Session of 1999
By Committee on Federal and State Affairs
authorizing certain nonprofit organizations to conduct raffles;
10 providing for the
regulation and taxation of such raffles; amending
11 K.S.A. 1998 Supp.
21-4302 and 79-3606 and repealing the existing
12 sections.
14 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
15 New Section
1. (a) Sections 1 through 12 and amendments thereto
16 shall be known as and may be cited as the
charitable raffle act.
17 (b) If any
provision of the charitable raffle act or the application
18 thereof to any person or circumstances is
held unconstitutional or oth-
19 erwise invalid, such unconstitutionality or
invalidity shall not affect other
20 provisions or applications of the act which
can be given effect without
21 the unconstitutional or invalid provision
or application, and, to this end,
22 the provisions of this act are
23 New Sec.
2. As used in this act:
24 (a) "Department"
means the department of revenue.
25 (b) "Director"
means the director of taxation.
26 (c) "Nonprofit
religious organization" means any organization,
27 church, body of communicants, or group,
gathered in common member-
28 ship for mutual support and edification in
piety, worship, and religious
29 observances, or a society of individuals
united for religious purposes at a
30 definite place and of which no part of the
net earnings inures to the
31 benefit of any private shareholder or
individual member of such organi-
32 zation, and which religious organization
maintains an established place of
33 worship within this state and has a regular
schedule of services or meet-
34 ings at least on a weekly basis and has
been determined by the secretary
35 to be organized and created as a bona fide
religious organization and
36 which has been exempted from the payment of
federal income taxes as
37 provided by section 501(c)(3) or section
501(d) of the federal internal
38 revenue code of 1986, as amended, or
determined to be organized and
39 operated as a bona fide nonprofit religious
organization by the secretary.
40 (d) "Nonprofit
charitable organization" means any organization
41 which is organized and operated for:
42 (1) The relief of
poverty, distress or other condition of public concern
43 within this state; or
HB 2552
1 (2) for
financially supporting the activities of a charitable
2 as defined in paragraph (1); or
3 (3) for
conferring direct benefits on the community at large; and of
4 which no part of the net earnings
inures to the benefit of any private
5 shareholder or individual member of
such organization and has been de-
6 termined by the secretary to be
organized and operated as a bona fide
7 charitable organization and which has
been exempted from the payment
8 of federal income taxes as provided
by sections 501(c)(3), 501(c)(4),
9 501(c)(5), 501(c)(6) and 501(c)(7) of
the federal internal revenue code of
10 1986, as amended, or determined to be
organized and operated as a bona
11 fide nonprofit charitable organization by
the secretary.
12 (e) "Nonprofit
fraternal organization" means any organization within
13 this state which exists for the common
benefit, brotherhood or other
14 interests of its members and is authorized
by its written constitution,
15 charter, articles of incorporation or
bylaws to engage in a fraternal, civic
16 or service purpose within this state and
has been determined by the sec-
17 retary to be organized and operated as a
bona fide fraternal organization
18 and which has been exempted from the
payment of federal income taxes
19 as provided by section 501(c)(8) or section
501(c)(10) of the federal in-
20 ternal revenue code of 1986, as amended, or
determined to be organized
21 and operated as a bona fide nonprofit
fraternal organization by the
22 secretary.
23 (f) "Nonprofit
educational organization" means any public or private
24 elementary or secondary school or
institution of higher education which
25 has been determined by the secretary to be
organized and operated as a
26 bona fide educational organization and
which has been exempted from
27 the payment of federal income taxes as
provided by section 501(c)(3) of
28 the federal internal revenue code of 1986,
as amended, or determined to
29 be organized and operated as a bona fide
nonprofit educational organi-
30 zation by the secretary.
31 (g) "Nonprofit
veterans' organization" means any organization within
32 this state or any branch, lodge, or chapter
of a national or state organi-
33 zation within this state, the membership of
which consists exclusively of
34 individuals who qualify for membership
because they were or are mem-
35 bers of the armed services or forces of the
United States, or an auxiliary
36 unit or society of such a nonprofit
veterans' organization the membership
37 of which consists exclusively of
individuals who were or are members of
38 the armed services or forces of the United
States, or are cadets, or are
39 spouses, widows or widowers of individuals
who were or are members of
40 the armed services or forces of the United
States, and of which no part
41 of the net earnings inures to the benefit
of any private shareholder or
42 individual member of such organization, and
has been determined by the
43 secretary to be organized and operated as a
bona fide veterans' organi-
HB 2552
1 zation and which has been exempted
from the payment of federal income
2 taxes as provided by section
501(c)(4) or 501(c)(19) of the federal internal
3 revenue code of 1986, as amended, or
determined to be organized and
4 operated as a bona fide nonprofit
veterans' organization by the secretary.
(h) "Lessor" means the owner, coowner, lessor or sublessor of
6 ises upon which a licensee is
permitted to manage, operate or conduct
7 raffles, whether or not a written
lease has been entered into and submit-
8 ted to the secretary as required in
section 3, and amendments thereto,
9 and includes all political
subdivisions and other public agencies.
10 (i) "Premises"
means any room, hall, building, enclosure or outdoor
11 area used for the management, operation or
conduct of raffles.
12 (j) "Raffle"
means a game managed, operated or conducted by an
13 organization licensed pursuant to the
charitable raffle act in which a prize
14 is won by one or more of the persons buying
a ticket to participate in
15 such raffle.
16 (k) "Secretary"
means the secretary of revenue or the secretary's
17 designee.
18 (l) "Session"
means any day on which a raffle is managed, operated
19 or conducted by an organization licensed
under the charitable raffle act.
20 (m) "Ticket"
means any tangible evidence issued by an organization
21 licensed under the charitable raffle act to
prove participation in a raffle.
22 New Sec.
3. (a) Any bona fide nonprofit religious, charitable,
23 nal, educational or veterans' organization
desiring to manage, operate or
24 conduct raffles within the state of Kansas
may make application for a
25 license therefor in the manner provided by
this section. Application for
26 licenses required under the provisions of
this act shall be made to the
27 secretary upon forms prescribed by the
secretary. The application shall
28 contain:
29 (1) The name and
address of the organization;
30 (2) the
particular place or location for which a license is desired;
31 (3) a sworn
statement verifying that such organization is a bona fide
32 nonprofit religious, charitable, fraternal,
educational or veterans' organi-
33 zation authorized to operate within the
state of Kansas signed by the
34 presiding officer and secretary of the
organization; and
35 (4) such other
information as may be required by the secretary.
36 (b) A license
shall not be issued to any bona fide nonprofit religious,
37 charitable, fraternal, educational or
veterans' organization if any of its
38 officers, directors or officials or persons
employed on the premises:
39 (1) Has been
convicted of, has pleaded guilty to or pleaded nolo con-
40 tendere to a violation of gambling
laws of any state or the gambling laws
41 of the United States, or has forfeited bond
to appear in court to answer
42 charges for any such violation, or has been
convicted or pleaded guilty or
43 pleaded nolo contendere to the
violation of any law of this or any other
HB 2552
1 state which is classed as a felony
under the laws of such state; or
2 (2) at the
time of application for renewal of a license issued hereunder
3 would not be eligible for such
license upon a first application.
4 (c) An
application for a license required under the provisions of this
5 act shall be accompanied by a fee of
$25. If such organization is to man-
6 age, operate or conduct raffles on
any leased premises, the terms of the
7 lease shall be reduced to writing and
a copy of the lease also shall be
8 submitted to the secretary with the
application. The secretary may ap-
9 prove or disapprove any such lease. A
lease which has been approved by
10 the secretary shall not be amended,
modified or renewed in any manner
11 until such amendments, modifications or
renewals of such lease have
12 been filed with and approved by the
secretary. A lease submitted to the
13 secretary shall not be approved unless:
14 (1) The amount of
the rent for the premises is fair and reasonable.
15 The rent charged for any raffle session
shall not exceed 50% of the net
16 proceeds for the session or the fair and
reasonable rental value deter-
17 mined by the secretary, whichever is less.
The rental costs so charged
18 shall be substantiated to the secretary
under rules and regulations
19 adopted by the secretary.
