Session of 1999
House Concurrent Resolution No. 5023
By Representative Tanner
(By Request)
10 A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION urging the Kansas Legislature to
11 make a substantial commitment to public transportation in any new
12 transportation plan.
14 WHEREAS, The state's current highway plan provides public trans-
15 portation $1,000,000 annually pursuant to K.S.A. 75-5035, an amount
16 equal to .1% of the $900 million surplus in the current highway plan; and
17 WHEREAS, Social and Rehabilitation Services Secretary Rochelle
18 Chronister said on June 2, 1997, in testimony before the SRS Transition
19 Oversight Committee regarding welfare reform: "The single biggest bar-
20 rier we have is transportation (to get people to work)."; and
21 WHEREAS, The Legislative Division of Post Audit study "Examining
22 Potential Duplication and Overlap in Programs for Kansas' Aging Popu-
23 lation" (October, 1993) found in a survey of Social and Rehabilitation
24 Services area office staff, staff from the 11 area agencies on aging, and
25 older adults: "The most frequently mentioned need was transportation
26 services."; and
27 WHEREAS, The Kansas Department on Aging and Social and Re-
28 habilitation Services decided not to pay for transportation services as a
29 home and community based service (HCBS) in the Frail Elderly waiver,
30 although transportation is offered through HCBS waivers or waiver-type
31 programs in 14 states; and
32 WHEREAS, There is currently no requirement in state law for con-
33 sumer participation in coordinated transit districts administering state and
34 federal transit funds pursuant to K.S.A. 75-5051 through 75-5058, al-
35 though Resolution 30 of the 1995 White House Conference on Aging
36 supported policies that "require the appointment of older persons and
37 persons with disabilities with knowledge of transportation needs to boards
38 making transportation decisions at all levels"; and
39 WHEREAS, Current state funding may replace local matching funds
40 for the Section 18 program and, therefore, fail to expand transportation
41 services; and
42 WHEREAS, The 1990 Kansas Legislature failed to enact HB 3008
43 (allowing state funding from the Elderly and Disabled Coordinated Public
HCR 5023
1 Transportation Assistance Fund for nonfederally funded transportation
2 services) as recommended by the Kansas Silver Haired Legislature: Now,
3 therefore,
4 Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of Kansas,
5 the Senate concurring therein: That the Kansas Legislature create a
6 transportation plan rather than a new highway plan; and
7 Be it further resolved: That the Kansas Legislature make a substantial
8 commitment to public transportation in any new transportation plan; and
9 Be it further resolved: That the Kansas Department on Aging amend
10 the Frail Elderly waiver to pay for transportation services; and
11 Be it further resolved: That the Kansas Legislature amend the Kansas
12 Coordinated Transit Districts Act to require all coordinated transit dis-
13 tricts to include consumer members; and
14 Be it further resolved: That no state funds substitute for local match-
15 ing requirements for federal Intermodal Surface Transportation Effi-
16 ciency Act (ISTEA) funds; and
17 Be it further resolved: That a bill similar to HB 3008 (1990) be passed.