Session of 1999
By Committee on Taxation
concerning municipalities; relating to recreation systems and
10 districts; amending
K.S.A. 12-1929 and 12-1932 and repealing the ex-
11 isting sections.
13 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
14 Section
1. K.S.A. 12-1929 is hereby amended to read as follows:
15 1929. (a) Whenever the governing body of
any city which has established
16 a recreation system deems it advisable to
combine the operation and
17 administration of its park system and its
recreation system, it shall publish
18 a notice of its intention
resolution of intent to combine the two systems
19 and establish a single department. Such
notice resolution shall be pub-
20 lished once each week for two consecutive
weeks in the official city news-
21 paper and if within 30 days after the last
publication of the notice reso-
22 lution, a petition signed by at
least 5% of the qualified voters of the city
23 requesting an election upon such question,
an election shall be called and
24 held thereon. Such election shall be called
and held in the manner pro-
25 vided by the general bond law, and the cost
of the election shall be borne
26 by the city. If no protest or no sufficient
protest is filed or if an election
27 is held and the proposition carries by a
majority of those voting thereon,
28 the governing body, by ordinance, may
provide for the combining of its
29 park system and its recreation system and
the establishment of a com-
30 bined park and recreation department. All
property under the control or
31 jurisdiction of either of such systems,
upon the combination of the same,
32 shall be transferred to such department
which shall administer the city's
33 park and recreation system. The governing
body shall provide by ordi-
34 nance for such officers and employees which
may be necessary for the
35 proper operation of the department who
shall be appointed or employed
36 in the manner provided for other officers
and employees of the city.
37 (b) Whenever the
governing body of a city in which a recreation
38 system which was established by a school
district or by a school district
39 and city acting jointly, wishes to combine
the city park system with the
40 recreation system into a single city park
and recreation department, the
41 governing bodies of both, if they agree to
such combination, jointly shall
42 publish notice of the
intention adopt a resolution of intent to
43 the two systems into a single city
department of parks and recreation.
HB 2569
1 Such notice
resolution shall specify whether the tax levied pursuant
2 K.S.A. 12-1932, and amendments
thereto, shall be levied upon all taxable
3 tangible property in the city or
school district. Such resolution shall be
4 published once each week for two
consecutive weeks in the official city
5 newspaper and if within 30 days after
the last publication of a petition
6 signed by at least 5% of the
qualified voters of the city requesting an
7 election upon such question, an
election shall be called and held thereon.
8 Such election shall be called and
held in the manner provided by the
9 general bond law, and the cost of the
election shall be borne equally by
10 the city and the school district. If no
protest or no sufficient protest is
11 filed or if an election is held and the
proposition carries by a majority of
12 those voting thereon, the governing body,
by ordinance, may provide for
13 the combining of its park system and its
recreation system and the estab-
14 lishment of a combined park and recreation
department. All property
15 under the control or jurisdiction of either
of such systems, upon the com-
16 bination of the same, shall be transferred
to the department which shall
17 administer the city's park and public
recreation system. The governing
18 body shall provide by ordinance for such
officers and employees which
19 may be necessary for the proper operation
of the department who shall
20 be appointed or employed in the manner
provided for other officers and
21 employees of the city.
22 Sec.
2. K.S.A. 12-1932 is hereby amended to read as follows:
23 1932. Upon the establishment of a combined
park and recreation de-
24 partment, the current operating fund of or
budgeted for the two systems
25 shall be transferred to the credit of the
combined park and recreation
26 department but shall be maintained in two
individual funds which shall
27 be used for the purpose for which levied.
Thereafter, levies made for the
28 purpose of financing the operation of the
park and recreation department
29 and to pay a portion of the principal and
interest on bonds issued by such
30 city under the authority of K.S.A. 12-1774,
and amendments thereto, shall
31 be made annually upon all taxable tangible
property in the city or the
32 school district as provided by the
resolution adopted pursuant to K.S.A.
33 12-1929, and amendments
34 Sec. 3. K.S.A. 12-1929 and
12-1932 are hereby repealed.
35 Sec. 4. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
36 publication in the statute book.