20 (2) Any costs
additional to the costs under paragraph (1) of this sub-
21 section (c) which are to be borne by the
lessee shall reflect the actual
22 costs incurred by the lessor and first
shall be substantiated to the secretary
23 under rules and regulations adopted by the
24 (3) No costs
shall be borne by the lessee unless such costs are enu-
25 merated in the lease submitted to the
26 (d) Each license
issued shall expire at midnight on June 30 following
27 its date of issuance. A licensee may hold
only one license and that license
28 is valid for only one location. However,
any licensee may manage, operate
29 or conduct raffles, not to exceed five days
in any one year, at locations
30 other than that specified in the license.
If any licensee does manage,
31 operate or conduct raffles under this
provision at a location other than
32 that specified in the license, such
licensee shall submit a written notifi-
33 cation to the secretary, at least three
days prior to managing, operating
34 or conducting raffles at such other
location. No organization shall be
35 issued a license to manage, operate or
conduct raffles at any location
36 outside the county within which such
organization is located as reported
37 in its application for licensure submitted
pursuant to subsection (a). No
38 licensee shall manage, operate or conduct
raffles at any location outside
39 the county within which such licensee is
located. Licenses issued under
40 the provisions of this act shall not be
transferred or assignable. If any
41 licensed organization changes any of its
officers, directors or officials dur-
42 ing the term of the license, such
organization shall report the names and
43 addresses of such individuals to the
secretary immediately with the sworn
HB 2552
1 statement of each such individual as
required by this section on forms
2 prescribed by the secretary. No
organization which denies its membership
3 to persons for the reason of their
race, color or physical handicap, shall
4 be granted or allowed to retain a
license issued under the authority of
5 this act.
6 Except for
nonprofit adult care homes licensed under the laws of the
7 state of Kansas, no license shall be
issued to any organization under the
8 provisions of this act which has not
been in existence continuously within
9 the state of Kansas for a period of
18 months immediately preceding the
10 date of making application for a license.
The licensee shall display the
11 license in a prominent place in the
vicinity of the area where it conducts
12 raffles.
13 (e) No lessor of
premises used for the management, operation or
14 conduct of raffles shall permit the
management, operation or conduct of
15 raffles on such premises unless such lessor
has been issued a registration
16 certificate by the secretary. Application
for registration shall be accom-
17 panied by a fee of $100. Such application
shall be made upon forms
18 prescribed by the secretary and shall be
submitted to the secretary. The
19 application shall contain:
20 (1) The name or
names of the lessor of premises which will be used
21 for the management, operation or conduct of
raffles including, in the case
22 of a corporation, partnership, association,
trust or other entity, the names
23 of all individuals having more than a 10%
ownership interest, either di-
24 rectly or indirectly in such entity;
25 (2) the address
of such premises;
26 (3) the name or
names of any and all organizations which will manage,
27 operate or conduct raffles on such premises
during the period for which
28 the registration certificate is valid;
29 (4) such other
information as may be required by the secretary.
30 (f) Each
registration certificate, or renewal thereof, issued under the
31 provisions of subsection (e) shall expire
at midnight on June 30 following
32 its date of issuance. The certificate of
registration shall be valid for only
33 one premises and shall be displayed in a
prominent place in the registered
34 premises.
35 (g) No
registration certificate shall be issued for any premises if
36 individual who is connected in any way,
directly or indirectly, with the
37 owner or lessor of the premises, within
five years prior to registration,
38 has been convicted of or pleaded guilty or
nolo contendere to any felony
39 or illegal gambling activity or purchased a
tax stamp for wagering or gam-
40 bling activity.
41 New Sec.
4. For the purpose of providing revenue which may be
42 used by the state and for the privilege of
managing, operating or con-
43 ducting raffles under the authority of this
act, there is hereby levied and
HB 2552
1 there shall be collected and paid by
each licensee a tax at the rate of 3%
2 upon the gross receipts received by
the licensee from charges for partic-
3 ipation in raffles and any admission
fees or charges in connection with
4 such raffles. The tax imposed by this
section shall be in addition to the
5 license fee imposed under section 3,
and amendments thereto.
6 New Sec.
5. (a) On dates prescribed by the director, every licensee
7 shall make a return to the director
upon forms prescribed by the director.
8 Such form shall contain:
9 (1) The
name and address of the organization;
10 (2) the amount of
the gross receipts received from charges for par-
11 ticipation in raffles during the preceding
reporting period;
12 (3) the amount of
the gross receipts received from charges for ad-
13 mission to the premises for participation
in raffles during the preceding
14 reporting period; and
15 (4) such other
information as the director may deem necessary.
16 (b) At the time
of making such return, licensees shall pay to the di-
17 rector the amount of the tax then due under
subsection (a) of section 4,
18 and amendments thereto. The director may
extend the time for the pay-
19 ment of such taxes for a period not
exceeding 60 days under rules and
20 regulations adopted by the secretary.
21 (c) If any
licensee fails to make a return, or to pay any tax, when
22 required to do so by the provisions of this
act, except in the case of an
23 extension of time granted by the director,
there shall be added to the tax
24 determined to be due a penalty of 25% of
the amount of such tax, together
25 with interest at the rate per month
prescribed by subsection (a) of K.S.A.
26 79-2968, and amendments thereto, from the
date the tax was due until
27 paid.
28 (d) If any tax
determined and assessed by the director taxation is
29 unpaid due to fraud with intent to evade
the tax imposed by this act, there
30 shall be added thereto a penalty of 50% of
the amount of such tax, to-
31 gether with interest at the rate per month
prescribed by subsection (a)
32 of K.S.A. 79-2968, and amendments thereto,
from the date the tax was
33 due until paid.
34 (e) Whenever, in
the judgment of the director, the failure of any
35 licensee to comply with the provisions of
subsection (a) was due to rea-
36 sonable cause, the director may waive or
reduce any of the penalties or
37 interest imposed by this section, upon
making a record of the reason
38 therefor.
39 (f) The penalties
imposed under this section shall be in addition to
40 all other penalties imposed by law.
41 New Sec.
6. (a) For the purpose of ascertaining the correctness of
42 any return or for the purpose of
determining the receipts and payments
43 of any licensee, the secretary may examine
any books, papers, records or
HB 2552
1 memoranda, bearing upon the matters
required to be included in the
2 records of the licensee. The
secretary may require the attendance of the
3 licensee in the county where the
licensee resides, or where the location
4 of the registered premises for
raffles are located, or of any person having
5 knowledge relating to such records,
and may take testimony and require
6 proof of such person or persons.
7 (b) The
secretary may issue subpoenas to compel access to or for the
8 production of such books, papers,
records or memoranda in the custody
9 of or to which the licensee has
access, or to compel the appearance of
10 such persons. The secretary may issue
interrogatories to any such person
11 to the same extent and subject to the same
limitations as would apply if
12 the subpoena or interrogatories were issued
or served in aid of a civil
13 action in the district court. The secretary
may administer oaths and take
14 depositions to the same extent and subject
to the same limitations as
15 would apply if the deposition was in aid of
a civil action in the district
16 court. In case of the refusal of any person
to comply with any subpoena
17 or interrogatory or to testify to any
matter regarding which such person
18 lawfully may be questioned, the district
court of any county, upon appli-
19 cation of the secretary, may order such
person to comply with such sub-
20 poena or interrogatory or to testify.
Failure to obey the court's order may
21 be punished by the court as contempt.
Subpoenas or interrogatories is-
22 sued under the provisions of this section
may be served upon individuals
23 and corporations in the manner provided in
K.S.A. 60-304, and amend-
24 ments thereto, for the service of process
by any officer authorized to serve
25 subpoenas in civil actions or by the
26 New Sec.
7. Raffles managed, operated or conducted by organiza-
27 tions licensed under the provisions of this
act shall be managed, operated
28 or conducted subject to rules and
regulations adopted by the secretary
29 and the following restrictions:
30 (a) The entire
gross receipts received by any such organization from
31 the management, operation or conduct of
raffles, except that portion util-
32 ized for the payment of the cost of prizes,
license fees and taxes imposed
33 under the provisions of this act, shall be
used exclusively for the lawful
34 purposes of such organization.
