Session of 1999
An Act relating to property taxation;
concerning the correction of clerical errors; concern-
ing the appeals and valuation process;
relating to exemptions; amending K.S.A. 79-201c,
79-1437f, 79-1460, 79-1476, 79-1701, 79-1701a
and 79-1702 and K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 79-
1448 and repealing the existing sections.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of
Section 1. K.S.A. 79-201c is hereby
amended to read as follows: 79-
201c. The following described property, to the extent herein
shall be and is hereby exempt from all property or ad valorem taxes
under the laws of the state of Kansas:
First. The wearing apparel of every
Second. All household goods and
personal effects not used for the pro-
duction of income. The terms household goods and personal effects
used in this act, except as otherwise specifically provided, shall
all items of furniture, cooking utensils, refrigerators, deep
freezers, wash-
ing and drying machines, dishwashers, stoves, ranges, ironers,
cleaners, sewing machines, radios, record players, television sets,
and hobby equipment used in or about the home, fishing equipment
including boats), bicycles, yard and garden equipment, firearms,
clubs, photographic equipment, jewelry, luggage, musical
and air conditioners if not a part of the central
heating and air condition-
ing system, sailboards and pick-up truck shells. For the
purposes of this
paragraph, household goods and personal effects shall not be deemed
be used for the production of income when used in the home for
care home purposes if such home has been registered or licensed
suant to K.S.A. 65-501 et seq., and amendments
Third. All lands used exclusively as
The provisions of this section shall apply to
all taxable years commenc-
ing after December 31, 1976 1998.
Sec. 2. K.S.A. 79-1437f is hereby
amended to read as follows: 79-
1437f. The Except as otherwise provided by
K.S.A. 79-1460, and amend-
ments thereto, contents of the real estate sales
validation questionnaire
shall be made available only to the following people for the
purposes listed
(a) County officials for cooperating with
and assisting the director of
property valuation in developing the information as provided for in
79-1487, and amendments thereto;
(b) any property owner, or the owner's
representative, for prosecut-
ing an appeal of the valuation of such owner's property or for
whether to make such an appeal, but access shall be limited to the
tents of those questionnaires concerning the same constitutionally
scribed subclass of property as that of such owner's property;
(c) the county appraiser and appraisers
employed by the county for
the appraisal of property located within the county;
(d) appraisers licensed or certified
pursuant to K.S.A. 58-4101 et seq.,
and amendments thereto, for appraisal of property and preparation
appraisal reports;
(e) financial institutions for conducting
appraisals as required by fed-
eral and state regulators;
(f) the county appraiser or the
appraiser's designee, hearing officers
or panels appointed pursuant to K.S.A. 79-1602 or 79-1611, and
ments thereto, and the state board of tax appeals for conducting
appeal proceedings;
(g) the board of county commissioners for
conducting any of the
board's statutorily prescribed duties; and
(h) the director of property valuation
for conducting any of the di-
rector's statutorily prescribed duties.
Sec. 3. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 79-1448
is hereby amended to read as
follows: 79-1448. Any taxpayer may complain or appeal to the
appraiser from the classification or appraisal of the taxpayer's
property by
giving notice to the county appraiser within 30 days subsequent to
date of mailing of the valuation notice required by K.S.A. 79-1460,
amendments thereto, for real property, and on or before May 15
personal property. The county appraiser or the appraiser's designee
arrange to hold an informal meeting with the aggrieved taxpayer
reference to the property in question. At such meeting it shall be
the duty
of the county appraiser or the county appraiser's designee to
initiate pro-
duction of evidence to substantiate the valuation of such
property, in-
cluding the affording to the taxpayer of the opportunity to
review the data
sheet of comparable sales utilized in the determination of such
The county appraiser may extend the time in which the taxpayer
informally appeal from the classification or appraisal of the
property for just and adequate reasons. Except as provided in
K.S.A. 79-
1404, and amendments thereto, no informal meeting regarding real
erty shall be scheduled to take place after May 15, nor shall a
final de-
termination be given by the appraiser after May 20. Any taxpayer
who is
aggrieved by the final determination of the county appraiser may
to the hearing officer or panel appointed pursuant to K.S.A.
