Session of 2000
Effective: Kansas Register

An  Act concerning elections; relating to advance voting; amending K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 25-
1122 and 25-1128 and repealing the existing sections.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:

      Section  1. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 25-1122 is hereby amended to read as
follows: 25-1122. (a) Any registered voter may file with the county elec-
tion officer where such person is a resident, or where such person is
authorized by law to vote as a former precinct resident, an application for
an advance voting ballot. The signed application may be transmitted to
the county election officer by facsimile shall be transmitted only to the
county election officer by personal delivery, mail, facsimile or as otherwise
provided by law.

      (b) Applications for advance voting ballots to be transmitted to the
voter by mail shall be filed only at the following times:

      (1) For the primary election occurring on the first Tuesday in August
in even-numbered years, between April 1 of such year and the last busi-
ness day of the week preceding such primary election.

      (2) For the general election occurring on the Tuesday succeeding the
first Monday in November in even-numbered years, between 90 days
prior to such election and the last business day of the week preceding
such general election.

      (3) For the primary election held five weeks preceding the first Tues-
day in April, between January 1 of the year of such election and the last
business day of the week preceding such primary election.

      (4) For the general election occurring on the first Tuesday in April,
between January 1 of the year of such election and the last business day
of the week preceding such general election.

      (5) For question submitted elections occurring on the date of a pri-
mary or general election, the same as is provided for ballots for election
of officers at such election.

      (6) For question submitted elections not occurring on the date of a
primary or general election, between the time of the first published notice
thereof and the last business day of the week preceding such question
submitted election, except that if the question submitted election is held
on a day other than a Tuesday, the county election officer shall determine
the final date for mailing of advance voting ballots, but such date shall
not be more than three business days before such election.

      (7) For any special election of officers, at such time as is specified by
the secretary of state.

      (8) For the presidential preference primary, between January 1 of
the year in which such primary is held and the last business day of the
week preceding such primary election.

      The county election officer of any county may receive applications prior
to the time specified in this subsection (b) and hold such applications
until the beginning of the prescribed application period. Such applications
shall be treated as filed on that date.

      (c)  Unless an earlier date is designated by the county election office,
applications for advance voting ballots transmitted to the voter in person
in the office of the county election officer shall be filed on the Tuesday
next preceding the election and on each subsequent business day until
no later than 12:00 noon on the day preceding such election. If the county
election officer so provides, applications for advance voting ballots trans-
mitted to the voter in person in the office of the county election officer
also may be filed on the Saturday preceding the election. Upon receipt
of any such properly executed application, the county election officer shall
deliver to the voter such ballots and instructions as are provided for in
this act.

      In any county having a population exceeding 250,000, the county elec-
tion officer may designate places other than the central county election
office as satellite advance voting sites. At any satellite advance voting site,
a registered voter may obtain an application for advance voting ballots,
such ballots and instructions shall be delivered to the voter in the same
manner and subject to the same limitations as otherwise provided by this

      (d) Any person having a permanent physical disability or an illness
which has been diagnosed as a permanent illness is hereby authorized to
make an application for permanent advance voting status. Applications
for permanent advance voting status shall be in the form and contain such
information as is required for application for advance voting ballots and
also shall contain information which establishes the voter's right to per-
manent advance voting status.

      (e) On receipt of any application filed under the provisions of this
section, the county election officer shall prepare and maintain in such
officer's office a list of the names of all persons who have filed such
applications, together with their correct post office address and the pre-
cinct, ward, township or voting area in which such persons claim to be
registered voters or to be authorized by law to vote as former precinct
residents and the present resident address of each applicant. Such names
and addresses shall remain so listed until the day of such election. The
county election officer shall maintain a separate listing of the names and
addresses of persons qualifying for permanent advance voting status. All
such lists shall be available for inspection upon request in compliance
with this subsection by any registered voter during regular business hours.
The county election officer upon receipt of such applications shall enter
upon a record kept by such officer the name and address of each appli-
cant, which record shall conform to the list above required. Before in-
spection of any advance voting ballot application list, the person desiring
to make such inspection shall provide to the county election officer iden-
tification in the form of driver's license or other reliable identification and
shall sign a log book or application form maintained by such officer stating
such person's name and address and showing the date and time of in-
spection. All records made by the county election officer shall be subject
to public inspection, except that the identifying number on ballots and
ballot envelopes and records of such number shall not be made public.

      Sec.  2. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 25-1128 is hereby amended to read as
follows: 25-1128. (a) No voter shall mark or transmit to the county elec-
tion officer more than one advance voting ballot, or set of one of each
kind of ballot, if the voter is entitled to vote more than one such ballot
at a particular election.

      (b) Except as provided in K.S.A. 25-1124, and amendments thereto,
no person shall interfere with or delay the transmission of any advance
voting ballot application from a voter to the county election officer, nor
shall any person mail, fax or otherwise cause the application to be sent to
a place other than the county election office. Any person or group engaged
in the distribution of advance voting ballot applications shall mail, fax or
otherwise deliver any application signed by a voter to the county election
office within 48 hours after such application is signed by the applicant.

      (b) No person, unless authorized by K.S.A. 25-1119, and amend-
ments thereto

      (c) Except as otherwise provided by law, no person other than the
voter, shall mark, sign or transmit to the county election officer any ad-
vance voting ballot or advance voting ballot envelope.

      (c) (d) No person, unless authorized by K.S.A. 25-1122 or K.S.A. 25-
1124, and amendments thereto, shall intercept, interfere with, or delay
the transmission of advance voting ballots from the county election officer
to the voter.

      (d) (e) No person shall willfully and falsely affirm, declare or sub-
scribe to any material fact in an affirmation form for an advance voting
ballot, or set of advance voting ballots if the voter is entitled to vote more
than one kind of advance voting ballot at a particular election, or in a
declaration form on an advance voting ballot envelope.

      (e) (f) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit any per-
son from mailing, carrying or otherwise conveying advance voting ballots
or sets of advance voting ballots to the county election officer upon re-
quest of advance voting voters.

      (f) (g) Violation of any provision of this section is a class C misde-

      Sec.  3. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 25-1122 and 25-1128 are hereby repealed.

      Sec.  4. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its
publication in the Kansas register.