35 (b) No person
except a bona fide member or spouse of a bona fide
36 member of the sponsoring organization or
parent organization or an aux-
37 iliary unit or society of such sponsoring
organization may participate in
38 the management, conduct or operation of any
39 (c) No lessor,
employee of such lessor or employee, officer or share-
40 holder of a for profit corporation which is
the lessor shall participate in
41 any raffle on premises leased by any such
lessor nor shall such person be
42 responsible for or assist in the
management, operation or conduct of any
43 raffle on such premises.
HB 2552
1 (d) No
person may participate in the management, conduct or op-
2 eration of a raffle if such person,
within five years prior to such partici-
3 pation, has been convicted of or
pleaded guilty or nolo contendere to any
4 felony or illegal gambling activity
or purchased a tax stamp for wagering
5 or gambling activity.
6 (e) No
person may receive any remuneration or profit for participat-
7 ing in the management, conduct or
operation of any raffle.
8 (f) The
aggregate value of all prizes including the retail value of all
9 merchandise awarded or offered by any
such organization on any single
10 day to winners of raffles shall not exceed
$1,200. Any monetary prize of
11 $100 or more shall be paid by a check drawn
on the raffle trust bank
12 account of the licensee.
13 (g) The total
number of raffles managed, operated or conducted by
14 any licensee in any one day shall not
exceed five. Not more than one
15 licensee may conduct raffles at a given
location or registered premises in
16 any one calendar day.
17 (h) The prize
awarded in any one regular raffle shall not exceed $50
18 in cash or its equivalent. The prize in any
special raffle shall not exceed
19 $500 in cash or its equivalent.
20 (i) The retail
value of any merchandise received by a winner of a raffle
21 shall be considered as the cash value for
the purposes of determining the
22 value of the prize.
23 (j) The charge
made for a single raffle ticket shall not exceed $5.
24 (k) Raffles shall
not be managed, operated or conducted by any li-
25 censee on more than two calendar days in
any one week.
26 (l) All licenses
issued under the provisions of this act shall be issued
27 in the name of the organization
28 (m) Each licensee
shall keep a record of all raffles managed, operated
29 or conducted by it for a period of three
years following the date the raffle
30 is managed, operated or conducted.
31 (n) No person
under the age of 18 years shall participate in the man-
32 agement, operation or conduct of any raffle
managed, operated or con-
33 ducted under the provisions of this
34 (o) A lessor of
premises used for the management, operation or con-
35 duct of raffles or a licensee may not
advertise raffles except to the extent
36 and in the manner prescribed by the rules
and regulations adopted by
37 the secretary. Any advertisement of a
raffle by or on behalf of such lessor
38 or licensee shall specify the organization
which is managing, operating or
39 conducting such raffle. The announcement of
the cancellation of a raffle
40 shall not be considered to be an
41 (p) No licensee
shall manage, operate or conduct raffles on any leased
42 premises unless all of the terms and
conditions of rental or use, including
43 the rental of chairs, equipment, tables,
security guards, janitor service or
HB 2552
1 any other services, are set forth in
a lease submitted, approved and on
2 file with the secretary.
3 (q) No
premises shall be used for the management, operation or con-
4 duct of raffles on more than three
calendar days in any one week.
5 (r) No
premises shall be subdivided to provide multiple premises
6 where raffles are managed, operated
or conducted, whether or not the
7 multiple premises have different
8 (s) No
raffle shall be managed, operated or conducted on leased
9 premises if at any time during the
immediately preceding 44 hours the
10 premises, or any leased premises within
1,000 feet of such premises, have
11 been used for the management, operation or
conduct of a raffle.
12 (t) Every
licensee who has gross receipts of $1,000 or more received
13 from participation in raffles, admission
fees or charges and from any other
14 source directly related to the operation or
conduct of any raffle in any
15 calendar month shall maintain a raffle
trust bank account into which all
16 such receipts are deposited daily and from
which all payments are made
17 relating to the management, operation or
conduct of any raffle, except
18 payment of prizes of less than $100. Having
once established such raffle
19 trust bank account, the licensee shall
continue to make deposits of all
20 receipts therein. Every licensee shall
notify the secretary of the name of
21 the bank in which the raffle trust bank
account is maintained, together
22 with the number and name of the account.
Every licensee who maintains
23 a raffle trust bank account shall maintain
a complete record of all deposits
24 and withdrawals from such account and the
same shall be available to the
25 secretary to audit at any reasonable
26 The records required
under this subsection are in addition to all other
27 records required to be kept by the
licensee. The records required by this
28 subsection shall be maintained in the same
place as all other records
29 required to be kept by the licensee.
30 New Sec.
8. (a) The secretary, after a hearing in accordance with
31 provisions of the Kansas administrative
procedure act, may revoke or
32 suspend any license or registration
certificate issued under the provisions
33 of this act for any of the following
34 (1) The licensee
or registrant has obtained the license or registration
35 certificate by giving false information in
the application therefor;
36 (2) the licensee
or registrant has violated any of the laws of the state
37 of Kansas or provisions of this act or any
rules and regulations of the
38 secretary for the registration, licensing,
taxing, management, conduct or
39 operation of raffles; or
40 (3) the licensee
or registrant has become ineligible to obtain a license
41 under this act.
42 (b) Any action of
the secretary pursuant to subsection (a) is subject
43 to review in accordance with the act for
judicial review and civil enforce-
HB 2552
1 ment of agency actions. In case of
the revocation of a license or registra-
2 tion, a new license or registration
shall not be issued to such lessor, sub-
3 lessor or organization, or any person
acting for or on its behalf, for a period
4 of six months thereafter. The period
of revocation or suspension of a
5 license or registration shall not
exceed one year if the applicant otherwise
6 is qualified on the date the
applicant makes a new application therefor.
7 (c) The
secretary is hereby authorized to enjoin any person from
8 managing, operating or conducting
raffles, or from leasing any premises
9 for such purposes, if such person
does not possess a valid license or reg-
10 istration certificate issued pursuant to
the provisions of the charitable
11 raffle act. The secretary shall be entitled
to have an order restraining such
12 person from managing, operating or
conducting raffles or for any other
13 purpose contrary to the provisions of the
charitable raffle act or from
14 leasing premises for any of such purposes.
No bond shall be required for
15 any such restraining order, nor for any
temporary or permanent injunc-
16 tion issued in such proceedings.
17 New Sec.
9. The administration and enforcement of the charitable
18 raffle act shall be vested in the
secretary. The secretary shall adopt and
19 enforce rules and regulations to administer
and enforce the provisions of
20 the charitable raffle act.
21 New Sec.
10. (a) All amounts received by or for the secretary from
22 license and registration fees pursuant to
this act shall be remitted to the
23 state treasurer. The state treasurer shall
deposit all of such moneys in the
24 state treasury and, except as provided by
section 11, and amendments
25 thereto, shall credit the same to the
charitable raffle regulation fund.
26 (b) All amounts
received by or for the secretary from the tax levied
27 pursuant to section 4, and amendments
thereto, shall be remitted to the
28 state treasurer. The state treasurer shall
deposit all of such moneys in the
29 state treasury and shall credit the same to
the charitable raffle regulation
30 fund.
31 (c) There is
hereby created, in the state treasury, the charitable raffle
32 regulation fund. Moneys in the charitable
raffle regulation fund shall be
33 expended exclusively for the enforcement of
the charitable raffle act and
34 rules and regulations adopted pursuant
thereto. Such expenditures shall
35 be made upon vouchers approved by the
36 (d) Except as
otherwise provided by this act, all operating expenses
37 of the secretary related to the enforcement
of the charitable raffle act
38 appropriated by the legislature shall be
paid from the charitable raffle
39 regulation fund. On the 15th day of each
month, and at such other times
40 as provided by law, the director of
accounts and reports shall transfer to
41 the state general fund any moneys in the
charitable raffle regulation fund
42 on each such date in excess of the amount
required for operating ex-
43 penditures of the secretary related to the
enforcement of the charitable
HB 2552
1 raffle act and an adequate fund
balance, taking into consideration encum-
2 brances, anticipated revenues,
revenue and expenditure experience to
3 date and other relevant factors, as
determined by the secretary and the
4 director of accounts and reports.