79-1611, and
amendments thereto, and such hearing officer, or panel, for just
shown and recorded, is authorized to change the classification or
of specific tracts or individual items of real or personal property
in the
same manner provided for in K.S.A. 79-1606, and amendments
In lieu of appealing to a hearing officer or panel appointed
pursuant to
K.S.A. 79-1611, and amendments thereto, any taxpayer aggrieved by
final determination of the county appraiser, except with regard to
devoted to agricultural use, wherein the value of the property, is
less than
$2,000,000, as reflected on the valuation notice, or the property
tutes single family residential property, may appeal to the small
division of the state board of tax appeals within the time period
by K.S.A. 79-1606, and amendments thereto. Any taxpayer who is
grieved by the final determination of a hearing officer or panel
may appeal
to the state board of tax appeals as provided in K.S.A. 79-1609,
amendments thereto. An informal meeting with the county appraiser
the appraiser's designee shall be a condition precedent to an
appeal to
the county or district hearing panel.
Sec. 4. K.S.A. 79-1460 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 79-
1460. (a) The county appraiser shall notify each taxpayer
in the county
annually on or before March 1 for real property and May 1 for
property, by mail directed to the taxpayer's last known address, of
classification and appraised valuation of the taxpayer's property,
that, the valuation for all real property shall not be increased
unless: (a)
(1) The record of the latest physical inspection was
reviewed by the county
or district appraiser, and documentation exists to support such
in valuation in compliance with the directives and specifications
of the
director of property valuation, and such record and documentation
available to the affected taxpayer; and (b)
(2) for the taxable year next
following the taxable year that the valuation for real property has
reduced due to a final determination made pursuant to the
appeals process, documented substantial and compelling reasons
therefor and are provided by the county appraiser. For the purposes
this section and in the case of real property, the term
``taxpayer'' shall be
deemed to be the person in ownership of the property as indicated
the records of the office of register of deeds or county clerk.
Such notice
shall specify separately both the previous and current appraised
and as-
sessed values for each property class identified on the parcel.
Such notice
shall also contain the uniform parcel identification number
prescribed by
the director of property valuation. Such notice shall also contain
a state-
ment of the taxpayer's right to appeal
and, the procedure to be followed
in making such appeal and the availability without charge of
the guide
devised pursuant to subsection (b). Such notice may,
and if the board of
county commissioners so require, shall provide the parcel
number, address and the sale date and amount of any or all
sales utilized
in the determination of appraised value of residential real
property. In
any year in which no change in appraised valuation of any real
from its appraised valuation in the next preceding year is
determined, an
alternative form of notification which has been approved by the
of property valuation may be utilized by a county. Failure to
timely mail
or receive such notice shall in no way invalidate the
classification or ap-
praised valuation as changed. The secretary of revenue shall adopt
and regulations necessary to implement the provisions of this
(b) For all taxable years commencing
after December 31, 1999, there
shall be provided to each taxpayer, upon request, a guide to
the property
tax appeals process. The director of the division of property
shall devise and publish such guide, and shall provide
sufficient copies
thereof to all county appraisers. Such guide shall include but
not be lim-
ited to: (1) A restatement of the law which pertains to the
process and
practice of property appraisal methodology, including the
contents of
K.S.A. 79-503a and 79-1460, and amendments thereto; (2) the
of the appeals process, including the order and burden of proof
of each
party and time frames required by law; and (3) such other
deemed necessary to educate and enable a taxpayer to properly
and com-
petently pursue an appraisal appeal.
