Session of 1999
An Act concerning the secretary of
health and environment; enacting the residential child-
hood lead poisoning prevention act; rescinding
the expiration date for school health
assessments; amending K.S.A. 1998 Supp.
72-5214 and repealing the existing section.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of
Section 1. K.S.A. 1998 Supp.
72-5214 is hereby amended to read as
follows: 72-5214. (a) As used in this section:
(1) ``School board'' means the board of
education of a school district
and the governing authority of any nonpublic school;
(2) ``school'' means all elementary
schools within the state;
(3) ``local health department'' means any
county or joint board of
health having jurisdiction over the place where any pupil affected
by this
section may reside;
(4) ``secretary'' means the secretary of
health and environment;
(5) ``physician'' means a person licensed
to practice medicine and
(6) ``nurse'' means a person licensed to
practice professional nursing;
(7) ``health assessment'' means a health
history, physical examination
and such screening tests as are medically indicated to determine
ability, vision ability, nutrition adequacy and appropriate growth
and de-
(8) ``clinic'' means an indigent health
care clinic as defined by K.S.A.
75-6102 and amendments thereto.
(b) Subject to the provisions of
subsection (d) and subsection (g), on
and after July 1, 1994, every pupil up to the age of nine years who
not previously enrolled in any school in this state, prior to
admission to
and attendance in school, shall present to the appropriate school
the results of a health assessment, pursuant to subsection (g),
which as-
sessment shall have been conducted within 12 months of school entry
a nurse who has completed the department of health and
training and certification, by a physician or by a person acting
under the
direction of a physician. Information contained in the health
shall be confidential and shall not be disclosed or made public
that necessary under this section except that: (1) Information
in the health assessment may be disclosed to school board personnel
only to the extent necessary to administer this section and protect
health of the pupil; (2) if a medical emergency exists, the
contained in the health assessment may be disclosed to medical
to the extent necessary to protect the health of the pupil; (3) if
the parent
or guardian of a pupil under 18 years of age consents to the
disclosure of
the information contained in the health assessment or, if the pupil
is 18
years of age or older, if the pupil consents to the disclosure of
the infor-
mation; and (4) if no person can be identified in the information
to be
disclosed and the disclosure is for statistical purposes.
(c) As an alternative to the health
assessment required under sub-
section (b), a pupil shall present:
(1) A written statement signed by one
parent or guardian that the
child is an adherent of a religious denomination whose religious
are opposed to such assessments; or
(2) a written statement signed by one
parent or guardian that such
assessment will be scheduled and completed within 90 days after
sion to school.
(d) Prior to the commencement of each
school year, the school board
of every school affected by this section shall give to all known
pupils who
will be enrolling in the school and who are subject to the
of subsection (b) or (c)(1) and (2), a copy of any policy regarding
implementation of the provisions of this section adopted by the
(e) If a pupil transfers from one school
to another, the school board
of the school from which the pupil transfers shall forward with the
transcript, upon request of the parent or guardian of the pupil
the results of the health assessment showing evidence of compliance
the requirements of this section to the school board of the school
to which
the pupil transfers.
(f) Local health departments and clinics
may charge a sliding fee for
providing such health assessments based on ability to pay and no
shall be denied the health assessment due to inability to pay. The
health officer shall counsel and advise local school boards on the
istration of this section. The secretary may adopt rules and
regulations to
award grants to assist local health departments and clinics in
such health assessments, consistent with state appropriations.
(g) The secretary may adopt rules and
regulations necessary to carry
out the provisions of this section, but shall not prescribe a form
on which
the results of health assessments are reported.
(h) The school board of every school
affected by this section may
exclude from school attendance, or by policy adopted by any such
board authorize any certificated employee or committee of
employees to exclude from school attendance, any pupil who is
to and who has not complied with the requirements of subsection (b)
(c). A pupil shall be subject to exclusion from school attendance
this section until such time as the pupil shall have complied with
requirements of subsection (b) or (c). The policy shall include
for written notice to be given to the parent or guardian of the
pupil. The notice shall indicate the reason for the exclusion from
attendance, state that the pupil shall continue to be excluded
until the
pupil has complied with the requirements of subsection (b) or (c)
inform the parent or guardian that a hearing thereon shall be
the parent or guardian upon request for a hearing.