5 New Sec.
11. There is hereby created the charitable raffle refund
6 fund in the state treasury. The
charitable raffle refund fund shall be a
7 refund clearing fund. Refunds of the
fees imposed under section 3, and
8 amendments thereto, and taxes imposed
under section 4, and amend-
9 ments thereto, shall be made from
such fund. The charitable raffle refund
10 fund shall be maintained by the secretary
from the license and registration
11 fees received and taxes collected under the
charitable raffle act in an
12 amount sufficient for such refunds not to
exceed $10,000.
13 New Sec.
12. (a) In addition to or in lieu of any other civil or
14 penalty provided by law and upon a finding
that a licensee or lessor has
15 violated any provision of the charitable
raffle act, any rule and regulation
16 adopted pursuant thereto, shall impose on
such licensee or lessor a civil
17 fine not exceeding $500 for each
18 (b) No fine shall
be imposed pursuant to this section except upon the
19 written order of the secretary to the
licensee or lessor who committed
20 the violation. Such order shall state the
violation, the fine to be imposed
21 and the right of the licensee or lessor to
appeal the order. Such order
22 shall be subject to appeal and review in
the manner provided by the
23 Kansas administrative procedure act.
24 (c) Any fine
collected pursuant to this section shall be paid to the
25 state treasurer, who shall deposit the
entire amount in the state treasury
26 and credit it to the charitable raffle
regulation fund.
27 Sec.
13. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 21-4302 is hereby amended to read as
28 follows: 21-4302. (a) "Bet" means a bargain
in which the parties agree
29 that, dependent upon chance, one stands to
win or lose something of
30 value specified in the agreement. A bet
does not include:
31 (1) Bona fide
business transactions which are valid under the law of
32 contracts including, but not limited to,
contracts for the purchase or sale
33 at a future date of securities or other
commodities, and agreements to
34 compensation for loss caused by the
happening of the chance including,
35 but not limited to, contracts of indemnity
or guaranty and life or health
36 and accident insurance;
37 (2) offers of
purses, prizes or premiums to the actual contestants in
38 any bona fide contest for the determination
of skill, speed, strength, or
39 endurance or to the bona fide owners of
animals or vehicles entered in
40 such a contest;
41 (3) a lottery as
defined in this section;
42 (4) any bingo
game by or for participants managed, operated or con-
43 ducted in accordance with the laws of the
state of Kansas by an organi-
HB 2552
1 zation licensed by the state of
Kansas to manage, operate or conduct
2 games of bingo;
3 (5) a
lottery operated by the state pursuant to the Kansas lottery
4 (6) any
system of parimutuel wagering managed, operated and con-
5 ducted in accordance with the Kansas
parimutuel racing act; or
6 (7) tribal
(b) "Lottery" means an enterprise wherein for a consideration
8 participants are given an opportunity
to win a prize, the award of which
9 is determined by chance. A lottery
does not include:
10 (1) A lottery
operated by the state pursuant to the Kansas lottery act;
11 or
12 (2) a raffle
operated, managed or conducted by an organization li-
13 censed pursuant to the charitable raffle
act; or
14 (2)
(3) tribal gaming.
(c) "Consideration" means anything which is a commercial or
16 cial advantage to the promoter or a
disadvantage to any participant.
17 Mere registration
without purchase of goods or services; personal at-
18 tendance at places or events, without
payment of an admission price or
19 fee; listening to or watching radio and
television programs; answering the
20 telephone or making a telephone call and
acts of like nature are not
21 consideration.
22 As used in this
subsection, consideration does not include:
23 (1) Sums of money
paid by or for participants in any bingo game
24 managed, operated or conducted in
accordance with the laws of the state
25 of Kansas by any bona fide nonprofit
religious, charitable, fraternal, ed-
26 ucational or veteran organization licensed
to manage, operate or conduct
27 bingo games under the laws of the state of
Kansas and it shall be conclu-
28 sively presumed that such sums paid by or
for such participants were
29 intended by such participants to be for the
benefit of the sponsoring
30 organizations for the use of such
sponsoring organizations in furthering
31 the purposes of such sponsoring
organizations, as set forth in the appro-
32 priate paragraphs of subsection (c) or (d)
of section 501 of the internal
33 revenue code of 1986 and as set forth in
K.S.A. 79-4701 and amendments
34 thereto;
35 (2) sums of money
paid by or for participants in any lottery operated
36 by the state pursuant to the Kansas lottery
37 (3) sums of money
paid by or for participants in any system of pari-
38 mutuel wagering managed, operated and
conducted in accordance with
39 the Kansas parimutuel racing act; or
40 (4) sums of money
paid by or for a person to participate in tribal
41 gaming.
42 (d)
(1) "Gambling device" means:
43 (A) Any so-called
"slot machine" or any other machine, mechanical
HB 2552
1 device, electronic device or other
contrivance an essential part of which
2 is a drum or reel with insignia
thereon, and (i) which when operated may
3 deliver, as the result of chance, any
money or property, or (ii) by the
4 operation of which a person may
become entitled to receive, as the result
5 of chance, any money or property;
6 (B) any
other machine, mechanical device, electronic device or other
7 contrivance (including, but not
limited to, roulette wheels and similar
8 devices) which is equipped with or
designed to accommodate the addition
9 of a mechanism that enables
accumulated credits to be removed, is
10 equipped with or designed to accommodate a
mechanism to record the
11 number of credits removed or is otherwise
designed, manufactured or
12 altered primarily for use in connection
with gambling, and (i) which when
13 operated may deliver, as the result of
chance, any money or property, or
14 (ii) by the operation of which a person may
become entitled to receive,
15 as the result of chance, any money or
16 (C) any
subassembly or essential part intended to be used in connec-
17 tion with any such machine, mechanical
device, electronic device or other
18 contrivance, but which is not attached to
any such machine, mechanical
19 device, electronic device or other
contrivance as a constituent part; or
20 (D) any token,
chip, paper, receipt or other document which evi-
21 dences, purports to evidence or is designed
to evidence participation in
22 a lottery or the making of a bet.
23 The fact that the
prize is not automatically paid by the device does not
24 affect its character as a gambling
25 (2) Gambling
device does not include:
26 (A) Any machine,
mechanical device, electronic device or other con-
27 trivance used or for use by a licensee of
the Kansas racing commission as
28 authorized by law and rules and regulations
adopted by the commission
29 or by the Kansas lottery or Kansas lottery
retailers as authorized by law
30 and rules and regulations adopted by the
Kansas lottery commission;
31 (B) any machine,
mechanical device, electronic device or other con-
32 trivance, such as a coin-operated bowling
alley, shuffleboard, marble ma-
33 chine (a so-called pinball machine), or
mechanical gun, which is not de-
34 signed and manufactured primarily for use
in connection with gambling,
35 and (i) which when operated does not
deliver, as a result of chance, any
36 money, or (ii) by the operation of which a
person may not become entitled
37 to receive, as the result of the
application of an element of chance, any
38 money;
39 (C) any so-called
claw, crane, or digger machine and similar devices
40 which are designed and manufactured
primarily for use at carnivals or
41 county or state fairs; or
42 (D) any machine,
mechanical device, electronic device or other con-
43 trivance used in tribal gaming.
HB 2552
1 (e) A
"gambling place" is any place, room, building, vehicle, tent or
2 location which is used for any of the
following: Making and settling bets;
3 receiving, holding, recording or
forwarding bets or offers to bet; con-
4 ducting lotteries; or playing
gambling devices. Evidence that the place
5 has a general reputation as a
gambling place or that, at or about the time
6 in question, it was frequently
visited by persons known to be commercial
7 gamblers or known as frequenters of
gambling places is admissible on the
8 issue of whether it is a gambling
9 (f) "Tribal
gaming" has the meaning provided by K.S.A. 1998 Supp.
10 74-9802 and amendments thereto.