Sec. 5. K.S.A. 79-1476 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 79-
1476. The director of property valuation is hereby directed and
ered to administer and supervise a statewide program of reappraisal
all real property located within the state. Except as otherwise
by K.S.A. 19-428, and amendments thereto, each county shall
a separate appraisal district under such program, and the county
shall have the duty of reappraising all of the real property in the
pursuant to guidelines and timetables prescribed by the director of
erty valuation and of updating the same on an annual basis. In the
of multi-county appraisal districts, the district appraiser shall
have the
duty of reappraising all of the real property in each of the
counties com-
prising the district pursuant to such guidelines and timetables and
updating the same on an annual basis. Commencing in
1994 2000, every
parcel of real property shall be actually viewed and inspected by
county or district appraiser once every four
six years. Any county or dis-
trict appraiser shall be deemed to be in compliance with the
requirement in any year if 25% 17% or
more of the parcels in such county
or district are actually viewed and inspected.
Compilation of data for the initial
preparation or updating of invento-
ries for each parcel of real property and entry thereof into the
state com-
puter system as provided for in K.S.A. 79-1477, and amendments
shall be completed not later than January 1, 1989. Whenever the
determines that reappraisal of all real property within a county is
plete, notification thereof shall be given to the governor and to
the state
board of tax appeals.
Valuations shall be established for each
parcel of real property at its
fair market value in money in accordance with the provisions of
79-503a, and amendments thereto.
In addition thereto valuations shall be
established for each parcel of
land devoted to agricultural use upon the basis of the agricultural
or productivity attributable to the inherent capabilities of such
land in its
current usage under a degree of management reflecting median
tion levels in the manner hereinafter provided. A classification
system for
all land devoted to agricultural use shall be adopted by the
director of
property valuation using criteria established by the United States
ment of agriculture soil conservation service. For all taxable
years com-
mencing after December 31, 1989, all land devoted to agricultural
which is subject to the federal conservation reserve program shall
classified as cultivated dry land for the purpose of valuation for
tax purposes pursuant to this section. Productivity of land devoted
agricultural use shall be determined for all land classes within
each county
or homogeneous region based on an average of the eight calendar
immediately preceding the calendar year which immediately precedes
year of valuation, at a degree of management reflecting median
tion levels. The director of property valuation shall determine
production levels based on information available from state and
crop and livestock reporting services, the soil conservation
service, and
any other sources of data that the director considers
The share of net income from land in the
various land classes within
each county or homogeneous region which is normally received by
landlord shall be used as the basis for determining agricultural
for all land devoted to agricultural use except pasture or
rangeland. The
net income normally received by the landlord from such land shall
determined by deducting expenses normally incurred by the
from the share of the gross income normally received by the
The net rental income normally received by the landlord from
pasture or
rangeland within each county or homogeneous region shall be used
the basis for determining agricultural income from such land. The
rental income from pasture and rangeland which is normally received
the landlord shall be determined by deducting expenses normally
curred from the gross income normally received by the landlord.
modity prices, crop yields and pasture and rangeland rental rates
expenses shall be based on an average of the eight calendar years
mediately preceding the calendar year which immediately precedes
year of valuation. Net income for every land class within each
county or
homogeneous region shall be capitalized at a rate determined to be
sum of the contract rate of interest on new federal land bank loans
Kansas on July 1 of each year averaged over a five-year period
includes the five years immediately preceding the calendar year
immediately precedes the year of valuation, plus a percentage not
than .75% nor more than 2.75%, as determined by the director of
erty valuation.
Based on the foregoing procedures the director
of property valuation
shall make an annual determination of the value of land within each
the various classes of land devoted to agricultural use within each
or homogeneous region and furnish the same to the several county
praisers who shall classify such land according to its current
usage and
apply the value applicable to such class of land according to the
schedules prepared and adopted by the director of property
under the provisions of this section.
