Session of 1999
By Representatives Benlon, Bethell, Campbell, Crow, Empson, Flaharty,
Franklin, Huff, Jenkins, Lightner, Stone, Storm, Toelkes, Tomlinson
and Vining
11 AN ACT concerning school district finance; revising the definition of at-
12 risk pupils; amending K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 72-6407 and repealing the
13 existing section.
15 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:
16 Section 1. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 72-6407 is hereby amended to read as
17 follows: 72-6407. (a) "Pupil" means any person who is regularly enrolled
18 in a district and attending kindergarten or any of the grades one through
19 12 maintained by the district or who is regularly enrolled in a district and
20 attending kindergarten or any of the grades one through 12 in another
21 district in accordance with an agreement entered into under authority of
22 K.S.A. 72-8233, and amendments thereto, or who is regularly enrolled in
23 a district and attending special education services provided for preschool-
24 aged exceptional children by the district. Except as otherwise provided
25 in this subsection, a pupil in attendance full time shall be counted as one
26 pupil. A pupil in attendance part time shall be counted as that proportion
27 of one pupil (to the nearest 1/10) that the pupil's attendance bears to full-
28 time attendance. A pupil attending kindergarten shall be counted as 1/2
29 pupil. A pupil enrolled in and attending an institution of postsecondary
30 education which is authorized under the laws of this state to award aca-
31 demic degrees shall be counted as one pupil if the pupil's postsecondary
32 education enrollment and attendance together with the pupil's attend-
33 ance in either of the grades 11 or 12 is at least 5/6 time, otherwise the
34 pupil shall be counted as that proportion of one pupil (to the nearest 1/10)
35 that the total time of the pupil's postsecondary education attendance and
36 attendance in grade 11 or 12, as applicable, bears to full-time attendance.
37 A pupil enrolled in and attending an area vocational school, area voca-
38 tional-technical school or approved vocational education program shall be
39 counted as one pupil if the pupil's vocational education enrollment and
40 attendance together with the pupil's attendance in any of grades nine
41 through 12 is at least 5/6 time, otherwise the pupil shall be counted as that
42 proportion of one pupil (to the nearest 1/10) that the total time of the
43 pupil's vocational education attendance and attendance in any of grades
44 nine through 12 bears to full-time attendance. A pupil enrolled in a dis-
45 trict and attending special education services, except special education
46 services for preschool-aged exceptional children, provided for by the dis-
47 trict shall be counted as one pupil. A pupil enrolled in a district and
48 attending special education services for preschool-aged exceptional chil-
49 dren provided for by the district shall be counted as 1/2 pupil. A preschool-
50 aged at-risk pupil enrolled in a district and receiving services under an
51 approved at-risk pupil assistance plan maintained by the district shall be
52 counted as 1/2 pupil. A pupil in the custody of the secretary of social and
53 rehabilitation services and enrolled in unified school district No. 259,
54 Sedgwick county, Kansas, but housed, maintained, and receiving educa-
55 tional services at the Judge James V. Riddel Boys Ranch, shall be counted
56 as two pupils. A pupil residing at the Flint Hills job corps center shall not
57 be counted. A pupil confined in and receiving educational services pro-
58 vided for by a district at a juvenile detention facility shall not be counted.
59 A pupil enrolled in a district but housed, maintained, and receiving ed-
60 ucational services at a state institution shall not be counted.
61 (b) "Preschool-aged exceptional children" means exceptional chil-
62 dren, except gifted children, who have attained the age of three years but
63 are under the age of eligibility for attendance at kindergarten.
64 (c) "At-risk pupils" means pupils who are eligible for free meals un-
65 der the national school lunch act and who are enrolled in a district which
66 maintains an approved at-risk pupil assistance plan and who are eligible
67 for free meals under the national school lunch act or who are character-
68 ized by any two or more of the following indicators: (1) A high rate of
69 absenteeism from school attendance; (2) failure to achieve grade-level
70 standards; (3) failure in two or more subjects or courses of study; (4) two
71 or more credits behind other pupils in modal grade in the number of
72 graduation credits attained; (5) retention at grade level one or more times;
73 (6) below modal grade for pupils in the same age group; (7) pregnancy
74 or parenthood or both; (8) repeated commission of any of the disciplinary
75 infractions specified in K.S.A. 72-8901, and amendments thereto, whether
76 or not such conduct resulted in a suspension or expulsion from school; (9)
77 identified chemically or alcohol dependent; (10) identified juvenile
78 offenders.
