Session of 1999
Substitute for HOUSE BILL No. 2077
By Committee on Governmental Organization and
abolishing the department of health and environment; abolish-
10 ing the division of
health and the division of environment; creating the
11 department of health
and the department of environment; providing
12 for the powers, duties
and functions thereof; also repealing K.S.A. 75-
13 5601, 75-5602,
75-5603, 75-5604, 75-5605, 75-5606, 75-5607, 75-5608,
14 75-5609, 75-5610,
75-5610a, 75-5611, 75-5611a, 75-5612, 75-5613, 75-
15 5616, 75-5617,
75-5618, 75-5619, 75-5620, 75-5621, 75-5622, 75-5623,
16 75-5624, 75-5625,
section 30 of this act and K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 74-
17 72,102.
19 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
20 Section
1. (a) In order to reorganize the administration and
21 tion of the state's policies related to
public health, there is hereby estab-
22 lished within the executive branch of
government, the Kansas department
23 of health.
24 (b) The
provisions of the Kansas governmental operations accounta-
25 bility law shall apply to the Kansas
department of health, and the de-
26 partment is subject to audit, review and
evaluation under such law.
27 (c) The
provisions of this section shall be effective on and after Oc-
28 tober 1, 1999.
29 Sec. 2. (a)
The Kansas department of health shall be administered
30 under the direction and supervision of the
secretary of health, who shall
31 be appointed by the governor subject to
confirmation by the senate as
32 provided in K.S.A. 75-4315b, and amendments
thereto. The secretary
33 shall serve at the pleasure of the
governor. The secretary of health shall
34 be in the unclassified service under the
Kansas civil service act and shall
35 receive an annual salary fixed by the
36 (b) The
provisions of the Kansas governmental operations accounta-
37 bility law shall apply to the office of
secretary of health, and the office is
38 subject to audit, review and evaluation
under such law.
39 (c) The
provisions of this section shall be effective on and after Oc-
40 tober 1, 1999.
41 Sec. 3. (a)
The secretary of health may appoint assistant secretaries,
42 a chief attorney and other staff attorneys
who shall serve at the pleasure
43 of the secretary. The assistant
secretaries, chief attorney and staff attor-
44 neys shall be in the unclassified service
under the Kansas civil service act
45 and shall receive annual salaries fixed by
the secretary and approved by
46 the governor. The secretary of health also
may appoint such other staff
47 assistants and employees necessary to
enable the secretary to carry out
48 the duties of the office. Such other staff
assistants and employees shall
49 be in the classified service under the
Kansas civil service act. Assistant
50 secretaries, other staff assistants and
employees shall have powers, duties
51 and functions as are assigned to them by
the secretary or as prescribed
52 by law. The assistant secretaries, staff
assistants and employees shall act
53 for and exercise the powers of the
secretary of health to the extent au-
54 thority to do so is delegated by the
secretary of health as provided by law.
55 The secretary of health may appoint one
public information officer, one
56 personal secretary and one special
assistant who shall be in the unclassi-
57 fied service under the Kansas civil service
act and shall receive compen-
58 sation fixed by the secretary of health and
approved by the governor.
59 (b) The
provisions of this section shall be effective on and after Oc-
60 tober 1, 1999.
61 Sec. 4. (a)
All employees of the department of health and environ-
62 ment as it existed prior to October 1,
1999, in the health officer II job
63 class and all employees of the department
of health created pursuant to
64 this act in the health officer II job
class, or any successor job class that
65 may be approved under K.S.A. 75-2938, and
amendments thereto, which
66 has substantially the same duties and
responsibilities shall be in the un-
67 classified service under the Kansas civil
service act.
68 (b) The
provisions of this section shall be effective on and after Oc-
69 tober 1, 1999.
70 Sec. 5. (a)
The secretary of health may create advisory committees.
71 Members of such advisory committees shall
receive compensation in an
72 amount determined by the secretary and
approved by the finance council.
73 (b) The
provisions of this section shall be effective on and after Oc-
74 tober 1, 1999.
75 Sec. 6. (a)
The secretary of health shall adopt all general policies and
76 rules and regulations relating to all forms
of health which are adminis-
77 tered or supervised by or under the
department of health.
78 (b) The
provisions of this section shall be effective on and after Oc-
79 tober 1, 1999.
80 Sec. 7. (a)
Except as otherwise provided by law, the secretary of
81 health shall have the legal custody of all
records, memoranda, writings,
82 entries, prints, representations or
combinations thereof, of any action,
83 transaction, occurrence or event of the
department of health.