It is the intent of the legislature that
appraisal judgment and appraisal
standards be followed and incorporated throughout the process of
collection and analysis and establishment of values pursuant to
this sec-
For the purpose of the foregoing provisions of
this section the phrase
"land devoted to agricultural use" shall mean and include land,
of whether it is located in the unincorporated area of the county
or within
the corporate limits of a city, which is devoted to the production
of plants,
animals or horticultural products, including but not limited to:
grains and feed crops; dairy animals and dairy products; poultry
and poul-
try products; beef cattle, sheep, swine and horses; bees and apiary
ucts; trees and forest products; fruits, nuts and berries;
vegetables; nurs-
ery, floral, ornamental and greenhouse products. Land devoted
agricultural use shall not include those lands which are used for
tional purposes, other than that land established as a controlled
area pursuant to K.S.A. 32-943, and amendments thereto, which shall
deemed to be land devoted to agricultural use, suburban residential
ages, rural home sites or farm home sites and yard plots whose
function is for residential or recreational purposes even though
such prop-
erties may produce or maintain some of those plants or animals
listed in
the foregoing definition.
The term "expenses" shall mean those expenses
typically incurred in
producing the plants, animals and horticultural products described
including management fees, production costs, maintenance and
ciation of fences, irrigation wells, irrigation laterals and real
estate taxes,
but the term shall not include those expenses incurred in providing
porary or permanent buildings used in the production of such
animals and horticultural products.
The provisions of this act shall not be
construed to conflict with any
other provisions of law relating to the appraisal of tangible
property for
taxation purposes including the equalization processes of the
county and
state board of tax appeals.
Sec. 6. K.S.A. 79-1701 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 79-
1701. The county clerk shall, prior to November 1, correct the
clerical errors in the assessment and tax rolls for the current
year, which
are discovered prior to such date:
(a) Errors in the description or quantity
of real estate listed;
(b) errors in extensions of
values or taxes whereby a taxpayer is
charged with unjust taxes;
(c) errors which have
caused improvements to be assessed upon real
estate when no such improvements were in existence;
(d) (c) errors
whereby improvements located upon one tract or lot of
real estate have been assessed as being upon another tract or
(e) (d) errors
whereby taxes have been charged upon property which
the state board of tax appeals has specifically declared to be
exempt from
taxation under the constitution or laws of the state;
(f) (e) errors
whereby the taxpayer has been assessed twice in the
same year for the same property in one or more taxing districts in
(g) (f) errors
whereby the assessment of either real or personal prop-
erty has been assigned to a taxing district in which the property
did not
have its taxable situs; and
(h) (g) errors
whereby the values or taxes are understated or over-
stated as a result of a mathematical
mistake miscomputation on the part
of the county.
Sec. 7. K.S.A. 79-1701a is hereby
amended to read as follows: 79-
1701a. Any taxpayer, the county appraiser or the county clerk
shall, on
their own motion, request the board of county commissioners to
the correction of the clerical errors in the appraisal, assessment
or tax
rolls as described in K.S.A. 79-1701, and amendments thereto. The
of county commissioners of the several counties are hereby
authorized to
order the correction of clerical errors, specified in K.S.A.
79-1701, and
amendments thereto, in the appraisal, assessment or tax rolls for
the cur-
rent year and the immediately preceding two years during the period
and after November 1 of each year. If a county treasurer has
and distributed the property taxes of a taxpayer and it shall
thereafter be
determined that the tax computed and paid was based on an
assessment due to a clerical error which resulted in an overpayment
taxes by the taxpayer, and such error is corrected under the
hereof then the county commissioners may direct a refund in the
of the overpayment plus interest at the rate prescribed by K.S.A.
and amendments thereto, from the date of payment from tax
collected during the current year and approve a claim therefor. If
all or
any portion of the taxes on such property remain unpaid, the board
county commissioners shall cancel that portion of such unpaid taxes
were assessed on the basis of the error which is being corrected.
