Session of 1999
By Committee on Appropriations
concerning the behavioral sciences regulatory board; relating
10 to psychologists and
masters level psychologists; amending K.S.A. 1998
11 Supp. 74-5311 and
74-5363 and repealing the existing sections.
13 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
14 Section
1. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 74-5311 is hereby amended to read as
15 follows: 74-5311. (a) Examinations
for applicants under this act shall be
16 held by the board from time to time but not
less than once each year.
17 The board shall adopt rules and regulations
governing the subject, scope,
18 and form of the examinations or shall
contract with a national testing
19 examination service to provide an
examination approved by the board.
20 Unless otherwise provided by the board
pursuant to subsection (b), the
21 board shall prescribe an initial
examination fee not to exceed $350. If an
22 applicant fails the first examination, such
applicant may be admitted to
23 any subsequent examination upon payment of
an additional fee pre-
24 scribed by the board not to exceed $350.
The examination fees prescribed
25 by the board under this
section subsection shall be fixed by rules
26 regulations of the board.
27 (b) The board
may require that examination fees be paid directly to
28 the examination service. Fees paid
directly to the examination service for
29 initial examination or any subsequent
examination shall be in an amount
30 determined by such service which amount
shall be approved by the board.
31 Sec.
2. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 74-5363 is hereby amended to read as
32 follows: 74-5363. (a) Any person who
desires to be licensed under this
33 act shall apply to the board in writing, on
forms prepared and furnished
34 by the board. Each application shall
contain appropriate documentation
35 of the particular qualifications required
by the board and shall be accom-
36 panied by the required fee.
37 (b) The board
shall license as a licensed masters level psychologist
38 any applicant for licensure who pays the
fee prescribed by the board
39 under K.S.A. 74-5365 and amendments
thereto, which shall not be re-
40 funded, who has satisfied the board as to
such applicant's training and
41 who complies with the provisions of this
subsection (b). An applicant for
42 licensure also shall submit evidence
verified under oath and satisfactory
43 to the board that such applicant:
HB 2560
1 (1) Is at
least 21 years of age;
2 (2) has
satisfied the board that the applicant is a person who merits
3 public trust;
4 (3) has
received at least a master's degree in clinical psychology
5 on a program of studies in psychology
from an educational institution
6 having a graduate program in
psychology consistent with state universities
7 of Kansas; or has received at least a
master's degree in psychology and
8 during such master's or post-master's
coursework completed a minimum
9 of 12 semester hours or its
equivalent in psychological foundation courses
10 such as, but not limited to, philosophy of
psychology, psychology of per-
11 ception, learning theory, history of
psychology, motivation, and statistics
12 and 24 semester hours or its equivalent in
professional core courses such
13 as, but not limited to, two courses in
psychological testing, psychopa-
14 thology, two courses in psychotherapy,
personality theories, developmen-
15 tal psychology, research methods, social
psychology; or has passed com-
16 prehensive examinations or equivalent final
examinations in a doctoral
17 program in psychology and during such
graduate program completed a
18 minimum of 12 semester hours or its
equivalent in psychological foun-
19 dation courses such as, but not limited to,
philosophy of psychology, psy-
20 chology of perception, learning theory,
history of psychology, motivation,
21 and statistics and 24 semester hours or its
equivalent in professional core
22 courses such as, but not limited to, two
courses in psychological testing,
23 psychopathology, two courses in
psychotherapy, personality theories, de-
24 velopmental psychology, research methods,
social psychology;
25 (4) has completed
750 clock hours of academically supervised prac-
26 ticum in the master's degree program or
1,500 clock hours of postgrad-
27 uate supervised work experience;
28 (5) has completed
2,000 clock hours of postgraduate work experience
29 under the supervision of a licensed
psychologist or a currently licensed
30 master's level psychologist with three
years' experience; and
31 (6) for
applicants on and after January 1, 1997, (A) has
passed an
32 examination approved by the board with a
minimum score set by the
33 board by rules and regulations at 10
percentage points below the score
34 set by the board for licensed
psychologists. Unless otherwise provided by
35 the board pursuant to paragraph (B) the
board shall prescribe an initial
36 examination fee. If an applicant fails
the first examination, such applicant
37 may be admitted to any subsequent
examination upon payment of an
38 additional fee prescribed by the board.
The examination fees prescribed
39 by the board under this paragraph shall
be fixed by rules and regulations
40 of the board.
41 (B) The board
may contract with a national examination service to
42 provide an examination approved by the
board. The board may require
43 that examination fees be paid directly
to the examination service. Fees
HB 2560
1 paid directly to the examination
service for initial examination or any
2 subsequent examination shall be in
an amount determined by such service
3 which amount shall be approved by
the board.
4 (c) The
board shall adopt rules and regulations establishing the cri-
5 teria which an educational
institution shall satisfy in meeting the require-
6 ments established under item (3) of
subsection (b). The board may send
7 a questionnaire developed by the
board to any educational institution for
8 which the board does not have
sufficient information to determine
9 whether the educational institution
meets the requirements of item (3)
10 of subsection (b) and rules and regulations
adopted under this section.
11 The questionnaire providing the necessary
information shall be com-
12 pleted and returned to the board in order
for the educational institution
13 to be considered for approval. The board
may contract with investigative
14 agencies, commissions or consultants to
assist the board in obtaining in-
15 formation about educational institutions.
In entering such contracts the
16 authority to approve educational
institutions shall remain solely with the
17 board.
18 Sec. 3. K.S.A. 1998 Supp.
74-5311 and 74-5363 are hereby repealed.
19 Sec. 4. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
20 publication in the statute book.