Session of 1999
House Concurrent Resolution No. 5027
By Representative Light
(By request)
10 A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION urging the strengthening of cam-
11 paign finance and procedure for disclosure requirements of campaign
12 expenditures and contributions.
15 WHEREAS, The full disclosure of campaign expenditures and con-
16 tributions would help ensure the integrity of elections; and
17 WHEREAS, The lack of strong campaign finance laws weaken a dem-
18 ocratic government; and
19 WHEREAS, The high cost of conducting an effective campaign for
20 elective office severely limits, if not eliminates, the possibility of the av-
21 erage citizen to serve this state as an elected official; and
22 WHEREAS, Kansas is one of 24 states that have a Silver Haired Leg-
23 islature and the Kansas Silver Haired Legislature conducted its 16th An-
24 nual Session in October 1998; and
25 WHEREAS, The Kansas Silver Haired Legislature adopted SHL Res-
26 olution No. 1509 which urged the enactment of laws to strengthen exist-
27 ing campaign finance and disclosure requirements of campaign expend-
28 itures and contributions: Now, therefore,
29 Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of Kansas,
30 the Senate concurring therein: That the legislature of the state of Kansas
31 is urged to strengthen existing campaign finance and disclosure require-
32 ments of campaign expenditures and contributions.