11 (g) "Tribal
gaming commission" has the meaning provided by K.S.A.
12 1998 Supp. 74-9802 and amendments
13 Sec.
14. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 79-3606 is hereby amended to read as
14 follows: 79-3606. The following shall be
exempt from the tax imposed by
15 this act:
16 (a) All sales of
motor-vehicle fuel or other articles upon which a sales
17 or excise tax has been paid, not subject to
refund, under the laws of this
18 state except cigarettes as defined by
K.S.A. 79-3301, and amendments
19 thereto, cereal malt beverages and malt
products as defined by K.S.A. 79-
20 3817, and amendments thereto,
including wort, liquid malt, malt syrup
21 and malt extract, which is not subject to
taxation under the provisions of
22 K.S.A. 79-41a02, and amendments
thereto, motor vehicles taxed pursuant
23 to K.S.A. 79-5117, and amendments thereto,
tires taxed pursuant to
24 K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 65-3424d, and amendments
thereto, and drycleaning
25 and laundry services taxed pursuant to
K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 65-34,150, and
26 amendments thereto;
27 (b) all sales of
tangible personal property or service, including the
28 renting and leasing of tangible personal
property, purchased directly by
29 the state of Kansas, a political
subdivision thereof, other than a school or
30 educational institution, or purchased by a
public or private nonprofit hos-
31 pital or public hospital authority or
nonprofit blood, tissue or organ bank
32 and used exclusively for state, political
subdivision, hospital or public hos-
33 pital authority or nonprofit blood, tissue
or organ bank purposes, except
34 when: (1) Such state, hospital or public
hospital authority is engaged or
35 proposes to engage in any business
specifically taxable under the provi-
36 sions of this act and such items of
tangible personal property or service
37 are used or proposed to be used in such
business, or (2) such political
38 subdivision is engaged or proposes to
engage in the business of furnishing
39 gas, water, electricity or heat to others
and such items of personal prop-
40 erty or service are used or proposed to be
used in such business;
41 (c) all sales of
tangible personal property or services, including the
42 renting and leasing of tangible personal
property, purchased directly by
43 a public or private elementary or secondary
school or public or private
HB 2552
1 nonprofit educational institution and
used primarily by such school or
2 institution for nonsectarian programs
and activities provided or sponsored
3 by such school or institution or in
the erection, repair or enlargement of
4 buildings to be used for such
purposes. The exemption herein provided
5 shall not apply to erection,
construction, repair, enlargement or equip-
6 ment of buildings used primarily for
human habitation;
7 (d) all
sales of tangible personal property or services purchased by a
8 contractor for the purpose of
constructing, equipping, reconstructing,
9 maintaining, repairing, enlarging,
furnishing or remodeling facilities for
10 any public or private nonprofit hospital or
public hospital authority, public
11 or private elementary or secondary school
or a public or private nonprofit
12 educational institution, which would be
exempt from taxation under the
13 provisions of this act if purchased
directly by such hospital or public hos-
14 pital authority, school or educational
institution; and all sales of tangible
15 personal property or services purchased by
a contractor for the purpose
16 of constructing, equipping, reconstructing,
maintaining, repairing, en-
17 larging, furnishing or remodeling
facilities for any political subdivision of
18 the state, the total cost of which is paid
from funds of such political
19 subdivision and which would be exempt from
taxation under the provi-
20 sions of this act if purchased directly by
such political subdivision. Nothing
21 in this subsection or in the provisions of
K.S.A. 12-3418, and amendments
22 thereto, shall be deemed to exempt the
purchase of any construction
23 machinery, equipment or tools used in the
constructing, equipping, re-
24 constructing, maintaining, repairing,
enlarging, furnishing or remodeling
25 facilities for any political subdivision of
the state. As used in this subsec-
26 tion, K.S.A. 12-3418 and 79-3640, and
amendments thereto, "funds of a
27 political subdivision" shall mean general
tax revenues, the proceeds of
28 any bonds and gifts or grants-in-aid. Gifts
shall not mean funds used for
29 the purpose of constructing, equipping,
reconstructing, repairing, enlarg-
30 ing, furnishing or remodeling facilities
which are to be leased to the do-
31 nor. When any political subdivision of the
state, public or private non-
32 profit hospital or public hospital
authority, public or private elementary
33 or secondary school or public or private
nonprofit educational institution
34 shall contract for the purpose of
constructing, equipping, reconstructing,
35 maintaining, repairing, enlarging,
furnishing or remodeling facilities, it
36 shall obtain from the state and furnish to
the contractor an exemption
37 certificate for the project involved, and
the contractor may purchase ma-
38 terials for incorporation in such project.
The contractor shall furnish the
39 number of such certificate to all suppliers
from whom such purchases are
40 made, and such suppliers shall execute
invoices covering the same bearing
41 the number of such certificate. Upon
completion of the project the con-
42 tractor shall furnish to the political
subdivision, hospital or public hospital
43 authority, school or educational
institution concerned a sworn statement,
HB 2552
1 on a form to be provided by the
director of taxation, that all purchases so
2 made were entitled to exemption under
this subsection. As an alternative
3 to the foregoing procedure, any such
contracting entity may apply to the
4 secretary of revenue for agent status
for the sole purpose of issuing and
5 furnishing project exemption
certificates to contractors pursuant to rules
6 and regulations adopted by the
secretary establishing conditions and stan-
7 dards for the granting and
maintaining of such status. All invoices shall
8 be held by the contractor for a
period of five years and shall be subject
9 to audit by the director of taxation.
If any materials purchased under such
10 a certificate are found not to have been
incorporated in the building or
11 other project or not to have been returned
for credit or the sales or
12 compensating tax otherwise imposed upon
such materials which will not
13 be so incorporated in the building or other
project reported and paid by
14 such contractor to the director of taxation
not later than the 20th day of
15 the month following the close of the month
in which it shall be deter-
16 mined that such materials will not be used
for the purpose for which such
17 certificate was issued, the political
subdivision, hospital or public hospital
18 authority, school or educational
institution concerned shall be liable for
19 tax on all materials purchased for the
project, and upon payment thereof
20 it may recover the same from the contractor
together with reasonable
21 attorney fees. Any contractor or any agent,
employee or subcontractor
22 thereof, who shall use or otherwise dispose
of any materials purchased
23 under such a certificate for any purpose
other than that for which such a
24 certificate is issued without the payment
of the sales or compensating tax
25 otherwise imposed upon such materials,
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor
26 and, upon conviction therefor, shall be
subject to the penalties provided
27 for in subsection (g) of K.S.A. 79-3615,
and amendments thereto;
28 (e) all sales of
tangible personal property or services purchased by a
29 contractor for the erection, repair or
enlargement of buildings or other
30 projects for the government of the United
States, its agencies or instru-
31 mentalities, which would be exempt from
taxation if purchased directly
32 by the government of the United States, its
agencies or instrumentalities.
