Session of 1999
By Committee on Education
9 AN ACT concerning postsecondary education; establishing the Kansas
10 higher education coordinating council and the state board of trustees
11 of community colleges and vocational/technical education; prescribing
12 powers, duties and functions.
14 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:
15 Section 1. (a) This act shall be known and may be cited as the Kansas
16 higher education coordination act.
17 (b) The purpose of this act is to provide for the general improvement
18 of postsecondary education in the state of Kansas and to establish the
19 Kansas higher education coordinating council to provide leadership and
20 coordination for postsecondary educational institutions so that enhanced
21 accessibility, quality, excellence, accountability, research and service may
22 be achieved in the postsecondary educational system for Kansans through
23 the efficient and effective utilization and concentration of all available
24 resources and the elimination of costly and undesirable duplication in
25 program and course offerings, faculties and physical facilities at postse-
26 condary educational institutions.
27 Sec. 2. As used in the Kansas higher education coordination act:
28 (a) "State council" means the Kansas higher education coordinating
29 council established by section 3, and amendments thereto.
30 (b) "State board of trustees" means the state board of trustees of
31 community colleges and vocational/technical education established by
32 section 8, and amendments thereto.
33 (c) "State educational institution" means any state educational insti-
34 tution, as defined by K.S.A. 76-711, and amendments thereto.
35 (d) "Municipal university" means Washburn university of Topeka.
36 (e) "Community college" means any community college established
37 under the laws of this state.
38 (f) "Technical college" means any technical college established under
39 K.S.A. 72-4468, and amendments thereto.
40 (g) "Vocational education school" means any area vocational school
41 or area vocational-technical school established under the laws of this state.
42 (h) "Postsecondary educational institution" means any state educa-
43 tional institution, community college, technical college, vocational edu-
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1 cation school and the municipal university and includes any entity result-
2 ing from the consolidation or affiliation of any two or more of such
3 postsecondary educational institutions.
4 Sec. 3. (a) There is hereby established the Kansas higher education
5 coordinating council. The state council shall be composed of seven mem-
6 bers appointed by the governor, subject to confirmation by the senate as
7 provided in K.S.A. 75-4315b, and amendments thereto. Except as pro-
8 vided by K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 46-2601, and amendments thereto, no person
9 appointed to the state council shall exercise any power, duty or function
10 as a member of the state council until confirmed by the senate. Each
11 member shall hold office for a term of four years, except as provided for
12 the first members appointed to the state council, and until a successor is
13 appointed and confirmed. Terms of members shall expire on January 15.
14 No person shall serve more than two terms of office as a member of the
15 state council, except that this limitation shall not include the first term of
16 office of any person appointed and qualified as a member of the initial
17 state council in accordance with subsection (b)(2).
18 (b) (1) One member of the state council shall be a resident of each
19 congressional district with the remaining members appointed from
20 among all residents of Kansas, except that no two members shall reside
21 in the same county at the time of appointment. Subsequent redistricting
22 of congressional districts shall not disqualify any member of the state
23 council from service for the remainder of the member's term of office.
24 At no time shall more than four members of the state council be members
25 of the same political party.
26 (2) In addition to and subject to the other provisions of this section,
27 the first appointed members of the state council shall be appointed by
28 the governor on or before February 1, 2001, in accordance with the
29 following:
30 (A) From among a list of nominations of not less than five nominees
31 which shall be submitted to the governor by the state board of regents
32 on or before January 1, 2001, the governor shall appoint one member
33 who shall have a term of office of four years and one member who shall
34 have a term of office of two years;
35 (B) from among a list of nominations of not less than five nominees
36 which shall be submitted to the governor by the state board of education
37 on or before January 1, 2001, the governor shall appoint one member
38 who shall have a term of office of four years and one member who shall
39 have a term of office of two years;
40 (C) from among a list of nominations of not less than four nominees
41 which shall be submitted to the governor by the Kansas association of
42 community college trustees on or before January 1, 2001, the governor
43 shall appoint one member who shall have a term of office of three years;
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1 (D) from among a list of nominations of not less than four nominees
2 which shall be submitted to the governor by the Kansas association of
3 area vo-tech schools on or before January 1, 2001, the governor shall
4 appoint one member who shall have a term of office of three years;
5 (E) from among a list of nominations of not less than four nominees
6 which shall be submitted to the governor by the board of regents of
7 Washburn university on or before January 1, 2001, the governor shall
8 appoint one member who shall have a term of office of three years; and
9 (F) no person who is an elected official or an officer or employee of
10 any postsecondary educational institution shall be nominated for appoint-
11 ment under this subsection (b)(2).
