Session of 1999
By Committee on Appropriations
establishing the state official gifts commission; relating to
10 tain gifts received by
statewide elected officers; prescribing certain
11 guidelines and
authorizing certain dispositions; amending K.S.A. 1998
12 Supp. 46-237 and
repealing the existing section.
14 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
15 New Section
1. (a) There is hereby established the state official
16 commission to determine the disposition of
gifts received by statewide
17 elected officers on behalf of the state of
Kansas. The commission is com-
18 posed of the secretary of the state
historical society, or the secretary's
19 designee, the chief justice of the supreme
court, or the chief justice's
20 designee, and the executive director of the
governmental ethics commis-
21 sion, or the director's designee. The
members of the state official gifts
22 commission shall receive no compensation
for service as members of the
23 commission. The secretary of the state
historical society, or the person
24 serving as the secretary's designee, shall
be the chairperson of the state
25 official gifts commission.
26 (b) The state
official gifts commission shall meet upon call of any
27 statewide elected officer to review one or
more gifts received by that
28 statewide elected officer on behalf of the
state or, after the end of the
29 term of office of a person who was serving
as a statewide elected officer,
30 upon the request of such person for the
purpose of reviewing one or
31 more gifts received by that person. After a
statewide elected officer re-
32 ceives any gift on behalf of the state, the
statewide elected officer shall
33 notify the state official gifts commission
and the commission shall sched-
34 ule an open public meeting to review the
gift and to render the commis-
35 sion's decision and authorize the
disposition of the gift. In reviewing each
36 such gift the commission shall consider,
among other factors deemed
37 relevant by the commission, the following:
(1) The historical, cultural and
38 other value or significance of the gift and
the merits of preserving the gift
39 for the state by authorizing the placement
of the gift with the state his-
40 torical society in a collection of the
state historical museum or in a col-
41 lection in a museum of a state educational
institution or other appropriate
42 state repository; and (2) the merit of
allowing the gift to be retained by
43 the person who received it on behalf of the
HB 2547
1 (c) Each
decision and determination of the state official gifts com-
2 mission shall be made in an open
public meeting and a written report of
3 all decisions by the commission shall
be prepared by the secretary of the
4 state historical society and shall be
filed with the governmental ethics
5 commission, the secretary of state
and the legislative coordinating council.
6 (d) The
state official gifts commission is hereby authorized to make
7 the following decisions and authorize
the following dispositions of a gift
8 received on behalf of the state by a
statewide elected officer: (1) The gift
9 may be determined to be appropriately
preserved for the state by keeping
10 such gift in the office of the statewide
elected officer; (2) the gift may be
11 determined to be appropriately preserved
for the state by placing such
12 gift in the custody of the state historical
society to be placed in the col-
13 lection of the state historical museum or
in a museum of a state educa-
14 tional institution or other appropriate
state repository, as determined by
15 the state historical society; (3) the gift
may be transferred to the ownership
16 of the person who received such gift as a
statewide elected officer for the
17 purpose of donating such gift to a
charitable organization, as may be
18 specified by the commission; (4) the gift
may be transferred to the own-
19 ership of the person who received such gift
as a statewide elected officer,
20 to be disposed of at the discretion of such
statewide elected officer; or
21 (5) the gift may be authorized and directed
to be publicly sold by the
22 statewide elected officer in accordance
with such procedures as may be
23 specified by the commission or the gift may
be authorized and directed
24 to be disposed of in accordance with the
provisions of the state surplus
25 property act.
26 (e) No gift
received on behalf of the state shall be disposed of or
27 subject to the provisions of the state
surplus property act, unless the state
28 official gift commission has specifically
determined and authorized by
29 disposition of such gift to be in
accordance with and subject to the state
30 surplus property act. In any case of a
disposition determined and author-
31 ized by the state official gift commission
to be in accordance with the
32 provisions of the state surplus property
act, the proceeds shall be depos-
33 ited and credited as prescribed under the
state surplus property act. In
34 any case of the sale of any such gift in
accordance with the procedures
35 specified by the state official gift
commission under this section, all mon-
36 eys received from such sale shall be
deposited in the state treasury to the
37 credit of the state general fund.
38 (f) The
provisions of this section shall apply to all gifts received by
39 statewide elected officers before the
effective date of this act as well as
40 to all such gifts received by statewide
elected officers on or after the
41 effective date of this act.
