Session of 1999
House Concurrent Resolution No. 5028
By Representative Light
(By Request)
10 A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION urging that no legislation be en-
11 acted to deregulate the retail electric industry unless further study and
12 deliberation conclude that deregulation will benefit all consumers.
14 WHEREAS, The Docking Institute of Public Affairs of Fort Hays
15 State University conducted an independent study of the effects of restruc-
16 turing the electric utility industry to deregulate retail sales of electricity
17 ("retail wheeling") and the study encompassed service territories of elec-
18 tric cooperatives in all areas of the state; and
19 WHEREAS, The study found that deregulation of retail electric sales
20 could cause typical electric bills of residential customers to nearly double;
21 and
22 WHEREAS, The study showed a potential loss of hundreds of jobs in
23 service territories of Kansas electric cooperatives and major reductions in
24 income as the result of retail wheeling; and
25 WHEREAS, The study also concluded that retail wheeling could cause
26 rural areas to lose millions of dollars in tax revenues; and
27 WHEREAS, Kansas is one of 24 states that have a Silver Haired Leg-
28 islature and the Kansas Silver Haired Legislature conducted its 16th An-
29 nual Session in October, 1998; and
30 WHEREAS, The Kansas Silver Haired Legislature adopted SHL Res-
31 olution No. 1511 which urged that no legislation be enacted to deregulate
32 the retail electric industry: Now, therefore,
33 Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of Kansas,
34 the Senate concurring therein: That no legislation be enacted to dereg-
35 ulate the retail electric industry in this state until further study and de-
36 liberation conclude that deregulation will benefit all consumers.