79 (d) "Preschool-aged at-risk pupil" means an at-risk pupil who has
80 attained the age of four years, is under the age of eligibility for attendance
81 at kindergarten, and has been selected by the state board in accordance
82 with guidelines consonant with guidelines governing the selection of pu-
83 pils for participation in head start programs. The state board shall select
84 not more than 1,350 preschool-aged at-risk pupils to be counted in any
85 school year.
86 (e) "Enrollment" means, for districts scheduling the school days or
87 school hours of the school term on a trimestral or quarterly basis, the
88 number of pupils regularly enrolled in the district on September 20 plus
89 the number of pupils regularly enrolled in the district on February 20
90 less the number of pupils regularly enrolled on February 20 who were
91 counted in the enrollment of the district on September 20; and for dis-
92 tricts not hereinbefore specified, the number of pupils regularly enrolled
93 in the district on September 20. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if en-
94 rollment in a district in any school year has decreased from enrollment
95 in the preceding school year, enrollment of the district in the current
96 school year may be computed on the basis of enrollment in the preceding
97 school year.
98 (f) "Adjusted enrollment" means enrollment adjusted by adding at-
99 risk pupil weighting, program weighting, low enrollment weighting, if any,
100 correlation weighting, if any, school facilities weighting, if any, ancillary
101 school facilities weighting, if any, and transportation weighting to
102 enrollment.
103 (g) "At-risk pupil weighting" means an addend component assigned
104 to enrollment of districts on the basis of enrollment of at-risk pupils.
105 (h) "Program weighting" means an addend component assigned to
106 enrollment of districts on the basis of pupil attendance in educational
107 programs which differ in cost from regular educational programs.
108 (i) "Low enrollment weighting" means an addend component as-
109 signed to enrollment of districts having under 1,750 enrollment on the
110 basis of costs attributable to maintenance of educational programs by such
111 districts in comparison with costs attributable to maintenance of educa-
112 tional programs by districts having 1,750 or over enrollment.
113 (j) "School facilities weighting" means an addend component as-
114 signed to enrollment of districts on the basis of costs attributable to com-
115 mencing operation of new school facilities. School facilities weighting may
116 be assigned to enrollment of a district only if the district has adopted a
117 local option budget and budgeted therein the total amount authorized for
118 the school year. School facilities weighting may be assigned to enrollment
119 of the district only in the school year in which operation of a new school
120 facility is commenced and in the next succeeding school year.
121 (k) "Transportation weighting" means an addend component as-
122 signed to enrollment of districts on the basis of costs attributable to the
123 provision or furnishing of transportation.
124 (l) "Correlation weighting" means an addend component assigned to
125 enrollment of districts having 1,750 or over enrollment on the basis of
126 costs attributable to maintenance of educational programs by such dis-
127 tricts as a correlate to low enrollment weighting assigned to enrollment
128 of districts having under 1,750 enrollment.
129 (m) "Ancillary school facilities weighting" means an addend compo-
130 nent assigned to enrollment of districts to which the provisions of K.S.A.
131 1998 Supp. 72-6441, and amendments thereto, apply on the basis of costs
132 attributable to commencing operation of new school facilities. Ancillary
133 school facilities weighting may be assigned to enrollment of a district only
134 if the district has levied a tax under authority of K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 72-
135 6441, and amendments thereto, and remitted the proceeds from such tax
136 to the state treasurer. Ancillary school facilities weighting is in addition
137 to assignment of school facilities weighting to enrollment of any district
138 eligible for such weighting.
139 Sec. 2. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 72-6407 is hereby repealed.
140 Sec. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its
141 publication in the statute book.