42 (g) As used in
this section, "statewide elected officer" means the gov-
43 ernor, lieutenant governor, secretary of
state, state treasurer, attorney
HB 2547
1 general or commissioner of
2 Sec.
2. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 46-237 is hereby amended to read as
3 lows: 46-237. (a) No state officer or
employee, candidate for state office
4 or state officer elect shall accept,
or agree to accept any economic op-
5 portunity, gift, loan, gratuity,
special discount, favor, hospitality, or service
6 having an aggregate value of $40 or
more in any calendar year from any
7 one person known to have a special
interest, under circumstances where
8 such person knows or should know that
a major purpose of the donor is
9 to influence such person in the
performance of their official duties or
10 prospective official duties.
11 (b) No person
with a special interest shall offer, pay, give or make
12 any economic opportunity, gift, loan,
gratuity, special discount, favor, hos-
13 pitality or service having an aggregate
value of $40 or more in any calendar
14 year to any state officer or employee,
candidate for state office or state
15 officer elect with a major purpose of
influencing such officer or employee,
16 candidate for state office or state officer
elect in the performance of of-
17 ficial duties or prospective official
18 (c) No person
licensed, inspected or regulated by a state agency shall
19 offer, pay, give or make any economic
opportunity, gift, loan, gratuity,
20 special discount, favor, hospitality, or
service having an aggregate value
21 of $40 or more in any calendar year to such
agency or any state officer
22 or employee, candidate for state office or
state officer elect of that agency.
23 (d) Hospitality
in the form of recreation, food and beverages is pre-
24 sumed not to be given to influence a state
officer or employee, candidate
25 for state office or state officer elect in
the performance of official duties
26 or prospective official duties, except when
a particular course of official
27 action is to be followed as a condition
thereon. For the purposes of this
28 subsection, the term recreation shall not
include the providing or the
29 payment of the cost of transportation or
30 (e) Except when a
particular course of official action is to be followed
31 as a condition thereon, this section shall
not apply to: (1) Any contribution
32 reported in compliance with the campaign
finance act; or (2) a commer-
33 cially reasonable loan or other commercial
transaction in the ordinary
34 course of business.
35 (f) No state
officer or employee shall accept any payment of honoraria
36 for any speaking engagement except that a
member of the state legislature
37 or a part-time officer or employee of the
executive branch of government
38 shall be allowed to receive reimbursement
in the preparation for and the
39 making of a presentation at a speaking
engagement in an amount fixed
40 by the commission prior to the acceptance
of the speaking engagement.
41 Nothing in this section shall be construed
to prohibit the reimbursement
42 of state officers and employees for
reasonable expenses incurred in at-
43 tending seminars, conferences and other
speaking engagements.
HB 2547
1 (g) The
provisions of this section shall not be applicable to or
2 the acceptance of gifts from
governmental agencies of foreign nations
3 except that any gift accepted from
such foreign governmental agency,
4 having an aggregate value of $100 or
more, shall be accepted on behalf
5 of the state of Kansas.
6 (h) No
legislator shall solicit any contribution to be made to any or-
7 ganization for the purpose of paying
for travel, subsistence and other
8 expenses incurred by such legislator
or other members of the legislature
9 in attending and participating in
meetings, programs and activities of such
10 organization or those conducted or
sponsored by such organization, but
11 nothing in this act or the act of which
this act is amendatory shall be
12 construed to prohibit any legislator from
accepting reimbursement for
13 actual expenses for travel, subsistence,
hospitality, entertainment and
14 other expenses incurred in attending and
participating in meetings, pro-
15 grams and activities sponsored by the
government of any foreign nation,
16 or any organization organized under the
laws of such foreign nation or
17 any international organization or any
national, nonprofit, nonpartisan or-
18 ganization established for the purpose of
serving, informing, educating
19 and strengthening state legislatures in all
states of the nation, when paid
20 from funds of such organization and nothing
shall be construed to limit
21 or prohibit the expenditure of funds of and
by any such organization for
22 such purposes.
23 (i) This
section shall not apply to any gift received on behalf of
24 state by a statewide elected offices, as
defined in section 1 and amend-
25 ments thereto, that is authorized by the
state official gifts commission to
26 be retained by the person who received
such gift on behalf of the state.
27 Sec. 3. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 46-237
is hereby repealed.
28 Sec. 4. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
29 publication in the statute book.