(i) The provisions of K.S.A. 72-1111 and
amendments thereto do not
apply to any pupil while excluded from school attendance under the
visions of subsection (h).
(j) The provisions of this
section shall expire on July 1, 1999.
New Sec. 2. Sections 2 to 16,
inclusive, of this act shall be known
and may be cited as the residential childhood lead poisoning
New Sec. 3. Definitions. As used in
the residential childhood lead
poisoning prevention act:
(a) ``Abatement'' means any measure or
set of measures designed to
permanently eliminate lead-based paint hazards as defined in the
(b) ``Accredited training program'' means
a training program that has
been accredited by the federal program or the secretary to present
ing courses to individuals engaged in lead-based paint
(c) ``Business entity'' means a company,
partnership, corporation, sole
proprietorship, association, or other business concern.
(d) ``Certificate'' means an
authorization issued by the secretary per-
mitting an individual to engage in lead-based paint activities.
(e) ``Federal program'' means subpart L,
lead-based paint activities
of 40 CFR part 745, as in effect on the effective date of this
(f) ``Lead-based paint'' means paint or
other surface coatings that
contain lead equal to or in excess of one milligram per square
or more than 0.5% by weight.
(g) ``Lead-based paint activities'' means
the inspection, assessment
and abatement of lead-based paint, including the disposal of waste
erated therefrom.
(h) ``License'' means an authorization
issued by the secretary per-
mitting a business entity to engage in lead-based paint
(i) ``Public agency'' means any state
agency or political or taxing sub-
division of the state and those federal departments, agencies or
mentalities thereof which are not subject to preemption.
(j) ``Secretary'' means the secretary of
health and environment.
(k) ``Residential dwelling'' means a
detached single family dwelling
or a single family dwelling unit in a structure that contains more
than one
separate residential dwelling unit used as a place of residence for
tation by an individual or the individual's immediate family, or
(l) ``Habitation'' means a place of abode
or residence constructed be-
fore 1978 where individuals eat, sleep and reside.
(m) ``Immediate family'' means spouse,
parent, stepparent, child,
stepchild or sibling.
New Sec. 4. The secretary shall
administer the provisions of the res-
idential childhood lead poisoning prevention act. In administering
provisions of the residential childhood lead poisoning prevention
act, the
secretary shall be authorized to:
(a) Develop and implement a childhood
lead poisoning prevention
program as necessary to protect the health of the children of
which may include provisions to:
(1) Investigate the extent of childhood
lead poisoning in Kansas;
(2) develop a data management system
designed to collect and ana-
lyze information on childhood lead poisoning;
(3) develop and conduct programs to
educate health care providers
regarding the magnitude and severity of and the necessary responses
lead poisoning in Kansas;
(4) issue recommendations for the methods
and intervals for blood
lead screening and testing of children, taking into account
dations by the United States centers for disease control and
except that no child shall be screened or tested if the child's
parent or
guardian objects in writing on the ground that such screening or
is contrary to the parent's or guardian's religious beliefs and
(5) develop and issue health advisories
urging health care providers
to conduct blood lead screening of children;
(6) encourage health care providers to
ensure that parents and guard-
ians of children are advised of the availability and advisability
of screening
and testing for lead poisoning;
(7) develop a program to assist local
health departments in identifi-
cation and follow-up of cases of elevated blood lead levels in
children and
other high-risk individuals; and
(8) in consultation with appropriate
federal, state and local agencies,
develop a comprehensive public education program regarding
mental lead exposures and lead poisoning by:
(A) Identifying appropriate target groups
that are in a position to
prevent lead poisoning or reduce the number of children who are
to lead;
(B) assessing the information needed for
each of the target groups
and determine the best means of educating the members of each
groups; and
(C) disseminating the information to the
target groups in an effective
(b) adopt rules and regulations necessary
for the administration of
the residential childhood lead poisoning prevention act including,
but not
limited to, licensure of business entities and public agencies,
of individuals, accreditation of training programs, on-site
inspections and
requirements, notification and record keeping, procedures and
practice standards relating to lead-based paint activities as are
