Session of 1999
By Committee on Appropriations
concerning the restoration of the Kansas capitol; creating the
10 capitol restoration
trust fund; establishing the capitol restoration com-
11 mission; prescribing
certain powers, duties and functions; providing
12 for certain transfers
from the state general fund; amending K.S.A. 75-
13 6702 and repealing the
existing section.
15 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
16 New Section
1. (a) There is hereby established in the state treasury
17 the capitol restoration trust fund which
shall constitute a trust fund and
18 shall be administered by the legislative
coordinating council in accordance
19 with this section and as otherwise
authorized by law.
20 (b) All moneys
credited to the capitol restoration trust fund shall be
21 used for the purposes of providing funding
for restoration, renovation,
22 remodeling and repair of the Kansas capitol
and for payment of the ex-
23 penses of the capitol restoration
commission as provided by or in accord-
24 ance with appropriation or other acts of
the legislature.
25 (c) All
expenditures from the capitol restoration fund shall be made
26 in accordance with appropriation acts upon
warrants of the director of
27 accounts and reports issued pursuant to
vouchers approved in the manner
28 prescribed by law.
29 (d) On or before
the 10th day of each month, the director of accounts
30 and reports shall transfer from the state
general fund to the capitol res-
31 toration trust fund interest earnings based
32 (1) The average
daily balance of moneys in the capitol restoration
33 trust fund for the preceding month; and
34 (2) the net
earnings rate of the pooled money investment portfolio
35 for the preceding month.
36 New Sec.
2. (a) Subject to the provisions of subsection (b), on
37 1, 1999, July 1, 2000, July 1, 2001, July
1, 2002, July 1, 2003, July 1, 2004,
38 July 1, 2005, and July 1, 2006, the
director of accounts and reports shall
39 transfer the amount that is equal to .2% of
the total amount authorized
40 to be expended or transferred by demand
transfer from the state general
41 fund in the immediately preceding fiscal
year from the state general fund
42 to the capitol restoration trust fund.
43 (b) The total
amount of all moneys transferred from the state general
HB 2573
1 fund to the capitol restoration trust
fund pursuant to this section shall not
2 exceed $80,000,000.
3 New Sec.
3. (a) There is hereby established the capitol restoration
4 commission for the purpose of
advising and providing recommendations
5 to the governor and the legislature
regarding the uses of the moneys
6 credited to the capitol restoration
trust fund and for overseeing the plan-
7 ning and capital improvement projects
undertaken for restoration, ren-
8 ovation, remodeling and repair of the
Kansas capitol. The capitol resto-
9 ration commission shall be composed
of 13 persons who shall be the
10 capitol architect and 12 persons who shall
be appointed as follows:
11 (1) Four members
appointed by the governor;
12 (2) two persons
appointed by the speaker of the house of
13 representatives;
14 (3) two persons
appointed by the minority leader of the house of
15 representatives;
16 (4) two persons
appointed by the president of the senate; and
17 (5) two persons
appointed by the minority leader of the senate.
18 (b) Not more than
seven members of the capitol restoration com-
19 mission who are appointed under clauses (1)
through (5) of subsection
20 (a) shall be members of the same political
party. Each member appointed
21 under clauses (1) through (5) of subsection
(a) shall have a term of office
22 for four years and until such member's
successor is appointed and qual-
23 ified.
24 (c) Annually,
the capitol restoration commission shall elect one of
25 the members of the commission to be the
chairperson of the commission
26 and shall elect one of the members of the
commission to be the vice-
27 chairperson of the commission. A quorum of
the capitol restoration com-
28 mission shall be seven. All actions of the
capitol restoration commission
29 shall be taken by a majority of all of the
members of the commission.
30 (d) The capitol
restoration commission shall meet at least quarterly
31 or more often upon call of the chairperson.
The capitol restoration com-
32 mission may meet at any time within the
city of Topeka, Kansas, on the
33 call of the chairperson.
