A  Resolution congratulating and commending Colonel Lonnie R. McCollum.

      WHEREAS,  On March 19, 1999, Colonel Lonnie R. McCollum will
retire from the Kansas Highway Patrol; and

      WHEREAS,  He has served the citizens of the state of Kansas for 31
years in various capacities from Trooper to Superintendent; and

      WHEREAS,  He began his career with the Kansas Highway Patrol in
November 1968 when he was assigned to Hays as a field trooper. In May
1979 he was promoted to Aircraft Trooper, remaining in Hays. In June
1985 he was promoted to Sergeant and transferred to the Kansas Highway
Patrol Training Center in Salina; in May 1987 he was promoted to the
rank of Lieutenant and assumed responsibility for the Breath Control
Unit; and in December 1992 he was appointed as Superintendent of the
Kansas Highway Patrol; and

      WHEREAS,  During the leadership tenure of Colonel Lonnie R.
McCollum, the Kansas Highway Patrol was elevated to national recog-
nition and became the standard by which other state police agencies were
judged; and

      WHEREAS,  His leadership in the field of criminal interdiction con-
sistently placed the Kansas Highway Patrol among the top 10 nationwide
in drug and contraband seizure; and

      WHEREAS,  During his tenure he was responsible for the following
highly successful programs initiated by the Kansas Highway Patrol:

      Defining the agency mission and goals statement
      Honor guard detail
      Voluntary transfer program
      Peer support program
      Motorist assistance program
      Special response team
      Fleet vehicle program
      Critical highway accident response team
      Expansion of the canine unit
      State of the art advancement in equipment
      Mobile command post
      Acquisition of retired Army helicopters for expanded flight
         operations capabilities; and
      WHEREAS,  Colonel Lonnie R. McCollum has dedicated 31 years of
outstanding service to the citizens of the great state of Kansas, and as
such, has made Kansas a safer place for all: Now, therefore,

      Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of Kan-
sas: That we congratulate and commend Colonel Lonnie R. McCollum
upon his retirement as Superintendent of the Kansas Highway Patrol and
for having given 31 years of service to the citizens of the State of Kansas.

I hereby certify that the above Resolution originated in the House,
and was adopted by that body


Speaker of the House. 
Chief Clerk of the House.