84 (b) The
provisions of this section shall be effective on and after Oc-
85 tober 1, 1999.
86 Sec. 8. (a)
The secretary of health may contract for the services of
87 persons who are not officers or employees
of the department of health
88 to act as hearing officers on behalf of the
secretary of health in conducting
89 hearings authorized by law to be conducted
by a hearing officer desig-
90 nated by the secretary. Compensation for a
person employed as a hearing
91 officer pursuant to a contract under this
section shall be fixed by the
92 provisions of the contract.
93 (b) The
provisions of this section shall be effective on and after Oc-
94 tober 1, 1999.
95 Sec. 9. (a)
In order to reorganize the administration and regulation
96 of the state's policies related to the
environment, there is hereby estab-
97 lished within the executive branch of
government, the Kansas department
98 of environment.
99 (b) The
provisions of the Kansas governmental operations accounta-
100 bility law shall apply to the department
of environment, and the depart-
101 ment is subject to audit, review and
evaluation under such law.
102 (c) The
provisions of this section shall be effective on and after Oc-
103 tober 1, 1999.
104 Sec.
10. (a) The Kansas department of environment shall be
105 istered under the direction and
supervision of the secretary of environ-
106 ment, who shall be appointed by the
governor subject to confirmation by
107 the senate as provided in K.S.A. 75-4315b,
and amendments thereto. The
108 secretary shall serve at the pleasure of
the governor. The secretary of
109 environment shall be in the unclassified
service under the Kansas civil
110 service act and shall receive an annual
salary fixed by the governor.
111 (b) The
provisions of the Kansas governmental operations accounta-
112 bility law shall apply to the office of
secretary of environment, and the
113 office is subject to audit, review and
evaluation under such law.
114 (c) The
provisions of this section shall be effective on and after Oc-
115 tober 1, 1999.
116 Sec.
11. (a) The secretary of environment may appoint assistant
117 retaries, a chief attorney and other staff
attorneys who shall serve at the
118 pleasure of the secretary. The assistant
secretaries, chief attorney and staff
119 attorneys shall be in the unclassified
service under the Kansas civil service
120 act and shall receive annual salaries
fixed by the secretary and approved
121 by the governor. The secretary of
environment also may appoint such
122 other staff assistants and employees
necessary to enable the secretary to
123 carry out the duties of the office. Such
other staff assistants and employees
124 shall be in the classified service under
the Kansas civil service act. Assis-
125 tant secretaries, other staff assistants
and employees shall have powers,
126 duties and functions as are assigned to
them by the secretary or as pre-
127 scribed by law. The assistant secretaries,
staff assistants and employees
128 shall act for and exercise the powers of
the secretary of environment to
129 the extent authority to do so is delegated
by the secretary of environment
130 as provided by law. The secretary of
environment may appoint one public
131 information officer, one personal
secretary and one special assistant who
132 shall be in the unclassified service under
the Kansas civil service act and
133 shall receive compensation fixed by the
secretary of environment and
134 approved by the governor.
135 (b) The
provisions of this section shall be effective on and after Oc-
136 tober 1, 1999.
137 Sec.
12. (a) The secretary of environment may create advisory
138 mittees. Members of such advisory
committees shall receive compensa-
139 tion in an amount determined by the
secretary and approved by the fi-
140 nance council.
141 (b) The
provisions of this section shall be effective on and after Oc-
142 tober 1, 1999.
143 Sec.
13. (a) The secretary of environment shall adopt all general
144 icies and rules and regulations relating
to all forms of environment which
145 are administered or supervised by or under
the department of
146 environment.
147 (b) The
provisions of this section shall be effective on and after Oc-
148 tober 1, 1999.
149 Sec.
14. (a) Except as otherwise provided by law, the secretary
150 environment shall have the legal custody
of all records, memoranda, writ-
151 ings, entries, prints, representations or
combinations thereof, of any ac-
152 tion, transaction, occurrence or event of
the department of environment.
153 (b) The
provisions of this section shall be effective on and after Oc-
154 tober 1, 1999.
155 Sec.
15. (a) The secretary of environment may contract for the
156 ices of persons who are not officers or
employees of the department of
157 environment to act as hearing officers on
behalf of the secretary of en-
158 vironment in conducting hearings
authorized by law to be conducted by
159 a hearing officer designated by the
secretary. Compensation for a person
160 employed as a hearing officer pursuant to
a contract under this section
161 shall be fixed by the provisions of the
162 (b) The
provisions of this section shall be effective on and after Oc-
163 tober 1, 1999.