12 (c) The members of the Kansas higher education coordinating coun-
13 cil shall meet and organize annually by electing one member as chair-
14 person, except that the governor shall designate the first chairperson of
15 the state council from among the first members appointed to the state
16 council.
17 (d) Members of the Kansas higher education coordinating council
18 attending meetings of the state council, or attending a subcommittee
19 meeting thereof authorized by the state council, shall be paid compen-
20 sation, subsistence allowances, mileage and other expenses as provided
21 in K.S.A. 75-3212, and amendments thereto, for members of the
22 legislature.
23 Sec. 4. The state council shall meet at least quarterly each year in
24 Topeka on dates fixed by the state council. Special meetings may be held
25 upon the call of the chairperson or upon petition to the chief executive
26 officer of the state council by four members of the council, the date and
27 place of all special meetings to be designated in the call. Four members
28 of the state council shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of busi-
29 ness but less than four members may adjourn any regular or special meet-
30 ing to a definite time and place.
31 Sec. 5. (a) In the exercise of its leadership role, the Kansas higher
32 education coordinating council shall be an advocate for the provision of
33 adequate resources and sufficient authority for all postsecondary educa-
34 tional institutions so that each postsecondary educational institution can
35 realize, within its prescribed mission, role and scope, its full potential to
36 the benefit of the students who attend such postsecondary educational
37 institutions and to the benefit of all Kansans in terms of receiving the
38 benefits of a highly educated and vocationally trained populace.
39 (b) In addition to other duties and functions prescribed by law, the
40 state council shall: (1) Prepare and present an annual strategic planning
41 report to the governor and the legislature; (2) collect and analyze data for
42 all sectors of higher education; (3) provide the governor and the legisla-
43 ture with public higher education state budget analysis; (4) resolve inter-
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1 sector conflicts; (5) coordinate articulation and transferability of academic
2 credits; (6) administer student financial assistance programs; (7) broker
3 affiliations and mergers of postsecondary educational institutions; (8) co-
4 ordinate the state system interface with private colleges and universities.
5 Sec. 6. The Kansas higher education coordinating council shall ap-
6 point a chief executive officer. The chief executive officer of the state
7 council shall be in the unclassified service under the Kansas civil service
8 act, shall serve at the pleasure of the state council and shall receive a
9 salary fixed by the state council, subject to approval by the governor. The
10 chief executive officer shall attend all meetings of the state council, keep
11 a full and correct record of its proceedings as approved by the state coun-
12 cil and shall perform such other duties and functions as the state council
13 may prescribe.
14 Sec. 7. The state council may establish advisory committees and ap-
15 point the members thereof when the state council determines that such
16 advisory committees are needed to assist the state council in the perform-
17 ance of its duties and functions. Each such advisory committee shall con-
18 sult with and advise the state council with reference to matters referred
19 to the advisory committee. Members of any advisory committee estab-
20 lished under authority of this section attending meetings of such com-
21 mittee or attending a subcommittee meeting thereof authorized by such
22 committee shall be paid subsistence allowances, mileage and other ex-
23 penses as provided in K.S.A. 75-3223, and amendments thereto, but shall
24 receive no compensation for services as such members. The state council
25 is authorized to make expenditures to provide space for holding meetings
26 of advisory committees created under this section, including expenditures
27 for official hospitality.
28 Sec. 8. (a) There is hereby established the state board of trustees of
29 community colleges and vocational/technical education. The state board
30 of trustees shall be composed of nine members appointed by the gover-
31 nor, subject to confirmation by the senate as provided in K.S.A. 75-4315b,
32 and amendments thereto. Except as provided by K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 46-
33 2601, and amendments thereto, no person appointed to the state board
34 of trustees shall exercise any power, duty or function as a member of the
35 state board of trustees until confirmed by the senate. Each member shall
36 hold office for a term of four years, except as provided for the first mem-
37 bers appointed to the state board of trustees, and until a successor is
38 appointed and confirmed. Terms of members shall expire on January 15.
