Session of 1999
HOUSE Substitute for SENATE BILL No. 156
By Committee on Appropriations
concerning the disposition of tobacco litigation settlement
10 ceeds; creating the
children's trust fund and the children's initiatives
11 fund; establishing the
Kansas children's authority and the children's
12 trust fund board of
trustees; prescribing certain powers, duties and
13 functions; providing
for the investment and management of such
14 funds; abolishing the
children's health care programs fund; also re-
15 pealing K.S.A. 1998
Supp. 38-2008.
17 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
18 Section
1. (a) There is hereby established in the state treasury
19 children's trust fund which shall
constitute a trust fund and shall be in-
20 vested, managed and administered by the
board of trustees established
21 by section 3 and amendments thereto in
accordance with the provisions
22 of this act.
23 (b) All of the
moneys received by the state pursuant to the tobacco
24 litigation settlement agreements entered
into by the attorney general on
25 behalf of the state of Kansas, or pursuant
to any judgment rendered,
26 regarding the litigation against tobacco
industry companies and related
27 entities, shall be deposited in the state
treasury and credited to the chil-
28 dren's trust fund. All such moneys shall
constitute an endowment which
29 shall remain credited to the children's
trust fund except as provided in
30 this section or in section 2 and amendments
thereto for transfers to the
31 children's initiatives fund. Expenditures
may be made from the children's
32 trust fund for the payment of the operating
expenses of the Kansas chil-
33 dren's authority and the children's trust
fund board of trustees, including
34 the expenses of investing and managing the
moneys in the children's trust
35 fund. All moneys credited to the children's
trust fund shall be invested
36 to provide an ongoing source of investment
earnings available for periodic
37 transfer to the children's initiatives fund
in accordance with this act. All
38 expenditures from the children's trust fund
shall be made in accordance
39 with appropriation acts upon warrants of
the director of accounts and
40 reports issued pursuant to vouchers
approved by the chairperson of the
41 board of trustees or by the chairperson's
42 (c) On the
effective date of this act, the director of accounts and
43 reports shall transfer all moneys credited
to the children's health care
H Sub. for SB 156
1 programs fund to the children's trust
fund and the children's health care
2 programs fund is hereby
3 Sec.
2. (a) There is hereby established in the state treasury the
4 dren's initiatives fund which shall
be administered in accordance with this
5 section and the provisions of
appropriation acts.
6 (b) All
moneys credited to the children's initiatives fund shall be
7 for the purposes of providing
additional funding for programs, projects,
8 improvements, services and other
purposes directly or indirectly benefi-
9 cial to the physical and mental
health, welfare, safety and overall well-
10 being of children in Kansas as provided by
appropriation or other acts of
11 the legislature. In allocating or
appropriating moneys in the children's
12 initiatives fund, the legislature shall
emphasize programs and services that
13 are data-driven and outcomes-based and that
are designed to prevent or
14 stop children from being involved in or
with tobacco, drugs, alcohol, ju-
15 venile delinquency or violence. Moneys
allocated or appropriated from
16 the children's initiatives fund shall not
be used to replace or substitute
17 for moneys appropriated from the state
general fund or from other special
18 revenue funds.
19 (c) All
expenditures from the children's initiatives fund shall be made
20 in accordance with appropriation acts upon
warrants of the director of
21 accounts and reports issued pursuant to
vouchers approved in the manner
22 prescribed by law.
23 (d) On July 1,
1999, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available,
24 the director of accounts and reports shall
transfer $45,000,000 from the
25 children's trust fund to the children's
initiatives fund. On July 1 of each
26 fiscal year thereafter, or as soon
thereafter as moneys are available, the
27 director of accounts and reports shall
transfer from the children's trust
28 fund to the children's initiatives fund the
amount equal to 102.5% of the
29 amount transferred from the children's
trust fund to the children's initia-
30 tives fund pursuant to this section during
the immediately preceding fiscal
31 year. If the amounts to be received during
any fiscal year under the to-
32 bacco litigation settlement agreements
entered into by the attorney gen-
33 eral on behalf of the state of Kansas, or
pursuant to any judgment ren-
34 dered, regarding the litigation against
tobacco industry companies and
35 related entities, are reduced or increased
from the amount that was an-
36 ticipated to be received for such fiscal
year, as of the time the settlement
37 agreements were entered into, then the
legislature may adjust the amount
38 otherwise provided by this subsection to be
transferred from the chil-
39 dren's trust fund to the children's
initiatives fund for such fiscal year by
40 including provisions in appropriation acts
for such fiscal year that pro-
41 portionally reduce or increase, as
appropriate, the amount otherwise pro-
42 vided by this subsection to be transferred
from the children's trust fund
43 to the children's initiatives fund for such
fiscal year.