164 Sec.
16. (a) The Kansas department of health and environment
165 the secretary of health and environment
created by K.S.A. 75-5601, and
166 amendments thereto, are hereby
167 (b) The
provisions of this section shall be effective on and after Oc-
168 tober 1, 1999.
169 Sec.
17. (a) The division of health established pursuant to K.S.A.
170 5603, and amendments thereto, and the
position of director of the division
171 of health are hereby abolished.
172 (b) Except as
otherwise provided by this act, all powers, duties and
173 functions of the existing division of
health and the existing director of the
174 division of health are hereby transferred
to and conferred and imposed
175 upon the secretary of health established
by this act.
176 (c) The
provisions of this section shall be effective on and after Oc-
177 tober 1, 1999.
178 Sec.
18. (a) The division of environment established pursuant
179 K.S.A. 75-5605, and amendments thereto,
and the position of director of
180 the division of environment are hereby
181 (b) Except as
otherwise provided by this act, all powers, duties and
182 functions of the existing division of
environment and the existing director
183 of the division of environment are hereby
transferred to and conferred
184 and imposed upon the secretary of
environment established by this act.
185 (c) The
provisions of this section shall be effective on and after Oc-
186 tober 1, 1999.
187 Sec.
19. (a) Except as otherwise provided by this act, whenever
188 Kansas department of health and
environment or words of like effect is
189 referred to or designated by a statute,
contract or other document, such
190 reference or designation shall be deemed
to apply to the Kansas depart-
191 ment of health or the Kansas department of
environment as established
192 by this act. If any conflict arises as to
whether the department of health
193 or department of environment is being
designated or referenced, such
194 conflict shall be resolved by the governor
whose decision shall be final.
195 (b) The
provisions of this section shall be effective on and after Oc-
196 tober 1, 1999.
197 Sec.
20. (a) All rules and regulations of the secretary of health
198 environment in existence on the effective
date of this act shall continue
199 to be effective and shall be deemed to be
duly adopted rules and regu-
200 lations of the secretary of health or the
secretary of environment estab-
201 lished by this act until amended or
revoked pursuant to law. The deter-
202 mination of which rules and regulations
shall be administered by the
203 secretary of health or the secretary of
environment shall be made based
204 upon the terms of this act. If any
conflict arises as to the responsibility
205 for enforcement or administration of rules
and regulations of the secretary
206 of health and environment, such conflict
shall be resolved by the governor
207 whose decision shall be final.
208 (b) The
provisions of this section shall be effective on and after Oc-
209 tober 1, 1999.
210 Sec.
21. (a) All certificates, permits, licenses, orders and
211 of the Kansas department of health and
environment or the secretary of
212 health and environment in existence on the
effective date of this act shall
213 continue to be effective and shall be
deemed to be the certificates, per-
214 mits, licenses, orders and directives of
either the secretary of health or
215 the secretary of environment until amended
or revoked pursuant to law.
216 The determination as to whether the
certificates, permits, licenses, orders
217 and directives of the Kansas department of
health and environment or
218 the secretary of health and environment
shall be the responsibility of the
219 secretary of health or the secretary of
environment shall be determined
220 pursuant to the provisions of this act. If
any conflict arises as to the re-
221 sponsibility for such certificates,
permits, licenses, orders and directives,
222 the conflict shall be resolved by the
governor whose decision shall be
223 final.
224 (b) The
provisions of this section shall be effective on and after Oc-
225 tober 1, 1999.
226 Sec.
22. (a) The Kansas department of health and the Kansas de-
227 partment of environment and the secretary
of health and the secretary of
228 environment established by this act
respectively shall be continuations of
229 the Kansas department of health and
environment, the secretary of health
230 and environment, the director of the
division of health and the director
231 of the division of environment.
232 (b) The
provisions of this section shall be effective on and after Oc-
233 tober 1, 1999.
234 Sec.
23. (a) Except as otherwise provided in this act, on the
235 date of this act officers and employees
who, immediately prior to such
236 date, were engaged in the performance of
powers, duties or functions of
237 any state agency or office which is
abolished by this act or which becomes
238 a part of the department of health or the
powers, duties and functions of
239 which are transferred to the secretary of
health and who in the opinion
240 of the secretary of health are necessary
to perform the powers, duties and
241 functions of the Kansas department of
health shall be transferred to and
242 shall become officers and employees of the
Kansas department of health.