33 When the government of the United States,
its agencies or instrumen-
34 talities shall contract for the erection,
repair, or enlargement of any build-
35 ing or other project, it shall obtain from
the state and furnish to the
36 contractor an exemption certificate for the
project involved, and the con-
37 tractor may purchase materials for
incorporation in such project. The
38 contractor shall furnish the number of such
certificates to all suppliers
39 from whom such purchases are made, and such
suppliers shall execute
40 invoices covering the same bearing the
number of such certificate. Upon
41 completion of the project the contractor
shall furnish to the government
42 of the United States, its agencies or
instrumentalities concerned a sworn
43 statement, on a form to be provided by the
director of taxation, that all
HB 2552
1 purchases so made were entitled to
exemption under this subsection. As
2 an alternative to the foregoing
procedure, any such contracting entity may
3 apply to the secretary of revenue for
agent status for the sole purpose of
4 issuing and furnishing project
exemption certificates to contractors pur-
5 suant to rules and regulations
adopted by the secretary establishing con-
6 ditions and standards for the
granting and maintaining of such status. All
7 invoices shall be held by the
contractor for a period of five years and shall
8 be subject to audit by the director
of taxation. Any contractor or any agent,
9 employee or subcontractor thereof,
who shall use or otherwise dispose of
10 any materials purchased under such a
certificate for any purpose other
11 than that for which such a certificate is
issued without the payment of
12 the sales or compensating tax otherwise
imposed upon such materials,
13 shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon
conviction therefor, shall be
14 subject to the penalties provided for in
subsection (g) of K.S.A. 79-3615,
15 and amendments thereto;
16 (f) tangible
personal property purchased by a railroad or public utility
17 for consumption or movement directly and
immediately in interstate
18 commerce;
19 (g) sales of
aircraft including remanufactured and modified aircraft,
20 sales of aircraft repair, modification and
replacement parts and sales of
21 services employed in the remanufacture,
modification and repair of air-
22 craft sold to persons using directly or
through an authorized agent such
23 aircraft and aircraft repair, modification
and replacement parts as certified
24 or licensed carriers of persons or property
in interstate or foreign com-
25 merce under authority of the laws of the
United States or any foreign
26 government or sold to any foreign
government or agency or instrumen-
27 tality of such foreign government and all
sales of aircraft, aircraft parts,
28 replacement parts and services employed in
the remanufacture, modifi-
29 cation and repair of aircraft for use
outside of the United States;
30 (h) all rentals
of nonsectarian textbooks by public or private elemen-
31 tary or secondary schools;
32 (i) the lease or
rental of all films, records, tapes, or any type of sound
33 or picture transcriptions used by motion
picture exhibitors;
34 (j) meals served
without charge or food used in the preparation of
35 such meals to employees of any restaurant,
eating house, dining car, hotel,
36 drugstore or other place where meals or
drinks are regularly sold to the
37 public if such employees' duties are
related to the furnishing or sale of
38 such meals or drinks;
39 (k) any motor
vehicle, semitrailer or pole trailer, as such terms are
40 defined by K.S.A. 8-126, and
amendments thereto, or aircraft sold and
41 delivered in this state to a bona fide
resident of another state, which motor
42 vehicle, semitrailer, pole trailer or
aircraft is not to be registered or based
43 in this state and which vehicle,
semitrailer, pole trailer or aircraft will not
HB 2552
1 remain in this state more than 10
2 (l) all
isolated or occasional sales of tangible personal property,
3 ices, substances or things, except
isolated or occasional sale of motor
4 vehicles specifically taxed under the
provisions of subsection (o) of K.S.A.
5 79-3603, and amendments
6 (m) all
sales of tangible personal property which become an ingre-
7 dient or component part of tangible
personal property or services pro-
8 duced, manufactured or compounded for
ultimate sale at retail within or
9 without the state of Kansas; and any
such producer, manufacturer or
10 compounder may obtain from the director of
taxation and furnish to the
11 supplier an exemption certificate number
for tangible personal property
12 for use as an ingredient or component part
of the property or services
13 produced, manufactured or compounded;
14 (n) all sales of
tangible personal property which is consumed in the
15 production, manufacture, processing,
mining, drilling, refining or com-
16 pounding of tangible personal property, the
treating of by-products or
17 wastes derived from any such production
process, the providing of serv-
18 ices or the irrigation of crops for
ultimate sale at retail within or without
19 the state of Kansas; and any purchaser of
such property may obtain from
20 the director of taxation and furnish to the
supplier an exemption certifi-
21 cate number for tangible personal property
for consumption in such pro-
22 duction, manufacture, processing, mining,
drilling, refining, compound-
23 ing, treating, irrigation and in providing
such services;
24 (o) all sales of
animals, fowl and aquatic plants and animals, the pri-
25 mary purpose of which is use in agriculture
or aquaculture, as defined in
26 K.S.A. 47-1901, and amendments thereto, the
production of food for
27 human consumption, the production of
animal, dairy, poultry or aquatic
28 plant and animal products, fiber or fur, or
the production of offspring for
29 use for any such purpose or purposes;
30 (p) all sales of
drugs, as defined by K.S.A. 65-1626, and amendments
31 thereto, dispensed pursuant to a
prescription order, as defined by K.S.A.
32 65-1626, and amendments thereto, by
a licensed practitioner;
33 (q) all sales of
insulin dispensed by a person licensed by the state
34 board of pharmacy to a person for treatment
of diabetes at the direction
35 of a person licensed to practice medicine
by the board of healing arts;
36 (r) all sales of
prosthetic and orthopedic appliances prescribed in
37 writing by a person licensed to practice
the healing arts, dentistry or
38 optometry. For the purposes of this
subsection, the term prosthetic and
39 orthopedic appliances means any apparatus,
instrument, device, or equip-
40 ment used to replace or substitute for any
missing part of the body; used
41 to alleviate the malfunction of any part of
the body; or used to assist any
42 disabled person in leading a normal life by
facilitating such person's mo-
43 bility; such term shall include accessories
attached or to be attached to
HB 2552
1 motor vehicles, but such term shall
not include motor vehicles or personal
2 property which when installed becomes
a fixture to real property;
3 (s) all
sales of tangible personal property or services purchased di-
4 rectly by a groundwater management
district organized or operating un-
5 der the authority of K.S.A. 82a-1020
et seq., and amendments thereto,
6 which property or services are used
in the operation or maintenance of
7 the district;
8 (t) all
sales of farm machinery and equipment or aquaculture ma-
9 chinery and equipment, repair and
replacement parts therefor and serv-
10 ices performed in the repair and
maintenance of such machinery and
11 equipment. For the purposes of this
subsection the term "farm machinery
12 and equipment or aquaculture machinery and
equipment" shall include
13 machinery and equipment used in the
operation of Christmas tree farm-
14 ing but shall not include any passenger
vehicle, truck, truck tractor, trailer,
15 semitrailer or pole trailer, other than a
farm trailer, as such terms are
16 defined by K.S.A. 8-126, and
amendments thereto. Each purchaser of
17 farm machinery and equipment or aquaculture
machinery and equipment
18 exempted herein must certify in writing on
the copy of the invoice or
19 sales ticket to be retained by the seller
that the farm machinery and
20 equipment or aquaculture machinery and
equipment purchased will be
21 used only in farming, ranching or
aquaculture production. Farming or
22 ranching shall include the operation of a
feedlot and farm and ranch work
23 for hire and the operation of a
24 (u) all leases or
rentals of tangible personal property used as a dwell-
25 ing if such tangible personal property is
leased or rented for a period of
26 more than 28 consecutive days;
27 (v) all sales of
food products to any contractor for use in preparing
28 meals for delivery to homebound elderly
persons over 60 years of age and
29 to homebound disabled persons or to be
served at a group-sitting at a
30 location outside of the home to otherwise
homebound elderly persons
31 over 60 years of age and to otherwise
homebound disabled persons, as
32 all or part of any food service project
funded in whole or in part by
33 government or as part of a private
nonprofit food service project available
34 to all such elderly or disabled persons
residing within an area of service
35 designated by the private nonprofit
organization, and all sales of food
36 products for use in preparing meals for
consumption by indigent or home-
37 less individuals whether or not such meals
are consumed at a place des-
38 ignated for such purpose;
39 (w) all sales of
natural gas, electricity, heat and water delivered
40 through mains, lines or pipes: (1) To
residential premises for noncom-
41 mercial use by the occupant of such
premises; (2) for agricultural use and
42 also, for such use, all sales of propane
gas; (3) for use in the severing of
43 oil; and (4) to any property which is
exempt from property taxation pur-
HB 2552
1 suant to K.S.A. 79-201b Second
through Sixth, and amendments thereto.
2 As used in this paragraph, "severing"
shall have the meaning ascribed
3 thereto by subsection (k) of K.S.A.
