Session of 1999
By Representative Tomlinson
9 AN ACT concerning the Kansas police and firemen's retirement system;
10 relating to affiliation by certain participating employers; amending
11 K.S.A. 74-4954 and repealing the existing section.
13 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:
14 Section 1. K.S.A. 74-4954 is hereby amended to read as follows: 74-
15 4954. (1) Any eligible employer may join the system on January 1 of any
16 year on or after January 1, 1967. Application for affiliation shall be by
17 resolution approved by the governing body of the eligible employer and
18 shall be submitted to the board of trustees in such form as the board shall
19 determine, not later than 30 days prior to the date participation is to
20 begin, except as such time limit is extended by the board. Such application
21 may be for participation with regard to: (a) All policemen or firemen, or
22 both, who are employed by the participating employer on or after the
23 employer's entry date; (b) all policemen or firemen, or both, employed
24 by the participating employer immediately prior to and on the employer's
25 entry date and all retired members of all local police or fire pension plans
26 which are maintained and funded by the employer, as those terms are
27 defined in K.S.A. 12-5001 and amendments thereto; or (c) all individuals
28 which are referred to in subsections (a) and (b). The application shall
29 include a statement of the group or groups to be covered. Any such ap-
30 plication, upon approval by the board of trustees, shall be irrevocable,
31 except that extension of coverage to any of the above named employee
32 groups not covered in the employer's initial application may be obtained
33 by supplemental application to the board, in such form as may be pro-
34 vided by the board, with such coverage to be effective on January 1 of
35 any succeeding year.
36 (2) Any eligible employer whose police or firemen, or both, are cov-
37 ered by the Kansas public employees retirement system may provide for
38 the transfer of such police or firemen, or both, to the Kansas police and
39 firemen's retirement system in the same manner as provided in subsec-
40 tion (1). Such transferred employees shall receive credit only for prior
41 service as police or firemen, or both, except as otherwise provided in this
42 act. Upon notice of such transfer authorization, the board of trustees shall
43 transfer to the credit of the employee under the Kansas police and fire-
44 men's retirement system such amounts as may be presently credited to
45 the employee's account for contribution under the Kansas public em-
46 ployees retirement system and an equivalent amount to the employer's
47 account for contributions for such employee.
48 (3) Any eligible employer, prior to the filing of an application for
49 coverage under this system, may request the board of trustees to submit
50 a proposal for such coverage including an estimate of the employer's
51 contribution rate necessary to comply with the actuarial standard of this
52 system. Such eligible employer shall furnish all necessary data from which
53 such proposal may be prepared, and shall pay all costs involved.
54 (4) Any fire district which is a participating employer and has con-
55 solidated with another fire district under the provisions of K.S.A. 19-3601
56 et seq. and amendments thereto, may affiliate for prior service coverage
57 for the employees of the fire district consolidated with the participating
58 employer. The participating employer may cause the value of any defined
59 benefit pension plan or policy maintained by the district consolidated with
60 the participating employer to be transferred to the Kansas police and
61 firemen's retirement system, and any such amounts transferred shall be
62 applied to the cost of affiliating for prior service coverage for the em-
63 ployees of the fire district consolidated with the participating employer.
64 (5) Any participating employer which affiliated with the system pur-
65 suant to the provisions of K.S.A. 74-4954b and amendments thereto may
66 affiliate with the system pursuant to the provisions of this section.
67 Sec. 2. K.S.A. 74-4954 is hereby repealed.
68 Sec. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its
69 publication in the statute book.