243 Any such officer or employee shall retain
all retirement benefits and all
244 rights of civil service which have accrued
to or vested in such officer or
245 employee prior to the effective date of
this act. The service of each such
246 officer and employee so transferred shall
be deemed to have been con-
247 tinuous. If a conflict arises as to
whether an officer or employee shall be
248 assigned to the Kansas department of
health or the Kansas department
249 of environment, such conflict shall be
resolved by the governor whose
250 decision shall be final.
251 (b) Nothing in
this act shall affect the classified status of any person
252 employed as a classified employee of the
department of health and en-
253 vironment on the day immediately preceding
the effective date of this
254 section and the unclassified status shall
apply only to persons appointed
255 to such positions on and after the
effective date of this section.
256 (c) The
provisions of this section shall be effective on and after Oc-
257 tober 1, 1999.
258 Sec.
24. (a) Except as otherwise provided in this act, on the
259 date of this act officers and employees
who, immediately prior to such
260 date, were engaged in the performance of
powers, duties or functions of
261 any state agency or office which is
abolished by this act or which becomes
262 a part of the department of environment or
the powers, duties and func-
263 tions of which are transferred to the
secretary of environment and who
264 in the opinion of the secretary of
environment are necessary to perform
265 the powers, duties and functions of the
Kansas department of environ-
266 ment shall be transferred to and shall
become officers and employees of
267 the Kansas department of environment. Any
such officer or employee
268 shall retain all retirement benefits and
all rights of civil service which have
269 accrued to or vested in such officer or
employee prior to the effective
270 date of this act. The service of each such
officer and employee so trans-
271 ferred shall be deemed to have been
continuous. If a conflict arises as to
272 whether an officer or employee shall be
assigned to the Kansas depart-
273 ment of health or the Kansas department of
environment, such conflict
274 shall be resolved by the governor whose
decision shall be final.
275 (b) Nothing in
this act shall affect the classified status of any person
276 employed as a classified employee of the
department of health and en-
277 vironment on the day immediately preceding
the effective date of this
278 section and the unclassified status shall
apply only to persons appointed
279 to such positions on and after the
effective date of this section.
280 (c) The
provisions of this section shall be effective on and after Oc-
281 tober 1, 1999.
282 Sec.
25. (a) Except as otherwise provided in this act, the Kansas
283 partment of health shall succeed to all
contracts, property, property rights
284 and records which were used for or pertain
to the performance of the
285 powers, duties and functions transferred
to the secretary of health. Except
286 as provided in this act, the Kansas
department of environment shall suc-
287 ceed to all contracts, property, property
rights and records which were
288 used for or pertain to the performance of
the powers, duties and functions
289 transferred to the secretary of
environment. If any conflict as to the
290 proper disposition of contracts, property,
property rights or records aris-
291 ing under this act and resulting from the
transfer, attachment or abolition
292 of any state agency or office or all or
part of the powers, duties and
293 functions, such conflict shall be resolved
by the governor whose decision
294 shall be final.
295 (b) The
provisions of this section shall be effective on and after Oc-
296 tober 1, 1999.
297 Sec.
26. (a) No suit, action or other proceeding, judicial or
298 istrative, lawfully commenced or which
could have been commenced by
299 or against any state agency abolished in
this act or by or against any officer
300 of the state in such officer's official
capacity or in relation to the discharge
301 of such officer's official duties shall
abate by reason of the governmental
302 reorganization under the provisions of
this act. The court may allow any
303 such suit, action or other proceeding to
be maintained by or against the
304 successor of such state agency or any
officer affected.
305 (b) No criminal
action commenced or which could have been com-
306 menced by the state shall abate by reason
of the governmental reorgan-
307 ization under the provisions of this
308 (c) The
provisions of this section shall be effective on and after Oc-
309 tober 1, 1999.
310 Sec.
27. (a) The balance of all funds appropriated and
311 to any state agency abolished by this act
is hereby transferred to either
312 the Kansas department of health or the
Kansas department of environ-
313 ment and shall be used only for the
purpose for which the appropriation
314 was originally made. The determination of
whether particular funds shall
315 be transferred to the department of health
or to the department of en-
316 vironment shall be made pursuant to the
terms of this act. If any conflict
317 arises as to the proper disposition of
funds, such conflict shall be resolved
318 by the governor whose decision shall be
319 (b) On the
effective date of this act, the liability for all accrued com-
320 pensation or salaries of officers and
employees who, immediately prior to
321 such date, were engaged in the performance
of powers, duties or func-
322 tions of any state agency or office
abolished by this act or which becomes
323 a part of the Kansas department of health
or the Kansas department of
324 environment established by this act or the
powers, duties and functions
325 which are transferred to the secretary of
health or the secretary of envi-
326 ronment provided for by this act shall be
assumed and paid by the Kansas
327 department of health or the Kansas
department of environment. The
328 determination as to which department shall
be liable for particular ac-
329 crued compensation or salaries shall be
made pursuant to the terms of
330 this act. If any conflict arises as to
which agency shall be responsible for
331 particular accrued compensation or
salaries, such conflict shall be re-
332 solved by the governor whose decision
shall be final.