79-4216, and amendments thereto;
4 (x) all
sales of propane gas, LP-gas, coal, wood and other fuel sources
5 for the production of heat or
lighting for noncommercial use of an oc-
6 cupant of residential premises;
7 (y) all
sales of materials and services used in the repairing,
8 altering, maintaining, manufacturing,
remanufacturing, or modification of
9 railroad rolling stock for use in
interstate or foreign commerce under
10 authority of the laws of the United
11 (z) all sales of
tangible personal property and services purchased di-
12 rectly by a port authority or by a
contractor therefor as provided by the
13 provisions of K.S.A. 12-3418, and
amendments thereto;
14 (aa) all sales of
materials and services applied to equipment which is
15 transported into the state from without the
state for repair, service, al-
16 teration, maintenance, remanufacture or
modification and which is sub-
17 sequently transported outside the state for
use in the transmission of
18 liquids or natural gas by means of pipeline
in interstate or foreign com-
19 merce under authority of the laws of the
United States;
20 (bb) all sales of
used mobile homes or manufactured homes. As used
21 in this subsection: (1) "Mobile homes" and
"manufactured homes" shall
22 have the meanings ascribed thereto by
K.S.A. 58-4202, and amendments
23 thereto; and (2) "sales of used mobile
homes or manufactured homes"
24 means sales other than the original retail
sale thereof;
25 (cc) all sales of
tangible personal property or services purchased for
26 the purpose of and in conjunction with
constructing, reconstructing, en-
27 larging or remodeling a business or retail
business which meets the
28 requirements established in K.S.A.
74-50,115, and amendments thereto,
29 and the sale and installation of machinery
and equipment purchased for
30 installation at any such business or retail
business. When a person shall
31 contract for the construction,
reconstruction, enlargement or remodeling
32 of any such business or retail business,
such person shall obtain from the
33 state and furnish to the contractor an
exemption certificate for the project
34 involved, and the contractor may purchase
materials, machinery and
35 equipment for incorporation in such
project. The contractor shall furnish
36 the number of such certificates to all
suppliers from whom such purchases
37 are made, and such suppliers shall execute
invoices covering the same
38 bearing the number of such certificate.
Upon completion of the project
39 the contractor shall furnish to the owner
of the business or retail business
40 a sworn statement, on a form to be provided
by the director of taxation,
41 that all purchases so made were entitled to
exemption under this subsec-
42 tion. All invoices shall be held by the
contractor for a period of five years
43 and shall be subject to audit by the
director of taxation. Any contractor
HB 2552
1 or any agent, employee or
subcontractor thereof, who shall use or oth-
2 erwise dispose of any materials,
machinery or equipment purchased un-
3 der such a certificate for any
purpose other than that for which such a
4 certificate is issued without the
payment of the sales or compensating tax
5 otherwise imposed thereon, shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon
6 conviction therefor, shall be subject
to the penalties provided for in sub-
7 section (g) of K.S.A. 79-3615,
and amendments thereto. As used in this
8 subsection, "business" and "retail
business" have the meanings respec-
9 tively ascribed thereto by K.S.A.
74-50,114, and amendments thereto;
10 (dd) all sales of
tangible personal property purchased with food
11 stamps issued by the United States
department of agriculture;
12 (ee) all sales of
lottery tickets and shares made as part of a lottery
13 operated by the state of Kansas;
14 (ff) on
and after July 1, 1988, all sales of new mobile homes or
15 ufactured homes to the extent of 40% of the
gross receipts, determined
16 without regard to any trade-in allowance,
received from such sale. As used
17 in this subsection, "mobile homes" and
"manufactured homes" shall have
18 the meanings ascribed thereto by K.S.A.
58-4202, and amendments
19 thereto;
20 (gg) all sales of
tangible personal property purchased in accordance
21 with vouchers issued pursuant to the
federal special supplemental food
22 program for women, infants and
23 (hh) all sales of
medical supplies and equipment purchased directly
24 by a nonprofit skilled nursing home or
nonprofit intermediate nursing
25 care home, as defined by K.S.A. 39-923, and
amendments thereto, for
26 the purpose of providing medical services
to residents thereof. This ex-
27 emption shall not apply to tangible
personal property customarily used
28 for human habitation purposes;
29 (ii) all sales of
tangible personal property purchased directly by a non-
30 profit organization for nonsectarian
comprehensive multidiscipline youth
31 development programs and activities
provided or sponsored by such or-
32 ganization, and all sales of tangible
personal property by or on behalf of
33 any such organization. This exemption shall
not apply to tangible personal
34 property customarily used for human
habitation purposes;
35 (jj) all sales of
tangible personal property or services, including the
36 renting and leasing of tangible personal
property, purchased directly on
37 behalf of a community-based mental
retardation facility or mental health
38 center organized pursuant to K.S.A. 19-4001
et seq., and amendments
39 thereto, and licensed in accordance with
the provisions of K.S.A. 75-
40 3307b, and amendments thereto. This
exemption shall not apply to tan-
41 gible personal property customarily used
for human habitation purposes;
42 (kk) on
and after January 1, 1989, all sales of machinery and
43 ment used directly and primarily for the
purposes of manufacturing, as-
HB 2552
1 sembling, processing, finishing,
storing, warehousing or distributing ar-
2 ticles of tangible personal property
in this state intended for resale by a
3 manufacturing or processing plant or
facility or a storage, warehousing or
4 distribution facility, and all sales
of repair and replacement parts and
5 accessories purchased for such
machinery and equipment:
6 (1) For
purposes of this subsection, machinery and equipment shall
7 be deemed to be used directly and
primarily in the manufacture, assem-
8 blage, processing, finishing,
storing, warehousing or distributing of tan-
9 gible personal property where such
machinery and equipment is used
10 during a manufacturing, assembling,
processing or finishing, storing,
11 warehousing or distributing operation:
12 (A) To effect a
direct and immediate physical change upon the tan-
13 gible personal property;
14 (B) to guide or
measure a direct and immediate physical change upon
15 such property where such function is an
integral and essential part of
16 tuning, verifying or aligning the component
parts of such property;
17 (C) to test or
measure such property where such function is an in-
18 tegral part of the production flow or
19 (D) to transport,
convey or handle such property during the manu-
20 facturing, processing, storing, warehousing
or distribution operation at
21 the plant or facility; or
22 (E) to place such
property in the container, package or wrapping in
23 which such property is normally sold or
24 (2) For purposes
of this subsection "machinery and equipment used
25 directly and primarily" shall include, but
not be limited to:
26 (A) Mechanical
machines or components thereof contributing to a
27 manufacturing, assembling or finishing
28 (B) molds and
dies that determine the physical characteristics of the
29 finished product or its packaging
30 (C) testing
equipment to determine the quality of the finished
31 product;
32 (D) computers and
related peripheral equipment that directly control
33 or measure the manufacturing process or
which are utilized for engi-
34 neering of the finished product; and
35 (E) computers and
related peripheral equipment utilized for research
36 and development and product design.