39 No person shall serve more than two terms of office as a member of the
40 state board of trustees, except that this limitation shall not include the
41 first term of office of any person appointed and qualified as a member of
42 the initial state board of trustees in accordance with subsection (b)(2).
43 (b) (1) Two members of the state board of trustees shall be ap-
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1 pointed from each congressional district with the remaining members
2 appointed from among all residents of Kansas, except that no two mem-
3 bers shall reside in the same county at the time of appointment. Subse-
4 quent redistricting of congressional districts shall not disqualify any mem-
5 ber of the state board of trustees from service for the remainder of the
6 member's term of office. At no time shall more than five members of the
7 state board of trustees be members of the same political party.
8 (2) In addition to and subject to the other provisions of this section,
9 the first appointed members of the state council shall be appointed by
10 the governor on or before February 1, 2001, in accordance with the
11 following:
12 (A) From among a list of nominations of not less than 10 nominees
13 which shall be submitted to the governor by the Kansas association of
14 community college trustees on or before January 1, 2001, the governor
15 shall appoint three members who shall have a term of office of four years
16 and two members who shall have a term of office of three years;
17 (B) from among a list of nominations of not less than eight nominees
18 which shall be submitted to the governor by the Kansas association of
19 area vo-tech schools on or before January 1, 2001, the governor shall
20 appoint two members who shall have a term of office of four years and
21 two members who shall have a term of office of two years; and
22 (C) no person who is an elected official or an officer or employee of
23 any community college, technical college or vocational school shall be
24 nominated for appointment under this subsection (b)(2).
25 (c) The members of the state board of trustees shall meet and organ-
26 ize annually by electing one member as chairperson, except that the gov-
27 ernor shall designate the first chairperson of the board of trustees from
28 among the first members appointed to the state board of trustees.
29 (d) Members of the state board of trustees attending meetings of the
30 state board of trustees, or attending a subcommittee meeting thereof
31 authorized by the state board of trustees, shall be paid compensation,
32 subsistence allowances, mileage and other expenses as provided in K.S.A.
33 75-3212, and amendments thereto, for members of the legislature.
34 Sec. 9. The state board of trustees shall meet at least monthly in
35 Topeka on dates fixed by the state board of trustees. Special meetings
36 may be held upon the call of the chairperson or upon the petition to the
37 chief executive officer of the state board of trustees by five members of
38 the state board of trustees, the date and place of all special meetings to
39 be designated in the call. Five members of the board of trustees shall
40 constitute a quorum for the transaction of business but less than five
41 members may adjourn any regular or special meeting to a definite time
42 and place.
43 Sec. 10. In addition to other duties and functions prescribed by law,
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1 the state board of trustees shall: (1) Prepare and present an annual stra-
2 tegic planning report to the governor and the legislature; (2) analyze pol-
3 icy and solve problems regarding policy issues; (3) articulate the statewide
4 mission of community colleges, technical colleges and vocational educa-
5 tion schools; (4) develop and establish accreditation standards; (5) con-
6 duct program and course review and approval; (6) submit budget requests
7 for state funding to the state council; (7) allocate state aid; (8) develop
8 and establish information and accountability systems; (9) establish pri-
9 mary service areas for community colleges, technical colleges and voca-
10 tional education schools; (10) develop and establish standards of quality
11 assurance; (11) supervise statewide projects; (12) administer adult basic
12 education programs; (13) license and regulate proprietary schools.
13 Sec. 11. The state board of trustees shall appoint a chief executive
14 officer. The chief executive officer of the state board of trustees shall be
15 in the unclassified service under the Kansas civil service act, shall serve
16 at the pleasure of the state board of trustees and shall receive a salary
17 fixed by the state board of trustees, subject to approval by the governor.
18 The chief executive officer shall attend all meetings of the state board of
19 trustees, keep a full and correct record of its proceedings as approved by
20 the state board of trustees and shall perform such other duties and func-
21 tions as the state board of trustees may prescribe.
