Session of 1999
House Concurrent Resolution No. 5025
By Representative Light
(By Request)
10 A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION requesting that the Governor rec-
11 ommend and the Kansas Legislature enact funding increases for Fiscal
12 Year 2000 of at least 8% for in-home services under the Kansas Senior
13 Care Act and for other in-home long-term care and related programs
14 and services provided through the Department on Aging for elderly
15 Kansans.
18 WHEREAS, Kansas is one of 24 states that have a Silver Haired Leg-
19 islature and the Kansas Silver Haired Legislature conducted its 16th An-
20 nual Session in October of 1998; and
21 WHEREAS, The Kansas Silver Haired Legislature adopted SHL Res-
22 olution No. 1505 which requested increased funding for in-home services
23 and related programs for elderly Kansans; and
24 WHEREAS, Comparing the Governor's recommended Fiscal Year
25 1999 all funds budget to the Fiscal Year 1998 approved all funds budget
26 for the Department on Aging for nutrition grants, community grants,
27 Home and Community-Based Services for the Frail Elderly (HCBS-FE)
28 program and targeted case management services and excluding funding
29 for agency operations, nursing facilities and miscellaneous, the Governor
30 recommended funding for such programs and services equal to an ap-
31 proximately .1% decrease for Fiscal Year 1999 and the Kansas Legislature
32 appropriated funding for such programs and services equal to an approx-
33 imately 15.25% increase for Fiscal Year 1999; and
34 WHEREAS, These in-home services under the Kansas Senior Care
35 Act and other in-home long-term care and related programs and services
36 provided through the Department on Aging for elderly Kansans are es-
37 sential for these persons; and
38 WHEREAS, If these in-home and related programs and services are
39 not maintained and expanded to keep pace with the growing population
40 of elderly Kansans, then a substantial number of elderly Kansans will have
41 to be institutionalized to receive needed services: Now, therefore,
42 Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of Kansas,
43 the Senate concurring therein: That the Governor is hereby requested
44 to recommend and the Kansas Legislature is requested to enact funding
45 increases from all funds for Fiscal Year 2000 for in-home services under
46 the Kansas Senior Care Act and for other in-home long-term care and
47 related programs and services provided through the Department on Ag-
48 ing for elderly Kansans which constitute at least an 8% increase above
49 the approved funding appropriated from all funds for Fiscal Year 1999.