to protect the public health and safety;
(c) adopt by rules and regulations a
reasonable schedule of fees for
the issuance and renewal of certificates and licenses, training
accreditations and on-site inspections. The fees shall be
periodically in-
creased or decreased consistent with the need to cover the direct
indirect costs to administer the program. At no time shall such
fees exceed
those charged by the United States environmental protection agency
the same or similar regulatory programs. The fees shall be based
the amount of revenue determined by the secretary to be required
proper administration of the provisions of the residential
childhood lead
poisoning prevention act. State and local health department
certifying for the purpose of environmental investigation of lead
children shall be exempted from licensure fees;
(d) conduct on-site inspections of
procedures being utilized by a li-
censee during an actual abatement project and conduct inspection of
records pertaining to the residential childhood lead poisoning
(e) adopt rules and regulations regarding
the distribution of lead haz-
ard information to owners and occupants of housing prior to
renovation activities in housing;
(f) develop rules and regulations to
control and disposition and reuse
of architectural debris that contains lead-based paint.
New Sec. 5. (a) A business entity
or public agency shall not engage
in a lead-based paint activity unless the business entity or public
holds a license issued by the secretary for that purpose.
(b) Except as otherwise provided in the
residential childhood lead
poisoning prevention act, no individual shall engage in lead-based
activities unless the individual holds a certificate issued by the
for that purpose. In order to qualify for a certificate, an
individual must
have successfully completed an accredited training program and pass
third party exam as required by the secretary. Any individual who
and resides in a residential dwelling may perform lead-based paint
ities within such residential dwelling even though such individual
not hold a certificate for that purpose under the residential
lead poisoning prevention act. All work performed by such
owner of a residential dwelling must be performed in accordance
state and federal guidelines or statutes, or both.
(c) Any business or public agency that
owns or leases a nonresidential
dwelling may perform lead-based paint activities within such
facility even
though such business or public agency does not hold a license for
purpose under the residential childhood lead poisoning prevention
All work performed by a business or public agency on such facility
be performed in accordance with state and federal guidelines or
or both.
New Sec. 6. In order to qualify for
a license, a business entity or
public agency shall:
(a) Ensure that each employee or agent of
the business entity or pub-
lic agency who will engage in a lead-based paint activity is
(b) demonstrate to the satisfaction of
the secretary that the business
entity or public agency is capable of complying with all
procedures and standards of the United States environmental
agency, the United States occupational safety and health
and the secretary, as applicable, to lead-based paint
(c) comply with all rules and regulations
adopted by the secretary
under the residential childhood lead poisoning prevention act;
(d) allow representatives of the
secretary, after identification, to enter
and inspect any habitation or property on which a habitation is
at any reasonable time with consent of the owner or under search
for the purpose of inspecting lead-based paint activities as
required in
order to implement provisions of the residential childhood lead
prevention act.
New Sec. 7. The secretary shall
remit all moneys received from the
fees established pursuant to the residential childhood lead
poisoning pre-
vention act to the state treasurer at least monthly. Upon receipt
of each
remittance, the state treasurer shall deposit the entire amount
thereof in
the lead-based paint hazard fee fund established in section 8 and
ments thereto.
New Sec. 8. (a) There is
established in the state treasury the lead-
based paint hazard fee fund. Revenue from the following sources
be deposited in the state treasury and credited to the fund:
(1) Fees collected under the residential
childhood lead poisoning pre-
vention act for licensure and certification to engage in lead-based
activities, accreditation of training programs and fees for
evaluation of
abatement projects;
(2) any moneys recovered by the state
under the residential childhood
lead poisoning prevention act, including administrative expenses,
penalties and moneys paid under any agreement, stipulation or
(3) any moneys collected or received from
public or private grants
and from gifts and donations; and
(4) interest attributable to investment
of moneys in the fund.