22 Sec. 12. (a) On February 1, 2001, the community colleges estab-
23 lished and existing under the laws of this state shall be and hereby are
24 transferred from the supervision of the state board of education to su-
25 pervision by the state board of trustees. The community colleges shall
26 continue to be operated, managed and controlled by locally elected
27 boards of trustees. The state board of trustees shall exercise such super-
28 vision of the operation, management and control of community colleges
29 as may be prescribed by law.
30 (b) On February 1, 2001, all of the powers, duties, functions, records
31 and property of the state board of education relating to community col-
32 lege operations shall be and are hereby transferred to and conferred and
33 imposed upon the state board of trustees.
34 (c) On and after February 1, 2001, the state board of trustees shall
35 be the successor in every way to the powers, duties and functions of the
36 state board of education relating to community college operations in
37 which the same were vested prior to the effective date of this act. Every
38 act performed by the state board of trustees shall be deemed to have the
39 same force and effect as if performed by the state board of education in
40 which such functions were vested prior to February 1, 2001.
41 (d) On and after February 1, 2001, whenever the state board of ed-
42 ucation, or words of like effect, is referred to or designated by a statute,
43 contract or other document relating to community college operations,
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1 such reference or designation shall be deemed to apply to the state board
2 of trustees.
3 (e) The state plan for community colleges, prepared and adopted by
4 the state board of education pursuant to the provisions of the Kansas
5 community college act, which is in existence on February 1, 2001, shall
6 continue to be effective and shall be deemed to be the duly adopted state
7 plan of the state board of trustees until revised, amended, revoked or
8 nullified pursuant to law.
9 (f) All rules and regulations, and all orders and directives of the state
10 board of education relating to community college operations which are
11 in existence on February 1, 2001, shall continue to be effective and shall
12 be deemed to be the duly adopted rules and regulations or orders and
13 directives of the state board of trustees until revised, amended, revoked
14 or nullified pursuant to law.
15 (g) The unexpended balance of any appropriation for and any funds
16 available to the state board of education for purposes relating to com-
17 munity college operations shall be transferred to the state board of trus-
18 tees on February 1, 2001.
19 (h) On and after February 1, 2001, all books, records and papers of
20 the board of trustees of each community college shall be open and avail-
21 able, at all reasonable times, to the state board of trustees and its desig-
22 nated officers, employees and agents.
23 (i) Except as otherwise specifically provided in this act, the transfer
24 of supervision of the community colleges from the state board of edu-
25 cation to supervision by the state board of trustees shall not be construed
26 in any manner so as to change or affect the operation, management and
27 control of any community college or to change or affect any existing
28 power, duty or function of a board of trustees with respect to such op-
29 eration, management and control.
30 Sec. 13. (a) On February 1, 2001, the technical colleges, area voca-
31 tional schools and area vocational-technical schools established and exist-
32 ing under the laws of this state shall be and hereby are transferred from
33 the supervision of the state board of education to supervision by the state
34 board of trustees. The technical colleges, area vocational schools and area
35 vocational-technical schools shall continue to be operated, managed and
36 controlled by governing boards as provided for in article 44 of chapter 72
37 of Kansas Statutes Annotated. The state board of trustees shall exercise
38 such supervision of the operation, management and control of technical
39 colleges, area vocational schools and area vocational-technical schools as
40 may be prescribed by law.
41 (b) On February 1, 2001, all of the powers, duties, functions, records
42 and property of the state board of education relating to operations of
43 technical colleges, area vocational schools and area vocational-technical
HB 2491
1 schools shall be and are hereby transferred to and conferred and imposed
2 upon the state board of trustees.
3 (c) On and after February 1, 2001, the state board of trustees shall
4 be the successor in every way to the powers, duties and functions of the
5 state board of education relating to operations of technical colleges, area
6 vocational schools and area vocational-technical schools in which the same
7 were vested prior to February 1, 2001. Every act performed by the state
8 board of trustees shall be deemed to have the same force and effect as if
9 performed by the state board of education in which such functions were
10 vested prior to February 1, 2001.