H Sub. for SB 156
1 (e) It is
the intent of the legislature that, except as provided by this
2 section, no amounts shall be
transferred from the children's trust fund to
3 the children's initiatives fund or to
any other fund during any state fiscal
4 year.
5 Sec.
3. (a) There is hereby established the Kansas children's
6 ity for the purpose of advising and
providing recommendations to the
7 governor and the legislature
regarding the uses of the moneys credited
8 to the children's initiatives fund.
The Kansas children's authority shall be
9 composed of 11 persons who are
children's advocates, members of or-
10 ganizations with experience in programs
that benefit children or other
11 individuals who have experience with
children's programs and services
12 and who are appointed as follows:
13 (1) Seven members
appointed by the governor;
14 (2) one person
appointed by the speaker of the house of
15 representatives;
16 (3) one person
appointed by the minority leader of the house of rep-
17 resentatives;
18 (4) one person
appointed by the president of the senate; and
19 (5) one person
appointed by the minority leader of the senate.
20 (b) Not more than
six members of the Kansas children's authority
21 shall be members of the same political
party. No member of the Kansas
22 children's authority shall be a member of
the Kansas legislature. Each
23 person appointed as a member of the Kansas
children's authority shall
24 serve for a term of two years and until the
member's successor is ap-
25 pointed and qualified. If a vacancy occurs
in the office of a member of
26 the Kansas children's authority, a
successor shall be appointed in the same
27 manner as the original appointment. Each
year the governor shall select
28 one of the members to serve as the
chairperson of the Kansas children's
29 authority. The Kansas children's authority
shall meet at least quarterly or
30 more often upon call of the chairperson. A
quorum of the Kansas chil-
31 dren's authority shall be six and all
actions of the authority shall be by a
32 majority of all members present when there
is a quorum.
33 (c) The Kansas
children's authority shall develop recommendations
34 regarding expenditures for programs,
projects, improvements, services
35 and other purposes directly or indirectly
beneficial to the physical and
36 mental health, welfare, safety and overall
well-being of children in Kansas.
37 The authority shall submit such
recommendations to the governor prior
38 to October 1 each year for consideration as
part of the process of devel-
39 oping the governor's budget recommendations
and to the legislature at
40 the beginning of each regular session for
consideration during the process
41 of reviewing and acting on the governor's
budget recommendations and
42 appropriation bills. The governor shall
review and consider inclusion of
43 such recommendations in the preparation of
the governor's budget report
H Sub. for SB 156
1 under K.S.A. 75-3721 and amendments
2 (d) Members
of the Kansas children's authority attending meetings
3 of the authority, or attending a
subcommittee meeting authorized by the
4 authority, shall be paid subsistence
allowances, mileage and other ex-
5 penses as provided in K.S.A. 75-3223
and amendments thereto.
6 (e) The
Kansas children's authority is hereby attached to the office
7 of the state treasurer for purposes
of budgeting, purchasing and other
8 administrative purposes.
9 Sec.
4. (a) There is hereby established the children's trust fund
10 of trustees. The board of trustees shall be
composed of the state treasurer
11 and eight additional members who shall be
appointed as follows:
12 (1) Four persons
appointed by the governor;
13 (2) one person
appointed by the speaker of the house of
14 representatives;
15 (3) one person
appointed by the minority leader of the house of rep-
16 resentatives;
17 (4) one person
appointed by the president of the senate; and
18 (5) one person
appointed by the minority leader of the senate.
19 (b) Each person
appointed as a member of the board of trustees shall
20 have a background in finance or investments
or shall have experience
21 working for a foundation or as a trust
officer. No member of the board
22 of trustees shall be a member of the Kansas
legislature. The appointment
23 of each person appointed as a member of the
board of trustees shall be
24 subject to confirmation by the senate as
provided in K.S.A. 75-4315b and
25 amendments thereto. Not more than five
members of the board of trus-
26 tees shall be members of the same political
party. Each person appointed
27 as a member of the board of trustees shall
serve for a term of two years
28 and until the member's successor is
appointed and confirmed. If a vacancy
29 occurs in the office of a member of the
board of trustees, a successor
30 shall be appointed in the same manner as
the original appointment.