(b) Moneys deposited in the fund shall be
expended only for the
purpose of administering the residential childhood lead poisoning
vention act and for no other governmental purposes.
(c) On or before the 10th day of each
month, the director of accounts
and reports shall transfer from the state general fund to the
paint hazard fee fund interest earnings based on:
(1) The average daily balance of moneys
in the lead-based paint haz-
ard fee fund for the preceding month; and
(2) the net earnings rate of the pooled
money investment portfolio
for the preceding month.
(d) All expenditures from the fund shall
be made in accordance with
appropriation acts upon warrants of the director of accounts and
issued pursuant to vouchers approved by the secretary for the
set forth in this section.
New Sec. 9. (a) The secretary may
refuse to issue a license or may
suspend or revoke any license issued under the residential
childhood lead
poisoning prevention act if the secretary finds, after notice and
conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Kansas
procedure act, that the applicant or licensee has:
(1) Fraudulently or deceptively obtained
or attempted to obtain a
(2) failed at any time to meet the
qualifications for a license or to
comply with any rules and regulations adopted by the secretary
under the
residential childhood lead poisoning prevention act;
(3) failed at any time to meet any
applicable federal or state standard
for lead-based paint activities; or
(4) employed or permitted an uncertified
individual to work on a
lead-based paint activity.
(b) The secretary may refuse to issue a
certificate or may suspend or
revoke any certificate issued under the residential childhood lead
ing prevention act if the secretary finds, after notice and hearing
ducted in accordance with the provisions of the Kansas
procedure act, that the applicant for certificate or certificate
holder has:
(1) Fraudulently or deceptively obtained
or attempted to obtain a
certificate; or
(2) failed at any time to meet
qualifications for a certificate or to
comply with any provision or requirement of the residential
lead poisoning prevention act or any rules and regulations adopted
by the
secretary under the residential childhood lead poisoning prevention
(c) The secretary may deny, suspend or
revoke any accreditation of
a training program under the residential childhood lead poisoning
vention act if the secretary finds, after notice and hearing
conducted in
accordance with the provisions of the Kansas administrative
act, that the applicant for training program accreditation or
training pro-
vider has:
(1) Fraudulently or deceptively obtained
or attempted to obtain ac-
creditation of a training program;
(2) failed at any time to meet the
qualifications to obtain accreditation
of a training program or to comply with any rules and regulations
by the secretary under the residential childhood lead poisoning
tion act;
(3) failed to maintain or provide
information on training programs;
(4) falsified information, accreditation
or approval records, instructor
qualification information or other accreditation or approval
required to be submitted by the secretary.
(d) Any individual, business entity or
accredited training program ag-
grieved by a decision or order of the secretary may appeal the
order or
decision in accordance with the provisions of the act for judicial
and civil enforcement of agency actions.
(e) (1) If the secretary finds that
the public health or safety is en-
dangered by the continuation of an abatement project, the secretary
temporarily suspend, without notice or hearing in accordance with
emergency adjudication procedures of the provisions of the Kansas
ministrative procedure act, the license of the business entity or
agency or the certificate of any person engaging in such abatement
(2) In no case shall a temporary
suspension of a license or certificate
under this section be in effect for a period of time in excess of
90 days.
At the end of such period of time, the license or certificate shall
be re-
instated unless the secretary has suspended or revoked the license
certificate, after notice and hearing in accordance with the
provisions of
the residential childhood lead poisoning prevention act, or the
license has
expired as otherwise provided under the residential childhood lead
soning prevention act.
New Sec. 10. Whenever an authorized
agency of the secretary finds
that any individual, business entity, accredited program or public
is not in compliance with the residential childhood lead poisoning
vention act or any rules and regulations adopted under the
childhood lead poisoning prevention act, it shall be the duty of
such agent
to notify the individual, business entity, accredited program or
agency in writing of such changes or alterations as the agency
shall deem
necessary in order to comply with the requirements of the
childhood lead poisoning prevention act and any rules and
adopted under the residential childhood lead poisoning prevention
and the agency shall file a copy of such notice with the secretary.