11 (d) On and after February 1, 2001, whenever the state board of ed-
12 ucation, or words of like effect, is referred to or designated by a statute,
13 contract or other document relating to operations of technical colleges,
14 area vocational schools or area vocational-technical schools, such refer-
15 ence or designation shall be deemed to apply to the state board of
16 trustees.
17 (e) The state plan for vocational education, prepared and adopted by
18 the state board of education pursuant to the provisions of the K.S.A. 72-
19 4413, and amendments thereto, which is in existence on February 1, 2001,
20 shall continue to be effective and shall be deemed to be the duly adopted
21 state plan of the state board of trustees until revised, amended, revoked
22 or nullified pursuant to law.
23 (f) All rules and regulations, and all orders and directives of the state
24 board of education relating to operations of technical colleges, area vo-
25 cational schools and area vocational-technical schools which are in exis-
26 tence on February 1, 2001, shall continue to be effective and shall be
27 deemed to be the duly adopted rules and regulations or orders and di-
28 rectives of the state board of trustees until revised, amended, revoked or
29 nullified pursuant to law.
30 (g) The unexpended balance of any appropriation for and any funds
31 available to the state board of education for purposes relating to opera-
32 tions of technical colleges, area vocational schools and area vocational-
33 technical schools shall be transferred to the state board of trustees on
34 February 1, 2001.
35 (h) On and after February 1, 2001, all books, records and papers of
36 the governing boards of technical colleges, area vocational schools and
37 area vocational-technical schools shall be open and available, at all rea-
38 sonable times, to the state board of trustees and its designated officers,
39 employees and agents.
40 (i) Except as otherwise specifically provided in this act, the transfer
41 of supervision of the technical colleges, area vocational schools and area
42 vocational-technical schools from the state board of education to super-
43 vision by the state board of trustees shall not be construed in any manner
HB 2491
1 so as to change or affect the operation, management and control of any
2 technical college, area vocational school or area vocational-technical
3 school or to change or affect any existing power, duty or function of the
4 governing board of any technical college, area vocational school or area
5 vocational-technical school with respect to such operation, management
6 and control.
7 Sec. 14. During the period of transition from general supervision by
8 the state board of education of the community colleges, technical colleges,
9 area vocational schools and area vocational-technical schools to supervi-
10 sion thereof by the state board of trustees, the state board of education
11 shall provide such assistance as the state board of trustees may request
12 in order to enable the state board of trustees to assume in an orderly
13 manner the exercise of powers and the performance of duties and func-
14 tions transferred under authority of this act. During such period of tran-
15 sition, the state board of trustees may exercise such powers and perform
16 such duties and functions relating to the supervision of community col-
17 leges, technical colleges, area vocational school and area vocational-tech-
18 nical schools as may be authorized by interagency agreements entered
19 into with the state board of education.
20 Sec. 15. (a) The state board of trustees shall provide that all officers
21 and employees of the state board of education who are engaged in the
22 exercise and performance of the powers, duties, and functions transferred
23 by this act are transferred to the state board of trustees if the state board
24 of trustees deems that the transfer of such officers and employees is
25 necessary to the exercise and performance of such powers, duties and
26 functions.
27 (b) Officers and employees of the state board of education who are
28 transferred to the state board of trustees shall retain all retirement ben-
29 efits and leave rights which had accrued or vested prior to the date of
30 transfer. The service of each such officer and employee so transferred
31 shall be deemed to have been continuous. All transfers, layoffs and abo-
32 lition of classified service positions under the Kansas civil service act
33 which may result from transfers of powers, duties and functions shall be
34 made in accordance with the civil service laws and any rules and regula-
35 tions adopted thereunder. Nothing in this act shall affect the classified
36 status of any transferred person employed by the state board of education
37 prior to the date of transfer. The state board of trustees shall be respon-
38 sible for administering any layoff that is a part of the transfer. Notwith-
39 standing the date of transfer of personnel from the state board of regents
40 or the state board of education to the state council pursuant to the pro-
41 visions of this act, the date of such transfer shall be effective at the start
42 of a payroll period.
43 Sec. 16. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its
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1 publication in the statute book, the adoption of the proposition to amend
2 article 6 of the constitution of the state of Kansas, and December 1, 2000.