A Resolution memorializing Congress to revise certain laws which prohibit a disabled
military veteran from receiving both full retirement pay and disability compensation
WHEREAS, Under a federal law that dates back to the 19th century,
military veterans are denied concurrent dual receipt of full retirement
pay and disability compensation benefits; and
WHEREAS, Military veterans are instead allowed only to receive re-
tirement pay or disability compensation benefits or must waive an amount
of retirement pay equal to the amount of disability compensation benefits;
WHEREAS, In contrast, federal civilian employees are not subject to
such a deduction of disability compensation benefits; and
WHEREAS, A disabled veteran who has held a nonmilitary federal
job for the requisite durational period required for retirement receives
full longevity retirement pay, undiminished by the subtraction of disability
compensation benefits: Now, therefore,
Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of Kan- sas: That we do hereby memorialize Congress to change those laws
which prohibit a disabled military veteran from receiving both full retire-
ment pay and disability compensation benefits; and
Be it further resolved: That the Chief Clerk of the House of Repre-
sentatives be directed to send enrolled copies of this resolution to each
member of the Kansas congressional delegation.
I hereby certify that the above Resolution originated in the House,
and was adopted by that body