31 (c) The state
treasurer shall be the chairperson of the board of trus-
32 tees. A quorum of the children's trust fund
board of trustees shall be five
33 and all actions of the board of trustees
shall be by a majority of all mem-
34 bers present when there is a quorum.
35 (d) Members of
the children's trust fund board of trustees attending
36 meetings of the board of trustees, or
attending a subcommittee meeting
37 authorized by the board of trustees, shall
be paid compensation, subsis-
38 tence allowances, mileage and other
expenses as provided in K.S.A. 75-
39 3223 and amendments thereto.
40 (e) The
children's trust fund board of trustees is hereby attached to
41 the office of the state treasurer for
purposes of budgeting, purchasing
42 and other administrative purposes.
43 Sec. 5. (a)
The children's trust fund board of trustees is responsible
H Sub. for SB 156
1 for the management of the children's
trust fund and shall invest and
2 reinvest the moneys credited to the
children's trust fund for the purpose
3 of providing investment earnings for
the children's initiatives fund and
4 accordingly providing that the moneys
are as productive as possible. In
5 the discharge of such management and
investment responsibilities the
6 board of trustees shall contract for
the services of one or more profes-
7 sional investment managers to handle
the day-to-day investment of mon-
8 eys credited to the children's trust
fund. In addition, the board of trustee
9 shall utilize the services and
assistance of the professional investment staff
10 of the Kansas public employees retirement
system and shall advise and
11 consult with such professional staff in the
investment and management
12 of the children's trust fund and in working
with the professional invest-
13 ment managers.
14 (b) The board of
trustees shall provide for amounts and duration of
15 investments and reinvestments of moneys in
the children's trust fund.
16 The children's trust fund board of trustees
may invest and reinvest mon-
17 eys in the children's trust fund and may
acquire, retain, manage, including
18 the exercise of any voting rights, and
dispose of investments of the moneys
19 in the children's trust fund. The board of
trustees shall adopt investment
20 policies that allow the amount of moneys in
the children's trust fund to
21 increase as much as possible to maximize
the amount of moneys available
22 for the children's initiatives fund.
23 (c) In investing
or reinvesting moneys in the children's trust fund,
24 there shall be exercised the judgment and
care under the circumstances
25 then prevailing which persons of prudence,
discretion and intelligence
26 acting in a like capacity and familiar with
like matters would exercise in
27 the management of an enterprise of like
character and with like purposes,
28 not in regard to speculation but in regard
to the permanent disposition
29 of similar funds, considering the probable
income as well as the probable
30 safety of their capital.
31 (d) All interest
or other income of the investments of the moneys in
32 the children's trust fund, after payment of
any management fees, shall be
33 considered income of the children's trust
fund and shall be deposited in
34 the state treasury to the credit the
children's trust fund.
35 Sec. 6. The
children's trust fund board of trustees shall report to the
36 governor and to the legislature on the
moneys credited to the children's
37 trust fund and investment earnings thereon
at least once each calendar
38 quarter and on a monthly basis upon request
of the governor, the presi-
39 dent of the senate or the speaker of the
house of representatives. In
40 addition, the children's trust fund board
of trustees shall submit a report
41 on or before October 1 of each year to the
director of the budget, the
42 director of the legislative research
department and the chairpersons of
43 the senate committee on ways and means and
the house of representatives
H Sub. for SB 156
1 committee on appropriations detailing
the board's estimates as to the
2 amounts of moneys that would be
available for transfer from the chil-
3 dren's trust fund to the children's
initiatives fund during the ensuing fiscal
4 year. The director of the budget and
the governor shall use the infor-
5 mation in such report in the
preparation of the governor's budget report
6 under K.S.A. 75-3721 and amendments
7 Sec.
7. The board of trustees of the Kansas public employees
8 ment system shall make the services
and assistance of the professional
9 investment staff of the Kansas public
employees retirement system avail-
10 able to the children's trust fund board of
trustees for purposes of provid-
11 ing advice, consultation and other
assistance in the investment of the
12 moneys in the children's trust fund. In
accordance with the provisions of
13 appropriation acts, the state treasurer
shall provide staff assistance and
14 accounting, purchasing, budgeting and other
administrative services as
15 may be required to assist the children's
trust fund board of trustees in
16 the performance of the powers, duties and
functions prescribed by this
17 act.
18 Sec. 8. K.S.A. 1998 Supp.
38-2008 is hereby repealed.
19 Sec. 9. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
20 publication in the Kansas register.