It shall
thereupon be the duty of the individual, business entity,
accredited pro-
gram or public agency to make such changes or alterations as are
tained in the written notice within five days from the receipt of
New Sec. 11. Any individual,
business entity, public agency or ac-
credited training program which knowingly violates any provision of
residential childhood lead poisoning prevention act or any rules
and reg-
ulations adopted under the residential childhood lead poisoning
tion act is guilty:
(a) For a first offense, of a class C
misdemeanor; and
(b) for a second offense or subsequent
offense, of a class B misde-
New Sec. 12. (a) Any individual,
business entity, accredited training
program or public agency who violates any provision of the
childhood lead poisoning prevention act or any rules and
adopted under the residential childhood lead poisoning prevention
in addition to any other penalty or litigation provided by law, may
a civil penalty imposed under subsection (b) in a maximum amount
to exceed $1,000 for the first violation, $5,000 for each
subsequent vio-
lation and, in the case of a continuing violation, every day such
notified violation continues shall be deemed a separate
(b) The secretary, upon finding that any
individual, business entity,
accredited training program or public agency has violated any
of the residential childhood lead poisoning prevention act or any
and regulations adopted under the residential childhood lead
prevention act, may impose a civil penalty within the limits
provided in
this section upon such individual, business entity, accredited
training pro-
gram or public agency which civil penalty shall be in an amount to
stitute an actual and substantial economic deterrent to the
violation for
which the civil penalty is assessed.
(c) The secretary, upon finding that an
individual, business entity,
accredited training program or public agency has violated any
of the residential childhood lead poisoning prevention act or rules
regulations adopted under the residential childhood lead poisoning
vention act, may issue an order finding such individual, business
accredited training program or public agency in violation of the
childhood lead poisoning prevention act and directing the
business entity, accredited training program or public agency to
take such
action as necessary to correct the violation.
(d) No civil penalty shall be imposed
under this section except upon
the written order of the secretary after notification and hearing,
if a hear-
ing is requested, in accordance with the provisions of the Kansas
istrative procedure act.
(e) Any individual, business entity,
accredited training program or
public agency aggrieved by an order of the secretary made under
section may appeal such order to the district court in the manner
by the act for judicial review and civil enforcement of agency
(f) Any penalty recovered pursuant to the
provisions of this section
shall be remitted to the state treasurer and deposited in the
paint hazard fee fund.
(g) The secretary shall use penalties
recovered pursuant to the pro-
visions of this section to establish a grant program for
communities to
conduct activities designed to reduce or eliminate exposure of
to residential lead-based paint hazards.
New Sec. 13. Notwithstanding any
other remedy and in addition to
any other remedy, the secretary may maintain, in the manner
by the act for judicial review and civil enforcement of agency
actions, an
action in the name of the state of Kansas for injunction or other
against any business entity or individual to restrain or prevent
any viola-
tion of the provisions of the residential childhood lead poisoning
tion act or of any rules and regulations adopted under the
childhood lead poisoning prevention act.
New Sec. 14. Licensure,
certification or training program accredi-
tation for a business entity, public agency or individual who
engages in
lead-based paint activities shall not be required until such time
as the
secretary adopts rules and regulations to implement the provisions
of the
residential childhood lead poisoning prevention act.
New Sec. 15. The audit privilege
recognized in K.S.A. 1998 Supp.
60-332 through 60-339 does not pertain to the residential childhood
poisoning prevention act.
Sec. 16. On July 1, 2004, the
provisions of sections 2 to 16, inclusive,
of this act are hereby repealed.
Sec. 17. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 72-5214
is hereby repealed.
Sec. 18. This act shall take effect
and be in force from and after its
publication in the Kansas register.
I hereby certify that the above BILL originated in the
SENATE, and passed that body
SENATE adopted
Conference Committee Report
Passed the HOUSE
as amended ______________________________
HOUSE adopted
Conference Committee Report
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APPROVED ______________________________
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