In lieu
of taking such a refund the taxpayer may, at the taxpayer's option,
allowed a credit on the current year's taxes in the amount of the
payment plus interest at the rate prescribed by K.S.A. 79-2968,
amendments thereto, from the date of payment for the previous year.
the event the error results in an understatement of value or taxes
as a
result of a mathematical mistake
miscomputation on the part of the
county, the board of county commissioners of the several counties
hereby authorized to correct such error and order an additional
ment or tax bill, or both, to be issued, except that, in no such
case shall
the taxpayer be assessed interest or penalties on any tax which may
assessed. If such error applies to property which has been sold or
erwise transferred subsequent to the time the error was made, no
additional assessment or tax bill shall be issued.
Sec. 8. K.S.A. 79-1702 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 79-
1702. If any taxpayer or any,
municipality or taxing district shall have a
grievance not remediable described under
the provisions of K.S.A. 79-
1701 or 79-1701a, and amendments thereto, which is not
thereunder solely because not reported within the time
prescribed therein,
or which was remediable thereunder and reported to the proper
or officials within the time prescribed but which has not been
by such official or officials, such grievance may be presented to
the state
board of tax appeals and if it shall be satisfied from competent
produced that there is a real grievance, it may direct that the
same be
remedied either by canceling the tax, if uncollected, together with
penalties charged thereon, or if the tax has been paid, by ordering
refund of the amount found to have been unlawfully charged and
lected and interest at the rate prescribed by K.S.A. 79-2968, and
ments thereto, minus two percentage points.
In all cases where property has been
acquired by the state, a political
subdivision or an institution exempt from general property
taxation, the
general property tax for all the years prior to 1975 that
are unpaid on the
taking effect of this act shall be canceled and abated upon
proper appli-
cation hereunder.
In all cases where the identical property
owned by any taxpayer has
been assessed for the current tax year in more than one county in
state, the board is hereby given authority to determine which
county is
entitled to the assessment of the property and to charge legal
thereon, and if the taxes have been paid in a county not entitled
the board is hereby empowered to direct the authorities of the
which has so unlawfully collected the taxes to refund the same to
taxpayer with all penalties charged thereon.
No tax grievance shall be considered by the
board of tax appeals unless
the same is filed within three four years
from the date the tax would have
become a lien on real estate, except that the board shall
have the au-
thority, upon a finding of excusable neglect or undue
hardship, to waive
the limitations period, and that in no event shall the
board order a refund
of taxes, pursuant to the authority granted herein, that
extends back more
than three years from the date of the most recent tax year
without the
aggrieved person showing proof of a unanimous vote by the
board of
county commissioners recommending the same. Such vote shall
be taken
at a regularly scheduled meeting of the board of county
and filed with the state board of tax appeals. In any
county, such board,
upon the adoption of a resolution so providing, may elect
to recommend
any such tax refund upon a majority vote.
In all cases where an error results in an
understatement of values or
taxes as a result of a mathematical
mistake miscomputation on the part
of a county, the board of tax appeals, if it shall be satisfied
from competent
evidence produced that there is an understatement as a result of a
error, may order an additional assessment or tax bill, or both, to
be issued
so that the proper value of the property in question is reflected,
that, in no such case shall the taxpayer be assessed interest or
on any tax which may be assessed. No increase shall be ordered to
such error that extends back more than two years from the date of
most recent tax year. If such error applies to property which has
sold or otherwise transferred subsequent to the time the error was
no such additional assessment or tax bill shall be issued.
Errors committed in the valuation and
assessment process that are not
specifically enumerated described in
K.S.A. 79-1701, and amendments
thereto, shall be remediable only under the provisions of K.S.A.
and amendments thereto.
Sec. 9. K.S.A. 79-201c, 79-1437f, 79-1460,
79-1476, 79-1701, 79-
1701a and 79-1702 and K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 79-1448 are hereby
Sec. 10. This act shall take effect and be in
force from and after its
publication in the statute book.
I hereby certify that the above BILL originated in the
SENATE, and passed that body
SENATE adopted
Conference Committee Report
Passed the HOUSE
as amended ______________________________
HOUSE adopted
Conference Committee Report
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APPROVED ______________________________
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