Session of 1999
House Concurrent Resolution No. 5039
By Committee on Agriculture
9 A
CONCURRENT RESOLUTION urging the United States Congress
10 to provide increased
funding for the Guaranteed Farm Ownership loan
11 program and the
Interest Assistance program.
13 WHEREAS, This is
a crucial time in our history for persons in the
14 agricultural community; and
15 WHEREAS, Many
states have used all of the United States Depart-
16 ment of Agriculture (USDA) guaranteed farm
ownership funding money;
17 and
State of Kansas has only enough funding money left
19 for guaranteed operating loans for about
170 farms and it is expected that
20 these funds will run out in March, 1999;
21 WHEREAS, All of
USDA's loan programs are experiencing substantial
22 increases in demand and the Guaranteed Farm
Ownership loan program
23 has experienced a 92% increase in demand in
one year; and
24 WHEREAS, Over
5,000 banks participate in USDA guaranteed loan
25 programs, write over 80% of all the
guaranteed loans and provide assis-
26 tance to over 48,000 farmers and ranchers;
Guaranteed Farm Ownership loan program allows
28 banks to work with farmers to restructure
their debt over a longer period
29 of time, reduce their interest rates,
provide for deferral of their payments,
30 and provide loan write-downs; and
31 WHEREAS, This
program and others like it provide credit and other
32 financial relief to farmers during this
difficult and volatile period in the
33 history of the United States agricultural
community; and
34 WHEREAS, There
is an urgent need for additional guaranteed loan
35 authority that would allow bankers to help
farmers meet their immediate
36 financial needs: Now, therefore,
37 Be it resolved by
the House of Representatives of the State of Kansas,
38 the Senate concurring
therein: That the Legislature of the State of Kan-
39 sas urges Congress to provide increased
funding for the Guaranteed Farm
40 Ownership loan program and the Interest
Assistance program; and
41 Be it further
resolved: That the Secretary of the State is hereby
42 to send enrolled copies of this resolution
to the President of the United
43 States, the President of the United States
Senate, the Speaker of the
HCR 5039
1 United States House of
Representative, the Secretary of Agriculture of
2 the United States Department of
Agriculture and each member of the
3 Kansas Congressional delegation.