333 (c) The
provisions of this section shall be effective on and after Oc-
334 tober 1, 1999.
335 Sec.
28. (a) The secretary of health may organize the department
336 health in the manner deemed most
efficient, so long as the same is not
337 in conflict with law. The assistant
secretaries, staff assistants and employ-
338 ees shall perform such duties and exercise
such powers as prescribed by
339 law and such other duties as the secretary
of health prescribes. Such
340 assistant secretaries shall act for, and
exercise the powers of the secretary
341 of health to the extent authority to do so
is delegated by the secretary of
342 health. Personnel of the division shall
perform such duties and exercise
343 such powers as the assistant secretary or
the head of the division may
344 prescribe and such duties and powers as
prescribed by law. Personnel of
345 the division shall act for, and exercise
the powers of their assistant sec-
346 retary or division head to the extent
authority to do so is delegated by the
347 assistant secretary or division head.
348 (b) The
provisions of this section shall be effective on and after Oc-
349 tober 1, 1999.
350 Sec.
29. (a) The secretary of environment may organize the
351 ment of environment in the manner deemed
most efficient, so long as
352 the same is not in conflict with law. The
assistant secretaries, staff assis-
353 tants and employees shall perform such
duties and exercise such powers
354 as prescribed by law and such other duties
as the secretary of environment
355 prescribes. Such assistant secretaries
shall act for, and exercise the powers
356 of the secretary of environment to the
extent authority to do so is dele-
357 gated by the secretary of environment.
Personnel of the division shall
358 perform such duties and exercise such
powers as the assistant secretary
359 or the head of the division may prescribe
and such duties and powers as
360 prescribed by law. Personnel of the
division shall act for, and exercise the
361 powers of their assistant secretary or
division head to the extent authority
362 to do so is delegated by the assistant
secretary or division head.
363 (b) The
provisions of this section shall be effective on and after Oc-
364 tober 1, 1999.
365 Sec.
30. The governor and the secretary of health and
366 shall prepare a transition plan to provide
for the separation of duties into
367 the department of health and the
department of environment pursuant
368 to the provisions of this act.
369 Sec.
31. (a) The Kansas department of health created pursuant
370 section 1, and amendments thereto, and the
office of secretary of health,
371 created by section 2, and amendments
thereto, hereby are subjected to
372 audit under the Kansas governmental
operations accountability law, and
373 to review and evaluation during the 2004
regular session of the legislature,
374 or such other regular session of the
legislature designated by the legis-
375 lative post audit committee in accordance
with the provisions of subsec-
376 tion (c) of K.S.A. 74-7285, and amendments
377 (b) The
provisions of this section shall be effective on and after Oc-
378 tober 1, 1999.
379 Sec.
32. (a) The Kansas department of environment created
380 ant to section 9, and amendments thereto,
and the office of secretary of
381 environment, created by section 10, and
amendments thereto, hereby are
382 subjected to audit under the Kansas
governmental operations accounta-
383 bility law, and to review and evaluation
during the 2004 regular session
384 of the legislature, or such other regular
session of the legislature desig-
385 nated by the legislative post audit
committee in accordance with the pro-
386 visions of subsection (c) of K.S.A.
74-7285, and amendments thereto.
387 (b) The
provisions of this section shall be effective on and after Oc-
388 tober 1, 1999.
389 Sec. 33. On and after October
1, 1999, K.S.A. 75-5601, 75-5602, 75-
390 5603, 75-5604, 75-5605, 75-5606, 75-5607,
75-5608, 75-5609, 75-5610,
391 75-5610a, 75-5611, 75-5611a, 75-5612,
75-5613, 75-5616, 75-5617, 75-
392 5618, 75-5619, 75-5620, 75-5621, 75-5622,
75-5623, 75-5624, 75-5625
393 and section 30 of this act and K.S.A. 1998
Supp. 74-72,102 are hereby
394 repealed.
395 Sec. 34. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
396 publication in the Kansas register.