Session of 1999
House Concurrent Resolution No. 5030
By Representative Aday
9 A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION requesting the Legislative Coordi-
10 nating Council to appoint a special committee to study the function of
11 housing as an economic development activity.
13 WHEREAS, The Legislature recognizes the importance of adequate
14 housing for all Kansans; and
15 WHEREAS, Adequate housing, particularly housing owned by the oc-
16 cupant, is not within the financial capabilities of many Kansans; and
17 WHEREAS, It is believed the development of housing in the rural
18 areas of the state is thwarted by the lack of available financing: Now,
19 therefore,
20 Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of Kansas,
21 the Senate concurring therein: That the Legislative Coordinating Coun-
22 cil is hereby requested to appoint a special committee to study the func-
23 tion of housing as an economic development activity; and
24 Be it further resolved: That the special committee complete its study
25 and submit its report to the Legislature by no later than December 1,
26 2000; and
27 Be it further resolved: That the Secretary of State be directed to pro-
28 vide an enrolled copy of this resolution to the Chairperson of the Legis-
29 lative Coordinating Council.