9 AN ACT making and concerning appropriations for the fiscal year ending
10 June 30, 2000, for the department of health and environment; relating
11 to an infant and toddler day care loan program; authorizing certain
12 transfers and imposing certain restrictions and limitations, and direct-
13 ing or authorizing certain receipts and disbursements and acts inci-
14 dental to the foregoing.
16 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:
17 Section 1. (a) For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000, appropriations
18 are hereby made, restrictions and limitations are hereby imposed, and
19 transfers, fees, receipts, disbursements and acts incidental to the fore-
20 going are hereby directed or authorized as provided in this act.
21 Sec. 2.
23 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
24 cial revenue fund or funds all moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited
25 to and available in such fund or funds, except that expenditures other
26 than refunds authorized by law shall not exceed the following:
Infant and toddler day care loan fund
28 Provided, That all expenditures from the infant and toddler day care loan fund shall be for
29 loans in amounts of not to exceed $3,000 per licensed day care facility to provide start-up
30 assistance for necessary equipment or renovations for new or existing day care facilities in
31 order to expand capacity and provide day care for additional infants and toddlers in licensed
32 day care facilities: Provided further, That all expenditures from this fund shall be in accord-
33 ance with loan agreements which are hereby authorized to be entered into by the secretary
34 of health and environment under the provisions of an infant and toddler day care loan
35 program which is hereby authorized and directed to be developed and implemented by the
36 secretary of health and environment: And provided further, That the secretary of health and
37 environment shall give first priority under the infant and toddler day care loan program to
38 applicants for loans for licensed family day care homes: And provided further, That the
39 terms and conditions of such loans prescribed by the secretary of health and environment
40 shall include, but not be limited to, provisions which defer the repayment requirement and
41 provide that no interest shall be imposed on each such loan for the first 24 months after
42 the date of the loan agreement if (1) the additional capacity for infant and toddler day care
43 is made available and is continued for 24 months after the date such additional infant and
HB 2533
1 toddler day care capacity is made available and (2) the additional capacity forinfant and
2 toddler day care is maintained during such period in accordance with applicable require-
3 ments for the licensed day care facility: Provided, however, That, if the licensed day care
4 facility for which a loan is made under the infant and toddler day care loan program does
5 not continue in operation for the 24 months after the date of the loan agreement, then any
6 such loan shall become due and payable and interest shall be imposed from the date of the
7 loan agreement: And provided further, That as used in these provisos "licensed day care
8 facility" means any licensed child care facility providing day care for children or any licensed
9 family day care home: And provided further, That all moneys received for repayment of
10 loans issued under the infant and toddler day care loan program, including any payments
11 of interest thereon, shall be deposited in the state treasury and credited to the infant and
12 toddler day care loan fund.
13 (b) On July 1, 1999, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
14 director of accounts and reports shall transfer amounts specified by the
15 governor to the infant and toddler day care loan fund from the state
16 general fund and from specified special revenue funds in the state treas-
17 ury that are credited with moneys received from the federal government
18 and other sources, which moneys are available or may be used for this
19 purpose, including the temporary assistance to needy families block grant
20 federal fund, child welfare services block grant federal fund, and any
21 other federal block grant program funds, in accordance with the specifi-
22 cation by the governor: Provided, That the aggregate of all such transfers
23 to the infant and toddler day care loan fund shall not exceed $500,000:
24 And provided further, That the secretary of social and rehabilitation serv-
25 ices, the secretary of health and environment and other heads of state
26 agencies, that are receiving moneys from the federal government under
27 federal block grant programs or other applicable federal programs, shall
28 make such applications and request such approvals as may be necessary
29 or expedient to allow moneys received under such federal block grant
30 programs or other applicable programs to be used for the purposes of
31 the infant and toddler day care loan fund.
32 Sec. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1,
33 1999, or the date upon which the omnibus reconciliation spending limit
34 bill of 1999 becomes effective, whichever is later, and its publication in
35 the statute book.