Session of 1999
By Committee on Appropriations
9 AN ACT concerning the department of administration; relating to ad-
10 ministration of the deferred compensation plan for public officers and
11 employees; agreements for plan benefits; oversight committee com-
12 position; amending K.S.A. 75-5523 and K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 75-5529c
13 and repealing the existing sections.
15 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:
16 Section 1. K.S.A. 75-5523 is hereby amended to read as follows: 75-
17 5523. (a) The director is authorized to establish a deferred compensation
18 plan in accordance with the federal revenue act of 1978, Public Law No.
19 95-600, subject to the approval of the secretary of administration. Such
20 plan shall be the Kansas public employees deferred compensation plan.
21 All powers and duties heretofore conferred by such plan upon the advi-
22 sory committee on deferred compensation are hereby transferred to the
23 director of personnel services or the director's designees.
24 (b) The director may shall enter into an agreement or agreements
25 with two or more approved insurers or other contracting parties whereby
26 benefits under the Kansas public employees deferred compensation plan
27 would be are made available to those participants who contract with the
28 director for deferred compensation under K.S.A. 75-5524, and amend-
29 ments thereto. In addition, the director may enter into an agreement with
30 one or more qualified private firms for consolidated billing services, par-
31 ticipant enrollment services, participant accounts and other services re-
32 lated to the administration of the Kansas public employees deferred com-
33 pensation plan.
34 (c) No significant costs shall be incurred by the state as a result of
35 the administration of this act unless such costs are recovered by charging
36 and collecting a service charge from all participants and in addition
37 thereto or in lieu thereof, where the director has entered into agreements
38 with one two or more qualified private firms under subsection (b), are
39 recovered from such firms. The amount of any such significant costs in-
40 curred and to be recovered by the state shall be determined by the
41 director.
42 (d) Subject to the approval of the secretary of administration, the
43 director is authorized to negotiate and enter into contracts with qualified
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1 insurers and other contracting parties for the purposes of establishing a
2 deferred compensation plan, including acquisition of actuarial and other
3 services necessary therefor. The director shall advertise for deferred com-
4 pensation proposals, shall negotiate with not less than three firms or other
5 contracting parties submitting such proposals, and shall select from
6 among those submitting such proposals the firm or firms or other con-
7 tracting party or parties to contract with for purposes of establishing a
8 deferred compensation plan. Contracts entered into under this act shall
9 not be subject to K.S.A. 75-3739, and amendments thereto.
10 (e) As soon as practicable after the effective date of this act, the di-
11 rector shall enter into a contract with one or more additional approved
12 insurers or other contracting parties whereby benefits under the deferred
13 compensation plan are made available to those participants who contract
14 with the director for deferred compensation under K.S.A. 75-5524, and
15 amendments thereto.
16 Sec. 2. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 75-5529c is hereby amended to read as
17 follows: 75-5529c. (a) The secretary of administration shall establish an
18 administrative oversight committee on deferred compensation. In addi-
19 tion to such persons as are appointed by the secretary of administration,
20 the chief investment officer of the board of trustees of the Kansas public
21 employees retirement system shall be a member of the administrative over-
22 sight committee on deferred compensation. The members of the admin-
23 istrative oversight committee on deferred compensation shall meet at
24 least once each calendar quarter. The members of the administrative
25 oversight committee on deferred compensation shall receive no compen-
26 sation or expenses for service on the committee.
27 (b) The administrative oversight committee on deferred compensa-
28 tion shall:
29 (1) Advise and consult on the implementation and administration of
30 the provisions of the Kansas public employees deferred compensation act
31 and the deferred compensation plan;
32 (2) evaluate the program operations with respect to customer service
33 and operations;
34 (3) evaluate investment performance as it relates to comparable
35 options;
36 (4) evaluate program operations with respect to federal and state stat-
37 utes and contractual requirements and as compared to other deferred
38 compensation programs;
39 (5) review the overall administration of each agreement entered into
40 under K.S.A. 75-5523 and amendments thereto for the deferred com-
41 pensation plan and the overall performance by the qualified insurer or
42 other qualified contracting party entering into such agreement;
43 (6) review the investment management fees under the deferred com-
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1 pensation plan for reasonableness compared with other deferred com-
2 pensation programs;
3 (7) review audits conducted on the deferred compensation plan and
4 other reports reviewing program operations thereunder to assure oper-
5 ations are following all applicable statutes and rules and regulations and
6 to assure coverage of appropriate deferred compensation plan accounts
7 of participants under the Kansas life and health insurance guaranty as-
8 sociations act;
9 (8) review overall performance of the contracting party under the
10 agreement entered into under K.S.A. 75-5523 and amendments thereto
11 for the deferred compensation plan that is in effect on the effective date
12 of this act and determine whether or not competition should be initiated
13 with other qualified insurers and other qualified contracting parties to
14 enter into such agreements;
15 (9) review current procedures for handling complaints about the de-
16 ferred compensation plan to ensure customer satisfaction and sharing of
17 complaint information;
18 (10) evaluate on a continuing basis the need to provide participants
19 with information regarding the provisions, requirements and procedures
20 under the deferred compensation plan; and
21 (11) periodically prepare and present reports of the findings and re-
22 sults of the activities of the committee to the secretary of administration,
23 the governor and the legislature, as appropriate.
24 Sec. 3. K.S.A. 75-5523 and K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 75-5529c are hereby
25 repealed.
26 Sec. 4. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its
27 publication in the statute book.