34 (e) The staff of
the office of the revisor of statutes, the legislative
35 research department and the division of
legislative administrative services
36 shall provide such assistance as may be
requested by the capitol resto-
37 ration commission and authorized by the
legislative coordinating council.
38 (f) Members of
the capitol restoration commission when attending
39 meetings of the capitol restoration
commission, or attending a subcom-
40 mittee meeting thereof authorized by the
commission, shall receive com-
41 pensation, travel expenses and subsistence
expenses or allowances as pro-
42 vided in K.S.A. 75-3212 and amendments
43 (g) The capitol
restoration commission shall study, develop and re-
HB 2573
1 view recommendations, proposals and
plans regarding the uses of the
2 moneys credited to the capitol
restoration trust fund and capital improve-
3 ment projects planned or undertaken
for the restoration, renovation, re-
4 modeling and repair of the Kansas
capitol. The capitol restoration com-
5 mission shall prepare and submit an
annual report of the commission's
6 recommendations and the status of the
planning and capital improvement
7 projects planned or undertaken for
the restoration, renovation, remod-
8 eling and repair of the Kansas
capitol to the governor and the legislative
9 coordinating council prior to October
1 each year for consideration as
10 part of the process of developing the
governor's budget recommendations
11 and to the legislature at the beginning of
each regular session. The gov-
12 ernor shall review and consider inclusion
of such recommendations in the
13 preparation of the governor's budget report
under K.S.A. 75-3721 and
14 amendments thereto.
15 (h) In accordance
with K.S.A. 46-1204 and amendments thereto, the
16 legislative coordinating council may
provide for such professional services
17 as may be requested by the capitol
restoration commission.
18 Sec.
4. K.S.A. 75-6702 is hereby amended to read as follows:
19 6702. (a) The last appropriation bill
passed in any regular session of the
20 legislature shall be the omnibus
reconciliation spending limit bill. Each
21 bill which is passed during a regular
session of the legislature and which
22 appropriates or transfers money from the
state general fund for the en-
23 suing fiscal year shall contain a provision
that such bill shall take effect
24 and be in force from and after the
effective date of the omnibus recon-
25 ciliation spending limit bill for that
regular session of the legislature or
26 from and after such effective date and a
subsequent date or an event
27 occurring after such effective date.
28 (b) Except as
provided in subsection (c), the maximum amount of
29 expenditures and demand transfers from the
state general fund that may
30 be authorized by act of the legislature
during the 1994 regular session of
31 the legislature and each
regular session of the legislature thereafter,
32 hereby fixed so that there will be an
ending balance in the state general
33 fund for the ensuing fiscal year that is
equal to 7 1/2% 7.5% or more of
34 the total amount authorized to be expended
or transferred by demand
35 transfer from the state general fund in
such fiscal year.
36 (c) The
maximum amount of expenditures and demand transfers from
37 the state general fund that may be
authorized during the regular session
38 of the legislature commencing in 1999,
and each regular session of the
39 legislature thereafter through the
regular session of the legislature com-
40 mencing in 2006, is hereby fixed so that
there will be an ending balance
41 in the state general fund for the
ensuing fiscal year that is equal to or
42 more than the lesser of either:
43 (1) The amount
equal to 7.5% of the total amount authorized to be
HB 2573
1 expended or transferred by demand
transfer from the state general fund
2 in such ensuing fiscal year;
3 (2) the
amount equal to the total of (A) the amount equal to 7.3%
4 the total amount authorized to be
expended or transferred by demand
5 transfer from the state general
fund in such ensuing fiscal year, plus (B)
6 any amount by which the actual
amount of revenues that are credited to
7 the state general fund for the
immediately preceding fiscal year exceeds
8 the amount estimated by the
director of the budget and the director of
9 the legislative research
department on or before the April 4 of such pre-
10 ceding fiscal year pursuant to K.S.A.
75-6701 and amendments thereto.
11 Sec. 5. K.S.A. 75-6702 is hereby
12 Sec. 6. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
13 publication in the Kansas register.