As Amended by Senate Committee
Session of 1999
House Concurrent Resolution No. 5021
By Representatives Thimesch, Aday, Alldritt, Ballou,
Barnes, Beggs, Be-
Boston, Burroughs, Campbell, Compton, Cox, Crow, Dahl,
Dreher, Edmonds, Faber, Feuerborn, Findley, Flaharty, Flora,
Franklin, Freeborn, Garner, Gatewood, Geringer, Gilbert,
Glasscock, Grant, Gregory, Hayzlett, Henderson, Henry,
Huff, Humerickhouse, Hutchins, Jenkins, Jennison, Johnson,
Kirk, Klein, Kline, Phil, Kline, Phill, Krehbiel, Kuether,
Larkin, Light, Lloyd, Long, M., Long, P., Loyd, Mason, Mays,
McCreary, McKechnie, McKinney, Minor, Mollenkamp,
Nichols, O'Brien, O'Connor, Osborne, Palmer, Pauls, Peter-
son, E.,
Phelps, Pottorff, Powell, Powers, Ray, Reardon, Rehorn, Ruff,
Showalter, Shriver, Sloan, Spangler, Stone, Swenson, Tedder,
Toplikar, Vickrey, Vining, Weber, Weiland, Wells and
23 A
CONCURRENT RESOLUTION memorializing the President and
24 the United States
Congress to take action to provide funds for inde-
25 pendent research into
illnesses suffered by Gulf War veterans and to
26 initiate more
effective programs to assist Gulf War veterans and their
27 families, and urging
the Governor of Kansas and appropriate heads of
28 Kansas state agencies
to continue efforts in support of the Kansas Per-
29 sian Gulf War Veterans
Health Initiative.
31 WHEREAS, Nearly
700,000 United States troops, including 7,500
32 Kansans, deployed to the Persian Gulf
region in Operation Desert Shield
33 and Operation Desert Storm to liberate
Kuwait; and
34 WHEREAS, Federal
research efforts have not yet identified the prev-
35 alence, patterns, causes or treatments for
illnesses suffered by Gulf War
36 veterans; and
Nationwide, very few Gulf War veterans who have ap-
38 plied for disability compensation for
undiagnosed illnesses from the
39 United States Department of Veterans
Affairs have received compensa-
40 tion; and
Kansas Persian Gulf War Veterans Health Initiative
42 has surveyed 2031 Kansas Gulf War-era
veterans; and
Kansas Gulf War Veterans Health Study preliminary
HCR 5021--Am. by S
1 results indicate that 30% of deployed
veterans suffer from a complex of
2 symptoms characterized by fatigue,
joint and muscle pain, cognitive and
3 mood disturbances, and a variable
array of respiratory, gastrointestinal,
4 neurological, skin, and auditory
problems, collectively identified as Gulf
5 War illness; and
The Kansas Gulf War Veterans Health Study indicates
7 that Gulf War illness occurs in
identifiable patterns, including differences
8 by areas of deployment; and
The Kansas Gulf War Veterans Health Study indicates
10 that among veterans who did not deploy to
the Gulf War, Gulf War illness
11 occurs at a significantly higher rate among
veterans who received vaccines
12 during that period than those who did not
receive vaccines; and
Kansas Gulf War Veterans Health Study indicates
14 that children of Gulf War veterans born
since the war were significantly
15 more likely to have been born with health
problems, including birth de-
16 fects, than children born to nondeployed
veterans during the same period;
17 and
Kansas Gulf War Veterans Health Study indicates
19 that most deployed veterans with Gulf War
illness continue to be em-
20 ployed, but 79% say their health affects
their ability to work; and
Kansas Gulf War Veterans Health Study indicates
22 that Kansas veterans who deployed to the
Gulf War are significantly less
23 likely to receive disability compensation
from the United States Depart-
24 ment of Veterans Affairs than nondeployed
veterans of the same era:
25 Now, therefore,
WHEREAS, Kansas has thousands of
deployable troops at facil-
27 ities such as Fort Riley, Fort
Leavenworth, McConnell Air Base, as
28 well as reservists and members of our
Kansas National Guard; and
The results of the Kansas Persian Gulf War Veterans
30 Health Initiative are very troubling,
we must do all we can to pre-
31 vent a repeat of "Gulf War illness"
in any future conflict that affects
32 our Kansas military men and women:
Now, therefore,
33 Be it
resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
34 the Senate concurring
therein: That we, the Kansas Legislature, believe
35 that Gulf War illness has had a severe
negative impact on the physical
36 and emotional well-being of Gulf War
veterans who honorably served
37 Kansas and the United States; and
38 Be it further
resolved: That we memorialize the President and the
39 Congress of the United States to provide
funding for Gulf War illness
40 research independent of that administered
by the United States Depart-
41 ments of Defense and Veterans Affairs; and
to establish a process of
42 independent review of federal policies and
programs associated with Gulf
43 War illness research, benefits, and health
care; and
HCR 5021--Am. by S
1 Be it further
resolved: That we urge the Governor of Kansas, the
2 Secretary of Health and Environment,
the Kansas Commission on Vet-
3 erans Affairs, and other appropriate
state agency heads to take action to
4 continue to investigate Gulf War
illness and promote programs to inform
5 and assist Kansas Gulf War veterans
and family members suffering from
6 Gulf War illness; and
7 Be it further
resolved: That we urge our Kansas
8 Delegation to coordinate
acquisition of federal grants from the Na-
9 tional Institute of Health
(N.I.H.) or other federal sources to seek
10 causes and cures for Gulf War
illness; and
11 Be it
further resolved: That we urge our Kansas
12 Delegation to build coalitions with
other states to call on Congress
13 and the administration for action in
investigating and finding an-
14 swers to Gulf War illness;
15 Be it
further resolved: That we encourage our Kansas
16 sional Delegation to meet with
members of the Kansas Persian Gulf
17 War Veterans Initiative to coordinate
efforts on the federal level;
18 and
19 Be it
further resolved: That the Secretary of State be directed
to pro-
20 vide an enrolled copy of this resolution to
the President of the United
21 States, the Vice-President of the United
States, the Speaker of the United
22 States House of Representatives, the
Secretary of Defense, the Secretary
23 of Veterans Affairs, and to each member of
the Kansas Congressional
24 delegation; to the Governor of the State of
Kansas, the Secretary of
25 Health and Environment, the Secretary of
Human Resources, and the
26 Chairman of the Kansas Commission on
Veterans Affairs; and to the Na-
27 tional and State Commanders of the American
Legion, the Veterans of
28 Foreign Wars and the Disabled American