Session of 1999
HOUSE Substitute for SENATE BILL No. 60
By Committee on Insurance
concerning the insurance department; insurance department
10 service regulation
fund; amending K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 40-112 and re-
11 pealing the existing
section; also repealing K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 40-112a.
13 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
14 Section
1. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 40-112 is hereby amended to read as
15 follows: 40-112. (a) For the purpose of
maintaining the insurance de-
16 partment and the payment of expenses
incident thereto, there is hereby
17 established the insurance department
service regulation fund in the state
18 treasury which shall be administered by the
commissioner of insurance.
19 All expenditures from the insurance
department service regulation fund
20 shall be made in accordance with
appropriation acts upon warrants of the
21 director of accounts and reports issued
pursuant to vouchers approved
22 by the commissioner of insurance or by a
person or persons designated
23 by the commissioner.
24 (b) On and after
the effective date of this act, all fees received by the
25 commissioner of insurance pursuant to any
statute and 1% of taxes re-
26 ceived pursuant to K.S.A. 40-252 and
amendments thereto shall be re-
27 mitted to the state treasurer for deposit
in the state treasury and credited
28 to the insurance department service
regulation fund.
29 (c) Except as
otherwise provided by this section, the commissioner
30 of insurance shall make an annual
assessment on each group of affiliated
31 insurers whose certificates of authority to
do business in this state are in
32 good standing at the time of the
assessment. The total amount of all such
33 assessments for a fiscal year shall be
equal to the amount sufficient which,
34 when combined with the total amount to be
credited to the insurance
35 department service regulation fund pursuant
to subsection (b) is equal to
36 the amount approved by the legislature to
fund the insurance company
37 regulation program. With respect to each
group of affiliated insurers, such
38 assessment shall be in proportion to the
amount of total assets of the
39 group of affiliated insurers as reported to
the commissioner of insurance
40 pursuant to K.S.A. 40-225 and amendments
thereto for the immediately
41 preceding calendar year, shall not be less
than $500 and shall not be more
42 than the amount equal to .0000015 of the
amount of total assets of the
43 group of affiliated insurers or $25,000,
whichever is less. The total as-
H Sub. for SB 60
1 sessment for any fiscal year shall
not increase by any amount greater than
2 15% of the total budget approved by
the legislature to fund the insurance
3 company regulation program for the
fiscal year immediately preceding
4 the fiscal year for which the
assessment is made. In the event the total
5 amount of the assessment would be
less than the aggregate amount re-
6 sulting by assessing the $500 minimum
on each insurer, the commissioner
7 may establish a lower minimum to be
assessed equally on each insurer.
8 (d) If,
by the laws of any state other than Kansas or by the
9 laws of any state other than
Kansas, any insurer domiciled in Kansas shall
10 be required to pay any fee or tax in
such other state of licensure, and the
11 fee or tax is due and payable either
because the insurance department
12 service regulation fee imposed by this
section on insurers licensed in Kan-
13 sas and organized or domiciled in such
other state is greater than the
14 comparable fee or tax assessed in such
other state, or such other state has
15 no comparable fee or tax but requires
payment on a retaliatory basis, then
16 to the extent such fee or tax amounts
are legally due and are paid in such
17 other state, any insurer domiciled in
Kansas may claim a dollar-for-dollar
18 credit for such fees paid against
insurer's annual premium taxes due the
19 state of Kansas under K.S.A. 40-252 and
amendments thereto or privilege
20 fee due the state of Kansas under K.S.A.
40-3213 and amendments thereto,
21 but such credit shall only be calculated
on the amount which would not
22 have been required to be paid in such
other state of licensure in the ab-
23 sence of the existence of the insurance
department service regulation fee
24 imposed by this section, and in no event
shall the credit permitted by this
25 section exceed 90% of the insurer's
annual premium tax or privilege fee
26 due the state of Kansas. The insurance
commissioner shall prescribe the
27 forms for reporting such
28 (d)
(e) Assessments payable under this section shall be
past due if not
29 paid to the insurance department within 45
days of the billing date of
30 such assessment. A penalty equal to 10% of
the amount assessed shall be
31 imposed upon any past due payment and the
total amount of the assess-
32 ment and penalty shall bear interest at the
rate of 1.5% per month or any
33 portion thereof.
34 (e)
(f) When there exists in the insurance department
service regu-
35 lation fund a deficiency which would render
such fund temporarily in-
36 sufficient during any fiscal year to meet
the insurance department's fund-
37 ing requirements, the commissioner of
insurance shall certify the amount
38 of the insufficiency. Upon receipt of any
such certification, the director
39 of accounts and reports shall transfer an
amount of moneys equal to the
40 amount so certified from the state general
fund to the insurance depart-
41 ment service regulation fund. On June 30 of
any fiscal year during which
42 an amount or amounts are certified and
transferred under this subsection,
43 the director of accounts and reports shall
provide for the repayment of
H Sub. for SB 60
1 the amounts so transferred and shall
transfer the amount equal to the
2 total of all such amounts transferred
during the fiscal year from the in-
3 surance department service regulation
fund to the state general fund.
(f) (g) Any unexpended balance in the
insurance department service
5 regulation fund at the close of a
fiscal year shall remain credited to the
6 insurance department service
regulation fund for use in the succeeding
7 fiscal year and shall be used to
reduce future assessments or to accom-
8 modate cash flow demands on the
(g) (h) The commissioner of insurance
shall exempt the assessment
10 of any insurer which, as of December 31 of
the calendar year preceding
11 the assessment, has a surplus of less than
two times the minimum amount
12 of surplus required for a certificate of
authority on and after May 1, 1994,
13 and which is subject to the premium tax
or privilege fee liability imposed
14 on insurers organized under the laws of
this state. The commissioner of
15 insurance may also exempt or defer, in
whole or in part, the assessment
16 of any other insurer if, in the opinion of
the commissioner of insurance,
17 immediate payment of the total assessment
would be detrimental to the
18 solvency of the insurer.
19 (h)
(i) As used in this section:
20 (1) "Affiliates"
or "affiliated" has the meaning ascribed by K.S.A. 40-
21 3302 and amendments thereto;
22 (2) "group" or
"group of affiliated insurers" means the affiliated in-
23 surers of a group and also includes an
individual, unaffiliated insurer; and
24 (3) "insurer"
means any insurance company, as defined by K.S.A. 40-
25 201 and amendments thereto, any fraternal
benefit society, as defined by
26 K.S.A. 40-738 and amendments thereto, any
reciprocal or interinsurance
27 exchange under K.S.A. 40-1601 through
40-1614 and amendments
28 thereto, any mutual insurance company
organized to provide health care
29 provider liability insurance under K.S.A.
40-12a01 through 40-12a09 and
30 amendments thereto, any nonprofit dental
service corporation under
31 K.S.A. 40-19a01 through 40-19a14 and
amendments thereto, any non-
32 profit medical and hospital service
corporation under K.S.A. 40-19c01
33 through 40-19c11 and amendments thereto,
any health maintenance or-
34 ganization, as defined by K.S.A. 40-3202
and amendments thereto, or any
35 captive insurance company, as defined by
K.S.A. 40-4301 and amend-
36 ments thereto, which is authorized to do
business in Kansas.
37 Sec. 2. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 40-112
and 40-112a are hereby repealed.
38 Sec. 3. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
39 publication in the statute book.