruits, nuts and berries;
vegetables; nurs-
ery, floral, ornamental and greenhouse products. Land devoted
agricultural use shall not include those lands which are used for
tional purposes, other than that land established as a controlled
area pursuant to K.S.A. 32-943, and amendments thereto, which shall
deemed to be land devoted to agricultural use, suburban residential
ages, rural home sites or farm home sites and yard plots whose
function is for residential or recreational purposes even though
such prop-
erties may produce or maintain some of those plants or animals
listed in
the foregoing definition.
The term "expenses" shall mean those expenses
typically incurred in
producing the plants, animals and horticultural products described
including management fees, production costs, maintenance and
ciation of fences, irrigation wells, irrigation laterals and real
estate taxes,
but the term shall not include those expenses incurred in providing
porary or permanent buildings used in the production of such
animals and horticultural products.
The provisions of this act shall not be
construed to conflict with any
other provisions of law relating to the appraisal of tangible
property for
taxation purposes including the equalization processes of the
county and
state board of tax appeals.
Sec. 8. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 74-2433,
74-2433f, 79-201, 79-201j, 79-
5a01b, 79-1448, 79-1476 and 79-1606 are hereby repealed.
Sec. 9. This act shall take effect and
be in force from and after its
publication in the statute book.