37 (3) "Machinery
and equipment used directly and primarily" shall not
38 include:
39 (A) Hand
40 (B) machinery,
equipment and tools used in maintaining and repair-
41 ing any type of machinery and
(C) transportation equipment not used in the manufacturing,
43 bling, processing, furnishing, storing,
warehousing or distributing process
HB 2552
1 at the plant or facility;
2 (D) office
machines and equipment including computers and related
3 peripheral equipment not directly and
primarily used in controlling or
4 measuring the manufacturing
(E) furniture and buildings; and
(F) machinery and equipment used in administrative,
7 sales or other such activities of the
8 (4) for
purposes of this subsection, "repair and replacement parts and
9 accessories" means all parts and
accessories for exempt machinery and
10 equipment, including but not limited to
dies, jigs, molds, and patterns
11 which are attached to exempt machinery or
which are otherwise used in
12 production, short-lived replaceable parts
that can be readily detached
13 from exempt machinery or equipment, such as
belts, drill bits, grinding
14 wheels, cutting bars and saws, and other
replacement parts for production
15 equipment, including refractory brick and
other refractory items for kiln
16 equipment used in production
17 (ll) all sales of
educational materials purchased for distribution to the
18 public at no charge by a nonprofit
corporation organized for the purpose
19 of encouraging, fostering and conducting
programs for the improvement
20 of public health;
21 (mm) all sales of
seeds and tree seedlings; fertilizers, insecticides,
22 herbicides, germicides, pesticides and
fungicides; and services, purchased
23 and used for the purpose of producing
plants in order to prevent soil
24 erosion on land devoted to agricultural
25 (nn) except as
otherwise provided in this act, all sales of services ren-
26 dered by an advertising agency or licensed
broadcast station or any mem-
27 ber, agent or employee thereof;
28 (oo) all sales of
tangible personal property purchased by a community
29 action group or agency for the exclusive
purpose of repairing or weath-
30 erizing housing occupied by low income
31 (pp) all sales of
drill bits and explosives actually utilized in the explo-
32 ration and production of oil or gas;
33 (qq) all sales of
tangible personal property and services purchased by
34 a nonprofit museum or historical society or
any combination thereof, in-
35 cluding a nonprofit organization which is
organized for the purpose of
36 stimulating public interest in the
exploration of space by providing edu-
37 cational information, exhibits and
experiences, which is exempt from fed-
38 eral income taxation pursuant to section
501(c)(3) of the federal internal
39 revenue code of 1986;
40 (rr) all sales of
tangible personal property which will admit the pur-
41 chaser thereof to any annual event
sponsored by a nonprofit organization
42 which is exempt from federal income
taxation pursuant to section
43 501(c)(3) of the federal internal revenue
code of 1986;
HB 2552
1 (ss) all
sales of tangible personal property and services purchased by
2 a public broadcasting station
licensed by the federal communications
3 commission as a noncommercial
educational television or radio station;
4 (tt) all
sales of tangible personal property and services purchased by
5 or on behalf of a not-for-profit
corporation which is exempt from federal
6 income taxation pursuant to section
501(c)(3) of the federal internal rev-
7 enue code of 1986, for the sole
purpose of constructing a Kansas Korean
8 War memorial;
9 (uu) all
sales of tangible personal property and services purchased by
10 or on behalf of any rural volunteer
fire-fighting organization for use ex-
11 clusively in the performance of its duties
and functions;
12 (vv) all sales of
tangible personal property purchased by any of the
13 following organizations which are exempt
from federal income taxation
14 pursuant to section 501 (c)(3) of the
federal internal revenue code of
15 1986, for the following purposes, and all
sales of any such property by or
16 on behalf of any such organization for any
such purpose:
17 (1) The American
Heart Association, Kansas Affiliate, Inc. for the
18 purposes of providing education, training,
certification in emergency car-
19 diac care, research and other related
services to reduce disability and
20 death from cardiovascular diseases and
21 (2) the Kansas
Alliance for the Mentally Ill, Inc. for the purpose of
22 advocacy for persons with mental illness
and to education, research and
23 support for their families;
24 (3) the Kansas
Mental Illness Awareness Council for the purposes of
25 advocacy for persons who are mentally ill
and to education, research and
26 support for them and their families;
27 (4) the American
Diabetes Association Kansas Affiliate, Inc. for the
28 purpose of eliminating diabetes through
medical research, public edu-
29 cation focusing on disease prevention and
education, patient education
30 including information on coping with
diabetes, and professional education
31 and training;
32 (5) the American
Lung Association of Kansas, Inc. for the purpose of
33 eliminating all lung diseases through
medical research, public education
34 including information on coping with lung
diseases, professional educa-
35 tion and training related to lung disease
and other related services to
36 reduce the incidence of disability and
death due to lung disease;
37 (6) the Kansas
chapters of the Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dis-
38 orders Association, Inc. for the purpose of
providing assistance and sup-
39 port to persons in Kansas with Alzheimer's
disease, and their families and
40 caregivers; and
41 (ww) all sales of
tangible personal property purchased by the Habitat
42 for Humanity for the exclusive use of being
incorporated within a housing
43 project constructed by such
HB 2552
1 (xx) all
sales of tangible personal property and services purchased by
2 a nonprofit zoo which is exempt from
federal income taxation pursuant
3 to section 501(c)(3) of the federal
internal revenue code of 1986, or on
4 behalf of such zoo by an entity
itself exempt from federal income taxation
5 pursuant to section
50 501(c)(3) of the federal internal
revenue code of
6 1986 contracted with to operate such
zoo and all sales of tangible personal
7 property or services purchased by a
contractor for the purpose of con-
8 structing, equipping, reconstructing,
maintaining, repairing, enlarging,
9 furnishing or remodeling facilities
for any nonprofit zoo which would be
10 exempt from taxation under the provisions
of this section if purchased
11 directly by such nonprofit zoo or the
entity operating such zoo. Nothing
12 in this subsection shall be deemed to
exempt the purchase of any con-
13 struction machinery, equipment or tools
used in the constructing, equip-
14 ping, reconstructing, maintaining,
repairing, enlarging, furnishing or re-
15 modeling facilities for any nonprofit zoo.
When any nonprofit zoo shall
16 contract for the purpose of constructing,
equipping, reconstructing, main-
17 taining, repairing, enlarging, furnishing
or remodeling facilities, it shall
18 obtain from the state and furnish to the
contractor an exemption certifi-
19 cate for the project involved, and the
contractor may purchase materials
20 for incorporation in such project. The
contractor shall furnish the number
21 of such certificate to all suppliers from
whom such purchases are made,
22 and such suppliers shall execute invoices
covering the same bearing the
23 number of such certificate. Upon completion
of the project the contractor
24 shall furnish to the nonprofit zoo
concerned a sworn statement, on a form
25 to be provided by the director of taxation,
that all purchases so made were
26 entitled to exemption under this
subsection. All invoices shall be held by
27 the contractor for a period of five years
and shall be subject to audit by
28 the director of taxation. If any materials
purchased under such a certifi-
29 cate are found not to have been
incorporated in the building or other
30 project or not to have been returned for
credit or the sales or compen-
31 sating tax otherwise imposed upon such
materials which will not be so
32 incorporated in the building or other
project reported and paid by such
33 contractor to the director of taxation not
later than the 20th day of the
34 month following the close of the month in
which it shall be determined
35 that such materials will not be used for
the purpose for which such cer-
36 tificate was issued, the nonprofit zoo
concerned shall be liable for tax on
37 all materials purchased for the project,
and upon payment thereof it may
38 recover the same from the contractor
together with reasonable attorney
39 fees. Any contractor or any agent, employee
or subcontractor thereof,
40 who shall use or otherwise dispose of any
materials purchased under such
41 a certificate for any purpose other than
that for which such a certificate
42 is issued without the payment of the sales
or compensating tax otherwise
43 imposed upon such materials, shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon
HB 2552
1 conviction therefor, shall be subject
to the penalties provided for in sub-
2 section (g) of K.S.A. 79-3615, and
amendments thereto;
3 (yy) all
sales of tangible personal property and services purchased by
4 a parent-teacher association or
organization, and all sales of tangible per-
5 sonal property by or on behalf of
such association or organization;
6 (zz) all
sales of machinery and equipment purchased by over-the-air,
7 free access radio or television
station which is used directly and primarily
8 for the purpose of producing a
broadcast signal or is such that the failure
9 of the machinery or equipment to
operate would cause broadcasting to
10 cease. For purposes of this subsection,
machinery and equipment shall
11 include, but not be limited to, that
required by rules and regulations of
12 the federal communications commission, and
all sales of electricity which
13 are essential or necessary for the purpose
of producing a broadcast signal
14 or is such that the failure of the
electricity would cause broadcasting to
15 cease;
16 (aaa) all sales
of tangible personal property and services purchased
17 by a religious organization which is exempt
from federal income taxation
18 pursuant to section 501 (c)(3) of the
federal internal revenue code, and
19 used exclusively for religious purposes;
20 (bbb) all sales
of food for human consumption by an organization
21 which is exempt from federal income
taxation pursuant to section 501
22 (c)(3) of the federal internal revenue code
of 1986, pursuant to a food
23 distribution program which offers such food
at a price below cost in
24 exchange for the performance of community
service by the purchaser
25 thereof.; and
26 (ccc) all
sales of raffle tickets by licensees operating, managing or
27 conducting raffles under the charitable
raffle act.
28 Sec. 15. K.S.A. 1998 Supp.
21-4302 and 79-3606 are hereby
29 repealed.
30 Sec. 16. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after the
31 date of certification of the results of the
election at which the voters
32 approve 1999 House Concurrent Resolution
No. 5032, and its publication
33 in the statute book.