Session of 1999
By Representative O'Brien
9 AN ACT relating to reducing deer population along state highways.
11 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:
12 Section 1. The purpose of this act is to provide a method for reducing
13 deer population along state highways of this state, thereby reducing the
14 number of automobile accidents caused by automobiles striking deer dur-
15 ing the fall and winter months.
16 Sec. 2. As authorized by the Kansas Department of Wildlife and
17 Parks, and upon proper notice to the sheriff of the county involved, in-
18 terested individuals may organize deer drives to be conducted within one
19 mile on either side of a state highway during the month of October.
20 Hunters shall be armed only with shotguns using slugs or double aught
21 shot. Only individuals with a valid hunting license may participate in such
22 a deer drive but such individuals shall not be required to obtain big game
23 permits and game tags. Property owners of any premises involved must
24 be notified of a proposed deer drive at least 14 days in advance of the
25 proposed deer drive, and the deer drive organizers must obtain the per-
26 mission of the affected property owners before any hunters go upon such
27 premises.
28 Sec. 3. The deer drive organizers shall provide for the disposition of
29 all deer killed, which may provide for giving the carcass to the shooter
30 thereof or for other disposition.
31 Sec. 4. The organizers of a deer drive authorized by this act may be
32 any group of interested individuals including a rod and gun club, a civic
33 or fraternal organization, or church related group.
34 Sec. 5. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its
35 publication in the statute book.