Session of 1999
House Concurrent Resolution No. 5044
By Representatives Garner, Alldritt, Ballard, Barnes,
Burroughs, Crow,
Feuerborn, Findley, Flaharty, Flora, Gatewood, Gilbert, Grant,
Henderson, Henry, Johnston, Kirk, Klein, Kuether, Larkin, M.
McClure, McKechnie, McKinney, Minor, Nichols, O'Brien,
Pauls, E.
Peterson, Phelps, Reardon, Rehorn, Reinhardt, Ruff, Sharp,
Shriver, Spangler, Storm, Tedder, Thimesch, Toelkes, Wei-
Wells, and Welshimer
RESOLUTION memorializing Congress to
16 strengthen Social
19 WHEREAS, Social
Security provides American workers with univer-
20 sal, contributory, wage related,
inflation-proof benefits in the event of the
21 retirement, disability or death of a
primary wage earner; and
22 WHEREAS, Social
Security is more than a retirement program--it is
23 a family program. Without Social Security,
about 54% of America's sen-
24 iors and more than 15 million beneficiaries
overall would be living in
25 poverty. About 98% of children under age 18
can count on monthly cash
26 benefits if a working parent dies; and
27 WHEREAS, Over
the course of its existence as a federal program,
28 Social Security's trustees and
administrators have carefully modified the
29 benefit and financing structure thereby
ensuring the program's viability
30 in light of major demographic trends and
economic developments; and
31 WHEREAS, In his
1999 State of the Union address the President
32 urged Congress to save Social Security
first and dedicate the majority of
33 the projected surplus to shoring up the
solvency of Social Security; and
long term solvency of Social Security can be ensured
35 for future generations if reasonable and
timely adjustments to the pro-
36 gram are made by Congress: Now,
37 Be it resolved by
the House of Representatives of the State of Kansas,
38 the Senate concurring
therein: That we respectfully memorialize the
39 federal government to use the budget
surplus to strengthen Social Se-
40 curity to ensure the continued financial
viability of this essential program;
41 and
42 Be it further
resolved: That we further memorialize the federal gov-
43 ernment to take immediate steps to ensure
that Social Security remains
44 a universal, mandatory, contributory social
insurance system where risk
HCR 5044
1 is pooled among all workers, rather
than transferred to each individual
2 worker; and
3 Be it further
resolved: That the Secretary of State be directed to
4 an enrolled copy of this resolution
to each member of the Kansas Con-
5 gressional delegation.